Akanesasu Shoujo Anima Yell! Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-11 Goblin Slayer Irozuku Sekai Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet --Episode 6-7 Release the Spyce RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 7-11 Sora to Umi no Aida SSSS.Gridman Sword Art Online - Alicization Tsurune Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc Episode 6-7 Yagate Kimi ni Naru
The List refreshed. Time to begin the crunch anew.
I'm pretty sure he went ahead and watched Goblin Slayer on his own since we didn't get anything watched last night. So it can probably go wherever you want it.
Oh it's Iwasaki Taku doing the OST. He's previously composed for JoJo's part two. As well as Gurran Lagann, Katanagatari, Gatchaman, and a couple other notables.
okay i am here daburu deckard cain wait i have 8 dammit okay ready >>605751 and all of these are on my list i only ended up watching like half of goblin slayer before maria hit me up for gundam btw
Maybe these super drugs can make Doug talk but I imagine as far as it goes, he's one of the worse Seven-O members to capture.
Oh so he was just Zabel all along. I thought he'd adopted the lowest letter when he got arrested. That means the Bamboo guy from when he first showed up was the weakest member of Esperanza too, since A was long-dead.
oh shit who's y and x
what if doug eats anthem for breakfast
I could see him doing that, if it wasn't such an illicit and controlled substance in the city.
>>605838 She probably bathes in a river or whatever since they're on the road a lot.
Yeah that's what I was figuring. Rivers, lakes, waterfalls. Probably means she doesn't get a lot of cleaning done when they're resting in towns though.
>>605843 yeah i never want the op to end when it does it's so perfectly timed to the music too
Priestess gets a chance to see what she'll be like when she gets to level twenty.
This is such a D&D session too. Like you can just see the DM drawing up all the sewer maps and plotting surprise boss fights like the sewer crocodile from last week.
>>605858 the portal scroll was basically a legendary /tg/ greentext story
i bet everybody lost their shit when goblin slayer did that in their game
>Picked up a scroll months back as a side-off in a session >Everyone else forgets he has it in his inventory >Pulls it out in a super-pinch moment and everyone just flips the table
>>605862 he just rolled a perception check to recognize the person is ALREADY DEAD
But not a good enough Perception check to see the trap waiting to be sprung.
Man he really becomes prepared for everything.
goblin slayer's inventory is stored in an excel sheet
I've seen a really amazing rendition of Goblin Slayer's helmet on Twitter. I bet his whole ensemble would make for an awesome cosplay project.
>>605869 can you imagine how much work it would take to get all the pockets ready though?
Hah hah this is totally Drums in the Deep from Lord of the Rings. All they need is a cave troll. I guess this goblin champion does the bit.
>>605870 I've seen some amazing Monster Hunter armor cosplays that would probably put the elaborateness of his suit to shame. So it's probably within possibility.
Oh this is a good shot. Good use of the 3D CGI models.
>>605871 yeah you could definitely do it but doing those monster hunter cosplays are an incredible amount of work too it'd be really impressive to see a totally accurate cosplay through
Well they're friends with a high-level character up above ground. He's probably totally dead buth -but have the resources for a Revive.
there's no way he's dead also why are they showing this scene for so long this is weird indeed
the birb
>>605899 Well it benefits the severity of the situation but I figure they probably didn't want to incorporate the next segment of the plot until next week. So they kind of had like a minute or so to burn.
Let's do Anima Yell! instead since that's absolutely a Jan show. >>605905 Set the bird? Like open the cage?
okay then
why did he set the birb there though?? >>605903 yes what's the significance of the birb is it all according to keikaku
It was a canary. He picked it up above ground as a warning signal if poison started flooding the area. Which did happen, so I figure he opened the cage when the poison came in so the bird didn't have to die. But birds are fucking dumbasses and this one didn't fly off at first chance.
apparnetly Crunchyroll messed it up https://i.imgur.com/sH93EKz.jpg its supposed to have credits
They probably got some early version of the final product. I can imagine in an episode with an outside-ED credit roll the credit names would be one of the last things added in. I could see the studio sending off a non-final version of the episode by accident.
or maybe CR is holding all the NCOPs hostage
They've got to get thin, not buff!
Maybe just not bring snacks into the club room in the first place? Would be a good way of avoiding those snacks from the get go.
Flying is just falling while successfully missing the ground!
>But I'll be the one that goes on top! Oh gosh.
Hah hah hah. Honestly I was thinking along those lines myself. A bit of extra weight makes for a sturdy base!
help they're trying to be my friend and it's scary
Oh I didn't know the character for "curse" and celebration" were so similar.
it must be hard to be dyslexic and japanese
I wonder if dyslexia even manifests itself in a way like that for those who are raised on pictograph characters like those. I've read in the past that it can have a considerable effect on all manner of brain functions, but I've never seen anything about dyslexia.
>>605947 it seems like the hieroglyphs are easier typically for dyslexics but the same kind of mirroring or reversing characters in hiragana and katakana this blog post has some interesting information https://blog.dyslexia.com/teaching-japanese-to-dyslexic-students/
I've seen in the past that a component of type that makes it hard for dyslexic people is the uniformity of the circular and linear parts of the character. So much of the roman alphabet is contained within the same standardizaed components. Maybe the diversity in lines and strokes of pictograph languages helps shake up that uniformity.