Our conversations are like stories with two writers, the way we weave our words together anyway back to killing my life and the daylight by playing Underlords forever
>>705828 i queued into a game yesterday and it was against sunsfan and a stack of his friends sunsfan is some dota celebrity it was p funny, it's on stream somewhere
I hope you rocked him With or without 2 dragons and 6 knights If I'm not playing this game I watch a stream of it lol My aim in the headshot video game has suffered cause of this A good trade
>>705862 and then in the court say "he shot first" and the security camera footage somehow shows him shooting first and missing a point blank shot by a mile
solly if you jump to 6:05:00-ish on this stream https://www.twitch.tv/videos/444121809 you'll get to the game where i queued into them
just posting it since you said you enjoy watching streams of the game anyway it's not especially exciting but i managed to cause them a little distress at least
I was really surprised that I wasn't able to fill up much of the third book case Only 1.5 shelves out of 4. So now i have a ton of room to display my anime figures
Yeah that can be rough. I've spent a lot of time in the past trying to time up with people on the West Coast and the timezone difference can be a kind of mess. Like you're usually in bed at around 21:30-22:00, which is barely past suppertime over there. Your fucking crazy workload recently probably eats up all your day time too.
Apparently Far From Home is coming out soon too hah hah. I completely had forgotten the release date for it.
Still haven't seen Homecoming but if Far From Home is supposed to be a kind of epilogue chapter to Endgame I really want to see it.
do you ever look at something like maybe when you posted but thought it was really in that neat sort of way but that later on, like maybe now if you were to go back and review at that time, not feel that way anymore
Yeah. A lot of the old posts I've wrote that I've seen dredged up again because of archive links have definitely been "Oh ... yeah, I said that".
Kirara 🍄
yeah that's pretty normal
>>705901 Do you mean like cringing at your old posts because if so then yeah I feel that
>>705909 Between the basic Goldfish and Cheez-its, Cheez-its all the way. They've got a bit more salty-cheesy dusting on them that makes eating them more satisfying to me.
they're so dry goldfish are too i dunno how people eat snacks like that why not eat normal snacks
Oh nevermind it's there when I refresh. That's a weird interaction.
>>705918 I like dry snacks when I'm drinking tea. Cheez-its are also great to eat alongside pea soup because the cheese flavour is a great accompaniment to the pea and subtle pork flavours of the soup.
>>705927 When I typed out the spoiler inside that greentext and closed the post it looked like the spoilered word was just gone entirely from my post. But it looks like other posters could see it fine and after I refreshed it was there too.
>>705929 Ah my mistake. Kirara responded fast enough that I assumed it was there for others. He probably just opened up /moe/ again or something though.
i also had to refresh
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
yeah it’s a long standing bug w the interaction between greentext and spoilers it’s a sign of good luck!
they're not very likely to go into your mouth there's a lot of vibration and movement going on there and they don't like that stuff ears are what im afraid of them going into nurses at the ER pull bugs out of people's ears all the time because it happens a lot
it's easily solved but it's incredibly painful and disruptive to have happen you could lose your equilibrium and not be able to walk to get to the ER even
i end up getting bitten by them quite a bit! the bites are a little bit annoying but they really aren't that big of an issue. im sure i dont notice them a lot of times
if they want to bite me while im sleeping, that's fine, but i don't really want them crawling on me it's really abrasive to the senses to have a spider scuttling on you it wakes me up then i have to strip down my bed and clean everything before i can go back to sleep
i thoroughly cleaned my room after i got bitten and found a few brown recluses and killed them i bet it was one of those bastards insects please vacate the premises i don't want you in my bed
have you ever really, really wanted something something you'd do anything to have but someone else gets it instead and doesn't even appreciate it at least not to the level it deserves
If they don't appreciate it and it's not some abstract thing that can't be transferred could you try asking them for it
>>706187 you got one of the two 'good' endings theres another one that's a better ending but you still fight the same bosses and a bad ending where you obey the iron code like a bitch baby gaylord
>>706191 Sword Saint's a lot of fun when everything lines up and you're perfectly timing everything and styling on him
Kirara 🍄
>>706197 yeah old isshin has a few more complicated moves but some of them aren't very fun because it's something like "making fire erupt from pretty much every inch of the room" which is too small a room to really go all out in
Old isshin doesn't exist anymore beauce of an update? lol anyway Watch fucking Mandy, both of you idiots. I swear to fucking God if you don't I'll kill you both
Yeah I'm not beating this fucker tonight might as well just suffer for my consequences? maybe die a lot in some headshot video game?
