Thread #705189
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you made it! okaeri
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did /moe/ die?
It was dead for a bit yeah. That threw me off a bit.
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Dororo Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine Kono Oto Tomare! Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin RobiHachi Senryuu Shoujo
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okay I see jan dororo robihachi kono oto cinderella
Let's do BokuBen instead of Cinderella
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fine by me okay dororo! okay everyone ready? okay lets start!
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rorodo okay brb i guess okay i am back
Dorororo rororo rorororororo>>705193 Moon come baaaaaaaack Okay just waiting on Jan to return hah hah.>>705200 Jan come baaaaaaaack>>705199 Jan stepped away I think he might not be back yet.>>705199 >>705200 >>705201 >>705202 ANIRANGERS UNITE
oops sorry yes we're all here>>705201 no thats gay>>705199
sorry had to take care of the laundry
The long dry
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on the left: anime on the right: you guys
This gonna be good.
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yeah im excited!
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I think he should be kinda worried about the castle. it has bigger problems than blood
i guess his brother has no heart or something
All the actors are converging on this castle.
Oh no.
oh god
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ah well that's one way to get your eyes back
Oh gosh he was saved by both his mother and his father. That was a great moment gosh.
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ah I see the first thing he gets to see is his mom I always thought it would be some scene of carnage
Well he hasn't seen anything ye- Oh well there we go speak of the devil. He gets to gaze on both his parents at the end.
it feels kinda sad that someone else used his eyes before he did
wait did they just burn to death
Well they're not safe yet. It does kind of feel like their mother sfdadshjkdfhads Hah hah come on Hyakkimaru. It does kind of feel like their mother is accepting that her and Tahomaru are going to burn to death though yeah.
they'd asphyxiate to death long before they burn to death!
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/06/25 (火) 05:10 No. 705223
whose eyes are these?
hi sammy
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I think this deviates from the original work a little at this point.
Well it's deviated a bit the whole series long. Hyakkimaru being mute and blind wasn't really a thing in the original.
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robihachi okay lets start
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robot hatchet
>Profession: Prince
that explains why he has so many followers
hatchet is such a bro
Hah hah he bailed on the Lunarians on the day of their Reiwa ringing in. And he met Yang and his gang the same way all of Yang's lackeys did.
oh the moon landing guy does kinda look like hatchi
From Earth to the end of the galaxy back to Earth. What a road trip.
Yang sure wants to get in Robby's hole.
Oh no.
Stones really do make for the best presents.
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this show was fucking great
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ah, last episode. So much ending stuff.
Oh no now it's Robby's turn in the cardboard box.
That was such a dumbfun show gosh.
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OKAY kono oto! okay lets start!
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kono oto has to be my last one for tonight i have something important in the AM you guys can keep going though i won't miss cinderella 9 oh well i'll see
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i thought we were watching bokuben instead of cinderella
Musikku Honestly we can do three shows tonight and still be on top of things. Since there's no Sarazanmai this week even if we watch four shows Monday through Wednesday there'll be only three shows by Thursday.>>705253 Would you have time for a half show like Senryuu after Kono Oto tonight?
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we can do bokuben if that was the plan
Are you sure it's okay?
Ra i ba ru
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it'll be fine
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These guys are all goofballs.
Wow was that a real music savant.
They're dropping a lot of characters on us in the twelfth episode. Oh it's running thirteen episodes so I guess we'll have a bit of time to see them.
Their koto club is only the two of them! How tiny!
It's kind of neat that these music pieces can be played at a variable tempo and it's not even considered improper but more of an artistic liason. Like if you compare it to Hibike! Euphonium where getting the perfect tempo and sound was pretty much the driving aspect of some of the plot threads. That sort of sound experimentation is really ineteresting to me.
Oh wow their asshole sensei is actually a born music guy.
For the second-last episode of this show they're really adding a lot of plot complexity to the series. I guess this series is probably a manga promotion so it's nice to see them adapting it thoroughly. Maybe I'll go look into the manga.
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prodigies get ruined by stuff like this prodigies don't usually end up very exceptional anyway
Yeah that guy talked about raising a prodigy "properly" but that kind of proper only just mangles the prodigy in the crib.
Oh no.
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as someone who works with their hands, that's p rough it sucks to get a hand injury
Yeah, there aren't a lot of instruments that a hand injury like that isn't a pretty serious problem for.
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okay, night moon! do we wanna watch oh okay bokutachi! okay lets start!
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I think Moon might still be along? Hah hah sorry for making things confusing. The one who posts the GIF shall be ME
i can do bokuben i arranged it since we have jan i think we should
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koto's such a relaxing show.
>>705278 Thanks for sticking out.
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it's fine i havent been sleeping a lot lately anyway
Poor Fumino. She has to deal with this clod and his problems. And Iruka and her problems.
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wow she's being so discreet
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Wow disguising your boobs is pretty clever.
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she's trying to eavesdrop and pilfer info about herself! what a sneak
The disguise worked perfectly!
Fumino's such a good friend.
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they're pretty hopeless
They're pretty adorable.
I feel kind of bad because the short math nerd one is also really cute but these two just have some great moments.
Hah hah oh no. Yeah as soon as the third party entered this situation I knew that was coming.
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>>705293 math nerds don't need to be worried about they'll be fine
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the swimming nerd is my favorite
Yuiga's such a hopeless black hole of density.
>Voice clearly says "Take your marks" >Subs write "Take your mark"
ouch that's a really rough feeling
Yeah in her place I'd totally be beating myself up over that too.
Oh yeah they're in their third year of high school. And it's already the summer semester.
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such best
If this is the last episode of this too getting a full episode of swim girl really seems to drive home who's gonna win.
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>if you want to cheer me up, come trespass with me!
>>705305 Nothing like some CRIMES to make the heart grow fonder!
Oh I kind of know how he feels. It's hard to get enthusiastic about stuff that's challenging so I'm always envious when I see people that can just go all out about it.
Oh no Nariyuki.
O bo ba bo bobo babo bobobo
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i know he's just being dense but it's kinda cowardly to make the girl confess i guess japan does stuff differently
Oh that wasn't the last episode of this. How nice.
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thanks for anime! good night yall
Thanks for hanging on Moon. Good luck with tomorrow.
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thanks for anime
Yup yup, thanks.