>>757673 >>757674 you can see that I'm passionate about these things. I couldn't contain my emotion and I clicked on the very first thing in front of me. These discussions get my heart racing and my
>>757676 you know what's also good when a girl walks in on a bloke in the bathing room without knocking and calls him a bakahentai before the camera pans to the sky
>>757683 >am I the one who lives in New Zealand and plays mahjong Of course you are mate I'm the cool one that goes mountain climbing in exotic locales and is working towards a law degree Enjoy going to work tomorrow, wagecuck!
you ever think about the phrase "more or less" like normally you use it to confirm a statement from someone else as being true but you're saying that the truth is more or less than what they stated
>>757690 it's placing the margins of accuracy on the statement what was said is approximately true, give or take a little bit of clarification like if something is 95 dollars and you're like "ok so that's probably 100 with tax, here you go" yeah more or less, close enough, that'll do her
Mahjong Soul Game Log: https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?paipu=191013-c488f320-d1b5-44b7-a871-e213a02be8d1_a924760969 go to east 4 and just watch that guy's hand progression
he was getting so bullshitted the whole match (was expert 1 too) i felt so bad for him
no rush sorry i dont mean to disrespect your time
like, two rounds in a row his riichi discard got ronned one by a tanyao dora 5 he's on tilt already when this hand starts, that's the necessary context
>>757699 >that moment of false hope on east three with the potential mangan comeback hand >gets ronned for haneman
>>757703 yeah I'm watching taitanikku the fbi agent on your left
>>757704 Oh my god Riichi, chinitsu, ittsukan Just absolutely cucked to death, never stood a chance
you're watching autist chan right just making sure
i can't stop thinkin about that east 4 round though even like 10 hours later now
during the match i saw his discards and thought "oh he's just tilted and throwing away his hand, ok" since i saw him discard ONLY manzu and two triplets at that but he starts out, what, 2 shanten for honitsu? just needs to get rid of his ONE MANZU TILE and gets a neverending fucking dump of them >discard 2, get 2, discard 2, get 2, discard... six, get six fuck dude i'd probably kms myself
I feel like playing a friendly would you join after your gold match finishes
>>757705 >tfw you accidentally discard seven pairs worth of tiles I've seen someone discard daisangen before Just consecutively tsumogiring dragon tiles
>>757706 i could if you need me to im not gonna ask you to hold up for me or anything it should be done soon if you want to start looking maybe, and if you find one before im done thats fine
>>757707 okay cool I'll just drop the link in /vg/
i am afraid to dive into the larger dungeon also good morning
I'm on a weird schedule again, haven't slept all night. At least I don't have classes because of reading week. I just wish it was easy to be on a schedule.
you have a combo skill with werewolves where you become HUGE and attack all the enemies and drop their evasion.
and its so easy to use because it costs 3/5 of your energy bar and when you kill someone it goes back to full. so you just crit and then GET HUGE next turn.
>>757738 Yeah there's more to it than the government but it's a good place to start
It actually was super class conscious. It was a solid anarchist movie. Joker is a bad guy doing good things good
Kirara 🍄🤡
From an insurrectional standpoint, at least. Which may have worked in the 80s.
do you think the media ran all of those news pieces about the movie inciting violence because they were worried about a movie that says fuck rich people doing well
>>757748 I can't say that I agree %100 with this interpretation. Joker said it himself. He wasn't a political person or a political actor. He just happened to spark a movement out of his chaos. By the end of the movie maybe he's embraced that symbol but up until then he's revelling in the chaos to get back at specific people. He is the joker afterall. I think he just embraced the dark comedy of violence and happened to end up becoming the symbol. I did like the comment about getting super cats to hunt super rats. I'm assuming that's a really /// a veiled criticism of the police systems reaction to growing crime spurred by poverty
>>757747 I think that's exactly what happened. Joker shows that the world is falling apart and says the rich are at fault, and we on the ground are powerless individually to stop them from taking from us what we need. And then there are bootlickers who serve the interest of the rich over our/their own interests as well. Everyone succumbs to alienation and there's no help available. So Joker rebels by fighting back at the end when he realizes he's become a symbol that can break the peace and show the people in charge how powerless they are.
>>757747 He may say he's not political, but his goals at the end are explicitly political. The desire to destroy a corrupt system is a political desire, even if he's only doing it for himself, which he clearly is. He uses the people as a weapon to get back at the ones who perpetuate the society that has abandoned him. You don't have to be political to do politics.
I feel like the execution could've been better
Arguably the best politics are done by the people who aren't political.
Kirara 🍄
100% Actual political people always fuck everything up because they have an idea of how things should be
So Moon, (+tilde) I only just got around to finishing Granbelm because I didn't do anything but read Umineko for the past two weeks What'd you guys think about the ending
>>757747 i think everyone looked at the trailer and said "do we really need a movie about an old dude with mental illness getting picked on until he becomes a murderer?" and things snowballed.
>>757753 The climax was undeniably the Anna fight earlier but I liked the final battle. Suishou being an avatar of Magiaconatus was kind of a pet theory of mine so I was glad to see it be affirmed. The final arc with Mangetsu struggling with her doll reveal and coming to terms with her eventual existence evaporation was really well done for me (aside from the kind of weird impromptu camping trip). Honestly the only really gripe I have is that Kuon's arc just felt utterly pointless. She doesn't even undermine Suishou, she doesn't get seduced by her and fight against the Moon Duo for the final fight like I was expecting. She just gets thrashed, chases after her sister, and loses. Felt entirely pointless.
All in all solid original anime series with an engaging story and consistently good aesthetic values.
>>757754 >>757747 I would also like to point out that CNN is owned by Warner A potential conspiracy to market the movie by making it look edgy and controversial? nah you're probably right Blue
>>757755 I actually kind of like the camping trip I'm really fond of that bit where Mangetsu writes out "bye bye" with the sparkler before disappearing Kuons arc was... Well I can at least say that it was really hype when she was beating the shit out of Suishou, even though it didn't pay off at all and she gets tossed aside I kind of wish they took some of the potentially edgier implications of Mangetsus early desire to be special and ran with them. I can't really criticise a show for not going down that route, but after she went sicko mode I couldn't help but wonder
Yeah solid original anime Would buy an armanoxkit out of ten
Now imagine if instead of going "Bitch please" when Suishou is trying to seduce her with the bit of the onee-san's soul, Kuon takes her up on the offer to get eaten and squares off against the Moon Duo as a vanguard for Suishou, desperate that it's the only way she can see her sister again Like instead of Suishou being some batshit three or four phase fight have the first phase be the two-on-two and have Mangetsu's death be a part of defeating the crazed Kuon.
