i dont remember anything tonight. i think i just slept through al of work but I have my inspector times written so clearly I was sleepworking. hell yeah, I can sleep and work at the same time.
taco jogns is a fast food chain based out of wyoming they're really good my favorite fast food place they got really good hash brown things called potato oles
hmm there's one on the other side of town maybe I'll check it out next time I'm in the river district
i would eat it all the time if they were here but they're NOT there used to be one in florida but floridians have horrible taste you know except for me
how's work
I quit
Kirara π
oh cool do you have a different job now are you goin ta paramedic school
nah I'm just floating on savings while trying to keep busy not the smartest idea but I guess I'm not that worried about what I'm going to do, which seems good
>>760247 yeah, i am basically a full employee right now except i don't get paid lol i am even signing for memorandums of agreement and shit like that i love what i do right now enough that i'm willing to come back to florida to work here tbh i really love the treatment center i'm at and the team is really tight nit and it feels like a family
glad to hear it! aside from not getting paid of course
yeah i'm working 30-40 hours a week at a doctoral level without getting paid but the work is fun and that's the most important thing (for now)
there are some good benefits though i have access to a $5000 VR gaming rig that i can use pretty much any time for myself even though it's technically for clients to use with VR exposure therapy i haven't really used it yet but we're gonna get subnautica and i'm gonna play that a bit
subnautica is pretty neat in vr, it gets real spooky in some parts just play games with your clients challenge them to beat your beatsaber score
You will not be discharged until you can defeat me!!
We have a client with a phobia of fish. Like, this dude will run away super fast if he thinks there's a fish around. If a client brings tuna or something, he'll lose his shit. Which is hilarious because he's a big black military veteran with like 30 kills. I want to put him in Subnautica.
>>760219 i was in oblivion and wondered why thr difficulty soiked but it was because i had leveled 10 times suddenly
earlier in the night i instead dreamed my mother had broken off the right door of her car and would have to use my car for work
i have a surplus this month, despite all my con spending Oh, and I didn't get all the monthly packs. because I'm not buying the unbind packs. I don't need keys
i cant really tell by looking at it.l but as long as you havent gone over 300 in one sitting you havent gone off the deepest end
>>760293 terrible but only because I am knee deep in a terrible thing I'm going to stop now.
blue no are you doing a bullet grind i hope youβre not suffering that bad i saw someone on the internet say the midgame DL grind is terrible so who knows what kind of trouble youre in
>>760298 well let's put aside rolling six Halloween Elisannes trying to get a single Mym. This game has rolled out so much stratifying content all at once that it's impossible to play with other people. If you didn't beat the EXPERT High Dragon trial last week when it came out, you're stuck playing with people who still haven't beaten it because everyone else has a High Dragon weapon and are too busy trying to increase their score on Time Trials to help carry. My only HD clears were with a streamer the other day. But I still need two more runs. And no one's running the stage I want.
It's a lot clearer to understand once you try to grab pubs because over half of them are running healers now. The only way to get a room is to be a healer because the damage race has gone so far. the only job left is to heal the people who've already beaten it.
the difference between the weapons are very very apparent You know how there's a "might" stat depending on the equips you have right? You could not break 7k before this. The people who have reached T2 of the new weapon are at 8k.
>>760307 thatβs pretty spooky sounding what i imagine makes it worse is like you said, you cant participate in the hard stuff grabble at least has 18+ people in the most commonly needed to farm raids even for the hardest content whereas dl is stuck at like 4 right? so you cant exactly afford to leech in dl
yeah, hold on, let me show you how this gate works
>>760309 its pretty dumb for instancee here are the number of characters in the game that can heal, survive High Brunhilda's blast, and have burn resistance (which she deals unavoidably in every attack) oh wait i cropped out the number lol
anyway, the answer is one. It's Thaniel. You can not run High Mym expert or master without a Thaniel.
thereβs like one raid in granblue with a character requirement essentially and itβs the most endgame end tier content we have you basically need Yurius for his ability to debuff to defeat Lucillius HL some characters can act similarly but they would vasically be to maintain the buffs he already applied
>>760315 I guess this is the end game content. But it's kinda funny to call it end game content because story-wise, it's just practice. You're practicing with the strongest Greatwyrms to become a better warrior. So really it's pre-end game content.
>recommended video for you >managing severe autism in a relationship Well fuck you too, Youtube
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
It also wants me to watch scenes from the Dark Knight dubbed in Japanese
>>760318 funny how in granblue pretty much every grind raid has almost nothing to do with the main story they added Akasha which was story about uhhhh 70 chapters ago as a raid relatively recentish but the disciples and luci and even ultimate bahamut are not technically story fights
i wish i could actually find people to consistently play this game with even in like three discords its such a mess
Kirara ππ€‘
It's too hard for me. I'm not into any game that I have to actually dedicate time to building strength for raids and stuff like that. It just can't keep my attention.
>>760324 I think I'd watch an episode of bokuhero that has had its entire audio replaced with cartoon network classics
iβd play dl with you but im already devoted to avout two mobage
>>760328 it's probably for the best that you don't
>>760329 probably DLβs gameplay is enjoyable but also not really something i want to do on my phone that much if that makes sense
like DL actually reminds me of the tales mobage whose english server shut the fuck down because presumably it flopping it was actually somehow boring even though tales gameplay is fun i guess exploring the same slightly different dungeon and mashing a couple attacks because thats what was gacha locked was attacks isnt enough fun for me
Ok. Ok. That's enough of letting an ALGORITHM dictate what I watch I am a free man I will not let a computer make my choices for me. Drooling all over myself like like some kind of mindless slave.
There are no active choices in media consumption. The people who print the money tell you where to spend it, and then they get the money again. Every piece of media was selected by the people in power because they thought you or someone like you would like it and you see it because they wanted you to!
it's also possible that I'm just blaming the algorithm for the fact that I'm deliberately procrastinating and wasting time on the internet because I don't want to write my law essay.
Nobody will expect you to finish the paper if riots break out. There are riots happening all over the world at this very moment. What's one more? Make it happen, Marsh. Start a riot.
Constitutional interpretation is particularly complicated in Australia because we don't have a Bill of Rights but there are still individual protections. But they come from other sources Like the common law Or the necessary implication that the Federation requires a free right of political communication based on the structure of representative government that the Constitution sets out.
That said, the recent High Court decision in Comcare v Banarji [2019] probably was appropriate at least it was "good law". in the sense that it was consistent with other tests on Free Speech restrictions outlined in cases like Lanage
That said, it's possible for Banarji to be a technically correct decision, without appropriately reflecting modern social values. But these changes would most likely have to come from the Legislature or the Executive.
So Banerji was the case about the public servant who got fired for talking MAD SHIT about her department on twitter. And not mild stuff either. going hard on it and naming Ministers by name.
But she was doing it under an anonymous pseudonym and wasn't releasing any insider information she did it all during her own time and on her own devices. And they only found out that it was Her doing it after her own department ran an internal investigation and unmasked her anonymity. So she got fired. And she tried to get an injunction in the Federal court to stop them firing her but that failed.
AND THEN she put in a claim for workers comp claiming that she had depression/anxiety after losing her job. Doctor confirmed
and here's the thing she was only eligible for the Comp if firing her for her twitter posts was "unreasonable". So that's what it all was based on.
She succeeded at the AAT but then it got shot down in the High Court.
It was a pretty good weekend. My friend and I made up monday so we've been kinda slowly getting used to each other again since and had a nice weekend this weekend.
