>>706771 october is going to be really exciting we got lots of stuff to look forward to there dorohedoro too right? chiafajita i think psycho pass? well i dont have an opinion on that one i never saw psycho pass some sherlock thing that IG is working on
So tomorrow then that's when I can sober up and bring a decent attitude to the situation fuck this then gonna play my headshot game
If you want some advice though, look to see if there's a particular attack of his that's catching you up. Then stop and think about what the best route to saving yourself against that is. Some fights in in Sekiro are a lot easier if you just bail on the fight for a hot second to back off and dodge a set of attacks entirely.
couldn't even get him in phase 2 for these past 30 tries so dumb
>>706777 Hero Academia season four; I know you haven't been watching it with us but it's a really fun series. Beastars might be interesting by you. It gets a little close to being furry but the characters are really neat, it's like a Japanese Zootopia. Did you get into Chihayafuru? It's getting a third season in Fall too. Also Kono Oto Tomare! is also getting a second season ... and Fairy Gone, hah hah. Black Fox is an original work that I'm looking forward too, it's got some cool style to it.
You must be juking me for real both of you lol nahhh all three 9of you lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
My type is Cambria.
This is cute. https://mangadex.org/title/38392/kaijuu-no-tokage
God when I hear this song ib // in my headshot video game it makes me think about you and how I want to protect you from harm my heart is so strained for real
ive had those muscle milks i always thought it was kind of a bad name. when i hear muscle milk i think of the lactic acid buildup that occurs in the muscles when you've overworked
>>706849 That's not Hokkaido and Osaka #D9 (7) Long dress, I like it
>>706852 It is but it's doable Just don't panic. It's always tempting to do something like trying to run away to heal or haphazardly dodge, but if you just stay calm and time your parries you'll get through
NOOOOOOOOOOOO I ran out of chapters >>707000 I made this pot (2l) yesterday evening and been ressurrecting bits of it ever since the last one I ressed to drink while reading, but I fell asleep so then I ressed it a while ago, but forgot into them icrowave oven that final cupfull (4dl) had been byt hat time ressed 4 times and then final 5 in microwave
But if you are a gup fan i'd really recommend reading https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3369152?pool_id=14596 it not only does retell the story quite amusingly, but it makes use of lot of the other spinoff manga material in terms of characterisation
>>707037 I have no doubt that it will completely miss any point Myst had, in terms of lore and story and no one will really like it not series fans not casual viewers
Name a video game movei that actually was well made and faithful to the origin. I can only think of maybe tomb raider movies, since the early tomb raiders didn't raelly have that complicated points. Hell even the remakes are kinda action movie scripts turned into games >>707041 good to hear
finally some work came through same-day stuff so some bonus pay with it this medication has me so tired though that i don't feel like working at all im just sleepy all the time
about three weeks yeah two weeks since they upped the dose i wanted them to up the dose once more to 150mg but they discharged me with a prescription for 75mg and ignored my request
it is helping me a lot in managing my mental health but it's making my productivity worse i think i'll end up gaining weight if i keep taking it, which i dont want to do
it's fine i just don't have a high priority on the work list since im less reliable at the moment there's potential that i could go weeks without work at any time from this contract if there's lots coming through i'll get stuff somewhat regularly though
i certainly won't be getting 8 hours a day of work out of it though like i used to i might on some days
Song aint bad, reminds me of the reggeaton I hear blasting in my neighbourhood lol especially with the broken english anyway One of you hold me, I got fucked in a game that I first played when I was 17 I couldn't keep up that match really, makes me saaaaaaaaaadddddddddddddddddddddddd
God I just want to hold you unti you melt in my arms I'm 50 hours in drinking and I maybe got like 1 hour of sleep in that time? fuck lol and I can't kill Owl for the 60th time pathetic
this annoys me about diablo 3 you can always LOWER the difficulty but beyond I think raising from normal to expert etc you can't raise it at all without restarting wonder why
>>707097 It's called Ark, it's a very time consuming game that some friends have been playing so I've been messing around with it a little bit. I don't plan on playing seriously though. I couldn't get the mods installed for the server they're playing on so I gave up for now.
It's just a couple of basic ones that the server is running. There seems to be some kind of version problem, it usually just works. I'll try again later and it probably will just work.
Yeah, it's that dinosaur game. It's really bot that bad if you play it as a pve game, but the pvp servers are terrible and full of chinese people that will kill you in the middle of the night.
Catching dinosaurs is fun if you play on a server where everything is sped up though.
Hah hah, Ark's always seemed cool in principle to me but all the actual information I hear about it makes it sound pretty terrible. The devs are also rather negligent and irresponsible about their game development, putting out DLC for Ark when it was still in early access and just dropping development for Ark to start on their new game despite Ark being riddled with bugs.
there was some dino game that I thought looked cool and wanted to check out but people told me absolutely not to support it because it was supporting evil devs who screwed people over.
good evening rika and pals
>>707105 Could be. If it's a contemporary dinosaur game the only ones I'd guess at would be Ark or the Jurassic Park park simulator game. And between those two I'd wager on Ark.
Kirara 🍄
>>707105 Yeah, Ark's devs stole a bunch of work from another dev and then fucked the victims over legally, if I remember right.
yeah, that's the one. i thought it looked really fun but i opted not to support it since i wouldn't have anyone to play it with anyway >>707106 good evening ton
you guys are going to have a food truck?? can you make me a quesadilla a bunch of quesadillas and then serve me to people
Kirara 🍄
one case of dilla comin right up
>not even making moon pies out of moon come on now
Kirara 🍄
are you suggesting jan and i murder moon and serve him to our customers as food?
moon just said to make moon into a bunch of quesadillas
>>707117 i like grapefruit i know jarritos so i bet that's really good
I just dunno what I was doing prolly listening tot his podcast salvaged the GOOD weapons I had on me and replaced them with shit weapons and then went like "uuh wut" and then I salvaged the weapons I was equipped with anyhow and now I have 2 shit weapons to run with
I'm probably getting Sword/Shield. But it's no longer a certain get and I'm gonna be watching for some more details running up to and maybe even a bit after its release. Game Freak really botched my hype for it.
