>>542173 That's against the park rules. Normally that shit doesn't matter but because of the volcanic activity there really are dangerous terrain features. There's also the risk of poisonous gases. People die going off trail here.
jan got a book about people dying in the grand canyon and we kept laughing about how we were going to end up in a book about people dying in bryce and jan almost did!
Yellowstone is more dangerous. People get severely burned by hotpots, hotsprings and other geothermal features every year.
Jan and I are generally not that concerned with dying. We kept beef jerky in the tent, for example, and when I mentioned it was dangerous, Jan laughed, and then we joked about being eaten by bears for a little while, and went to sleep. That's just how we are. It's fine if we die.
>>542196 Deaths like that are the best kind. They're stupid, tragic, and beautiful. I want to die like that. I'd like to get mauled by a bear or fall and break my legs and starve to death in a forest. Something like that.
I predict my future will be "eventually TN stopped thinking"
actually speaking could I ever do taht? I mean kars could but I am not kars I think constantly of very meaningless things I think I'd be thinking for the billion billion years I'd exist before I'd get wiped out by something random
>>542199 My father actually nearly died due to leg injury during one of his solo hiking trips he was something like 50+ kms of civilization if not more when he injured himself and I don't think I ever really hugged him or anything when he came back I really only later realised how HARD it must have been for him to even make it back and then be met by two dickish edgy teenagres who were his sons
I should've brought my phone charger.
Who were really annoyed, by him being at home for 2 weeks due to sick leave
well ofc didn't much help that less than 3 months later or so he divorced my mother so... yeah maybe I should one day ask him about it and apologise for bad behaviour
How many gosh darn albums is oneohtrix point never gonna put out I swear he just released one a while ago
not really some prisons have a single tablet on the wall that can be used to access the commissary sometimes they will have a game like monopoly or solitaire on them, but they're like $10 per play
Kirara 🚗
costs money to use email as well naturally they have them in jails now too
>>542270 I know, especially due to your current situation, you are in permanent wound up situation but have you ever considered wounding down for a moment
You went from cardboard to steel back to cardboard whcih you are right now once again for obvious reasons, but nonetheless no one should e cardoard for extended periods
Now taking the approach that I take anyone who has the will, could crunch you down at the moment that is basically, due to no reason of your own cause, just due to ad luck that seems to haunt you, but nonetheless, is what you are so the question is is that what you awnt to e?
Kirara 🚗
i think your impression of me is incredibly flawed i am stronger than i have ever been aside from my concussion
>>542286 To me you seem like very wound up spring and it would take just a hair to set it off >>542289 well I guess progress and to prove me wrong and to call me an idiot but in the end I am just worried is that wrong? is it wrong for me to be human?
Kirara 🚗
i don't know what to tell you
Kirara 🚗
i can be sad because i am strong enough to let myself be sad when i was "steel" i was hiding from my emotions and was significantly weaker than i am now i am fighting and struggling every day in ways that i used to be unable to i have grown stronger than ever before
but if I don't do it it starts to press on my mind like a constant ever increasing paperweight untill you break but when you break something reaks breaks
if you ever have the time and shit you neeed to do over interwebs caht and voice talk i'd kinda like to do somekind or personality test or the other I dunno
maybe you would get data, you use those anynomously? aye?, and I'd get insight into me maybe=
Hey moon me and Floop are trying to organise a 2v2 doubles game of mahjong sometime, are you interested? It'd be like a normal game, except it'd be determined by which pair has the most points at the end
>>542414 yeah not now of course I'm just trying to set things up a little in advance Good luck with your work
not right now though right? heck yeah it sounds fun but im working today
this doctor is so triggered by the word screening and has spent half the interview saying that they gotta stop calling it screening when it's not asymptomatic i learn a lot from these doctors sometimes usually indirectly
Kirara 🚗
so he's upset by calling it a screener because if there are symptoms, there's no need to screen?