>>706225 It seems hard at first but it's not when you work out how to punish him Just stick to his right and occasionally swing. Dodge to the side when he does that big slam attack then counter attack. Then just parry everything else
>>706240 he got so distraught when he realized he was inadvertently hurting the dude so nice usually the Anothers are kinda cunty if not downright malicious
>>706245 It's alright, you'll get him next time. >>706244 yeah though I guess it's not really unusual as far as gods go to act like a huge asshole to men
It's all RNG lmao it's how you fucking won your fights, lmao try not to refute this, it's just the truth
Just learn how to counter and punish his attacks
Kirara 🍄
just git gud the key to owl is to play conservatively he has tons of big openings where you can get a charge attack in before backing off you can bait out his easier to read attacks and avoid his heavy hitting ones
Nah I jumped in a window an died, like any other dumb ass. But imagine hitting ever dodge and you still get one hit by a fucking swipe? that's the true sign of a dumb ass game lmfao
>>706285 idk i think i just nat 20'd my CHA roll he came to my window and didnt even ask me why i // why he pulled me over he just goes "i pulled you over because i clocked you going 15 over. we have a no tolerance policy for this area right now." and i was just like "okay" so i gave me /// him my license and registration and he came back after 10 minutes and said he decided not to give me a ticket for speeding he gave me a ticket for showing him outdated registration but if i go to the clerk of courts within 30 days and show them my most recent one, they'll drop the ticket completely
i must have nat 20'd it it's the only way or maybe he saw how little i even cared that i got pulled over and was like "shit there's something wrong with this dude"
If I was a cop I would simply be too lazy to write tickets
I was an uncle for 10 years anyway I got fucking spawn peeked in casual so I'm going to stay on this site complaining about anything I encounter now fuck you
>>706292 he was probably just trying to piss you off so that he could fucking shoot you and get off the hook because cops can kill anyone they want now
this english voice acting in granblue is weirding me out they don't have japanese accents or anything did they actually find some gaijin to play bit parts for a joke
needs more face tattoos too but that's just me fuck I can't even win on the headshot game on console me so bad and I can't even kill Owl 1 FUCKJFKEDU8GRJWTNBHY5RHN
>>706353 4's pretty good I don't really like 3 that much but everyone else seems to love it 4 is where they really started to go overboard with the zip zippy zoo go fast and boost everywhere stuff
Looked in the mirror didn't see shit anyway TY the tasmanian tiger is a fucking classic holy shit godly game if I don't kill Owl in my next 3 tries this game is RNG trash
You would two-swipe my existence just like Owl and I'll feel it
yo cause Daytona USA is N64 shit just plug in that N64 and there you go, free games Drive that fucking motivational dick in me and then I could beat this boss I fucked off to RNG teammates in Siege and they won me a flawless game I MIGHT try part 10 of this Owl shit, what a fucking bullshit boss
this fucking game makes me want to punch you in the face until you die and I cannot fucking get past this I HAVE LIKE 11 BOSSES AFTER THIS WHAT THE FUCK
But I fucking have to kill Owl a second time with a slightly better arena and he has better abilities? should I just fucking slice myself now? like what the fuck
Both of you are easy to fuck for real super easy anyway since this dumb as fuck game isn't giving me pleasure imma just keep doing it until I kill him in like 1 hour
dark souls of being gay - everyone has fucked you, but only few have fucked you good
I hear it is going to be rereleased in theatres again, just because people want to see it still and I guess to MILk max money out ofit beforethey release it on bd
Then you realise Disney owns like 80% of all movies coming out then you don't want to fucking fund those cunts in anything they do fucking CUNTS anyway if I don't kill Owl tonight all of you can make me your scapegoat
