They're two different features. The word improver does stuff ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ ๏ผด๏ผถใขใใก ๏ผด๏ผถใขใใก don't ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ ๅฃซ โฏ ๏ผด๏ผฒ๏ผน ๏ผต๏ผฎ๏ผฉ๏ผด๏ผฅ
Oh wait I think I remember that now I didn't realise it was still implemented
my mom keeps calling me and telling me i have to see a neurologist because i still have headaches from my concussion?? it's so annoying i might block her number
Might be a good choice over all, really. At least until she shows up at your doorstep.
Probably gonna read Konosuba on the plane tomorrow.
The Mikakunin de manga is good.
My head feels fuzzy. But its too soon for my evening meds to have taken effect.
>>543431 these have commentary so just take that in mind the fellow sI used to watch covered these is why I have knowledge of them >>>/watch?v=F_1MPYda_KI arteries.
>>543433 Having moving parts in your arteries sounds very dangerous How does it even >this quad copter What the fuck We already have aircraft that carries miniguns right? Why is this thing even I love the animation of all the planes getting shot and burning >this missile dropper What the fuck lmao How isn't this thing instantly rekt by AA fire it sits so still when firing
>>543436 sticking needles in your arteries Gotta block off some blood
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>543434 yes I love it. it makes me so happy to think about >Dahir Insaat is a post-apocalyptic science-fiction web-series. The format for the series is unique, each episode being a CGI animation
awwww I thought it was a mad scientists serious ideas
i dont believe that
>>543463 Is that the really badly designed thing That they do a teardown of
>>543465 >>543466 Can't actually find a source on that statement.
what is with random russian rant dissing sammy on frontpage?
They were curious about using the Doushio model for an imageboard. Had some issue with a specific detail but the particulars I couldn't parse from their awkward English.
>>543559 yeah, i just why they posted in russija on front page on an ebglish site... i mean translators do work fine, but...
Something like they were locked out by sams github or something
>>543569 Understandable. Really I should have gotten more precise times out of him than "monday evening" or "tuesday" If you're not feeling well or something that's fine too. If someone's not having fun then I'm not having fun >acid reflux Sounds painful, but I'm not sure how it'd cause back pain Well of course I'm not, I'm not a doctor
>>543570 That sounds really annoying to deal with Well annoying is probably understating it >the body's bad at localizing pain sensation Isn't that the point of pain? So we know where it is? It's not very good at its job then Anyway I'll let you know a bit closer and if you ain't up for it you ain't up for it
hmu closer to when it happens i'm not a person who can think or process two days in advance if you can find someone who does and is more consistent that's cool
i'd like to say yeah but whether i can is really dependent on the moment ive been having this acid reflux thing which has been going so far as to cause some really intense back pain strangely enough maybe an ulcer so it's really gonna depend how i feel at the time
it might not be acid reflux, but idk what it is i'm having really sensitive gag reflexes accompanied with back pain it'd cause back pain because the stomach acidity causes pain in the rear abdominal area and the body's bad at localizing pain sensation the nervous response from nociception in the back of the abdomen causes nerve traffic (what i call friction) in the local spinal column where all the traffic travels so you get a lot of backed up pain senation in the back it might possibly be something else related to potentiation of nervous signalling but i dont really know i just know i can't really plan out activities very reliably sadly
>>543565 funko pops more lke junko pops they should just melt them and inhale the fumes
Pokemaster Koi Catching a bunch of evos before the train comes ...well an hour ago anyway, now I'm home. And now I wanna not be home soon. I should shower while my phone charges
I got back into my old Pokemon GO account. Apparently... I leveled so well that it's the same level as my new account. I think I'll stick with the new one.
>>543619 they're going to rally in Charlottesville and DC to celebrate their "successful" rally last year where they killed heather heyer i am probably going to go and do medic stuff
>>543620 I can't risk it this year unfortunately. I'm on probation and getting involved with police would get me terminated. Union won't be able to help
I would put that on account of the artists. She looks about the same age as Renko and Maribel, who are real-world humans in touhou and they're university students last I checked.
