if everyone loves an underdog story why do we all continue to live like animals in the street while the rich and powerful lord
Kirara π
lord over us
So I was looking at my keyboard, basically the arrow keys and thinking "why is there a spot where the paint has rubbed away" Overtime just basic human grease would ofc corrode the paint making it easy to just accidentally scrup it away, but eeh and then I chose to ignorei t and kept reading whatever IW as reading and placed my hand on around the arrow keys, each finger resting on one of the bare spots.
nah my laptop is just a hunk of dying junk i got a work laptop because this wouldn't do anything for me for work anymore you know how it is buy a laptop in 2017, it's dead by 2020 thanks acer
wow just 2 years? I have a laptop from 2011 still running just fine
Kirara ππ€‘
i might try to reformat this completely and see if that helps it can't do shit anymore over the past month it has slowly started to die i might have to replace the hdd idk i haven't had time to work on it
fine as in "plays latest video codecs, can run firefox and youtube" but ofc for anything else it is practically worthless
it prolly is the HDD if you do, I'd just recommend some decent SDD and if you need more storage space, get an additional external HDD
>>754564 using an external is too limiting for me when it comes to this I cant just close my laptop and walk away if there's an external because my cat will break the external
what is "british bacon" and why is it separately marketed as such
Some regions call types of food by names of other countries, even if that named country doesn't necessarily embrace that style of food. Like America calls what's basically thick cuts of ham "Canadian Bacon" despite the fact that any Canadian would take one look at it and go "That's not ham you sorry fucks". From the looks of it though British bacon seems to just be thick cuts of pork belly rather than smaller, longer strips. Those thick cuts can be really tasty if you cover them in peameal and then fry in a skillet. Make for a good simple sandwich.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peameal_bacon Looks like it's only peameal in name these days and instead they use cornmeal. Meal in this case is kind of exchangeable with flour, I guess, though it's probably a little more coarse than the flour normally used in baking.
I made such a good impression on this big wig psychologist that she offered to write me a letter of recommendation for internships. And her daughter, a former APA president, gave me some internship tips. Wow!
haa I was sure it would have been some job you end up keeping for a decade or three
btw here is a rather fun web novel I discovered https://kurokurori.wordpress.com/2019/05/03/genocide-online-playtime-diary-of-an-evil-young-girl-a-k-a-rena/ socio/psychopath girl goes full genocide mode in a VR mmorpg
im really only going because I dont want to watch kids like i seriously wuld have stayed home with my aching muscles that have carried too much stuff. but my home is aplayground that I cant have fun in because everyone wants to play what Im playing.
>>754613 its okay. getting clothing was the point. the only pokemon stuff i got was that ad the mimikyu. but most of yesterday was just sirts and stuff. shirts i wanted a hoodie but no one had nice ones. and the jackets were lame too.
I have a Koi shirt now. I'm great.
You're a degenerate WEEB.
okay not a Koi shirt but a koi shirt. the Koi shirt doesnt come in for a while from Pixiv BOOTH
>tomb kings can make weapons that can cast banish ... is this supposed to be balanced?
fyi banish is an aoe spell of pure bullshit tier of dmg only ment for top tier super hero casters usually and you can potentionally arm EVERY character with it
skavens are adorable wicked ratmen that speak funny settra the imperishable is "what if alexander the great lived for 200 years and was a pharaoh" and Nagash was some later priest king of the not-egypt of warhammer world, who invented necromancy
his final act in life was killing and then ressing the entire not-egypt empire into skellingtons however he got assassinated just after doing that so they never got under anyone's control leaving Settra the most badass of badasses to just take it from there
Nagash later became basically god of death, but settra still slapped the shit out of him, only sparing him because he felt the gods of chaos had insulted him by ressurrecting him (again) so he jumped into hell to teach them to never think they could rule over Settra the Unrulable
also the tomb kings are damn amusing, cause instead of just being your necromancer undead stuff (that is the vampire counts), they are mostly still fully sentient undead beings depending on how well their bodies were perserved on death
But that clip illustrates the problem of spooking people outside of spook attractions people actually do pick the "fight" between fight and flight outside of movies.