Kirara 🍄
i probably won't get it for a while but that's because of death stranding not every pokeman doesn't really matter much to me
Kirara 🍄
i generally have low expectations of pokeman games though they're not something im passionate about
>>707132 It's kind of disappointing to me. I've always found the thought of completing the National Dex romantic but I've never been able to stick with a game long enough to finish one. So to be automatically deprived of that in Sword/Shield before I even have a chance to try is a shame.
as you guys know i am pretty passionate about pokemon I played stuff my cousins owned before it but a gameboy color with Red was the first video game stuff i owned
speajing of completing the national dex, owl completed it at minimum up to fifth gen if not further. he doesnt own a switch though
>>707134 im too lazy to do the national myself but i want to see all my favorites and be able to get them >>707139 as opposed to regional dexes like hoenn dex, kanto dex
Kirara 🍄
wait what's national dex isn't that easy
National Dex is the complete list of Pokemon from all games combined. As opposed to a regional Pokedex which is the specific Pokedex to a game.
>>707139 Honestly the Pokemon world lore isn't developed enough to have a concrete answer on that one, hah hah. It might be that the entire Pokemon world is one united nation.
Kirara 🍄
why is it called national aren't all the regions different nations
national is what they called in in gen 3 so iunno
Something I read somewhere had a nice little poetic take on the cut Pokemon in Sword/Shield. Every Pokemon is somebody's favourite Pokemon. While probably not literally true, the odds of some Pokemon fan getting their favourite Pokemon cut from Sword/Shield for no real good reason is not really a respectable choice.
Not to mention Masuda's statement to the Pokemon fans is still not answering the question of if a National Dex will ever return in a future Pokemon game. The writing on the walls are that they don't want to put in the effort to have one anymore, so there's a chance they might just rotate in and out old Pokemon in future games.
Kirara 🍄
i mean, it's a lot of effort and money it's not a passion project it's a corporate franchise
It's a lot of effort that's already DONE though. Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon had all the 3D models for all the Pokemon made up to that date in its game data. They even all had entirely unused walking animations.
>>707144 They're not remaking new textures, that's the thing. The Pokemon looked like shit in Ultra Sun/Moon because the 3DS was a weak-ass piece of hardware that couldn't handle the models the games used.
Kirara 🍄
but they still have to make all the new textures and shit all the Pokemon looked like shit in sun and moon
I would be willing to wait longer if it meant we had national dex
Like I get Pokemon is not technically a first-party Nintendo product and as such it's not inherently obligated to their standards of quality. But when you have them going up against games like Animal Crossing which outright says "We're delaying this game to a release date next year because we don't want to overwork our employees" and things like Metroid Prime 4 going back to square one on development because they didn't find the quality of product sufficient. And the Switch has already set a high bar for open-world first/second-party products like Breath of the Wild and Xenoblade.
Of course this all doesn't matter because most people either don't care or don't pay a critical eye to games and their development. But it's why I'm so frustrated with how its turned out. It COULD be a much better game. But their reasons for why it's not are so half-baked it just sucks for me.
Even if they do it just makes it feel like they dont care as much.
*referring to pokemon, of course
It feels nice to have solidarity with you tilde, feeling the same way on a level that isnt just “this is dumb” but instead “this is why this is dumb” >>707150 well yeah
>>707134 I don't think you can complete national dex, aside from trading, in any pkmn game aside well the first ones, obviously
You couldn't even complete the National Dex in Red/Blue/Green without trading.
>>707152 Well trading has been a consistent cornerstone of the Pokemon experience since Gen I, it makes sense you'd have to take advantage of it to complete a National Dex.
and I don't mean version specific even here, but just that some just don't appear in some games
>>707152 thats what version specific means though?
>>707161 It gets given away in some events, yes, but it also has means of obtaining it without cheating that don't involve events. But there are some Pokemon that are pretty much impossible to get without trading, cheating in, or obtaining in an event.
Oak's letter is an event item so even in its original get chance it was literally impossible to acquire without cheating in the item if you couldn't get it from an event.
Just gotta transfer 999 Pokemon to Pokemon Ranch. Grindy, but not really hard.
amusingly there was no event during BW era
Events in Pokemon kind of sucked for me pre-Black/White 2. The WiFI at my house wasn't cooperative with the DS's receiver so even for events that could be accessed just by connecting your DS to the Internet, I couldn't actually take part in unless I found somewhere with a WiFi signal that my DS could work with. But I got a 3DS around the time Black/White 2 came out and that was a lot more accessible.
Somebody on /vp/ had a special server set up that you could connect to and get a random mystery gift event Pokemon from so on one of my Black/White 2 carts I've got like a bunch of assorted Legendaries and shinies sitting around doing nothing. I was thinking of setting up the Pokemon Bank service and getting them all on to Sword/Shield but now it kind of just feels moot. Maybe if some of the event Pokemon I've got are what I need to finish the Galar Dex, but I doubt that'll be relevant.
i want to shake things upt things get kind of set in stone after a while and it's hard to change stuff that should be changed like first impressions or uncomfortable vibes
Or something that's just assumed should happen because it's always happened.
What I'm saying here Moon is, let's go blow up the sun so we're no longer plagued by its incessant repetitive rising.
Well Sword/Shield won't even have the coding to support Mega-Evolutions and Z-Moves, so your Fairy favourite is already right out.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
just mawile is fine
I also wouldn't be surprised if all the Ultra Beasts are not gonna make it into the games either.