>>543643 I don't think any of the touhous have a canon age or appearance They tend to just be whatever is convenient at the time Yuyukos original Zun art is around the same height as all the other girls, but in fanart she's portrayed as being in her mid 20s anyway
The thing is Kirara touhous usually don't have exact ages as much as you have to work with it. Like take Cirno, the loli ice fairy for example the only thing that's known about her age is that she has to be at least 60, because she remembered something that happened 60 years before touhou 9.
>>543652 >>543653 >>543654 Ton you might be right but after you owned yourself I'm not just gonna let you walk away I am going to laugh
But yeah Touhous don't have exact ages and you should really take it on a case by case basis with fanworks since people just make up whatever they want Zuns art is so zombielike that it leaves plenty to interpretation
i'm gonna have to tell a violent person who talks about how much he hates narcissists all the time that i'm diagnosing him with narcissistic personality disorder
luckily i don't have to do it for like a month and a half and i'll have a big strong man in the room with me when i do it
this guy is really fucked up i'm gonna be diagnosing narcissistic with antisocial and borderline tendencies, major depression, ptsd, not sure what else yet but i need a diagnosis for his incredibly strained logic that looks psychotic in nature
yeah this guy is bad he says he wants to be a good person and he knows he's bad though he calls himself a trash human and definitely hates himself he's probably possessed by demons or something
i kind of liked him and thought he could potentially be helped until i asked him if he felt he'd ever gone too far in hurting someone for revenge and he said no after telling me about the times he'd tried to kill people for things by putting snakes in their beds and stuff
he's the kind of person that probably can't be rehabilitated someone that has lived for too long, incapable of respecting other people or themselves, someone who has expressed to me that he wants to be a god
unfortunately i have to operate in terms of diagnoses though
i think i would describe him as someone who has never felt his life was valued by others and grew up treating others the same way he probably sees the world as a battle royale where everyone is out for themselves and he can't trust anyone because they will hurt him so he doesn't feel like it's wrong to kill a mailman that he feels wronged him he also doesn't know who he is he is basically a fictitious person with no sense of identity im not even sure his past is all true or not and im not sure he is sure either he doubts his reality and his past ive seen him break down in tears out of fear that his past could be false memories which means some of them probably are
>>543764 You can treat stuff like the depression, PTSD, anorexia, etc But I don't know if you can ever help them be a functional member of society Helping them develop a sense of self could help them be less violent towards orthers, maybe
But I wonder if it might just make him a more functional asshole
Unfortunately, there are probably some people that are too messed up to be able to participate in society and find happiness
This guy has really poor logic and some kind of psychotic quality to his thought processes which will make it even harder
Maven Mobile
Is it possible to be a sociopath without being a narcissist?
Kirara ๐
yeah, some sociopaths are just the behind-the-scenes getting rich, killing animals kind like businessmen some need constant attention and power over others like narcissists they're the same at the root but their sociopathy is expressed differently based on personality traits if that makes sense
>>543771 that's awesome who are those people they almost look like statues
Maven Mobile
The ballerina was doing some proper photo shoot And a group of kind of rough looking guys walked past One jumped up on the platform and copied her pose She just went with it
And i took a picture
what a sport
Kirara ๐
that's cool russia has really good ballet ive seen russias national ballet a few times on tour in the us they're really amazing
Maven Mobile
I was thinking of trying to see one Booking tickets might be a hassle But probably worth it
Kirara ๐
i have this weird distorted view of russia where all of their plays, operas, and ballets are just russians like nothing but Tchaikovsky and friends
Maven Mobile
And then afterwards I'll down a pint of beer and get in a fist fight To prove I'm not gay.
