What if I solve the murder, but don't tell anyone who dunnit
Also I gotta say I rarely run into stuff that bit iffs me out, but Eyeballs that roll around in thousands and then sink into your flesh and sprout an extra bodypart heads, legs, fingers, organs, whatever and then continue to do that in thousands until lyou become just a giant fleshball
if you solve the mystery and choose to allow the wrong person to be incriminated by not telling anyone then nothing special happens it'd be just like failing to solve the mystery although i guess you could feel good about knowing you did it
Technically most of the investigation could be done with my special abilities hell, if I wanted necro spells I could just do that and talk to the dead but is lame perk and would require ROLLING in combat
Necro wouldn't work and a lot of the information may not be obtainable through your powers
>You can use your Follow the Thread class feature on the remains of a deceased creature or its grave, to receive a short vision of key moments of its life, including the moment of death. You can use your icon relationships to commune with the dead, similar to the necromancer’s Death Priest talent. this would work but meh I considered taking that one originally instead of harl or now calm anticipation, but it is so situational
>>755530 yeah I'm at the trial scene from Episode 5 Battler just got absolutely blown the fuck out by some tape on a few doors and windows and now he and Beato are about to get turned into goats meat
>>755532 Honestly it kind of made me wonder Erika clearly set Natsuhi up as the culprit by framing her. So does that mean it'd be possible for Battler to disprove Beatrices existence in one of the prior games by killing his family himself?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
watching some parts of episode 5 on youtube are what made me want to read the whole thing tbh episode 5 is great
>>755540 There was a small fight that kicked it off, but the rub of it was that he said he wasn't in love with me so he was leaving. Not sure if it was the truth or if it was self-protection.
>>755543 That sucks. How long have you two been together? Are you in love with him?
>>755541 Well, there are plenty of people who could potentially try to get into my apartment or into certain rooms in it without my permission or supervision. I don't think a colleague would do it.
>>755544 If you count the I'm-not-so-sure-about-what-this-is-yet phase, almost 11 months. I think I've got it pretty bad, I was starting to make long term plans.
>>755545 I feel for you. I'm still struggling with Fish a bit. I hope you can work things out with him. The loneliness of being in love with someone you aren't with is really painful.
It's tough, I keep sending pathetic messages and deleting them and I can't really help myself. I'm getting older, I don't really have many more 11 month stints to spare like that. I hope we can fix it, I hope he was just saying all that stuff out of self-protection. I have the bad habit of being clingy though, and that drives people away.
>>755547 Is he someone you might see somewhere in person? Like at work?
I feel that. I'm only 26, but I feel like I'm getting too old to be spending lots of time building relationships. I just want to settle down and start a family.
>>755548 In person, yes. But we don't have any common day to day contact sources like a workplace, so if he wants to never see me again that won't be hard to arrange. At this point all I can do is send sad messages and hope he comes back.
>>755551 I don't understand that, or how people who have affection for each other fight or play power struggle games. That softness is why I'm so bad at relationships, because I don't have the strength to play the games that most men and women play and end up as a clingy doormat.
They're so difficult. I don't understand how the human race is still a thing. It's so hard to find someone you can be with, and then to make another human you have to be useless for 9 months growing the thing. I really don't know how the race is still around. Maybe everything we know is a lie.
>>755557 I think we all just flounder around until something works. Most humans don't seem to have very good relationships. They just get together and have some kids! Maybe that's why the divorce rates are so high these days. I dunno! I don't get along with very many people at the level I want to. It's hard for me to find someone I like enough that I want to spend time with. Dating is really a pain. I've been hoping Fish would just magically pop back into my life, but no cigar.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
do what i do and aggressively dump at the first hint of a yellow flag less time wasted on both sides 🦀
I am not very good at this kind of thing and haven't been for a long time. I don't really like it and I thoroughly don't understand the games that people play.
>>755561 If I were able to leave my humanity behind, I wouldn't have these stupid needs and impulses pushing me around.
Oh that reminds me, he was the person I was showing Kyousougiga to. He liked it. I was also hoping to score some family points by showing him an anime so about family.
>>755562 But I want to get married and have kids! I want to raise a family!
>>755563 You'd probably end up with other impulses, though. Maybe you'd need to eat people. When you think about it like that, needing companionship doesn't seem to bad, right?
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
make yourself the ruler of your impulses arbiter of random neural spikes
>>755567 Growing dependent on another person over the course of many months and then being uncontrollably upset when they leave you is a lot weirder than being hungry.
I think I deleted about 10 pages of sad messages today, most of them right after I posted them. I hope they won't show up in his notifications. I've never been like this, it's definitely weird.
>>755570 oh it sounds like you havent been doing so hot either huh gosh things can be hard sometimes sorry for being all weird lately i should get it together soon
>>755573 I I am more of a mess right now than I have ever been, and this has ruined my work stress/home relief equation too and now it's terribly unbalanced and I'm behind on crap at work. I'm going to have to deal with angry people for the rest of the week this week. I'm really just hoping that I snap and stop caring so I can handle everything while I'm cold inside.
>>755572 I will keep trying because I am biologically compelled to do so, not because I want to.
>>755574 i wanted so badly to have someone to help me with my problems that i was being pushy on you, but i didn't realize you were having these kinds of troubles too i thought you were doing a lot better than me so i was selfishly getting kind of petty im sorry
i hope you can weather this out all right
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm glad you were able to confide all of this with us.
which is why I do things like sending people ten pages of whiny insanity and then delete it all ten minutes later when I decide it's a bad idea and I don't want them to see it
>>755578 >>755579 Well, if you ever want to talk about it, you can email me. You've always been there for me in tough times. I can share some emotional regulation tips and stuff, maybe, if you want.