Some people, not all.
I need a name for a tomb prince
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hail prince denny
hee too gets a chariot
First of his name.
Kirara ππ€‘
haha finally finished goose game the ending was 10/10
Most people I see talking about it seem to manage to get through the main content in a few hours of play. Though the postgame challenge content seems to squeeze a bit of extra juice out of the game.
Kirara ππ€‘
yeah some additions to the to do list you can do them while doing main game but they are ??? until you do them or until you beat the game i got like 6 of them during main game
oh yeah forgot to add, nagash also created vampires
I got a bit mixed up on the times of my starting stuff for work this week. Thought I had to be at orientation today for 16:30, about an hour from now, but it's instead at 19:30. If I'd had that straight I could have gone for a bit of a mid-morning/early-afternoon nap. Too late for that now though RIP.
Kirara ππ€‘
Well, that's much better than being late, at least.
>>754656 He just got this egyptian queen to drink a potion, who died and was reborn as vampire also each generation of vampire becoems dumber and more bestial
Also one vampire clan actually got into electoral power in the local Holy Roman Empire and have a legitimate claim to the throne
and another became a gang of vampire pirates roaming the coasts of not-brazil
sk but the k is a c
Don't the orcs in warhammer have the ability to alter reality just by their belief, too? Warhammer lore is hella weird
TES gets wilder though, I think
not so much as in wh40k, cause greenskins in warhammer number just in hundred of ks to millions, compared to billions to trillions to quadrillions as in wh40k >>754662 haha... one time the orcs started nearly destroying the Imperium with mass Death Starts and black hole shooting weapons
>>754663 TES cheats when it comes to how fucking nuts the lore can get by conveniently having a lore reason for not needing to be internally consistent, so there's some real fucky stuff like a guy both succeeding and not succeeding, canonically, in becoming the moon Both happened
I mean, there's a lot that's borrowed from stuff like pantheist philosophy, if nothing else Like, it's just canon that pantheism is true in TES But also all the interpretations of the gods are also equally true >>754671 Not much I was a bit fucky earlier today but now I'm good
I can't even remember the last time I took a photo for any reason other than like, immediately showing it to someone online >>754676 Oh I tried that goose game, but I got bored like Immediately
Kirara ππ€‘
at the philly art museum i took a selfie with every single crucified Jesus painting and statue i got some good pics with rook and sam too
>hob goblin leader sees my army of skellingtons approaching his settlement >FULL SAIL AWAY BRAVELY >as he sails away from the settlement that was hilarious
Damn, I missed by a lot That's a lot for it not being, you know, A LOT
Kirara ππ€‘
yeah people love that dude
Kirara ππ€‘
ive got some good pics of jan from our camping trip too those are fun to look at
how many of them are him dying of dehydration?
Kirara ππ€‘
none i was too busy saving his life i was gnna take a picture of him after i dumped the gallon of wwater on him but i had moved so quickly to rescue him that my phone and camera were sstill in the car
we were talking about the menu outside in that diner and that nosey couple started bothering us i said 3000 calories was too many for breakfast and that lady rudely interrupted "who cares about calories!!" and then they started giving us shit for not wearing football jerseys
Depends on the size of the pizza, hah hah. A pizza about 30cm in diametre, without too much in the way of extravagant toppings, is probably around 1400-1600 kCal. A cup/250mLs of fruit juice, providing it's more or less just the natural juice, is probably around 150kCal.
Kirara ππ€‘
it depends on the pizza how it was prepared, the size, what's on it, ingredient quality, etc
>>754706 Ah, yeah, then 3K for breakfast seems a bit much
But 2K seems kinda little for recommended daily intake A full day is long if you're like, employed and stuff too
Well it's kind of assumed you're a normal functioning adult. If you're working a particularly physical job then you can probably safely consume above that limit. But if you're an average active adult, it's a safe estimate.
