everything is gonna be ok except the part where a shapeshifting ghoul phases through your bed slats and stabs you twenty five times with a rusty knife ooh that's gonna HURT
>>759074 That's not funny my brother died that way.
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
it's a good thing you have so many brothers hanging around!
I checked your anime thread. It looks like you guys haven't watched Sherlock or Special 7 yet. I thought those two were really good! Sherlock is hands down my favorite episode 1 this season so far.
You guys gotta watch them!
I've been recommending both of them! Sherlock more than Special 7 but I've mentioned they're both shows you seemed to really like the episode ones of.
Wednesdays are a really heavy night this season too. There's like six or seven shows that air for it. Especially if Chyuu makes a habit of putting out Nanatsu for today.
what's the name of that one show about a guy with a gun for aa head
OreSuki really manages to use repetitive comedy to its best potential too. The constant return to That Fucking Bench and the confession skit is done really well.
And the whole flowers and the Sun thing is really funny to me.
There's a drug rehab facility trying to open up in a suburb of Chicago and the locals are protesting it. Apparently the city took away a bunch of the legal permissions required for them to open. I'm pretty disgusted.
>>759194 definitely earwormy, gonna check out more from them I haven't been listening to much new stuff lately so this'll be good for me I think I already shared this here but it's the more recent band I've been listening to so here it is again >>>/watch?v=vhbMbiYb5bg might not be what you're into
I got Spotify fairly recently, maybe a few months ago and have been taking advantage of the discovery features it offers. So there's a lot of really nice stuff I've discovered through it that I'd probably never hear otherwise. A lot of probably niche Canadian bands for example, like Yukon Blonde.
>>759210 It's got a bit of a classic vibe to it, in a good way. Nice sound.
Calling it now, this is gonna get animated one day. Maybe as five minute shorts or something. But it'll happen. And this will be the episode that cranes everyone's neck
>>759330 just one of them is horny well, one point five. ...and I guess those two girls who showed up last chapter too. the other girls are less erotic
it's got everything I need. murder mystery, drama, furries, analogies to racism okay, I definitely don't need like HALF the shit in this list but it's okay.
Do you really want to know that part of my ~dark past~
The anime it's got this season is looking real nice too. It's by the same 3D CGI studio that did Houseki no Kuni. You know, the one that got studied by the folks that did Spider-Verse. They really use the full body for expression and have some on point seiyuu for the characters.
Yes blue i do love knowing about peopleβs tilde dark past tilde
>>759360 I thought I'd be sick today but I somehow made it through. Probably only because I haven't properly slept yet and my body is waiting to give me stacks of ailments when I refresh consciousness.
>>759361 Just busy! One of my clients is in the ER because she relapsed again and missed all of her sessions this week so I have to do a bunch of planning to get her on Naltrexone and to potentially move her up to a higher level of care. A bunch of documentation is necessary so her insurance doesn't get their panties in a bunch and refuse to pay for her treatment.
yea hopefully it'll be very cool and not weird at all i don't really have anyone to invite so i'm probably gonna be standin there live blogging to moe
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Party hard.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Do people dance to chiptunes?
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
>>759414 i feel like a polite head bop is the move maybe the kids do??? idk
Whenever I go to a live where I don't know the norm for dancing or whatnot to the music (Which is always) I just give it a moment to see what other people are doing
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
im gonna show up wearin a neon pink purple and teal jacket, bulging with glowsticks and party balloons
>>759412 You could invite me but I don't think I can fly cross-country on such short notice.
"'Ey, who's the cunt that snapped this clothesline!?"
>>759431 what kind of a wire was it here amusingly the public (housing company) use common , but annoyingly placed outside so unusable half of the year are actually metal wires
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
>>759437 i don't know about cannons but i can tell you who wins in a samurai vs elephant archers deathmatch
>>759456 Nah, we're already on pretty good terms. I'm not interested in her romantically. But she's fun to talk to and hang around. And being around cute people gives me a +2 to all rolls.
Kirara ππ€‘
>>759457 active yoga tonight but sometimes she does restorative yoga
Does she ever bring a goat.
Kirara ππ€‘
no but she does occasionally do goat yoga and brings our colleagues to do it with her
>>759462 I'm taking the piss but you know for the yoga class I sometimes do on campus they actually hand out "consent cards" that you need to show next to your mat if you're okay with the instructor touching you to physically correct your pose.