I got distracted and my team got a different group instead of me and they cleared it. Looks like the problem was me i guess
Both my adult-age siblings met their current partners through online apps and they all seem very happy with the outcome so I've been considering it. Especially now that I've got a job and could actually do things without feeling kind of embarrassed by poverty.
But on the other hand I'm super anxious about putting myself out on something like that. I don't think //I don't find myself particularly attractive so anything like that would probably require a better hook than just how I look and I just always feel so socially awkward and anxious that even that feels pretty uncomfortable to me.
But those problems also inhibit me pretty seriously from trying to find partners in traditional methods too. So no matter where I turn it just feels far too intimidating. Everything just feels impossible.
>>760385 same i feel like a trash loser when i think about something like that but i'm completely incapable of getting to know people in person initially bc traumas idk
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>760390 i thought the people you were doing the internship for were giving you a job are you moving away from that?
>>760393 My internship starts in July. My current work, though I am a basically a full time psychologist and considered highly capable, is "training". After my internship, I'll have a job where I currently work.
>>760381 i make that mistake every 5 years or so i keep thinkin it'll be different idk why
I don't do that with black licorice; even the smell of it is enough to remind me that yep, I don't like it. But there's some other things that every now and then I need to remind myself just why exactly they're foul and awful. Most recently it was Sunny D.
>>760396 for yourself? ive started being more and more selfish lately im a lot happier working less, even though im poorer as a result
>>760397 ive never liked sunny dick or hawaiian punch (the branded drink) i dont know why but those things have a chalky, filmy texture to them on top of tasting like absolute trash it pissed me off so much as a kid that sunny D was always marketing to us about vitamin C, trying to have this image like it's good for you fuck that trash, go drink real orange juice why does that garbage even exist?
hell even if you dont want real orange juice, TANG still exists who needs a royal sunny dicking first thing in the morning
>>760399 you have to do an *// Is the internship paid?
I also feel kind of uncomfortable considering dating because of how I still live with my folks. At the least it's pretty much always empty here over the weekends. I do kind of get that this is me just finding excuses to be complacent with not doing something that's uncomfortable for me. And even after I move out I bet I'll be able to find things that put me off dating. Life sure would be easier if I wasn't so gosh-darn hesitant to do just about everything.
>>760406 Basically!! The Industry works on slave labor.
>>760400 Yeah, pretty much. My parents were sensible and never really bought us junk drinks like that, which might be part of why they appealled to me. I think I enjoyed them as a kid on the rare occasions I got to drink them though. But I bought a big litre's worth from the dollar store a couple months back because it was cheap and I was curious and I couldn't even get through it before I poured most of it down the drain I think. It felt kind of like I was drinking vaguely fruit-flavoured oily water.
I even do actually like fruit juice, so it's so dumb to even consider drinking it, hah hah.
>>760403 i dont think living with the folks is a big deal. it might be offputting to some people on the market, but you're never going to be able to appeal to everyone and it's ridiculous to try you'd be surprised how much reception you can get by just being yourself. there's a genuineness there that's not unattractive a lot of people live with their folks. those that dont probably wish they could too. i mean, i dont want to live with -my- family, but i really envy those who can have good living arrangements with their folks and have good family dynamics
you're a student so i think it's fine to be poverty i dont really mind poverty that much when im looking for someone. im poorfag myself so i kind of want somebody who would appreciate poorfag stuff with me, like home cooking, food preservation, earnestly getting through one day at a time and not holding too much stake in big future endeavors i feel like someone who was overly career-focused wouldn't be able to appreciate the things i appreciate and the things i can do, so even if they've got a lot of money or whatever then it's probably not satisfying to me
im sure you'd probably do better than you think if you put yourself out there. but i understand the anxiety about it and i can't really bring myself to do it every time i try, something dumb happens something about me attracts the wrong type of person, and im not sure what it is
Kirara ππ€‘
>>760406 I'll be making $120k+ in 5 years, though, so.
Ok Ok Ok. Now I really am going to write that paper.
Best of luck, boyo
>>760409 Yeah, it's like, I can rationally explain to myself there's plenty of people that would be fine with and even understand why I'm still living with my folks. And that a lot of my other concerns are not as big deals as I make them out to be. But even then they slip into the back of my mind and nag at me. Or my brain goes "Yeah but think how cluttered your room is and how poorly you keep it dusted and tidy, do you really think you can keep it respectable for having people over?" And the rational part brings up that it'll be a lot easier to motivate to keep it tidy if you've got someone to impress and other stuff like that. But there's always an "And one more thing..." I get all anxious about.
And then the anxieties produce anxieties because as a grown adult shouldn't I be past all these insecurities or at least be able to understand that if I weigh myself down with them so much that I can't do anything then I won't ever be able to do anything and I'll just be a burden on people around me until kindness and good will runs dry and at that point it's just anxiety all the way down.
And is this really the kind of person I want to unleash on a relative stranger? It just feels like a bad idea.
>>760414 >and even understand why im still living with my folks eh, like the way you're putting it here is as though it's an understandable misfortune, something that people can at least understand why but idk living with family isn't such a negative i'd be pretty enamored by the idea. not only would i be gaining the individual SO in my social life, but i'd be getting their family too. it shows a family involvement that i would really love to be a part of. on the other hand, i dont really have the same thing. if i start dating somebody, i have no family to introduce them to. im just like a stray thing. it's just kind of cold and distant and i feel apologetic for not having a more warm and jovial life for them to be a part of, when they're used to family and stuff.
as far as cleaning and stuff goes, idk, everyone has diff views on tidiness if you overdo it, you make some people feel on edge and uncomfortable justby being too tidy they feel they have to be more cautious there's upsides and downsides to it both ways. all im sayin is there's people who will fit your parameters, but you're gonna end up blocking them off from you by thinking about all the people who don't
Split pea soup for supper. It's always a very iconic autumn meal for me. My mom always takes the ham bone from the Thanksgiving ham and flavours pea soup with it and chunks of ham. I do like it a lot.
>>760425 i need to make some jok it's like congee kind of, chicken rice porridge but with ginger stalks and maybe like some fermented blueberries to make it autumny
oh, it looks like things worked out well with your stuff! nice jobbu
Oh yeah /moeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee/ What would you consider normal weekly expenses for groceries? I don't mind if you think you spend less or more than what would be "normal" since I'm just looking for arbitrary numbers anyway. Ideally mostly grocery-y expenses and less take-out/order-out food.
i probably spend about 30 a week on groceries? probably? hard to say i can make 10 dollars go a week or i can spend like 150 it's kind of arbitrary.
i'd say like 50 dollars per person per week for groceries is a convenient estimate mathematically
Yeah that's what I was guessing. Considering currency conversion and that price of living here is probably a bit higher I'd bet it would be more like 70-75 CAD for me. Unless I'd want to try real hard to reduce costs where I can. But that feels like a bit more effort investment than what I'd care for. Life would be a lot easier if I can just comfortably buy groceries I'd like to get.
are you putting together an actual budget for yourself?
i think it's kind of fun to find cheap ways to still have nutritional meals rice and canned goods go a long way for a short price. eggs are crazy cheap right now for some reason.
pretty sure i can get two pounds of frozen or canned vegetables for two dollars about 30 servings of rice for like six dollars rice and veg, and then just eggs or meat or whatever thrown in
Well I'm looking at theoretical numbers. I was talking about it a couple mornings back but now that i'm employed again, moving out is a (still down the line, but technically) feasible consideration for me again. So knowing what my weekly expenses would be would be useful for knowing the hours I'd need from work weekly. Especially since I think I'm going to really want to have somewhere I can move into by late-autumn 2020. My parents are selling our house and moving into a condo that winter, and while they have one I could probably rent for a much better price than I could find normally, where they're moving would be adding an extra 30-45 minutes onto any transit I'd be taking from home to school/work. At that point I'd really, really rather just rent somewhere maybe more expensive but closer to the downtown area I work and school in, doubly so if I can find a decent place I could rent and walk to work and school rather than spend money for transit.