Kirara 🍄
all of rhe anime netflix has made is so badly animated every single time the stuff they license is good but the stuff they have made is always flash-tier animation
I had to explain to a client that her IQ is 73 today. It went well, though. She believes God made her broken and she hates herself, she has, I don't know how to spell it, but tubero sclurosis? That causes her to grow tumors all over from time to time and she's had a few brain tumors removed.
I told her that her IQ was below average like she expected, but then I told her that she's pretty smart despite that according to the testing, and although it takes her longer than other people, she's such a hard worker that she can pretty much do anything other people can.
I wasn't lying or misleading her when I said that. She's incredibly high functioning for 73 IQ.
But it was a weird situation, to have to spin a 73 IQ as not necessarily a bad thing.
>>707193 i don't know what 73iq is like so i don't want to say something dumb and ignorant, but iq really is such a bad indicator for success i bet she's functional in a lot of ways i would envy
there gets to be a point with high iqs where you can't really function in ways society needs you to also im sure she has plenty of reason to be wary and displeased with her lot in life i dont want to downplay that but high iq people have a hard time too
Kirara 🍄
it's a bad indicator of success but they're good indicators of various cognitive abilities she's way less functional than you though based on what i know
high iq isn't really a difficult thing unless it's accompanied by other problems generally though higher iq correlates with higher job satisfaction and some other things i mean everyone has problems, i just mean high iq doesn't really have special problems in itself high iq is usually associated with neurodivergent "disorders" and the "disorders" are the cause of the problems ironically the neurodivergent disorders are the same in high and low IQ though lol
she's been really successful in our IOP though she's opened up a lot and has more positive affect we're discharging her successfully in a week my concern is that she can't live on her own right now but her parents are inadvertently abusive and contribute to her poor self-esteem considerably
but she's not my client, i just see her in group sometimes
i definitely don't have any job satisfaction and i have a lot of emotional and relationship struggles but im making something that wasn't about me into something that is right now so i'll stop that
i really want to do work with systems crypto is fine or physician scientist would be fine
without my ADD meds and other meds to slow my brain down, that's the only stuff i can think about it's so fully immersive with my core self but i can't function in the other things i need to do to maintain my emotional and social wellbeing, or work other jobs to support myself until i got there, unless im medicated
the best option would be for me just to not need to do those things so i can do stuff that matters and be my real self since they don't want to fill the meds i need in order to function as a normie, i think im just going to stop trying im gonna stop taking my meds altogether and just go back to being my normal self
funnily enough the full scale psych eval i took after being prescribed wellbutrin and ritalin had me scoring a 139 on my IQ test which was a 24 point drop but i function a lot better in day-to-day life with it i just can't do all the stuff i care about it makes me so distressed
i was let down pretty hard by the system designed for the masses public education is meant to prepare normal folks for normal things i never even had a say in it
they urged my parents to have me in a special school which would have been completely free because they wanted me to go there but i was just a kid and my parents didn't care about stuff like that
i got two of the brawny +50 hp buffs from the neutral rounds so every kill on juggernaut gave +100 hp he ended up having almost 8K hp by the time the game ended, and beastmaster had like 4K
even though i had no other hunters, beastmaster 3-star was doing about 7K damage per round, while juggernaut with battlefury would barely eke out 1000 damage, maybe don't underestimate that boy. he tears through everything throw down some CC like a tidehunter and disruptor/kunkka on the front line with your beastmaster and then have a cleanup crew like hunters or assassins and you've got a stronger endgame than any knight cheese
>>707242 this actually gets you banned very quickly these days it's too consistent
high alching isn't a great way to profit anymore either since the economy is fairly linked to the alch potential and nature rune price it doesn't go much lower than high alch gp for the items you'd alch anymore
i just think those jank setups are funny as hell i remember one for some FPS game, probably halo or something, that sets your controller up to do perfect donuts with your character and it had like 12 rubber bands all warped around the back of the controller it's just so goofy
yeah it is pretty funny i watched a goldeneye speedrun video where the guy used two controllers and taped the second one to his leg that shit was hilarious
i got banned for high alching manually back in 2012 they called me a bot because i high alched 30,000 rune platelegs over like 9 hours using mousekeys to click with the 5 key on the numpad haha
oh wait he actually had both taped to his leg >>>/watch?v=gxwcVoF4_C0 you can see it at like 2:40 haha
You gotta use every resource available to you to cut those seconds off your PB.
goldeneye is kind of a weird speedgame they measure the times in whole seconds as recorded by the mission complete screen so there's a lot of levels that have like tens or hundreds of tied world records some levels have possible time saves of several seconds that are just too difficult for people to perform by hand and haven't been recorded successfully after getting discovered years ago too
check out rwhitegoose's speedrun lore for goldeneye he's a great storyteller and they're legitimately warm and fun stories
i've seen most of his videos haha i really like him though, even if some of them are kind of long he's a good orator his videos unrelated to goldeneye are great too did you see his darklight storytime vid yet?
