>>705523 It's not that harsh! i thought naruto was good enough to finish! It wasn't good, but it had some cool ideas and characters, even if it squandered the potential!
it took me like 40 seconds to finish loading this! wow!
The one that spent most of the first few arcs as a giant fat man doesn't seem to do that anymore. Guess she got more confident.
oh no she's SEA
Hah hah yeah. I've had that in mind ever since she got introduced. Singaporeans are really fond of ending their sentence with ~la regardless of language.
the op is also pretty good
Gordon is a fucking weird mime.
>>705536 It's definitely good I'll give you that >>705537 Hisoka but a loser
He's just a different brand of psychopath.
Actually I take that back, Hisoka is way too smart and badass. >>705539 Yeah you right. He's a different flavor of lunacy
She was already able to use the magic of anyone she transforms into, so this is a pretty impressive power she gets on top of that. Shame she's mostly a gag character.
I guess that's the foreshadowed ghost of their base from earlier in the episode.
Padding for time because they can barely afford the koreans animating 700 episodes as is. Just shonen things. Asexual Diamond. I might be free and be able to join you guys on tuesday night from now on, not entirely sure on the schedule change yet though.
they paint such a realistic image of the sport but there's no way high school baseball actually takes it this serious people are just lazy and wanna go home and don't care
I dunno, it could be like the college football of America. Or college basketball too I guess? This is their avenue into the big leagues.
>>705587 Yeah definitely. North America just wants to have fun in high school. There might be some competitiveness but it's more a celebration of the game than a serious competition.
wan pan man >>705590 I wish the sporting events around here had a bit more clamor surrounding them mainly we just get tourists coming in for the occasional away game and people getting rowdy at bars the teams we have in my city aren't technically representing my city though so I guess it's not surprising There's more interesting stuff happening in dallas when the cowboys win their game in Arlington, haha. >>705591 I really really want to visit Hokkaido It's pretty high up there in my top 5 places to go Osaka I don't really know too much about though, other than it being a huge semitropical city with country folk as far as japanese go
>>705591 Osaka is great; I'm upset I've never had the chance to really explore it. Both times I've been in the city have been like six or eight hours of available time. It's a very modern culture hotspot too, lots of music and experiences like that to enjoy.
>>705606 How many people really know or think they motivate other people, though? From Saitama's perspective, he probably just said something obvious and doesn't really remember that afternoon!
Oh Garou finally heard the name of his to-be defeater. Ah and the two old men finally get to fight Genos too.
This season of One-Punch Man is only one season long. They've got a lot of stuff to wrap up in one or two more episodes.
>>705617 I really feel like something is off with S2 in general but I can't put my finger on it. Genos is especially strange looking though.
>>705621 JC staff is treating it like it's seriously the exact thing that it's trying to satire they keep screwing with the timing and stuff and it messes the flow up
Oh I guess Saitama'll show up to one punch Garou next week.
>>705622 Maybe that's it. I noticed the art shift but something else felt weird about the show I couldn't quantify. Thinking about it, it does feel a bit more like any given battle shonen in terms of pacing, too. Plus they keep downplaying Saitama and stretching out the side characters' plotlines. We haven't seen One Punch Man actually One Punching a Man in like 3 episodes
Gonna be honest here I haven't kept up with this show because I thought it was fucking boring
Don't worry nothing has really happened since. They played a bit of baseball. Got made an official team for their highschool. Trained with a spooky ghost priest last episode.
i couldn't tell you a single one of the girls' names to be honest i dont even know if they have names
Everyone's got names!
Most of these girls do kind of fall prey to the typical mobage flaw of characters being more notable for their visual or hobby traits than their actual personalities and identities though.
>>705637 >>705633 This show really feels like a horrible baseball themed knockoff of Love Live but without the good music or any good animation
yeah it's honestly really bad i dont mind though
I think it would be fine if it wasn't just so lazily animated. You get a show like that every now and then. The writing's not great or hard to get into but that would all be fine if only it wasn't obviously so unpassionately animated.