Kirara ππ€‘
It depends a lot on your own needs. Body builders for example take in 10k a day or more
Also while it's important to at least get the basic level of Caloric consumption you need for the day, it's more important that the food you eat is nuitritionally solid. That'll have a far larger impact on your overall body health than if you're starving or stuffing yourself.
Really I'm probably like Way above that level of caloric intake
Mostly cause I recently discovered the ease of snacking by just buying these big boxes of big chunks of rock candy It's like JUST sugar The pack says it's got 400kcal per 100g I dunno how much of it I've eaten though, but it's so good
Some people can eat more than 3k and not gain any weight it is just how genetics work while others can eat the bare minimum amount and move a lot and still struggle to lose weight
also unlike what people asy alcohol is surprisingly low on calories for example beer being like what 50kcal per 100ml
but it is the AMOUNT and also do you ever drink without snacking also
sk but the k is a c
it's the beer that gets you
sk but the k is a c
oh hell no, i'm not a PEASANT
sk but the k is a c
you gotta at least have peanuts
I'd count calories and stuff if I really cared much, but at the same time I'm pretty sure I'd just quit smoking instead if I had that sort of self discipline
but basically it is the "eat the 2000 kcals and then also have 4 beers and you are suddenly at 2500
>>754715 And also the fact that beer is liquid carbs, which don't really burn efficiently.
Kirara ππ€‘
important to note that many serious alcoholics lose weight because they cannot eat anything but mild to moderate ones gain weight because of the extra calories
sk but the k is a c
>>754721 sou? I guess it's different when it's constant or whatever, but whenever I drink I'm usually more hungry than normal
Kirara ππ€‘
>>754722 consistent problem drinking reduces your ability to digest food which typically results in not eating
tomb king archers are kinda funny since they are skeletons their aim is shit but because all arrows shot by them have the blessing of their god/des? Asp, the arrows will always find their mark
Kirara ππ€‘
i will fulfill my duty I won't let anyone here die
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the way he say sthat makes me think that everyone is gonna die
Grimgor fucking Ironhide this guy can kill 10 heroes, 20 armies alone and then more
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but can he learn to love
welp won it with all of my archers intact i consider it a victory and all of my heroes alive who grimgor nearly butchered on his OWN while being surrounded by my army and being shot at by all of my archers >>754742 He loves what he does which is killing
before a silly reboot of warhammerh istory grimgor ironhide took the local ironhide kicked him in the crotch and then headbutted him to death his bare face vs his helmet of ultimate doom >>754745 Not for Grimgor Ironhide
isn't the whatever material the paint is made out of or whatever some ultra rare and expensive
just thinking about spraying it... spray painting afterall does have a quite large miss/waste rate.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>754781 they'd be cool for about two seconds until any dust at all fell on them and ruined the effect
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>754783 j think the material is carbon nanotubes in a specific formation so yeah very expensive to prosuce until someone figures out a mass production method
im banned from 4chan for no raisins i just wanted to post about cooking
i'm really confused as to why my ip would be flagged as a proxy suddenly I was posting yesterday just fine fucking phone posters probably get just about everything rangebanned
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
That took forever to upload. what kind of shithouse internet are you using
>>754928 >making sure i dont get the wrong idea that seems too intentional and just part of your perspective she probably wants to have more people along for general comfort
eg if im asked to do something with someone, id rather there be more people there so there's less onus on me to keep activities lively and enjoyable that social burden is especially daunting to me so having more people there just keeps it easy, so long as it's not too many people
to think it's directed at specifically ensuring someone doesn't get the wrong idea is a little too pointed and paranoid i think
put it this way she just gave you a chance to be interviewed by all her hot friends even if it doesn't work out with her your chances just went up :)
seriously though, a lot of girls care more about what their friends think than what they think I don't know why but if you can make a good general impression across them all you're better off, you don't just date the girl, you're dating her friends too
>>754937 what does it mean if I have trouble reading guys but empathize with females
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
>>754941 it means you have autism because you can't read either you're only fooling yourself into believing you understand how a woman thinks women don't understand how women think what chance do we have
maybe I just don't get it on a basic level that makes navigating masculine personalities easy though
One thing for certain though we can all navigate the feelings of GOOSE
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
for guys you really just have like archetypes >uptight too serious >slacker who doesnt give a shit >mister moderation in every way >someone who analyzes everything in such a way he makes posts like this
the only ones hard to understand are the super uptight ones, and thats just a matter of figuring out why they're so uptight
but for women, it's those archtypes but you also have to factor in every one of them is actually a box filled with angry cats
If you assume everyone's got an archetype you're only fooling yourself. That's the realm of fiction; reality doesn't really cooperate when you try to apply it to that. >>754951 I mean you're incorrect in your assessment but I can tell you're not interested in considering otherwise.
