It's been quite a few days and there's been a lot of new stuff and I don't know if I've caught everything worth watching and trimmed everything I haven't, but,
Bem Dr. Stone Joshikousei no Mudazukai Episode 10-12 Lord El-Melloi II To aru Kagaku no Accelerator UchiMusume Episode 11-12 Vinland Saga Carole & Tuesday
--Fall 2019 Ahiru no Sora Babylon Episode 1-3 Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai S2 Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy GranBlue Fantasy S2 Hataage! Kemono Michi Kono Oto Tomare! Maurimashita! Iruma-kun Ore wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo Val x Love
I did like th last OP It seems that the story is shifting away from protagonist-kun somewhat.
These guys did a live concert in Toronto a couple weeks back. They put on a great performance live. Blue got to see them when they did New York City a couple days earlier too.
>>754826 I'm pretty sure he stays around but yeah, looks like the story might be opening up a bit now. That or the guy dragging his mom around is Askeladd in a flashback, I kind of got a feeling like that.
The OP kinda makes me think the series is going to refocus on askeladd
I hope so. He's a really interesting character. There's a lot of what feels like complex loyalties and difficult personal philosophies he's got going on.
Ah that pretty much concludes it. I remember this yeah. In Askeladd's fight with Thors in the prologue he swore on the blood of his ancestor Artorius.
I didn't mind the earlier parts of it but the tone it took towards the end of the television size isn't really my cup of tea. Those kinds of vocals can get a little abrasive on my ears.
I've seen some pages from this manga a little later downt -down the line and I think this onii-san with the bad eyesight goes full on glasses bishounen later on.
Yeah, this was one of the possibilities I figured would happen. Suika's melon getting thrown on him is kind of a reasonable form of cheating.
Well the otouto is kind of a gag character so Well I guess this would be a gag too hah hah. He'll probably run out of juice before the fight's up I bet.
Well I guess that settles Senku moving up to finals. Now we get to see what Chrome gets to pull I guess. Doubt he'll win but I'm sure he's got some trick.
It will be either Chrome or Senku that wins. Not looking great for Chrome at hte moment. but it seems he has a keikaku
Well if Chrome wins here, him and Senku still technically have a fight in the finals. I could Senku bowing out though since he's not really competitively oriented. At least in this fashion.
Hah hah wow. He's just gonna grind out the numbers to figure out how long it would take. What a fucking nerd.
well it makes sense for Chrome to be the village cheif chief I guess
okay granblue
maybe we'll get a djeeta ep late, later
okay lets start
From what I've seen it looks like we're back to Gran as the MC in this new season. I kind of liked how they just swapped him for Djeeta in the final episode last time with no explanation.
I still think they should have just kept her as the MC and gave zero explanation. And then for the final episode in this season do the same but for Gran.
We should see Vira and Ferry's arcs this season though. They both have some pretty good moments.
Yeah the quality is okay, I don't think it makes as much as other gacha games.
GranBlue? It's Cygames' biggest draw by far, I believe. They make STACKS from it. Like sure not Fate/GO money but that game is on an absurd level of its own.
Yeah, you have to remember this is the game that Ton's credit company called him to alert him to a sudden spending in a short period of time of THREE HUNDRED (300) DOLLARS. There's a lot of GranBlue whales out there.
Oh they've got Lyria using some of the other Primals they've fought against and made friends with.
Giri giri saafu
I like this firekick girl. I think I might've seen her before in the game.
Guess this was the one-off episode before the story picks up to get everyone familiar again.
Oh yeah I'd forgotten that Rosetta hadn't joined their party in the anime. She's just been kind of showing up whenever things happen.
okay what was it we said we'd do now let's do melloi
okay lets start!
Yeah I was gonna say we hadn't actually picked anything hah hah. So Melloi or Accelerator or something out of the new pile would work.
Waver really has a lot of annoying students.
Grey really looks a lot like Saber Alter when she goes Arturia mode.
Oh she's the one who was related by marriage to DOKUTA HAATORESSU It was either her or Eyepatch-chan by my guess though.
Oh no Waver's attracted the interests of a tsundere now.
Gosh Reines are you flirting with this girl.
Well Waver's probably not the kind of guy to care too much about not having his Magic Crest. I wonder if that's made him even wimpier when it comes to magic though.
This friend of Waver's fine when they're not playing his dumb gag of constantly puking blood too much.
Wow that's sure an eleventh hour reveal. I wonder if this makes them siblings or just similar in origin. Though I guess if there was eight years between their creations then the genetic information used to make Tao probably wasn't around anymore.
I'm kind of a big sucker for this grand chorus songs. There's just something about people getting together to sing that just puts me in a good feeling.
>Will be continued... >...In your mind Wow don't tease.