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Beelzebub-jou Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-11 Irozuki Sekai Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet --Episode 5-6 RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 5-11 Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Sora to Umi no Aida Sword Art Online - Alicization Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi --Episode 4-6
I keep expecting something terrible to happen to the red haired little girl. She's been good at dodging death flags so far though.
It reminds me of those toy robot dogs that were a mild craze back in the late 90s or something. They were Japanese in origin too so it's probably intentional.
Yeah, we're up to date in this show. Though episode seven should be out tomorrow or the day after. >>603510 The OP has a kind of "youthful scream" punk kind of feel to it or something. Something about that really resonates with me. The ED is a nice waltz-y kind of song too.
>>603515 just freebase star powder and mix with mana potion to gain stronger magic in 15 minutes it's like da juice from planet with >>603516 well he probably inhaled a bunch of it by throwing it around
you know this guy really looks like bunny girl's mc's friend
Yeah I see the semblance. Sakuta's a bit more floofy though.
I follow the character designer for this show on Twitter and another artist I follow did art of that short-haired girl. There was this cute moment of the chara designer getting all giddy about it and the artist responding in turn.
>>603527 yeah something like 1/3rd of colorblind people surveyed in the studies i read while curious reported seeing colors they've never seen before and like 70% of people who became partially blind or completely blind later in life were able to see hallucinatory visualizations clearly
very few people that were blind at birth reported being able to see intense visualizations but some did as well
That's super neat, I didn't know that. She only became colourblind after her mother died so it kind of checks out too.
>>603529 yeah i thought it was really interesting too i guess their brains are still capable of processsing what their eyes can't!
i always kind of assumed visualizations were tied to what you could actually see but it makes more sense that your mind is capable of forming things outside of reality when i think about it
Pretty much. Magic in this world seems to have a wide assortment of utlities. From stuff as mundane as incense to psychedelics to controlling the elements to LITERAL TIME TRAVEL.
Where did Scott go anyway. He's not in on this whole thing and he was just around moments ago. They should really be more careful about flirting in public if he was around.
>Why do we wear underwear anyway? Getting awfully philsophical there Beelzebub.
Some of those things she was collecting didn't really seem edible to me.
>>603596 everything is edible when you put your mind to it
I think you need to put more than your mind to it. Your teeth and stomach, I'd imagine.
yeah you need to put your teeth to it
Only twelve episodes of backlog left~. Well, including like six plus one episodes worth of SAO if we're still considering starting that. And the Cooking with Emiya specials but those are easy to slip in places.
... And the weekend's coming up so there's going to be a huge dump of new shows anyway. But some progress at least!