Which seems a little excessive
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Particularly because the instructor is a very non-threatening middle-aged woman
One person's "non-threatening" is another person's living nightmare.
>>759468 This reminds me!!! We are gonna get Subnatutica at work. VR on that $5000 rig
And we're gonna put a client in it who has a phobia of fish eventually we'll build up to i it
But I'm so excited
! ! !
>>759470 Oh that's actually super cool. As far as VR games I'd like to try, Subnautica's definitely up there.
Maybe the phobia of fish extends to more than just the general image of fish, but a lot of that game isn't really ... fishy. Of course giant angry underwater snakes and squids and ... whales? I guess? might also trigger a phobia like that, I wouldn't really be able to envision. But if it instills in him a general discomfort with being underwater than -then that's definitely going to be tough on him.
Also I get it's for client work but if you ever get a free chance with it. You'd be sorely remiss to not give it a spin.
Kirara ππ€‘
He went fishing with the sheepdog group and when someone caught a fish, he just fucking took off down the pier it's so cool a real bona fide phobia i'm so excited i'm so lucky
Kirara ππ€‘
>>759472 Oh, yeah. I can play with any of the VR stuff as I like as long as the room isn't being used it's awesome
Subnautica is really a master class in atmospheric immersion. The underwater biomes in the game are just enchanting. It's a good thing I don't really have thalassophobia. It's only really when I'm trapped in an enclosed space and I can't retreat to safety that I start to get a little uncomfortable.
I might be reaching out to the devs of Superhot to see if it's possible to get some controls in the game that could allow it to be used for clinical interventions.
Nah, but I'll probably work on that this weekend. I know there are sites in Ohio, Oklahoma, and Arkansas that I'll be applying for at least. And one in Illinois, maybe.
Wow if you intern in Ohio it'll be a real Ohio Conspiracy.
As soon as Canada has a CPA approved substance use site, I'll apply to it!
What's the CPA stand for in this case. Googling it just gives me Chartered Professional Accountants. I know (or maybe //I know someone who works (or worked? Dunno) with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health here. No clue if they'd have any idea on stuff like that in the works but it might be worth asking.
lol East india company, a paradox game has some data files in finnish I guess some dev was a finn and didn't give a fuck
>>759488 Oh, haha. Canadian Psychological Association.
Ah. I thought it was going to be some kind of quality standard instituted by an American institution, hah hah. The Canadian Psychological Association came up a bit later on the search but I figured it was something else you were looking for.
>>759489 Maybe they were like "Damn it Fjorn you didn't convert your data files properly" >Do you want me to send you an improved version? "No it's fine it's easy to tweak it to work on our end."
Who knows just popped up from all the random files amongst the few left fragmented after finally my D folder got done seemsl ike it will take 2-3 days per drive
Yeah me too. It's been ridiculously cold here today.
our furnace isn't working the landlord will eventually come fix it but it's dropping down to freezing tonight i can't get any work done when it's this cold
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
it's waaaiiiiiny
>>759503 Yeah this is a rough part of the world to lose functionality for your furnace. Nevermind the cold weather, once it gets even colder you need the furance -furnace to keep your plumbing from icing up. It's a difficult climate.
>Barbarossa is set in a fictional Second World War setting in which cute German military girls rush against Moscow to defeat the evil magician Stalin. wow wow wow.
surely the mouth breathers have cash why else would there be a whole industry devoted to milkin em
>>759518 Probably because they don't make a whole lot of sales. Aside from those generic ones like Monopoly or whatnot. So the cost of manufacture doesn't get reduced by mass production as much. Would be my guess at least.
>>759520 Check this out https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/84889/cave-evil It's one of my favorite boardgames.