Avatar 2 should anyhow just be "NUke it from the Orbit the movie" as humanity does what humanity does best and answers to violence with maximum violence
Seeing all the deep learning tampering stuff in photos and audio. I can kinda imagine in the future, there are going to be images with inbuilit crypto like a new image format. and programs specifically made to detect fake evidence in courts. Given how images and photos are evidence in a lot of cases. Audio too. The idea sounds kinda cyberpunky futuristic. Probably in the future DNA can probably be synthesized and faked all those solid pieces of evidence will no longer be useful
Worthless promise is stilla promise lol and I know your inland ass, this guys texas assm and the UK ass all of y'all do have lives so like this contract is waaaaaaaaay more super powerful
>the fuck is that noise >everything reboots >ingame thunder reset power tfw you don't mind thunder but ingame thunder in ayylamos games made you go "the fuck"
I found super Earth also that panel below this signal info shows random camera footage fromt he site and it suddenly shew an ALIEN SPYING ON ME FROM A CORRIDOR INSIDE THE COMPOUND AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
only problem with it, is that I think it spied me from a door, that was closed and locked I guess the footage relies on players leaving all doors open and not being max paranoid like moi, and locking everything up
Rin canonically is not portrayed in human form with tails, or the tail is just hidden but in cat form she too has two tails, as do almost all "monster cats" in japanese folklore
>>706613 I am NA Divine 5 i haven't played since march though iirc i think you were chilean right? it's hard to climb on south american servers >>706616 it's actually changed quite a lot, a few times from what ive seen in watching friends' games but i haven't been playing
but "a lot" to me is like having an S class carry move to A class and having two more offlaners in the competitive pool i guess on the more general level it's been kind of the same for a while
Ain't like the meta's changed much since then though.
I thought Chen lived somewhere around me.
>>706615 Maybe hero choice has changed a bit but the feel of fights is pretty consistent. I haven't really had to rework how I move through the map and handle fights so to me it hasn't changed much. Who I'm playing with and against is kind of just aesthetic difference to me.
there are a lot of good south american players who get really screwed over because the servers are just so bad like 40% of the accounts are internet cafe public accounts that have slowly gone through mmr calibration so people just hop on and play for the very first time ever in a ranked match, then their time card runs out after 20 minutes and they just leave then like half of the remaining ones are being boosted or are smurfs it's not surprising they all come to NA servers to play
And then even the good ones are dealing with like 150+ ping and even if they're actually skilled that lag rate really messes with your ability to react. So it just perpetuates the image of bad South American players. It's a hard knock life.
I snipped this the other week when I was playing with Bang and friends hah hah. Some times my net gets like this and it's like "well I guess I'm not doing anything this game".
Oh, you are a lot higher in MMR than me. I'm not that good at games myself, mybe average. I don't think my ping will be fine on NA servers but we can be friends on steam.
Oh, wait, you're not the big titties anon. The way you guys write is too different.
Yes, but Clinkz reminds me of Twitch from League of Legends. You catch someone by themselves in the late game and that can be game changing. That is, if they don't have the whole map covered in sentries. Or a gem. The best way to counter him. I miss playing Spectre.
Yeah I'm not saying nothing has changed. But the Aghanims update and the various heroes that have gotten tweaks because of that hasn't drastically changed how the game is played.