I think we'll both find people for us at some point. The cards are really in our favor, you know? We're smart, successful people. That goes a long way.
>>755582 Yeah, but there are other smart people in the same boat as you. And they're the ones you wanna get your hands on! Being in the same boat with them is good!
Besides, your high school classmates are probably losers. All of my highschool classmates that had kids at 17-19 are all working dead end jobs and struggling to raise their kids.
>>755554 >I don't have the strength to play the games that most men and women play and end up as a clingy doormat. this is something that really resonates with me. i always end up worse off for the exchange i get hurt a lot and clinginess is a big issue that i dont really know what to do about it
I was so amazed at the speed that happened after high school. I remember one case that really super shocked be shocked me is this one girl that was super athletic and cute and probably smarter than me didn't go to college and was pregnant the summer after we all graduated.
So many girls got married and pregnant so fast after high school, and I went to a super nice preppy school too. Like half the girls in my AP classes just became housewives very quickly after graduating, it blew my mind.
>>755584 Can't give you advice on that one, because I am the ultimate clingy doormat and I'm unable to fight because I don't understand the concept of fighting with people you have affection for. And when fights do happen, I immediately go crawling back trying to fix it because I can't handle being mad at people.
>>755586 since there's affection, i always try to immediately make things better because i dont want anyone to be hurting and there's this thing that people seem to do, where when im conceding for the sake of prosperity, they want to leverage that upper hand and push it as far as possible like they've won something it's so selfish and it's a disgusting dynamic
i dont understand how people can say they love someone and then treat them like absolute shit i think either they're lying, or they're the kind of people who don't treat stuff with respect like a kid who breaks their controllers when they get angry at a game or something, and they just don't have any sense of accountability
>>755588 I don't think we had anyone get high school pregnant. We did have a lot of girls get pregnant somewhat quickly after graduation, though. The number of them that I considered smarter than me that went that route really blew my mind.
Married after high school with no education? Maybe after or during college would be nice.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I had someone middle school pregnant in the same class year as me.
>>755591 I don't really think young people like that have what it takes to be good parents.
I've really wanted kids for a while, though. If Teacup were still alive, I'd have some by now. It's kind of annoying how close I've come twice and it didn't work out. I don't think I could have been happy having kids when I was younger, though.
>>755600 Teacup was sort of bi, she just heavily preferred men. But she had a lot of severe childhood trauma that made her hard to handle, especially since I was so young.
>>755601 I think you can appreciate how cute girls are while still being squarely in the heterosexual category. I think cats are cute as well but don't want to have sex with them.
>>755611 No, I think heterosexual relationships are by far the bset. There's a delicate dance of dominance and submission, influence and manipulation, and need and consideration there that you just can't find anywhere else. It's so hard for men and women to understand each other but when they can it's like nothing else.
>>755613 Yeah, it's been a long time. Things would be so different if she was still her. here
>>755614 Yeah, things would be really different. Things have changed a lot in the last five years. I'd be married with kids! I probably wouldn't be about to get my doctorate, though. Probably not a worthwhile trade.
She was the one that set the tempo between you two, and girls tend to settle down when they get really into a guy. I think once things were stable and she started to feel truly safe should would have lost a lot of her wild side.
Maybe so! She wanted to go kill her godfather and wanted me to help. That was one of her short term goals. But she might have been pregnant when the accident happened so if it hadn't happened, maybe she would have chilled out.
I think everything would be okay. Remember that Teacup and I had similar views on a lot of the big picture stuff. I think we'll have a chance to see her again.
I'm doing my best to be a good person. I started being more responsible to be a better husband for Fish, but that didn't work out, so I became more responsible for no reason. What a waste! It's pretty discouraging!
Nope, I haven't talked to her. She did not reply to my last reply to her a month or two ago, and I didn't press the issue.
I have thought a lot about what I would do in her shoes but I am not sure. She had led a life of comfort due to her wealth, and she's a bit of a daddy's girl. I don't know if I would be able to defy my father regarding romance either, but at the same time he wasn't an idiot like her dad can be. Well at least not in that regard. And if disinheritance is something she's been threatened with...I don't really know if she could handle being poor, or if I'd be able to do it either in her shoes.
>>755630 If she'd communicate with me, I'm sure there would be something that can be done. I think that love can overcome all obstacles. Except for no communication.
Life can be really unfair. I'm going to be a doctor, and I'll be making plenty of money. Within five years, I I'll be making $100-120k a year!
It was hard when Fish got sick in Nigeria and disappeared for months. At least now I'm not worried she's dead. But in a way it's more painful, you know?
Hmm, I get that. I was not contacted for a few weeks earlier in the year in my relationship, and I didn't know what the deal was. I was really worried too, but this time is almost worse because he said he was leaving.
>>755637 Yeah, I feel pretty hopeless, too. But I think your situation sounds more fixable than mine! You should try to stay positive! As long as you're around, there's still a chance you'll see each other.
>>755639 there's a f/go anime? i should probably work on my pretend ass backlog but I'm a huge lazy >>755641 I was only watching KnY and Accelerator because they're the only things Kirara told me about. Speaking of, I guess I need to watch Index III
>>755642 Ah, I forgot all about Fire Fighter Soul Eater I meant to pick it up but then never did. I just need to go look at what's currently airing, I guess.
dont forget the coffee cutie ova(s) those of you who would watch that (meaning definitely not pan)
Kirara 🍄
>>755645 Nanatsu no Taizei S3 should be airing this season, too. If you haven't seen the other seasons, you'd definitely love that. It's a goofy as fuck shonen about a bunch of ridiculously overpowered assholes just fucking around.
