Wanna hear something strange? I've had this site bookmarked for prolly a few years now, but never really visited. Quick question, where am I? What is this place?
>>543828 (OP) I had this place saved after finding it through a nichijou page, it got deleted and when I looked up doushio moe I found this place. I asked the same thing you asked and got no replies. This oh shit you actually cant backspace.
>>543828 (OP) >>545537 this place is a liveboard, where the post updates as you type there is a small amount of backspace room but as you type you won't be able edit the earlier part of the post there is no set topic and we all have own // our own interests and common interests that we share with the board eg manga anime music etc
the general rules of the board are: don't post lewd images these are images that include panties, bras, exposed gentials or nipples
don't be a dick, don't stir up drama, be wary of consersations that are unsuitable for the general board eg uneccessary politics, overtly sexual or grotesque conversation (no one wants to hear about your fetishes)
a good rule of thumb is to lurk and read the atmosphere of the board otherwise that's all I can think if off the top of my head, however if you have any questions you can ask our admin Samu, whenever he may appear or just email [email protected] or you can ask a // for a mod to explain something
>>545830 Not OP, but your explanation was very useful for me, who has just found the site today. Seems like a very interesting idea to have everyone be able to see posts being typed live, although I can also see how it might be a bit annoying if one was to make a typo or something. Potentially stupid question: is /moe/ the only "board" on the site?