We can do that if you guys want. I don't have much of a preference for that one or a couple of the others. They're all interchangeable.
tate yusha Jan should be here
okay lets start!
I feel like I must have gotten turned around somewhere; if there's only five shows on the list tonight that means there'll only be one plus Carole & Tuesday for Thursday. Which isn't a problem but I swear I counted them up earlier in the week and there was going to be three shows to watch on Thursday.
>You wish to protect this world, right She asked probably the worst of these four Heroes that question hah hah. I mean he probably wants to anyway but his conviction is likely the weakest of the Heroes.
This is a pretty funky OST track for this boss fight.
The mook soldiers on Naofumi's side were using the alcohol in the casks last episode as depth charges to deal with the Wave monsters that fought from underwater. So it's pretty potent alcohol.
Well I was right about L'Arc and Therese being this arc's antagonists but it's a shame they seem fundamentally opposed to Naofumi. It'll take something crazy for them to join his party.
I guess this whiny knight girl might come along though.
It kind of feels like Naofumi's still being kind of evasive on whether he intends to leave or stay after the Waves are over. Like he never actually told Raphtalia which way he made his mind up there.
Well there's still a lot of content they could adapt. The original web novels are all done I believe, and there's like twenty-two LNs published, which are what I think this adaptation was directly referencing. I don't know about sales numbers but this series has been really popular internationally so maybe, MAYBE Japan will take notice of that for once, hah hah.
shin has all this power but it doesnt really seem to mean anything like what the normal mages are doing already seems overkill
well i guess they're being bullied a little bit
>>706083 Well Shin's also been training all his friends too, so they're more on his level than the generic magic user too. Though of course not actually ON his level because they can't steal the thunder from the walking power tripping MC.
i just mean the threat is a little flat they shoulda picked somebody off so shin has something to do but i don't think this show will do something like that
like the cutesy girl who made the face and "oops i overdid it" shoulda been taken out for messing around
Dying's for the nameless and the bad guys in a series like this. I saw some chatter in threads on it and apparently the original material is a fair bit more dark than what we've been getting in the anime. Like that flashback with the Big Bad and his wife and the empire is a tone that's a little more consistent with the original material. Though it also has all the cute SoL and cheery bits that mosto -most of this anime was composed of. And this adaptation has been kind of cutting or rushing bits that are darker or more violent.
Geez man couldn't you have asked her if she was pregnant with your kid in a more romantic way.
that episode was a lot better than usual though i thought so anyway
I think this series' strong points are these short one-shot episodes. They're a little, self-contained mystery intertwined well with the lifestyle of living in a busy town like Shinjuku.
She's a fun character. This has been a good adaptation. I'd like more of it.
she really needs to keep those things better contained they're out of control
She's a literal goddess she can probably keep them however she pleases.
is he watching all by himself he should invite the neighbor over
If he was able to do that, he probably wouldn't have needed Senko to come to his side in the first place. Japan's work culture stifles your drive to be social and reach out to other people.
The time given between a mortal and a god is far too short.
Wow look at these two just BARGING in and ruining the mood.
Aw I guess no SUPAA SENKO-SAN TAIMU for the finale.
yu-no or yu-nah?
Probably not. As far as things go the only new show airing tomorrow is Carole & Tuesday. So if we watch YU-NO tonight that would only leave one show for tomorrow.
>>706147 Well there's a lot of multi-cour stuff running too. Kimetsu, Fruits Basket, Carole & Tuesday, YU-NO, Ace, probably Black Clover. A bunch of stuff isn't leaving us just yet!
it's been quite a season just a few left im eager for the new season though
of course, but checking out the new shows is always my favorite part
Yeah new stuff is always fun. I'm a little fonder of these longer series though. Short stories can be great but I'm drawn towards long-form stories a little instinctually.