>>755659 I bought some Kimetsu stationary, a Tanjirou mug, a Nezuko mug, a Tanirou phone charm, the Tanjirou and Nezuko nendos, and a Tanjirou patterned bag. I also bought some Yuru Camp camping supplies since they sell really high quality stuff that also has cute girls on it.
Yeah, all that demon race stuff is super interesting. All the power levels were getting so high!
It's time for me to go to bed. I have a big day of saving our contracts tomorrow and also sending my dissertation proposal to committee. What a wild life. I need a supporter!
I've got to give a talk tomorrow morning about whether Twitter counts as the
>>755632 there are ways around that if you put a mark like your signature on it
>>755678 Just so you know, if you actually do it and confront someone about them going into your room or whatever they'll call you paranoid.
First day of work owata I'm pretty tired hah hah. The bookstore is a pretty nice place though, especially since everything has its own organized place. I'm good with environments like that. Er, chaotic, organized place. I ate a whole word there.
>>755686 I didn't My sister just got pissed at me and called me paranoid. I just know someone opened my door.
someone probably made out in your room
>>755688 Honestly at that point in time there was probably not enough floor space for someone to walk in there and do that and close the door. It was a huge mess And so *also Of course my current room despite being cleaned up months ago is now super dirty again
I'd say it counts as -a- public sphere, but not really -the- public sphere.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
augment the tape trick with also a bucket of permanent red ink propped up on top of the door
>>755721 in terms of how legislation treats it in US, yes
in terms of how company treats it no
More important than either of those, in terms of how the community that uses and interfaces with it and the other people who use and interface it. Undoubtably.
well it really can't be a public sphere if someone enforces it and I don't mean anything like general "decency" or whatever enforcin that any public sphere would have
you know. i miss being in love but i really enjoy not having anything hanging over my heart its not a particularly wonderful feeling.
Did you ever really stop being in love though.
>>755862 yeah. i did. its more like "damn, it is almost disappointing that I don't feel how I used to." because those were nice feelings.
like all these people I would be panicking to even sit next to. they just send me messages and I hardly even care to respond the same day. i dont really like this change.
Are you sure that's not just depression.
No. I'm not. But both can be true. CF texts would postpone depression al the way into tomorrow. it doesnt work that way anymore
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Is it a bitch move to ask someone out over the phone?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Durr. Obviously I've seen anime I know what to do
I gotta leave a note in the shoe locker
not as much as breaking up
>>755867 >>755868 Anime is a really poor medium to get romantic inspiration from. Just ask them out on a movie or walking date and let things develop organically from that.
>>755871 Regardless of the veracity of that statement, it does not contradict the fact that anime is a really poor medium to get romantic inspiration from.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>755872 Then how come so many anime protagonists end up with a harem of QTs?
Checkmate, Atheists
anime will have you confessing on your deathbed
because their lives are on the line 80% of the time. and they dont ed up with them. they have to choose or lose them all
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>755875 Aw mate You've just got to find better Doujins
doujins arent anime thats wish fulfillment after stories of what you wish anime would do for you not even anime will give you what you want
what's the question? is it a bitch move to ask someone out over the phone? asking out, no, i dont think so at all
it gives someone time and space to process things in their comfort zone, and asking out in person can actually be a little unfair sometimes because a person has to oblige them at least a little bit
ideally i would say asking a person out would/should be done when there's enough comfort between you that asking in person doesn't elicit that unfair, pressured feeling but that's not always feasible either. imo i would like to be in my personal space at the time so if i got giddy or hopeful or wanted some time to ponder, i don't have to stand there giving off body language to the person or having to say "uh i gotta get home can i let you know the answer later?"
>>755889 Yeah, sorry, organically probably wasn't the best word, since a lot of people kind of associate it with a feeling of unintentional or inactive progress. I think if you really want to tell someone you're into them, the phone's good for getting together, and expressing you want to see them because it's them and that's something special. Like not those exact words but a sentiment like that. By "let it develop organically" I Mean more rather than just going "HEY I LIKE YOU", show them you like them and them -and then let them process and reciprocate or dismiss it that way. Or just be honest without overwhelming. A casual line like "I like spending time with you and like to do more of it" is easier for them to step back from if they're not comfortable with you. And it's an easy line I think for a person to say and then not beat themselves up too much over if it doesn't go over well.
I think it's best, if you want to be clear, to make sure what you're saying is comfortable for you to say as much as it's comfortable for them to hear. If you're obviously uncomfortable with what you're saying it'll probably send out bad vibes to the other person too and make them less inclined to approach the question comfortably.
i dont like to overextend personally im not at all shy to tell someone im interested in that, but i usually don't have to because it organizes itself i guess
i probably cut myself off from a lot of potential setups as a result though but yeah "spending time with" seems to be a pretty palatable message "i haven't gotten to spend any time with you lately, let's go do ____" is something i find myself saying without really thinking about it and it's usually pretty clear and digestible i don't really shove that on anyone who wouldn't already be comfortable with that though since we've already built that dynamic, but talking more about intending to spend time with them usually makes the feelings ubiquitous and not at all awkward
i think the awkwardness comes from uncertainty a lot of times if it feels uncertain to me then it's a bit of an indicator that that pattern is gonna persist through the friendship and my incentive to push it further goes down
On my part it's one part being a dumb autist when it comes to my immediate emotional environment and another part being socially anxious about doing just about ANYTHING and it makes it hard for me to take any leaps or piece together that there might be a chance there.