After rent, groceries would probably be my largest weekly expense, and it's also the one I'm pretty much completely clueless on the cost of, so it's the number I'm looking to get the most information on.
now I get it I understand i have a problem how do you work with other people
>>760440 yeh I'd put my grocery expenses 50-100β¬ depending on month do I have to stock up on more expensive stuff like 1kg chunk of cheese or spices or not
>>760441 Well, do you remember how you worked with other students in highschool/post-secondary? It doesn't get any easier.
>>760443 i don't in fact, i can hardly remember a group project that didn't end terribly >>760444 maybe I don't understand my problem enough to ask what I'm looking for properly.
>>760450 I just know I won't like it, cause it just isn't the same as the ova series
it's been like, what, four months now without my medications my brain fog is finally starting to clear up and i can organize my thoughts again i want to get back to working on my paper i told myself i would publish this year but i stopped working on it after l'hospital visit
okay, I have realized the error of my question working with people wasn't my problem how do i find people that i want to work with this is not a question I expect anyone to have good answers for so you don't have to think hard about it
>>760458 do you mean work with in the professional job setting, or work with in your personal projects, whatever those are? i dont know if you have a choice when it comes to job stuff
>>760459 personal stuff, i can't choose anything about work except for where i work, and thats only during job picks which happens like once every two years or something
>>760461 Access to me provides you with a decent network for all kinds of projects. Of course you have to build your own network, but having people who already have networks goes a long way.
>>760463 i can't advise, but i can commiserate whenever i try to involve other people, things get muddled and off track it's hard enough for me to organize my own selves, let alone someone else's
i guess trial and error might work but that's really discouraging i feel there's a cost incurred to trying, if it ends up not working
as a side note, i thought this year would be exciting because a lot of new people have taken up interest in something that i work on and is interesting to me but they've taken over the thing and watching them just frustrates me because they don't see what i value in it it's just novelty to them
when i was at comic con and there were panels that I would stand in line and attend, there would be people there and they would talk to me and in my head I was just wondering 'why are these people talking to me' and then I remembered that talking to new people and making friends was a thing and so I have a bunch of girls' instagram accounts and I am only now remembering this. Thank you instagram for reminding me of my new friends.
>>760469 I am better at this stuff but it was such a striking thought like I went there just to walk around and enjoy things by MYSELF So getting into conversations with someone who isn't actively trying to sell me something was ... I don't want to call it "out of the usual" I just didn't expect it.
>Getting a bunch of girls' Instas >Forgetting about them I dunno about being better at this stuff this sounds like PEAK BLUENESS
I dunno. Strangers talk to me all the time. At the supermarket, at the gas station, at school, at the mall, even at restaurants. Maybe I'm just super approachable.
>>760468 WWow I can't believe you're a riajuu now.
>>760472 I don't USE instagram. I just happen to have one. I reinstalled it just to talk to my internet sister but she has a discord so we talk there now. It's just kinda there now. >>760473 People ask me about things all the time. Talking to random people isn't hard. I just did not know what made them want to talk to me.
it's easy when im not medicated because i simply don't care everyone says i seem friendlier, happier, and more confident, but really i just feel uninterested
>>760475 You're an attractive young man! Of course people want to talk to you.
I liken my social skills to playing darts. Do I know what I'm doing? Fuck no. Can I still hit bulls-eyes? Of course, but that still doesn't mean I know what I'm doing.
>>760475 people like us have a large internal comfort zone where we process stimulation a lot of people who have had more social structure in their life have never needed to build and expand their own internal space like that because they've always worked through it socially so in public settings when stuff is going on and things are happening, they get a little restless in their own space and naturally just want to extent // extend out to whomever is around it's just more comfortable for them
>>760479 in darts, developing a kind of muscle memory to repeat an action is more important than actually being accurate
basically, you learn to "repeat a good throw" and then you learn to actually aim so when you actually do hit something, then you just switch on "repeat" and do the same throw 3 or 5 times in a row
>>760481 It wouldn't be surprising! You're attractive and you carry yourself with independence. That's appealing to people! You're charismatic!
People generally don't approach me unless they want something, hah hah. Or they're an old person who's probably a little deprived of regular social interaction.
Well, it's something you're born with, you know, so if you have it and don't want it, you're pretty much doomed. You can just neglect it, but you'll still naturally shine a little bit.
why did they ruin the spiky purple with this explosion?
>>760498 Netflix anime is really successful with the people who like nerdy stuff but not -but aren't necessarily weebs. My friends from high school that don't really watch anime anymore has seen stuff like Violet Evergarden and Children of the Whales because they're on Netflix.
oh yeah has a s2 been announced for that hmm what was it called the netflix original anime, but written by an american that was ment to be a graphic novel
Cannon Busters? oh, I don't know oh that thing. I don't know
but I won't get this good honey untill like next year artisan honey is hard to get for a good price
Foe nicks
Kirara π
make your own honey
I wish this was made by my cousin she is a certified honey maker now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
she must be a pretty busy bee
'deed they are a funny family just the other day she sent a pic where her hubby was butchering roosters and all the kids werel ined up to enjoy the show
Kirara π
it's gonna suck when all the bees are gone except for killer bees who won't share their honey with us ):
lice and wolf season 3
"Only popcorn is missing" was her comment
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
moon-san why is netflix bad
i feel like i have that rant every three months or so and it always ends up frustrating sorry for mentioning it i dont wanna be that person
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
is there not a condensed answer you can give that does not require you to rant
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
like do you not like the binge system, do you not like some sort of licensing that is involved, like
the binge system is fine i don't like the way they conduct their business, exploit the producers of the content they license, and cause problems in isp infrastructure and legislation selfishly i think they're on a path to ruin anything they touch, and they're sticking their cummy hands into anime now and i have a bad gut feeling of what the impact of that is going to be
>>>/watch?v=opKx5Xx2Xq0 Otomege villainess isekai is getting an anime adaptation in Spring 2020
though I think netflix-original anime has been going on for a couple years now right there was that uh deadly sins thing
Nanatsu no Taizai is , well at least was, produced independently of Netflix , especially at first. They picked up the licensing rights to it, no different than Funimation or Sentai or whoever the fuck is in this business these days.. It's just unlike Funi or Crunchyroll or etc., Netflix rarely releases shows in simulcast format.
One or the -of the more early "Netflix-originals" would probably be Kakegurui or something like that.
>>760530 the anime industry is kind of special in a few ways i think, and kind of vulnerable to exploitation netflix luv to exploit anime law is still in the wild west days
>>760529 wew bakareina the anime I wonder will the countess villain isekai also get an anime too
>>760532 I wonder when we're going to get experienced law professionals on anime law. Maybe that's what Marsh could choose to spec into.
>>760536 marsh will save the animators from the evil industry
>>760528 I'd be more scared if Disney started to get into anime.
>Started to get into anime What is North American Studio Ghibli licensing?