>>543777 No but there is a lot of that around. They're super proud of their historical cultural figures. Rightly so
and yeah russian artists are worth being proud of tbh Tchaikovsky's violin concertoes are toppest tier
Maven Mobile
I'm trying to read Crime and Punishment at the moment Getting on board that Dostoevsky hype
>mom takes me out to eat >still have half my burger at home >dont like the steak here as much as elsewhere uhhhhh burger again i guess oof im swimming today at least
go // >go to the bathroom while everyone else does the order >they order a similar but very different meal every time
>>543786 notes from the underground, i mean, haha i should have anticipated that
Maven Mobile
Oh. Heh No. I haven't This is the first one of his I've read
Kirara ๐
oh cool i haven't read crime and punishment but i thought his notes from the underground was really good Dostoyevsky is pretty neat
Maven Mobile
Yeah. I'm really enjoying it Even if it's pretty dense and slow going Because all the characters keep going on long drunken philosophical rants
Kirara ๐
a /moe/ book club might be fun
>>543790 yeah i bet notes was like that too for the first half at least
Maven Mobile
>>543791 Man i had the same idea like two years ago And then Moon told me that he'd had the same idea like two years before that Bur t apparently there's never enough interest and it falls appart
orange for books okay ready
Kirara ๐
>>543792 damn could just have a few of us be like "read this by this date" and then we could talk about it
Maven Mobile
>>543793 Hang on wait I've got to use the bathroom
shot okay I'm paused on paragraph one
Kirara ๐
wait are we on chapter 4 or 5??
Maven Mobile
5 but I've had to miss a couple I'll read them after
Maven Mobile
>>543794 If people ever do get around to organising it I'd definitely be on board
>>543825 hello rika >>543826 oh...right interesting >>543826 look at that worker solidarity >>543826 I can't go back if I never went there in the first place
there's no theme it's just a general board for chat we all post in one thread because it was found to keep the board active that way instead of having lots of thread with nothing really happening s
>>543848 it just changes the text to (I think?) full width alphanumeric characters the kind ๏ผน๏ผฏ๏ผต๏ผต๏ผต see under vaporwave video by memers and cool kids That was the original bookmark saved. Any idea how old that link is?
This experience reminds me of the time I had SAOVIP (Is that the right spelling?) bookmarked for like 3-4 years and forgot to check it. Went back one day and there was like 10 people posting.
Maven Mobile
Maybe the Russians would respect me more if i walked around with the maids from re zero pinned to the front of my chest
>>543865 that wouldn't happen to be Secret Area of VIP Quality ๏ผน๏ผฏ๏ผต๏ผต๏ผต mean
>>543867 I missed the Q. Yeah! Is this the same site by any chance?
not at all SAOVQ is a textboard actually sorry it's an imageboard really I was thinking of sageru anyway they're all run by different people
Gotcha. I always lost track of what the spin-off sites were supposed to be. SOVQ, ... something-chan with all the little chans consolidated (/azu/?)... wakachan? Was that it's name?
rene is ไฝ the site
>>543870 there's way too many spinoff sites and I find it's not worth staying a lot of the time
oh yeah wakachan is dead I'm pretty sure
rip wakachan and /azu/. I guess everybody goes to discord now?
So what ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ do you all like to do?
Maven Mobile
Cute girls doing cute things and Mountains over 5000 meters above sea level
I don't have many hobbies and am a sporadic with ไฝ keeps my attention I ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ ๏ผด๏ผถใขใใก and whatnot though so I guess that's a thing I do ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ walking and riding too
i like mahjong, studying math and languages, and resting in cozy spaces
>>543880 When Jan and I went camping in the forest out in Utah, he brought a tablet with an enormously large battery, and we watched some anime by the fire.
>>543894 >>543893 hell yeah what's the temperature looking like up there for the trip? are you doing it primitive or do they got campsites and stuff set up with amenities
Maven Mobile
>>543895 According to the expedition itinerary (because i have to do this one with a commercial group) it looks like the lower altitude is pretty set up. First couple of nights are In huts. And it gets more primitive as you get higher.
if you come to the US and we do the Appalachian trail, it'd probably be really cheap since you don't need a guide or anything you can just do it at your own pace just need gear and supplies and stuff
the states are super big though so you'll have to come a couple times if you want to get a real experience there's like foresty mountains but there are also the super deserty mountains with the hoodoos and stuff
>>543915 Seems like you've reached a healthy acceptance >>543916 I'm nursing a semi just thinking about it Which state is that? >>543910 Good job. You're a big boy now.
But also Fuck Tax Returns.
