yup if I lived in US, I could get it from the same company that made this fan, but the delivery is 14€ to finland kinda don't want to pay close to 30€ for a new fan, when I can get >>761565 for example this for 5-10€ from ebay
but anyhow the bearing must have failed completely it most likely had been already slightly busted or contaminated by microdust, when I tried to clean it and remove the fan from the engine I broke off 2 blades and that inbalance must have been the final straw over the summer and now the fan just wobbles so much it can't spin properly anymore
Oh well it is 2 /3+ year old fan powering a high end laptop, but still
then again this laptop has a lot of travel mileage so it might have jsut goten bumbed and damaged when in carrying at some point.
I kinda am tempted to peek inside my older shit laptop and see if its fan would fit inside, but... would that really fix anything, since this is a MSI gaming laptop and that is old as fuck acer
guess I'll ask my local nerd brigades before ordering a new one see if anyone knows
I tried ducking and googling it, but... I'd have to know a more precise way of searching to find anything of use. too much information online, so you can't find shit unless you really nail in the keywords
>>761599 HA looks like Today isn't a Good Day to Welcome in the Morning after all.
>>761604 We're only into the first one of the night. Tuesdays are pretty shounen-heavy days this season it looks like, between Ace of Diamond, Clover, and it looks like Nanatsu might be subbed regularly for Tuesday.
It's good though I'm really tuckered out after work today and I don't want to think hard.
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>761605 it's not even morning yet! and i will always be ready to face the day whether i do so with vomit or not i will fight anything that gets in my way
Not yet. We probably would have yesterday but /moe/ got Cloudflare'd for like half an hour so we had one less timeslot than we could have had hah hah. Maybe we'll get to it tomorrow or Thursday.
17.5/20 So it is the lowest possible High Distinction.
But it is still a high Distinction.
oh no why did s2 add power levels
s2 of what?
What, you don't want to see what Meliodas' totally arbitrary POWER LEVELS are.
>>761623 nanatsu no taizai >>761626 it's all so ARBITRARY how are you gonna tell me CAPTAIN is nearly 3x the power level of Lil' Gil but somehow doesn't accidentally bisect him
Because Meliodas has a lot of experience with holding back and oppressing his power levels already so it's nothing new!
Also how is this guy only, what was it, 3.5k? Man swings a cat tail and carves a sizable hill in half fucking power levels, i want fairy king ban back
>>761630 power levels never make sense, unless they are really autismed into place is like explaining magic, unless you go really into warhammer level detail, just better not
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i assume Summit is next idk tho
Magic is easy to explain. The problem isn't the detail it's using the existence of magic to just handwave your problems , and not take into account the impact of there being magic on the world around it.
Like if there's magic that allows for small lights of fire to be easily accessible as useable magic for even common folk, then what does that mean for the candle industry? A pre oil-lamp world, like what you see a lot of fantasy taking place in, would normally use a lot of candles. But if everyone can make controllable light with magic, no one would be buying candles just for light.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
nvm its Chicory time
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
https://m.twitch.tv/vanchipmusic back to celeste for a bit
marsh and whoa play fgo ton and kirara are granbluing iirc
Oh wait this is Matt's friend again, right. Hallo again.
>>761714 I think Kirara rolls for Fate/GO but doesn't really play. Marsh plays it pretty addictively I think. Tony and Kirara both do the raid and guild content for GranBlue but I don't think they guild together.
Blue plays a good bit of Dragalia Lost but I think he's the only one that does.
Most /moe/s don't really play mobage together hah hah. But a lot of us have our own niches we enjoy.
Graaaanblue? I like to read a lot of doujins of that one chick with the horns. well i aint got the money to do multiple of these soulsucking games, rip
also hallo again. i do enjoy poking in here to see what cute images and things yall are getting into even tho i dont play or do most of it. oh how i long to become an anime watching regular >: these games i play addict me so.