my archetype is (_&&+())/):&*&Β£##Β£-&_Β£#$=={{$Β₯Ο
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
>>754952 zalgo he comes >>754950 i'm not wrong you're just thinking that 'archetype' is a 'strict set of rules' when its really just a loose guideline nobody is really one or the other but they usually dominate in some direction >>754954 you're so loose
>>754946 yeah as usual you're reasonable and probably right i feel like girls are easier to understand but I'm probably just more comfortable around women because of my life experience did you know i love matt did you know I've wished i was a girl for ages i expect not but if you did you get big respect points from yours truly
your curly hair is magnificent btw unrelated but yas
>>754949 What lead you to thise specific conclusion
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
>>754956 guys have a habit of shoving themselves into boxes to associate with people subconciously it's not something we do on purpose theres also more than I listed, probably a lot more like I don't mean to bring up a non-related example of this but, take a look at rural blacks who try to act urban they could be anything but they choose to be put in this little cube it's a much more visual example than the office worker trying to follow rules religiously
>>754957 that's assuming that their outward actions and aesthetic reflect their internal world though Someone might choose to represent themselves with a category but it doesn't mean they genuinely fit it Like sure they might be able to talk the talk but they can't walk the walk Someone choosing to stereotype themselves doesn't somehow mean that everyone else fits into a neat little category either And even within your example there's still plenty of room for differences
>>754960 I mean if there's room for differences then you could claim that anyone who tries to come up with categories is just splitting hairs since we can then endlessly divide the categories up into sub categories And while it's possible for someones outward appearance to shape their internal thoughts, it's not absolute. Otherwise we'd probably all be perfect office drones instead of people who pretend to be perfect office drones then get shitfaced at home
>>754955 Unfortunately I can't call claim to the certainty of knowing, or so assuredly of it being for ages, but yeah, I'd say the observations were there. I just never put it together to make a conclusion, since I don't like to do presumptions like that when it comes to friends. It's a ... for lack of a smoother term since I'm really tired, a comfortable thing to know, as in it fits neatly with the rest of you. I don't know if this is a comfort or nothing sorry I'm tired and picking words is hard.
Thanks on the hair though! It's a small vanity of mine. I've been trying how to fix it up a bit because I'll be working in a customer-facing job soon and I'd like to look decent where I can.
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
>>754958 if someone outwardly puts themself in a situation for appearances, their experiences in those situations will further shape their internal thoughts and world of course theres room for differences, I never said there wasnt on the contrary, everyone is a collection of experiences, but generally speaking at different periods of your life you're just choosing differen't boxes, and you only see it looking back usually self reflection is a very important thing to do
think of my example as 'dominant' categories nobody is going to follow a rough example perfectly, and everything they've done before hand will affect the afterwards >perfect office drone who gets shitfaced at home that fits the archetype completely of uptight too serious especially since it's non-social drinking
>>754958 accidentally closed post l0l I'd say guys usually talk the talk and can't walk the implied walk they suffer in silence accepting and handling things without expressing the frustration >>754959 it's not comfortable or uncomfortable though I kind of suspected you would wonder about it silently as it's not pertinent and we aren't that close good deduction though you've always struck me as clever I've dropped tons of hints everywhere but people don't seem to directly address the implications I make
>>754963 We're living in a society. We can't express frustration or cry or break down. Especially not at work where we spend a great deal of our living. We're pushing each other into master servant roles in
where we just expect each other to take abuse and bear with it to produce more. You can't afford to present as human in that context. Abuse might not be the right word there but that master slave dynamic is definitely real in almost every interaction and it's killing us And even if we have the chance to vent our anger we have no idea where to vent it or who to complain to It's not the customers, they're just doing their shopping. It's not the boss, they're just doing their job.