>>705643 Yeah it's not bad enough that I feel disgusted like Mahou Shoujo Site or To Love-Ru It's just kind of bland Like unsalted crackers and water It's sustenance, barely
Wow how clumsy. You can't expect to challenge a steal like that if you're slipping the ball as you throw it.
Bunts are almost always comical to see. It's such a half-assed way to hit the ball.
>>705652 I know eh. It was like, what, four frames?
the animation on that swing lmao the hose scene was the biggest offense so far in terms of quality i think
Oh I like this OST track that's playing though. It's one of the better parts of this series.
you know how they'll do an anime just to promote a live action movie? i feel like that's what this is for the mobage
the media manager of the company who made the mobage probably said to use the advertising budget on an anime and they just recruited whatever was affordable
Well it's not uncommon for mobage to get a promo anime these days. There was a dumb one about space fishing from a couple seasons back. The Madoka mobage is getting an adaptation soon too I think.
Oh there was also Last Period which is one of the best mobage adaptations of all time.
I unironically enjoyed the Chain Chronicle anime a lot Though I think you guys thought it was kind of lame. It had a lot of references to the game but also explored a slightly different storyline so it was pretty fun. Last Period's my second favorite after that though.
oh we have senryuu too i wonder if yuu is still awake after that
>>705666 I wasn't actually watching the Chain Chronicle anime. Think it was out maybe when I was working that bank job and that made keeping up with all the anime hard some times. Or maybe I just didn't want to join in because I had no attachment to the franchise.
Nonverbal people are really hard to deal with! >>705668 I think you're right, I can't recall much conversation from when we watched so I was probably just gushing about the game and shit while Ika and Rika were bored as fuck.
Chain Chronicle was a really fun and addictive mobage. Really wish they didn't delete the fucking english version and my profile with around a thousand dollars whaled into it as a result. >>705670 Are you okay?
>>705686 Yeah I agree Most shoujo love interests are kind of awful but on the other hand this guy is really nice
Wish shoujo manga had male leads that are like josei manga
Josei has that nice relationship dynamic that's fun but isn't so silly and afraid of advancing their relationship >>705697 That makes sense, it's definitely a more lighthearted series in general, even if I like the relationship aspect in it. It's not entirely revolving around that. >>705692 You're cute. I love you. Good night.
I think the manga for this runs in one of those cute girls SOL magazines that produces stuff like CHAIR and Hidamari Sketch. It's definitely a kind of shoujo-poi series but the actual readerbase isn't the typical shoujo base. Which maybe allows them to not go with a jerkwad male lead.
Oh it's actually in Weekly Shounen Magazine. The same magazine that gives us stuff like Ace of Diamond, Nanatsu no Taizai, Domestic na Kanojo, Go-toubun no Hanayome, and Hajime no Ippo, to name some contemporaries. So its magazine is actually all over the fucking place.
>>705698 Sounds like it's all over the place in terms of quality, too! Because half of those shows are awesome, a third are garbage, and a few are alright!
Oh, they're the publication that serialized Fairy Tail and Koe no Katachi too. Seems like they've published a huge catalog of manga!
Yeah the magazine's publication history goes back to the 1960s (excepting Gegege because I'm not gonna credit them for a single damn series). I guess if you run that long you're gonna get some gems in your magazine.
Oh, they're the guys publishing that Juliet manga about the rival schools, too. Plus one of my favorite manga and anime, Seitokai Yakuindomo. Guess they're the mainstream alternative to Shonen Jump or something.
They've also got the mangaka of Soul Eater's current manga about firefighters that is getting an anime next season too.
>>705705 Oh gosh, I watched the PV and it looks super good. I really loved the characters in her other works. Even though the ending of Soul Eater was kind of a letdown, the ride was more than worth it. Looks like Fire Force has an angery Maka in it too, so that's yet more points in favor.