Honestly it's one of the few case scenarios where Disney has been consistently good for partnering with. The dubs for North American Ghibli movies have been really well-translated and Disney gets talented people to do the dubbing voices and evidently puts a lot of effort into making the the lines not sound like stiff, unmotivated recordings that the anime dubbing industry is otherwise infamous for.
Anyhow I don't care about their effort, I care about all encompassing gigacorporation that is disney just going to anime and slapping "1000 billion to buy you all"
>>760591 I remember you started reading Catch-22 shortly after we were talking about doing a mini /moe/ book club fori t. How far did you get through it? I've hit the segment of the class that I needed to read it for so I've been reading it the past couple days.
I've just been doing like a chapter a week while I waited for you. I'm probably around chapter 8? Isn't it amazing?
I've just hit the start of chapter seven, so I'm not far off. It's been really enjoyable, yeah. I don't really find it funny, as a lot of the reviews I see about it seem to insist on. Maybe my sense of humour is a little out of touch, or maybe I'm just too serious to see past the deeply horrific system in place that chains these men to their military service despite how deeply psychologically wounded they've become. There's an extremely powerful sentimental feeling there for me though, and more that humour I think Heller really encapsulates that psychological scarring of war service in a very realistic portrayal of the absurdity of it all that makes these poor men very human. That's a stronger interpretation of the book to me than the humour in it.
hmm this reminded m I have lot of pdfs of good books that I never started on
>>760594 I think the absurdity of it all is what makes it so funny. It's funny because it's tragic and it's real and it's so relatable. Every single sentence is written with deep, seething irony. It's funny in the same way Clockwork Orange is funny. It's a dark comedy.
Catch-22 has me laughing with every paragraph, sometimes every sentence. It's just so meticulously written with beautiful irony. Heller's way of portraying absurdity is masterful.
Yossarian and almost every other character, they're all absurd characters. And as Camus said, one must imagine them happy.
Even if they're miserable.
I don't know if I can agree with that transposition. With Sisyphus, we can imagine him happy because there is the freedom to assume that interpretation. His story as has passed down from Classic Greece gives no bearing to what Sisyphus thinks of his fate. He pushes his rock as he has been ordered by the gods, but whether he does so happily or morosely, there isn't any indication. It's different from, say, Narcissus, who we know lovingly stares into his own reflection because of the historical myth. I guess that's not the best analogy since he does so until he dies where Sisyphus' task begins only after death.
Either way my point is, there is argumentative space to imagine Sisyphus happy in the absurdity of his task. With Yossarian, and the -most of the other characters as far as I've read, it's pretty clear they detest the role they've become entrapped in, or have become so psychologically warped from the horrors of war that they're pretty clearly mentally ill. The writing as Heller words it might be humourous or tinged with dark comedy but I can't see past the emotions of the characters in a way that lets me find it particularly funny. There's just too much hurt going on there.
It's not that we can imagine Sysphus happy. It's that we must. Camus says that Sysphus is happy because he has accepted his situation and the absurdity of it and continues on in spite of futility. Camus says that Sysphus is occasionally filled with anger or sadness, but that still, he is happy.
I read almost all of the characters with a sense of acceptance. They have all accepted their situations, though they detest it. Yossarian isn't just complaining, he's kvetching. He's not complaining because he's miserable, but because he is a person who loves to complain. It is his nature to complain, no matter how futile the complaints might be. We can see his sense of acceptance in his decision to return to the war rather than deal with the Texan. Yossarian is just doing whatever he does.
considering that sysphus spent his entire life tricking everyone and his "task" was a punishment I woulnd't really imagine him being happy
three days until one year tonight is a hard night to get through though
>>760601 Punishments are only really punishing if the person being punished considers it punishing. The gods may have tried to punish Sisyphus but without knowing how Sisyphus took it, it really is nothing more than a "task". The Greccian gods were prone to fault and imperfect knowledge, after all. They could have erred in their decision to punish him with the task.
You'd have to adopt a quite weird mindset, I would argue a form of insanity, to find "a needless task done forever" to be nothing but a punishment
Kirara ππ€‘
>>760601 As Camus said, a fate is not a punishment.
>>760599 I would argue a can preceeds a must. It might be that I must be able to fly to safely escape a burning building, but that must is unattainable because, as far as I am aware, I can not fly. We have the freedom to imagine Sisyphus happy, so we must, because any other interpretation would be Sisyphus resigning himself to the absurdity of it all, rather than revelling in it. I see Camus' book as explaining through Sisyphus that we too can accept and live in absurdity, and therefore we must, because to do otherwise is to become overburdened by it all, which he saw as the predominant pressure leading us to suicide.
This is moot if a situation does not even permit the can that preceeds the must though. But I will say, because of how the forewords and whatnot of reknowned texts like this go, I have an idea of how this ends positively for Yossarian at the end of the text. I would think at that point, is where his world opens up and unlike my metaphor, he does in fact find he can fly away from the burning building. But in the moment I'm reading, he doesn't feel to me as someone that can be taken as happy, so must isn't even a possibility. I don't think acceptance necessarily leads to happiness, because resignation is a form of acceptance too. That resignation that I feel from Yossarian and the other men is still an oppressing rather than liberating feeling, so I can't really imagine them happy.
On another note, I should at some point see how old the tale of sisyphus is, since greeks did atleast at one point, have the idea of tartarus as a "bad afterlife" So ,but then again if memory also serves, the gods held no sway over the judges, just like they had no control over the three sisters of fate.
Sorry, I'm falling asleep I will respond in the morning, though because I definitely want to continue this conversation I'll reply on discord or something
Here's a fun case: A paedophile went to the Fair Work Commission after he got fired from his job at the tax office And he's like >just because i fucked a kid doesn't mean I'm not good at my job >i was still a good employee >this is just something i did in my own time
He lost. Shocker
I mean, and let me be VERY CLEAR, that I don't think he really has a moral ground to stand on since as far as Geh I was distracted and got turned around. From the top. I don't think he really has a moral ground to stand on, nor a legal one, since as far as I know convicted paedophiles, like most convicts, aren't a protected class. But if this was after he'd gone through a lot of psychiatric remediation and was found to have, erm, reconsidered his ways, then maybe I could understand him taking a moral ground here. And maybe there's an argument that maybe convicts, or at least certain convicts, should not have places of employment refuse to hire them "just because" they were convicted of crimes. If you take those two arguments into account, then maybe it's unfair that this man is being deprived of being ever able to sustain himself, because of the crime.
If your greentext otherwise is verbatim what he said, or at least sufficiently close to what's clearly his beliefs on the matter, then yeah, I don't really have sympathy. There's a lot of surrounding problems in this situation though.
i had something snarky to say but I just got oideoide in an mp3 so I am just filled with genki sounds right now.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>760675 Well yeah. You want them to be able to get some sort of work. But i suppose it's the distinction between being punish/rehabilitated, and then finding some form of useful employment As Opposed to Being entitled to return to your prestigious government job after a 3 prison sentence for engaging in sexual conduct with a minor
i need to talk i dont feel like there's a point though
I don't know if I've ever felt I've wanted to talk without something being on my mind. At which point I tend to just type it out if I'm online. When I'm in a physical social situation I tend to be a lot more hesitant though.
of course i have stuff on my mind there's just a communication barrier
Ayy We QUOTA >>760715 Sometimes it can be useful just to get it out of your head And I'm sure no one around here minds.
