boss battles fight for your right for overtime pay
fight for your living fighting the boss
Girl across the hall from me wearing a Spirited Away shirt
Jerky was a good choice, the protein content is nice too, even if it's a little pricey. I'm working again now though, I can probably afford to splurge a bit on my snacks.
>>756581 There's this girl i see sometimes at a bus stop by my house that wears really hardcore weeb shirts. Like the shirt with Elizabeth's face on it from Gintama. Or the medjed shirt from FGO
I did it with like half an hour to spare, too. Now I have a client who I have to confront about her popping positive for hydrocodone, hydromorphone, and nnorhydrocodone on a drug test. Woooo
She's not prescribed them and she's here for substance use treatment following a DUI where she was found with .356 BAC and a hospitalization due to pancreatitis.
It could be one drug, though. Norhydrocodone and Hydromorphone are metabolites of Hydrocodone and Codeine. So it could just be codeine or something. Idk. I guess I'll see in a minute!
When I sat down with my client, she said "I decided I was going to lie to you but I can't do it." And I thought she said "I decided I was going to like you, but I can't do it." And I didn't react but for a moment, I was like, wow wtf
WOO FIVE OUT OF NINE and now for the biggest lame of the game ultimate sellout Gene
>>756629 Wow, rejected before you even knew you had a chancs!
I should go to work as the Joker on Halloween but i don't want to die /// dye my hair or buy a red suit
Dying hair a really unnatural colour like that is a pretty overall unpleasant experience, I would caution against it, yeah. Nevermind the awfully garish suit, hah hah. Maybe see if you can put together an outfit like one Arthur wears in the show as a subtle reference costume.
my friend said me and another friend looked like a couple when we went to the pumpkin patch and now i'm like 😳😳😳
Do you really want to look like a couple of pumpkins.
>>756674 yeah sc showed me earlier she said /a/ was kinda trashing it but idk my expectations are tempered do we know who's animating yet
Yeah, down there at the bottom of the first picture, Studio MAPPA. You know them best probably for most recently Dororo.
The staff list also lists a 3DCG director which means there's probably a considerable 3D CGI component to the adaptation, which I think was a lot of what /a/ was bitching about. But I dunno I think 3D CGI can look good in an attentive person's hand.
nice, i look forward to it i dont mind if it's not perfect. it's a hard ask to animate dorohedoro anyway im just happy we're getting it
as long as it doesn't turn out like jcstaff OPM im fine don't disgrace it and we good
What I like is that they've got (K)NoW_NAME doing the music composition. They were the ones responsible for the music in Fairy Gone, which, even with the mediocre series, the music was probably the strongest part of it.
>>756682 Here's an info tidbit then. There's actually a second season airing right now. I haven't bothered putting it on the List, hah hah.
i forgot fairy gone even existed haha i dont think rika's read dorohedoro so it'd be fun to see what she thinks when it airs
I read the first volume a short while ago. Someone's been dumping the full series on /a/. It's pretty unique.
productive stuff shopping excercise played dnd where I got to be Phoenix Wright and now for whatever reason decided to dirnk all of the wine I had on me
"voi vittu kun joskus se rasittaa en maata kestä en maailmaa vaan hänenkö niskaan velkani sälytän niin kasvot peilistä pakenee tyhjät silmät eilistä katselee mitä sainkaan minä ja mitä saikaan hän risaisen elämän"
When I become ruler of China every girl is going to be legally mandated to wear a cheongsam and every family will be entitled to one of those fancy Chinese spears with the tassles
Though luck china is an eternal nation >>756889 we can only hope btw did you peek at discord?