>>754966 Plausible but I don't have the data to come to an internal conclusion Jafri and Jii sound like cool bosses I mean I've blown up at work before and my supervisor just let me take five away But even so I'm crushed by the knowledge that he probably told his boss about that and even if that guy was sympathetic they're probably still going to take it into consideration when it comes to hiring and firing Maybe organisations with less layers are just naturally more chill than governments or corporations
>>754964 it's not society. it's Western culture. I've cried, I've broken down, I've even screamed about life at work, and the Nepali Panday jii or Pakistani Asad Jafri quickly supported me. it's just English or Western concepts of masculinity that are fucked up. most cultures think it's manly to support your friends and family but English culture cultures over solitary life.
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
I wouldn't say it's limited to western culture either eastern culture is just as plagued if not worse with it even though there are still fairly different standards for men vs women
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
I'm having a hard time thinking of countries where it's not traditionally the mans job to provide and I can't think of a single one with electricity which is sort of lol but those countries ofc have far bigger issues and the co-relation is obv not causation
i missed out on learning the fine art of building a life for oneself
just got drunk alot and eventually got bored of playing video games
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
>>754969 it's sort of funny isnt it even if I had a second go at life starting from now as a young man again I'd end up making all the same mistakes or worse even with everything I know now society is changing very rapidly, so even though we ignored our elders advice as kids because we didnt understand the wisdom in it, the wisdom no longer applies in clownworld
>>754968 most cultures expect the paternal figure to provide for to the family or collective. i just think Western culture admonishes empathy and support for your fellow man compared to many other cultures.
ghanan culture expects the woman to provide stable income and the man to be inventive, but they've only recently implemented modern power grids. that'sthe only one i can think of tonight.
>>754976 yeah it's really limited to polyamorous societies like africans with 12 wives, where all the labour is across the wives basically it's such a weird thing to think about women have always worked and it's sort of a modern myth that they didnt like the one 'dairy' comes from 'dearie' if i remember correctly, and it literally just means a place of womans work so while women would be in the dairy that needs to be kept very clean, the dirt covered men from the fields would be banned from coming inside, because the dust and dirt gets into the butter and stuff monks are of course an exception and made the finest of cheeses i'll look into ghanan culture that seems interesting
fucking WiFi shit ass bitch cunt fuck >>754977 right about less layers being more comfortable to be employed in I'll probably never work for a corporate retailer or business unless I've got no choice >>754978 monks live really fucking boring lives I'm not sure if I'd find it nice or not >>754979 they're pretty interesting and quickly developing i knew a really awesome ghanan guy named aboakai for a few years he moved back to Ghana with the money saved from working 80 plus hours a week for 4 years though
>>754983 cry pussy i haven't in a year or so >>754985 he had a few flings here that didn't last long since he had no free time for bitches but he has only one true love and he spent a lot on internet to video call her and his kids every night nowadays he's just spending his time managing his local construction business according to the last time i chatted with em
I just did a pretty Hectic bit of facebook shitposting before I remembered that I try to keep that aspect of my life separate so I can at least pretend to be serious, reserved and professional. oh well The damage is done.