This year i had to fill out a whole bunch of forms only to have the government tell me i owed them money
which was actually totally fair because I'd been picking up those juicy student allowance payments all year on top of my job income
I'm pretty sure my mother and I got scammed by some phone indians on this last return Supposedly since my mother claim me as a dependant and I did not put myself as a dependant on my own return, she suddenly owed the government a couple thousand dollars I SHOULD HAVE guessed it, simply due to the fact that when she passed me over to the man she was talking to, it was a very indian voice
On a FANTASTIC note, a bunch of those scammers finally got caught and sent to prison for their crimes and I can not tell you how much joy that brings me
Australia does too actually But because all human activity is so thinly spread out as soon as you leave the cities, everything is a massive hassle to get to
So I visited an amusing park today unlike the two ones I have visited before, both owned and run by non-profit charity, this one was owned and operated by private company, so its goal being only MONEY was weird observing some differences, obviously coming from "this should earn us more money", but at the same time atleast making me think "does it?" As in their non-profit charity competitor actually runs their park in some ways better
TN !PcAPtAiNJo park in question local one and the main competition, the charity one
The largest difference was in staffing in sรคrkรคnniemi, EVERY visible servitor, as in ticket checkers, food/drink vendors and so on well not every, but 95% were women well young girls 15-20 I'd guess and on average not sore sights for the eyes, so basically picked for the looks
But well that was fun enough of a day though weird to consider I hadn't visited that park before. and all rides I rode were damn fun except for one, that I considered a safety hazard.
Maven Mobile
I'm just surprised they let you into children's venues unsupervised.
>>>/watch?v=QIZtFvkxjBI this ride not even that bad or anything, and like how the recorder says "oh my god there is so much room" that was my issue with it you really had to HOLD yourself down from keeping yourself just bouncing in the little cage you were in took the enjoyment out of the ride, when your actual safety becomes an issue
though I did hit my head in the very last curve on both sides of the safetybelt thing and that somehow got my neck in a weird bit but after walking out and doing little bti of neckcracking, I noticed that some persistent neck pains I had had for few days were gone after I got the satisfying "crack" sound and felt everything snapping back into right order go figure
i've never heard of a fridge overheating before and i live in a pretty hot place
>>543989 yeah but what if i want to come say hi too
>>543991 so I guess it did break down I just dunno it fried my fuses few times when I tried to get it back on but now it is well getting power, but refusing to properly turn on all point towards "old fridge now dead" but
Kirara ๐
>>543992 i could probably do afternoon/evening of the 24th and the 25th i'm not really into amusements parks though
>>543994 HA it is older than you if I checked the model right while trying to look for manuals online thankfully, if I am not mistaken this is covered by duties belonging to the landlord over here but them being an investment company, it will take time
>>543998 police aren't the problem really it's hard to find pure molly bc a lot of producers cut down costs by mixing it or cutting it with other stuff so sometimes you can get something you're not ready for and get really fucked up in a way you don't want to
>>543997 id have to purchase some things unless you have the necessities
>>544000 afaik you'd just need sleeping bags and pads i have cooking stuff, saw, shovel, etc i have a two-person tent but i'm planning on getting a larger one anyway, probably a four-person it'll be hot, though idk how you feel about fucking around outside all day in the heat
>>543997 I can I think save the frozens tuff and other by transporting them to my mothers will be bit bitch to eat for tuesday to thursday... I can cook, but "no cold stuff"
>>544001 oh right florida heat i would probably die hmmmm
most of what i like to do is outside things like rock climbing gyms are inside though it can be fun to just walk around a big city with friends and look at stores and parks and stuff like that though
OK I'm 6 episodes into this damned show now and it's... not picking up
>>544007 the latter sounds particularly appealing to me but i think the cool part would just be hanging out with you and pannso id say we would be pretty open
>>544010 the large cities i could make my way to are atlanta or chatanooga i visited rook in chatanooga last summer, with jan, tilde, and notso it was pretty fun, it is a cool place
im sending these motes ti pan partly to remind myself ill probably get to planning more soon, and it sounds like this will be towards the end of that week so ive got some other spots on the week to dfill
sure just let me know and something like a hurricane could always happen around that time which would prevent me from leaving so i can't really guarantee that i'm free but i probably will be
>>544024 I think it was perfect. It was upsetting but it's the kind of thing that I would expect from Mizukami. End on a cliffhanger and then open up to ... that happening.
