fallout 69 is probably going to be so crappy "bigger than fallout 4" sounds great but one of the biggest criticisms of fallout 4 is that there was nothing to do in their big ass map other than walk around
i'm also STILL mad that todd said "more-wind" instead of morrowind i will see him dead
What does it matter if the map's got more square meters if there's more square meters between everything of interest?
Kirara 🚗
and always online fallout sounds duuuumb
fallout 69 seems like it's going full bethesda just explicitly going to reject all of the values fallout was originally about, not even going to pretend like they're not doing it just some white supremacy power fantasy now oh well gonna spend $60 to make america great again with my friends and get me a plantation with some robot slaves xD
Kirara 🚗
i'm really excited for sekiro though gay that i gotta wait until 2019 for it i'm gonna have a baby in 2019 how am i supposed to obsessively play sekiro to git gud with a babby
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Holster them to your chest while you game
Kirara 🚗
baka baka you have to take babies apart and oil their insides like every hour and you gotta do it on short notice what if i'm in a bossu battle and my baby needs urgent maintenance
Kirara 🚗
>jan i gotta fix my babby i need you to protect me for a few minutes
teach the babby how to play and make it a bonding exercise
Kirara 🚗
wait fallout 76 has no NPCs
Kirara 🚗
and no VATS
Kirara 🚗
and probably no mods
Kirara 🚗
what's the point of this
what the hell
It's just a survival game with a fallout theme
Kirara 🚗
that's so unfortunate i wish Bethesda never bought the rights to fallout why couldn't a company that likes fallout get it
chie is a solid friend but is the worst of the four not like she’s bad though
There is no way that chie is the worst of the four
Yukiko is a way more fun dork Rise is abdgahmydick Naoto also makes my dick work
Rating with your dick is saitei
Kirara 🚗
>>517481 fo4 had a lot of problems and storytelling was not the biggest of them fo3 had a // had bad storytelling too fo4 was a lot of problems making it bad - the story, the writing, the glitches, the memory leaks, the boring areas, the lack of content, etc
There are so many mods that improve Fo4. I love the atmospheric mods that improve the textures, weather, lighting etc the base game kind of feels lackluster
Kirara 🚗
fo4 isn't even playable without mods
how can i trust Bethesda to make a Fallout game that doesn't allow mods and barely has any NPCs and shit like that we all know Bethesda isn't going to fix their own glitches and the E3 footage showed FO3-tier textures too
Bethesda is a mystery to me that they ignore failures of the past and just repeat shit. But I guess if people just keep buying shit and it is cheap er to make crappy games thats what is going to happen especially if mods are going to fix it anyway
>>517489 i guess the response to the mod community is just to deliver half-finished games and leaving it to the consumers to finish making it
Kirara 🚗
>>517490 >>517491 sure but the new one won't allow mods, most likely
that blades shit had me laffin all night can't wait to see idiots tryna play that in public
I wonder if they will do not allow mods, after all it seems like its profitable for them to make others do work on game for free *won't allow mods
how strange I get >400 Bad Request 400 Bad Request cloudflare
Kirara 🚗
probably means cloudflare outages or your connection is bad
Kirara 🚗
anyway im excited for sekiro and metal wolf chaos fallout is gonna suck and we're like 10 years away from the new elder scrolls which will probably suck too
Eh. I'm calling four years. >will probably suck too Yeah. yeah, we already know your take on this.
Kirara 🚗
why is it ok to be mad about fallout but not elder scrolls
Because you know nothing about it more than it's in development. What good is it getting mad at things you have zero information about.
Kirara 🚗
saying it will probably suck isn't something said out of anger
Then why bring up "okay to be mad"?
I don't get this whole thing about cynically expecting things to suck. It just seems like such a shitty mindset to approach things by.
Kirara 🚗
let me just change my experience of the world so i can be optimistic im sorry if ive learned differently than you and have a different mindset sorry if ive been let down too many times to be hopeful about it
>>517508 We have Bethesdas past track record If one thinks that the previous Bethesda rpgs have been bad then I dont think it's unreasonable to expect the trend to likely continue If I make two bad games in a row it just means I'm incompetent and my future games will likely also be bad Now I'm not saying Bethesda is bad since I've never played any of their games but the logic is sound
>>517514 No one's said it's a 100% chance but that it's likely Look if a chef makes 3 bad dishes in a row what do you think the fourth one will be like? Obviously we can infer from the first three that the chef is likely to be a bad chef. Now maybe those three were flukes, but it's more likely that they just aren't making the food you enjoy Why can't the future be predicted with the past to any extent? The information is right there. There is a clear pattern going on. If they made 5000 shitty games in a row and someone suggested it's likely the next one will be shit would you come out and say that we don't know that?
>>517518 >Reliable Of course it's not reliable we are talking about probability
Kirara 🚗
yeah, i mean, elder scrolls games have been declining for a while so it's just my expectation that the pattern will continue predictions are usually based on past data
>>517512 The future isn't some rigid thing you can predict based on actions of the past. There's way too many complications and things you can't know because of how far it's out. Anything else is just you throwing opinion into the matter.