...oh yeah. i completely forgot im 6 hours behind yall, jesus rip. i hate that one fact about hawaii. literally everyone i know is passed out by the time my afternoon is over lol
what anime is it? i cant tell from the names cuz im so out of the loop of seasonals. do yall watch seasonal stuff or is it all oer the place?
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
>>761733 We pull from what's seasonally airing, yeah. Four or five episodes Sunday through Thursday nights, so we're usually watching twenty to twenty-five shows a week. It makes it hard some times to list what we're watching, hah hah.
oh wow, i didnt know it was that many. i dont think id be able to keep track of that many stories at once..that sounds super exciting to do though, like i feel like theres probably never a dull moment since theres so much to talk about. whats your favorite one out o f the list right now?
yeah I'm a different anon from tilde that anime is getting a season two, too
Yeah. With any luck we'll see season two by Spring 2020.
>>761768 The amount she's sagging here is ... really distracting from the rest of the illustration.
>>761747 There's some really fun isekai anime this season in Hataage! Kemono Michi, Yuusha Shinchou, and Honzuki no Gekokujou. Oh and Watashi, Nouryoku etc. Isekai can get a bit exhaustitive and uninspired but they're pleasantly fresh and/or fun. Ore wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo is a good high school romance comedy with some particularly hate-ably loveable characters. Beastars is a really unique series but it might turn a lot of people off because it's 3D CGI and all the characters are anthropomorphic animals. Kind of like Disney's Zootopia. Enen no Shouboutai is a continuation from last season but it's a pretty engaging battle shounen by the author of Soul Eater. It's a real blast. And I'm a fan of Boku no Hero Academia so the fact that it's getting its fourth season starting this season is great too.
Giving me this speeding ticket goes against the legislative framework established by the Federal Constitution While s 61 gives the Executive powers to administer the commonwealth government it is understood that they will use these powers in a reasonable and proportional manner.
$290 for 59 in a 50 zone is neither fair nor reasonable.
Therefore, the laws under which I was issued this infringement notice are invalid making the fine unlawful.
Well in this world it's pretty much either that or the goblins
Today in "Weird shit my phone's battery is doing", is that it's not visually indicating that it's detecting the charge cable, but it's evidently receiving charging, since it started at 1% charge and magically increased to 11% in the past few minutes.
this time with ranfom 50-60 old gaffer who like me just missed the train had a random short chat about train schedules, suicide track jumpers, and our various places we had lived in so far
and he ofc offered me a drink and even a beer this time i refused
I do like a good random conversation
it was fun tho first i was "oh god no" since i had seen the chap leave a local bar
made the extra 10 minutes waiting, total 20 for next train a lot faster
>>761846 oh yeah conversations with someone who's inebriated can spiral quick
this hat increases random encounters like 1000% i dread how many i'd have abroads where people are actually sociablr >>761848 had enough of those already
porvaris nalle
what's the button past the aristocrat bear looks kind of like a bunny
>>761850 left to right a pin of hungary's national flower pop cult helsinki pin, i think it was an indie band club bourgeise bear, i got it from a green event by answerung all questions "wrong" 112, finnish 911, a pin of helsinki fire rescue a cross borrowed from army church something i got in my freshman year from theology library, can't rememver what it is o+ my blood type, got from blood donation and supporter pin of pirate party
also the Memory in Pink one hit me so hard in the first page it was this one
the bear is modeled aftrt bjorn "nalle" walrus i think it was, a finnish super rich and a publicly boasting richguy kinda like a local trump, exceot he is actually almost self made man, ofc from a wealthy swedish family originally, but not born millionaire
>Wahlroos also believes that agricultural subsidies should be abolished throughout the world: "It is absurd that Finland is with one hand supporting the Zambian agribusiness and the other the EU common agricultural policy. (...) ...giving to developing countries at the same time ... when the EU is to abolish agricultural subsidies and open tariff barriers on agricultural products." At the same time he receives remarkable agricultural subsidies himself
smart guy and
competent but a
hypocrite barely if at all pays taxes in finland for that matter
the man embodies the image of "rich bättre folk" the rich finnoswede minorities
it's always a certain type that collects mass of wealth
but tjis is indeed the best part >At the same time he receives remarkable agricultural subsidies himself "since i can get thrm why shpuldn't i" ge answered when asked why him, a multimillionaire to billionaire needed subsidies to run his giant farm companies
also i was mistaken he badically got into banking, due to his family holding positions in vanking + ministery of finance so he isn't even self made man, but result of centuries of nepotism
>>761878 I'm pretty sure intellectual property rights don't apply to choreography unless you have millions of dollars to pay your team of lawyers. It's still scummy though
>>761902 Not starring but I do feel like I'm a character with a few lines who interacts with the stars several times throughout the movie. Also I heard back from the Etsy figure guy. Pic in a sc *sec
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>761904 YYeah It was the most clothed female orc barbarian figure I could find that didn't also have a hideous face.