Kirara 🍄
>>756887 Peoples Republic of China? never heard of it
Kirara 🍄
gundam build fighters in up, maris maria eps 1 and 2
Kirara 🍄
err build divers i guess
Oh yeah Build Divers I should watch them but honestly I'm not really that excited about it Divers was fun when it was airing but it must not have left much of an impression on me since I look back and I can't remember much of it
Kirara 🍄
i actually dropped divers around episode 14 or something idk i couldn't get into it the first build series was really good but i feel like the subsequent ones have all been kind of boring
I find it funny How China came back to most people's tongues after Blizzard banned and stole the price money from that one Hong Kong Hearth Stone player, who won Heart Stone world cup and after winning it donned gasmask and eyepatch and said "hong kong is the revolution of our time"
oh and blizzard also fired the two casters (chiense) who hosted the event
well atleast the situation is back on the forefront and not buried
That's the general consensus on the Build series Build Fighters was an amazing show and everything after that has just been a failure at capturing the same magic I liked parts of Divers and the Battlogue ovas, but none of the characters are anywhere near as memorable as the ones from Fighters
btw I heard a rumour I don't know if this is true but Blizzard might be making it practically impossible to delete blizzard accounts, in counter action to people boicoting them
Kirara 🍄
yeah, they did make it impossible it's fucked up
>>756902 my friends are going through that lol some of them deleted, the ones who tried later weren't able to do it
yeah well I ain't doing it I payed good money for my shit on that
It's all digital license so you don't even own things, you just have the right to access them.
Oh yeah Kirara the other day my mum was filling in a form for something her work is doing with Houston, and she had to sign a part saying the company has never boycotted Israel Ain't that just the weirdest thing
I know but I still spent 70€ on those licenses
no 85€
and I have a lvl 700 waifu wizard on that account
Kirara 🍄
>>756907 haha i wish i could say it's weird that's pretty normal over here
I am amazed people still play naruto ultimate ninja storm 4
hmm... why do people disconnect when they lose witht heir fav character and then their strong chracter against my strong characters that generally are considered joke characters
why does everyone use sharingan or rasengan or broken characters on non-ranked
its non ranked not that rankedm atters when no one plays but hwy do you use boring to play borken characters?
how is it fun to win with just no skill?
also how is it that characters from the first game when rebrought tot hegame as in younger versions of themselves are even more BROKEN than they were back then?
PK wanted to gather materials at random locations to turn into spells as appropriate based on the items collected. It was a bookkeeping nightmare I didn't even bother to try.
>>756977 Making spells willy nilly out of random crap sounds like a GM's nightmare
>>756979 point is like normally you have an ability that is 1x per encounter well now you have 3x that spell well unless you succeed in gathering materials and making that spell you will NEVER recharge it
but alternatively you could do DAILY abilities like 3x a day
>>756980 Making new spells in of itself is very tricky to do right and having players make their own new spells on a regular basis (especially if its with a new home-brew mechanic) sounds nightmarish for a gm.
it was a system that alternatively really limited spell casting or made you IMBA as fuck that was my feeling
either I had ALL THE ABILITIEAS I WANTED AND COULD KILL A GOD or "I can only use my at will ability"
>>756983 Look up slayers d20 and check out the magic system, its pretty interesting DCC rpg also has an interesting magic system They're both on the trove Bbl
>>756991 do you mind if I also start to write a kind of journal for Inari?
>>756992 Yeah, I don't care I was originally going to do it as something for Alack in campaign 1 because he technically had a journal in his inventory, but never did
you said you didn't write a lot for this session but that is a lot
it would have been a lot more if I included everything you guys did for investigating Noto didn't participate in any of it so I didn't need to write it
btw is there a character limit in the bio?
no idea, i havent hit it so far
I think I will prolly just use links + out takes
btw what did you think of my (inari's) phoenix poiroting?
I did kinda hog the stage for the whole court procedure which I do feel kinda bad for
>>757013 Haha. I'm trying to figure out how I should turn her down. I can probably say it wouldn't be appropriate for me to write one because I'm not licensed and don't have a doctorate yet.
She's also barely done any work. She's done two intakes for me and one intake for someone else. In like two months.
>>757027 Yeah. When I applied for my doctoral program, I also had two posters and a symposium presented at an academic conference. I did all the work that led up to those before I even had my bbachelor's. And she has a year of a masters program under her belt.
but still you were bachelor degree suicide line more professional than sheis rite now
>>757033 Honestly best thing you could do to her is have her subjected to me
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
what would they even what the letter of recommendation for lmao a letter of recommendation is only needed when you're leaving where you are and going somewhere else right? do they think you're going to write it just to get rid of them?
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>757035 Nah. She needs them for a graduate program she's applying for.
I'm trying to teach her some work ethic. I just haven't had much time for it yet.