If anything it's made the game kind of easier to win because everyone is still in the Aghanims experimental phase and in rushing Aghs they forgo having actually good items that win you the early-mid game. Clinkz feels more powerful but his weaknesses are still the same. Jump on him, lock him down, and he's fucked. Drow's definitely weaker but it doesn't really overall change how you play her either. It just slows down her farming pace slightly and reduces the way her damage accelerates.
I love the Aghanim's update though; it's given a bunch of heroes cool tweaks and new creative ways to play some of them. Stuff like that is hella fun,
Oh hell yes the Electric gym leader from Black/White is one of the most memorable gym fights to me. Man I want to play Black/White 2 again.
If I can get my hands on a select few trainers I’d be happy I think. There are three that come to mind.
>>706630 I dunno if the fight was memoriable, but the gym was for sure Black and White 1&2 take the top spot for least HISHE friendly gyms
Well I don't think there's really any actual gym fight that's memorable. Unless you're a kid and you're yeah. Fighting some of the Gold/Silver gyms which fuck you over because you don't know how to be not stupid about Pokemon. So when it comes to memories, it's all about the aesthetics and lead-up.
>>706627 i don't mind EU servers. but i haven't really been playing lately anyway. Yes, I would really love to visit and I like museums a lot.
What are you going to do in Switzerland? I have dreamed of working in Zurich for a long time at IBM I am not so fortunate though. It is such a beautiful place.
Surge is forgettable because the solution is go to diglett cave
Surge is forgettable because you pick Bulbasaur and that's more than enough to not be worried about anyone on his team.
>>706627 Clinkz in the late game isn't that scary! If you're farming well as a core you can usually purge off his Orchid with an item or tank out the fight long enough for your team to come in. And if you're playing support you'll have the utility items to dispel and get yourself out of the fight. When there's a Clinkz on the enemy team I'm usually getting a Eul's as a support unless I've got GG boots.
His real power spike is if he's snowballed through the early game and he's running around in the mid-game picking off the enemy team that's desperately split up trying to get recovery farm. In a fair 5v5 late-game fight he's not actually a great asset to the team.
>>706640 clinkzes usually get nullifiers nowadays i think >>706641 wow, that would be amazing. i hope you get to! then you can send us pictures of the cities and stuff IBM is the computer hardware company that makes processors
If the Clinkz is farmed well enough in -or has item optimized well enough in the late-game to have a Nullifier and he drops it on me as a support, I'm chalking that up to either my bad positioning or his bad choice of hero to null. So it's not a huge worry to me. If he's putting it on my carry in a fight then he's making a usually good choice and I need to respond accordingly.
Anyways, do you guys watch TV shows? If you guys are into Black Mirror, Love Death and Robots is a great series. Also, Season 2 of Dark is up, which is similar to Stranger Things.
I heard Legion is good but never tried. What TV shows are you into?
>>706641 yeah. i wanted to do research there but i ended up not finishing my academic work i study cryptography and stuff but i haven't found a good job yet.
>>706644 someone showed me the first episode of love death & robots it was okay but it seemed kind of silly to me. the guys thought the action and boobs and gore was really cool haha i just kind of laughed at it
i don't watch much non-anime stuff. Better Call Saul is one of my favorite things though im not sure if it is getting another season or not but it is really, really good
>>706647 oh, the dota underlords thing? it's like 45 minutes of watching someone else play a game that im in and mention my name a few times it's really not very exciting, especially if you don't know what's going on in the game but okay it was https://www.twitch.tv/videos/444121809 and the game starts at like 6 hours and 5 minutes into the stream
All the television I watch nowadays is anime, hah hah. Television is mostly a social thing for me, so it's hard to get into a series unless I've got people I can talk to about it with. The last live-action thing I watched was the recent Doctor Who series. That was fun.
I should go binge some stuff on Netflix some times.