What bothers me is if I try to be stream of consciousness in any other kind of format, I just can't do it. If I'm talking, other people are there and I tend to freely give up speaking. And if I'm writing on paper or a word processor it's really hard for me to not edit what I've written in parallel, which slows me down and kind of pulls me out of the stream of consciousness focus. /moe/ has a weird way of being in the sweet spot, working perfectly for me to get into that streamlined mental state and not giving me a chance to stop and edit what I've put down.
I need a writing app that does what /moe does that doesn't require me to be writing where everyone can see.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
But if other people can't see it it might not be as effective.
Well I could always show it to them afterwards. I'm thinking more here to have something that assists me with putting together thoughts in a stream of consciousness format for working on papers or just putting together my thoughts in writing to later process into papers or writing I can publicly show, like if I wanted to make a blog or articles I could seek publication somewhere. Or hell, even just write fiction in a way that doesn't have me constantly double-thinking myself on its quality. For ease of mind being able to do that privately and -then- show it to who I wanted would be convenient. Just putting my thoughts into words while idly talking is one thing, but if it's something I'm considering making into serious writing I don't know if it's smart to do it on a publicly-accessible format -forum like /moe/. You might talk about concepts you're tackling for your law papers on /moe/, but you wouldn't literally type the paragraphs of them out on here, would you? That's the difference I'm trying to get at here.
>>760734 I see what you're getting at I just meant the fact that the Board is public probably influences the amount of thought that people put into writing more than the actual mechanics of the code. And so even if you had something like Doushio in private you could just slap out nonsense and it wouldn't matter
the issue is that, with the racing thoughts ive been getting, being misheard or being dodged is worse than not being heard at all, as it ungrounds me and makes me more self-conscious im desperately in need of some grounding support, because the inside of my head is just an amplifier of paranoia and insecurity that makes everything worse and more volatile
but im really having a lot of trouble in that regard i think /moe/ can't hear me a lot of times i reach out. i do it a lot. so much that it's overbearing. if i try to do it less forcefully, i get dodged, which i understand but it makes me really self-conscious. my emails to people all go unresponded to. i reach out with racing, panicked thoughts which i know are probably cumbersome for people to deal with, so im understanding when feedback doesnt come and effort isn't made to help me stay grounded.
but i'll sometimes get asked by kirara why i can't simply ask for help, why i have trouble with it because when i do reach out, im usually worse off for it somehow i would rather have not exposed myself at all and kept everything inside, than to now be exposed and vulnerable without any resolution. and it's admittedly unfair to other people to put that expectation on them. that leaves me in the limbo where i just don't ask for stuff, don't try to clarify things because it makes everything more difficult for everybody.
i dont think i can handle many more busy-signals i really feel like i need to go back to the hospital. im not doing okay without some mental health care. im scared if i go though, the same thing will happen and i won't get offered what i need, and then i'll just have to come back home with no backup option left and i'll feel too hopeless to continue, having exhausted all those resources. i am trying earnestly to use my social support structures to help me stay strong and avoid such a pitfall there, but by the same token, im taking what needs professional attention and shoving it on to people who shouldn't
i feel like a lot of my sentiments are inappropriate and maladjusted, and that feeling gets reinforced by my interactions with people here a lot i try to remediate those things, but really it's not anyone else's obligation to understand me, so im literally making my problems into other people's problems and layering it with guilt that's what im doing here too, but it's a really serious issue i need help with so i dont know what to do
i think im just struggling to preserve something that's unsalvageable idk
I don't think your sentiments are inappropriate or maladjusted, but I do think they can be difficult for people to fully understand in the moment. Well that's a bit presumptous of me, sorry, to hide behind people. At least in my position it can be difficult some times to understand exactly what focus of the thoughts you're seeking address for is. And in trying to clarify that I think it can start to be a good bit of "You're missing the point" which, if I'm guessing, is the problem of being misheard. But that clarification is people's earnest attempts to understand on your level what the concerns of your racing thoughts are; unfortunately I don't think the chance of it suddenly coming to them what the concerns are is really a feasible possibility.
That back and forth of seeking clarification and correction is important, and honestly I think it's something that needs to be sought out in a vocal discussion, or if textual, in a timespace that the people involved can be dedicated and focused on the discussion. Typing takes more time than talking, and a lot of people here on /moe/ have obligations they have to address outside of our community. I think that's a strong advantage of seeking professional help, not just for the professional experience, but also for the chance to have somone that, at least for that period of time, is wholly focused on the discussion going on. Text is good for long, turn-based discussions, I feel, but it can be kind of weak when there's a specific that needs to be isolated and addressed by hashing it out between the people involved in the discussion.
I get the feeling that a lot of people on /moe/ are interested in helping keeping you grounded, but we are amateurs, or for the most part hobbyists with no professional experience. There's grounding methods we've learned from self-coping or people in our lives and -- I'm drifting back into the Royal We -- those are what we try to use to help. But they -But the methods might be unwieldly tools for
May I interject real quick?
i used the word grounding, but i'm not talking about professional clinical methods for therapeutic grounding or anything just talking to a person... it's not something that needs professional training to do it's not even like talking about trauma or psychiatric distress, just daily everyday stuff that im trying to get a sounding board for anyway, idk
>>760740 Ah, I was tying the concerns over racing thoughts (which under my understanding are mostly more things of distressing or concerning nature and would benefit from therapeutic grounding) too tightly to the grounding.
racing thoughts are being an issue because they emerge from even normal circumstances i just get overwhelmed from not being able to process normal stresses in my own head so well in trying to do so it begins to escalate in the echo chamber that's why i need social support
that's what i mean, it's the little stuff that makes all the difference, but it's so hard to ask for
What kinds of every day stuff would you be looking to sound off us? This is the kind of thing I feel really socially inadequate for sensing. My social needs are pretty much met on /moe/ by being able to watch anime and maybe kvetch about something occasionally throughout the day. It's kind of foreign to me what else is needed. Even asking about average groceries felt stiff and unnecessary to me and had me thinking if it was really necessary for like two or three days. Because I don't really come here expecting responses I don't know if I'm very sensitive to when people are seeking them.
it's late
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>760737 >>760738 I care. I just don't have anything constructive to say.
Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneSearch [iqdb](25 KB, 522x588, images (5).jpeg)Ojii !2Code3TV3MSearch [iqdb](1.8 MB, 1413x1070, loaf.png)
i feel kinda bad that I haven't been talking much the past few threads cause I got really busy trying to keep myself from forgetting this place exists after having only remaking contact like a month ago :))
it's also stuff thats interesting but i'm under an NDA so I can't say anything under threats of autistic people beating me up on the streets for things I didnt do
mystery flavor is always cherry tbh
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Fuckin' Ree Cops and their speed traps 59 in a 50 zone $290 dollarydoos
wonder if anyone liked my doomer music >>760751 lol that's normal highway speeding here cops wouldn't even bother getting the tracker out tbh
40-50km would probably be normal, non-highway, non-residential speed limits. I would say going 160-175% the normal limits is reasonably considered a lot.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>760755 >>760752 >>760753 Yeah. I'm pretty salty about it. It was on big, wide road too, which they only recently reclassified as 'suburban' since a few people have houses along it.
Whatever. I'll oag *pay it out of my Student Allowance anyway So I'm just giving the government back its own money.
it's the sort of thing you could watch again though since it's not really plot based and it's more about the shots and the lighting and ambiance and those would be just as good the second time
Kirara ππ€‘
and the acting the acting is just so amazing the quality of every aspect of the movie is so high
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
heh. the person I saw it with hated it.