>>759518 Also FYI, you can probably find it on the steam workshop for Tabletop Simulator
>>759521 This Boardgames are niche, unless its a boardgame that's been around for ever boardgames usually cost like $40 minimum.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>759522 takes one to four??? hours welp >>759523 it's more that i'm looking for a game to play w fam and they have awful attention spans so i'm goin for something casual rn
>>759526 It's also like $400 used because only a few thousand copies were ever made
hey have you heard of this CAH expansion its called doushio cards
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
oh god i just watched a gif of a house centipede moulting
i'm going to kill it and then myself
scrabble is good
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
just played it last night ISOTONIC for the win
>>759547 I've probably spent more time playing cards against megukas than anyone else.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
why you hittin me w the CAH advice then you know whats up yea i ripped rhat gamw off and i'd do it again goddammit
>>759552 I fucking loved cards against megukas but the community died
If it gets going again ill make a pull request to add new stuff and fix some typos made by piru (the person who organized the addition of new cards previously)
I had a vitamin drink on the table, but because I prepped it like an hour ago and is too dark to see its colour and both the vitamin C and multivita taste the same I dunno whichi t was
How do all the characters in my Japanese animes sit on bent knees?
It hurts like a motherfucker
It's all about the distribution of weight. The Seiza position is good for training a decent body posture and if you hold that posture your body's weight will naturally distribute in a way that makes it hurt less.
how to get mold out of a carpet? asking for a friend
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
big ole bottle of bleach fill bathtub with water put a lil bleach in there put carpet in there, let it soak voila. *carpet will experience mild to severe discoloration
I'll tell you what you DON'T DO and that's use a screwdriver to try and just scrape it off All that does is leave holes.
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
>To get rid of carpet mold, start by sprinkling baking soda over the mold and leaving it on overnight, which will absorb moisture and bad odors. Then, vacuum up the baking soda and scrub the mold with white vinegar to kill it. >>759748 ohhh that's a good protip sucks for your friend
>>759770 Are you going to do anything FUN for your birfday?
>>759771 Had my birthday dinner lad *last night Going to the arcade tonight (monthly trip with friends) And then going again next Saturday with different friends for my birthday.
It's the largest arcade in the US by number of distinct available machines.
Possibly the world, but they're not sure.
https://www.gallopingghostarcade.com/games-list/ They have a game about New Zealand but not Australia.
new mailman today he tried to give me my COD package without collecting my money just had me sign and handed it to me it's a $113 collect on delivery too, he woulda been in big troubs if i didnt stop him
as much as i would have appreciated getting this for free, don't get me wrong, it ain't worth it
/moe/ i'm about to lose my fucking mind i just bought assassin's creed unity earlier today the disc didn't work so i returned it went to a different store got a different copy of assassin's creed unity still doesn't fucking work am i really really? gonna fucking go back out and try to get ano ther cop
Just don't play it, it's the junkiest of Assassin's Creed games.
i went and got another one pls for the luv of kami work
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Who uses discs in 2019?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Who uses consoles in 2019
A whole lotta people. Having a contained gaming machine is pretty convenient.
Halfway through group tonight, while everyone was taking a breaking and smoking outside, the cops pulled up. I ran out to make sure they didn't harass the clients or anything and they said they were looking for someone with a large knife seen in the area. So we all went back inside and continued group. At 7:10 or so, we suddenly heard a woman screaming for help outside and a banging noise that sounded like someone banging on the door, begging to be let in. So I bolted down the stairs and out the front door and a couple clients followed me. A car took off from the parking lot and a lady was running away full speed. Once I caught up with her and then some of the clients caught up with me, I tried to find out what was going on and she begged us for a ride somewhere. I told her we couldn't do that but offered to call someone to help her. Her wrist was clearly broken, it was just flopping around like it was barely attached. She begged us not to call the police and I told her we didn't but offered to call her an ambulance and she refused that and told us she had a knife so she didn't need us. So then I had to wrangle in the clients and keep them from going after her, and I got them back upstairs, and a few of them were seriously triggered by it because of their trauma histories, so we processed it and then we all went together to get everyone to their cars and stuff. So we got everyone out safely.
But jesus fucking christ. Can't I have one normal day. Someone called 911 about it, but the cops never even showed up.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't need you, I have a large knife and at least one perfectly usable wrist to swing it with.
>>759809 That's ... kind of horrifying, yeah. Is the clinic is a bit of a sketchy part of the locale, or is this kind of thing a bit of an anomaly for where you are?
I probably have to do my clinical notes tomorrow morning but other than that, I don't plan on working at all. I'm actually at work still. I just needed to tell someone what happened before I left. I'm the only one in the building, haha. I'm sort of packing everything up now.
Oh yeah the cancelling you were talking about earlier was for tonight not over the weekend.
Times have been kind of slippery for me today. I was late to my second shift at my job because I thought it was starting at 13:30 and not 13:00 like it actually was, hah hah.