Here's his shop if you're interested. He's a really good painter. https://www.etsy.com/shop/StevenOaksArt?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=743719929
One of the really nice things about the store location I'm working at is we've got this pretty nice grand piano that anyone can come into the store to play on. You'd think that would end up with a lot of amateurs and less practiced people coming in to play it but by and far the only people who stick around are actually pretty damn good at playing.
Bookstores usually have pretty nice store music anyway but the live piano is a real treat.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>761936 That is nice but i can also imagine that going pretty badly
Well over the sixteen or eighteen hours I've spent in store so far (and the other times in the past I've visited the store as a customer) I've never seen it be a problem. The "worst" it's been has been some toddler kid tunelessly banging on the keys. The piano sounds tuned up and clean-sounding too so someone is providing upkeep for it too.
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
for our coffee lovers we feature a Starbucks(R) Cafe off the lobby.
Ah rats the subway's down. If I hadn't dallied half an hour after my shift was over I think I would have caught one of the last trains too. Oh well, c'est la vie.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Subways are always down That's the point They're under the streets
>>761952 i agree the spill spaghetti resonates with me on another level
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
> Burgoo is a spicy stew, similar to Irish or Mulligan stew, often served with cornbread or corn muffins. It is often prepared communally as a social gathering. It is popular as the basis for civic fund-raisers in the American Midwest and South.
Academia is so dumb because people will be like "let's do research on whether a rat can drive a car" and their colleagues don't react like "hey what if we actually did something useful"
Kokoro is really short though. Dunno if you know him He teaches in Japan and is so small he had to buy a women's winter coat.
>>762276 >According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average age-adjusted height for American men 20 years old and up is 69.1 inches (175.4 centimeters). That’s about 5 feet 9 inches tall sure? it keeps getting higher each year
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>762282 i literally spent like a year in a sub group with kokoro lol
>>762284 I don't have very good knowledge of which tanos used to go on /moe/
it was like 4 posters leaving /moe/ and then a couple posting on both
ToN, bad news https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2019/10/24/father-of-lolicon-hideo-azuma-passes-away-at-69/ >debuted in 1969 >died at 69 What an absolute madman
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
i had to do hematology today but i have so much blood that it took about three seconds for all of those pressurized cell bois to zerg rush the tube
I would attach my keychains to my key ring but the coca cola one broke off and im worried my cute anime girls would suffer the same fate
It's just one of those ones that plug into your headphone jack, right? I've thought about getting of those those but A) I don't really have anything I want a charm of , and 2. I do actually use my headphone jack quite often. So having to swap the headphones and the charm in and out seems like a lot of work.
>>762348 and then it gets less funny when people start breaking their charge ports somehow with these oh well the phone manufacturers will be happy and repair shops
>>762342 I've been considering Bluetooth earbuds/headphones in more recent times because cable management on the go is super annoying. My earbud cable always gets caught on something on my bag when I'm sitting down or getting up on the subway. Maybe if I ever invest in some I'll have an inexcusably-free headphone jack.
damn, the fuckin RZA is in this Daybreak netflix show as a narrator it's so good
Kirara 🍄🤡
you know, from wu tang
I actually don't know!
