>>516536 → i had a metal phase for a long time actually probably not as refined as the skandis do but i did listen to a lot i don't find myself doing it as much anymore for some reason probably just too much new stuff that's interesting to me i'm always changin
metal is not a phase it is a lifestyle
but memes aside yeah not everyone likes it or even if do, wants to listen it constantly
Kirara 🚗
i recently listened to As If By Ghosts and So I Ate Myself, Bite By Bite both albums by Dreamend They seem like they would be good for pushing thoughts out for me at least Black Moth Super Rainbow had a lot like that too
>>516543 yeah i can't listen to it constantly for sure there's such a broad spectrum of stuff and my moods vary yknow
>>516567 the person who posted this looks like such a lolicon
god damnit there is some hardbass party going upstairs and am trying to nap
i trust some other neighbour will go whine at them in 10 mins
>>516567 Might as well go full LN on this one, actually
as far as songs that knock out thoughts >>>/watch?v=oxxKm_O1xwo This one is good and can confirm because I can't come up with a good transition from it because I keep enjoying the song too much
I made a new team that can average ~712 score. and I just set it as defense about 3 hours ago. And now I have two more wins. kowai
Why does Fakku have the ability to call mogra over to an anime con? What is going on? Why am I not there? Why am I stuck between telling my friends and not telling my friends?
>>516592 I'd like to imagine it has an evil kookaburra laugh
>>516593 Yeah, I know how that struggle can go. Some times you gotta take the plunge though. At the least you'll still be within the States to go see them. As far as things go this is probably the easiest opportunity to go see them.
Con weekends are super economical for me. Thursday - Sunday? My nights off are Thursday and Friday. so, I'd only have to take Saturday and Sunday night off. Maybe Wednesday too just in case I want breathing room. That's 24 hours of overtime to save. And I'd have a month to save it. I think I already have 20 down.
>>516596 It is a rather exciting possibility, isn't it. I wonder if I could weasel my way into time off on such short notice if I could get a job soon. I'd have reasons even beyond MOGRA that I'd like to swing by AX. At the least maybe two or three days.
>>516597 wow I don't recall seeing kookaburrs with that kind of blue in them
that would be nice if a large portion of gamers would let it happen
i guess everyone is unified in hating xbox one though
Ah yeah, this is what I come to E3 for. Hokey philosophy.
>Developers from Japan to Poland >Poland CD Projekt Red's Cyberbunk 2077 soon?
Kirara 🚗
xbone apparently just got nier autonoma finally
Aw whaaaat. Is the Ori sequel gonna only be through the Xbox marketplace. This is disappointing to me. I was looking forward enough to this so I'm probably gonna get it all the same. But it is disappointing that they've shut it into that niche.
Kirara 🚗
all of the lights on the stage are really disorienting when it gets dark
Oh. That's kind of confusing. Why buy an Xbone if you can play the games on PC?
>>516622 Cause then you don't have to deal with win10.
Oh shit a new From Software game.
Kirara 🚗
this looks so cool
Oh MAN you get a grappling hook.
Armored core?
>>516622 A lot of people don't want to invest in a PC that can play games. Getting a simple, portable laptop and a console is probably more normal for a lot of -
-lot of casual gamers.
Kirara 🚗
nioh already did samurai souls but i'm still down for this
I personally think the new Fallout looks great. Todd's done a great job.
>>516645 Yeah. I guess it might be just the video compression, or maybe they've got low-res textures for development. The latter of which doesn't really make sense but I have a hard time understanding that they'd actually be such bad textures for release.
>>516651 even if they've got low res textures for dev, you'd think they'd at least put enough together to do a trailer
also is this terry crews?
Yeah. This is the Terry Crews: the game thing they touted last year I think. It sounds like he's been having fun.
Kirara 🚗
yeah i love terry crews
Kirara 🚗
probably not really my kind of game though
Kirara 🚗
lmao nier autonoma i thought it was released but it's just for preorder
Yeah it's not really my jam either.