>>757758 >MANGETSU THROW THE MAGIACONATUS INTO THE FIRE >Actually I think I want to stay special
>>757759 You know I did think that the final battle dragged on a bit for the last two episodes Having Kuon there could have filled in some of that space if nothing else
>>757760 Well Shingetsu did go along with her intentions to EXTERMINATE MAGIC in the end. Even though evidently magic doesn't stay dead for long. It's a pretty existentially-satisfying conclusion though, accepting the impermanence of the chance you fought so hard to achieve.
i'll be doing a rewatch of it sometime soon in the high quality so i can get all the trims and samples i want im going to mix a track out of it ive got it all up here in my head already, i just need the samples
are you going to be stopping and starting to grab music from it I'd like to rewatch it at some point as well
One small thing I actually really like about the show is its next episode segments Something about the music in those seems really adventurous and grand
>>757764 No, i'll just be timestamping the spots i desire as i watch through it, then trimming it i need to figure out a way to trim while watching without interruption. it shouldn't be hard but i haven't seen any built-in features that do that yet e.g. press and hold a key while it's playing, and it conducts a trim for the duration until you let go of it, then cuts it and saves it it's so easy and fluid, and i haven't seen any such functions
i could do this by running OBS and haing start/end recording while it plays, but that's just fucking retarded i want to write it into the program for quality fidelity
but i want to watch it sometime this winter it's got a wintry feel to me, so when im snowed in this winter im going to make mulled spiced wine (hot, non-alch) and just cozy up inside and watch it and make sikk beats
i'm gonna archive every single "MANGETSU" and "ERNEEESTAA" in the show
I don't think anything throws him off. He's the samurai mind guy who does ridiculous runs where his feet swell enough to destroy his shoes and he regularly has his toenails removed. I think he's able to do anything if his body falls apart.
in ten days it'll be a year since i quit drinking im not gonna pretend ive not had anything at all since then, but every time ive attempted, i couldn't keep going with it so in april i got a bottle of wine, in august i got a bottle of bourbon when i was fed up with my doctor shit, and a few weeks ago i bought some smirnoff ice that i couldn't even finish drinking
so like three nights of drinking since then, mostly ending in me failing to even drink
>>757772 oh i think i remember this now yeah he is probably going to be fine then
nah, he wants to go far this dude is going to run around a track for six days straight in December with only small hour long power naps like three times a day it's nuts
>>757783 also >The 2019 edition was won by British woman Susannah Gill, in a world record time of 24 hours 19 minutes 9 seconds former record holdet apparently
>what the hell is with this title and how is it not tagged "smut" >The story of Asanami-san, who gets turned on from explaining ways to die and kill people, and Itsuki-san, the class rep who has to listen to her. ...but still, this title though... https://mangadex.org/title/41065/even-if-i-die-with-miss-asanami-i-want-to-cum
LIFE IS LONG IF YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT seneca on busyness and the art of living
it is a long and arduous boss fight
just crit harder
I actually found a nice strategy. My Grim Reaper steals buffs So I just steal the "reflect buff" and hope the boss targets it That's how it went down from 1300 to 980
>>757855 k /// I have no fuckin clue what he's talking about with that persian thing it wouldn't make sense for obaku to be persian because the names suggest they're in japan??? probably in the 1300s or later idk
>>757858 i think it is a weirdly translated "use an impossibility to praise someone"
Kirara 🍄🤡
I found another translation that goes >Baizhang said, "Come closer and I will tell you." Huangbo went closer and slapped Baizhang's face. Laughing, Baizhang clapped his hands and said, "I thought it was only barbarians who had unusual beards. But you too have an unusual beard!" lol
must be a very cultural saying most likely a chinese one, they have quite peculiar ones that just don't translate
haha this imperialism is pretty good the first native i found says she's the daughter of the chief of her people and MC goes "you're a princess." and native is like "what the hell is that" and MC just goes on assuming the natives are exactly like europeans or whatever
What a faithful recreation of our own ancestral dumbasses.
Kirara 🍄🤡
yeah, it's great i'm glad they're not pretending imperialism isn't something it isn't so far at least
I like following artists with good taste, and i happened to have some good luck with that recently
sometimes i think about how every time choux would say something blue would smash the switch’s screencap button and thhe distinctive shutter noise just makes me chuckle to think about
I really like that kind of nasal twang she's got. Don't really know if that's the best way of putting it but that's how I've felt it is. The vocalist for nano.RIPE has something similar that I enjoy listening to a lot.
/moe/ i think i have a hero complex or maybe all these girls with shitty lives are really attractive for a different reason
>>757910 my belief is that we're attracted to the type of validation we need the type of girl is just a signal to interpret the kind of validation they provide you that sounds really selfish, but the brain is a really selfish organ and human beans and brains are different things, i don't think we're that selfish but i think that's why we get attracted to those things
so maybe it's a hero complex, but so what? what's wrong with that
>>757912 i feel like a dumb little girl who is attracted to drug dealers and deadbeats
>>757914 my soul i think you're right, which is why i'm so disgusted with myself about it i think that selfishness is much more a part of us its also very non-beneficial to me, i've learned that people like these girls (generally) just bring me down in my own life
i dont have enough non-anime images on this device i need to go hunting for more maybe hokkadio
>>757916 well, we gotta explore that validation and what it means to us once we finally get it maybe it was a misplaced desire or maybe we found out that it's not what we expected it would be or we interpreted the signals wrong, or it's more complex than we prepared for who knows
it's an outward interaction but it's really ourselves we're engaging internally sorry this probably sounds meaningless
i think it takes some searching and figuring out before you know what you really need
>>757919 thinking about this another way if it is a hero complex kind of deal, it might be that the girls you think need saving dont actually need saving it might come off as condescending even to treat their lives as though they need saving when it's where the person's identity and comfort is at
i would get pretty peeved if my world where ive anchored all my self confidence and where all my achievements is and where ive found all my happiness was considered abysmal enough that someone needs to swoop in and save me
that would be pretty extreme, but it could come off that way from some people's vantage point i dunno if that makes sense, sorry if it seems crass
I stopped playing for the night. I'm not feeling so well.