>>517512 Again, the future isn't some rigid thing you can predict based on actions of the past. You don't have enough information here to make an accurate assessment, so why. make. the. assessment.
Kirara 🚗
it's not like i said it will be bad i just stated my expectation i genuinely hope it will be good and i am looking forward to it as ive mentioned before
I think it is far better to approach it cynically than the opposite. There certain game companies I just don't have faith in.
And companies I do think do well all the time, I don't have faith in the industry to maintain quality. After all really good things have gone to shit for business decisions, its not always in the hands of the development team. Marketing teams and upper management can fuck up a lot.
Kirara 🚗
i don't think it's better to do that across the board i just respond to the past experiences ive had some things, i expect to be very good based on the past some things i expect to not be that good based on the past
>>517512 You're forcing the information to fit your idea of what will happen. Assuming everything is going to remain constant as it is now into the future. That is not reliable in the slightest, so no, the past can not be predicted on the past to any extent. All you can say in hindsight is that it did.
Kirara 🚗
would you recommend never making predictions, then
When you have enough information relative to the prediction, I don't see a problem with it. But without that base, it's worthless as a prediction.
You can make predictions with no information. well no current information. if you know past behaviour you can build a model for likeliness, I don't think anyone is making absolute future seeing predictions. but you can base trust from what you've experienced and have either your expectations meet, exceeded or let down.
And its subjective too, there are things that we look forward to that others don't etc. what others look forward to in game I don't.
Kirara 🚗
predictions made on limited information are useful and frequently used and then updated with new information as it is available it's common and generally accepted as ideal as more information comes in i will update my predictions ofc
Kirara 🚗
for example we predict the entire hurricane season in advance before we have the information available that tells us who should prepare and when and then we update that throughout the season as more information is available
people predict sales before a movie is even released
it's probably weirder not to make predictions
that's the problem with this generation not enough assplay
Kirara 🚗
I am a little sleepy so I seriously spent time re-reading and trying to discover the logical link to assplay
>>517529 Seniors combat looks godly *Sekiro I don't think seniors would be very good at combat
>>517534 It'd be like Dark Souls except everyone's using heavy weapons so their attack animations are really slow Also you can only dodge roll once before breaking your hip
There was a small, black jumping spider in my kitchen that scared my imouto shitless. Thing isn't even two centimetres in length and it didn't even jump at her bit she might've not seen a jumping spider before. I don't think I've ever seen one in person either. It's a little chunkier than other spiders you normally get around here.
>>517532 oh fuck that was amazing I can't wait for seniors combat
The store set to hire me used a HR company that had their data compromised. Just my luck.
dude they fucked it up oh, the bottom piece wasn't a part of the same image i guess i can't show you what they did then
Oh the Vesperia remaster is gonna be on all modern platforms, including Switch. That would probably be my choice for it.
>>517536 these deals are hotter than their destinations!!!
they had put the vegas code under the florida trip and the florida code under the vegas trip but it was like a footer banner for the image so it didn't connect i thought it was all one image
Squeenix conference in five minutes.
oh boy should i shove work aside for it do you think it'll be promising
I don't actually know what Square's been up to, come to think of it. They cover a whole variety of genres on the international market though. Like Tomb Raider is theirs, alongside Final Fantasy and some more generic run-and-guns. They might have more from the Life is Strange series to put out.
Kingdom Hearts III will likely make an appearance too.
A possible show-up will be more content from the upcoming Final Fantasy VII remake that should be out in a decade or so.
I think if your work is important you should probably focus on it though. There will be VODs and stuff on YouTube summarizing the content.
I wonder if this is how Tomb Raider actually looks though, or if something's gone wrong with their video encoding. Because this is not terribly good-looking.
Oh right the FFXIV and MonHun crossover. I guess that hasn't started on XIV's side.
>It's time to cleem your buttright I wonder if Toriyama is still doing the character designs for Dragon Quest or if they're just getting an imitator now.
Oh Squeenix is publishing a new Platinum Games game, Babylon's Fall.
>>517549 i've got a lot to be done this week but it's not particularly urgent to be done now i'll prob check it out later though and just hear secondhand stuff to guide what i may want to see more of
Kirara 🚗
>>517553 what's it look like i saw a screenshot of mechas
I might've missed actual content but it looked more like a teaser than anything. I don't have enough monitors to have tabs on /moe/, a game, and a stream all at once. Such a silly thing to complain about.
From what I could see it was just a setting premise set to music. A few pictures set between text.
Just Cause games always look like those kinds of games that would be fun to dick around in. But I don't ever think I'd care to spend full-price on them.
I wonder if they'll have more on Kingdom Hearts this time. So far just looks like the Microsoft video.
Ah yeah I think there's some new stuff being teased here.
Wow it's already over. That was it? That's almost a >It's fucking nothing level reveal.
Kirara 🚗
Maybe it would be more exciting for people that don't keep in the loop as much. It felt like it was all thing people knew were coming, or promoting their already successful stuff. The only new things for me were Babylon's Fall and the new Dragon Quest, the latter of which is, well.
>The key ingredient to good cooking, is love Oh hi Kirara.
Kirara 🚗
Damn right.
Oh damn that is a big ship.