My brother's flying down to New York to visit a friend and when he was going through TSA, his laptop disappeared. Thankfully he got it back, conveniently just before he was due to board his plane, and the staff said the person ahead of him took it by accident. My mother's not convinced and thinks they took it to look through it (They as in TSA), since it's extremely convenient that it reappeared just as he was due to board. But my dad thinks it's ridiculous since the TSA doesn't need to give a false excuse like that for taking someone's personal device.
>>759816 What would they even be looking for though?
Well that's my personal argument, yeah. As far as I know, TSA doesn't just do random searches of random fliers' personal devices. There's just so many people moving through it and personal devices are cluttered with all sorts of digital debris that I can't imagine it's even remotely productive to expect to find "Stuff" in a random person's device. So it only makes sense if they expect to find a certain something there, or if they suspect the person because of extenuating circumstances. I've got friends in Oz and Europe whose mail most -whose international deliveries most certainly get studied because they're on some sort of ping list based on the doujinshi content they import from Japan.
But as far as I know my brother I can't imagine he'd be on any kind of suspicious persons list so I can't imagine there's a reason they'd want to examine his devices.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Oh shit One-Punch Man is back. Not a hair on his body And he squats 140kg >>759819 Yeah. That was my first reaction too No doubt they COULD But it would be a lot of work to do it unless there was a specific reason for it
I suppose there could be a general policy to random search like one in every thousand devices that pass through But even then It would be easier to just be upfront about it
I'm so fucking hypervigilant now. There was a car outside when I was leaving and some people moving around it. We don't have enough lights outside. I brought a hammer with me just in case. I'm super on edge. My body is starting to calm down now that I'm safe, though. All that 200% power shit you get when you go super fight or flight mode is ending and my body is getting sore as shit now.
>>759819 TSA doesn't do "random" searches of personal devices, but they can do searches on any devices they believe are suspicious. They can even just pick someone out of the crowd and do it if they think that person is suspicious. But who knows. The whole thing sounds weird.
Yeah, it's definitely weird. He got his laptop back at least though so all's well that ends well. I guess.
I have to figure out something to cook for my colleague whose husband died last night. We're going to bring her stuff she can just heat up to eat on Monday. We had a bunch of groceries delivered to her today. It's going to be really hard for her now. She has three kids, all toddlers except for her 6 month old baby.
make her some eggrolls
Pasta and veggies heats up pretty easy. It's probably good to make something with protein but at least with meat I find it never really heats up that great. At least in the microwave. Though your beef and onions you like to make would probably be good too.
>If I get a text abck, is it actually from the Community Leader?
>We've built Community to enable more meaningful conversations, and we give Community Leaders the tools to respond directly to you. Each Leader is responsible for their own community. Whether a message comes directly from them or from their team, the connection is 100% real.
that is a lot of verbiage to say "no... well, maybe??"
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>759844 Every time you pay taxes just know I'm spending it on video games
Kirara ππ€‘
>>759846 yeah that game was pretty influencial to me it helped me to accept my mischievous/destructive urges
i'm kind of pleased with my response to that person screaming for help tonight i always see myself as someone who can jump into action to try to help someone but there aren't many chances to prove that to myself im glad nothing happened tonight but im pleased that i just jumped into action without any hesitation
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>759852 You've got the makings of an anime protagonist
it's too bad i couldnt help that lady though i probably would have tried more if it weren't for my clients i want to protect them at all costs and that lady was dangerous
just an hour prior to that i was joking about how i wouldn't fight a guy with a knife for them too and then i went and got protective way for me to ruin my image
actually until that happened, i was having a really rough day i had a trauma reaction to my colleague's husband's death and was partially dissociating all day but when that stuff happened i guess my ptsd decided to switch it up and help me defend myself physically instead of mentally
>>759860 i will fulfill my duty i wont let anyone here die!
this horrible rendition of country roads playing on the store radio panned into a more horrible rendition of I will always love you >>759883 I guess so? congrats either way
Aaaaaaaannd IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Will always love Yoouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Oh Netflix is going to produce an animated series for the Bone series of graphic novels.
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
3rd jerry dead this one was thin as fuck did require some hammering since it hadn~t gotten its neck snapped
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
HEEEEYYYYYYY YA heeeyyyyyyyyy YAH! heeeeeeEEEYYYY YAH!