Oh SHIT I hope Metro: Exodus is good. I've heard the studio is being obsessive over the development of it so I'm excited. But hopefully it actually comes out at some point.
Kirara 🚗
okay now this i'm hype for
Kirara 🚗
i'll have to get a good computer eventually but it's hard to because i can go on a really nice trip or even two trips for the price of a computer
Crossing a fallout-ridden Russia on a train sounds like a great trip. I'm pretty excited.
Oh they have a release date for Exodus.
He's really pushing the "games as an artform" thing during this conference.
>>516673 fair enough >>516674 i have an intense bias against them because they're always bad i've never claimed a game with good english voice acting had bad english voice acting
some of these trailers are so well directed and beautiful and then you have that fallout one
The Fallout trailer is pretty much the same kind of trailer they've been doing since Fallout 3. Maybe even Oblivion but I don't think I ever saw it.
Kirara 🚗
i guess todd just wants to skate by on what they've been doing forever why improve your engine or build a new one for high res textures if people will buy your game even without them
Yeah it's annoying. Double so since they're kind of the only company that makes those kinds of elaborate fantasy/scifi life games. If you have a craving to play it, you've got to choose their games. Fucking monopolies.
>>516695 why make a new game when you can resell skyrim?
Kirara 🚗
wow, a shared open world racing game
It's probably segmented into servers to a degree. Kind of like the new Fire Emblem Heroes "global" game mode.
Kirara 🚗
i wonder if there's gradual transitioning between seasons or if they just update it and tell the game to display the seasonal world
My money's on the latter. Maybe they'll have micro-season changes but it's still probably gonna be overnight map switching.
Kirara 🚗
wow, this seems really cool i don't think i'd have fun, but you can tell they are putting a lot of brain power and love into this
Yeah. I mean even aside the environmental assets the cars have for such a long time been so impeccably-modelled and the visuals always take advantage of the limits of the gaming hardware in consoles.
Kirara 🚗
i wonder if they let phil dress himself probably i don't think a professional would dress him like that
>>516708 >>516709 i don't think he should be dressed professionally or anything it's just a really unflattering look
Oh huh, they picked up Ninja Theory.
I hope Microsoft isn't too heavy-handed on the studios they take under their umbrella.
We Happy Few looked kind of interesting when I saw some people trying it out way earlier. But there was a lot of barebones stuff in it and a lot of it felt lacking. I hope they've polished it up a bit.
Seems to have gotten a bit more polish. I'm still curious at least.
Kirara 🚗
i like the style
Puh-lease. No one actually plays PUBG like this.
Kirara 🚗
didn't pubg get killed by fortnite
It lost a lot of popularity but it's still got a consistent playerbase. Fortnite's got a bit more of an arcade-y, unrealistic take on the concept that doesn't really go for-
What the shit is this blast from the past.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm sorry did someone say vesperia
It's coming to the Xbox Store, which means people can play it on Win10 maybe.
Kirara 🚗
it's the world premier of vesperia
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm sorry did someone say the best tales game*
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Probably. It mentioned that it will have additional characters. So it'll-yeah have the PS3 characters.
Kirara 🚗
doesn't look remastered or anything hmm
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>The most heavily protected city on Earth [Citation needed]
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>just bought Vesperia Ps3 >just in time for this to happen
Kirara 🚗
yeah dc is not really heavily protected
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
time to strap Kirara to a chair and have him experience vesperia I guess
what's the ubisoft game? my stream crashed and is reloading
Haven't seen a title yet. Just some in-game mock-up of gameplay.
It's The Division 2
I didn't even touch the first one, maybe after all those updates it'll be fun to run through
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't really need anything else honestly Vesperia being loved and finally truly released here is all I need I'm done
Kirara 🚗
oh, i thought the stuff in the woods might be a different game
>>516739 Ah I didn't know this -that Ubisoft developed the Tom Clancy games. Or produced them or whatever.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wiggling intensely
Kirara 🚗
i gotta head out i guess i'll read whatever else there was later
There might be a VOD for the Bethesda conference too.