I hope Beyond Good and Evil will be good. I saw some test gameplay engine video of the game back around last year's E3. But I wonder if it's fun to actually play.
Best multiplayer game this generation hands down But i WANNA see some new shit geeze
I really don't care much about Rainbow Six but I like how interactive Uibsoft can be with the community of their games.
>>517570 What, aren't you excited for Just Dance 2019~?
Battletoads A T T L E T O A D S
Kirara 🚗
/moe/ just dance party when
We'd need someone who would actually buy the game first. And the hardware to not just controllers for it. Doesn't quite seem worth, let's just hit up an arcade with DDR instead.
Kirara 🚗
I'll get us the Star Wars dancing game. And the motion tracker stuff.
Hrrrm I was working on the general problem of sudoku solving and made some progress using graph theory. I wonder how far kannagi has gotten .
If the Division games were more story-driven and not just environments for multiplayer interaction in I'd be more interested them. There's some good opportunity for character stories in there but it's just a playground for the players.
Kirara 🚗
>I can get a Bluetooth enabled water filter for my faucet
where is the egg
Kirara 🚗
idk man i fuckin lost it
Ubisoft really got burned by the first Division release huh.
More Rabbids, huh.
Oh MAN Kirkhope on the state. Stage even.
Kirara 🚗
im gonna have to buy like a $60 pitcher and $50 filters for it if i want to get a reasonable amount of fluoride out of my water i might as well just buy gallons at that point
I think this pirate game is multiplayer focused. But considering Black Flag, I really wish Ubisoft would make a single-player pirate world game.
Kirara 🚗
that seems to be my reaction to a lot of games nowadays
I just really like stories. I love engaging with characters within a world. A game can be fun in its mechanics and competitive structure. But stories have always been something dear to me.
Every developer wants to make a game with infinite replayability now.
Indian Ocean sounds like a super cool set-piece too. There isn't a lot of stuff set in that part of the world.
>>517589 Infinite replayability isn't a drawback to a game. You can have an engaging and entertaining story in a game and still have the game have extensive replayability and scaling into the endgame.
>>517585 Did they put too much fluoride in the water in your area?
This piano they're playing at the start of a bunch of these Ubisoft videos starts off with the same few notes Zelda's Lullaby.
Oh it's Elijah Wood.
They're trying to tell you that all of their games are set in the Asassin's Creed universe
Kirara 🚗
>>517591 there has always been too much the water here is disgusting and if im going to get a filter for my water to replace buying by the gallon, i want to make sure im getting all of that shit out
I wonder if the AAA interest in VR is dying down. This is the first mention of new VR I think, aside from Bethesda talking about porting their old games into VR.
Oh wait maybe this piano isn't from the conference but from the game I'm playing hah hah.
>>517594 Oh I had thought your water was contaminated with bacteria or something.
Kirara 🚗
>>517597 Well, it probably is. Florida's water is really bad and the standards aren't enforced here.
Kirara 🚗
I just wish I could drink clean water. I have to choose between heavy metals/chemicals and microplastics
Do you know what the contamination levels are?
Whaaaat. First they did third-party Mario and now they're doing third-party Star Fox.
NANI What the hell this looks really good
Nani the fuck
Kirara 🚗
>>517600 no, there's no way to check without buying a kit and checking myself
Also has Star Fox for Switch been announced yet or did he just leak an upcoming announcement for tomorrow's Direct.
>Sugoi! >Tres bien!
Well Kirara If it makes you feel any better There's probably aldo microplastics in your tap water. *also
Oh I wonder if the cool walking cane guy will be back for For Honor.
mmmmm toxins
Kirara 🚗
a carbon water filter can get rid of microplastics for the most part i just want one that can remove that stuff and fluoride
Guess not.
>>517613 I think reverse osmosis gets rid of fluoride. Look into whatever filters borderline conspiracy theorists use.
Kirara 🚗
>>517615 unfortunately, those are really expensive, too and the conspiracy fucks are all rich or something because they're going out and spending like $500 on their water purification it's crazy
They're not rich, they're bad with money. Like furries They just spend money on their hobbies that should go towards their living expenses.
WOuld have played For Honor more if the matchmaking worked
This is a pretty cool trailer for just DLC.
Oh HELL it's China. I thought it was going to be like Ottomans or Persians.
That looks like the Parthenon to me. Though it might've just been an acropolis. I wonder if you travel throughout Greece instead of being localized to Sparta.
>>517631 you shouldn't go around playing with drybutts
>>517632 i will watch later and see i would be surprised if you couldn't step foot in some of the major greek monuments though
Oh it's going to be during the Peloponnesian war. Wikipedia says that's 430-405 BCE more or less. So we are going back in time from Bayek's time.
Oh shit they're letting you pick between a male or female character lead. That's good of them.
Kirara 🚗
that's weird to me
He already starts with a piece of eden, dope
Kirara 🚗
oh, cool so you can pick a gender and it's not just like, switch between them? because i honestly really liked switching between them in syndicate
Probably. They definitely acted like it's a pick and not a swap.
Kirara 🚗
maybe whoever the MC is will be forgotten by history so their gender won't matter in the canon
Yeah, I was thinking along those lines too. It's kind of romantic.