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
This fuckin Campus music festival Everyone around me day drinking and meeting up with friends And I'm just in the library watching lectures about thr Constitution
I feel like a TURBO NERD
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
the constitution? of the waterlogged states of oz?
roll for con #d20 (2)
>>759893 Do you want to be out there day drinking and meeting up with friends?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>759896 No But i wish i could get invited Then i would say 'no thanks i have to study'
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Actually that did kind of happen
I suppose you're ecstatic then.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I will be THE BIGGER PERSON I do not resent them having fun Enjoy your youth, little undergrads
>>759922 Now that I'm employed again I've been running number crunches and looking at apartment rentals to get an idea of how much I'd need to be making/how many hours I'd need weekly to make ends meet It's still kind of a long-term project since I was pretty much coming up on broke when I got the job, so having some money literally in the bank before I move out on my own would be nice, and there's no guarantee I'll keep this job once the seasonal position is over come February. But regardless, I really want to have a place to live before late-Autumn 2020, since my parents are looking into moving into a condo that winter. I could probably rent the one single they also invested in, probably for a bit of a discount too, but the building they bought in is further from the downtown core I go to school and work in then where we live currently. I'd be adding like an extra half hour onto my already 45-60 minute transit ride and I'd really rather just find an apartment myself that's closer.
>>759924 That will be nice. If you can make it work. Is rent expensive where you are?
In some ways it would be hard to justify moving out at the moment Since I've still got another year of University There wouldn't be any good practical reason to do it other than just preferring my own space
It can be. Minimum wage is fourteen an hour and rents for a single apartment closer to the downtown can get a little pricey. 1600 a month wouldn't be unthinkable. In the apps I've been searching in though I've been cutting results off at 1250, which unless utilities are included in rent, is still kind of on the far end of what I'm comfortable paying.
I have seen some results in surprisingly good locations that go for 900 and 1000 a month though, but I wouldn't assume utilities included and some other stuff involved when looking at the 900 listings make them feel kind of sketchy to me.
So I dunno. Providing work provides me sufficient hours I'm fairly certain the numbers I've been crunching tell me I could definitely make it work. Having to rely on potentially inconsistent work hours is always kind of worrisome to me though ...
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
have they given any indication of how many hours a week you might be getting?
Well I've only just started so I'm hoping I'm on a reduced hour count because of that, but over the next two weeks I've got about nine hours a week. I was also hired for seasonal so for the time being I might be on lower priority for shifts against normal employees, though as we get closer to the Holiday Hell of retail that'll probably become irrelevant. I guess I could ask other hourly employees to see what's normal at my store. Right now I don't even know if I'll be kept onboard after January though.
>>759928 They'll probably also be willing to give you more after you prove that you're competent.
Would be nice After EI it looks like I'm making ~13.75 an hour, though maybe that'll shift as work weeks get larger, so nine hours a week is only around 125 a week. After transit fare for work and school that's only like 90-95 I get to keep ... fortunately I don't have other pressing expenses at the moment.
All it takes is one 1.5 hour nap and a night of an over-excited brain and a whole week's attempt to instill a sleeping schedule goes right out the window. Though I guess I've been having a rough time falling asleep this week anyway.
You gotta be careful of naps. Until your sleeping schedule is solid, at least.
Yeah but it's a catch-22. I'm get tired so easily because I'm laying in bed for like an hour and a half each night before I can fall asleep which means I either sleep in, which I don't want, or sometimes can't, or I'm exhausted by eveningtime and it becomes exceptionally difficult to avoid naps. No matter what I do it feels like I lose.
Are you still using antidepressants? If you switch to Trazadone, that might help. Have you tried any melatonin or anything?
It's going to be hard to fall asleep when you want to since your brain doesn't know what the time for sleep is. Melatonin can reset your circadian rhythm and help you sleep, but you need a regular time of falling asleep and waking up if you want to keep that working, you know. Bedtime and wakeup need to be +- one hour of the same time every day.
I've been taking melatonin most of the past week and it hasn't really done anything for me. Like I mentioned with those nights I've been laying in bed for an hour and a half, that's despite taking melatonin those nights. I try to take it about an hour before I want to turn in to bed because that's about how long it takes I find to feel like it's affecting me. But then I'm laying in bed and without anything keeping it occupied my mind just starts thinking and that gets me excited and I don't really know how to ... not do that.