Kirara ππ€‘
i bet they self-insert as murray
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I think she self inserted as that black chick he stalks.
they're gonna start having "unattended deliveries" where you can choose to have your groceries left at your house without your signature and stuff will be interesting to see how that pans out like will they get stolen or will they spoil in forty degree heat etc only time will tell
>>760799 I expect people's groceries to be stolen.
all these meme youtubers and asmrs are gonna have to find a new vpn to pitch all these old 2019 videos with that shit embedded in the middle are gonna age badly
what happened to nord
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
they got hacked and apparently their TLS private key has been leaked for god knows how long
lmao i paid them once but it was a long time ago im not too surprised
It's a good thing i was broke and didn't buy a long subscription when they were having a sale.
Though my riding almost always elects a representative from my preferred party, and if not, almost always what would be a ... satisfiable second choice.
Still feels kind of nice to be right though, I guess.
My colleague told me the guy who killed my other colleague's husband is appearantly some rich 22 year old who was making jokes and laughing about it immediately after it. I don't want to look up the story because just hearing about it has me seeing red. I want to hurt him. Unforgivable.
>>760868 damn dude that almost seems like satire like if you were trying to write about a Rich kid asshole you wouldn't use that guy because it would be too cliche and one-dimensional It's hard to believe there are actually people out there like that.
>>760880 22 and rich kid wouldn't be surprised if papa bails him scot free
reminsd me so much of one black jack story where a rich kid does exactly thaht and some random bypasser is framed for it instead and is planned to be turned into a organ bank for the drunk driving kid
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
fuck cars fuck rich kids and fuck rich kids in cars also fuck SUVs with their propensity to flip
I have a friend who was crippled by a drunk driver, the guy didn't serve any time and was only ticketed for running a stop sign. At least she can sue this guy.
Sometimes I wonder why people can end up 6 years in prison here for DUI (usual maximum is 12 from murder), but yeah cases like this remind me "Oh yeah that's why"
>>760887 >12 for murder Like for klling someone during a dui?
Kirara ππ€‘
>>760885 she is poor, she is probably not going to be able to sue him
>>760889 No usually murder like a shooter and it isn't that 12 is maximum, 12 is "maximum that can be given at once" in cases wehre people clearly are harm to society, their sentence can be lengthened indefinitely, with it being taken into consideration every few years from that point on >>760892 we don't believe in punitive, but rehabilitation
But going back to DUI here, the usual punishment for a slight case, like just slightly over the limit, which is close to 0 here you usually get your license shelved for 6-12 months and fined, but no criminal record but for say that is for 0,1 promilles, than by 0,3 promilles it is brought before courts and you end up with a permanent DUI mark on your criminal record and may face jail time at something like 0,6-1 promilles over the limit, you usually face 3-6months of jail with maximum punishment being 6 years, atleast that is largest I have ever heard of but by that point you need to have done some shit
ofc if there are property damages, victims etc, those are treated as separate thigns when piling up the sentence
Kirara ππ€‘
you usually just get a day of jail here but 1 year of probation and roughly $5000 in fines
florida has a lowish rate of DUI compared to other states though
People got fed up with drunk driving and went maximum Prussian on it works wonders at times
Sorry misrememberd DUi always results in dayfine, so even a minor case is brought before a court day fine being "x /amount of income you make per day (- necessary daily expenses) before taxes" so 30 day fine is 30 day's worth of income gone say for pennies I think it is around 85% of your wage usually
>>760900 >florida has a lowish rate of DUI compared to other states though This surprises me considering how many people my dad went to highschool with that died while drunk driving.
Or "covers our costs + extra" if the amount isn't astronomical
Kirara ππ€‘
well, if it's a reasonable thing like a percentage, rich people can't get away with it easily and this nation holds sacred the right of the rich to do anything they want
If we abolish wealth then no one can be rich therefore no one can get away with whatever they want
Man I'd love to be rich before industrial society collapses.
2000 a head or more for stucking some 100-200 people in some dingy raft andsetting them loose in the mediterraen near malta's coast and don't even have to care do they live or die
man some people propably became filthy rich from that
I actually seriously considered this I knew enough greeks to get an operation base in the isles I could have gotten a loan to have the operational money and I know boats >>760925 yeah but you of that time had no way of knowing hwo insane it got
>>760924 No, I actively made the decision to not invest.
OOH Idea: A five-star fancy restaurant in inner Sydney called "Bush Tucker" that gives the traditional dining experience of living off the land
Anyways really the only "blood money" I'd feel comfortable getting would be salary from working at a defense contractor making missile guidance systems or designing bombs or something like that.
Whatever the actual necessity of chaplains is in the army, ours has a substantial lack of them since quite many don't want to be chaplains, be it reserve or active duty
i early voted a week ago and it was ridiculously quick they crossed my name off a clipboard then i walked behind a screen and wrote an X with an old fashioned pencil that was lying there next to an // a lil pencil sharpener that was it, took like 3 min
>>760950 how? here it is just lining up if there is a queue, showuing your id lining up, if there.., get in a booth write a number, get out give the note folded so the number doesn't show up to the //put the folded note in a ballot after it is stamped and done 5 mins at most
Kirara ππ€‘
you have to line up and then show your ID and then they give you a hard time and ask for another ID or sometimes they want your voter registration card then you have to wait in line again and you go to this room with like "secret" desks surrounded by cardboard and you have to draw really thick lines between two squares to cast a vote for something and you have probably 30-40 things on the ballot you have to do that for then you have to wait in line again to put the card in the reader machine and you usually have to fiddle with it a bit
>we have low voter ratings >well let's just fuse all elections into one so that way the few that show up will vote for every issue at hand >somehow we now have even lower ratings
Kirara ππ€‘
on non presidential election years lots of places get like 30% turnout
we don't have any vacations for election days, just that hey are almost alwos on sundays as most people are not working then and you have like 16 hours to go vote
and added to that, we have in every election a "pre voting" period, for 2 weeks or so, when you can go vote
so all elections here are actually 2 weeks + the voting day, with some 3-7 day in between the pre and actual voting day so you actually have to commit to not go voting or be super lazy to miss it
primaries are rigged too though 50% of what determines the Democratic candidate is "super delegates" which are just the party elites
in 2016 there was a caucus between sanders and clinton and they were tied somehow so clinton won four coin flips in a row and took every primary vote the state had yeah sure okay
one of my clients turned out to have been lying to us and hiding the fact that she has been actively detoxing from alcohol her DTs were really bad today and she finally opened up to it dumb as hell if youda told us two weeks ago we would have had you fully detoxed by now
they were drinking 10 drinks a night on average for like 5 years and they had been drinking for 15 years heavily they got a dui at bac .356 and didn't even need their stomach pumped their pancreas is fucked up though
we have a client who is the top pastor at the largest church in the county they're using a fake name and doing self-pay so nobody finds out
i dont really get it isn't admitting you have a problem and getting help extremely virtuous? if your congregation is going to throw you away for being human maybe you need a new congregation
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>760991 haha hoo boy remember the teachings of jesus, never ever do anything, anything at all, lest you be burned at the stake and in hell forever
>>760984 no idea what is going on but that was funny
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>760993 the most recent one I posted is some shit
we've also got some big NASA guy or something using a fake name which i guess is more reasonable because NASA probably considers that compromising but i haven't met him before
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
phew do they tell you straight up they're using a fake name or is that something you figured out
Kirara ππ€‘
yeah they tell us they just say they want to use a fake name to avoid publicity and we're fine with that as long as they're self-pay insurance would make it impossible but we have virtually no documentation requirements for self-pay clients or sometimes they express their desire to avoid publicity and we offer to use a fake name for them
>>761001 if they are gonna pay with a card they gotta give us the name of the account owner so we usually know their real name but we call them by the alias everywhere
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
aw shit so some of these blokes are doin drop ins with suitcases of cash
>>761002 people tend to think of priests as role models so if they do anything that is "human" it can instantly get frowned on or even bounced on by more fervous members of the community
I get that to a point, especially when being in the role of the priest, you need to act like it, but in the end at their home, the priest is just another person. This gets intensified several fold, if the local community is either small, so everyone knows everyone, or just quite thightly knit. Especially in USA I can really imagine a priest sweating bullets for not always being on their best behaviour, since they are quite much funded by their members And the church goers most likely are quite more fervent believers than the average christian here in the old world.
colosseums seem to be very common fantasy trope, but they were actually quite rare and expensive to build and maintain and only few cities would have big enough population, of wealthy people mind you, to attend them aside from the days it was free or cheap "bread and games" as they said
>>761021 Ten percent off is pretty much a drug in of itself anyway.