Oh wait The Division was that game where you can turn on people and take all the loot for yourselve. Sounded a little entertaining but not quite my cup of tea.
Yeah because all people need is to spend more time playing games, huh.
>>516668 You're not pretending, you're just doing ot virtually.
Kirara 🚗
>>516748 not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so. "a virtual computer" synonyms: simulated, artificial, imitation, make-believe;
i went to a japanese arcade yesterday there were so many flashing lights and sounds and people shouting that i felt like i was gonna have a seizure it was very overwhelming
A new Devil May Cry game with...that looks more like a Vergil than a Dante. But maybe it's some new Dante.
>>516760 >>516761 Argue with him, not with me! I don't think either math or games are made-up.
>>516771 No Kirara isn't the one that claimed maths is pretend So I'm just gonna say wtf Rika and leave it at that
>>516774 Okay true but that's still a silly comparison
>>516770 Sorry to hear it Did they have good games though
>>516762 I had a similar experience when I went into an arcade in Akihabara. After a bit of time I had to step outside and wait for the people inside to have their fun and come out. There was just too much in there for me.
This Tunic game looks pretty fun. Kind of like a 3D/isometric Zelda-like.
Oh no what is this. Why this. WHY.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh I love this
>Light and Ryuk teased right at the end. Yeah what the shit.
Is this Mercer doing the voiceover.
>>516781 >Light one shots everyone BROKEN PLEASE NERF
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Sounds like it could be Mercer
Oh SHIT a new Dying Light. This could actually be really solid. The first Dying Light ended up being pretty fun to play. If they can improve upon that model this would be really good./
I think some of them can look all right. But what the hell were they thinking. They're gonna make a lot of people upset if they don't close this off with an actual Gears game.
Ah yeah there it is.
That said Gears games are TRASH anyway so whatever.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't know anything about the story of Gears games so I don't know what this is all about.
>>516776 moreso than you'd think i'd venture to say i assume you mean it's just a product of a lot of mathematical efforts in the construction of them the experience of them is also quite a mathematical one though it just falls into that spectrum of human compatibility such that it feels like it's not math because it's in our field of acuity but it still totally is
>>516816 whe n i saw ? hit the top of the charts in like a week flat, i knew i had to at least check him out turns out he's actually pretty fuckin talented, if not a violent psychotic criminal ? is a really dope album, and i dig his darker older stuff a lot
>>516820 why do you say he's a violent psychotic animal that feels way more judgmental than i'd expect from you
b b b b b ang
i didn't say animal, i said criminal his behaviors are nothing short of psychotic (which probably lends itself to how in-your-face he's willing to push his art) and he is a convicted criminal who served time for a violent offense
Yeah I saw you posting him earlier. GOt -Got a nice fourteen o'clock shadow going on there.
Kirara 🚗
he's not quite as good looking as beyak but he's not bad
he looks like a surfer dude with that face and hair not a bad thing
>>516831 I'm not quite sold on the pseudo-dreadlocks he's got going on there but maybe that's just the grainy shot of the leak or what not. Providing //Actually I'll probably be able to see the full Ubisoft conference tomorrow before I leave for class. I'll probably miss the PC Gaming and Sony conferences though.
>>516827 looks interesting at least looking forward to seeing gameplay
>>516833 I'm not sold on it, either. maybe he'll lose it or change it like Beyak
Well historically Spartans were known for their long hair that they preened over and cared for immaculately. So I'll see how it looks in proper game footage before I think too much on it.
CD Projekt Red ha d a hidden message in the trailer for viewers.
No release date, but character customization, and maybe some kinds of playable demos at their booth at E3? At the least there seems to be additional demonstrations there.
