I fixed down my account so I should be fine up kuso *up
By this point I just auto translate the word-improver in my head, so I got what you were saying the first time.
it's a doozy of a thing
share some sleep with me i need it
were'tn we already on a new thread
a new thread of 700+ posts
i guess time flies time flies are the worst
Even worse than horseflies?
horseflies are pretty bad think about the times that horseflies have bothered you there's probably some notable instances now imagine a fly that wasn't constrained by the boundaries of spacetime and could annoy you for all time indiscriminately
That's pretty fucking terrifying yeah. Though horseflies already feel pretty unconstrained. There aren't many biting flies that will stick around if you dive underwater to escape them. Horseflies are a kind that does. You can wait and wait. But that horsefly will out-wait you.
Do mosquitos feel pain as I crush them against the windowsill?
how is it the UK language pack sneaks into my settings constantly I went and turned it off and now I see it again I keep running into these times where I hit something like " and get an @ or something
I got a -fed up with the UK language pack to a point that I just outright disabled it from my PC. I don't use accented or uncommon characters enough that it's worth keeping on hand, and when I do, I can usually just google the unicode or get a copy-paste.
>>544342 Yeah, that is pretty nice. Good song too.
I guess until I figure it out I'll always have Kannagi putting £ and random stuff in my writing
I ended up continuing to watch The Good Place Because I'm too bored not to
It's still not actually good
The show about Heaven and Hell ?
The conceit is 4 people are in "The Good Place" where they don't belong, and then the plot develops and there's some twists, yeah It's uh Episode... 7 of season 2, which is episode 20 from the start And they're really not developing the characters too much at all
>>544369 Damn does the nannystate block pirate bay?
I believe so I haven't download tv or movies in ages
wow, im not here almost all day and you guys are super dead without me!
For some reason people always bitch about me pointing out that it's dead so I abstained.
Also I just remembered something really violent from my dream last night. I had a girlfriend who was part plant and she was eaten by some girl who I repeatedly smashed against a window until I defenestrated her. I rarely have violent dreams it really stood out. Dreams are weird.
>>544487 The upcoming SSR that's in granblue's trial mode is water but shares the exact same shield mechanic as Orchid Which heavily implies summer Orchid which means I'mfucked
>>544487 Maria try tapping your fingers in this order Pinky, ring, middle, index as fast as you can, then do it in reverse as faat as you can and tell me which is faster.
im almost done with my masters degree thing ~20 hours of writing so far probably another 5-7 hours of writing tomorrow and then ill be done just one more push i had to chain amphetamines today but i probably won't have to tomorrow tomorrow should be the easiest writing stuff
it's stupid because this thing has to be at a level of depth that i will never be expected to report on in any situation even forensic evals are less in depth than this
i have probably the most complicated case of my cohort that i have to work on for this and i'm also the only clinician that isn't cognitive behaviorally based in my cohort there's usually only one person in every cohort that isn't based in cognitive behavior therapy so i'm going to get a lot of scrutiny for that so i have to make sure i can back up all of my interpretations pretty much all of my professors except for two are obsessed with cognitive behavioral, dialectical behavioral, or acceptance and commitment therapies which are all just CBT or modifications of CBT and the ones that do DBT and ACT are people that seem to dislike me
i can't do any of this work with a CBT mindset though it's boring and it's stupid and it ignores way too much i legit hate CBT shit and it's so hard for me to operate like that because of it so i'm just doing things my way
i'll have to defend my work in front of a panel of three professors and they're basically just supposed to sit there and criticize me and see how i handle it and if i can defend myself without calling them out for their bullshit i think i have a good conceptualization though sorry i'm rambling aimlessly i'm really mentally exhausted
Nah it's neat. I've never had a chance to experience a doctorate or master's program so hearing the set-up is interesting to me. Does sound like it's potentially pretty nerve-wracking though. I hope you can hold back on not jumping at their bullshit.