>Socrates Oh hell we're getting to the Greccian philosophers now.
Having a bird buddy's back for Odyssey by the look of it.
Also I'm wondering if this moving back in time is a trend. I'd like to see the Persian empire in its high point.
Caveman assasins creed when
Isn't that already Farcry Primal.
>You want my head? Come and take it! How very Spartan.
Kirara 🚗
oh, i wonder if alexander the great will be in it he's kind of a super central character since he had that staff and was the inspiration of caeser to become the first father of understanding
Yeah that's a good point. He was definitely connected to the Pieces of Eden in Origins, it would make sense for him to potentially be tied up in them.
It looks like something akin to the Phylakes in Origins is back for Odyssey.
Aw yess proper Greek names for the gods. This is a part of my childhood.
Kirara 🚗
the screenshots i saw made it look like the game would basically just be origins but in greece
Kirara 🚗
not that that's a bad thing
UI's very similar by the looks of it. I think the player characters will have three battle modes they can cycle through. Warrior, Hunter, and Assassin. Each with their own respective stats or something. I saw indications of it but no use of it in the segment.
Kirara 🚗
i hope they flesh out armor and stuff more and skills and stuff more RPG elements would be great imo
Kirara 🚗
asscreed fashion in unity was awesome, i wish they'd kept that it was the only thing unity did right
Oh MAN that's a minotaru. Minotaur even. What's a minotaur doing here.
no matter how she tried, she couldn't escape the bone zone every bone in her body quivered and quaked, shivered and shaked, flooding every sense she became unable to focus and her mind filled with bones, white calcium crowding her thoughtspace like her constricted irises crowded by the whites of her sanpaku eyes "help" she cried, but all that came out were bones
just noticed one of my colleagues has scales i wonder if i accidentally got fucked up on something
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
... huh
Kirara 🚗
like on her arm
Ask her about her scales. Only way to
Kirara 🚗
no way, ill look crazy if they're not actually there
is she a scalie
Kirara 🚗
i don't think so
i'm getting promotional emails about father's day stuff, like a ton of it, and a lot of it is about alcohol it's so agitating
Kirara 🚗
shit me too
are you still short on dollars kirara
Kirara 🚗
no, im doin ok now how you doin
ive got eight dollars i had to pay some extra bills that my roommate was short on because some of it was past due before i got here but it's ok since he's going to bring it even he picked up a second job and we went out to a japanese arcade on saturday so i ended up spending a bit there like 7.50 for a plate of noodles and beef what a ripoff but oh well it's supposed to be fun // the cost of fun i guess i didnt particularly have much fun though it was so overstimulating sooo overstimulating probably wont go back there again without taking benzos beforehand
the initial d cabinets are really cool though but my friend only plays rhythm games so i didn't really have anyone to play goofy shit with i remember thinking, "man i wish kirara and jan were here"
>>517688 Japanese arcades sound fun they don't have stuff like that around here i can imagine how stimulating it is though
Did they have Midnight Wangan? Those games are fun
>>517690 i have no idea >>517689 15th the overstimulation wouldn't have been so bad if i had more ways to outlet it and felt more comfortable, like if you or jan were there and i could focus but my roommate was only playing rhythm games and my options were to kind of hover around and watch or go play other shit by myself which made me feel incredibly self conscious i had had some red kratom earlier in the day too so i think i was getting that afterhaze from it, have you ever had that, where you're really sensitive to light i get that sometimes and have to turn flux down to like 1500k or else it feels like it's burning my eyes
Kirara 🚗
>>517691 can i send you like $20 just so you're def good until then?
oh yeah that'd suck so much, i hate that. i hate feeling like i gotta hover ive had that photosensitivity once or twice, always like, at school and inopertune times
his rhythm game friends were sooo fucking obnoxious too i really was getting unnerved by them tried to introduce myself and totally got ignored idk it's whatever i did end up having fun after my damphs wore off though and played initial d
and yeah if it's no trouble that'd be great i probably can get by without it but im prolly gonna need a pack of cigs and a couple dollar energy drinks to get through this work week not a massive work week but ive been stuck in the bone zone for a few days arcade cabinets are not very considerate of bones super cramped too because it's made for tiny japanese people
Kirara 🚗
ive never played the initial d cabinet, does it have eurobeat?
yeah i think so you know how driving cabinets are usually so arcadish and wonky you can only turn the wheel a bit and it's overresponsive and not at all realistic initial d was so smooth and granular you can feel everything too so there was a lot of feedback gratification very immersive experience and the way japanese arcades do it is a lot of it's progress-oriented, like you have a card that you register a user id or something and it keeps all your info for the games on a server and you progress with unlocked stuff so initial d had a lot of upgrades you earn and story mode to unlock and cool shit i didn't have the card though so i just played like a scrub but i totally could see myself sinking a whole night into it if i do go again
and tyvm i appreciate it
Kirara 🚗
id love to play with one of those, it sounds so fun
YuuTalesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hello rika
>>517696 i think the seat does stuff too not like haptic feedback vibration -- i mean, it does do that, but i mean like subtle angular changes like that theatre thing maybe i'm not sure though i might have just been imagining it
would it have killed them to go with International House of Steaks instead or something? At least there isn't an extreme surplus in steak places
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
You can get a burger at a fucking GAS STATION ton
Kirara 🚗
there are a lot of steakhouses
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
SK do you have any idea how many steakhouses exist
Are there real human numbers that count the amount of BURGER PLACES?