Like a couple months back, when I went to that midnight birthday party for a friend, the friend that was hosting it, she offered to give me a couch to crash on for the night so I wouldn't have to walk home at three in the morning. She'd recently come back from a trip she did where she was part of a sailing boat trip out into the Atlantic for a couple weeks and I'd mentioned how I was really interested in hearing what that was like. There hadn't been a lot of time at the party so I'd only gotten the barest of barebones.
I turned down the offer of a couch crash, of course, because I'm kind of dumb and I do like walking the city late at night, but a week or two later I'd realized she might've been indirectly responding to my interest in hearing about her trip by offering a chance to, well, just talk about it before it was a good time to sleep. And I've kind of been turning that over in my head of me being my usual dumb self occasionally ever since. But hey maybe I was just also reading too much into and it was nothing more than a "Yeah you can sleep here I'm going to bed good night". I'm just no good with these things in the immediate frame of reference.
>>755891 >>755892 Yeah well this is the same person who i agreed to go hiking with this weekend And i think my exact words were something like >i want to do something fun with you
And then she was talking about inviting her girlfriends
So I'm no sure whether or not to say anything more explicit I'm on the fence about it.
And if i do say something,i was thinking about doing it over the phone Mostly for the reasons Moon already said
the hiking is already a thing that's going to happen though right? what's there to say over the phone? it sounds like it's already set up. saying something like "hey let's make this a date" just adds some superficial pressure and nervousness to the situation were you thinking of asking her not to bring her friends along or something?
imo it sounds like a good setup already if she's bringing her friends along you'll get to meet them, and that's an important part of her life probably if you're interested in her i would assume you'd be interested in her life and social life and want to meet her friends too
you're seeing it maybe as interfering with 1-on-1 time but it's pretty good if she wants you to be that involved in her social life
It's only because this was one time, I was trying to assert that we'd be doing something other than just hanging out as friends. We "hang out" all the time.
But you're right. I have no idea what I'd say even if I did call.
Well I'm sure you know all the sweet hiking locs. Just invite her to a new place next time, and maybe that time she'll take you up on the one-on-one.
that kind of pressure is a little intimidating for me i'd feel pretty happy if i found a girl where we'd just be in lax easy-going settings all the time and none of the pressure of intimate 1-on-1 situations that sounds pretty cowardly i guess but ive been through all that enough and it's exhausting
>>755899 I like it too That's why I've let it drag out for so long just playing it Low and Slow See what happens.
And that is ALSO why I'm trying to make sure when/if I do say something I don't fuck that up.
But at the same time I'd also like to make things a little less ambiguous. Just be upfront and put it all out there DECISIVELY.
But I don't know I still haven't decided on a course of action.
I'm a little envious of the people that have a person they can be intimate and one-on-one with. I've never had any luck finding someone I can be like that with and by now I'm just awful at seeking out, talking about, demonstrating, reciprocating, understanding, and probably a buncha other verbs the necessary stuff to build that sort of relationship. Nevermind the constant undercurrents of the fear of failing at it. I just can't get out of my own mind long enough to give it a shot.
Well I don't know if it would work or not. we ARE very different people. Which is also another reason I've let it go until this point. I could probably list out a whole heap of reasons for why it wouldn't be a good fit.
But I don't know. It's like that old cliche about regretting the things you Don't do.
it's a bullshit saying it's incredibly selective
like i dont regret not cumming in the tuna salad there's an awful lot of things we never do that don't end up getting regretted or even thought about
>>755903 Yeah but do you Want to come in the Tuna salad and your doubts and fears are holding you back?
Plus it feels hollow when you're already convinced things are inevitably going to fail. Like sure you might regret the things you Don't Do, but if you're certain doing them is just going to be a failure anyway, that's probably going to be an experience tinged with regret too. So why waste time and do the stuff. Cut out the middleman and just get straight to the regret.
there's a girl ive been lightly pursuing for a while still kind of weighing things out but potentially
not really sure how or when to go for it but im getting some red flags still so we'll see and a lot of yellow flags girls and me are a weird combination but it does happen sometimes
>>755912 logistical efficiency it stays in that state until it just simply becomes more convenient to move in together and cohabitate
that's true, life isn't anime, and all that purity stuff goes out the window relationships are an ugly shitty mess in real life most of life is an ugly shitty mess though relationships just form when it's the preferred mess
anyone eyeballing a relationship with those feelings of purity in mind are gonna get themselves and the other person hurt it's not going to fix your life, and it probably won't really make you particularly
particularly happy* so you should go for what makes you comfortable enough to deal with all the things you're still going to have to deal with anyway
I believe those with the actual albino condition can't handle sunlight well at all. Bell certainly has the pigmentless hair and red eyes of an albino but he seems perfectly capable of walking through broad daylight.
im so excited to play a real jade game how has it been treating you? im not sure if i can do it tonight or not since ive got a headache though i should save it for tomorrow but i already had plans to kill myself so i'll be busy
>>755930 Could be better could be worse It's a higher level of play than gold though. Mistakes that pass in gold get punished People make hands a lot faster It's almost contradictory. You have to push more hands but you also can't afford to not defend
>>755934 fold more =/= fold everytime I had to learn how to push more to adapt to jade, not to push every time In gold I could just go by a rule of always folding if I'm more than iishanten away from tenpai Now the decision takes more thought >hard folding is lazy It's survival.