yeah a few people break down in tears every time idk though my colleagues are all really neurotic and i'm like not neurotic at all
but yeah it's gonna be hard not to be myself >why didn't you administer x test? >uhh because that'd be stupid, why would i even do that >i think you should have considered this >you cannot actually be suggesting that in good faith, professor, fuck off
>>544519 it's 50 points for the bingo also if you use 7 letters in one word it's a bingo in normal scrabble with lexulous you get 8 letters though, but i think 7 still makes a bingo which means it's way easier to bingo
>>544522 Sex with robots is a concept that's been around for years I dunno why Robert's so freaked out I wish there were afterschool clubs dedicated to satan at my school I would have joined one
>>544513 >his thing has to be at a level of depth that i will never be expected to report on in any situation Oh how I hate this Good luck
>>544525 I remember kids discussing transgenders in the 6th grade that was more than ten years ago I dunno why this person thinks it's something new >there aren't satanic devotees let's start it
>>544523 also weed has been legal all over the world since before 10 years ago opioids are also not anti-psychotic medication and there aren't satanic devotees?? and civil rights activists have existed for a long ass time there also aren't debate-free campuses and there are records of transgender people dating back to like the 1200s??? and there's a lot on them in the 1930s and how the nazis destroyed tons of research on them antifa has literally been around since the 30s the last one is probably true
>>544522 I feel like the term social justice warrior was actually a thing ten years ago.
>>544522 there's a lot going on here to respond to but david attenborough specifically -- you know already that was 30 years ago
Kirara 🚗
yeah haha it's so stupid it blows my mind that people can be like this like actually believe that things didn't exist until they entered their lives it's such an underdeveloped way of thinking it's like literally 3 year old logic
as the amphetamines wear off the bodily pain sets in
it always reminds me of some stupid anime shit where they're like NO! only take one of these or you will destroy yourself and then someone takes a bunch to fight the bad and gets all fucked up by it
>>544555 i think rika has embargoed scrabble from her life after playing with me it's just an ongoing joke i'm just pretending there's another game so that i can pose the question
tfw i thought that having love and affection in my life would stave off the terror of being completely and utterly alone tfw actually it never goes away
>>544584 So is it that you feel lonely right now or that you're terrified of becoming alone
>>544585 the former you can't be terrified of becoming alone if nothing can actually stop it :)
b b b b b ang
that sentence didn't come out how it was in my head you can't be terrified of becoming alone if you always truly were
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh what an eva 3.0+1.0 teaser
>>544573 I'm sympathetic. My last name's such a mess to write in cursive that by this point I do the first three letters and then just squiggle-line the rest of it. What she's done is take that act of necessity and dignified it into an artform. It's quite incredible really.
loneliness is part of the human condition we seek to fuse with others but we're limited from doing so in the end we are just us i dont think that's necessarily a bad thing though we can always be alone together
>>544597 it means wen ur sad but no one feels it but u
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
loneliness to me is an emotion or a false expectation left over from innocence it comes and goes like an old friend
>>544598 in my experience, the fundamental social experience is the exchange of information in a fair barter we're informatic creatures to be lonely is to have the inability to validate the values and skills developed in an external environment it starts feeling arbitrary and aimless
Oh I remember reading this when it was first circulating. It's a funny story.
Kirara 🚗
>>544607 i think that is a kind of superficial loneliness and there is a deeper more existential loneliness that we all struggle with and cannot escape
i think the words escape me what i'm thinking is very primal, like the premise of adaptation and integration between stragglers of primitive proto-human communities and the value of passed-down information we operate on the same principle now in a lot of ways, but the environment is drastically different and information carried isn't too particular to the individual it's too globalized, but i really think that's the crux of the social enterprise what does need externalization now takes a much more subtle and vague form than it did in a more concrete time and social verification becomes very hard because really we don't individually have very much to offer acceptance, love, comfort yeah but ultimately nothing really that unique that someone else can't fill with a little time and an adjustment period there's really not much there
remember that cute girl with the beautiful voice who really loves bread and makes music for a living as much as you appreciate her, she'll never love you as much as she loves bread
the loneliness in the feeling that the crack in the window where the blackbird crashed, the negative imprint of the blackbird, has had more important and significance than the bird's life itself ever did
sorry to override the convo there i was just tryna articulate what i though thought* it doesn't mean much
do you remember the first time you had blueberries /moe/
only remember picking blackberries off the vine as a child
Don't remember the first time would have had them. I would have been really, really young back then. Though I expect I wouldn't have been terribly fond of them then either.
From that sign? About 150km. I've gone a fair bit ahead since then. I'm around Sheldon Lookout on the sign now. Thinking of starting the return home trip now.
It's a long way back.
There needs to be a concise word for the blending of feelings for when you're enjoying the feel of letting your bike carry you down a hill, and the onset dread of realising you're going to have to climb back up that hill on the return.