>>516839 this is a good message and im excited to see it's just a single player story driven rpg
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm still happy about Vesperia
>>516841 Coming off of The Witcher III, the studio is definitely someone I'm convinced can put together a stellar, fun to play, story-driven RPG. I'm excited to see more from what this will offer.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
now pardon this being a facebook link but
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1414428601952705&id=105271496201762 this is very funny now
Kirara 🚗
i really don't want to go there, can i get a synopsis of what the link is for >>516846 arigato
It's pretty funny to have that be an april fool's joke just one year ago and suddenly we actually get one.
>>516848 I liked 358/2 Although I'm not sure what relevance Xion has to the overall plot of KH. Her whole character conclusion is literally everyone forgetting about her so I feel like you could have just cut her out and it wouldn't even matter
>>516857 You got into it with 358? I never did get to do the multiplayer
Kirara 🚗
my cat is just lying here using my fucking knees as a scratching post
>>516855 nothing, the game is all about how it doesnt have to do with anything. it's about me and how i got into KH (especially the multiplayer thing)
>>516855 I played DS emulator during that stage of my life, and yes it helped. it helped getting past the "oh it's a disney and final fantasy mix stuff and silly etc" >>516864 yeah but i had to buy the PS to play them
Kirara 🚗
if i wear pants and sit indian style then he just starts clawing me but i don't want to just take my pants off all the time
>>516861 did you play 1 and 2? I love how silly KH is. It's ridiculous Seeing Micky Mouse put on a black cloak and talk to Final Fantasy characters about the light and darkness within people's hearts is so stupid it loops back around to being cool Roxas bestboy
>>516865 That motherfucking final fight where Riku and Sora deflect a bajillion lasers at once. That was so cool. >>>/watch?v=hnP8jeSobHc#
yeah but 2 has a level of epic that a chuuni like me loves.
>>516864 final fantasy& kingdom hearts appeared on my life at a time where i wanted to make games for - as a living. eventually i just accepted i wanted to be a huge chuuni and probably also make friends since i had none.
Kingdom Hearts is a fun time, but I don't really expect to try and grasp the story.
>>516864 i was so bullied at school for my likings that i never shared them on college, and ended up with like, no friends form that time.
Kirara 🚗
ive never played a kh game and i probably won't start now
>>516869 i trust blue will play them and maybe some others.
>>516868 Bullying is fucking awful I too have made no friends in university
>>516869 I'd love to see someone from /moe/ play through the series blind They're genuinely great arpgs
>>516871 i really wish one could go past that, I've been feeling more comfortable with the people of practice because we're already old enough so stuff like our bad music tastes can be shared without making us feel bad.
Kirara 🚗
kh seems like something you gotta grow up with to really be into it doesn't look bad or anything i just think if i grew up with it id probably be interested
>>516873 i was expecting a "gotta grow up from" like, get over it. it's a thing for those who were close to stuff like shipping and fanfiction, i guess.
>>516873 The main series gameplay is a little fun. A bit of a cross between musou-realtime action and turn-based spell/skill casting. I think the actual gameplay is something anyone could enjoy, but it's probably easy to get totally disengaged because you're fighting alongside Goofy and Donald Duck and whatnot.
>>516876 no >>516873 It definitely helps I've been waiting for 3 since I was like 14 The combat is really good though and the story is fun in a silly anime way.
the main thing was using the aerial suit and do a fucking long hit chain, it's like melty blood on the level of the chain play.
>>516878 and yeah, i joined the "fandom" on 2009. even if played games earlier. so you can consider 358/2 as my gateway.
One of the old high school friends I met up with yesterday was really excited for the Sony conference to check in on how Kingdom Hearts III was coming along. They all were people that were really into that part of early 00s weeby-nerdy culture that Kingdom Hearts sat at a sheer focal point of colliding fandoms for. While I was with them they were talking about their plans to go to the Kingdom Hearts orchestra concert that's coming up in a month or so here.