Kirara 🚗
>>517753 horngirl is cute Oh it's the wada artist I'll read it tonight after I'm done with all this enviro government stuff
Kirara 🚗
they should have done ihoc international house of cock
Maybe ice cream would have been better though I hesitantly say, halfway expecting to be told "ice cream places" are fucking everywhere as well because America's GDP is 50% sugar and fat
Kirara 🚗
hahaha yeah they are there are ice cream places on every block in cities
Holy shit dude your country is magical
Kirara 🚗
damn right
But in like a whimsy "haha, a child would make it like this, of course, but this is just a terrible idea isn't it?" kinda way
Kirara 🚗
can't wait to show you the United States we should road trip when you come show you all the terrible shit
Could be fun I likely won't have a very long time though
Unsure how long a consecutive vacation I can get at an arbitrary date
Kirara 🚗
i want to see you fire a gun
That should be fun You'll be disappointed though, I don't show emotion very much Not like, naturally
Kirara 🚗
i bet you'd show emotion if you fired off a shotgun or something
Kirara 🚗
or if you is /// you shot a cop but we can't do that
What a ripoff Rockstar lied to me
Kirara 🚗
well i mean you can but preferably not with a /moe/'s firearm
Oh yeah true
Kirara 🚗
you'll probably have fun in the us like visiting a theme park full of decrepit rides and gross, greasy foods
I'll probably be like a deer in headlights most of the time there
Kirara 🚗
i can take you to a shop that sells ice cream and guns
to be fair them shaking hands is probably as important as video games which is sad >>517854 trump said something unintelligible very loudly at kim as they shook hands and then they walked away side by side together presumably to go talk elsewhere
"kim we can't kill all the immigrants people will get mad, will you do it for us?"
"Kim when we walk back out of the meeting I want you to stomp and look really angry. Say something about nukes under your breath just loud enough for the press to hear. It'll be hilarious we're gonna troll bigly Kim buddy"
"Kim do you wanna sleep over at my place? We have xbox and my dad always lets me have extra ice cream after dinner"
it's past my bed time so i'm going to vanish now forever
>>517881 staying up late is gay and i'm already gay enough
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
no stay up all night with us
>>517878 It's really not wild The presentation is kinda neat since they're like, doing it in a bunch of different tents But they seem to just be focusing on four games we already know about They straight up said don't expect much new stuff Well that's paraphrasing a bit
>this white guy with the bamboo pipe and hat Welcome to the rice fields mother fuckers
You guys I broke up with that girl But for different reasons
oh OKAY so you're allowed to shitpost on /moe/ but i'm not i see
How is talking about birds and their internet cultural relevance shit posting?
So how was your day?
it was alright man
I invited some friends over, but this one chick really doesn't like this one dude, so I told them both that the other one was coming over So the dude cancelled. I let the girl know that the dude cancelled, and she said she'd still come. And then she never came So just both of them never showed up
Wow, rude
You following E3 at all?
nah My nerd friends are feeding me all the important stuff
Same here All I know i heard on /moe/ and tano.
i want to just disappear, but i'm also fucking lonely.
how nice would it be if we could have all the good stuff in life without any bad stuff
>>518033 I still have no idea what the game is but I really love it
Kirara 🚗
it's about monsters that eat time or something i think im excited i like stealth gameplay a lot
>>518034 I hope they keep the police station puzzle
>>518037 yeah but what was all that other stuff he was doing while he was wandering around the wilderness? it looked like gameplay
Kirara 🚗
he's delivering stuff yeah that was def gameplay he said he was a delivery man and then he was walking around and eventually saw that city or outpost or whatever
oh that makes more sense
it's a very interesting setting so far
sekiro and DMC5 look good too decent e3
Death Stranding looks like a good hiking sim Sekiros combat looks amazingly smooth
It looks like it uses a similar parrying system to mgr There's a really satisfying looking clang and knock back when you block something
Kirara 🚗
Spider-Man looked awesome too
I'm disappointed Left Alive didn't get talked about at all. Been pretty quiet on that since it got announced last year
well, they are jewish, just not from any synagogue i've gone to i don't think he even ever went to shul
>>518089 Jews aren't supposed to be embalmed. >>518090 If you have time you should sit shiva. I'm aware you probably don't have time.
Kirara 🚗
it would probably be really bizarre to try and go sit shiva for people that didn't go to synagogue and were very reform
>>518092 If they're doing it then I suggest you consider it.
Kirara 🚗
well, even if i did have time, i wouldn't be able to do it i can't get involved in stuff like that anymore, or i get too fucked up and my work suffers for a long time i have to avoid death
international house of bain and sufferin
Kirara 🚗
international house of bone
please no
International House of Bitches
International House of Bazinga
Kirara 🚗
>boss: email me the names of your clients, everyone
>three hours later: >boss: you all are violating HIPAA by emailing me client names!!! put them in BOX!!!!!