I haven't even been taking my SSRIs lately. Not that there's much left, maybe two or three day's worth, but I just can't get into the habit of taking them regularly. Either because I sleep way in and it's now two in the afternoon and I've been trying to have them with breakfast or I sleep a bit in and in the rush to get out of bed and where I need to be I forget to take them, or even when I manage to be up for breakfast I remember an hour after eating "Oh right I needed to take those" and now it's way late for when I wanted to take them and I don't want to eat more when I'm trying to make a point of not over-eating because of snacking.
But I'm not even sure if I -want- to take them with breakfast because I think they might be making me kind of drowsy a few hours after taking them but I can't really isolate them to make sure that's the case because of how poorly I sleep, but it's really hard to resist the urge to nap on days I take them. Not to mention I've probably never been under the full effect of them because of how much trouble I've been having with establishing a habit of taking them. All those problems just feel like they're all snarled together like a bunch of tangled cables and every time I try to untangle one the rest just get in the way.
I don't think the doctor I was ... am? seeing through my university's medical centre has access to Trazadone. When we were talking about antidepressants I could take, I think the selection was
limited to either Sertraline or Wellbutrin.
Oh Paradox announced Crusader Kings 3. They sure got more milage than expected out of CK2.
It's getting cold enough these mornings that between blinks the surface of my eyes gets considerably cooler than my body temperature. Which makes closing my eyes after being open for a while a good bit annoying
Yeah, just had to find someone streaming who wasn't obsessed with master mym farming I still need two more clears to build the weapon. Although, I still need money anyway
the mailman who delivered my COD yesterday, after i stopped him to make sure i paid for it because he didn't know, didn't take any of the forms from the box that are necessary to complete the COD and say REMOVE BEFORE DELIVERY, COMPLETE FORMS 1 AND 2 and some other stuff so i just had these post office official forms on my box and thought "huh, i better keep these" and took the box out of the trash to remove them
then the // then today, my normal mailman (or should i say FEMAILman) rang my doorbell a bunch of times and was very panicked about it she kept callin the other guy an idiot and that he really screwed up "i gotcha dont worry, 1 sec" "yeah i thought you might need these, here you go"
i wonder what woulda happened if i didn't even pay him at all yesterday it's haaaaard to get a government employee terminated unless they screw up pretty bad
im curious what happens there though usps: "we delivered the package you sent, but forgot to collect the money on the collect on delivery, so there's no payment for you to retrieve, sorry!" i wonder if it'd just be like that, or whether they absorb the cost somewhere else and provide the seller their money anyway
also this place nearby has a caramel apple milkshake i almost want to try it but i dont know how to feel about an "apple milkshake" does that sound kind of odd to anyone else?
it's just steak n' shake so i dont think i'll be trying it i really want something kind of sweet though im weird and always start buying ice cream and frozen treats when it's cold instead of when it's hot
>>759976 i dont even know what that means is rook the "resident milkshake moe person"? i didn't know we had such a title
>>759975 I remember rook used to go someplace that had a lot of very different milkshakes and there was a card he had that showed all the ones he tried. I can't remember them but a number of them sounded very weird and not something I'd expect to be enjoyable in a milkshake But he wanted to try all of them
i think a milkshake is okay but i'm really more for like a smoothie or something i like the freshness of the fruits or veg a lot more than the dairy taste
like those bolthouse farm green goodness drinks and stuff aaaah i dunno what i want to get
We're due to have a bunch of family over. My sister's come in to town to show off her baby so we're having a lot of my dad's family over for a bit of a family get-together/late Thanksgiving.