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
I've had to do some pretty similar stuff but I'm also pretty well regarded as 'harsh but fair' usually the conversations go about like "why would you think I'd do that for you?" "huh??" "do you really think i'd put my own reputation on the line for you, when I myself don't even believe in you" "what??" "if you had learned anything during your time here you'd know I'd do that for just about anyone else, but it's not because I like putting myself out on a limb, it's because I can trust in their abilities"
it sounds really bad and really harsh writing this but people need to hear that sort of thing sometimes I swear I'm not an abusive boss
I've spent the last three weeks putting out fires without much of a day off and today there are even more fires! Someone fucked up my printer at work, which is specifically used for printing a specific type of document, and I don't have time to fix it before I have to go lead group and our intern (not intern-chan, but a bachelor's level intern) never shows up even though he was going to to take over printing all that stuff every Friday
So now we can't send any urine drug screens to the lab this week. We have 13 that need to be sent off. Most of these will now go bad before they can be sent off.
It can't really be helped, you know. That's just what growing up rich does to you. It makes you incompetent.
>>757060 I don't even know. They shouldn't have even been able to connect to this printer. They also wasted a bunch of our special paper. And now it won't print anything.
>>757063 Here are some facts I have learnt printerns are magic even if you use 100% same OS and 100% printer OS on the laptop using the printer with 0 updates, with 0 changes between the two since LAST YEAR something still will break and require you to update everything
I wanted to break that stupid printer. But what I'm really mad about is the fact that my interns who were essentially recruited to relieve me specifically from tasks I am extremely overqualified for.
Oh boy! I got to help put out another fire! "Kirara-chan, can you keep this client in crisis company for 20 minutes while I get her set up with an inpatient facility we are moving her to?" 50 minutes later. Mou! I wanted to finish my notes and go home a little early but I'll be going home late!
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
What are you supposed to say to someone in crisis?
Usually the idea is to deescalate the client and start working towards solving the crisis, but this crisis can't be resolved and the client can't currently be fully deescalated since she's upset about being sent to a higher level of care.
So I was basically asked to babysit and keep them willing to go until she can go.
I essentially just processed her feelings about all of this with her and used reframing where possible.
She doesn't want to be sober so I don't personally agree with what's going on but it's out of my hands and she's not my client so all I can really do is keep her engaged for a little while.
Crisis intervention is the first skill I developed bc of suicide hotline stuff, though, so I managed it okay.
>Doomsday Clock >if you don't light a lot of flowers, clear debris, and defeat a lot of enemies, the clock rolls faster! >the end of the world approaches oh okay
>Cagliostro The man found out about the end of the world, jumped dimensions, landed in GBF, and became a girl. Respect.
>fuck off, cunt. that's hearsay >ever hear of s59 of the Uniform Evidence Law >only a complete moron would try to admit hearsay as evidence to prove a disputed fact >you should just give up and go home
Yeah. I'm ready.
few have done so
>>757106 usually ticketing summons is the worst idea in granblue as opposed to optimal
characters, unless you want their weapons more, are 1 time in granblue as well. You can either use summons to uncap the 3 neceesary times in granblue, or use sunstones, which I know are also in Dragalia. My guess is that sunstones are rarer for you guys, we can get one every Guild Wars if you do well enough.
Our summon pool for each party is one main summon and four sub summons. The main summon however can generally be a F2P one due to how our weapon grids work. The sub summons can be built up over the course of your career really, and especially now with Arcarum you can fill them in easier with nice things.
Sunlight Stones are harder than all the other things to get
someone at the store commented on my total by saying "hey, that's a prime number" and i said "oh, really" and they told me their phone number is a prime number and i said okay and they asked if my phone number is a prime number and i said idk so they told me they could tell me if i gave them my phone number
how the fuck does such a humongous nerd get that bold suspicious
>>757134 Maybe they're a bit on the spectrum and don't realize how bold they're being hah hah
i'm so sad that the dougie isn't cool anymore
>>757135 I'm glad you're reading Uminkoe -Umineko for the first time with the original artwork. The PS4 port graphics are really nice, but there's a CHARM to the Ryuukishi graphics that you don't get elsewise.
>>757138 Ryuukishis terrible drawing is great I maintain that Umineko without the shitty art would be like if Zun hired a professional artist It maintains that independent doujin spirit
Though he has gotten a different artist to do the character designs for Ciconia no Naku Koro ni. Despite that, they have managed to capture the goofy style Ryuukishi seems eternally stuck in. He did do the original designs so maybe there's just an agreement that the artist sticks close to the deformities that he always ends up putting in his designs.