Moon can you post the stream thing again, I was gonna watch the dota thing you shared but I got distracted/
Oh, i did watch the first season of True Detective it had Woody Harrelson in it, and that was pretty cool.
i stopped after the first season though because I realized it would be a different story in the next season in the same way, I also liked The Killing on Netflix it's a four-season homicide detective drama
i dont know if you like that kind of stuff but i enjoy those a lot
Yes, I loved the first season of True Detective. One of my ex told me about it and gave it a try. I liked the 3rd season, too. Never heard about The Killing. I'm in a lot of genres of TV, besides Horror. I can't enjoy it...
The Killing is older now. I // it ran from 2011 to 2014. it is based off of a Danish TV series that was done even longer ago but the Netflix one came out in 2011 - 2014 and I really like the main actor and actress.
they spend a really, really long time on just a single case. it's a lot more realistic in that respect. the show is pretty realistic altogether in showcasing the grief and hardships that the victim's family experiences, as well as the difficulties of the case and just how long they take and how much work has to be done.
i don't like when TV shows make it seem like a murder case gets solved the same day it happens and it all occurs in one episode and that court happens the next morning and they're in prison by lunch time the world doesn't work that way. detectives' jobs are really hard
>>706650 More like thirty-seven! Doctor Who's been a thing since like the mid-1900s, but most modern people know it as the reboot starting with the Ninth Doctor, which has run for eleven series now, yeah. The nice thing is that whenever they do a Doctor reincarnation and bring in a new actor, it's usually a soft reboot and that Doctor's series can be watched in isolation to the broader Doctor Who series. That's especially the case with this most recent Doctor Who series; they pretty much threw out all the stuff they'd been working with in the past five or six years and went back to tradition a little bit. It was a fun series.
>>706652 this is another one of those themes i want to explore in writing future-fi in the year 12,019 i'm sure we'll be on the 20,037th season of doctor who there will get to be a point where it takes more effort to stop it from continuing than to just let it keep going
lel I ended u playing seti simulator for 5 hours kinda addictingly simple and fun game, though very repetitive 2/19 signals I picked up were interesting, rest just trash I hope the ratio gets better over time...
>>706653 That's already probably a bit of the case, hah hah. I think any long-running creative franchise starts to get a bit like that. Between the history of it always being a thing and the insistence from fans that it continue come hell or high water, eventually the path of least resistance is just for the series to keep making more. Doctor Who is definitely the leading candidate for that to become an irrefutable law of though. Maybe it and The Simpsons will continue onwards into eternity.
>>706656 the simpsons is a bad candidate for that the show ended a long time ago imo they just keep running in parallel to current events like south park did i can't really consider that a meaningful source of creative fiction also it's just objectively trash and has been for decades
>>706654 yes i am going to add you now friend request sent!
thanks for stopping by chenny chen have a good night!
I wouldn't really disagree with any of that but I think The Simpsons has also already achieved a sense of perpetual existence. Like I can't remember the last time I ever saw anyone saying contemporary Simpsons was good but everyone also just accepts it -is- a thing. Its continued existence has become the qualifier for its value rather than its value being the qualifier for its existence.
nobody cares about the simpsons though nobody would notice if it stopped existing i dont think, certainly no one would be upset doctor who is different though it's got serious following and discussion and enthusiasm and you'd get backlash for trying to cancel it
the simpsons is just a slot filler at this point it's watered down trash that people probably don't even realize they're watching unless they happen to catch an old original episode
once your television program starts having focus groups to test audience response and use as feedback to make the most well-received content, it stops really having any fidelity imo
>diablo 3 stash now has search tool WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>>/watch?v=IdE8t95Y0yU Hawaii is such a gorgeous land, man. Like the beaches and coast are nice, but not enough attention is giving to the actual land of the islands.
Oh, they're doing another Ghostbusters in 2020, and Paul Rudd and Finn Wolfhard are on board for it. That might be fun.
