Thread #603891
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abune! anime too
Banana Fish Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-11 Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 6-11 Sora to Umi no Aida Sword Art Online - Alicization Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc --Episode 4-6 Zombieland Saga
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okay I wonder if we have jan
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ulysses 5 oh it seems ulyssess 4 reride 6 sora to umi maid zombieland subject to change if jan appears
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so let's get going ulyssess i put too many letters on the end okay lets start!
Oh boy, history.
Mon morrency
The princess really did lose her hot-bloodedness frmo when she was young. I guess war has that effect on people.
Geez louise.
Well RIP
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I knew he was going to explode or something.
What is this, Hamlet.
Oh well that must be awkward for the rest of his harem.
This all must be annoying for an ancient demon like Astaroth.
So ... is Phillip a boy?
Jeanne d'Arc needs her battle standard after all.
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reride 6! okay lets start!
Ponytail oji-san's car is really outfitted with all sorts of stuff.
Things are starting to get real timey-wimey.
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yeah he's spinning his time wheel so much.
gotta go do something aafter this continue on or else
Oh no Yuri don't go off on your own when there's a crazy assassin lady after your man.
hello this is jamn
Now he's got to go and rescue another girl.
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nana Maru San B(…).jpg )
oh hello jan you have good timing let's do banana fish rather than sora fish oh yeah I guess ika did dip what a shame okay lets start!
borana fish ika dipped right?>>603946 it can't be helped i like to ate ate ate apelles and banaenae fish
Moo sure
Search [iqdb] (155 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Banana Fish - 1(…).jpg )
i'm surprised he thinks he can intimidate blanca
He's had good experience being not intimidated by his brothers I guess.
Yut Lung really does dress kind of ridiculous though.
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moonboy sure looks like a fuccboi don't he
>baka translated to bully
Dino really is a crazy old motherfucker.
All the guys who "mentored" Ash really act abusively gay towards him.
Yut Lung you sly fucker.
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>>603964 Yeah, everybody is gay.
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>>603966 >>603964 every single guy in this show is either a mean queer or a nice fag
>die yo ur way out
>First I used you as a sexual plaything and now I'm gonna make you call me daddy Jeez fucking louise Dino.
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This show is kinda messed up
Just kinda?
Moo sure
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i'd like to order a large sneak
Looks like the stage is set for the final act.
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speaking of messed up time for maid ep 6 okay lets start!
uchigatana no maid
You'd think by now Misha would have grown to have a distrust of older women strangers.
Okay good, she's being sensible.
Ha wa wawa
Does the JSDF just naturally produce dangerous women or something.
She still has two eyes at this point. I wonder what the story behind the eyepatch is
This woman might be even more crazy than the maid.
Shikkusu pakku
This is some pretty absurd masochism.
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All the women out of the JSDF are fucking nuts.
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there are so many dangerous people
Technically Tsubame's employed by Misha's dad so she doesn't really have the authority here.
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i love this ED s
Yeah it's catchy. Would probably make a good exercise track really.
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okay zombieland tonight's attraction!
You're so excited you forgot to keep your post open.
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that's true, I did okay lets start!
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Hawawa I should re-watch Comic Girls at some point.
Saga Rokku
Hora Miiro
>These kinds of lessons were normal when I was alive I figure the falling apart part wasn't though.
Wow she's been stationary for so long she's grown mushrooms on her head.
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>>604030 she was falling apart in different ways then
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Wow he's being nice.
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>>604033 he's truly the ultimate producer
He knows when to pull and when to push.
But geez man at least clean the mushrooms off her head.
Theeeere he goes.
>And fix the door I guess being nice time is over.
getting struck by lightning is still a cool way to die
Especially in centre position like she was on the stage then.
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oh vanned
Oh no what the fuck Necroducer.
>you're not the kind of person that could let getting hit by a van stop you
What a total ass, hah hah.>>604048 Technically true. Zombies aren't the kind of person that would get stopped by a van.
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>>604049 i dunno about that man haven't y ou played dead rising?
A bit of the second at the most I think.
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oh well there's sub missions to run hundreds of zombies over with a van
I wonder if Lily died to a SHEER HEART ATTACK or something.
i notice they aren't using CG anymore
Denstsu Aidoru Yamada Tae has been getting slightly more and more coherent as a person. I wonder if her passion for music will ever bring her back to her senses.
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I guess they needed the rain protection.
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Oh, there's the CG.
Cornflakes is still having a hard time because of the lightning. Oh shit Junko to the rescue.
I love how Densetsu Aidoru Yamada Tae is just shambling around the stage doing off-pattern dance movies.
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Wow, more lightning. and they all got hit by it.
junko's voice is really nice
Oh this is a cool way to use their lightning voices.>>604067 I think her singing voice at the least is JUNNA, who did the singing for one of the Walkure girls from Macross Delta. I can't remember if you watched any of it but you've probably heard her sing in Matt's car.
No Cornflakes don't point at the crowd you're literally shooting lightning charged lazer beams.
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Search [iqdb] (146 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
okay, thanks for anime!
This show consistently remains entertaining. Arogita yo
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cornflakes is my waifu arigatatoes