>>544809 Ironically this only started up shortly after I took a short break in a park to drink some water. If I'd kept going my muscles probably wouldn't have gotten this way. But it had been like two hours of almost non-stop biking and I was pretty thirsty.
At least it's not my usual leg cramp muscle. I can physically feel that one cramping up when it happens, feeling like the whole lump of muscle is sliding down my leg under the skin. It fucking terrifies me when I feel one coming on.
im almost done with my masters stuff im trying to write a treatment plan now it's hard because my treatment modality kind of suffers if there is an explicit treatment plan i mean even diagnoses are troublesome but having a concrete "plan" really makes the treatment lose its natural and authentic quality
my treatment is really in the moment and based on just general ideas of what we need to do e.g. "build a sense of self" but putting that in a treatment plan is difficult bc it's a really in-the-moment process that's super dynamic and it's basically just talking about things naturally
Well I got cocky. And also managed to find the exact perfect muscle stretch to make that muscle cramp up. RIP me.
Oh this wasn't my usual cramp muscle, it was the one that was straining. There was a minute or so there that I was sitting on my bike, pulled to the side, unable to bend my leg inward. Took a moment for me to plan out how I was going to get off my bike and pull it to the side of the trail.
>>544814 Yeah, and I can kind of understand how this would be something risky to present to a panel for consideration or something. Without a clear chain of "if this, then"s, it can be kind of hard to sell that you have a plan at all.
like none of my books even have anything about treatment planning it's literally just "that's the symptom find out why it's there and empower them to rectify it"
>>544818 I can walk. And if I work on not getting carried away with the fun of going fast, I can bike, slowly. Means I'm taking the foot option while going up any proper hills though.
all my books say stuff like this because it's right
Kirara 🚗
>>544822 there is always a why usually relating to alienation from the self or not living authentically or not coping with the so-called givens of life
Do you guys know if the new No Man's Sky is good? It looks like the kinda thing that I would like but the initial release of it makes me cautious.
I heard it was the comeback of the century
Each major update I've heard almost nothing but positive response to. They might've had a shitty start but it looks like the work they've done after release has really improved the game. However the most recent update, content-wise, is mostly aesthetic upgrades and multiplayer functionality. As far as mechanic content, it doesn't seem to add much? It may be worth to go look at the wiki or something and see what the other updates do for you, if multiplayer and base designing isn't quite the content you jump at.
Kirara, you still preparing for your thesis defense?
Kirara 🚗
it's my clinical proficiency exam, not thesis and yeah im still working on it i have one more document to write and then i just have to finish organizing some stuff and fill out some paperwork
/moe/ i have been in suuuuch a toxic emotional state recently as in, i cant get my mind off of stuff that is really iinconsequential bullshit driven by ego and entitlement
speaking if which
what is the dddia /// difference between getting your feelings hurt, and your ego bruised?
The measure by which you view the world through a cynical lens.
deshou? i wish i could wait to do it tomorrow but this is all due at noon which is the stupidest time for something to be due??? i could print it at staples or something but it'd cost like $80
fact that you still need to print stuff to wait what are you printing?
Kirara 🚗
four copies of my clinical proficiency exam which is like 50-60 pages
And can't send it over electrically anyway? seems like waste of paper
I'd say considering circumstances, a print copy is probably a necessity. If a panel's going to be reviewing it they'll probably want a physical copy on hand to make notes and pick apart. Especially if they're mostly all older professors.
>>544913 a tablet or laptop could work easily and if someone is present who can't use those, they can print it out that is my opinion
Sure, but your opinion doesn't take into account any of the presiding circumstances. I agree that excess paper waste is bad but that's not relevant here.
