Hisone to Masotan --Episode 8-9 Nanatsu no Taizai 3D Kanojo Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 19-22 Comic Girls Devils Line Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 9-10 Last Period Nil Admirari no Tenbin Rokuhoudou Shokugeki no Souma --Episode 21-22 Gun Gale Online Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
oh thank god i hadn't downloaded nanatsu yet ready nanatsu already finished downloading like 5 minutes ago >>517179 why don't the devils just kill all humans
>>517186 japanese cops have guns too they just don't shoot people for no good reason all the time
I know they can have a gun I meant I don't know if they're all assigned one or always carry it on themselves. The fact that he's part of an undercover unit also might contribute to how he's not carrying one.
I'm pretty sure still though that the best excuse is that he's a vampire though.
>>517188 yeah they're standard issue is a .38 revolver which is a cool gun too it would be cool to see him shoot people with a revolver
i guess it probably isn't necessary though
wow everyone is rooting for them to kill a cop
On top of that, the gunshot wounds he inflicts would excite his vampire instincts. It's probably less risky to train the vampire police in hand-to-hand combat than give them a weapon that will spill blood.
Why are all these Demon Clan guys such total midgets. Why is this one now a tall man. Does it have something to do with why the portrait of Meliodas made him out to be a tall, scruffy guy? I have questions.
Best boy Ban to the rescue!
Oh shit.
wow ban is so cool
Too fast for Ban.
Hah hah hah. Ban's trying so hard and this guy's just disregarding him.
This has been pretty disasterous. Meliodas is currently dead. They've only killed off like one or two of the Commandments. The rest get to run rampant. I wonder if this is running three seasons long or if they've got a halt point they can use in like four or six episodes.
oh damn this samurai
Diane still doesn't have her memories I think. Elaine's back to being totally dead I assume. Merlin might still be a stone statue. And Gowther is still a ticking time bomb just waiting to go full evil-er again.
>>517290 she wants llenn to // she wants to die, M wants llenn to kill her in a brutal way in game and somehow stop her from killing herself irl
M is banking on Pita being autistic over the order she's made promises in. Pita has promised that if she dies in this battle royale that she's going to kill herself, and also kill herself if she wins. But previously she promised LLENN that she'll meet up with her in real life if LLENN kills her in GGO. M thinks Pita will comply with the previous promise over the one she made later.
I bet it's balanced out by having restrictions elsewhere. But then again, Fukajirou rolled like crazy high strength on her tiny character so I guess anything goes. GGO seems to involve a lot of randomness in the character gen that lets things get unbalanced.
well let me tell you one thing about being small is that you have tiny legs and people with big legs will move much further than you with much less effort.
okay hinamatrui hinamatsuri, that is
>>517318 It's virtual reality so they have to actually walk.
>>517317 She's fast because she picked that as her powre power or something
okay let's start!
Yeah I can sympathize with that. I don't have very long limbs either.
But at the same time LLENN is just as tiny and she's super HAYAI
>>517316 Yeah, I know. I mean more that it doesn't seem like she's restricted from doing it because she rolled a short-legged character. Which I think is a good choice if this was an actual game. But you've got to wonder where the actual restrictions are for the size of a character you roll, when they have obvious pros and cons right out of the box.
>>517316 yeah but it's a video game so that doesn't matter! small characters in games always get to go fast and goes fast + small hitbox is the highest tier of shooting game character!
if they made a game based on this i bet everybody would choose the small character if they could!
Hah hah hah. Yeah it's the kind of truth you can't expect anyone to believe.
she just needs to take her mom to the bar she works at illegally and show her she isn't doing anything weird
>>517318 Yeah, small characters I think in the long run have the better deal. I guess that's why it's random, but then you've got to wonder why people don't just reset until they get a good roll.
>>517318 Depends on what big characters get. If they have more hit points or can carry more stuff then they may be better.
Yeah, I was thinking it has to be something along those lines. But characters also randomly roll generic RPG stats like strength at character generation. Like Fuka, LLENN's friend, rolled crazy-high Strength on her character. So that likely impacts stuff like hit points or carry weight maybe too. It's just confusing from a mechanics perspective
i never got an allowance or anything so i didn't make any money until i was like 16 and got a real job
it was awesome to get my first paycheck though
I mean I only ever got like toonies and such for allowance. There was a commercial study or something when I was pretty young though, that brought kids in to sample stuff. I don't actually remember the details anymore. But after it was done they paid the kids fifty dollars each. I was shocked at getting that much money.
holy shit now she's going to gamble
This guy is a pretty solid adult scumbag.
Anju's probably got like B-rank luck though
oh god no
>Horse sashimi I can't imagine that's tasty. Or even clean.
even if i read the manga i'll forget everything by the time i watch the anime for something honestly >>517360 ready for action captain is this the finale or is it 13 episodes? >>517365 alright then let's start
Oh whoops you made good time. It'll be thirteen episodes if Wikipedia's accurate. And it usually is.
i wonder if spe-chan will beat broye in this one or the next one maybe she will lose and there will be some kind of aesop
she has that 5% limo tint on her shades they look so opaque it's like double eyepatches
I'm always a little unnerved when people drive with windows like that. I try to meet eyes with cars that are pulling up to a crossing I'm crossing and when I can't see them I get a little skittish.
>>517389 Yeah. It can get a bit QUALITY at times. I saw some chatter about one of the horsegirls on Team Spica having inconsistent breast sizes but a lot of the still shots are clean. And it's good when things need to be serious.
4 seconds later it goes back to normal resolution trainer-kun
It's kind of impressive that they put this many resources into what's effectively a promo for a game they might have only just or not even released yet.
Hah hah. Special Week and Silence Suzuka won their qualifier races and the others just had all their qualifying races glossed over so both teams can run together in this cup.
That actually felt kind of finale-y to me, I wonder if Wikipedia had incorrect information.
we have to fulfill trainer-kun's dream of having a race where they all race together yet i guess that will be the grand finale.
Yeah. They kind of hinted at it with that stuff right at the end of this episode but I guess it'll be what they run next week for the last episode. Still looks like it's thirteen episodes long at least.