>>755931 im good at pushing while defending lobster faggot keeps telling me to fold more hands but how will i get better at navigating those difficult terrains if i hard fold every time? you have to tread that edge or else you're wasting resource ive gotten really good at doing that lately
folding is fine but it's lazy whenever there's something you can do there's usually something you can do to learn more, but hard folding is just "ah im too lazy for that" i hard fold whenever ive exhausted other resources and not sooner
>>755931 It's survival whenever it's necessary it's lazy whenever there's still work that can be applied but isn't im not saying i do it every time, but i try to follow that rule and it kinda pisses me off when that guy has always only talked down to me as a player whenever he's really not that great himself people just push the same stale ideas and nobody has any vigor or freshness
oh im going down that path i gotta stop before i get riled up
I mean I don't actuall know who lobster is
yeah ik im just rantin
I made the biggest fucking blunder today I had an open hand in tenpai with a closed triplet of the red dragons as my only yaku and four dora I had a pair of //// I had a tanki wait for five pin, drew six pin, and discarded one of the dragons, putting it into a yakuless hand It was like I was half asleep and forgot the rules for a second
sometimes i go yakuless and just stalk out a chankan ive had it pay off with rinshan but not chankan yet
oh and hai tei ive definitely had yakuless hands hit haitei yaku
Hell wait yakuless waiting on chankan is the gigabrain play Who would ever suspect that wait
nobody that's why i try for it just sheer intimidation factor if i ever get it
Dealing into something like that really is hell Like chiitoitsu hell wind wait To overturn all their ideas of safety, to put them into a position where making the "right decision" leads them to destruction It's got a big tilt factor
>>755944 I can't believe they bothered to record an OP for a one time OVA
oof i had a sturdy 2nd place until the guy in DEAD LAST hits a baiman on my dealer round tsumo
at that point i had to fight over 3rd place with a saint 1 and then the slow 4th place whittle down where i have to shoot for haneman chiitoi every round
there were two saints in it, one saint 2 they didn't feel as immortal as i'd expect that dirty baiman uradora bomb that cost me 8k as the dealer just put me in an uphill battle that was my south dealer round and it was out of my hands
i dealt in twice, all after i was already in 4th anyway and both times while in riichi so i had the recovery haneman chiitoi in tenpai so i decided to riichi battle the dealer because why not but 10 turns with my last draw i dealt in
shit happens Saints are only human. They're only saints because of long term performance. We can still kill them I'd rather not automatically see when someone is a saint at the start of the game If I see a saint it messes with my decision making Like they're untouchable or something
hmm all my decision making is based on what i feel from them in the game i mean obviously there's a difference if it's expert 1 600/1200 who is not even used to gold strats but other than that nah
>long term performance it bothers me a little bit how that's almost a justification for the statistics players instead of trying to push into avenues where they can make something happen, just stick with what'll pay off 60% of the time and it'll get reflected in their long-term margins it doesn't indicate that they've looked deeply into any given match to make hard decisions bunch of fake akagi mfers
it took me all this time to realize in the anime when the yakuza boss says of fake akagi "he's a new kind of rep player" i always thought he was saying that it was novel and that he was setting a new standard but he just was referring to what's called "new style" in mahjong which i didnt know about then
it reminds me of the outsourced call centers with non-english speakers where they can just follow a flow chart to get the customer "assisted" to protocol standards sufficiently no real concern on whether the customer got the help they needed, just that the flow chart was followed if it didn't help the customer, then have someone improve the flow chart instead of ever dealing with things on a case-by-case basis
I unfortunately don't usually have a lap when I use my laptop. I put my laptop on my couch and sit seiza on a cushion when I work. Since I don't have a low table.
>>755974 it is a low table, you'd never need to heat it up tho but if you ever move north then you'd already have it
Kirara 🍄🤡
I could just get a low table. Although my couch works well. It's the perfect height, honestly. For working.
Kirara 🍄🤡
When I move next Summer, I'll probably get a low table for my new place. It's easier to introduce new furniture to a new place since you're already moving stuff in anyway.
one thing I know I will get for my next place is a similiar set up like this a se t of extra curtains to dim the bed corner and a mezzazzoni whatever this "near to roof bed with all the space below it free" set up is we just call it balcony bed
This is my first apartment, so I made some decisions that turned out to be pretty extra. I have way more space than I need. Even when Fish was here, I did. I'm sort of looking forward to a new place that I can put together knowing more accurately what my needs are. Something nice and cozy. Maybe a studio apartment.
>>755980 I love my current appartment it all being one large room is such a good set up there is so much space when they don¨t try to wall of anything not to mention how the space below my bed is just an extra storage space for me
30 m2s be really all that I need
Kirara 🍄🤡
Mine is like 90m2 It's really excessive. I mean, I have an office but I don't need it. I could fit everything I have in less space.
I also do not need much space. We have a middle roomm that's basically just 50% junk storage
Isn't your room -also- junk storage?
Kirara 🍄🤡
I don't have many things. I just need one or two storage furnitures, a desk, and maybe two bookshelves and that would cover my belongings other than clothes and stuff.
>>755983 I could prolly squeeze into a cleverly designed 20 something, but that would leave with most of my books in boxes in stead of shelves and I'd dislike it also little floor space to walk around
I like to walk around my appartment when thinking
if I ever get rich and buy a big house, I will have a room made for just walking in circles
uBut I am really turning year by year more into a rural mindset living ofc that would require a car in the end and put you quite far away from friends and quick access to services but at the same time "peace"
Do you guys have any like heirloom furniture? I have a really nice dresser that my dad handed down to me from his dad, who I think got it from his dad. his >>755993 I also have an antique decorative chair! But now it's covered in clothes and stuff because I dont want Lazarus to destroy it.
I have a box, well a chest, I guess and technically all of my lundia shelves are passed down from my relatives to me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Absolutely there is a fucking chair that my mom doesn't want people to sit on and it's dumb because it's a fucking chair that's what it is use for.