Kirara 🚗
it is complicated this is all confidential material just throwing it around online would be dangerous
well yeah can't really trust people to know how to handle it, tbh though there are many good ways of doing it like secure "ontime only openable" email links etc
Kirara 🚗
sending all my confidential information via snap chat
'deed the system my landlord company uses is neat you get a notification of "email behind linke" when you open the link, it locks it to one IP and will not open to any other esle anymore and even after that, the whole email expires after set time, meaning all information on it will be wiped ofc setting up a system like that must be troublesome
yet companies would get that same for maybe 10 dollars if not less ofc, they'd order 400 sets or shit but still, is weird how much the private individual has to pay for office supplies
I mean yeah not that cheap to manufacture, but considering the BULK they are made in... it isn't that much and there is storage costs and such for the stores that carry themm, but still
stealing office supplies from your school is not only morally permissable but a moral urge
>>544985 i do but they don't have binders and dividers
Kirara 🚗
>>544986 it's not really stealing imo at least in my case that shit is mine and they're just withholding it from me I pay fuckin so much money part of my tuition is supposed to go to supplies for me YET I GET NO SUPPLIES
last week i snatched a bunch of 16gb USBs still in their packaging do i need them? no but fuck them
>>544988 this is actually a fair point, since our unies not only grant us some amount of supplies, if necessary but indirectly give us money so we can afford any extra supplies
Kirara 🚗
that's also why i was just at the clinic at 2am making like $100 worth of printing for free bitches
Kirara 🚗
>>544990 idk what ill do with them i don't need them also took a few legal pads and white out some paperclips
Kirara 🚗
i have been hallucinating somewhat likely due to sleep deprivation
it's hard for me to tell sometimes whether i'm hallucinating or disillusioned it feels so real in the moment but then i get sedated and feel comfortable
Kirara 🚗
i am pretty obviously hallucinating or ive entered a cartoon
>>544994 what do you experience when hallucinating Like what do you see
Kirara 🚗
i saw a fire hydrant with a dick pissing on a stop sign and a flag pole that looked like it was made of water
>>544998 That's way weirder than what I was expecting I thought you would just be seeing spiders in the corner of your eye or something
Kirara 🚗
ive only had a fruit smoothie in the last 24 hours and im so tired
I guess since I havn't gotten any info about it, the fridge isn't going to come today or if it does I will be bit pissed off, since it most likely will be delivered with practically 0 warning
Kirara 🚗
why the fuck i gotta wait until 10am to go to staples it's an office supplies store why they ain't open at like 8
Wait what do you NAME your forest fires? Or is it just Californians?
Probably just Californians >>545020 That image is great.
There's a guy with what appears to be several hundred dollars in his hands counting money across from me on the train.
take his money
he probably just has to pay rent or something
Reminder that the Australian capital is overrun by kangaroos right now. https://www-m.cnn.com/2018/07/30/australia/australia-canberra-kangaroo-boom/index.html
>>545025 oh they're just eating the grass i was picturing some kind of kangaroo attack
i got shocked at work and it left a mild burn so naturally i was looking up horrific and fatal electrical burns and ended up learning how they do skin grafts for burns this is a dermatome instrument they call it the same word as another medical term because they're fucking lazy and it's basically a super high accuracy potato peeler for humans
Peeling is a pretty tried and tested method of removing skins off things after all.
i can't imagine it reveals anything but i'm like illiterate to porn i dont understand it at all
Kirara 🚗
it's over the binders of bullshit on my back is now out of my hands no longer will those forbidden tomes torture me
congratulations what now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
he waits for his grade
Kirara 🚗
i have to defend it in September and if i do, i get my masters
i meant more like what now with that out of your hands you got some decompression time?
Kirara 🚗
right now im going to sit in this chair and stare out the window and try not to die i have a few days of freedom err well i have an all day first aid training on the 4th and i may go to Virginia on the 11th/12th but otherwise i guess im free until the 20th im going to go read in the woods for a few days at some point
I still need to figure out what I'm doing with the first few days of the vacation week. The less time I need the rental car the cheaper it'll end up being.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
... probably?
>>545042 hypothetically would stimulants increase, decrease, or have no impact on self-stim behaviors
Kirara 🚗
>>545046 no impact according to existing literature
that's what i figured maybe slightly change the means of self stimulation but iunno oh well not an important question
Kirara 🚗
have you seen all this hullabaloo about 3d printed guns again the nra is trying to get trump to go after them apparently but it's so silly bc the government can't possibly regulate it? you can pass the files to other people by embedding them in other files lol what do they think the govt is gonna do
you could effectively regulate what people use 3D printers for by simply regulating the third dimension
>>545050 true just tax it so people can't access it
Kirara 🚗
people are like "you can get a 3d printer to make this automatic weapon for $1000 now!!!" bitch i am not fucking paying $1000 for a disposable firearm id buy something way morr useful
i'd really just like to 3D print a custom dildo personally i'm too shy to go into a store and buy one
Yeah that's about what I expected the response to be.
