Thread #516133
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Persona 5 Boku no Hero Academia FranXX Amanchu! Do we really need the whole list for today.
no because those are the best shows and this is the best night (persona 5 is okay)
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Well it is true that that will be the list. One sec while I get the shows.
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okay persona 5 okay lets start!
persona 5 without jan
Perm Sonner 5
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Almost time for Makoto to join.
A meeting of the Phantom Thief and the detective that pursues him!
Hah hah hah. What a total coincidence.
I've been re-watching Hyouka recently and I can't not hear Satoshi in Mishima's frantic cries of innocence.
How does no one catch the cat hiding in his bag.
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They look the other way because cats are cute.
Shinjuku is pretty nice at night. I don' think Ryuji's outfit is very school uniform-y. He kind of refuses to comply with the uniform in the first place.
A golden Palace, eh.
h e r o actualy can we do franxx first
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Has Jan returned?
i am here now
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perfect we can do franXX first since that's what Ika wants franxx okay lets start!
franxxx i heard it gets crazy
franxxxx>>516162 this show has taken a long time to get crazy the second cour is a lot better than the first
Hiro's been a pretty great MC. You don't expect much from his looks but he's got a solid personality.
wow they just outright admitted they were evil and shit
Hm, morning sickness, eh.
I mean they do literally stick out. You look at Squad 13 and they're all so colourful compared to the rest of the children.
the baby will save her kokoro
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I wonder what's going to happen with all that.
This wouldn't be a problem if these dumbass memory erasers weren't so fucking LAZY with their job.
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Looks like they're both having issues.
>The bottom
the last page was something like one of them being alone right
The princess in the story had to run away or risk devouring her love. I think the last page was the prince waking up in his bed, alone, with the feathers of the princess scattered in the bed.
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Oh, is she going to try to steal dahling?
Hiro's some hot property. It's like Zero-Two's mother's come to steal her daughter's crush away from her.
Oh shit.
>Has tiny horns growing out of his head >"Oh you must not be a normal human being" No shit Princess.
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wow this is some space NTR
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everyone is getting cucked in this show regular cuck, memory cuck, space cuck
She just relaxes back while piloting Strelizia. Also the grey-mode Strelizia is pretty cool-looking.
fuck they dug too deep
Zero-Two is bleeding red now. I wonder what's up with that.
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They were the klaxosaurs the whole time.
Well their robots were.
haha what the fuck are you telling me the papa council were ayys
And now there's some space aliens that have come for them.
Talk about an eleventh hour reveal. I guess Papa and the other robots were some kind of vanguard arrival that was meant to subvert Earth's defenses. Or maybe they realized the VIRM were coming and sought to defend against it themselve. Ah yeah nope. They were fucking VIRM all along.
Oh this is a bit a lot. Definitely a more uncomfortable way to become tang.
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Well I can't wait for next week. okay boku no hero okay lets start!
!!! hero
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well i got like half of this shit predicted i can't believe it was the aliums all long >>516194 Tengen Toppa in the Franxx hiro will save the klaxo princess and they'll have a three way in the robot and blow up virm
WATASHI GA KITA>>516193 Next it turns out FranXX is actually three seasons long and this is it's Anti-Spiral reveal moment and the final season is them fleeing a destructing Earth to take the fight to VIRM.
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how long until united states of smash
like 2 episodes?
Probably next episode. Maybe this one if they really condense things but I'm not counting on it.
All for One is one hell of a villain.
jeans nooooo
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Oh no, best jeanist. I guess he isn't going to have his power stolen though.
fucking rip jeans
I mean just imagine Shigaraki going around wearing Jeanist's outfit.
This is a rather gross way of teleporting though.
all for one
Oh I forgot about the flashback. It might be two episodes off actually.
The tense eyes in this series are so good. Great for expressing the sheer stress involved.
Cavalry's arrived!
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haha, mount lady out of nowhere.
Hah hah poor Toga.
Poor Gran Torino.
Oh MAN that punch.
wow his face is just a mess
that was fucking awesome
>>516218 The result of the last time he and All Might exchanged blows. Kind of scary, isn't it.
The Bakugou rescue scene was so good. I didn't even remember it as such a 10/10 scene but they really put care into it.
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I guess that's why he needs the mask.
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>>516221 yeah when he was flying through the air and that snap when he grabbed hardguy's hand was so satisfying
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amachu okay lets start!
All Might's rage at the end of the episode was so good too. This sets the stage so well. Can't WAIT for next week.
ham and chew
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Let's see if we're supernatural or diving.
Or just ringing in the New Year.
this show hasn't been about diving for like more than a month
To be fair I can't imagine even with diving suits that the cold, winter water is very nice to go diving in.
it's probably a great way to get hypothermia quick
Yeah. Especially since the salt content of ocean water means it can get really close to freezing point without actually turning solid.
Oh no the two girlfriends meet face-to-face again.
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>>516235 yeah seawater freezes probably a couple degrees below zero for celsius
This is a very high-grade hairstyle on Ane-chan-sempai this episode.
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They have thermal wetsuits and stuff. You'd think they would see supernatural stuff underwater since it's associated with the water, but most of that stuf they see on land.
I know, but they're not perfect. And possibly not even in the price-range of hobbyist divers, though I don't know prices on anything of that.
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this looks like a fun game
Seems easy to set up too. The Japanese have so many good New Year's games.
Pikari is so popular.
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The stylized faces Pikari's imouto does kind of remind me of Animal Crossing characters.
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i wonder if grandma can make the face too
Wow she was a looker when she was younger.
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yeah wow she's got that audrey hair
There's a nice Aesop in there too. Some times you have to go a little bit beyond your limits.
This obaa-san's grandma level is like, Lv. 9999.
Pikari goes from 0 to 100 real fast.
That was a satisfying episode. I'm a kind of content just from watching it.
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>>516251 level 9999 diving grandma >>516255 yeah that was a nice episode kind of out of season for these new years feels though
Every day can be the start of a new year if you want it to be! Or any day, probably. Yeah. Any day.
Next Saturday still can't come fast enough.
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thanks for anime!
Thank you