Honestly I barely even know what the Wu-Tang Clan is. They're a group of rap artists, right? Or more hip-hop?
>>762359 No honestly I. Don't. Know. I know the group by name from the occasion they get referenced by people and that dumb shit with Shrekeli but I actually have never looked into them and have probably never listened to any music they've produced.
>>762394 They're really really exaggerating how long it would take a classical computer to take to solve that problem. Although I've been telling people about this for lke a decade now that quantum computers were going to be a big problem
>>762394 yeah makes decrypting a lot faster for them
>quantum supremacy we did it boys, racism is no more
>>762396 It's a speed up from exponential time to polynomial time It's a very very big speed up for factoring semiprimes The actual algorithm used has been around since like 1990 It's called Shor's Algorithm
>>762400 There's still elliptic curve cryptography And a bunch of others People just need to start designing new encryption standards that use them
Big F for RSA Well It's still not dead yet
Also one of them (I think Shamir) Designed not one, but two machines that could break RSA using some sort of bizarre optoelectronic machine That might be an analog computer but I don't recall off the top of my head.
>>762443 this but gochujang containers and unironic
There's a Korean grocer that probably sells gochujang and some other staples of Asian cooking. I should see what I could make some time and try out a dish. Aside from fried rice I don't really have anything from East Asia that I really know how to make.
bibimbap is super easy if you wanna try that otherwise gochujang is really versatile, I throw it in a lot of stews and curries and fried rice and it always works out
There's a buncha Korean food restaurants downtown. I've never really been to any of them except for a grill house once. Might be a good idea to go try out some stuff and see if there's anything that really clicks with me.
>>762437 god I already knew what this was before I opened it don't ever post this shit again
It's just always hard for me to get into a specialty restaurant like that though. If I'm hungry while I'm downtown I'm more likely to just go get a pastry or something snack-y from a corner store. Restaurants are just expensive to eat at. Maybe if I got myself to stop grabbing stuff that's particularly junky I could try a new place out once a week or something maybe.
The thing with good ideas like this though is that it's just hard to remember I want to do them. Like it's fresh in my head now, but mid-week next week when I'm a little peckish and am walking past the dollar store? I doubt I'll remember I had this in mind.
>>762458 We've already got an irresponsible tyrant! You'd have to fight Riki for her seat; absent and irresponsible are too close in identity we only have space for one.
good we need to get rid of it all we got new belgium to sponsor is so we're charging a few bucks for an unlimited cup and the proceeds go to charity we'll have too much beer by the end
I've started to wonder if I could just stay like 20% drunk indefinitely
mm artisan honey
>>762629 first, make an earl grey tea then figure out what kinda mixed drink you like offer edibles regardless of your answer we play smash or splatoon
if i ever start travelling, I should either translate or get translated all the finnish drinking songs I know
>>762632 Naisu. I'd bring gifts of Canadian bud with me but if I got caught at the border it would be my head. ... Even though I'd be bringing it from a legal country to a legal state. How annoying.
>>762640 Can't you read you doofus. It says her name is RUBY.
LOOBY-chan >>762638 I'm sure moving across the border is a different ordeal, but taking some out of CO is pretty easy the TSA seems to have given up on
I've actually broken the legal alcohol importation laws severla times as in smuggles in booze without paying taxes 1kg of raw alcohol gets quickly filled when you go to russia
dropped >>762642 in airports here I can take wax/oil on a plane easily actual bud would probably cause an issue, but vape pods are no problem so far
do you actually know the tax free amounts you can bring alcohol to US?