Summoning Salt and Oddheader are a couple other channels i like to watch kind of in the background they've both got nice voices and are good at storytelling i think
>>707250 no i haven't i asked him why he has a goose with anal beads as his profile image and he hasn't responded so im boycotting watching any of his stuff until he does not that i don't like it it's just an interesting design choice
he probably thought you were just fucking with him or something not that i don't understand cause i wondered what was up with the logo a bit myself the balls kind of make it look like that tennis shoe with the balls in the sole to me
they're definitely anal beads im sure he would have replied if he saw it it probably just got buried in the comments
oh yeah you can't message people directly on youtube anymore can you? if it was a comment he probably never saw it i don't even get comments on my youtube but like once a month or something and still don't get notifications for it half the time
i have a really good track record for getting my comments pinned or favorited by the creator usually not having the most likes though because people are dumb and like the dumbest normie meme comments
there's an animal crossing person i // whose videos i really like and she favorited my comment and it's the top comment and has been for a while youtube lets you edit comments so i kind of had the idea that, in the top spot and favorited by her, i could edit it to say something really uncomfortable and it'd look like she and a bunch of other people are really onboard with the idea like suggesting that she make an egg-laying ASMR video or something weird like that
there we go i found those damn shoes seen these in the store a few times and wondered why they're built like this >>707257 yeah that would be kinda mean they could just remove your comment anyways probably quickly notice it if it's the top comment it'd get a lot of votes up or down and trigger notifications
i've never actually played animal crossing but i like that phone game i play it occasionally
it's not a new video though so i don't think anyone would notice really quickly
i end up making really trolly comments on space narrator videos like astrum and stuff too but they all have really good senses of humor so they usually love it
but yeah just being able to edit the comments seems really untowards i wonder whether they get notified when a comment they've favorited gets edited
holy fug that shoe is ugly
i have made like maybe 10 or 15 comments on youtube total in 10 years haha no idea if any of them got a lot of upvotes like 8 of them are on 10lettername's videos too
i don't usually feel like shouting into the void so public comment sections are just something i browse through though back in the day i sent a few messages to people directly and got to talk to a few accounts i liked
you don't get notifications about comments getting edited though, the edited version just shows up in notifications going forward without context unless you click through to view the comment and see it's been edited
that's probably the least ugly version of the shoe the other colors available are horrendously gaudy
I'm too anxious about being out in the absolute wilderness of the public Internet to make comments on YouTube videoes. It's rare I have anything I feel driven to share anyway.
>>707260 that reminds me, i used to message people a ton on youtube and it reminds me of this old ass video >>>/watch?v=kTV1CcS53JQ this dude was awesome i have no idea why this video has like 600 dislikes though it's 12 fucking years old
>>707261 really im a nervous wreck but i comment all the time i mean i grew up on the internet it's probs the only place i feel comfortable
I don't really want to be known. Having a relatively permanent history of things I've said that are easily accessible to anyone that looks is really not something I want. Even the places I've been before that I've posted a lot on that someone that wanted to backtrack my name through makes me uncomfortable. Sure I can go and delete some of that content but some I also can't because the gap of history is so wide that I can't remember the details I need to access it.
>>707264 Similar things have happened in the past in other places I used to frequent so forgive me if I'm a little guarded about it happening again. Sure, not by any of you regulars that I'm well-acquainted with, or really I'm fine with y'all going and looking at it. But there's always going to be people that can drift in or people who I'm situationally acquainted with that I don't really like or don't really like me that could get under my skin by playing around with that shit.
And this isn't in particular about people close to me, it's definitely more about the broader Internet, which I don't want to be known by. I'm happy being a nobody. I'm not motivated to get my thoughts and opinions on things out there in the world and if anything, having it out there is an uncomfortable thought.
well when it comes to youtube, you certainly don't have to use a personally revealing account im sure you are aware of that though
i thoroughly silo most of my internet affairs for personal convenience i use different accounts for different types of activities so that the connected information works for me instead of against me the power of information can be scary with the way the internet uses it, but if you're clever you can use it to your advantage so i have like 11 different youtube accounts.
i also have a bunch of different online personas not that i pretend to be anyone im not, but it's just functional everybody has a persona theyre using when streaming or gaming or what have you. you can try to fit your whole person into your online presence but it frankly just doesn't comfortably fit. im perfectly comfortable revealing information for history with any given outward-facing persona so long as i properly silo them
ive been pretty rigorous about it too. everybody knows samefagging on 4chan, but i took it to a pretty different level and would have thoroughly fleshed out personas functioning for different roles renaldo moon was my carefree, naive persona who would carelessly and curiously ask very fundamental questions without fear of sounding stupid and i'd process responses to it from a more educated and introspective standpoint without a username. it just made for cleaner threads and helped stimulate discussion in the ways i felt was meaningful, moreso than trying to cram the phrased question and the response into one post in one voice. it's hard to do different things in the same voice for me.
it actually mimics my internal process for how i approach difficult problems. i disregard what i know about a scenario and i ask some very naive questions without giving myself the space to preempt them with expectation or bias, then i treat them seriously in response. if i can't seriously answer naive questions, then i probably dont know the material as well as i
>>707263 I used to be a little worried about this since my typical username can be googled to retrieve like every account i've ever made on tons of sites But I guess at some point I figured it doesn't matter too much to me since what I've done I've done and most people wouldn't realize the accounts from all those sites are actually just one person, much less care that it's me, haha.
it's somewhat useful for me rarely, since if I want to remember some site I was registered but can't, I can just google myself and find it eventually Recently I've been seeing some west asian people on facebook show up when I do it but they're vastly outnumbered by results for my forum accounts and such
I guess it kind of makes me feel more attachment for the name too since I've never found anyone else using it as a handle on the internet and I've had it for so long So I'd probably still use it even if I did worry people would find my information around the net haha
>>707262 this guy was pretty good though shame about the ancient video quality
i always wondered why people dislike youtube videos honestly never actually done it myself would sooner just click off the page than bother clicking dislike and then elsewhere
>>707265 From my point of view, I mean, yeah, I could juggle my accounts and keep myself private because of that. But that's such a large amount of work and I know from experience that if I try juggling accounts, I'm going to slip up. Hell I'm aggreived enough by the fact that my MahjongSoul account is the Google account that isn't the one I generally watch stuff on YouTube with and so signing in to MS can mess up YouTube for me. And why would I go to all this work to protect myself when ... I don't feel driven to be out there talking in the first place? Like I can just not say anything, do none of the work needed to keep my identity secure, and still feel in a content situation.