>>754988 aww thats really cute >>754989 trust me once you break that mold of serious reserved and professional shit just gets more fun it's great to keep pretty reserved early on in a job but as time goes on it's more about getting along with people than proving your competence
>>754989 okay come at me i bet you can't i couldn't even hardly tear up at Daniel's grave or when i fractured my knuckles >>754990 aboakai/abraham was cool as fuck miss that guy he made work interesting
>>755008 >funny idk about trying to be funny but i think im naturally pretty entertaining though you'd never really tell from my general seriousness and heavier post content when im unmedicated anyway like now
i think there's a disparity there with something like mahjong though where the humor, excitement, etc is all referential to the context of the game and there's a big spectrum of what people's level of focus is there unlike in watching zfg stream zelda or something and it's just directly what's happening in the game
so the hook for enjoyment is gonna mainly be limited to people who at least have played some level of competitive riichi, which honestly isn't a lot and a lot of them would probably rather just be playing
also ive noticed people are obnoxiously myopic about mahjong and can only see their own strategies and complain about any other style of play the general gets so toxic whenever anyone is giving advice people who dont understand statistical mechanics talking out their bum about efficiency
i wonder who it is that gets so mad every time flow is mentioned
>>755012 Even so! You must awaken and face the day! You have a big day ahead of you!
>>755010 Mahjong has a lot of downtime though. If you're smart, you can basically spin that into a podcast. Stuff like general talk about the game, or other games. Or even just life. That's probably not what you want to do, but I think if you want to full up viewers it'd be one way
>>755014 mahjong is a really good example case of dynamic systems that i study i wouldn't mind making some videos of replays with narration, preferably blind narration (not looking at information outside of the player's perspective in question) and then talking about the accessibility of information and how that plays out
like that would be a series in my channel where i'd do replay analysis of either viewer matches, or like pro matches then i could have other videos where im autsy and talk about system structures by using mahjong as a descriptive tool seriously nobody would be interested in that shit but who knows maybe it'll sit around on the internet for another decade until someone comes along and discovers it and tweets about random math finds on niche communiies
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
>>755006 the only reason for a cam is to build a viewership of impressionable bored 14 year old boys
>>755015 I mean you could probably build up a small audience for replay videos if your insight is good
>>755019 >In spite of all this >I still hold rank 1
>>755017 ah, no i was thinking like after people were already watching, then i'd do that for subscribers or something as an incentive my insight in mahjong isn't good enough to warrant that honestly, but my niche insight in information probably is still helpful but it triggers the efficiency nerds when i start talking about the "knowability of information" and they call me retarded it's such a contrast to the game they know that they just lose it
and people really hate being told they dont understand statistics since they dont even realize that there's stuff beyond the basics to understand >wtf do you mean it's just probability dumpass
i even catch people who are employed as quantitative analysts who dont understand the difference between probability and likelihood it's their fuckin job and nobody who uses their work is privy enough to know or care, and the industries are pretty indifferent because they're all built around mediocrity gah
i think the mahjong crowd might not be as stream-conscious either there are some NEETs, but i think a lot of them don't have a lot of free time to be chilling on streams at least i only see people really playing like one or two matches a day for the most part, besides me
NEETs don't like me because im not quite autistic enough and normies think im too autistic woe is me
why wouldn't it be true if we didn't hunt them, why are they extinct?
Kirara ππ€‘
maybe they "evolved" into birds like the dinosaurs
mammoth spiders
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
im playing house flipper and i'm finding most of it is really badly inaccurate for how you install stuff but I am extremely impressed at the simulation of how boring painting is even though they skipped the part about how you cant fit a roller inside a bucket and need to use a tray
Getting that many would be quite the feat. I've only ever had more than 10 once and that was during twitchcon. The people who showed up to watch said "everyone who streams is at twitchcon so we just jumped here at random." It was a GW2 stream. My friends and I were doing very poorly attempted 3-man fractals.
It's really awful when you wake up and class has been going on for an hour already because your phone's battery died in the middle of the night since you messed up not plugging it in before sleep. And it's the one class you've been particularly looking forward to since you really enjoyed the reading material for the week.
It's really hard to not feel like a total screwup on days like today.