Feeling down or do you think you might be catching something too? Im getting blood work done in the morning, the doc i saw for quick care thinks my throat stuff is thyroid too.
I ate about as much as I normally do, but I was more active than usual, so my body is probably mad about that. Now that I'm getting older, my body gets unhappy a lot more easily than it used to.
Hopefully you can get the results quickly.
Hopefully the folks in your worklife become more capable so you wont have to wear yourself out carrying them all the time. That kind of burden can’t be helping.
You kind of reminded me that one of my granblue crew members is kinda bummed about getting older. He didnt specify exactly how old though.
blood work should be pretty quick. I’m seeing my mom’s old physician for it and from whay I know she’s reliable so it shouldnt take long at all.
The last time I went to the doc for a regular checkup I got scheduled for a throat scan and blood test for thyroid stuff too. I did both of those but after the fact they wanted to take more of my blood and the nurse that ran my throat scan did say "That's the longest I've taken to do one of these".
But I never followed up with the second blood test. I was already a little miffed with my doctor because I felt the concerns I'd gone to him with were kind of dismissed, only to throw this new concern onto me. Needles are enough to make me feel a little uneasy and having one stuck into me long enough to draw enough blood, on top of those stressors I already had, were kind of too much for me to handle, so I just kinda ghosted the whole affair.
>>757946 It would go a long way if my interns would do their jobs. A lot of my workload is because I'm the only one qualified to do it at work, but I end up doing a lot I'm overqualified for which wastes my precious time. I don't mind it sometimes but the interns are there to take pressure of me.
Getting old is rough! But we'll probably die before we get too old, so that's kind of a positive.
>>757944 have you been getting enough exercise? i haven't been it would probably help my thyroid do its job if i did more often
thinking about it has motivated to get some exercise right now it's pretty late out but im gonna go for a little bike ride
>>757947 as long as i dont look at the needle im generally ok >>757949no, and me having a toe i ops me having a toe issue right now is blocking me from the regular exercise i was doing the antibiotic i was given might actually be too string, i sit in what i can oh i hotta go brb
>>757950 it sounds pretty fucked! you'd better amputate just to stay on the safe side don't even wait for a doctor it has to be done now
>>757950 It's not the sight of it that's a bother to me, it's the feeling of it. The feeling of something puncturing my body and piercing deep enough is something I have a really hard time imagining being able to handle. If I was actually going through with it I'd probably be fine but my motivation to do ... anything requires so much internal ramping up that having an intense distaste for something is enough to grind it to a standstill.
anyway it’s just an infection, but the ab he gave me is stronger than he was going to give after he looked at it, and it causes me a huge deal of pain every time i take it for ablut 30 minutes, and its to be taken 3 times a day i held it for today because while im not familiar with heart issues i feel like that is what its affecting so ill talk about it with my physician tomorrow too
>>757953 oh yeah if i think about it at all while its happening i get ueuehheu i cant stand thinking about it or watching someone get stuck eithe
actually since interns are involved, it kind of reminded me that im glad working twelve hour shifts like this excludes me from having to train new people even if im apparently good at it
>getting paid tomorrow >have $8 in account >"well i can go buy a gallon of milk and an apple fritter" >MICROSOFT*365 PREAUTHORIZED PAYMENT USING YOUR DEBIT CARD ENDING IN... >$6.99 fucking microsoft, man
cancelled it and it should undo the payment but who knows how fuckin long that takes even though i need it for some of my clients' work, im just going to find another way or refuse to take that work out of spite shit like this triggers me so bad and im not havin it i'd rather lose money than give them this 6.99 a month over two years because i can't just buy the one-time product for $50 and they act like they're doing me a great convenience this way fuck off
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>specializes in heckling
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't suppose open source things like open office would be able to get the job done
nah i have to have specific version compatability you know how microsoft is, so fuckin bad and everyone uses different year versions some places still use that shitty 2011/2007 word compatability
there are workarounds but it generally means more work i wish people just wouldn't use shitty software
looks like it's rice and mayonnaise day again
ok work time bye good luck
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
sitting without pants to be able to use my foot tub is cold
I need like 700 more steel liquid, about 4000 of one thing, 5000 of another, all sorts of stuff. I'll have to fight Diablo's extreme about 600 times too.
I'm doing what I do best Sacrificing my sanity for the sake of the dark
Kirara 🍄🤡
for what wtf
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the soldier bullet grind bullets no longer are consumed when used and have a more permanent grind but it is a long and painful path
Dragalia added a time attack to Dragon clears and now I have to get to like... 6.8k on every element because now that some people have cleared it, they have the much stronger weapons. And the difficulty gates have all moved.
there are people who can solo lucillius hl for real and it fucking horrifies me
Kirara 🍄🤡
in two years, soloing lucilius will be tutorial-tier
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's kinda gross
Kirara 🍄🤡
isn't that just how it is haha i remember when HL got introduced and it was impossible for everyone then a few years later i can solo some of them at rank 101
This looks worse than boxed up syphilis >>758214 postal 2 is in my opinion one of the most amusign games ever it just is a sandbox of "do whatever messed up thing you can imagine"
>>758216 In retrospect I played Hatred wrong I played it with a controller.
I really enjoyed Hatred, it had a lot of details and a very good destructible environment. Hopefully they give Postal 4 a similar destructible environment.
And I hope it will still have the option of "lit yourself on fire, run into people to lti them on fire, pee on self to extinquish yourself. watch as everyone burns to death"
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
>Watt* is a runtime for [...] >*optional but entertaining pronunciation: wahteetee
W's name should be changed to wa It's one of two letters in English that has a name that doesn't consist of Err Name's pronounciation That doesn't consist of either a vowel followed by a consonant or vice vera *versa
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
people already say 'dub'
This is also why "zed" makes less sense as the name for the letter z.