I don't think I'm anti-social but I just don't have the motivation to socialize with total strangers.
im not interrupting you im responding to something else >>707265 this worked out really heavily in my favor one time it seems like such a completely arbitraty and over the top thing to do, but it turned out one time that i actually saved myself from being publicly identified this way since i was the asker and the answerer, and only the asker had the name people assumed that since i was the person who asked the question, it was clearly somebody else who answered it. nobody is crazy enough to talk to themselves on an imageboard right?
trying to explain samefagging to the public would be really awkward >>707271 "why don't you?"
>>707269 yeah that's fair enough i like leaving a thought trail though personally
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
people ask why ive only got pictures of cats on my insta what do i tell them
Tell them you like cats, man. That's a very normal person thing to like.
>>707271 pretty much anything it's not that weird to just post animal pics on insta
you could tell them you have a priv acc for personal photos if you want to make them think you have a social life i guess >>707265 i used to use different formatting quirks and writing styles on 4chan too, but it wasn't something i designed purposefully just reflections of my attitude regarding whatever content i was posting about at the time even had people think i was two different people arguing the same point because some of my posts were more seriously thought out and some of them were just quick shitposts responding to people i thought were dumb >>707273 my mom has an instagram she complains to me that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson posts too much on instagram
Tell them you have a cat fursona they'll stop asking questions fast.
>>707274 it's really good for practicing different voices for writing especially for fiction i like writing fiction so it comes very easy to me to write in different voices, and i really enjoy doing it. it helps me escape my own head a little bit when i get too stuck in my own voice and my own cynical way of thinking. it's a very good creative exercise
i also // sometimes i would try to mimic other people's voice if i could. i would read a thread and find two anons having an argument, and i would get really used to their voice and get a feel for what they'd say and how they'd act this was how i got so good at identifying moes, probably, when there were a lot more of us and all anon but yeah, i'd find two anons having an argument, then i'd try to mimic one's voice and i would jump into the argument pretending to be them and usually say something like "okay, that makes sense now. sorry for being a dick, i see your point and i just got a little heated, but now that im calm it makes sense. thanks for helping me understand"
in retrospect that was kind of mean but i really had a lot of fun doing it usually the person on the other end would be really sympathetic and would say something nice even though they were jut // just having a horrifying argument and one time specifically i stopped a very very angry argument about something dumb, and the other guy responded in kind and said something nice and that he thought it was really cool of him to be able to calm down and make such a diplomatic post, and even other anons were jumping in to applaud him and then the guy i pretended to be was like WHAT THE FUCK THAT WASNT ME AND I DONT AGREE YOU PIECE OF SHIT and got double mad and restarted the argument it was a lot of fun
>>707274 Even on /moe/ I can usually pick out when you're in a more focused or serious mode and when you're just shooting the breeze. It's good to have that kind of deliniation of social tones.
wait what the heck Mario Maker 2 is out too? i have too many video games to play and here I am just killing ogress shamans in Runescape >>707280 oh wow the people who win those kind of things are a lot more dedicated than me but I guess I could enter
man Shadowbringers, Mario Maker, and Bloodstained all came out like 3 days apart and I still haven't finished The Messenger I'll probably buy it and not play it for a bit until I finish the new FFXIV expansion storyline
yeah it just came out yesterday i wish i could play it ;_;
there's a 10,000 dollar level design contest and i can't even participate i bet id win too
Serious offer, I want to get the game. If I get it and submit your design and it wins I'd give you the money minus the cost of the game.
Like I know that sounds crazy but I'm being completely honest with you about this offer.
Yeah I'd absolutely be willing to do the same if you want to enter that badly. We could set up something through Discord to tell me what to put in the level or you could draw it.
i would say yes, but there's a lot of playtesting that goes into the design id have to try stuff out as im going along, adjust the placement of things so it lines up well, and all-in-all it's an immersive process it's something i'd want to start doing and sink several days into it just really getting completely immersed in the level im designing i don't think i could do that, nor playtest as i go, without having it here in my hands
kaizo stuff involves a lot of heavy testing. you have to switch between editing and playing (which is very fluid to do) a whole lot and trying out how different tech interacts with the setup too not to mention a lot of tech isn't even known yet because the physics isn't fully known since it's still new i can't construct a level without deconstructing the elements composing the game, if that makes sense
Yeah, playtesting is the biggest issue. I could just video chat on discord with you using my tablet's camera since it's a stable cam, but can't stream anything since I don't have a capture card that's compatible with the switch.
But even then, I'm not sure feedback from me is the best for designing a level geared towards the general public. I mean, right now I'm on like kill #1730 or so of this same enemy I've been killing for literally three days and I think this is fun.
I like unnecessarily difficult platformers too, so I'm not a great gauge of difficulty either.
>>707284 All right, I understand. That offer still stands though. If you somehow figure out something that works you better get in contact. I'm probably gonna try and pick the game up over the weekend or early next week.
it's not uncommon for people to spend 80+ hours creating a good kaizo level fyi and once it's created, you have to be able to complete it in order to upload it. a lot of the big name levels from smm1 took the top players anywhere from 40 to 100 hours of attempts before they cleared it
it would be a really big undertaking if you were to be my proxy im totally down for doing that stuff personally because i need things that hold my attention but i dont think i can ask anyone else such a big thing
Well fundamentally it's just game development on a pre-made engine. Not to make it sound simplistic, hah hah, game development is -for a skill or puzzle oriented game is ridiculously detailed. But that makes numbers like eighty hours to create a high-grade map more than reasonable. Playtesting and design refining through that feedback is a core component of polished game design.
I'm a bit distanced through time but I'm no stranger to the concepts of game design. I just haven't had the passion to really gun for it.
The thought of producing a creative work that can be enjoyed by people is always exciting for me.
Time might alwasy -always be a concern for me especially since I'm looking to find employment soon but especially if I have someone that depends on me my capacity to remain devoted is pretty solid.