I want to feed this Lissa's bold fighter to someone but I suffer from her being a cute girl. Help
Kirara 🚗
you could probably make a ceramic dildo custom if you had access to a kiln
>>545058 like it's one thing to walk into a store and buy a dildo not a great amount of interaction there but if you were to have to interact with another person to describe how you want it customized and stuff that's kind of really personal yknow like, they're taking the extra effort to cater to those special requests and it's weird
>>545061 lmao in high school i remember this dude in woodshop class made a wood dildo for his girlfriend like shit i wouldn't use that probably get splinters >>545064 that sounds unsafe i don't want rust
>>545063 that sounds terrifying but i guess it's the thought that counts >>545062 yeah that is pretty personal
>>545064 plus that's like just the wrong texture all around the tactile fleshy feel is like the most important part steel loses that texture somewhere around 1800 kelvin
Kirara 🚗
also it would probably be cold
you could use it as a mace like a morningstar the shaft would be the hilt and the balls would be the spiky part
so if you get kidnapped in a tesla x and it runs out of power or gets disconnected before you wake up there's no way to get out unless you already know?
>>545088 you tellin me this guy saw two people dash out of the museum and run to a jetty and take off rapidly and he all he can describe about them is that they looked non-nordic? was he that invested in his lunch that such a strange event didn't even get a bit of a peek away from his sandwich?
some people aren't as easily distracted from their tasks as others
wow are you implying i have trouble paying attention
>>545049 Honestly I'm sort of glad about the ruling.
Some of the people I follow on twitter are a bit on edge about anything that can capture video or photos The proud boys or something have apparently decided they're gonna try to get into the black bloc and film Possibly wearing black themselves
yeah people don't want to be captured but bringing a phone to protests is essential because the chance of being endangered is so high and we will need to be able to contact ambulances
also as a medic i will need to be helping people make calls as necessary
i gave myself the MCMI-IV last night while printing stuff i answered honestly but i don't think objective tests are able to read me very accurately because i am so far outside the norm i got really low scores on a bunch of scales that should have been higher like major depression i got a high score on the antisocial personality scale which i was expecting because the test is designed to associate ignoring laws with hurting people and not caring about them, even though most of the laws i break are because i care about others
>>545119 if i answer honestly, yeah it's just a self-report measure i took it on the computer
it's possible that my knowledge of the test could have biased my reporting but other objective measures have failed to accurately read me in the past even before i learned them the MMPI-2 suggests that i should be experiencing psychotic symptoms regularly and probably have difficulty functioning around others which isn't quite right in general the tests are quite reliable, though
Kirara 🚗
well, they're not entirely inaccurate with me i have high adaptive capacities and a way of thinking that is uncommon, which i can understand may appear like // with a psychotic quality at times, superficially the mmpi was accurate in its measurement of my psychomotor acceleration and other facets of my personality the mcmi isn't necessarily inaccurate in suggesting i'm antisocial because at a superficial level, my behavior may sometimes appear antisocial it also correctly identified some negativistic tendencies i have
Kirara 🚗
personally, i don't think these tests are great on their own when it comes to assessing someone they can provide useful context to behavior but a lot of people think the tests are like the oracle of fucking delphi or something
playing games on my telsa as i drive on the interstate
ARGGHHHHHHHH There's a bunch of magic cards I want to buy for a deck but the store near me charges $1 minimum for all rares. Even cards that have a median price of like $0.60 on the biggest online card market. (Generally when trading or buying from a store people value cards at tcg median) And then when buying in person you say "half tcg median and the cash is yours" and I say "hell no Tarmagoyf is worth like $90".
Kirara 🚗
oh that's a bit unreasonable
>>545128 I know the owner and he knows I'm broke as fuck so he'll probably be willing to let me haggle.
Hey Kirara I know you and at least 1600 japanese people are really upset about it but I've got to tell you that Legendary Lucina is insanely fun to use.
I was kind of hoping to get to start EOX during my midnight shift tonight but I did get Echoes to stop crashing so I can do that instead. I'm having fun with it more than I was fates or so for some reason. I haven't even done much.
Now for me to plug that mobile game I'm still playing.
If you log into Granblue not only are you getting 10 rolls right now but there's also an additional extra special prize you get each day which can (unfortunately) be real world prizes that are exclusive to people in japan.
Some shmuck got 10000 yen and isn't japanese what a sad fate.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>545145 yeah, they're doing them for a while for summer celebration people are hoping they'll do the roulette again
assuming that Orchid is getting a summer outfit (god help me), I'm hoping the roulette will start when she's added to maximize my chance of getting her without rolling.
as someone who is going on a vacation soon, I can't afford to really spend anything on it.