>>758239 The good family and company that joins me on this night. The peace and tranquility that allows me to enjoy a good meal. The friends I can return to afterwards to tide me through the hardships of life.
gon have it cut out soon as i can find a reasonable price to do it
Kirara 🍄🤡
those who live in glass gallbladders shouldn't throw stones
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
and by "full of" i mean there are two sitting in there at the bottom i think the danger is if the whole bladder gets inflamed and then a stone gets stuck in the exit duct
Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneSearch [iqdb](18 KB, 530x318, images (4).jpeg)
>>758250 Aren't you back in Canadaland Did you give up your Canadian citizenship at some point?
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
>>758254 i'm back and nope i'm still a citizen just not currently a resident so that's the tea i could hang around for 3 months and get coverage after that but like damn i wanna go back east to my room
Aw RIP Well good luck shopping then. Best you get those stones outta your body.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Heavy weights and cute anime girls Everything else is superfluous.
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>758258 I can't be sure it was your mama I only saw her from the back
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
aw hell marsh why you gotta cocksshotgun make me do this
>>758263 Is that what they make you do instead of actually giving you training?
Well I get a bit of in-store training too. And a couple of the education modules were just things we were given a run over in training anyway. Others were even stuff that's actually not even really relevant to my job, like having to know the hazardous chemical warning labels.
But I get paid for both the in-store and online training, so hey, not a big deal.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>this is the correct way to handle a book
More along the lines of "This is the best way to use our systems to sell customers a product"
>>758301 Heyo, just killing the late hours of the night away. Things okay on your side?
yeah I'm doing alright I quit my job so really I'm significantly better than I was, mentally if not financially out with some buddies for jazz night how's canada life? >>758305 are you still in finland? I vaguely remember you saying you weren't in the mountains last time I was here but I didn't catch if you were still abroad
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Nah that was just for 6 months
It's okay; the school semester's picking up. I'm in my second year now so things are getting a little more intensive. I managed to pick up a job myself, working for what's pretty much our Borders/Barnes & Noble. Retail's kind of an "Eh" prospect job but at least working around books is a comfortable feeling for me. Money's been a bit tight for me so it's comforting to have income at least.
Are you just coasting for the time being, or do you have an idea in mind of what you want to do now that you're more free time-wise?
>>758316 I'm jealous, I've always wanted to get a job at a bookstore but I never got the jobs at the ones I applied to.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
>>758301 hey hey remember that time when i had too many edibles and was basically half dead at the table RIP i'm in canada rn woo
our home and native laaaaaaand I do the same thing too much man, friday night I ended up on my friend's beanbag while everyone else socialized it doesn't happen too often these days but edibles can always creep up on you >>758316 retail is petty boring yeah, but if you're just stocking or directing people were they wanna go it can be relaxing working at a bookstore would be nice I think, though I'd like to work at a smaller place
I'm just coasting for now, doing some volunteer work for a bit to male myself feel good for something mostly just habitat for humanity stuff but I got an application on for the animal shelter s hopefully next month I can start there too
The two times I've had a chance to try edibles I don't know if I felt anything from them. Didn't really feel like it though. Granted the first time was a very small portion of what was purportedly a strong edible. But the second time I had two edible cookies and still wasn't getting anything from them. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
>>758327 An animal shelter would be a nice place to work I'd imagine. Not really for me personally hah hah, I'm a little iffy about working around so many animals that are making a lot of mess I bet. But I can definitely imagine it being somewhere satisfying to work if that's not a problem. It's good to have people working there that can provide care and love for the animals; being in a shelter can be a scary experience for them.
had you eaten much beforehand? having lots of food in your stomach slows down absorbtion a lot, sometimes I dont feel anything at all after a big meal
I really hope they have openings for the shelter, working with animals would be a great for me they're way easier to deal with than people I looked at volunteering at the zoo too, though since it's winter there won't be much to do besides preparing meals and cleaning closer to Christmas I'll be helping out some soup kitchens too, I'll probably meet some interesting folk there
Do zoos normally take unskilled volunteers? I thought they normally hire people in the biological sciences for zookeepers. Though maybe the work that doesn't involve direct contact with the animals is fine to give to people without that kind of knowledge.
Or maybe my presumptions are just wrong, I'unno.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
A know a guy who does volunteer work at a zoo.
>>758363 the volunteer positions have no contact with animals you get meal prep, enclosure cleaning, horticulture, or visitor assistance actually working with animals would require a degree >>758365 do they like it? is it you?
>>758372 I wonder if the volunteer positions have some kind of leverage you could use to work towards a degree while doing the volunteer work at the zoo. Or if the zoo offers a path towards the degree. I feel something like that would be a good reward for the volunteers that apply there.
>>758375 Hah hah if there's a place to put bathroom adverts for something like that, a nerd convention is probably a good place for it. I think I've still got Mario Maker in my Switch at the moment; I'll look at it after we're done with anime for tonight.
I hope it's a good level! I don't have MM so this is the only way I'll know about it you're right though it's a genius idea
the volunteer work would probably be a good foot in the door but I don't have a degree so it would just be a way to stay busy for me
>>758377 fuckin lame dude you should serve your community instead you waste your time "studying" for your "future" loser
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I provide /moe/ with thrilling anecdotes. That is how i serve the community.
Like this morning When i beat up a spider hiding in my car with a wooden katana.
Don't you have anything a little more handleable than a katana for spiders. Or was it one of those Aussie spiders that you actually needed such a weapon to go toe-to-toe with.
that's pretty dope but also spiders are friends don't kill the sugoi propaganda has rotted you
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>758391 Katanas are objectively the best weapon. A thousand layers of folded.. Woodchips.
particle board folded over one thousand times
Sanded down by only the most experienced of artisans that have to practice on scrap wood for three decades before even being allowed to handle the bouken.
Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneSearch [iqdb](7.5 MB, 2268x4032, 20191015_172355.jpg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Translators note: the Tupperware box was so i didn't get spider guts smeared all over my boot
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The boot of the car, i mean Not my shoe
Isn't it nice to not get spider guts on anything though?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I disagree with my Learned Colleague rook. Spiders are not our friend. They must exterminated by any means necessary
So, Access *accordingly, SOMETHING has to get spider guts on it. Just not the car.
hey now ALLEGEDLY learned get it right
>>758424 I bet if you were proper careful you could exterminate the spider without getting spider guts on anything.
to exterminate the spider, one must first exterminate himself
I could settle for just exterminating myself to be honest.
what do you call it when someone murders their expartner an extermination
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>758437 But how For the spider to be killed The guts must leave the spider's insides
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It's like hunting vampires They only really die if you put a wooden stake through the heart.