>>707287 That sounds about right to me, I used to frequent an RPG Maker amateur site and they had a few community events around Super Mario Bros X that had submissions from a bunch of users, took me around 30 hours to finish my level for the collab, I'd wager.
I've spent longer on less worthwhile projects before, too. I worked on a game using RPG Maker 2003 for about 9 months for 8 to 10 hours a day and that never even saw release, haha. I also spent hundreds of hours making a Timesplitters 2 Story Mode custom map for my sisters to play through in co-op and they only played it to completion one time. Was worth it to watch, though, in my opinion. I never made more Story Mode maps after that because it wasn't replayable and I couldn't play with them however.
timesplitters was so amazing i spent so many hours on that silly thing i loved it so much.
i had something like the amusement park from SMM1 in mind for my level but i have a bunch of levels i'd like to create idk if you guys watch smm1 stuff really >>>/watch?v=Hvs0hQBUedI
but SMM2 has vertical levels now so i want to use fewer doors and things
i also wanted to remake Getting Over It in super mario maker, so to speak but that's so outdated now that it wouldn't be good anymore. i wanted to do that at the time Getting Over It was still big i was going to have high-precision platforming separated with one-way gates and note blocks that would bump you back and cause you to have to start a long ways back if you screwed up but no death potential unless you time out
i also have a few puzzle levels in mind one was going to employ basic cryptologic principles and be like a logic puzzle with sequencing but would be performed through platforming so it's still kind of fun. and it wouldn't be a hard logic puzzle. it would be like anticipatory platforming around obstacles that youd have to position yourself for, which would be really easy if you can identify the patterns and more difficult but still possible if you don't
I never really got into the original Mario Maker since I didn't really have an avenue to do so. The game really did appeal to me since I loved seeing the stuff like the original Kaizo and creations like the musicbox maps of custom Super Mario World games. But I was pretty checked out overall on the Wii U content.
Wish I played timesplitters 2 music reminds me of Goldeneye 64 and that fucking game took my childhood loved it
>>707290 Man I really need to brush up on my platforming skills if this is the kind of things I'm gonna be encountering in SMM2 hah hah. A lot of the little tricks used in that stage like the carrying the spring you need to jump off of in mid-air and the tight timing of wall jumps and not-full jumps are gonna be things that throw me off I can already see it. I'd find it really cool to be able to do logic puzzles and slower designs that require you to think with reason rather than reaction. Puzzle games are pretty interesting to me.
yeah, there's a really satisfying aesthetic to the implementation of logic in mario maker. there's a lot of things i want to do
but those timings and spring drops and not-full jumps and all those techs are things i cant really just have someone else playtest though, since i wouldnt know what the timings are without trying it i feel like that's not communicable really. maybe
there's a really high skill ceiling for mario maker though. i know ive been talking about it a lot for a long time and maybe for people who aren't as familiar with it, it might seem like it's not that exciting to want to build mario levels but looking at the super high skill tech and the sorts of things you can construct from it, it's really captivating and playing the social hype around your level is really fun too, watching as people you know stream their attempts to beat your level to thousands of people, getting people following you on twitter to keep up with your new creations, even potentially streaming your level creation sessions and getting donations from your supporters if you make good stuff. it's the kind of thing i could really be sociable on i think
aaaaaaah i want it so bad
>>707290 Timesplitters 2 is no joke one of my favorite games of all time, though I haven't played it in a couple years and don't get the joy of creating and playing custom maps like I did back in the day. The story mission variety and level design and branching level objectives based on difficulty and all of it being tuned for both single player and co-op are just amazing.
I've watched a bunch of SMM videos and levels but couldn't really grasp what kind of potential it had without actually having put my hands on the product. It probably has a ton of different tricks I couldn't imagine because I haven't gotten solid experience with the editor yet or anything. Most engines have many advanced tricks you can do that don't make sense if you don't understand the engine, after all.
Vertical levels sound cool, though. I always liked those tower climbing levels in New Super Mario Bros. etc. I think they only really used them for midboss Bowser castles though.
>>707294 >it might seem like it's not that exciting to want to build mario levels That's dumb. Classic 2D platformers are one of the most iconic game genres out there, and like I said earlier Super Mario Maker is pretty much just a platformer game engine. Saying it's not exciting to want to build Mario levels is like saying it's not exciting to want to make platforming games. Nintendo's done something fantastic by creating this creative platform for people that want to experiment and engage in game design but don't necessarily have the resources to get into it from the ground up. The fact that it can produce a community that can and wants to sustain itself around it is undisputably a good thing.
Have fun, people. Be creative. It's one of the purest joys on this world.
