Full Metal Panic! Hanebado! Hataraku Saibou Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria -Episode 3-4 Island Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Lord of Vermillion Planet With Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 2-4 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight --Episode 2-3 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 2-3
I'm curious about the Boss' assistant though. The woman with the pale blue-green hair. The guy who wrote the script for Planet With, Mizukami, has a thing where all his stories take place in the same multiverse, whether separated by time, space, or dimensions. And in that multiverse, that hair colour on the assistant woman is indicative of someone with extremely overwhelming psychic power. Like, on the level of breaking planets apart.
The puffball in this show is really flexible. That flip she did off the bed was pretty cool.
That's a pretty standard stable time loop, yeah. Though I guess they're usually paced a generation apart.
What's a little weird to me is, both the puffball and Yukarin's character arcs seem to involve time travel, or at least have characters that believe it happened/will happen. By comparison Asumi Kana's arc was incredibly mundane.
That got rather morbid there for a moment.
Ah yup. The fire happens regardless.
>This box of worship might've had a mummy in it, but I still opened it to hide from the fire Imagine if there had been a pile of dead babies in there all along.
I feel like a lot of what happens here is that a character thinks there's some weird, supernatural explanation for their life. And then it turns out that they just had misinformation or didn't know the full picture, and it's really a much more normal explanation. Like Sara's not her own mom, she isn't stuck in a stable time loop. Yukarin's character doesn't have the weird disease that makes her inable to go out in the sun, she's just got some kind of trauma. It's making me feel like there isn't actually any time travel that has/will happen/ed.