Or in this case, A katana.
why not simply eat the spider? it's smaller and weaker
>>758466 wow don't lump us all in with the idolfans
The best part is where the director came out and specified that the boy is unable to get his pee pee hard
Yeah this sounds more like the purity-obsessed aidoru otaku that will skin the devs alive at the slightest hint that their beloved girls might be interacting with a male.
I am slowly getting people at work to meditate. People are seeing all the therapeutic gains clients are making once I start meditating with a client and now they're getting interested in meditating themselves! I'm meeting a colleague at 8am to meditate today.
I'm not teaching any zen! But some of the clients have started calling me a zen master even though I tell them I've only been doing zen for like 8 months.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
This is how it starts Next you'll start asking for the deeds to their house
I can't let them poison their minds through attachments to material things! Ah, it pains me, but as their teacher, I'll help them by taking everything from them.
has anyone tried out that switch lite thing? i was thinking about it since it's cheaper... im not sure if it's as cheap as a used switch would be
i really really wanna play smm2 it seems really hefty to pay all that money just to play one game though...
>>758508 have you tried it? what do you think how is a normal switch as a handheld experience?
i probably would never dock it or whatever, but if i could stream i probably would i dont know how all that works at the moment though
>>758509 when you dock it, does it play on your TV or what?
i like to lay back in bed with my incline pillow and cozy up and play so i dont think i'd use that feature much handheld is tooooo cozy to pass up
i think i could probably promote my levels and start a patreon... not that it'd really get much funding but it'd be nice anyway i can make romhacks now, but SMM is a lot better for self-promotion until more people recognize my works
there are lots of games for the switch that you can get some other time so it's okay
as far as switch lite goes, I know my friend really likes it. it's a better "handheld experience" he said
I haven't tried the lite I prefer having the switch docked rather than playing it handheld but it's not a bad feel or anything. It's just a lot easier to see. >>758506 Yeah, the dock can connect to a televsison and you can play from the TV using the joycons or whatever controller you have
ive been exploring the gay mechanics a little bit and err game mechanics a little bit and wanting to exploit the RNG elements like which way a coin bounces or clown car physics interactions to make branching path levels that combined with the customized autoscroll, i could make a seriously deep adventure game in a single level
maybe i can publish the next volume of anime math via a super mario maker level...
i think i'll just make romhacks instead of getting a switch and smm2 then i wont be spending all that money and i can make my own music for it cood be good
if i get paid today (i should) i want to treat myself to a nice meal i havent been eating well enough lately
what's a good meal /moe/ maybe some fishes there's no restaurants around that i could just get like a big zucchini and squash medley maybe some mexican meals
it has been a while since I've made a whole meal that wasn't glorified breakfast. I've been doing egg and sardines for breakfast and a chicken salad for dinner. simple tomato/cucumber/carrot thing. also mushrooms but i don't know what kind they are normal ones
i wanna get eggblants and squashes and lotta fruits
it's thanxgiving soon ive always wanted to do a friendsgiving and trade recipes from other families
yesterday I spoke to a guy who didn't realise that leaving the country for more than 30 weeks would make him retroactively ineligible for his superannuation payments for the past 30 weeks and that he now has almost $10k in debt to the government
Fun times
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I bet he was super grateful to you for providing good quality information and advice.
now he has to call the embassy since he hasn't got enough money to fly home
>>758563 yeah if only I gave it to him 30 weeks ago
>>758562 you guys give your poor people $300~ a week?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
If you're single without dependents it's like $460 AU a fortnight
Man that's way more than I'd get for autism bux Assuming I get it, i was rejected again for it but i got it appealed It's really fucked up that to get ssdi you often need a lawyer to get it Since most of the people who need it can't afford one
it's a neetlife
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>758568 Yeah. From the outside it seems like a pretty messy system
>>758573 In terms of finland you should have born here
you can temporarily gain benefits even as a just tourist or even asylum seeker, but they are temporary means considered humanitarian aid only citizens gain the full benefits, and residents some what
I still am bothered, does the rando guys till shoot his rifle/shotgun every few nights or not why does it have to be so cold I can't keep my window open 24/7
Wonder how many fires are lit daily especially if you include gas stoves etc and doublish so if you include lighters and such
>>758581 Gas stoves have pilot lights so technically when you light the burner or start the stove you aren't actually lighting a new fire but adding fuel to an existing one.
all gas stoves and grills here use an electric igniter to ignite the gas maybe that is true in cities where there are still gas pipes not a thing in finland, aside very limited places like maybe 100 appartments total if even that
huh they have increased the gas network outside of industrial use eh in following places, in limited amounts ofc, you might be able to use gas for heating and cooking including biogas, but most likely it will be gas from russia
But generally heating is done with district heating in any larger popualtion centre, so getting a gas pipe there isn't feasible
I don't know do the older buildings still have gas pipes or have they been removed, as they do general renovations. But for example if you are nearby a gas line, are part of a community that could fund the extension, using biogas to heat your housemight become cheaper long term
if district heating isn't available to your commune and you are forced to use either electric heating or oil/etc
26/month if you are using biogas in some areas not bad for heating
oh well I'd never use gas
too much risks or well too much paranoia thinking about gas leaks and explosions and so on
>>758595 It's not even a person with a difficult part in the scanlation process, she's the qc/editor Also she has some sort of connection to a 4chan mod so threads complaining about that on /a/ get deleted.
And if they do then the next site opens up or maybe that will be the final future of manga on internet I wouldn't mind a spotify like mangaservice if they are consistent and accurate and don't push shit in their translations
>>758621 I still have access to madokami >if they are accurate and don't push shit in their translations Big if right there
But anyhow as far as I know the whole "make it a business" is a one man agenda out of many but they do shill out their merchandise and link to that one official mangsite on some series that they don't host. >>758625 Most of it was during that big scanlator autism drama I mean, that was a shitstorm that hasn't happened in a while anywhere, but it really wasn't the staff's fault >>758625 who ever used fakku, tho?