no, that screening refers only to asymptomatic investigation if a patient presents with symptoms to suggest a certain thing then the procedure to confirm it isn't a screening process screening is strictly asymptomatic detection processes, and that it's an important distinction to make because the purpose of the process is clinically different in a lot of ways really
Kirara 🚗
oh, i see, yeah, that makes sense
i should try to find some doctors to befriend i'm always so eccentric in every other group trying to force a bunch of thoughts about pathology and stuff to people who aren't even remotely interested in my rambling maybe not actual clinic doctors though maybe some academicians or strict research people
or some urologists they're really cool
do you think it's too late for me to actually go to medical school i'm like almost 30 now and already fucked up my student loans never even finished my undergrad man i'd have been so good there if i learned how to get my shit together just a little earlier
Kirara 🚗
it's probably not too late but i it would probably be harder
The employees have gotta be laughing their ass off
Kirara 🚗
fucking 6.49 for the hershy minis are you squiddin me
>>542454 lol why >Mr.Goodbar you got snickers, twix, 3M, and MILKY WAY for 4.29 YOU CAN SEE THE STARS AND SEE THE STARS AND EVEN STARS
Kirara 🚗
milky way and milky way midnight like there's no fucking contest
Kirara 🚗
all that chocolate gonna melt in our 40c/100f houses after a hurricane makes our power grid eat shit though
Kirara 🚗
why you chew this to me hinaaaa
what's your gastrological sign we should write horoscopes
Kirara 🚗
happiness is just around the corner today. unfortunately it's not yours. steal it
a penis is just around the corner today. unfortunately it's not yours. steal it
blue why wiuld you pokego that thing is ild and busted
Kirara 🚗
it's still popular though
ehhhhhhhhhh i guess for better or worse
Kirara 🚗
it's really popular lots of people are still having fun with it what's the problem
>>542451 Price gauging candy when are we gonna stop these monsters
Also, I can not remember a better time in my adult life. Which is the strangest thing to say. Pokemon GO was the best thing to happen for a whole week. I felt like a person
>>542457 if i was your power grid id rather eat the milky way than eat shit maybe you can entice it
told someone my smoothie tasted so good that i wanted to inject it directly into my veins and they said that would defeat the purpose fucking normies just don't understand
It's fucking nuts I can't imagine buying a new car, ever
Kirara 🚗
you don't usually pay full price you trade in your existing car and then pay the rest off over the next 10-20 years in small parts
>>542510 What kind of building is that Neat architecture
Kirara 🚗
looks like an airport
Maven Mobile
Moscow subway.
Even if nothing else in the soviet union was running properly, they built an underground metro system with stained glass and chandeliers. The pride of the people.
>>542517 It's a bit less neat when you're exhausted and sleep deprived and trying to navigate your way across the city and find the hostel you booked while all the station names are in russian characters
But yeah - it's pretty cool And super cheap/efficient
>>542513 Even that's like, outta the question though The amount of change to my financial situation would just be too intense to justify just a different, better car If I already have a car, there's so much else to spend all that money on
Kirara 🚗
i think it depends just having a car that works isn't good enough much of the time
I'm just working non-stop to catch up on everything my concussion put off. I have to run out in a second but it's storming horribly. Flashes of lightning every couple seconds.
i tried doing more echoes but i think i have a bad install, it’s crashed three times, two of which were at the exact same spot
a rather exciting looking lunar ecliopse I am bit glad I didn't go out of my way tof ind some place to get a clear view of the horizon as from my earlier experience I already know that is DAMN HARD in this valleyvillage outside of illegally climbing up some high building
all radicals are radicals, but then there is taking the extra step
it is like hmm difference between just shooting someone dead vs telling someone they will get good treatment and then shooting them dead, while savouring for a moment the feeling of being betrayed
like telling a kid he will have cake and then have him eat spinach
Kirara 🚗
i agree with TN on this one it's just going the extra mile to be evil
there is just taht extra mile of evil there like I dunno, with antifa instead of using fireworks and stuff they throw at their oppositon, using something like what is some substance that causes itchiness? Something like that or pepper bombs not even going for really extra effect, but rather extra annoyance
I mean sure it's more dedicated, but those who don't aren't avoiding it out of some ideological reason, they're more just not sure it's effective, or afraid of the law If you would remove fash propaganda, you are de facto their enemy
Kirara 🚗
or they don't feel like doing it
Like a you don't just DOX someone, but you also post some really embarrasing photo of them while doing it
>>542612 yeah but any poster or something will get teared down eventually so not only do they annoy their enemies, they annoy people who just clean the streets
to further demonstrate my weird mind, it is like the difference of killing a child versus throwing that child into a blender and then serving it as food to the parents
>>542620 ...yes They're fascists Fascists are the kind of people who do that
