Assassins Pride Azur Lane Babylon Choyoyu Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Hataage! Kemono Michi Honzuki no Gekokujou Houkago Saikoro Club Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 14-15 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun No Guns Life Special 7 - Special Crime Investigation Unit
--Summer 2019 Joshikousei no Mudazukai Episode 11-12 UchiMusume
Episode one of Mairimashita! by the way. There's more than one out but I've been not listing multiples of stuff we haven't started yet because I'm lazy.
I think a revolver head is like one of the weirdest protagonsits I've seen
It's pretty unique. The design of it kind of reminds me of characters from this manga called Keyman. It was another series with a cast of weird characters and some unique worldbuilding.
Trying to bribe somebody with cigarettes sure is a pretty comical attempt at it. >>759583 Yeah that's a good point.
would you even call it a bribe they've taken the whole market and are denying it to him unless he helps
And it sounds like the smokes even act as a bit of therapeutic treatment for cyborgs like him. So they're debilitating him while restricting him from the supply.
Wow dude don't disregard civil decency signs like that.
It's really cold right now and someone finished off the last of the tea I made. So I don't have anything to warm myself. How annoying.
i have the radiator going at full blast, the personal space heater but with the furnace off and this shitty house, it's still freezing im cold and have work to do later and it makes it hard
Hah hah I feel this plot detail is very reminscent of Hayate the Combat Butler.
The setting has a kind of Disgaea feel to it to me too. Like sure, Netherworld/Demon World is a pretty obvious parallel but even the design aesthetic is very Disgaea-y.
Well his new granddad isn't making his job easier for him.
haha some of these demon faces are pretty funny
Yeah, a lot of them are kind of more goofy than spooky. Must make for fairly unintimidating demons.
>Asmodeus Alice What an unfortunate kid.
dumb weebs
Hah hah Even why he's so physically dexterous is a -has a very Hayate-poi reason for being that way.
Wow that dumb forbidden spell even came in use before the day was over.
i think you could say it's the same personality just in a new situation seems to value respect once it's earned but thought he had earned it beforehand so a different manifestation of the personality
not really a point to get hung up on though i guess
for a wolf she's not very wolfy she acts more like maybe a fox
Apparently the original material for this starts off with all the girls we've seen in the OP having met the MC. And their backstories are covered in pretty brief short stories. So it's pretty fun that the anime's been really fleshing out their introductions like this.
With how enjoyable they were able to make Saki I bet it's definitely something that could be done. Dunno if it's something they'd be interested in producing though.
They're pretty good at consistently reinventing the Something Amazing joke.
I like Wota's casual look better than how she dressed up for school.
yeah it's pretty good she's a pretty subdued character but she's good
Subdued in all ways except those fujoshi.
i mean she doesn't really stick out in the cast she just kinda falls through the cracks that everyone else creates with their personalities
Doesn't help that she also spends the most amount of time with the boisterous Baka and the extremely eccentric Robo. Characters like that will overshadow anyone they're beside.
That seems a bit much for a haircut.
Wow hey I was listening to that.
Oh i was kind of expecting the good version to be in her head and her to be crazy tone-deaf in reality. But it's cute that she's a decent singer.
haha majo is so great
>Mummified alpaca fetus
Ah oh no. He's realized ahead of time. This is going to be a nightmare for both of them.
that sweaty guy is what i imagine comiket to be like so hot and just standing around ALLLL day
Well if you're browsing there's actually a pretty consistent current to the crowds. Unless you stop to look at a booth you'll probably be walking around pretty consistently.
Behind the booths there seems to be enough space that unless you're really unlucky you'll probably mostly comfortable.
I'm pretty sure that is what comiket is like, at least until you get in.
haha what the hell
Also there aren't that many people this comically obese that go to Comiket. Though I went during winter so maybe the extra discomfort of the cold isn't worth the effort.
well i didn't mean the obesity part i dont really focus on stuff like that but i can sympathize with being in hot sweaty environments and being exhausted at even just sitting there
It's not that hot though! At least for winter markets like this one. I walked around in the crowds with a hoodie on and it was pretty comfortable. Maybe it's because I'm not liable to get antsy in dense environments like this but I think someone with a normal-ish physique would have zero problems heat-wise going around in it.
two things i can't stand are heat and crowds! i get sick if it gets too hot
this is a nice episode though it's a different structure than normal
Pretty light on the gags. They've been pretty serious about the feelings of these two in it.
It's also kind of earnestly sweet.
this fucking dude lmao
Everything tastes better when fried dude.
Hah hah he just fuckin' muted him too.
All the Vocaloid music that's shown up, not just in this episode but in the series overall, is kind of nice. Vocaloid's kind of lost popularity lately so it's nice for it to get a bit of attention.