>>755991 Not really, no. My parents aren't the kind of people to buy furniture because it's heirloom-y, and as younger children in both their families, stuff getting passdd down to them was probably unlikely.
The closest thing I've got would probably be the two-litre Brown Betty teapot my aunt passed off to us when she had to move out of her house. You can't seem to get teapots like that in North America, they're always smaller in volume.
if we don't count my bed and dining table everything I have is a hand me down actually people really tend to have lot of furniture they want to get replaced or even housing appliances, like my laundry machine, that they want to replace for a newer one or just get rid off if you ask around and can arrange the logistics.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
coincidentally this old chair is ALSO covered in clothes
What about jewelry and stuff? I have my grandpa's expensive ass watch. I don't really wear it, though. It doesn't suit me very well. I might wear it to internship interviews, though.
>>755994 Wow, two liter. Yeah, that's unusual here.
the fuck is wrong with my current mailman he can't fit anything through my mail slot I have come home finding letters poking out so that any passerby could yonk them not that it would do anything really, but still... it isn¨¨t that hard to squeeze a letter into a mail slot like this I know I have done it myself
I have some plates and stuff that could be considered "heirlooms" since they are from dead relatives, but welp
some of them I am annoyed that have gotten broken, since they were from soviet russia or DDR I like collecting communist era dishes
for some reason they were quite good at making ceramic plates
Kirara 🍄🤡
my grandparents collected Shelly china all these fancy cups and dishes with all the bitish royalty on them
Argh I have to go to synagogue. Unfortunately I didn't get a shift opening the door for people coming in from the parking lot. I usually do that so I can just sit and read instead of going into services.
But I don't still "collect" things aside maybe books a little, that I don't use even some decorative stuff like souveniers serve wel a decorative purpose no plate I have is just there to gather dust, but to be used at some point. Hopefully I will never changet his mindset
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>756002 Did you see there was a shooting in Germany? At a synagogue.
I'm pretty sure he killed the people by the kebab shop.
According to my dad the security this year is really inept. I think we have members with tactical training (former IDF) who are now allowed to carry on high holidays now.
Kirara 🍄🤡
god puts your name down like "dies in about 1 hour" diiick
But issue with this Halle shooting is, that it was in germany hard to get anything that doesn't go through official filters and you'd need to know the german backsites and also know german to access good information
welp found some vids and pics of the shooter, non graphic
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
a word to the wise about you're waifu
do what you need to with her, then broom her fast!
Back from services. There was a really funny story about David Ben Gurion in tge service. *the
A family friend of the rabbi traveled from NYC to Israel to give him some sort of intelligence report. And she went to his house. And when she knocked on the door Ben Gurion's wife answered. And when she walked in she could see into the bathroom and Ben Gurion's socks were hanging over the shower curtain drying.
For context, this story would be the Israeli equivalent of traveling from France to Philadelphia in the revolutionary war to give George Washington an intelligence report and seeing his socks drying. Err, wherever his house was, mmight not have been Philly.
weird question but can you guys help me identify this song https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/305806902145581087/631570512618979358/Untitled_Broadcast.ogg it's driving me insane I know it's something really popular but i'm so bad at this I think it's either vocaloid or 2hu
what are you murdering there
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
it's from a shooter video that happened today in germany, just another pathetic incel with a home made gun that goes around dry firing at people while they cower in fear while he reloads repeatedly trying to find a bulle tthat works any of the people that casually walked away from him lived so only 2 people died
oh fuck i didnt even think of monogatari no wonder I didnt figure it out they have really great music but im not a fan of the series yeah but i couldnt tell that it was saying 'zenbu' i thought it was senpa it was killing me thanks man
"zenbu zenbu zenbu" part should have been a quite dead give away and if not you could have just used that to youtube search it
I didn't remember the name I just heard the zenbu part and was "oh this is this song they played a lot on r/a/dio back in the day and then searched zenbu
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
yeah thats why it was killing me I was like motherfucking r/a/dio
also that was a fucking inept shooter, tho well two people did die which is sad
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
oh you saw the video? yeah, the guy in the kabab shop didn't make much sense to me, he dry fired like 30 times and reloaded over and over until he had one that would cycle he could have just punched him it's really just a lot more sad about that random fat lady in the street apparently she said something like "geeze do you have to do this while im walking through here" so he just sprayed her with his only good mag
yeah I browse one german site so I just popped there, found the right tag and went ahead and saw what I could find about it
>>756051 Imagine if he had built one of SlingShot Channel's weapons instead would have worked a lot better
oh yeah jeorg's shit is real instead he made one of the more famous hand made pieces of crap that is literally darkweb babby tier instructionals right up there with anarchist cookbook molotovs
yeah i mean his first mag worked great the rest not so much its also amusing to me that the corpse of the fat lady did more to stop him than the cops did in that 35 minute clip she repeatedly denied him entry to his car so he kept circling around it trying to figure out how to get inside
also I think the woman didn't realise he had a real gun
come to think of it, it is surprisingly easy to make a gun, but ofc does it work or hit anything is another thing
I think my favourite is one russian "shepherd" gun for scaring off wolves and bear it is basically just a pipe, with a handle and then a hole which you hit with a sharp hammr like tool which then hits the bullet or prepared shot for a loud bang
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
yeah he had a crappy slamfire too like it's not hard to make these hes just really terrible yeah ofc the exact gun he copied was known for being crap >>>/watch?v=sIhGCRIQnCA this is the exact same one you can get pdf's of these on the darkweb as if its a big secret you can also just go to your local library and get it off the shelf :V
but does kinda prove that gun control doesn't stop shootings, since germany has like maximum gun control laws
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
given that he has a nice car though he clearly had enough money to drive to another close country and buy a real gun honestly though his whole episode of autistic murdering could have been way more effective if he just ignored his shitty guns and used the bombs just lighting them and driving around tossing them out his window
yeah I suppose thats true, most of them grew up eating sand for some reason or another haha I didnt really think about the racial implications before writing that oh well
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
I didnt really want to bring up the shooting on /moe/ though just that song is such an ear-worm
no a part of it is an earworm
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
>>756060 i think it demonstrates that if you don't sell AR15s at every corner store then idiots can't pull off a mass murder so easily
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
>>756066 it also demonstrates that if that old man in the van had a gun this would have ended at 1 victim
>>756066 true too I doubt anyhow that this gets drummed that much in the media
>Japanese idol Ena Matsuoka was attacked outside her home last month after a fan figured out her address from selfies she posted on social media — just by zooming in on the reflection on her pupils, according to media reports.