>>542622 no your normal enemy does the above and the dousche type does the latter not everyone you disagree with is a dousche dousche is a personality type rather
Like what you're describing is the modus operandi of nazis both historically and presently
Kirara 🚗
i don't understand what's so hard to grasp here someone who does x+1 bad things is a bigger dick than someone who does x bad things
I am not going to defend nazies, but I am still going to say that there is a difference bewteen the two you aren't just willing to see you are willfulyl ignoring it
>>542625 Yeah but it's mostly a matter of capability to do the thing than some sort of different mindset altogether
the gasmask is a soviet gas mask from ukraine, circulated in 1992, though produced 1972
>just remembered I called my father at 7 am after he txted me about weekend plans about a thing that had bothered me for a while, while still slightly drunk
>Set a buddy, walk around, and get candy to complete this mission uhh, okay... I pick ... Eevee >buddies are shown next to you in your profile >Eevees, however, perch on top of your shoulder I AM ELATED
Kirara 🚗
dead cells' dev team is horizontally organized and everyone gets paid the same it's pretty cool
I didn't even know that when I played it It's cool tho
everyone there is paid the same regardless of position or seniority
I would honestly guess they don't have formal positions, though that might be incorrect
>We actually just use a super basic formula: if a project finds success, people are basically paid more in bonuses, and everyone is paid the absolute same way, said longtime Motion Twin game designer Sébastien Bénard in an email. The devs and the artists are paid the same amount of money, and people like me who have been here for 17 years are paid the same amount as people who were recruited last year. hmm
Kirara 🚗
it's pretty awesome
Kirara 🚗
they make more than people at other companies too since they don't have people who do little work for a lot of pay
Yeah it's real cool, though obviously it's not necessarily going to be the most... hm, profitable isn't the right word, but at the same time it gets the idea across
>>542685 I think it is a good system, and similiar stuff like "no boss environment" has been expreimented here and has lead to only success ins ome fields
but "paid same" and "equal salary" most likely, and hopefully aren't the same cause otherwise, I'd find it injust
Kirara 🚗
why is it unjust it's literally something they have all agreed to as a collective
>>542692 which is why I differentiated between pay and salary ya know also this line kinda >people are basically paid more in bonuses makes me think are the bonuses equal to everyone
The cynic in me just sees a kind of Marketing Tactic where on paper, and 90% most likely what they say is true But either they skimp out on rewarding merit as it should, in my opinion, which isj ust injust in my world view or they don't exactly share how they spread the bonuses
Kirara 🚗
they've been doing it for 17 years
it's a worker cooperative and they describe it as an anarcho-syndicalist cooperative they say everyone is paid the same it is not explicitly said that everyone gets the bonuses, but every fact reported in the article indicates that everyone gets equal bonuses, which is obviously the case considering the decision to give bonuses is democratically decided by the collective
>>542697 But "they" are the actual workers They necessarily will distribute things the way the workers think it should be Like I don't understand how that could end up being unjust
But if you ask me the bonuses most likely are not just bonuses, but also shares in the company that way the people are not only invested in the company, but truly rewarded for their work in terms of either dividends or shares going up in price
Do companies still do this, I wonder, in the 90s and early 00s they still did in the IT
>people like me who have been here 17 years are paid the same amount as people who were recruited last year How is this even up for debate it says it right there from the mouth of someone who works there
>>542702 yeh but there are issues like legal structure, taxation and so on which is why I think dividends is best way to spread rewards anyhow >>542706 I do
>>542714 If everyone agrees to it then why not, but once again you think STATES and BORDERS are evil but most people agree to those most people sign the fucking social contract
>>542717 your argument was "everyone agrees tot his so it is good"
Kirara 🚗
???? that's completely different lmao wtf
>>542716 >sign the social contract wut the whole point of a social contract is that it's not signed
Like is your argument that there's probably people in this company who think they're being paid too little? In comparison with an equally successful company?
I don't understand what problem could even arise here
I believe in work being rewarded if everyone gets same 2000€ salary regardless of their input, I think that is injustice but if everyone gets 20€/h+ bonuses for success and input and so on then it is just
and that is what I wonder about it is it equal pay or equal salary, because people CONFUSE those two all the time
>>542715 What if they were coerced into agreeing with it. Checkmate Athiest
Several times I have been working by the hour, i had higher salary than my co-workers because I put in more hours but we all had equal pay and that is that
and that is what interests me about it do they have equal pay or equal salary
Also I am as much Tadaimasu as Ian *I can be Right now
and even with equal pay "equal bonuses" that is a myth
Kirara 🚗
how is that a myth
If everyone gets it how is it really a bonus?