I wonder if she was watching today and got pleasantly surprised.
>>516880 >Fandom I never got into the KH famdom I just played the games I do miss when people would unironically make deviantart keyblade ocs and stuff though >>>/watch?v=NpYqFJxVuBc# Like this is classic. Young and dumb weebs having fun even if it's incredibly embarrassing
>>516884 >I'm probably a terrible person The only thing that's terrible here is this opinion cuz it's wrong. Incorrect. Mistaken.
It would be actually neat if they did a new DMC game and also a new DmC game
cause ninja theory is a good developer
Kirara 🚗
was ninja theory independent before microsoft bought them recently?
Oh god... why you made that Hellblade wich was a success in anyway and then you jsut go back into being lapdogs of big companies and microsoft at that...
Microsoft has demonstrated fairly decent behaviour towards the studios it owns before. In very contemporary evidence, Cuphead has been a smash hit while still under their thumb.
>>516904 I don't care for that sort of biased train of thought.
>>516903 So what happened with Rare? Not a rhetorical question Was it Microsofts fault or did Rare just decline on its own
>>516908 They did a bunch of really mediocre Kinect games, that game that disappointed all the banjo fans, and yes Sea of Thieves While I can see someone arguing that Sea of Thieves is a decent game, I don't think it can be denied that Rare has slid from the old quality of its output
>>516908 Okay so Rare just declined on its own then with the talent leaving
>>516907 Rare has produced Sea of Thieves I believe? A game which, while barebones, has generally been considered entertaining I think.
>>516907 To the defense of the situation as well, much of the Rare that produced the first two Banjo games and the games of its heyday with Nintendo, when they were picked up by Microsoft, they did not get the full staff of the original studio along with it. A studio is only as good as the people working within it. I'd also like to say that I'm fully aware that Microsoft has in the past been pretty poor to its umbrella studios. My point is that more contemporary evidence (Cuphead, Minecraft, for starters) demonstrates that they have been fairly benevolent and have possibly changed their approach to handling umbrella developers.
>To celebrate World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2017, Ninja Theory donated all profit made from the sales of Hellblade on that day to Rethink Mental Illness.[57]
In the case of sea of thieves, the game suffered from No Man's Sky they promised too much compared to what the game contained
Kirara 🚗
i didn't even hear about sea of thieves until it got announced for switch
>>516911 and that is the other side they didn't market it enough, but those who did lsiten were all disappointed
>>516908 This makes me wonder though, what happened with Scalebound? I've heard rumours that Microsoft kept demanding changes that were unreasonable but I dunno how substantial those uh
Kirara 🚗
wait devolver is in three hours?
Devolver is at 11PM EST. So uh yeah, three hours. They seem to like running late-night "conferences".
Kirara 🚗
what's with E3 and all these fucking ridiculous hours
>>516916 >ridiculous hours Oh I see, if it's ridiculous for the US it's ridiculous for everyone I for one quite like these hours
>>516923 Wrong New Zealand will become a super power by 2020 Your days are numbered yankees
>>516919 Well Devolver is being a bit weird in general. I don't think before them, that an official conference ran later than seven or eight in the evening.
Kirara 🚗
>>516921 let's be honest here the united states is the only place that matters
>>516923 i mean, it would make sense for nintendo to air at japanese hours and sony probably, idk if they still do stuff
>>516924 they air in english japs don't know anything but jap
>>516924 The Nintendo and Sony conferences at E3 are absolutely targeted at western gamers. Japan has their own stuff that they showcase games more targeted towards Japanese audiences. But E3 is definitely the more global interest, so you see stuff that's less niche and more generally palatable.
