Thread #604571
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Ah, good. I was starting to think we might not have you tonight.
Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-11 Irozuku Sekai JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet --Episode 6-7 RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 7-11 Sora to Umi no Aida To aru Majutsu no Index Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Sword Art Online - Alicization Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc --Episode 5-6
I pinged Ika but dunno where he is.
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Let's give him a few minutes to show.
>>604584 Meep meep
It's been more than a few minutes I figure.
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sorry! but I can devote all my attention now okay jojo index ulysses 5 tonari vampire let's just do 4
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 651x706, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 12 [(…).jpg )
soooooooooooooo jojo okay lets start!
Faitingu Goooolllld
Oh they're still on the boat. I guess someone else is coming after the fat dude's money.
Wow he's not even dead. That must be terrifying.
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on a boat!
Sutando tsukai
Oh WAIT. I know this scene.
Not that it gives me any more context as to it, hah hah.
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Kore wa, Giorno Giovanna
Sekkusu Piisutorusu
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 07 [(…).jpg )
>Translated as six bullets
Points for accuracy, I guess. There -are- six bullets in the gun.
There isn't a Number Four. Oh right yeah his thing about bad luck with four.
Mista's gun reminds me of the cartoon gun and cartoon bullets from Who Killed Rodger Rabbit.>>604618 16:55 17:00 17:05
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 03 [(…).jpg )
time please computer crashed thank you
I guess this early arc is gonna showcase all of the Stand powers of Bruno's gang.
He's pretty sensible. Though I guess a bit too cautious.
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okay index! okay lets start!
Shattering illusions!
indexu i heard this ep was more slow paced and wasnt rushing throught he novel
They're pretty ambitious for the sake of food.
Sasuga Tsukimikado you fucking snake.
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This feels like early index.
His magic harem member's moved to Japan with him now huh.
Touma's really way to laidback for someone so involved in this.
Way too even.
Is this really the best use of their time.
Oh now Misaka is involved in this.
Out of Touma's harem, this one has extremely high wife points.
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Been awhile since we've seen any of Index. She's my favorite of Touma's girls.
And this one Oh yeah she's affiliated withTsukimikado in some way. Touma's fukouda is really running rampant this episode.
I'd ask what a school district needs with ten underground levels. But this is Academy City, it's probably to some weird abstract purpose of Aleister's.
There was a PSP Index game I had a ROM of that was a fighting game. It was at a point where this Acqua guy has shown up. I feel like this environment might've been a stage in the game too?
Geez Touma what did you expect.
Considering Misaka was around I was expecting her to come charging in once Touma started getting thrown around.
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I bet she saves the day at the start of next ep.
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ulysses 5 ikaaaaaaa okay lets start!
I really wish I didn't have to fetch people so often.
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It's good he was fetchable though.
Yeah, like how I'm SOL if you go AWOL.
This series is an adaptation of an LN. I didn't know it was an adaptation until the last episode we watched or something. Guess that means there's a good chance it'll get a non-ending.
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Kinda rare to see the English as the bad guys.
Kind of an inevitability if your heroes are Jeanne d'Arc though. The English were certainly the conquering forces during that war.
I dunno if him being over-protective of his sister really excuses his foppish and dandy nature.
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He's just eccentric.
Mon morrancy
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Jeanne kinda has the voice of a dummy.
She kinda is a dummy.
Oh she's gonna go yandere on their asses.
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Yeah, this won't go too well for htem.
Jeanne's seiyuu is pretty versatile though. Her beast mode and normal mode are really distinct.
Oh he's Gilles de Rais. That makes much more sense of things.
I guess Philip is going to be another Ulysses superhuman.
this shows weird but i thinkt he desgijns designs are decent
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
Kinda feels like we're still waiting for shit to hit the fan tonari vampire okay lets start!
It's got some "eeh" moments but it's not bad.
U MI DA This doesn't feel like a suitable vacation locale for vampires.
I feel like the ocean isn't quite the running water that vampire myth speaks about. Wow she got outright abducted to the beach.
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The sunny beach seems like a dangerous place for a vampire too. I guess they have vmagic sunblock well I guess that one doesn't she just inside
Well U MI DA didn't last long.
>Bloody shaved ice
What about fireworks. That seems like a fun event that vampires can participate in. Oh looks like Akari might. Yup.
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They're going all out with the anime staples this episode.
Well summer is summer. You might as well do all the summer things you can while summer's still kicking.
Babi casutera
Wasn't there another show that wouldn't shut up about baby castella one episode.
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Koi to Uso - 03(…).jpg )
early ED!
How exciting.
This is really why she got trapped under a tree.
Yeah I was going to say. Sleeping in the shade in the middle of the day is just asking to wake up basking in the sun.
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She almost got in trouble! okay thanks for anime!
Yup yup, thanks.