>>757148 A therapist that treats victims of witches and has to convince them that magic doesn't exist and what's in their heads are actually just delusions
Funny you say that! We recently had a client who believed people were using black magic to target him. He was a meth addict.
Although we didn't have time to help him realize those are delusions because we found out he was having sex with a 7yo and an 8yo and had to report it to DCF and then he ran away and now he's on the run.
It went under my radar until this morning, thank God. I barely made it through today! I had to go outside and meditate for like 20 minutes in the middle of the day because so much shit has been going on.
End of a busy week. At least you get a bit of a free weekend. Then back to the grind.
I love the grind, but if you grind for three weeks without a day off, even I'll start losing my shit! I'm gonna relax tomorrow and then I'm gonna do a big cleaning day of my apartment. It's gotten pretty messy since I've been so busy and I also live alone now.
>>757143 I couldn't kill the thing that was about to kill you because it had protect for a turn on it.
>>757154 Kondo Mari that shit. Eliminate all that doesn't spark joy!
so this "50% chance to exchange position, HP%, and buffs" sounds like a great idea until I remembered that ToN has the best buffs and damage And "swapping" HP% pretty much sent you into limbo state lol
omg i cannot stand that 7 years song i s2g if i hear SOoN i'LL Be TwEnTY yEARs OLd one more time
I think you mentioned that song before and I had no clue what it was. And I still don't think I do, hah hah.
I only just now realized the Earl Grey tea I got the other day is decaf. I guess that's not a big deal since I don't really drink tea for the caffeine and the box claims the decaf process doesn't affect the flavour anyway, but still. It's kind of annoying how similar the packaging is.
Midnight on January 13th. So if it's somewhere HorribleSubs can rip from, it'll probably be watchable for Tuesday nights. The trailer did say something about Netflix though, so we might need someone like [PAS] to actually fansub it. They've been on a roll with Carole & Tuesday and Beastars lately so maybe they'll keep it up next season.
If all this information was coming out now and it was airing this fall, I'd be kind of worried. Kind of shows the animation project is disorganized and rushing. Being a season out at least indicates they've got their stuff together.
>>757247 Well it's still three months out. It's not impossible things might turn for the better. I know the offer of saving things for when you're ready isn't always a comfort, but there's almost certainly going to be a glut of shows to watch. So it won't be a complication to keep it around for when you're more up to watching.
those are troublesome implications
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Oh shit, boys
Not to BUTTER MY OWN BREAD too much
But i did fucking Excellently at the mock trial
I think her words were >the best one I've seen so far
Ew dude why would you butter your bread.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
why the heck aren't you buttering your bread
Heh *hey Bad News Turns out the German shooter was from meguca
what kind of jelly or jam do you like /moe/? i usually get raspberry, but when i can get some really special peach or blackberry walnut or something i like that
grape jelly is so common but im actually not that crazy about it
>>757282 Heard you were thinking of Rust. Then I got to thinking if separating the websocket logic from the web server itself was a good idea. Then I got confused and did something else.
>>757287 You've been playing it? I made her after other tanos wanted me to make a waifu. But I wasn't happy with how she had to wear viels and didn't like the whole EDGY GOTH SHIT.
So I went back to my first character which is a simple self-insert.
Even the guys all look cute in an anime sense, it's annoying. >>757289 How was it? I'm stuck on that cathedral level, it's SO confusing to navigate.
I finished the story recently
cathedral is the worst area in the game you’re a decent ways off from the worst boss though overall i liked it but some of the dark souls copying is done in ways that are less fun
>>757290 The level design in this game is a goddamn clusterfuck. It's REALLY bad in some areas, but the cathedral managed to surpass my expectations for bad level geometry.
>Hurr let's copy paste about a dozen assets and make a 3 d maze for a level with NO distinguishing markers to let you know where the fuck you're at and how to get where you want to go xd
>>757292 Have people forgotten that they can make maps of videogame levels? Like on paper Hell isn't there a fucking map for you in game
>>757293 Dude, you don't understand how badly designed this level is.