E3 is aimed mainly at western markets and USA is the largest and easiest market /section of that market
yeah USA is the only place that matters.
and usa comes with inclusion of canada too
Maybe they're going for the Chinese market with these hours
we could exclude canada tho
>>516930 can't wait for sega and CA to fuck up something in Three Kingdoms and get banned in china
it's kind of funny that the original fallout was premised on the US being too imperialistic and annexing the entirety of canada and executing canadians in the streets for the cameras and stuff
I wonder how plausible that could have been in history
for example canada joining the union during 1776 or say UK lost ww1 or ww2, and usa then "invited" canada to join the union or outright war during 19th century between usa and UK
>>516939 It would just be hilarious they are already treading very carefuly on the thin ice that is "historical chinese fiction" and then even after making several ahistorical changes, they'd fuck it up it would just be so perfect At that point it would be fun to point out "why did you even bother"
>>516941 >Sonic the Hedgehog gets banned in China for being interpreted as being anti-authortarian
>>516942 naw they don't do that but what they do is ban stuff that deals with their history and shows it in bad light
>>516935 I havent played any of the games featuring the enclave but yeah I think they were really dark. kinda like the skyrim have 2 terrible factions one is imperialistic and the others are huge bigots
the original fallout was generally just anti-imperialist the bethesda stuff (except for new vegas) is super into imperialism and "rebuilding america"
elder scrolls doesn't really bother me because it was never about anything, it was always just history unfolding
fallout was political originally and has been twisted into exactly what the first games were against, which bothers me a little
I don't get it. All The Elder Scrolls content on Steam is on sale. But none of the Fallout content is on sale, not even the stuff developed by Bethesda. But it's a Fallout game they're demo-ing at E3 this year.
Elder Scrolls VI confirmed?
>>516945 naw is disney afterall they even had Jackie Chan dub the chinese prince/general
oh wait that was hong kong version so dunno abo ut mainland
gotta remember jackie boy hails from hong kong not china
He still kisses ass to the Chinese government though.
he is quite traditionalist
and most likely wants to have a carreer and life in china
>>516946 yeah i get it now. dont think i'll get to play the original fallout games but it kinda makes sense
afterall hong kong no longer enjoys all the rights it used to have
if the city state wasnt' so rich and protected by foreign money, i bet they would have annexed it
Kirara 🚗
>>516955 they're on sale on GOG right now i think unless you mean for time reasons which yeah that's understandable
>>>/watch?v=sCoJvu8PF7Q wow didn't know they did a live action cut for some of the newer stuff
gotta say that hercules and the emperor's new groove were prolly in a way weirdest disney movies in terms of thematic oh and treasure planet you have hercules mixing hollywood culture and ancient greece and eng with mixing some real weird inca story with I guess las vegas
Emperors New Groove was great
too bad they don't really make risky movies like that anymore
but now they're patching it in so you can get a new slave robot if you freed your first one lol
>>>/watch?v=t23YSJzMEpg I think best parts of Herc and ENG were how different they were from the usual and self aware I guess nowdays that wouldn't be a big thing anymore, but I just don't recall cartoons doing this especially disney cartoons on the big screen
>>516966 what if we made slave robots that don't become human
is weird how in the younger days of internet, these "who the fuck are even these guys" managed to do all kinds of crazy shit and invite all kinds of big names tot heir things
>>517006 I wonder what all this stuff about cuisine and blue cats is supposed to be. Was there a Luna or a Mirana in that game?
I'm so tired. I've felt off all day.
This contrast between these two guys is amazing. One of them's so tiny and the other one is a Scandinavian giant.
>>517009 both yeah haha i assume it means luna though
Well Rage 2 might be fun. Looks like it could be campy, a bit like Borderlands without going too hard on the "lol random" vibe that Borderlands leans a bit too heavily into at times.
Would have likely been a safe bet for this E3 anyway.
I should play the first new Doom really.
Same I also need to replay olf Old Doom
I don't know if it's that this crowd is just annoying enthusiastic about interjecting with whoops or if they're staging constant cheering interjections. It's more of an annoying disruption in the flow of the conference than anything.
I really don't care about Quake. I'm sure this is exciting for someone but arena shooters aren't really my thing to begin with, especially games which solely revolve around the concept.