Kirara 🚗
this clinic is fucking trash people are getting in trouble for violating HIPAA by doing what our boss told us to now she's scared because we violated HIPAA with her license
Tell him you'll do it after he signed a paper and blabla, so you have written proof he was the one asking. I did that once, and he never came back asking for such things.
Kirara 🚗
it was in email, so
>>518103 basically everything is in violation of hipaa if you look at it with enough granularity i use dropbox to receive stuff from people though i encrypt everything on my harddrive and then just send them a zipped notepad with the key still not really safe
yes, but email isn't really valid in court or some bullshit like that, unless he // it is signed electronically. And even so, some private keys aren't really valid either.
You live in a nice country then.
Kirara 🚗
hahaha what email is SUPER valid in court even if it isn't signed
i live in a horrible country
>>518106 nothing electronic is actually safe my school won't let us fax anything if we fax any documents, we have to upload them to an unsecured electronic server which then sends it as a fax from there it's so stupid all the security shit is just posturing
Kirara 🚗
we should just go back to living amongst the trees
We should go back to being dumber animals withoutwithout any sort of self awareness it would solve literally all our problems
Kirara 🚗
that's true, but we cant do that and we can solve our problems in better ways anyway
Oh man this new Mario Party has some pretty ingenious features. It looks like a return to classic Mario Party too.
The new Fire Emblem looks interesting too. But it also looks like a total divergence from the previous strategy mechanics? The environment looks nice at least.
Man they've got like every-fucking-body from previous Smash games back for this one. I guess people can stop complaining about characters not returning.
>The Landmaster has been retired RIP tank.
>Marth is now fully-voiced in English Who asked for this.
I like the kidsy take on Zelda It reminds me of her from Ocarina of Time.
Giving characters that are sufficienctly similar but different from pre-existing characters their own classification is smart.
Waluigi still relegated to Assist Trophy-tier.
The Nintendo Direct was like almost 60% Smash Bros.
Xiao Wang Dao Chang: I'm willing to lay brothers Xiao Wang Dao Chang: Make a game so violent Zard type points: This dragon rider will only have no brain spray
Dragon Rider, Batrider?
there was a dk on their team idk though what that meant they won either they mean luna and that luna takes no brains, only spray (splash damage) or that dk had no brain and spray is a weird translation idk why i spend so much time thinking about this
Damn I need a switch that Daemon x Machina game looks so good
I thought that would appeal to you.
>>518144 Well I don't get brain but DK has splash damage in dragon form. I was considering DK but Batrider seemed more intuitive without more information.
im just kidding i would be very upset if that were the case because then other could be sniper wolf and not just me
Welcome to 2018
less impactful without the weedcoin context
Oh yeah that's true
Love to pay for my plants with a currency that destroys the planet just to function
Cryptocurrency doesn't destroy the planet any more than using the lights in your house does.
Also Tadaimasu
The new GHB was easy, but maybe I only feel that way because I cheesed it with FGrima.
>>518134 Oh, is there finally info on the new fire emblem? Is there somewhere I can view this?
Herro Rika
>>518158 >>>/watch?v=rkux5h0PeXo You can see what I mean by "different" here, in the video for it from Nintendo's conference. I'm not sure where comprehensive information might be, if there is any.
Oh looking at it a second time it might still be fairly traditional. But character units now have a posse of mook soldiers that move and attack with them. So unit-versus-unit combat is more like a skirmish between two corps instead of a 1v1 duel.
Yeah, it looks like they are expanding on some of the ideas from the 3DS games. In chapter 7 of Fates, mook soldiers were depicted on the battlefield as you zoomed in for the unit to unit combat. It just didn't have the power to do much with them. I guess now that they have more system power they're going to expand on that. Maybe even with some gameplay mechanics. There also seems to be some free-roaming adventure mode stuff like seen in Echoes.
Kirara 🚗
It looks cool.
It makes it a bit more grand than before when they had like 20 people For one army
Yeah, more fire emblem is going to be great.
Kirara 🚗
I'm watching the full Sony conference since I missed it. This opening act is weird but the music is nice.
the tent thing was extremely weird
andrew wk is great
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
My power is gathering
>>518171 Watch out your tiny hat is gonna fall off
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
i'm allergic to blood, can i opt out?
Tiny hats.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
How does one aquire such tiny thing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Pay lots of money
How does it stay on though
>>518179 Why do you think it costs so much, it has anti gravity built in
>>518178 is hat size and cost inversy proportional
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Maybe but it's mostly just that cute things are more expensive
If you put on a tiny hat will you instantly be cute?
>>518205 i watched some gameplay instead no time for that video for now you can't really wavedash properly but you can waveland, albeit without being able to slide off platforms at high speed still looks better than smash4's physics by a long shot plus big daddy snake
Uggh At&t time warner merger is going through
I can barely wavedash.
it takes some practice
i wonder if this means multi shine is back God i hope not
I'm probably unable to currently because my finger muscles have atrophied as a result of my not playing videogames much these past few years.
>>518207 I like the new visual effects you get when you knock someone flying
aince you can cancel say into // dash into smash attacks that aren't up smash not being able to wavedash isn't too bad >>518212 yeah it looks really good
Noice O I C E
>>518207 Yeah that's what I thought it might be. When they talked about directional air-dodge in the Direct segment they talked more like it was a re-tooling of the directional air-dodge, so they probably intentionally took the wave-dash function out.