What's Papa Palpatine's role in this movie thoughhhhhhhh Final trailer's out now and he seems as much of a mystery as ever.
I wonder if the Jedi Order will really remain in the past though. And instead Rey and maybe Kylo instead form a new order of Force users, the Skywalkers.
Geeeet fucked PPC Would have been nice if they split the conservative vote more but it's probably better that set of beliefs doesn't stand any ground in this country.
uh not you first rei, sammy
well if libs win again im all for ijust get gour leader JT under control LMFAO
I need to go through my desk some day and chuck all the pens that are running dry or are clunky. I have a bad habit of picking up pens and never entirely working through them.
Oh no I was TOO GOOD I'm over the word limit Gotta find stuff to cull
DO you know if the professor you'd be submitting to is anal about limits?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I doubt it And informal university policy is to allow about 10% under or over without penalty. But I'm more than 10% over
Guess I've just got a lot to say about the Implied freedom of political communication inherent in the Constitution as applied to Public Servant use of social media
10% is quite little unless we are talking 10k word limits etc
or page
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
They want to people to be CONCISE
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
All good though I just shuffled some stuff to the footnotes FOOTNOTES DON'T COUNT.
I once got a 5/5 turned into 1/5 because I fucked up the footnoting
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>761141 You know the best part about studying in Lapland was that all the classes were in English So everyone else was doing it in their second language And i was doing it in my First Went a long way
I don't even mean Finns. They all had almost native level English But there were a whole bunch of French and Spanish people an' stuff
nope I don't trust the phone security to have such apps on me
>>761190 Not me personally, but I use NFC functionality for my credit card pretty regularly. I've got a friend that does all his credit transactions using the digital phone app credit card. As far as I know he's never had a problem of security with it.
aw fug my phone doesn't seem to support it which is a bummer
I only have a passcode app for my bank log ins on my phone, I don't think I will ever, unless forced just like I got forced to use this passcode app, the actual bank app on my phone convenient, yes, but secure, no
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/dlb4pv/another_day_another_pacman_humiliation_clip/ wtf is this build a bear jank combo lol
life once again controlled by al gore rhythms I hate this system will often plant my breaks in the middle of nowhere there's no toilets or food around here for a good while
i've been thinking the past few days about going to the hospital im kind of afraid it'll just make things worse again though and then i wont have any options left
>>761265 it's a very distressing endeavor if there's no resolution again, i'll have pushed myself past my limit just to be let down i probably won't be able to handle it
also you get some real fucking stickler beaurocrats in the motor depo this one woman wouldn't let me take the test because the towbar was obscuring the numberplate a bit so we watched my father attempt to remove it for thirty agonising minutes before she was gave in and rescheduled it for the next day for free damn bitch
>>761343 she's basically looking for a facility she can send active duty military to where they can get enough treatment to allow them to return to their work in 4-6 weeks
quite a good carreer going >>761348 yeah there is service time and then ofc achievements I don't think I have seen a general younger than 47 I think most are over 50
which is amusing, since good chunk of army personnel retire at 50, so basically if you don't maek it tot he high ranks, you retire early army is a lucrative carreer path here if you can become a carreer officer
though amusingly, a common issue here is to get people with actual experience only way to get field experience is to volunteer in some international operations, and not everyone wants to do that
dangerous + you might not agree with the political situation of the place
>>761348 yaeh I kinda figured the same if someone really is a wreck 4-6 is just "bandage it over" and not really treat them who knows when they braek down or even explode completely then
Well, with EMDR, we can do trauma treatment pretty quickly. The clients would basically be doing 40 hours of treatment per week, maybe more, and doing trauma therapy 3 times a week. It's not impossible but it would be difficult. For everyone.
It is progress and I mean I think it is better to hire contractors in that kinda case, than making an inorganisation department for it well maybe that would be better overall, but it is more costy, would require lots of reorganising and so on
Yeah, the military is pretty bad at it. They always put the needs of the military above the needs of the individual. Which makes sense but it's also why they shouldn't be the ones treating the folks.
Well think about it bootcamp period is aimed at breaking you down and break away people who break too completely and that is just the initial 2-3 month period
Kirara π
The dude who has it the worst I've ever seen was a drill instructor. He was forced to brutalize recruits. If he didn't do things like slam their heads into walls and shit, his boss wouldn't allow him to have water. So he had to hurt everyone to survive and it really fucked him up super bad.
>>761357 Well as inhumane as it is, that is just how organisations like armies must function people are just resources that you expend and invest to gain results in a war afterall.
funniest part of finnish conscript system, is that good chunk of the training is done by other conscripts, who are on their way to become under-officers "what comes around goes around" so many of them take out their frustrations during their 6 month training period on the new comers.
>>761365 cause we must >>761362 one thing that I found curious was how US army trained their soldiers a kind of "shoot reflex" or something our training regimen doesn't ahve that kind of quick reflex thing and is more of a traditional, that just trusts that the soldier does his duty and shoots the enemy if they can get a shot. A common issue being that most people don't actually shoot the enemy, but shoot at the enemy So if I recall right, the US army began tackling this issue, by training their troops to shoot the enemy instinctually through a harsh training regimen, which then resulted in huge psychological issues when people actually had that reflex kick in and killed people, without really thinking about it. ofc it wouldn't hit them on the spot, but later on especially when back home.
I guess more efficient soldiers on the field, results in broken men back home.
Yeah, basically. A lot of vets have PTSD and such an increased startle response that they often end up reacting and hurting people during civilian life.
But they're trained like that because the US military is primarily an invasionary force rather than a defensive force. So they just want to kill as many enemies as possible.
Also it is efficient US casualties are super low compared to their enemies, even when you leave out the superior firepower doctrine and shock and awe tactics and a short brutal war is better than a long war of attrition, too bad this doesn't work in reality that oft.