Kirara 🚗
>TITUSVILLE, Fla. – Classes begin in Brevard County school district in less than 10 days, and on Tuesday the district celebrated a security milestone for the 2018 school year: creating a single point of entry at every school. SECURITY MILESTONE???
I applied for a new job today but when I got there to turn my resume in I found they'd already hired someone for the spot I wanted. So I am not happy about it. I hate putting myself out there and getting rejected. It's one of those things I'm unreasonably hung up about. There is still a chance I'll get accepted but I am not happy about how my chances have been lowered by circumstances I couldn't have anticipated.
Yeah, they were understaffed and looking to fill two spots. I knew they were understaffed, I should have done this sooner. Now I know for sure they've filled one, and who knows if they have another person lined up already.
>>545158 That sounds really annoying, yeah. I hate getting rejected on stuff too.
They're going to try to prepare Fish for transfer to a US hospital soon
I went to the office of admissions to check in on a program I've been on a waitlist for acceptance to since, like May or June this year. And I was told in what was pretty much no short terms that the only thing I can do is wait and wait to hear. And if I don't hear anything after the first week of September that I can assume I didn't get in and get to try again next year. Which on top of being kind of curt, was more or less what I assumed was the case. I had to wait for like half an hour for what was maybe a five minute meeting, so it also really felt like a waste of time and a waste of transit fare. It's made me pretty sour today too.
>>545162 Yes, overall it would be a nice step up and would have better benefits. I still have a shot I guess and I have people in the office who want me in I think so maybe it will work out.
>>545163 for what purpose does someone need to go do that in person? They should be able to just let you do that sort of thing over the phone if it's only going to take five minutes
I might get paid for my clinical work next semester although not very much
>>545165 Well I could have probably just checked in through phone or mail. But I was also hoping to find some kind of action or thing I could do to expedite or improve my chances here. And for something like that, meeting in person is probably a better option, eh. I wasn't expecting anything, but it's better to try than not, I guess.
>>545169 thanks! i hope so too idk the timeline though or where they want to transfer her they have a good hospital in miami it'd be nice if it were close
imagine if she got transferred here of all places
Kirara 🚗
do they do experimental treatments there
not that i know of off hand? i do stuff for the clinics rather than the main hospital usually so im not well informed in that regard
>>545197 I could give you a beta key to their newest online game. I personally don't have a lot of experience with physical Magic but from watching those that do, it seems to emulate the experience of playing it really, really well. The online game doesn't need any money spent on it, and it's pretty generous with in-game currency and card packs as long as you play. I've got like four beta keys they gave me and I don't really know what to do with them.
Wow what an uncorruptible paragon of good Let's become arsonists
>>545241 There's a lot of cameos from bit characters in kaiji and other Fukumoto works which is sorta neat Did you notice that the zawas are voice acted by different people?
>>545242 Tonegawa's just barely hanging on with all his solutions He's used up so much company funds just trying to stay on his teams good side It's so inefficient If he didn't have to please Hyoudo he'd get things done a lot more easily. Like the episode with the whiteboard where he erases all the ideas. In the end Hyoudos own bitterness and pressure makes problems for his own company. He would be actively screwing himself over if he wasn't already stupidly rich
hey kirara, so this dragon, where do i get ultra holy magic
Kirara 🚗
uhh what
theres a dragom on an island and they stressed that i neeeeeeed seraphic magic and so my sperg senses are needing to know if this is a come-back-later situation
>>545277 hyoudo he's really sharp but he's also a visionary so the weight of management slows him down he has to find people who don't obstruct his vision so he's really demanding about seemingly petty things but it's significant that it's not obstructing him
>>545278 Well, it is true that he wouldn't have gotten to where he was if he was incompetent Being so demanding gives him a good amount of control over his employees too But I still think all those little expenses incurred like the flight to hawaii and the employee trip add up Then again he's already rich so it's not like it matters But that demanding nature still almost resulted in the rps project missing its deadline, which would have hampered his own enjoyment
Do you think that his moodswings are genuinely random or calculated in order to keep his employees on their toes?