I should have just gone in, whatever, even is by the time I got there, there would only be an hour of class left. I get that. Partial participation is better than none at all, I'm always told. But I can't ever seem to convey how utterly paralyzing the feeling of apprehension is for me. Some times it's hard to get over it even if I'm just going to be twenty or thirty minutes late; by the time it's as late as two hours I'm just in a state of sheer nerves.
>>755102 why would I want to sabotage my own happiness though? is it because I know that it inevitably will crumble then I'll end up feeling even worse do I perhaps feel like I don't deserve it Is it because if I was happy I wouldn't be "me" am I attached to my Suffering
Probably all of the above! But it's a normal reaction We spend so much time with misery. It becomes familiar and comfortable. Of course we'd hesitate to leave it!
please let yourself smile
Kirara π
>The heroine is a new officer works under the Narcotics Control Department of the Ministry of Health, a.k.a Matori. Narcotic medicines don't work on her, and the story begins with her just entering the department and starting work with other officers. lol what is this
Most of our clients get through our program in 2-3 months, but we have this young lady who is 20 who suffers from alcohol use disorder who has been with us for four months without much progress. Everything has been more or less at a standstill with her. I have barely had the chance to interact with her, but she's had a crush on me for a while. We've decided to start using her crush on me as a way of motivating her to actually pursue her sobriety, so now I'm meeting with her a few times a week for meditation. I met with her for the first time as part of the new strategy today and it went really well. I was able to find several avenues for her primary therapist to go with her and I got her to agree not to drink on her 21st birthday which is in a few days.
It is such a good feeling to be the one that kicks things into motion like that. She was able to let go of some suicidal thoughts that had been bothering her and relaxed quite a bit even though it was her first time meditating. I was really impressed! She was so satisfied with it even though she was only able to meditate for a minute or two at a time that she said she is going to meditate more today after she goes home. What a diligent girl she can be when she's motivated properly.
Do you ever get a moment when you come up with an idea and realize "Oh shit this fits perfectly into the problem I needed to find a solution for". Because I've got a really good idea.
>>755151 Yeah Like when I came up with a vague idea for a new more energy efficient class of jet engine
Time to face the night! It's raining tonight. How wonderful. We're having an awful drought this year!
I've got this assignment where I need to put together a faux article for an arts and culture magazine on the concept of cutting up and/or splicing together pre-existing media in order to create something new, a technique that really flourished in the early 20th century, the field of which is the course's area of study. Originally I wanted to do a bit on House of Leaves since it's a fantastic read and kind of is an entirely fictional creation -of- cut-up and spliced content. But it's a bit of a dense text and I think my ideas for it might be better suited for another assignment down the line in the course. So while I was trying to figure out an alternative, I suddenly got the idea to do Dungeons & Dragons instead. Not only is it a spliced work of various fantasy novels the original creators read and loved, but also pulls historical creative inspiration from pantheonic mythlogies. And more than that, the very ACT of playing D&D is one of independently-sourced and spliced content. Sure, the DM is sort of the final say, but every player in a group brings their own ideas and content to the table, literally, and in playing together the artistic work forms organically.
I just think that fits the requirements perfectly while probably being something the professor isn't going to expect.
If you need links to old D&D books just check out this website https://thetrove.net/ The original Deities and Demigods would be a good place to start, reading appendix N in the og AD&D dmg would help out a lot too
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ow but I'm back with kfc I even got their Mountain Dew Sweet Lightning to try
>>755158 I really want to try this, thanks for telling me about it.
Hm. I don't think my phone's power input is receiving power anymore. At least I'm pretty sure it's a problem with the jack and not the cable, since I tested it with a different cable.
Though it had this problem like half a year back or something and it eventually went away after a day or something. Hopefully that's the case this time too. I probably could just get a new phone by this point but I don't really want to yet.
try rebooting it
Kind of doing that now. I figured I'd shut it off for like half an hour or so and see if the battery gains in the meantiem. It was -kinda- accepting the charge cable, flickering back and forth from detecting it plugged in and not. But not enough that the battery was charging while the phone was still powered on. And if anything probably draining the battery since that constant detection of a connecting and removed charge cable was keeping the phone screen lit up.
the thrust boy beat you up so what happens on death in that game?