It's likely a legal thing
Kirara 🚗
because it's an additional amount of money provided to the workers outside of their regular pay it's a bonus
>>542726 cause either you have bonus for people, departments and so on who did well, bonus for people who had more merit to be rewarded or you just have extra for everyone it is still a bonus yes but on the basic level of it, bonus is atleast to me, extra reward for your astounding work so someone who has x+1 work gets +1 bonus, but someone who has x+10 gets 10 bonus or it could be department wise
sure they could all agree on solid +1 for everyone, but that once again makes it in my opinion injust if one department or person and so on, does +1 work while other does +10 work i think the +10 gets more of the reward
>>542734 at those numbers things will be smooth I guess but still I am interested in the actual numbers, too bad gettign the numbers would involve so much work not to mention I doubt tax records are public information in any country aside us
>>542738 My basic point is Equal pay is 10€/h equal salary is everyone gets 1000€/a month
Kirara 🚗
everyone's work is built on each other's work the task can't be completed without everyone idgi is the problem that you find it morally wrong because it's different from how you were trained to view work?
>>542741 But nobody is being rewarded Everyone just has control of the value they produce >>542744 It can't be meaningfully described as reward when it's just what you produced
Your boss 'rewards' you only because you're restricted from that usually
>>542749 now say the company also produces an actual product not just a service, but actual physical product good that can be sold how do you compare this service "production" to the physical good production
Kirara 🚗
imo if everyone is happy with being paid the same there's nothing wrong with that especially considering they can raise their salaries if they want to
I don't. I object to the value form fundamentally
>>542748 I was expecting you to say "out of good manga, hasn't read Devilman".
I don't really understand why this has blown up like it has, when all I really was interest in was the actual numbers, that we will never know cause to the cynic like me, most of it sounds just PR especialyl when I didn't know the company just had 10 employees basically a group of friends at that point
I mean they probably wouldn't mind at all They're likely some form of leftie so bragging about this system is probably something they enjoy
I sure as shit would want to brag to anyone who asked
Kirara 🚗
>>542764 it is often a fireable offense to discuss your salary in the US
on the other hand tax information, all tax information of any private or public person and so on or entity is 100% public here hell if you were a finnish citizen, you could go to tax office and ask for "Touhou Nazi 2017 tax income" and they'd give it to you
Kirara 🚗
>>542760 >>542761 also these this has felt like bad faith discussion from the beginning
>>542760 YES I condemn equal salary as immoral as injust that is MY opinion MY not UNIVERSAL OPINION MY PERSONAL OPINION >>542770 WHY DOES MY PERSONAL WORLD VIEW OFFEND YOU THIS MUCH?
That's why it blew up Morality isn't an 'opinion' thing
I mean it does but that's not what's the deal here
then why did me stating it blow it up?
Kirara 🚗
because you were attacking the company, accusing them of lies, despite evidence to the contrary and then denying that it was true and then making moral judgments
I mean you also act as though only your worldview is to be without reproach In large part, both imats and I share the worldview their system is based on, and you calling it de facto immoral is an attack on our views as a result
Like you can't be surprised when that's met with some hostility
that whole song is basically about futility of life "aamu alkaa A:lla, Illat päättää A" Aamu -> iltA basically Good morning -> good eveninG good part of the song is "jumping over the hurdle" or rather "if you always JUMP UNDER the hurdle, you will never rbing the hurdle down"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>542806 Imagine Kirara You can be a Princess with a [SUBCLASS]
Kirara 🚗
can i be a warrior princess
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yes there are nineteen classes in EOX. At least like 7 of those are probably some variation of warrior Let me just grab the class list >>542811 They don't have the second-class thing like EO5 where you can name what you are but uhhhh I don't think Troubadors return sadly.