The Beastars anime uses the 3D CGI so well. People on /a/ have been bitching about it but I think they capitalize on how easily it makes for dynamic body language that traditional anime requires way more work investment to create.
wish i could understand better cuz as usual it's just fragments of "jouzu da ne" and so on blah anyway now i feel like a creepzo puttin the ole headphones one
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
that big bernie rally thing was right close to where my place in NYC is but rip i'm not back yet
Well I guess more like "brother" as in my kin or of same tribe making philadelphia mean "loving your kin" basically
>The name is originally from Greek δΡλΟΞ―Ο (delphΓs), "dolphin",[1] which was related to the Greek δΡλΟΟΟ (delphus), "womb" makes sense so the word brother basically means "womb sharer"
and it isn'teven unique to us humans necks of most mammals are damn exposed I guess a human neck is protected by "height" against most predators we had to contend against but you would think there'd be bit more muscle or something hard there to protect it
>>760064 mm there is an old finnish joke like that "veitsi vilahtaaa, liha leikkaantuu, kurkku katkeaa ja herkullinen voileipΓ€ on valmis" "knife flashes, meat sewers, throat/cucumber is cut and a delicious sandwhich is ready"
this is a genius weapon a longbow, with spearpoints at the end making it possible to turn your bow into a spear when the enemy got close hazuyari samurai were quite clever
coincidentally, I don't get why the longbow is oft so top heavy I think the kyudo? bowsa re bit overdone, but judging from >>760077 the ones used in combat were also quite top heavy
wonder why
I guess the design mae it possible to shoot a heavier bow from horseback atleast
WEll I guess one benefit is to ahve a large powerful bow without having to mind the height of the archer as that is a limiter to the bow's size usually
though longbows in europe and other regions were made from hmm stetchier? whatever different materials than bamboo, so it would have same if not more drawstrenght with a smaller size.
also I just realised how OP some special squads of breath users would be in a war >can go on for way beyond human limits in terms of stamina >can do short burst beyond human limit strenght feats
Kirara ππ€‘
can't wait for ten straight chapters of snake's backstory
>>760105 I bet he conquers the sun by accidental side effect of overcoming the human medicine since it was already based off of pure muzan blood and I think samples from nezuko
since it is quite clear that pure will power manifests the demon powers as each demon has unique tot heir personality powers Similir kinda how the marks appear when you are at maximum stress of will and body
Kirara ππ€‘
i just want tanjirou to live a happy life with all his friends ;_;
I don't think this is a series where the mc dies giu might tho
Kirara ππ€‘
yeah id be surprised if giyuu survived the series
Kirara ππ€‘
although if they beat biwa, i bet muzan will be ready to kill giyuu and tengu will take the blow and die instead. tengu and rengoku's dad are there outside the biwaworld after all
Mouse traps, the basic classic design is quite cruel in away
sure it is designed to basically insta gib the mouse by crushing its skull or spine but that seems to rarely happen and more likelier, with a good hit, but not instant it will result in suffocation, a quick death sure, but not that and the other result is getting snapped at not neck and dying of starvation or internal bleeding
oh and I caught a third mouse yesterday
after supermouse, these thingsh ave just ran into the trap and got caught
though i have gotten better at setting the trap too, so there is taht
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
i like how iOS just assumes i have a car did i say like i meant despise gunnuuunnuu
mits sue bishi casual sunday and dad goes SON LET'S TAKE APART YOUR CAR where do dads get this energy
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>760134 i'd do that w a PC but a car is a whole other level damm
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I could take a car apart as long as there was no obligation to put it back together.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
i couldn't even do that tbh i would clumsily sever my carotid on the tailpipe or crush my layrnx between the child proof sliding minivan door and a retractable coat hanger
>>760137 Would be fun to do this to have a big garage and money to just buy people's old stuff and take them apart and maybe try to put them backtogether
gain some basic mechanical skills by just trial and erroring
also I wonder could say my summer car teach you how to take an engine apart or put it back together
>>760136 tbf it's just the front electronics ssystem just had to remove a Bluetooth thing that was draining currently
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
45 just backed down on the G7 grift s-s-saturday night
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
goddammit this baf / bar is the wrong age group what am i doing here
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
i miss NY
>>760143 too old or too young i'd chill with an older crowd hanging around a bunch of young 20s though sounds miserable
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
older crowd well thete are a few younguns lurking
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
yea it's chill i guess rip
yeah its ok
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>760148 whoa you're alive i thought you got bitten by a COBRA
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
buying cobra venom on eBay as we speak BUY IT NOWWW >>760150 sweattowel.png
This toenail is still not looking very good.A bit of it came loose too which I foolishly ripped off. It doesn't hurt or anything but I think it's time I went to - back to the doctor.
yuck >>760167 like 1-2 months ago I got a significant piece cut out and sealed up before that I had an ingrown tail for maybe a few or so months last night some bit came loose and I tugged away at it