>>757294 I watched you play on this level It looks tedious but not impossible
I think my mouth is starting to bleed more frequently compared to earlier this week That's probably not a good sign
>>757283 oh hey! rust is cool i dont think i would rewrite doushio in it without a really good reason tho but i have other projects in it what ya been workin on?
trains are okay. i'm a boring office person now i make phone calls and fill excel sheets and forms in adobe reader
yeah that does sound kinda boring better than breaking your back out there though are you gonna control New York's public transport soon? you gotta wrest control
>>757332 It's a bullshit outdated system that's on its way out. You can basically self-educate on just about any topic these days so you're paying for the privilege to take the test anyway.
there's no purpose for it other than it makes people money.
Harajuku is super cool. I got to walk through there when I went in high school. Didn't really have a chance when I visited more recently though. I should make a note to go again next time I travel to Tokyo.
Kirara 🍄🤡
I want to visit Japan. Maybe after my internship before I move into a post-doc position.
Well you know I'm always a happy travel companion if you want one.
i really would love a /moe/ japan trip pick me up in okinawa when yall go and we'll tour the whole country a bike trip would be super fun
ive always wanted to go to hokkaido i planned a trip with a friend once but he BAILED wouldn't have been very enjoyable just as a duo anyway need a big cozy group
nier is a dangerous person who needs extensive therapy and needs to learn that you can't just kill people becoming a mass murderer of people you don't like isn't tragic! it's just uncool
im getting a new client on monday some 19yo addicted to marijuana who is willingly coming to treatment?? parents must be rich or something to bring him to intensive outpatient program for that
self-pay for a month of treatment is $3600 even with good insurance you still pay like $150 a week
maybe the kid just doesnt care and his parents just want him to stop smoking
I set out to meet up with a friend today but I forgot a huge stretch of the subway line I rely most on is shut down for the weekend. They've got shuttle buses running the above ground route but these buses are garbage for getting anywhere in a reasonable timeframe.
And my friend almost certainly won't be carrying a phone so I can't really tell him I'll be late. How annoying.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
that is annoying. but really who doesn't carry a phone in 2019
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
carry a phone and be surveilled go without and be... the surveillance?
i got this wedding shit in like 30 minutes ive actually never really been to a wedding reception err ceremony although ive never been to a reception either
this one is on the beach though
i'm at the beach now but there's smoke everywhere? it smelled like fire as i was driving here and there's smoke everywhere but i don't see any fires it's weird for smoke to linger on a beach
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
oh you've never been to a wedding effigy before? boy you are in for a show tonight
Kirara 🍄🤡
burning effigies of the bride and groom would be a great tradition
The only wedding I've ever been to I was really young so I don't remember jack. Haven't been to one as an adult ever.
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
the smoke is actually magic mushroom spores to enhance and personalize the ceremonial sensations if you haven't seen Midsommar check it out
I've been seeing some footage of the Rajang in action from Iceborne and man. I can't wait for this giant monkey to go ape on my ass.
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>757461 this would really be amazing i would love that
Kirara 🍄🤡
i know people meet other people at weddings a lot but my grandmother wants me to accompany her the whole time which is fine but i would also like to meet new people
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
well kirara and friends before you have to tend to your duties, please appreciate, while accompanied by one of the best tracks in all of touhou, a compilation of touhous trying to do what we'll be doing in about a week.
i'm gonna have my wedding in this staircase
Kirara 🍄🤡
>People in Norilsk go ice swimming even on days when the air feels like -40C – warming up in spots heated with steam from the power plant. damn that'd be an awesome idea for an ice age steampunk setting
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
wow that sounds really fun and also mega suffering
Frostpunk is a city-builder game with that premise!
Kirara 🍄🤡
>Norilsk citizens call the rest of the world ‘the continent’.
Kirara 🍄🤡
>Norilsk is one of the most polluted cities in the world. Acid rain has caused vegetation in areas surrounding the city to die.
Kirara 🍄🤡
sounds like a horrible place to live but a great place to inspire a dystopian setting
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I can see why Sammers feels its so romantic.
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
sammer summer is coming prepare yourself for 200 hours of UV irradiation followed by an ice bath and a quick numbing death
Wow, you're all bullying me. You're kicking me while I'm down!
>>757514 The cold brew coffee Tony's talking about is probably not cold ... er, the cold canned coffee he's talking about probably isn't cold brew. It's probably just coffee brewed hot and then cooled for canning and transport. Some canned coffee brands can actually be pretty decent. Some Japanese vending machines will even reheat the can to a pretty warm temperature when you order it.