>>542825 Main class then subclass I think they take the EO4 model where you can't get literally everything from your subclass which you could in EO3. which was uh'
then how do I hakkaa päälle? well Landschknet is close enough Farmer Landschnekt that is actually what all Landschnektenshiebenhaben were anyhow conscripted soldiers that were farmers
as soon as i'm done with this school shit i'm gonna go camping and then probably again around the 11th or 12th
btw I still disliek the ending it kinda just breaks the whole "can't undo your mistakes" and so on the show had going on and then he just wipes it all out
>>542834 I'll work her BUNS off all right *removes ears*
>>542905 occasionally but every time I do I ask myself what's the point Drinking is bad since I have less control, which means I am more prone to doing stupid things
>>542909 no dickhead I'm saying I make worse decisions when I'm drunk I am not a cuddly person
>>542910 I used to watch the NC when I was younger I don't think a lot of his videos aged well. I appreciate the big crossover movies though because they have s omesome soul, eve if they a are bad movies. Now AVGN, that has aged like fine wine
>>542912 I watched one in a group chat Everyone talked shit about how unfunny the jokes are and how poorly filmed it is But I can appreciate the idea of a group of amateurs trying to slap something together
>>542906 even if you were to turn 1000 porcupine right NOW you'd be less than me on well anyday
so? Uh? Que? I mean i ain't the type to imitate or anythin' but amd i a plague to avoid? >>542906 YOU watched the movies you watched the NOSTALGIA CRITIC MOVIES?
fucking how many here are christians? We believe in god who is its own son and its own spirit, and that son was born as a human and DIED to DEATH that GOD invented so yeah
I am fuckign immortal? why is that hard to believe<?
>>542926 Kirara I just saw a really good movie about a rabbi. It's called The Frisco Kid. Its about a rabbi traveling from Poland to San Francisco in 1850.
Yeah. I hope chuuni-sempai doesn't get Shinonome'd
Apparently in the new Teen Titans Go movie, they did a mid-credits scene with the Titans from their designs in the old cartoon saying "they found a way back". So maybe we might be getting some new classic Teen Titans content?
The OVA is cute but it makes me want another season
It was a really nice OVA. Hopefully they do more. The skits they picked for the episodes seemed all over the place so it feels like there's plenty of material for a second season yet.
the only other time they MIGHT have shown up would be the one where they go to the market but I don't think they did. after that it was the swimming chapter
I think what the one thing the anime failed to do was give the good Mikochi-centered episodes. We did get the Soap one at least. But I want more Mikochi doing cool things in the foreground
Yeah, there was definitely a lean towards Hakumei-related episodes. Maybe the director likes her better.
There's just a lot more Hakumei chapters really. Introducing the carpenter's guild and everybody else was essentially a Hakumei chapter. You don't really get as much Mikochi. But there SHOULD be
But Mikochi works! She just seems like a stay at home! She works at that sweets place with the badger lady and the special jam or whatever it was or was it cookies
>>542976 >The Badger's Paw also sells bagels, yogurt, and more. I'm amused that this seems to be insinuating that pear jam and yoghurt is a perfectly normal combination.
it's 140 degrees in the bathroom at work because no ac and ventilation i just measured it out of curiosity and that's in the middle of the night when it isn't 100+outside
That's pretty terrifying. At least your washroom is really well insulated I guess? 'Cause at that point something's keeping the heat in that room and not letting it dissipate to the outside. Which would be kind of nice if you lived somewhere that actually dipped below freezing, hah hah.
>>543074\ >implying 7-11 has adequate central heating omegalul they keep it at around 60 degrees during the winter and the chill from outside makes it cold as hell inside the store which i don't really mind at all it's easy to wear a thermal shirt or jacket but the bathroom is pretty consistently uncomfortable it's somehow 140 degrees now but i bet i could measure it in january below freezing once it starts to get cold out the bathroom eventually gets freezing too and no ventilation or heating means it stays cold
thing is that bathroom was built before I was even born and there was no law requiring a public bathroom in convenience stores like 7-11 because they were not considered a food service establishment yet so it wasn't built with comfort or looks in mind and it is adjacent to the breaker boxes for the building and that whole area looks like shit because it was supposed to be employees only and i guess your employees can just deal with having a bathroom that looks like it belongs in a prison
>>543077 i'd like to wear you as a thermal jacket just sayin
Happy kill Lauren Southern day
Or one year anniversary of the emoji movie
I was too tired to see the eclipse when I woke up it was cloudy so I probably wouldn't have seen it anyway
>>543095 >Referring to smt as Persona SK you just slid way the fuck down my personal /moe/ tierlist Yeah they got a mobage
>>543097 Yeah Persona is a spinoff of SMT that got really popular Now some people will debate whether or not Persona comes under the smt label since (to my knowledge) they don't use the SMT subtitle in Japanese releases. But basically all Persona games come under the banner of smt but not all smt games come under the banner of Persona It's like Mario and Mario Kart, except imagine if the popularity of Mario Kart eclipsed mainline Mario games
I will buy a console if it remakes either of those two games to be honest with you Well, sequalizes A remake isn't very important to me Though it'd be tempting
>>543108 Chaos is better than law but it doesn't mean chaos is the right answer since you've still got local gods Like yeah it's great YHVH is dead but I've still got to deal with being the slave of whichever local demon took over
>>543112 I want an SMT game where there's an actual postgame so you can do this sort of thing
>>543145 Did you see Matthew Broderick's god Zilla damnit I think that holds nostalgic value even though it's not very good All I remember is that stupid toy you could get
>>543148 No. People seem to hate that one We're moving onto the Heisei movies next I wanna see 'zilla since I don't have my own nostalgia goggles applied to it I had a sick toy of the zilla from that movie Fuck I wish I had it
>>543150 Mine's better. Yours doesn't even compare Bitch
I'd be conflicted if I swapped to JP because while FeMorgan is Sawashiro in JP she doesn't have4 the same tone that her dub conveys which uh I'm a fan of a bit.