>more NuDoom Nice
Bethesda has actually been producing some pretty decent games recently. Doom, the new Wolfenstein games, Prey. Their actual development studio is disappointing but their umbrella studios are pretty solid.
Yune twenty-ninth
it must be a good job to be a professional clapper/cheerer i wonder how much it pays
>In our never-ending quest to bring the message of "fuck Nazis" to every platform Bethesda might be dumb fucks about a lot of stuff but I can get behind them on this.
>>517025 I find games with this sort of message to be somewhat distasteful since the phrase "fuck nazis" is often accompanied by the caveat that any person who has any level of political diagreement with the speaker to be a nazi.
Rika I'm not interested.
I hope they give details about Fallout 76's apparent weirdness. There's been a lot of hinting at a large multiplayer component, but a lot of it also seems to be standard Bethesda adventure RPG.
>>517032 I'm just expressing that I dislike political games.
Rika I am not interested.
Who hyped for Skyrim Very Special Edition
My excitement is boundless.
This Overseer feels like it's going to go HAL on you.
fallout has always personally bored the shit out of me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Rika I am not interested
Some of these creatures look a bit unique. They all move like normal Bethesda monsters though.
>>517042 they look like they're actually from west virginia
>>517040 I wouldn't say it's as much that for me, but I can't get into them as well as I can with the Elder Scrolls games.
i say bored the shit outta me but i also said i don't understand boredom i just don't find their execution immersive, i should say
Todd's really upped his talking game over the years. He's been a lot more engaging than the other people they've had up on the stage for this Bethesda conference.
is this fortnite fallout wtf
Probably more like a Rust Fallout. Doesn't really seem to be battle royale-y.
It kind of feels like they're eschewing plot and character storylines for the survival and multiplayer mechanics. >>517052 Pre-Betheda, definitely. After Bethesda picked the games up it definitely took sidelines to short quest-driven stories. Though there has always been a main story plot, quality aside, in all the games. And it seems like that's not going to be a component in Fallout 76.
did fallout ever have those
>>517051 i guess i mistook it for artificial structure you know, functional plot would barely call it a story
Todd riffing on the memes again.
>>517053 That's fine, I never claimed that the plots were much of one. But they were there, and strove to guide the player through some parts of the world map. Of course there is a contradiction there since the maps are so massive and gameplay nodes so scattered that you're going to high-tail away from the main plot pretty fast to see all the other things.
I'm just saying story and NPC characters -- and the smaller, more localized stories surrounding them -- seem to be not a feature in Fallout 76.
This could be a make-or-break feature for people interested in the game. I know for me personally I'm not certain I care much more for the game because of the choices.
yeah i got that feeling too i bet they consulted focus groups and just went with statistics
oh god this looks so awful you can tell how selective this sample video is
It's probably just an instanced dungeon-diving Elder Scrolls game. Which isn't really what I play Elder Scrolls for. So I'm not really excited by this game.
it looks like it's actually going to be cinematic QTEs
>Game is called Elder Scrolls: Blades >"You are a Blade" SHOCKING DEVELOPMENT
that stutter though he's just like BLEH
I can kind of understand the mentality. He talked about having some neat ideas and wanting to explore them in this game. And I can see that, but the execution is just...underwhelming.
Well I'm sure it's interesting to some people though.
i can safely kill myself tonight without regrets of what i'm missing out on in the future
>please clap now
Oh this is probably their space odyssey. Where they apply the Elder Scrolls/Fallout approach to space.
that was a trip i dont think i can handle any more after buh tesda
Well all that's left is Devolver, which if they're going by what they did last year should be considerably...different.
it's battle royale right
I dunno! Devolver publishes a bunch of stuff that often comes from indie or smaller studios. Though they've been teasing they might have something from the Metal Wolf Chaos game.
Ohnoagfhsds I forgot it was starting on the hour. I thought I had a free period of half an hour.