Ultiamte Zelda is so cute
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah it's a pretty strong design choice
It's reminsicent of the way earlier Zelda. Back from like, before Wind Waker. I like the choice.
well it is taken from A Link Between Worlds
Which came out in like the last five years. But yes it is a sequel to Link to the Past, which is a classic. Zelda's changed a lot between sequel games before though.
I think it's a good choice of theirs to not just bump her up to BotW-Zelda alongside Link. It creates a bit of diversity.
She'll probably have a BotW colour palette or something though.
I'd be happy for her to have a BotW alt. They're both fantastic designs
they use botox to treat migraines no one knows why it works
This pain is keeping me awake, I want to stab my eyes out. I don't know how to cope with it.
how do you actually treat a migraine, do ie painkillers help at all?
depends on the cause and the location
but usually not much helps just drink water :v)
Painkillers don't work when I get maigraines, I used to get them a long time ago and suddenly they are back. I usually have to curl up into a ball and deal with it.
whenever i treat someone with a migraine i just ask what has helped them in the past the answers i usually got "lay down"
>>518289 wonder what caused it to return also wonder what causes some people to have them and iothers never to have them
>>518291 It seems to be like an intense fuck up in the nerves. for me its behind one eye and is like the nerves behind my eye are being crushed and a needle is peircing outwards from the inside of my eyeball. It just too fucking intense. like I want to remove my eye almost instinctively
>>518283 i'd imagine it's just because it stops the spasming areas of the brain stem through its effect on acetylcholine
i see. another thing i heard of is platelet rich plasma therapy for i it
>>518289 valerian root or benzodiazepines stop migraines for me due to depression of the central nervous system that's causing the spasms
I don't know what triggers it but I just got out of a high stress situation and suddenly got it but I don't want to assume its just because of stress but it could be.
>>518297 i havent checked the clinical data on that i think triptans are still the first line prolly
(at)tn like 15 weeks of injections in the neck and head >>518301 never heard of triptans ok googled iit and i think my aid station has imitrex
>>518299 stress, among other things, contribute to a physiologic state that causes it just like how not one individual event causes a seizure, it's the building up to the threshold and then an event may trigger it anything to help soothe the muscles should help with a migraine
>>518303 yeah imitrex is a common one they have insufflated imitrex with this little device you blow into but i think it's still in phase one or trial development
>>518305 It was a really fucked up high stress situation that I don't doubt in the influence. Drinking water and trying to relax on the internet is useful, its less constant now but is pulsing.
the worst type of maigraine I have is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migraine-associated_vertigo which is really hard to deal with.
my post got in big trouble because people were giving out meds wrong so i haven't been able to give meds for about 7 months except im on a mission now so im alowed to
check out this anime dude dressed as bride umu lol
>>518310 you really gotta try valerian root as an antispasmodic it will probably help with a lot of those things vertigo, migraines, other stress effectors like narcolepsy and vision spasms
>>518316 No, the only discomfort is intense pain behind my eye and my neck feels stiff and I feel really hot but the temperature here has been really high all day. >>518315 I could actually probably find that now that I'm in the US. if it helps with stress I could do with it.
>>518318 it is a sedative, but i imagine you're kind of the same as me in that the spasms and stress cause high levels of fatigue in which case, like it does for me, it actually makes me feel a lot more lightweight and energetic despite sedated
I don't know how I'd feel about being energetic, I feel really subdued right now, I feel really sick, I've not had so much anxiety at once.
it's not a stimulating kind of energy like caffeine it's more calm, creative energy that comes when the pressure of anxiety goes away a bit i feel bad that you're anxious so much, because i know how much it sucks i hope that you're able to take it easy a bit
Thanks. I hope everything settles down . The pressure behind my eye feels scary sometimes like something could just burst I think it is to do with my stress as get worked up it definately gets stronger.
>>518344 This one is pretty good, I'd think it's a song about happiness but a somber feeling following it I'm tryna find this lord of the rings sad song but I can't, geeze. But it's what I'm feeling rn
cause it is not an outright soundtrack, but similiar theme featured in many different pieces of the soundtrack like the "orc 5 beat"
That is LITERALLY it holy fuck I need that shit extended That beginning 13 seconds
There prolly is there are thesises on the soundtrack of lotr, due to it being so good
Now I can finally fucking sleep now that the song can repeat to me hundreds of times, thanks 2hu
I know almost everything there is to know about lotr
>>518358 weird that you think of it as sad I mean it is somber as a theme, but I don't think that is its intention especially in the scenes it is featured in
iT ALWAYS SPRINGS UP DURING Ugh the caps nevermind these keys Anyway, it's always in the most important scenes. The ones that move the plot, y'know. That's how I fell, the song anyway.
war of the ring reflects the end of fantasy and I think that theme reflects that the best
with the destruction of the ring the age of elves ends and eventually they all sail west or die or retreat into forgotten parts of the world and same for dwarves and eventually only men are left in the world untill the end comes that is the finale of the tolkienverse post the books
Though for the "dark elves" the process takes longer, since they never saw the Light of the Trees but for the Noldor, like say Elrond and Galadriel, they have almost faded out of the world >>518365 well it is a quite biblical Morgoth breaks out of the world, final battle is waged where the world is destroyed and then recreated as the perfect paradise it was intended to be and all dead are ressurrected, and we finally get to learn the fate of men
I always figured the age of men would be the end of the world.