idk how anyone can like half the time im playing im in public or i just listen to music instead of the in-game sound anyway i only turn it on for tap battle
>>543214 great, i wish i could play it for more than an hour without it destroying my entire battery ffs the thing has graphics settings lmao it's really good and faithful to the games though
Is there a gacha?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
yeah but the gacha is irrelevant bc you get most demons by talking to them in the story and then fusing to make more demons the gacha is only useful for getting demons above your level
Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I might have to play it then.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I need less gacha to be tempted by in my life, really.
Gacha is the opposite of temptation for me. I avoid the gacha out of rage. It's bad civilization as Attila would say.
What a coincidence I also have that Because I have vs King Abaddon which is a great game
Kirara 🚗
lucky i need some jack frost merch
Kirara 🚗
anyways yeah gacha is like totally irrelevant in smt l you occasionally get a free 4* roll or something but i don't think anything in the gacha is gacha-only, you can fuse for it
There's a private SMT Imagine server going that's being worked on I'd play it but I think it's still wonky I tried it once and every enemy aggro'd immediately and that was awful
Also I bet someone aside from me made that joke previously. Probably someone in Japan. Like they wanted to reference go nagai in their manga but couldn't. So they said Go Semai.
Hollow Song of Birds is the uhhhh sixth in a fantastic series of fangames. The music is done by Wanwan in all but one of them in which they still compose the end boss themes. They're all reeeeeeally good.
>>543272 Who the fuck is Jordan Petersen? I remember hearing the nane but can't think of anything about them. Except that they're right wing and crazy.
just some guy who takes a bunch of self help advice and mixes it with trad politics talks vaguely and has weird diagrams has a cultish following for no real reason
>>543272 Well There are people who have gotten over health issues from going to an all meat diet, but its rare. I remember reading about some guy with Crohns doing it. But like you have to eat a lot of raw meat and organ meat to get proper nutrition from it because those are high in vitamins.
>>543278 He's a right-wing pseudo-psychology professor in Canada who has become popular for his theology which is presented as revolutionary but generally just 20th century Christian stuff. He hates women and considers them to be representative of "chaos" and says they are basically the downfall of man. He also has Kermit the frog's voice which is very fun and is prone to breakdowns.
>pay 30 for a game I want >or pay 12 for that game and two I don't want
who wants two games I don't care about
what games tho
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Conan Exiles and the escapists 2
>>543304 I've heard a lot of good stuff about exiles.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you want it
Nah, without a working gaming comp atm.
Also, you know what's really cool. Laser pointers They're handheld lasers But back in the day lasers required so much equipment to produce, but now we can hold a laser producing device in our hands.
Hey Kirara this is going to be out of nowhere but did you have any sort of major goal or endgame for the skouls or do they just assimilate people and expand
Kirara 🚗
are those the parasites
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
i pictured them like just expanding to expand like ants or bees
i saw a friend from high school recently he's lost almost 150 pounds since high school it's impressive
oh 80 kilograms doesn't sound weird to me at all That seems reasonable for a really tall guy Good on you though Ton
>>543345 >150 pounds How heavy was he to begin with? That's ridiculous
>>543347 >one away from not being a manlet You came so far But in the end it doesn't even matter Good weightloss keep it up Are you exercising or just eating les?
i'm 125lb/55kg right now i'm heavier than usual bc school has been getting in the way of exercise and depression is probably playing a part too and now my concussion is stopping me from exercising too i think this weight is good for me but i'll probably lose some once i can run and cycle again