So yeah, you ended the conflict with minimal casualties to yourself and minimal casualties to the enemy but now you have to sit down on the spot dealing with guerilla fighters for a decade or a dozen and the casualties rack up to high amounts anyhow.
the Lt. Colonel made a joke about how we're fighting for world peace by starting more wars like she said it jokingly but she didn't seem to have a problem with war
and she was telling us that lots of other treatment centers try to help clients get disability and stuff like that so they don't have to go back to work idk something about her rubbed me the wrong way i think she wants us to band aid ruined people enough for them to go back to work for the military when we suggested 8 weeks was more realistic than 4 weeks for treatment, her entire demeanor changed she was really happy and friendly and smiling but once someone said 8 weeks she looked really disappointed about that
WEll just look at the reaction of the pundits as the POTUS pulls out an occupation force of a sovereign nation and that really tells you about the culture of US higher ups
>>761372 Well taking her own opinions out, most likely the 4-6 weeks is a timetable set out by her superiors and she knows she will suffer the consequences if she can't get it running as ordered.
politics, geopolitics and foreign polciies are a convoluted mess, but great powers are quite simple all you need to do is open a history book and study one and almost every one acts the same in the end
i wonder if i could organize a client camping trip therapy camping
would prolly be nice just don't have it be too taxing of a hike
Kirara ππ€‘
Florida is nothing but flat, easy trails so it'd be alright
Hard part would be getting insurance to pay for it
some people are in bad shape, especilly stamina wise
>>761381 well it isn't that costy transport+some gear that can be reused and food and water I think biggest issue would be if some incidents occur like injuries
Kirara ππ€‘
yeah but it's about the treatment center getting paid insurance would have to pay for the therapy time which would be virtually the entire trip which could cost them a llot and we'd have to figure out how to charge for it so insurances would pay for it
hmm maybe I will go fall camp in the nuuksio region before winter hits hmm that might be fun the seaside location is too windy now even tho it is warmer, since the sea is still lik 8 degrees or warmer
>>761389 yeah fishing camping trip would be quite ideal if you ask me or something like that basically going somewhere, setting a basecamp and then doing stuff from there or just being there
good chunk of our scout trips were like that we'd found a small tent village in some location and then do activites from there Hell, some bigger multigroup trips were insane like this one with over 30k people in a region at that point it was a tent city
I think this was back in 2003 summer, so two thrones had come out 6 months ago int he cinema and there we are 30k 12-17 year olds in a big group doing chants and drumming our chests and shit as one
it really reminded me of that "march to helms deep" scene from the movie
first 7 days it rained non stop so much that the organisators were thinking of cncelling it due to flooding on 8th day when there was first visitor day it finally stopped raining and then I discovered, that our flood trench had flooded over and the slight incline i had been sleeping in ahd flooded with water and everything aside from what I had on me at the moment was completely 100% soaked
>>761396 but anyhow if you can get it set up, you could then set it up as a basis for other clinics to use too if there is a blueprint of a sort for a treatment it will be easier for others to adopt it too.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
today I thought to myself "maybe I'll put off the bullet grind"
i'd watch chihaya show her stuff but first i gotta go see that chiptune concert
Kirara ππ€‘
>The spacesuit gloves of a NASA astronaut were contaminated during the historic all-woman spacewalk on Friday (Oct. 18). oh shit it's gonna turn into an alien
contaminated with what? I guess it just means some seal broke
Kirara ππ€‘
apparently grease from some robot arm
>>761429 also is kinda curious how that hadn't happened before
probably pretty scary i mean any mistakes can leave you floating in space forever
there you are in a suit, one puncture could result in a catastrophic domino ending in your death if your lifeline breaks, you could easily, very easily, en up drifting in space until you die and so on
>>761440 I think there propably is a suicide switch there
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oops I accidentally hit the suicide switch
Kirara ππ€‘
you can probably initiate suit removal somehow which would immediately expose you to vacuum and you'd pass out quickly
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
suicide switchy... sketchy
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
what if the organic parts of the suit start fusing with your anatomy such that the suit cannot be removed without killing the spacewalker, and then after a botched emergency surgery, scientists have to resort to bridging your half missing biology with a mysterious alien space virus, which simultaneously gives you new and powerful abilities but also-
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
any of you nerds see kemono michi yet? >>761445 That's not funny my brother died that way.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the heck is that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hey kirara what was that coffee thing you were talking about again
Kirara ππ€‘
i have talked about many ccoffee things
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the thing that I would get to make coffee that isn't a coffe machine was it like a coffe- yeah that I should consider getting that again
I went to that gas station that had the canned coffee and it's not the mocha so I don't know if it's good but more importantly it was like 2.30 for an 8 oz can
Kirara ππ€‘
french press
... not a big investment, they are like 5-10 bucks
>>761475 >>761473 me and few friends one time during high school did math would it be possible to incorporate a coffee maker as a part of the cooling system of a computer
>>761479 that is the issue You could get it hot enough, but that would put quite much stress on the hardware and kinda fail at he cooling purpose so basically you'd need a cooling unit and then a secondary sytem for the cooling unit, where you heat up the water to make it into coffee
90 degrees wouldn't kill a computer, but yeah it would wear it down eventually which is why it wouldnt' work as a cooling unit, but you could - if you want to have your computer occasionally running 90+ degrees for a good while - function as a coffee maker or well water heating unit
Kirara ππ€‘
a coffee maker in your sex robot
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
okay how about you have a cpu + gpu running normally w big heat pipes on em takes heat over to a copper pipe uhh run water thru there... water gets a lil warmer then put the warmer water in a reservoir with a cheap heating element plugged into a USB port
>>761486 well you could just have the water run into a drip machine but still it wouldn't be a consistent cooling unit it would at best work as a secondary system gimmick, but a cool one at that
>>761485 something you can have sex with that also makes coffee huh
Kirara ππ€‘
what could go wrong
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
i feel like it would make more sense to have some kinda smart home that will like happily accept warm water whenever your computer is on and then do something useful with it, maybe top off the hot water boiler, or slipstream it into the shower... idk lol
>get home >hello smart home, make me coffee please >smart home gets mad that i didn't ask about its day >says i always do this >says it's not just a machine >pours hot coffee on me >refuses to let me out to get medical attention until i apologize
>>761491 yeh having a reservoir... damn if you really built it clever, you could basically have tap water running through your main electric stuff and have the water once heated go into the hot water reservoir
it wouldn't be much, but it would basically make use of the waste heat and save you on just heating the water
I mean your desktop would be basically chained to a spot, so you'd have to build it kinda weirdly for cleaning maybe some kind of modular, where the heating unit /cooling unit is static, but rest can be just taken out easily
especially if you are running any servers, those generate quite much heat
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
>>761499 my smart home conception has ports in the walls ceilings at floor every 1m every kind of possible port air, water, electricity there's a port over near the corner that accepts mandarin oranges
We are thinking big here now big brain ovens, cooking, fridges so many things produce quite much waste heat energy that could be captured by running water pipes that go into the hot water boiler
Kirara ππ€‘
what about a radiator
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
>>761502 that's crazy talk! you'll get us all killed
>>761521 any coffee works, but the bigger less finely grounded powder, basically if it says "pot roast" instead of "drip feed" or "filter coffee" dunno how you mark those, gives bit richer aroma
wouldn't recommend using milk or cream on french press coffee, but this is personal preference
well it is, if you are used and most likely are, bit different from filtered coffee good chunk of the coffee grease gets stuck on the filter but in french press, percolator or pot roasting this is left in the coffee depending on how you make it it either enriches the aroma, or if you over boil it (not an issue here) it will make it a lot more bitter.
personally cause of the added greasea dding milk to french press coffee or even percolated coffee, makes it just bit weird tasting compared to milk + filtered coffee especially if you use milk with fat in it
also also, since this coffee has more of the stuff in it tahn filtered, it can end up either temporarily until you get used to it mesds up your stomach or each time make your system bit more active.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
kahvi also it would just be "kahvi" or "kahvi, kiitos"
I have to do a 'writing for Young People class' to pad out the major of the Arts part of my degree And this week was about Writing in video games So the lecture was talking about fortnight