Kirara 🚗
whenever i hear arisato minato's voice, i really want to fuck him
like joker is probably sexier but idk he seems so far above stuff like sex i can't sexualize him at all minato is really cute and that voice is so gentle though
>>545279 maybe he's demanding because he has high standards and maybe a holiday is super important who knows maybe he's got very sensitive decisions to make and wants the appropriate time to process the gravity of the situation without being susceptible to influence from the shady characters around him
>celica learns the spell after i kill it with her hahahahah
>>545284 True. The anime is from Tonegawas perspective so I wasn't considering that Hyoudo has his own difficult decisions to make
i imagine that he's always processing at such a stimulated level that the things that look like leisure to a lay person are actually incredible crucial to maintaining a high-functioning state, like frequent naps and adequate stimulation or a relaxing bath like really needing a really good movie on par with kurosawa just to sink into and recalibrate tonegawa's amazing but he's still simple enough to consider stuff like that leisure and not serious
>>545288 But if he's always so stimulated why does he complain about being bored all the time? Is it that it isn't the right stimulation?
>>545289 the context of that doesn't make sense to me sorry that's why it's crucial for him to always be looking for something to match his pace it doesn't seem contrary at all to me
i feel like that's also the reason why he told Ichijou to use that special feature on the bog near the end and why he was so pissed at him it wasn't about the money but that he was let down because he thought ichijou was the only one showing promise but it was such a shitty plan he was disappointed and "bored" by ichijou i think it makes sense if you replace boredom with disappointment and frustration
>>545291 By special feature, you mean the air currents around the final hole right? That's an interesting angle that lines up more with his actions presented in Kaiji
So he isn't able to gain others who are able to provide the sense of intensity he desires in his stimulation Of course it wouldn't have been about the money if you consider that he gave Kaiji a chance to draw it in the tissue raffle Are you saying that he desires someone on the same level as him and everyone just keeps letting him down It also puts mass events like the RPS arc in perspective. By gathering so many people he's able to filter out the stupid and hopefully maybe see someone play on the same level as him
>>545294 Do you think he was testing Ichijou? He probably could have chosen to shut it down and the loss of faith in the casino would have cost less than the bog payout But he wants to see if Ichijou can beat Kaiji But if he's still searching for people on the same level as him, do you think on some level he might have been just a little bit pleased Kaiji was able to display so much cunning? Or was Ichijou such a weak foe that it wasn't even intersting to see him lose
I hope the escape arc in the manga somehow leads to a final duel with Hyoudo, even if that's somewhat cliche the final arc is Kaiji attending gambling therapy
>>545292 yeah that exact moment with the lottery/raffle is what caused me a lot of pause in comparison to the bog i felt so underwhelmed by his actions in the bog arc because it seemed desperate and completely the opposite of season 1's hyoudo i wrestled with the idea enough that i made sense of it like above
he's super smart and whatever he's after is more in the validation of self than the acquisition of support or money i think he's incredibly bored because all he has is blind support and no one to stand on his ground as an equal to compete against which obviously he wants people to respect his superiority but i think he feels like nobody understands his superiority because no one is able to challenge it except maybe kaiji there for a little bit it was at least interesting enough for him to skip his nap
>>545292 >Or was Ichijou such a weak foe that it wasn't even intersting to see him lose I think it's probably more interesting than the other things he had to tend to there's a lot of questions there i dunno
is there a backstory on hyoudo in the manga i haven't read the manga yet i think he's an interesting contrast to washizu
>>545296 I can't remember I don't think Hyoudo got an explanation for his rise to power. There's a spinoff manga about Washizus rise >interesting contrast to Washizu I feel like Washizu at the very start of the glass mahjong arc seems like someone who isn't aware they desire intense stimulation yet Previously he never gave any victims a remote chance of winning their games at mahjong. Afterall he ganged up on them in 3VS1 games Compare it to Hyoudo who gives Kaiji a chance, and whose games are a little bit more fair. E-card has a guaranteed survival so long as the player doesn't bet more than 1. It suggests that Hyoudo wants to see people struggle with a chance while Washizu feels a bit more sadistic It's only after Akagi gives him a good fight that he really feels something
>>545299 I get the sense that Hyoudo is smarter than Washizu, at least when it comes to gambles Washizu isn't very good at his game
>>545299 Yeah it's a really spectacular read and setup I think he might have been showing off a little bit there. People respect him but they also view him as just being some sleepy old geezer So through his victory he's able to assert himself and remind everyone of why he's top dog in the first place
>>545297 the tissue raffle showed such extreme competence i imagine he's processing on that level all the time and it's taxing so he sleeps a lot and probably bored that there's never an outlet for his skills