>>758624 I hope you're right, but don't forget that fakku only took one man to sell it out
>>758566 we give that to pensioners yeah if you live alone it's $411 a week If you're on jobseeker you get something similar but they make you attend job applications and stuff Students get around $300 a week if they're poor
Buta nyhow there are sites https://www.webtoons.com/en/ like this already that are both free and subscription already
and many japanese webnovels/manga are hosted on similir sites where you can read the stuff for free, but latest chapters are behind paywall/wait wall
>>758629 The ones i see most of the time are first few chapters are free, a few of the most recent chapters are free And everything else requires either payment perchapter or yu hve to buy the ebooks
hmm nhentai still seems usable can't remember if they had any nonhentai
>>758630 Line /webtoons is free with something like 1 month behind latest chapter same for most webmanga sites I have sometimes popped over to see how many raws are the scanners behind
jump mobile is like 2 dollars a month for full access t everything
>>758630 >And everything else requires either payment per chapter these ones are 100 cancer since they usually have like a Bullshit currency you need to buy to buy the chapters so you don't even pay money, you buy fuckbux to buy chapter access
but they are also Jump so they would make easy money with just that
There is a down side I have noted on the webmanga >chapter 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 they split up the publications to get a monthly chapter into weekly or bimonthly I mean it does draw in more traffic, but it is kinda annoying
Amusingly some scanlators do that on their own to manga, to keep consistent releases, but lower their workload
Today is another SHIT SHOW. Some of us spent like four hours with two clients today and then time trying to figure out what the fuck we're doing, and we came to a decision, and then something happened and nobody knows what??? Everyone seems to think someone else knows what the final decision was.
Yeah that sounds pretty confusing. I guess everyone just assumed someone else was handling the last say?
Is it something important that got decided/not decided?
This is super important from a safety/liability standpoint.
Basically, we have two clients in our women sober house. One has relapsed three times in the month she's been there. The other has been there a week and relapsed twice (technically one relapse but she's used multiple times). One of the relapses for both of them is the same instance because they sneaked out of the house to get drugs. The one that's relapsed three times has also been soliciting others for their urine, or was until last week. She seems more dedicated to recovery now but whatever. Four of us talked to them for two hours after me and another clinician did a room search for drugs and fake urine at the sober house. After that, we all talked about it and reluctantly decided that we need to discharge the two girls. One of them had a chance to detox and come back but refused it. So two of us and the one refusing detox went back to the sober house to deal with that stuff. When we came back, the other one was up in group with the other clinician who was with us during those meetings. We also talked with our company president who supported our decision. But he's also fine with her not discharging if we find a way. So then the client is in another group later and someone suggested to me they were working on allowing her to stay. So I go and I run my groups and come down and the client is heading back to the sober house following group. So I asked everyone involved in the decision what's going on, and they all think someone else knows. So something happened while two of us were at the sober house with the one girl I guess? I don't know.
It's a mess.
So it's just the one client you weren't with that's being maybe allowed to stay. The one that refused detox is still being discharged?
The positive dumbass in me is saying "At least it'll mean just one problem client you'll have to be keeping close tabs on" but I'm guessing it's not really a situation that can be interpreted that way, eh.
That definitely sounds like a mess. I wonder how work will be like for the ToN tomorrow maybe we'll finally have next week's schedule. If they still have me working downstairs two days a week I'm gonna be a little upset.
>>758647 To tell you the truth, the one that is in the air, I hope she gets to stay. I like her and I think she's dedicated despite her constant struggles. I want to move forward with her and continue working with her. But as a clinician who is responsible for the wellbeing of many people, I can't in good conscious vote to keep her. It's too dangerous for other people potentially in the sober house. But I want her to stay because I think she can do it. So her staying despite me saying she shouldn't isn't the worst outcome even though it's still a risk. I just need to know what's going on!!
And yeah, the one that refused detox is being discharged. She'll probably be dead within the month.
My colleague whom I taught to meditate this morning had an experience during the meditation and said she spoke to God and He told her to trust Him So who knows maybe it'll work out If you're into that kind of stuff.
Sounds like they might need to check in to some psychiatric help themselves if they're hearing entities calling themself God in their head.
haha Experiences like that are actually common in zazen for religious people. There's a zen master, Father Kennedy Roshi, who is a priest, and he calls zazen sitting in silence before God. Which isn't really my thing but it's not uncommon.
>>758652 yeah I think there was a study on brain activity that did reveal that when you are doing stuff like that, the "religious" thingiemabob flashes up it really isn't exclusively religious part of brain or anything, but it also was the part that flashed up when people on purpose did religious activity, like praying etc
dunno remember which documentary this was from tho
>>758657 like as long as one of the things I've been promised is back I would be happy mostly. If I'm two night shifts and no downstairs, awesome. If I'm two night shifts and one downstairs, manageable. If neither? I'm going to pout.
>>758665 the call center I was working at before and have been for the last two months before they moved me up to the transfer center full time.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
then they started having the nurses train and on those days I was suddenly thrust back downstairs then the last two schedules (which is technically one but whatever) I was downstairs for all of it except night shift because that's always upstairs because they've been training people this is the last week of those schedules.
I had a pretty solid day, I ate a nice burg for lunch. I haven't done much besides bullet grind in granblue. I've been thinking about getting another comission to celebrate/in general.
>>758671 Koans can't be solved with words, really, so it will be hard to share my answer, but I'm going to fold the koan into an origami fox. Well, I already did. But I'll do it again for sensei.
>>758680 if I had to give any answer to that, I'd go with something like... enlightened man acknowledges cause and effect but doesn't let it control himself owuld have to formate it a lot better going to the causality "trap" where people claim freedom of responsibilty from their actions because "it was predetermined"
In the koan, Hyakujo basically has the same answer as you, "he does not ignore causation"
But in Mumon's commentary, he's calling the foxmonk and Hyakujo dumbasses because not falling under and not ignoring are "two sides of the same dice" "One thousand errors, one million mistakes" He's saying that if you start even a slight ways off from where you should, your answer will be super far off.
At least, that's my interpretation of the koan. I do know that sensei would tell you to show him the koan, not tell him an answer.
's why I said "formate it better" that is the "acknowledge" since you can be both at once, but it would take me a paragraph especially in english to say thati n a way that makes sense on the spot ie. right now.