>The fan, Hibiki Sato, 26, managed to identify a bus stop and the surrounding scenery from the reflection on Matsuoka's eyes and matched them to a street using Google Maps.
but bluth definitely has a unique style all of his movies are very different from each other and his animation always has that unique style to it
>>756080 creepy wonder why he attacked her, was it just assault or sexual too?
for rapey reasons I'd assume from the picture of the guy
kinda makes me wonder why this hasnt happened to bella delphine yet
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
why? who knows just standard incel BS i bet >She had just reached her door when Sato approached her from behind, covering her mouth with a piece of cloth. >He dragged her to a dark corner and molested her, injuring her face in the struggle.
>girl is worried about failing compsci exam, has study behavior issues >"is there a study guide? go print it out tomorrow and we'll work through it together" >awesome!! thank you so much >oh there's an after-class study with the TA i'll just go to that instead so i dont waste your time fffff
>>756129 It seems like a pretty steep learning curve though Not something you could casually pick up on a whim
No it's most certainly something you can pick up on a whim. I don't like the analogy of it towards Poker, but in fairness the simplest of hands in Mahjong are pretty much as easy as making hands in Poker. You want to make sets of three that are either three of a kind, or three in a row, and then just have two matching tiles. The steepness of the learning curve comes later, the initial learning process is pretty accessible. And MahjongSoul has quite the clear and informative introduction that will tell you every thing you need to know to start winning games in the starter skill bracket.
>>756127 wow lucky i like her. her and sara and kaavi are the only ones i'd particularly want >>756131 me and blue used to pick people up on a whim for matches back in the day a short infographic can get people started and able to play pretty easily, but there's a learning curve before they really start figuring out the strategy and enjoying it probably
and the skill ceiling is huuuuuge so if you like stuff that you can play for years and years and still barely scratch the surface, like go or shogi, it's comparable in that regard obviously though, go and shogi are static games and mahjong has tiles being dealt so it's more about adaptability in whatever situations you're given and making good decisions
I guess if you were playing physically instead of online the learning curve would be steeper since you need to learn the peculiars of Han and Yaku since they're used to calculate how many points your hand will win you. But digitally those calculations are done on the side of the game app and you just need to ... kind of be aware of what will net you better points than other choices.
there is a point where you'll need to know the value so you can plan, like when it's the last round and knowing exactly how many fu/han you need to move up in placement but that's not something that really happens until you're more minmaxed
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Easy to learn,difficult to master, eh
It's a corny phrase but not inaccurate for a lot of things.
>>756135 And even at that point you can probably get away in -most- situations just having a general sense of what your hand's worth will be. Like it's rare I'll probably need to know the count difference between a 7700 point hand and a 8000 point hand; being able to build towards either would likely put me in the same placement if I win the hand. But I'll of course probably want to not just go for a quick and easy 3000 -3900 point hand if my point difference is looking that bad.
did you collect your party horn that thing can crash people it's ridiculous
>>756139 Yeah I picked it up. Probably'll forget to use it. I've seen other players using it in the past though and it hasn't crashed me yet at least. Unless it's specific to this most recent gifting.
when it first came out it was a problem it might be fixed now though i think it has to do with overlapping the animation or something like chaining two uses back to back causes it to start again before the animation is finished, and that might have been fixed by adding a little more cooldown to emotes that's just my theory though
>At Paste, Allison Keene said "I have watched some truly, truly bad series in my day, but few that went off the rails this hard this fast. But man, what a ride. Cannibals, climate change, rogue simulations, for-profit prisons, a game with no rules and no logic … what an embarrassment of riches. Or just an embarrassment. We’ll go with that last one."[16] >Writing for The Hollywood Reporter, Daniel Fienberg compared the miniseries to the series Lost "only with a fundamental misunderstanding of how Lost handled character development, mythology, flashback structure, theme and ensemble-building." He also wrote that "no aspect of The I-Land works, and every bad aspect builds on the bad aspects before in a way that makes it pretty clear that nobody involved could have been under any misapprehensions about the quality of the endeavor."[15]
>Writing for RogerEbert.com, Brian Tallerico summarized that "The ‘I’ stands for Idiotic. If you put a group of teenagers in a room and showed them a few episodes of LOST and Westworld before asking them to write their own program, they might come up with The I-Land," and that "It is a bafflingly horrible sci-fi show, the kind of project that leaves your jaw on the floor, not unlike the first time you saw Tommy Wiseau’s The Room."[19] damn
>>756147 > But man, what a ride. Cannibals, climate change, rogue simulations, for-profit prisons, a game with no rules and no logic sounds great Reviewer probably just wasn't on the same mental level
>>756151 there's a kratom sale tonight on legit kratom would you be able to order for me? or do you need to go to bed
I'm kind of flip flappy on roe. Sometimes I'm into it, other times I'm a bit put off by it. It's probably not something I'd order if there were alternatives available though.