>>544029 As a character, he's pretty much like that. He's not that serious of a person and doesn't seem to have much to worry about. I mean, look at what he does in his free time.
OH MY GOD I got some scam email trying to well scam me and I was starting to think "but what is this even, I have never used this combo ever" little bit of digging and >my mangatraders account
>SMT L has a feature that just automatically repeats a quest over and over with everything on auto so you can level your demons without paying attention this is the future
>He had politicians and the media in his pocket, but he still lost because he couldn't control those of us online. We're always free, yo this game is really silly sometimes megakin is such a dork
she won't stop calling and telling me to see a neurologist because i have headaches while recovering from a concussion??? i think she just wants me to see a doctor at the hospital she works at so she can sneak a peak at my records
Now I went over my contract and it listed "doesn't cover dishwashers, laundrymachines, microwaves, digiboxes, tvs, etc." but oven and fridge if memory serves aren't listed amongst that sort but "necessities" So I should be covered the problem will be handling it and how long do I have to be without a fridge and ofc, my freezer MELTING and then there is >does my landlord just get me a new one and have it delivered >or do they refund me when I buy a new one, meaning I have to arrange it, including BUYING a quite expensive aparatus, only to be refunded "on a later date"
on another note, I could ask for a smaller fridge would save me on my powerbill Hell ANY fridge replacer will save me on powerbill this thing propably made holes in ozonel ayer
the current bunch of seasons i haven't really watched because it's mostly filler and re-airing of old episodes. so yeah, i haven't watched the whole thing, just the manga based episodes who are written by the author.
that salty caramel ice cream wouldh ave lasted on me for weeks if not even a month it was just too SWEET to eat more than few spoonfulls as a treat per day practically now all gobbled up, cause it would have melted
'least I can save my meat and veggies and other shit by transporting them elsewhere
Hmm come to think of it, I should have when moving in called them about that fridge, since I noticed clear signs of "oh this will break down soon" when cleaning it But then again "this will break soon" isn't "it broke" so they wouldn't have had any obligation to do anything.
on another note, somehow a gust of wind broke down a window of an upstairs neighbour
>>544118 be sure to let us know how many points she wins
i just got the sports top from one of the banners so i had to try it out she's not entered in any competitions at the moment though the current competition is... let me check
the most beautiful encounter is the name of the theme
Kirara ๐
what if they made a dark souls mobage where it's just a dress up game like real dark souls
In an ideal world I get either just LLyn or two Lilinas
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
(well no in an ideal world I get all three of those but you get the idea) Or even two Lyns so I can actually have a legendary But more importantly TACTICS
>>544155 this is really good, thanks for posting it
>>544179 I'm super excited that that got an anime.
Some girl was tweeting that her dad punched her and the people said call 911 and she explained that her dad is a cop and they did't - it made things worse.
>Gigguk the YouTuber? I don't think so His accent is alright and his presentation and editing is competent which instantly puts him above 90% of "anime youtubers"
I don't usually step over to anime review-tube but I didn't mind his seasonal summary videos
>>544239 I think they often just don't have anything interesting to say Any shmuck can grab a mic and say "oh this show looks nice because the animation has a lot of frames" In the end I find it's better to actually watch anime than watch people talk about anime, unless they're able to illustrate elements of an anime that aren't immediately obvious >>>/watch?v=mO2N4drAyuk I really liked this video about Fukumotos work because it illuminates why it works so well.
and still 27c ir more with near 100% humidicity whรฝyyyyy
listening to music in ambient acoustics versus with headphones is so drastically different i can't stand it this doesn't feel right at all it's like the difference between having a delicious turkey dinner or having turkey dinner flavored chewing gum
I would take good quality headphones over most speaker situations. Like maybe in a room with -room designed with accoustics in mind and with really good speakers, that would be nice. But I think in terms of bang for your buck, the quality and enjoyment of sound out of headphones is way more accessible.
my laptop has nice sound projection actually but it's not the same trying to listen to kaiyko's captivating vocals and it just falls out to the background this way it might just be a psychological thing but having the sounds closer and more contained feels drastically different