You can use order gems to retry or escape or you have to go back to previous save but that fight is special You only fight them if you try to take the broken weapons with you
also does your stream choke up occasionally or is it just on my end?
all that trouble for a few broken weapons
the weapons can be repaired by the blacksmith guild and are fairly good The Bellatrix is useful for quite a long time
didn' twitch use to have more options than "automatic" and "native broadcast" for quality or is that something you need to pay them for nowadays?
You don't need to pay them for it but they don't grant it to minor streams.
so a viewer must watch at 720 or higher and can't downshift to enjoy the stream without hiccups because the streamer isn't big enough?
>>755405 No He has a lot of stupidly broken characters
He's only the dm because everyone else is too lazy to do it. Well There's one guy who wants to but we don't let him anymore because its always a disaster He has really really bad adhd And loses things all the time He just don't have the executive function to do it
The original dm doesn't like D&D very much anymore and occasionally runs GURPS.
my archer was not blind they were instead a love starved envy demon lord
But really while a blind archer could shoot a target or even hunt but in battle they'd be useless there simply is too much noise to actually use any daredevil echolocation and if they have some magic sight instead, then they actually aren't blind
also wheneever I find something particularly really gone bad or old I always temporarily entertain a thought "I wish there was some biology department I could send these in, just to find if there is any new microlife in them"
who knows might be the next penicilin there
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Like a fine wine Beef broth only gets better with age.
can a phone really be called a telephone, when most people propably use it more for anything but phoneying to people
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Pk with the deep philosophicals
indeed I might go and depate will smith's kid soon
but really, it is more of a pocket computer now communicators were a thing in late 90s early 00s that were practically early smart phones/tiny laptops modern phones are really more like those than well phones
coincidentally mobile phones are called "kΓ€nnykkΓ€" made up word from a dialect word "kΓ€nny" meaning loosely "a small/child's hand" (kΓ€si - hΓ€nd") by Nokia as a trademark word for their phones.
actual word for mobile phone being "matkapuhelin" - mobile/travel phone
I wonder how many finnish words you'd learn and how much finnish etymology would you know about if you combined all my "coincidentally: finnish short lecture" into one book
I was asked to renew our memorandum of agreement with another agency for us. I reached out to find out how to do it and it turns out we're 8 days overdue and they were about to remove us from their treatment provider list. Now I have to rush to put together a ton of documentation for things that I don't have access to as quickly as possible. My boss got the email about it on 9/23 but I guess he missed it! So now I have a pick up all the pieces!
I know I can pull off this save but jesus christ this is hectic. They asked me to renew another thing with another agency too!! Am I clinical director now?!
>>755441 You're the director now also I think with how oft that intern is late, it might be time to get rid of her unless you really are commited into making her useful
My chaos continues! I have to find a way to complete these documents. I'll do it tomorrow. As long as the others can get me the documents I need, I can bullshit enough of it to get our MoA through on a temporary basis which will give me time to get to Orlando to sign the actual document.
Kirara ππ€‘
I can't believe how old Yuru Yuri is. Ten fuckin years. God damn.
>>755463 There is no ten years later! They even talk about being exactly as they are for the last ten years in the episode. I'm pretty sure they're in limbo.
yeah they are it is even how lighted in the SECOND kyoto class trip episode when they already have a pair of wooden swords in the club room
kinda like how in zetsubou sensei they all permanently were doing year 2
>>755468 Well szs was a different show altogether YY is just fluff not-yuri yuri for the laughs most sols shows anyhow, atleast the perpetual ones, never advance time
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Lucky star is quite a different beast in this, since it is still on going on Nth volume and has advanced time usually stuff that have time pass end by volume 4 to 6 like say azumanga or k-on