>>756179 Feels a bit heavy on the gaijin focus, hah hah There's a lot of really good cuisine in Japan, and broader selections of sushi than those ones that come from foreign cultures.
>>756181 Yeah Japan is great for getting bang for your buck when it comes to sushi A lot of sort of standard, simple consumer fare, really. You can eat quite a bit on a simple budget in Japan.
since im in okinawa a lot o it is aAmerican focused cuz militarymoney
me and davey went to a local place here it wasn't a japanese place but they have really amazing food we got these like lemon fries and bulgogi beef breakfast grits
they got alot of anime vending machines i hate anime.....
i am always in great need of lemon
wow that's a lot
Yeah those gatchapon machines always seem to come in these huge clusters. Akiba is totally rife with them. Pretty much any side street will have a set leaning up against a building.
who needs a liver without one you can live er bit longer
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
She's a NSW muai thai champion But she's also still a grill
How hard do you go in sparring
Treat her like any other person you'd spar with on that skill level.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I did and she got the shits.
From you hitting her?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Yeah. I decided to fight her just like i would a bloke And she's like >you don't have to go so hard
So i eased back At least i thought i eased way back But i think she felt even that was hard Because she got pissed of an started going at me full blast
I kinda question having a man and a woman spar in the first place
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Usually it's fine because it's just a chance to practice speed and technique. I spar against women all the time. I just thought maybe this one should be handled differently since she was an actual fighter.
And you know what On a technical level She was way better. Could run fuckin circles around me. But even so I would have had at least 25kg on her, so it hardly mattered. I guess that's why they neeed weight divisions in the first place.
Sparring's a controlled environment where participants are kind of implicitly agreeing to practice on each other. If there's a genetic advantage one participant has over the other, that's pretty irrelevant because the point isn't to be superior to the other.
>>756418 This is most likely true outside of actual harems, as in the sultanate things I don't think multiple women would tolerate each other for a long time
mika is the worst, he should have died this is a pan psa bed time pce
It rained for the first time in weeks yesterday. It was great! We're having a really really bad drought. It's the rainy season and it's almost over, but we've gotten half the rain we usually get. If it continues on like this, there will be a lot of fires this winter.
I wonder if we will have another period of "No sun for months" this year to it was so weird feeling back in what 2014 or something when there was 8 hours (highest amount) of sunlight between november and january and taking from october, it was 28 hours 28 hours for 4 months of sun
>>756479 those could be straight cuts depending on the shape of the cheese
e.g. it could be a cylinder of cheese and you do a straight cut around in a spiral or it could be a mobius strip and you cut straight along the surface
i dont think that counts as straight on the cylinder
Oh yeah this actually happened some random norska raiders stole his crown so Settra rallies his armies marches north destroys ALL CHAOS ARMIES and the Chaos Gods themselves go "holy shit this is bad" but all he does is take his crown beat anyone else in his way and sail back home >>756507 it is egypt but with magic and skeletons
Kirara 🍄🤡
nehekhara? is that like secuhara?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
i was reading nekopara once
btw I have a lich priest of death magic needing a name
>>756518 He has been doing that since the crisis began well using the refugees to leverage EU but that is a good card he can use >either I let another few millions your way >or you let me claim lebensraum where to place them and also kill the kurds
But honestly speaking any kurdish nation is a risk to turkey, since they have a large kurdish minority and hold "kurdish lands" not to mention if kurds are allowed a nation of their own, all the other tribes will go "wait this is allowed, the borders aren't ordered by Turks, Brits and French?"
Kirara 🍄🤡
What a world.
let’s destroy it
Kirara 🍄🤡
We're already destroying it! Just a few more years of this before it finally starts to collapse.
sweaty, still having neck pain tired and vague levels of horny
what i really hate about this kimetsu dub is that the voice actors are clearly skilled and able to sound like real people but the voices dont match the characters at all usually the VAs are just horrible at sounding real
>>756537 Then blame bad voice direction Might be one of the reasons why western voice acting usually is just meh unless it is video games
Kirara 🍄🤡
Part of the reason is that when Funimation got big and started doing dubs, they hired mostly people who had failed at getting into Broadway musicals and shit. Theater kids, not actors. They were low cost and the shows still made profit so everyone else followed suit. When games are dubbed in-house, the dubs are usually good because the sound directors are keeping the spirit of the characters and are invested in the game. Localization teams that are outsourced usually suck, they have bad actors too It's a shamr
NOW I CAN CAST SOME MAGIC why the fuck did they even have magic in the base game, when your mana pool is 30 and most spells cost 10-20 you can do like 3 spells and that is it at most 4
winds of magic style casting would be fun in a dnd/rpg game
do you got that one image of the touhou eating a corndog marisa i think? thanks in advance shes making a face and the corndogs half eaten her face is like <.<
>>756561 Poor little cat. Gets to the top of its door and realizes only then the predicament of balancing that high up on a thin surface.
>tfw you get the special fight music and you weren't expecting a special fight at all
What's something to eat that's salty, optionally a bit savoury, but light/not too calorie intensive I'm craving salts but I'm coming up short on ideas. Also something I could get from a shop or not in need a -of cooking myself.
Hm, dried meat like a jerky would be kind of nice, yeah. Too bad it's kind of stupid-expensive 'round here. Guess it's worth seeing if there's any on sale.
god damnitif i had bought milk and butter i could have made salt sticks today
>>756572 same aside this one brand that sells tgem 2€ a bag