>>707295 do both of your sisters still live there with you and the fam? can i come visit yall sometime and borrow your sisters and play video games with them that sounds like a fun time i wanna make levels for them to play. your sisters are really awesome i wish i had good sisters
>>707296 i guess i didn't really know how to phrase it. not that it's stupid or anything, but like just not fully understanding what "i want to make levels in mario maker" meant i imagine someone who's familiar with mario games and maybe played a 100-man run or two of super mario maker, or seen someone do it, might have an image in their head of some casual levels, or some mildly challenging obstacles made with normal level design principles in mind like giving the player a sizable chance of clearing it and plenty of breath after clearing an obstacle to enjoy their accomplishment, so like a normally-paced level that's fun to play
which, yeah, i do have a lot of ideas for stuff like that too, levels anyone should enjoy playing but at the deepest core, my strongest drive is from pushing the depths of that skill ceiling as far as i can and making levels that really impact the community i wouldn't be so passionately declaring my dreams of being a mario maker level designer if i just wanted to make some casual levels. i'd still like to, obviously, but i could cope with not getting the chance to
>dad says I can use his computer to play XIV if I want since imouto is still on mine playing it >sit down and log in to windows >he has a firefox page open with "top 10 most broken anime abilities" w h a t
>>707297 they still live with me, yeah. I dunno about borrowing them though one of them is hardcore hikkineet and barely even leaves the house It'd be mean to visit and not hang out with me too
>>707300 He better not with how much he talks shit about my chinese cartoons
The only anime he's even watched in like 10 years are Parasyte, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and a few episodes of 91 Days anyways AS FAR AS I KNOW
i bet he only looked up top 10 most broken anime abilities so he could seem cool in being able to talk about anime to his kids he's going to just walk in one day and be like "kids i want to see those rooms clean or i am going to use a ka meha meha wave on you!" "im cool right"
That'd be heartwarming but he's got the same personality as me and doesn't talk about anime because he doesn't care much for it If he wanted to know something about anime he'd just ask me about it instead We only exchange maybe ten to fifteen sentences a week because we are both almost always at work when the other one isn't and when we're both home we simply mind our own business Unless he finds some blacksmithing video that's really cool or I want to show him some music
>>707305 I actually asked them if you could visit for a few days and once if you could live with me when you were having residential difficulty few years ago But the response then was a pretty quick refusal and questioning of whether or not I know my friends well enough to know they aren't crazy and/or murderers
Might be more likely nowadays since I've brought friends from work and my sister's had friends over a few times, though >>707307 What If You Had A Gun
Hm, weather's nice tomorrow morning and Best Buy opens at ten. Guess I can head out and get it and spend Saturday playing it.
>>707310 wow your family doesn't want me i had thought about the latter specifically because you were mentioning mortgage things and needing to pay a lot to keep the place im not sure if yall have extra space but i'd totally be willing to give a chunk of my paychecks and stay there, for a number of different reasons
i mean, i got that apartment in memphis when the plan was for me, you, and quarx to all stay there but it never happened ive still wanted to since then but i know things just got difficult all around maybe if you weren't befriending druggies then your family wouldn't be suspicious that your timid, afraid-to-leave-the-house, emotionally sensitive theyfriend is dangerous and crazy baka
It's a shame you can't get up here without being an undocumented. I was looking at apartments the other day because I'm still planning a move-in with a friend. And there was a really neat townhouse-y place that was 2400 CAD a month for three bedrooms. That's outside our consideration if we're splitting the cost two ways but if we had a third to split it evenly 800CAD a month for a place would be a fucking miracle. At least a place in as convenient a location as that.
Ever since I saw it I've been trying to figure out if I know anyone that might be worth asking about it but that's unfortunately a downside to being pretty introverted
800 a month is a lot youve got utilities, internet, et cetera on top of that, and groceries, furniture, renter's insurance, security deposit you have to have a chunk of change ready upon move-in and you should ideally have 2.5x the income per month as the rent costs
i was making 2k a month at one point but im certainly not now some months i dont even make 800
yeah, i get minimum wage is different there but i couldn't get employed there without significant documentation and stuff anyway not that it's even on the table since i can't go
Well you have to remember minimum wage is fourteen an hour here. It's a bit exhausting and I probably wouldn't be able to live too luxuriously but I coudl -could fit it in. I'm also a full-time university student so there's some income I get from the federal and provincial governments, in part loans and in part grants. Either way I'm looking at probably closer to a thousand a month for rent if I want to move out with one person. That's approximately 230 CAD a week I'd have to earn to just pay off monthly rent, which for me is a much more valuable number to keep in mind than a monthly rent cost.
you can rent a house in saint louis for 700 a month with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, basement, full kitchen, living room, dining room, back patio saint louis is really cool i really wish i didn't have to move away from it
i wanted to bring jan to saint louis and get a place there and have yall come visit and go do cool saint louis things but now im in michigan for some reason and idk what im gonna do in march i wish i could be adopted as a rika meido but sadly i never got offered it like the others and jans folks don't want me
>>707312 Well I think I was acting kind of unstable around that time too, so they were probably thinking anyone I was making friends with was unsavory or something We've worked out a payment method for the property taxes though, so we're gonna be fine as long as we follow the plan and keep paying on time. Honestly we don't have any extra rooms, my sisters share a room as is, though I wouldn't mind sharing my room and bed if everyone else was alright with it. It's not a very big room but I have a TV and a little ikea dresser and a twin size bed. The room barely fits that stuff but I've rearranged it to make more room a few times.
>>707317 I'm hopeful! This friend is an old one from high school and our relationship kind of soured and we drifted apart for like seven years. But we've been talking a bit recently and he seems really driven, almost desperate, to get out of his parents' place. Renting anywhere in Toronto as a single person without a job paying like twenty an hour is almost impossible though, so it seems he came to the same conclusion I did: find a friend and move out. I'm still a little cautious around him but I think I can rely on that determination he's got to get away from his parents.
It would be kind of nice to not be around so many people at home though. I'm a bit anxious about having to consistently maintain income to support rent and sustenance; I get that's just a normal element of adult living, but man, I am bad at being a normal human bean. There's some real positives and moral gains to moving out but it's also a pretty intense experience I don't really have any ... well, experience with. So my thoughts on it are all over the place, hah hah.
>>707319 i'd be more than happy to share your room as long as you tone down the drinking a notch and don't be doin any hard drugs around me that stuff makes me uncomfortable
and even if you have payment arrangements worked out, the extra income couldn't hurt i could throw down some amount per month and take some burden off of you, make the household finances slightly more comfortable
im just saying this stuff in a daydream sense right now i know better than to get my hopes up with actual plans
>>707321 I'd be more than happy to control myself if anyone actually got on my case for the drinking I bet. Guess they're just glad I'm not as bad as I used to be or something but I don't get much shit anymore. Or maybe they're just tired and don't want to talk about it anymore.
