It looks like Moon might've gone in for a nap. Might've checked in earlier and didn't see a thread and went back to snooze. We're not in a major rush tonight I think? I mean even if we only have time for three shows it's not like we're gonna swamp ourselves over the next week hah hah.
Though Moon would also probably be fine with us starting without.
Would you be okay with tapping out Kono Oto or Bokutachi for Cinderella. Both those shows are on their season finale episode and Cinderella's still got maybe two -got maybe one episode after this one.
That said both Kono Oto and Bokutachi have season twos coming in the fall season so I guess it's only a temporary reprieve.
Room flipping didn't seem like a good power to begin with so but it's working now
The demon's got the advantage of getting to ignore the gravity. Once he stopped being lazy and just tapping idly and really went on the aggressive with how he was flipping the room it really made things hard.
Tapping so fast that you can pretty much keep the enemy in perpetual freefall is pretty powerful. That's kind of like how in space if you reach a point floating in microgravity that you can't touch a wall you're in a real bad spot.
That makes two almost Elite Twelve midboses Tanjirou's defeated now. Or I guess three since both arm lady and arrow boy were also "not true" members of the twelve members of Michael Jackson's elite guard. And this guy used to be one but was expelled. I wonder when he's gonna fight some real ones.
Musikku This series got a second season announcement for this Fall season starting in October. I hope we get some development on these other koto clubs in other schools and more information on their club advisor. They've been dropping a lot of content expansion on us in these last couple episodes.
Koto are probably pretty heavy instruments. They're carved from like a large chunk of wood after all. Having one of those fall right on your hand is gonna hurt a lot I bet.
Their advisor has such a naturally asshole-ish personality that it really gets difficult when he's trying to guide them for the better or just be a frank asshole.
I like that there's a girl that's not kinda bitchy now. Though the first girl has softened up a lot.
They were both kind of bitchy at first. Well right at the beginning they both kind of did the same thing, hah hah, pretending to be nice and friendly to get what they wanted. The brown-haired girl really went full wholesome after she got won over by FRIENDSHIP. Hozuki's got a fair bit of ice still but that kind of makes sense for her.
I'm excited to hear how this sounds. The music pieces in this series have been pretty great.
Ah his hand got to him faster than I was expecting. I guess this might throw them all off because of the panic.
The other team ahs much nicer uniforms. The collars are weird for baseball uniforms though.
Though over all they're more like what a proper baseball uniform should look like. The skirts and bare knees on the MCs' uniforms are really unfeasible for professional play.
I don't really know the mechanics of the gatcha -of the mobage this game -this anime is promoting but those girls from their school that are showing up in the crowd here are gatcha-able characters in the game.
Bunting is almost always kind of comical to see. But I guess it's a viable strategy for high school baseball.
Guess this is where their opposing team makes a bit of a comeback. Though their pitcher is sure still throwing a lot of balls.
She's just hot-blooded in the heat of the game! You've got to be serious to win a competitive match-up!
Well we'll at least have Moon tomorrow. Jan might fall deep into the FFXIV rabbit hole but maybe we'll be lucky there.
Not that there'll be anything new so it'll just be what's on that list, hah hah. All the more reason to make sure Jan is around. I'll try and get him sold on that line of thought.