I'm so gay damnit
Oh and here's their take on the mini NES/SNES.
>Metal Wolf Chaos disc
There you go Maria. I still don't know why this game got so hyped when Devolver picked it up but there you go.
>>517085 I'm very happy about it It's made by the same company that made my other faovurite mecha games and it never got released outside of Japan, so your only way to play it before was to buy a Japanese xbox or get one hacked But not anymore I love Devolver
OH hell we've got continuity here.
good conference
They're really setting a precedence for themselves though.
b b b b b ang
hi moe
b b b b b ang
if FO76 lives up to the hype, it'll be a great fun time finally they're doing an elder scrolls sequel (albiet for next gen) so that's like two and a half decades of skyrim finally coming to a close dmc5 woo hoo prey mooncrash looks fun, maybe i should pick up prey is From going to say anything?
>>517090 Maybe next year they'll do a really boring conference just to surprise us
>>517031 Rika, I think this game features the actual german kind of nazi soldiers and it's not the sort of political game you claim but i dont think it matters since it's bethesda.
I was talking with an anarchist who was telling me about his rejection of a central authority. It was interesting, I've actually spoke in person who is anarchist.
Oh you are talking about E3, is there anything interesting I have missed?
I mean I've seen a lot of interesting things, but I really enjoy these events. There's been some games that have caught my attention and some thoughts I've had while watching. And the conferences themselves are interesting in terms of how the material is presented.
I don't really know the particulars that would be interesting to you though,
>>517109 it's mostly e3 memes you didn't miss anything of substance
No substancial memes?
i mean i had some cringe moments that i was looking for i think i'm prolly the only cringe addict around here though
>>517113 Oh actually, a new Battletoads got announced. That one might a relevant meme for you.
kingdom hearts 3 was the only thing i got somewhat excited about.
I'm happy Elder Scrolls VI got announced, though it's still like probably four years or so out so I'm not getting too excited for it. The fact that it's next-gen is a little nice though. Maybe they'll have a new engine by then.
>>517114 I love cringe it invokes an intense feeling of second had embarrassment in me that I find amusing. if there was some good cringe lemme know
>>517122 I've only been tuning in to the conferences, which are for the most part rigid presentations of upcoming content. There hasn't really been considerable production errors in the conferences and they've bene a -been a bit more professional than in the past. Though on the other hand we've yet to hit Ubisoft's, which is generally a little silly.
I'm watching this >>>/watch?v=V3DsiGBwHIQ right now. >>517124 I don't know much about E3 but it last several days right so we still have more content to come?
>>517126 Yeah. There was EA's conference yesterday, and Microsoft, Bethesda, and Devolver Digital today. Tomorrow there will be Square Enix, Ubisoft, the PC Gaming Show, and Sony, in that order. And then Tuesday will be Nintendo.
I would like to get a lot of merges of brave Lucina. Too bad she's hard to get.
I will take one lucina please
>>517129 hehe i have been feeling terrible in general and with no wanting to do anything but im probably better than you, so I'm sorry. i dont think talking might help but i'm here. >>517131 lucina is really brave.
But atleast for me I can't stream anything without experiencing soemthing like 400000000000000000000000000000 lag between me and the stream before it is even SENDING OUT
so that is fun I guess I got hardbanned on steam because of my nick
"platform for freedom of speech" indeed
TouhouNazi !PcAPtAiNJo
and on that matter I wonder would I get shut down on this site due to my nick in due time?
i'm surprised you got banned from streaming for having nazi in your name though i used to have much worse steam names when i played TF2 i guess times have changed?
One day on my way to school, I got stopped by a gang of older boys. The leader said he wanted my lunch money, I told him to go fuck himself. He laughed, said he would beat it out of me. So I spit in his face. He did beat me, they all did. Then they took my money. Next day, same thing. Again I spit in his face, again before. But the third day, the kid asked me to join his gang.