But what I want isn't what matters most, it's not my house after all. I don't really want to live with my family either, but kind of have to with the current financial burden.
Also, I haven't done any drugs other than alcohol since New Year's.
Dreaming aside we should meet up again sometime. I want to see you again.
>>707338 I'd like to meet LV he seems nice problem is neither of us can understand each other so there's a lot of WHAT and HUH and COME AGAIN
>>707337 We were going to go to a concert (literally the reason they came up here), but it sold out and it turbs out that they didn't buy tickets a head of time. So we wnt to some record stores and then went to an arcade and stayed for like five hours. We also went out for italian beef.
what did yall play at the arcade
I played deathsmiles, the grid, lucky and wild, area 51, time crisis, some starwars xwing piloting game from like 1990, some basketball thing, some football thing by the same company, metal slug 6, snk versus capcom 2000, snk versus capcom 2001, gauntlet, UUhhhhhh We were going to play some relatively recent gradius game but the scond time the credit button was pushed we got an error in Japanese about the coin thing not working Oh and the three stooges game which was really shitty And I think that's it
I hope you get the help you need tonight. I'm about to go out and fucking get destroyed prob play some more final fantasy tactics game trips me out fr I remember this shit when I was 12, lmao
Nothing comes, nothing goes. Nothing arises, nothing subsides. There are no similarities. There are no differences. There is no duality. There is no non-duality.
there's not really a good gender neutral title there huh wikipedia says mx or misc mx with the x being a wildcard and pronounced mix, but i don't like the connotations of having it pronounced as mix misc for miscellus, meaning mixed, so same deal and misc ____ sounds kinda dumb and then there's "ind" which doesn't even ahve any of the same phonetics
well, there's mister and mistress, and i know that's different connotations but what about like mistrum, mistra plural it's very hard to differentiate the sound from mister there though.
anyway, good morning! gonna have a grapefruit breakfast?
1 more dumbass clip that nobody will look at before I peace I aced this round like a savage and my aim was still bad lmfao >>>/@Solari__/1144913220081090561
story-wise it kind of makes sense pokeUK did brexit and everything got fucked up so they just don't have access to most of the things everyone else in the developed world does
removing super training after gen 6 actually does burn me a bit they took away the thing that made EV training actually enjoyable. >>707380 a mini-game that lets you EV-train your pokemon without fighting the same type of pokemon over and over.
Kirara 🍄
what's super training
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
if you're unfamiliar with EV-training, it's for minmaxing pokemon for competitive play.
it's really hard to view myself objectively when assessing my potential value for something ive been contemplating a lot i need some external opinion but i don't think i can ask yall and get the honest answers i need is there some other approach for objectification
Kirara 🍄
people usually go to therapists for stuff like that i think
a therapist would only know what i tell them for this something i would need someone who's experienced enough of me to know my flaws well
i know some of my flaws and some of my strengths, but then there are other traits that are going to be situational things i would need to know whether the things which i am concerned about are actually interpersonal weak points or whether they're insecurities based on the criticisms ive had from my previous relationship particularly as it relates to a relationship going forward due to my isolation, i don't quite have the robust social experience to determine for myself
rather, not from my isolation but from my eccentricity
>>707391 yes, that's my concern the best i could get i think is to have someone who's situationally poised to provide their own feelings on the matter
take my financial situation for instance i think im really disadvantaged in terms of finding a serious relationship given that im extremely unsuccessful by most social standards i've lost my bank account and my credit, i have unsteady workflow and no savings, i have debt to the IRS im plagued with a lot of functional issues that prevent me from going back to school
there are certain types of relationships which those things wouldn't interfere with so much, other people in a similar socioeconomic condition for instance and combined resources makes cohabitat more stable. but their reasons for being in the same socioeconomic condition might be different and we might have other incompatibilities, like my high functioning behaviors and ADD and high academic aptitude and the work im doing in mathematics which i don't get paid for, and those things matter to me
there are people who would align with me more on that level but are in higher socioeconomic conditions and have life stability, people who didn't slip through the cracks of public education and child protective services and left unable to function properly to those people, there might be really good connectivity emotionally and mentally but my financial conditions and some of the downsides of my poor upbringing like malnutrition and fragile bones and stuff makes me into a big pile of red flags that doesn't mesh well with their life goals and objectives, and im not stable enough to be entering into parenthood under their standards as i have a lot of emotional distress and financial instability
i don't know the extent to which those examples, or other analogous examples, are more my own insecurities or are particularly valid for my situations specifically the best thing i could probably do is, for the latter example, ask someone like rika. she is high functioning an
>>707392 high functioning and has ADD and has the same requirement i do for high information processing volume, but she's a lot more stable and well equipped for life's goals so she would have the kind of positioning to understand that perspective and knows me well enough to offer some objective input there
i don't particularly want to pose that question to a friend though because it sounds too much like im suggesting something that im not and it might lead to an uncomfortable situation for either or both parties so it's very difficult to get the type of feedback im looking for. there's bias if i assess it myself, bias if i ask you guys, compromise if i ask someone in that position, and not enough information to make informed comments if i use a therapist
that was really long sorry it's just been on my mind a lot, trying to sort my life out it's why ive been thinking of going back to school, just that it would put me in slightly better social opinion but i don't think it would actually help me directly at all
that one doesn't even make sense to me im not sure if the "so what" is supposed to be like "oh, you have double hit lymphoma? so what? we can treat that easily" i don't really get what it's supposed to mean
>you have a deadly blood cancer? haha keep cryin, drama queen
i suppose you want me to do something about it too, huh? sure, sure, can't handle your own problems so you gotta waste taxpayer money to see a hematologist-oncologist boooo hooo my blood is mutated waaa come help me doc well i have things to do too, you know? my kid has a soccer game tonight why should i help you?
I love that they're all in capslock too Makes it so much more aggressive