Sensei told me his answer to Mu was that he said "this is a fuckin waste of time, im gonna go make a sandwich" or something and just left dokusan with roshi lmao
Mumon's commentary says that Joshu also replies yes or no, depending on who asks.
I had a realization about the koan when I was on that meditation retreat. My realization was that Joshu is a fuckin dick. I started saying "fuck off, Joshu"
>>758698 I think most philosophy is learning either to be deeper than you actually are, by just practicing saying thigns shortly and "wisely" waste of time and finally being a general dick
>>758699 Socrates would be the guy everything thinks is just shitposting them but from his perspective he's just completely unable to read the mood and it being 100% about the things he's saying.
I think the core of "being zen" is just having fun and appreciating life. And what's more fun that being a snide asshole? Especially if you can do it in the name of teaching someone a lesson?
since when did mailman come at 3am or did some night time newspaper deliverer notice the FUCKING INEPT mailman having left another letter outside my door like this guy just leaves good amount of my shit so, that they stick out partially and don't fall down in the slot
some wicked minded guy could just grab my mail and toss it away if they wanted to would fuck me over if it was a bill
should hang a note on the door "please mr mailman actually FIT THE MAIL ALL THE WAY IN thank you"
Not quite your mind. The purpose of our practice is to transcend our mind. More or less. To be able to transcend the self. And see past it. Our mind usually places obstacles in the way of our practice if we let it.
but that really gave me an unnecessary spook clank of mailbox at this hour well gotta thank the random mailman for doing that since I wouldn't have noticed it untill tomorrow or later god damn inept state workers...
your talk of mail reminded me that I ordered a charm to come in the mail and apparently it was supposed to ship late september I wonder where it is Granted I haven't checked mail in a few days.
Your ONE job is to fit mail into a mailbox/slot and you can't even do that right
seriously annoys me, especially when I ahve done that job too and it ISN'T HARD TO FIT IN THE FUCKING LETTERS IF YOU USE MORE THAN FUCKING1 BRAIN CELL AND 1 SECOND
I might actually decide to take Jukai. I don't want to ever become a monk, though.
>>758708 My $100 of tanjirou merch is in New York right now.
especially since aside the free local newspapers, all I get is bills I kinda like to go through them at a set time of date, not realise "oh this is also an issue in few weeks" at 3am
there's a guy who was doing a video where his entire party would wipe (videos*) and then he'd finish the solo raid with the fucking literal cat
he did it on lucillius and lucillius shit like 80000 damage on the cat and it died instantly
Kirara 🍄
poor cat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
lucillius is a raid that pretty much requires phalanx active every turn but also has a buff that increases based on how many peopl,e in the raid are the same class.
Kirara 🍄
sounds like everyone needs to bring nico
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there's a type of strategy for lucillius hl that involves specifically not clearing one of the trials he places upon the party because while it's active, it always inflicts your weakness in damage (or dark on dark and light on light) because you can use that to your advantage by bringing 3 carbuncles of your weakness with phalanx + buncle active at all times you have 100% damage resistance for almost the entire fight.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
(at 25% in addition to slaying every party member you have that shares a race with another party member, he inflicts cannot-be-revived and can't-use-summons)
if i were gran i would simply go back in time and kill lucilius before he became a super powerful astral and created the primal beasts or whatever rip to lucifer but i'm different
>>758757 if i were gran i would simply eat lucifer's body
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
he is quite a snack isn't he
Kirara 🍄
yeah sanchan gotta get on that
... I forgot all about the moment I looked over my former broken down fridge and noticed someone had done some DO IT YOURSELF FIXES TO IT why am I cursed by DIY
You know those locks, like in a public bathroom, where you just push the thing in and the door locks, and it unlocks when you turn the handle?
Intern-chan was struggling to lock a door so i took a look and found she was locking it, and then testing to make sure it was locked, by turning the handle inside the door, which automatically unlocked it. She didn't understand why it wouldn't lock.
And then later instead of saying she was too short to see something, she said "I'm not long enough" and I said "...long?" and she looked at me like she didn't know what the problem was
I will say that she drug tested several clients for me and took their payments which gave me 20 minutes to relax after that hectic day before I had to work more and it was very helpful.
Btw this is completely random, but apparently according to greeks, when god of wind snake thingie, typhon and half snake-woman monster echidna fuck they produce 2 multi headed dogs and an 8 headed snake
She also told me she won't be here on Friday which is much better than just not showing up like she usually does!
>>758780 this is one of those posts, a reply to this, where i don't know if they are trolling or just stupid >Will someone point out that it is the colors of the Russian flag. what the hell is going on.
Hmm but is there really any point to going back to Moon
Well I guess they could confirm is there helium-3
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
we have to go and bully the moon princesses
>>758787 Having an established Moon presence would be pretty advantageous to extraterrestrial science and research. It would also give us an opportunity to monitor what long-term living might be like on planets that aren't Earth, instead of just floating around in low-Earth orbit on the ISS. There's a lot of scientific value to being out there on the Moon.
Plus it's just pretty cool.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
did somebody say Moon Presence
I really hope they go out of their way to somehow film the original site just to pour fuel on the CONSPIRACIES
>>758786 btw I am just going to say, that I will rather always be in a bulky as fug space suit, that can take some hits and thus prevent me from dying than some sleek smooth skinsuit, that won't protect me and will get punctured
Kirara 🍄🤡
the key is to grow human beings in a lab that are able to survive in a vacuum
Anyhow this is a major spoiler for the movie moon if you will ever watch it and havn't, would recommend cause damn good in the movie when the MC is dying slowly, it isn't clearly said why, just implied somewhat that the clone workers aren't ment to last long, but that would be quite okay it does spoiler wasteful, so I realised looking at the equipment, that the guy /base most likely lacked sufficient radiation protection, especially when they were outside doing maintenance work and so on. Each clone had I think 3 year expiration date or something and really looked like to be dying of radiation sickness. Basically, why they used clones was so that they wouldn't have to build radiation proof suits, vehicles and bases and instead could just replace the same engineer over and over with infinite clones. A quite good scifi big corpo plot in the end.