What book is this sheesh I need to catch up
So the entire compilation of everything Tolkien has written.
There we go, thanks. Peace out
>what book is this haha it is the appendixes, the letters, the compilation books of the letters and all the other material
I have three obsessions in life I guess tolkien, legacy of kain and beyond the red mirror
Melkor created a discordance in the song. And Illu'vatar (or w/e he was called) would make the song "alive". Once it ends, they should start singing again, but this time in perfect harmony.
At least, that's how I remembered it. I think it's probably // it's the best genesis I've ever read. Poetic and rather original.
summerclouds are calming
>>518369 yyp second song sang by everyone, including humans also melkor's rebellion is part of The Plan
im off today but i almost mossed my appt by oversleepijg i have to get a tb test periodically
>>518390 Did something happen to make doctors think you're especially at risk or something
no its because of my work
Kirara 🚗
tfw no TB if you get TB you automatically become a cool anime character especially if you cough up blood in public and assure everyone it's nothing
greece and fyr-m agreed on 30y old name debate, fyr to be tenamed "republic of north macedonia"
imagine the memes if tb had died of tb
>>518393 >tfw never coughed up blood during a fight before continuing to fight on anyway I'll never be cool... >>518399 Let's have a psychic battle right now you and me
tol2 b
Kirara 🚗
>>518397 lets fight until we're coughing up blood just really go at it
Kirara 🚗
>>518397 alright im in class but lets do it jiiiiiiiiiiiii
Eminem should just retire. He has declined artisticly so much, I like his early works.
Work soon™ Luckily they use Win7 here
I hate win10, botnet asides, shit sucks.
Windows 10 really fucking sucks. windows 8 sucks windows 7 is only recentish OS I prefer from Microsoft. I have no idea why microsoft decided to make fucking abominations past 7
I hate writing essays. I hate the academic emphasis on writing as a means to prove something, to demonstrate an argument. None of this is barely relevant to the kind of writing careers I'd be interested in, but there's no accomodation for writing as an art, as means to tell a story or describe and illuminate a scene or experience. It's just so incredibly frustrating that it makes it hard to focus.
>>518577 *consults handbook* ah, yes, computer! those are so wicked rad the best drug of our generation really there's so many fun things to do with [computer]
>>518579 you seem like a dealer that knows very much about computer and i judge you as reputable.
i think it would be fun to write a book about AI-guided interactions like this from the perspective of the devices mediating human interactions and making the judgments assuming we're just people who have devices set up so that we voice our intention, and the device's AI communicates with the potential corresponding AIs and makes assumptions and judgments towards what's reputable and accurate to the user's intentions
whole book would just be from one device's perspective as it takes direction, provides insight and assistance, consults the inter-AI best practices for new routines, and performs its social interactions i think that could be really fun
there'd be a whole repository of information that sinks to the bottom and isn't related to the relevant queries so it's oft ignored, but the AI picks it up and incorporates it into its structure for reference purposes later i was thinking about that yesterday in the shower and that's where i got that comment from just some old italian dude saying "that's the problem with this generation, not enough assplay" and the computer's just like, "Yeah, that seems like useful information. incorporate"
Kirara 🚗
haha yeah, it does sound cool
If you actually want to publish a book i have some publisher connections I could leverage. I think its a good idea. Also done with work. Everything was piss easy but I may have made 12 mistakes in an excel spread sheet with like 2500~ cells.
i've got a few things i'd love to publish mainly academic stuff but i have a couple silly fictional works floating around i'd have to write them first though and writing is the least fun part of writing
I just heard someone say "that's what she said" in the otger room but their intonation sounds like it was part of a normal conversation and not as a punchline.
>>518587 >writing is the least fun part of writing Yeah I'd agree with that
>>518585 i was thinking a series of short stories all done in a sort of AI-driven future, kind of black mirror like, but being less fearmongering and more neal stephenson kind of shit the idea here being that the AI interaction exchange becomes more self-developed so they integrate their own means of determining validity so along with the user's requests, it'd present some sort of matrix of open queries on its own end, purely AI-to-AI, and weighting that such as to weed out exploitative programs that marginalize user intent for information gathering purposes on its own end, so you have to reciprocate with something the AI deems useful so this one random AI picks up the statement about assplay and it fits its way into every matrix it publicizes, and it starts becoming a trending search for information about assplay purely on the AI end becomes an open query for just about all the devices that are sending out exchange requests and occasionally to find out information about something open they'll just query the user "So George, how do you feel about [assplay]?" "What?" "Do you think there's enough [assplay] in this generation?"
i see a whole slew of ways that could be pretty entertaining
>>518590 You could potentially get that published in a science journal. On occasion they publish short stories if they're related to the field. The ACM did that a bit in the 90's.
>>518590 What about their own means of production?