>>706662 yeah apparently it is supposed to be an actual sequel and it might even ignore gb2
gets >>706665 yeah but it has many of those sequel sins like why are the ghost busters back in the "nobody zone" and so on >cause apparently we want to see them do the exact same things as in the first one why did murray's and whassher name relationship fail >because we want to see them be awkward and get back together
it isn't even original to ghostbuster so many movies do this especially with relationships
Because ghostbusting is a niche employment field that probably doesn't consistently pay the bills. Because Peter was a douchehole and nothing of his character arc in that department was resolved in the first movie, so of course he's going to not necessarily gonna have a successful relationship just because the movie is over now. Like I get what you're saying but these questions aren't devoid of rational answers. Even in real life these kinds of histories have a tendency to repeat themselves, especially when it comes to relationships.
I think they also did a video game of the classic Ghostbusters around that time too. If I remember correctly it was hailed as a true Ghostbusters 3 at the time, but I never played it, so I don't really know.
and of course blizzard servers are as TRUSTY as always jesus fucking christ this is SEASON 19 You'd think by now they'd be prepared for the season start rush, but noooo
ait is not even season launch day that was 1,5 months ago
If I want to play non-online one I would play either D2 or titan quest I wanted to play D3 right now but servers keep throwing me out so what can I do? except not play the game
on a different note I guess I will add this to my weird cooking achievements this year, but I managed to pulverize bacon into some bacon dust in the oven in this pot stew almost as weird when I exploded potatoes into mashed taters while boiling them
there shouldb e almost 500g of bacon here, but nope is in so small pieces that you do taste 'em, but not really chew em wonder how did thath appen
today wasn't too bad just 11-6:30 my shortest day of the week!
did a WISC-V and a BASC on a very cooperative and pleasant 6 year old worked out the specifics for starting a study to show efficacy of our veterans IOP planted a seed to get myself a job here while im on Internship ran a group worked on dissertation
i think i should finish my medical physics degree and get a stats masters or something quant analysis is a super easy career and designing clinical trials for pharma is fun i could do that now but i don't have the paper credentials it's so unfortunate
Kirara 🍄
i mean, you don't necessarily need the credentials yourself if you can find someone else with them to attach their name to it
i can do that job competently but so can someone else who does have the credentials so there's no reason to hire me
i met with an access person and they can help me do some stuff i haven't been able to do like maybe look into disability things or to go back to school or put me on a waiting list for affordable housing if i don't find something else by march
i don't really get anything out of going back to school but degrees mean something to other people so doing a math grad program would be really easy, and so would medical school too, but i won't be able to get into a good one really i already know all that stuff but getting around physical campuses is difficult with my bones
the issue is that i dont really have any stability, nobody to support me through it or help me out like driving me if ive been up all night working on stuff and don't have enough sleep to drive
like if i went to medical school i could do the coursework easy because i love that stuff and know a lot of it but i dont have money to support myself so id have to work in the evenings probably and wouldn't really make enough since i have student loans out already and a bad track record of credit, there's no way i can get enough in loans to cover med scool -plus- full cost of living not to mention irs installments and everything else right?
Finding people to give you support could potentially be resolved by going back to school. Even in a heavy course like something at medical school you would probably find people you could rely on. Not actually having that in place before starting is definitely a valid concern though, yeah.
i dont understand what you mean could you elaborate?
Well stuff like helping you out by giving you a lift somewhere because you're too sleep-deprived to drive. If you're in a university or college program and make social connections there your chances of finding someone happy to help out with stuff like that is probably pretty reliable.
On a broader level, post-secondary institutions will also have services and departments of the institution which are supposed to figure out how they can accomodate students that have problems like physical or mental health that impede their success. Once you're a part of the school community, those resources would probably be available to you. They probably wouldn't be able to help with your monetary issues but if you can find solutions to your other concerns that would be a weight off your shoulders.
i suppose if i was getting disability, i probably could support myself financially while attending school i would be really surprised if im able to get that though due to the social security credits thing