>>762642 Maybe since your TSA agents live in Colorado too. The agents I'd be interacting with at the airport would probably be a little more hard-ass with me. Hopefully things get less stupdi -stupid in the future.
also amusingly finnish customs law is in conflict with EU free movement of goods, but welp, amusingly THAT is something we refused to budge on, when they complained about it.
>>762652 just have the border states of one nation function on alcohol tourism and voila
>>762651 I dunno I know you can take whatever amount you want once you're in the airport with no tax if you buy from the "duty free" stores, even if it's international, but I've never taken booze through the US border while actually declaring it my roommate and I brought a bunch of Kyoto gin back from japan but we didn't tell customs about it because fuck the police
from EU countries you can bring, i think 1000l of raw alcohol per year as a private person, as long as it is "for your own use" as in you ain't gonna sell it not that I think they keep a tally of it from non-eu countries (not including norway) it is 1kg of raw alcohol and anything beyond that is taxed not that they really pay a lot of attention to it, but some surprise stings happen every now and then most people would fall under "accidental smuggling" anyhow, since I bet most aren't aware of the within EU, without EU difference.
>>762656 Roc and I are kind of focusing more on Mary Joe Anna here so alcohol tourism isn't quite applicable. The problem being that despite it being legal in his State and legal here country-wide, since it's still HARSHLY ILLEGAL at the federal level in America, and I'd be interfacing with the federal level to fly or drive into America, I'd be risking quite a bit to take it over the border.
Oh yeah, amusingly a recent law change made it so, that driving while high on MJ doesn't get you a DUI charge but ofc you will be charged for possession.
this one tree on the yard sure is a showoff during spring it produces so much pollen seeds, that it looks like a blizzard and now it gives a damn good nonstop dance of leaves falling down well it is prolly 60+ yo tree if not older and almost twice the height of this building
>>762669 There's definitely drug dogs trained for cannabis. Nevermind it has a pretty unique smell to it. Unless the carrier has it in a decently-sealed container they might not even need dogs to sniff it out hah hah.
>>762682 dragon dogma has quite good character creator it even has hitler mustache, which made me make my character into super aryan hitler which turned all cutscenes into 100% comedy
>>762712 wonder if it was intentional shot or accidental that looks more like a competitive arrow than a hunting one
>>762714 how do you get silently pounded... that is a huge leap of logic
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
>>762715 the chance of a stray arrow from a competition accidentally striking a falcon are pretty astronomically low
>>762716 he's got a silencer and you know what you right that's dumb
>The meal that miss Lily made was delicious. Regarding just how delicious it was, then if I was to compare it to anything, it would be to with a human whose magical power was of a good quality with a decent amount who I ate whole. What’s more, one who had received the protection of a spirit of earth.
>>762717 it does happen tho but I read the article, and yeah that angle does imply intentional but the arrow definitely isn't a hunting arrow or if it is, it is kinda weird one
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
sure so some teenager sneaks up on a falcon and hits it from underneath
coincidentally during my army days, someone accidentally shot a bird once >>762721 prolly or it was perching near where they were practicing seems quite like a teenager move >look at me bagging this falcon they prolly didn't even know or think it might be an endangered species
Yeah it looks like she is covering her right thigh with her crossed hands but that still doesn't look like it could in anyway from that angle connect tot he knee from that position
>She told me that her name was Chiffon, what a tasty sounding name. But she didn’t seem to have any magical power, so I didn’t feel like eating her… If I don’t stop thinking about eating everyone I meet, it might get risky. What if I were to absentmindedly say what I was thinking.
I can't imagine Uchikoshi writing 999 series now that he's plugged into twitter. >WHO TRAPPED US HERE >Why don't you ask Sigma? >Who's Sigma >I'm si- >SIGMA BALLS
>>762794 He's added in things to Somnium Files that people have told him about on Twitter like the Berenstain/Berenstein Bears stuff. He'd do something like that.
Kirara 🍄🤡
Yeah, absolutely. Uchikoshi is the maddest madman.