I don't think the bulky spacesuits are all that durable though. They're bulky because they need the insulation and space for the life support systems, not for durability.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>758795 ah yes humans who can withstand space's mighty succ
>>758797 I don't either think it is that durable, like taking on a rogue fast moving rock hit or bullets durable but durable enough to not get torn by say falling over into a sharp rock etc
but I think biggest issue really is life support, especially insulation it is afterall -absolute zero almost out there
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I am the master Of cool outer stoicism
The casual observer wouldn't even know I dropped a 20kg plate on my toes And it hurts likeva motherfucker
David Bowie's real name is David Jones, when he was getting further into the music industry hggot David goBBoBowie aas a sststastagstage stagstage nnanamname BBeBecBecause hhihis nnanamname wwawas ttotoo cclcloclosclose tto DDaDavDaviDavie JJoJonJoneJones wwhwho wwawas iin ttgtgethe MMoMonMonkMonkeMonkeeMonkees
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what the actual fuck
>>758800 IImI'm pretty sure they're bullet proof, modern ones anyways because during EVA missions they have to worry about soace debris traveling at high speeds Like little metal scraps and stuff
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I fucking knew rei was a robot there's no way a human was this kind of being
hmm, well I'm currently listening to music and playing azur lane. I played code vein recently. I've been a little less active in terms of doing stuff this past week or so.
How'd you find Code Vein? Ton and Kirara were both playing it the week it came out. I do like the detail they've got in the character creation but I don't really know if I'm interested in the combat system from what I've heard.
It was okay. It had a great character creator. The gameplay was okay but it did not have the depth that any of the dark souls had. i also felt the ending was a bit rush
overall the game was worth playing, I'd give it a 6 or 7 out of 10
Yeah, sounds about what I assumed. I might pick it up when it goes on sale for PC at some point, especially if they do some post-release DLC content.
I'm more into the faster more dodge focus style that they employed for Bloodborne and Sekiro though, so I'unno. Shieldgaming isn't really my thing, and if I want to dodge and roll I'd probably just play MonHun.
do you have any thoughts on the switch lite? ive been thinking about getting one since the price point is a little better i wonder what it lacks compared to a plain switch though
>>758831 I haven't touched a Switch Lite, but in terms of what it lacks, I believe it can only run in 720p, where the Switch can do 1080p when (and only when) docked and hooked up to a monitor or television. The controllers also don't have the super-quality rumble function that the detachable Joy-Cons have, instead they only have a basic rumble function. I think it actually has a better battery life than the Switch does though, so that actually might be a plus for opting for it instead of the normal Switch if you only think you'll be going handheld.
Hm, I think there's some other smaller quality of life features that it won't have ... I -think- it doesn't have the dynamic screen brightness adjustment like the Switch has, but in my opinion that's such a pointless thing to split hairs over when it comes to picking a product. The quality of materials mgiht be -might be a bit cheaper too, but it'll also be smaller and probably easier to port around anyway.
>>758830 Well, it's definitely a roller game and not a blocker game. The problem is that most enemies are defeated just with a good dash attack and a follow up. It's so easy to stagger enemies and is bad far the safest way to play.
Oh, you're very early. I was hoping a new ep was out.
no ive just started picking it up since you and kirara said it was good
It's supposed to have new episodes this season but I dunno who's gonna be around to sub them. [Chyuu]'s done so in the past but they seem to be inactive otherwise. Aside from Nanatsu I think I've only seen them do maybe one or two other airing shows in recent years.
Cheap mechanical pencil for scale. It's a bit on the unwieldy side in my opinion for portability but I've seen people playing them on the subway or in rest spots around the city so it's evidently not really a hindrance.
>>758841 I'm always fond of grey and other monochrome shades for hardware hah hah. But honestly the turquiose is kind of nice to me too. Yellow's probably the only one of the batch that I'm sour on. But I also don't really like yellow as a colour much to begin with.
>compatible games: Handheld Supported Games wait, so the switch lite doesn't play all switch games? what
>>758844 As far as I know, all Switch games are playable on both the docked and handheld format. They might be saying that because it's technically possible for a developer to only allow a game to play while docked. So to prevent litigations incase anyone actually wants to develop for the docked mode only, they state that ahead of the case.
>>758846 Yeah, I see that. But like I said, I'm pretty sure all Switch games currently released are playable for both formats. I just would also assume it's theoretically possible for a developer to put in a limitation on their game that only lets it run while the Switch is docked. Which wouldn't have been a problem without the release of the Switch Lite. But now that they've put it out, they need to put this kind of information out there in case in the future a game comes out that does have that limitation.
I'm fairly confident if there had already been a released game that only runs while it's docked, I would have seen some chatter about it because someone out there would have likely been offended by it.
I guess it's still the kind of thing that might turn you off the Switch Lite because you don't want to take the chance that a game will come out that you want to play that you can't, but I'd argue a developer would be pretty dumb to fully ostracize players that predominantly use the portable function. And especially Nintendo, as the console developer, I'd be extremely surprised if they ever put out a game that isn't at least mostly compatible with both Switch formats.
I think the detachable controllers that you get with the normal Switch also have some better motion-tracking hardware which can be used to play FPS/third-party-shooter games too. Like with Splatoon 2. Personally I find the control you get with the to be amazing for accuracy, but you could still play the game fine with the sticks.
it looks like the detachable controllers might get used for things like brain age and other stuff in the future like some sort of 2p buzzer function like wiimotes i dont anticipate having a friend to play with in the forseeable future anyway so that's probably not a big deal
i just want smm2 i dont // im reluctant to pay all dis money to play one game though
1-2-Switch Just Dance (all of them) Super Mario Party Fitness Boxing Nintendo Labo (all sets)* Ring Fit Adventure (releasing on 18th October)
that's what comes up for what doesn't work on switch lite i guess mario party minigames might need it... i like mario party but that's okay
I guess Fitness Boxing needs you to have the detachable controllers. I knew 1-2-Switch utilized the HD Rumble functionality of the Joy-Cons that the Switch Lite doesn't have, so I guess that's a problem for Super Mario Party too.
>>758848 Well there's also Animal Crossing in March. Two games is still kind of a hard sell for a console investment though.
The Switch also has a lot of indie titles that have been released for it, though a lot of them are also available on PC through Steam or Epic Games Store, so I guess it depends whether you'd want to play them portable or not.
"boo hoo I got theoretical immortality, magical powers, and super healing and all I had to do for it was give up my soul to an alien" god what a crybaby amirite