>>757549 Honestly I didn't really get why the media thought it was going to motivate incel shootings and stuff It's a movie about mental health issues but I didn't really see anything that felt like it was pandering to incels Joker only killed people who had directly wronged him in some way and he let the woman and her kid go after he realised his relationship was a delusional fantasy.
>>757553 I can see how someone from the incel crowd could read into it but I wouldn't really call it pandering Alienation from modern society is a widespread issue honestly I feel like part of the point the film makes about society turning people into assholes fell a little flat since the major causes of his breakdown were a bunch of clearly identifiable individuals I think that people pick outgroups as subjects of accusations because it's easier to have a target you can aim at instead of just the system itself being broken. Wheras in the case of the movie Joker is given a few distinct targets to pick out. I think that part of what makes our current alienation from society so dreadful is that there's never anyone you can directly point a gun at and say "yeah this guy's responsible" so it didn't resonate with me as much as it could have.
>>757556 When he said "I thought my life was a tragedy, but now I see it's a fucking comedy" I thought to myself, haha that's such a Kirara thing to say
Yeah. Parts of the Joker reminded me of Kirara too That guy he worked with who came to his house not the one he stabbed the other one that he let go.
I also thought the bit where the little guy wants to leave and run from the Joker but then he has to stop and ask Joker to undo the lock for him was really funny
The Japanese bar I've been going to for a while now with a friend is a pretty cool place. Tonight the manager came over to introduce himself and ask our names I guess we've
>>757563 what exactly makes it Japanese? just the stuff they serve? >>757562 Noted. It's a good one.
>>757566 They model themselves after the Japanese izakaya style of bar, and cultivate a very Japanese-oriented menu of food and alcohol. The one I go to in particular probably has the most diverse selection of sake than anywhere else in the city. All their foods are the kind of stuff you could expect to get at a Japanese pub. And the aesthetic decoration and kitchen layout of the place is very much Japanese.
>>757568 so I've never seen MHA but my impression of All Might is that he wants to inspire people to be the best versions of themselves right What's the rationale here
>>757568 what else do you expect out of the communism abolishes measurements person
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>757569 idek that's literally all he does he just wants everyone to be their best and to save as many people as he can
>>757571 >>757568 >the politics around My Hero Academia are soooooo fucked well she got that right in a sense
Kirara 🍄🤡
i dont get that either almost everyone iin the world got super powers so it makes sense that the government would regulate the use of powers by requiring licenses to use them i mean obviously iit's not ideal but it's completely logical
I really liked how Shinsekai Yori handled people getting super powers Everyone's a glass cannon so it only takes one guy to get powers and go crazy for there to be disaster
The izakaya also has this fun game where you pay and roll two dice and get whatever drink your dice come up as. It ranges from a cheap prize like oolong tea or Coke, to a decent mixed drink like a sour, to even a shot of their pricier sake. I managed to get the twelve dollar sake shot on my first try; was pretty pleased with that.
Last weekend, that professor was telling me that from what I told her about my life, I have been severely deprived of love all of my life and that usually people need to be loved before they can do something like be a psychologist. She wasn't criticizing me, she thinks I'm a good psychologist. She was just astounded that I can be so loving and caring despite living a life of such utter loneliness.
I mean, I've never had a loving family. She asked me when the first time it was that someone showed genuine concern for me, and I realized it was when I was in high school.
I really have had a lonely life and every time I'm almost free of that loneliness, something happens. Teacup died, Fish basically disappeared.
I can't do some things comfortably to meet people because big crowds trigger my ptsd and I can't go to bars.
At the wedding earlier, everything went wrong but they were still so happy. Being around the people you love goes a long way. But there isn't really anyone who can be there for me. I don't have anyone to confide in who actually listens or can respond in a comforting way when I am feeling down.
that's why her killing herself makes her the best she killed some meme trash
DDLC would have been better if it was about mental illnesses and dealing with the death of a close friend instead of going down the wow she's breaking the fourth wall road
>>757601 Can you go to smaller crowds >a comforting way What is a comforting way Maybe it's insensitive to say but even if you lost the people that freed you from loneliness it's a fact that you found them so there's a precedence for finding new people
>>757619 Comforting as in genuinely being there for me. Not just trying to say things to avoid the awkwardness of having someone vent to you like most people do . I don't even really have friends I can confide in, or anything. I can't really trust anyone to truly be there for me.