
Thread #515485

Not synched.

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/moe/ /moe/, kyun
good image
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yeah that's a cute girl opie
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Infinite power
also good
I need some good video editing software
I wanna be able to slap a visualization on a picture like those edm channels
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Jalter is good civilization

Also, I realized that someone I hadn't seen for a while visited.
Hope you're doing well, the one with the present.
I don't even know what a Jalter is

I feel like you'd just get banned from gamestop for this
It is clever though

ah sou
Jean Alter?
oh Jeanne
Fate thing
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The one pictured here: >>515488
I went to the pawn shop today, the guys there seemed pretty chill despite being an even worse version of gamestop
anime >>515498 →
winter can be good and all because it's cozy but it's awful for doing washing
also you'll freeze if you live somewhere like north america
Eh, there's parts of North America that you can go outside in shorts and a t-shirt in the middle of winter.
That's true, I forget places like Texas, .
It's such a big place after all, with plenty of biodiversity.
*plenty of room for*
Geography can have a considerable impact too.
Despite being pretty far north, it rarely drops below freezing in south-western British Columbia.
Which sure, probably isn't shorts and t-shirt weather for most people.
But it's still pretty damn mild.
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Azur Lane is actually getting translated.
I think I'll play it since they're doing that.
the gameplay isnt that interestinf from what little i did
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What version of Kancolle is that
oh is it the chinese one
I've got some friends that really like the designs from it.
A lot of them are rather degenerate.
But they're also good artists.
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oh my gawwwwwwwwd
well I suppose judging from the attitude of moe players it can only go up in terms of gameplay
I've had a maigraine all day.
It is annoying,
I've drank plently of water so its dehydration.
I'd like to be free of this.
Yeah, head pain sucks.
Once I start feeling a headache coming on it seems like my only good course of action is to take a painkiller and wait it out.
I have never had a headache last all day without abating
I want to shoot myself in the head
I don't think I'ver had a migraine
that and I have no idea what symptoms I'm looking for
For me a maigraine is an intense pain over one eye.
so over my left eye I had a strong pain.
It usually subsides after a while but today I've had it all day and its driving me crazy
For the longest time I always just thought a migraine was like a super-headache or something.
I wasn't aware it's a name for a particular kind of head pain in a region of the head.
I don't get pains above my eye that often, I usually get focused pain in one of my temples.
Don't know how long it takes for the pain to go away though, since I'll always just take a painkiller for it.
it doesn't have to be over the eyes but it seems to be a common trait.
it can be on one side or the other side of your head and usually painkillers don't work.
but I've never had to take them for it because I avoid taking painkillers
How much water did you drink?
I sometimes get headaches even when I drnk plenty of water
I drank a about 2 litres.
I thought it was dehydration but it didn't seem to get better with more water.
I actually felt // I feel some pain in my neck too.

I went to bed early today about 3 hours ago but I woke up sweaty bout 30 minutes or so ago
I also noticed my mood was pretty subdued today, It might be my sleep. I haven't been sleeping for very long recently
Dehydration is apparently the most common cause of a headache but it's definitely not the only one.
Sleep deprivation is another common cause, along with pressure changes in your environment.

I definitely notice an upswing in how many headaches I deal with in the spring, when there's a lot of bariometric fluctuation in the air.

If you're also feeling slight muscle ache and waking up sweaty, you might have a slight fever.
But I'm not a doctor so take this with grains of salt.
I usually know when I have a fever, it is really noticeable for me.
the only other unusual thing today was when I finished eating dinner, I had a sharp pains in my stomach and chest out of nowhere.
I hate when I mention shit like this to a doctor and they are like "does this happen more than one day or is this still happening" and I say it stopped for now
but it'll come back rarely like in few months I'll have chest pain or something.
yeah I don't think any licensed doctor would give me something unmarked and some salt for a migraine
It just annoys me that these pains tend to space themselves out so much that going to doctor isn't too fruitful.
there's just some doctor visits that aren't worth it
For everything else there's MasterCard.
I can't wait for my head to explode.
wait, new metal wolf stuff?
famiily drama is a headache in itself
nowhere near a migraine of course
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It appears so
Two years ago Devolver tweeted interest about it to Fromsoft or something.
So we might be getting a pc port or something like that

that would be cool, it was only the other week we were talking about that
Devolver's developer/publisher spotlight at last year's E3 was fucking thing of genius.
I hope they deliver something as crazy as that this year too.
yeah that was wild
It would be neato to be able to make a indie game.
Is there something like E3 for indie games?
Well E3 will usually feature indie development games that have caught the popular eye.
Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo will usually reserve a part of their segment to showcase indie games they've chosen to favour.
Nintendo in particular I think does a lot of indie showcasing during their E3-long Treehouse booth.
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My stomach hurts tonight.
we can always unhurt
oh no.
Did you eat something undercooked or just random tummy pain?
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Sometimes I just get stomach cramps.
if you eat enough gas station food you become immune to death
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Looks like Cocoa lives in the same Not-Europe kind of place that everyone else does.
Yeah, this is one of those "where the hell are they" countries.

And this is also not the anime thread.
cocoa cola
Chocolate cola sounds like a pretty horrible idea.
In a liquid form yeah
but I could imagine a cola chocolate
Oh yeah that's a good point.
Maybe make it have some fizzy crystals in the chocolate to model the carbonation experience.
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hey sk
nice picture
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I wonder why certain things look realistic or really good but after a few years they look terrible.
like games can look amazing then you play them again after years and they look terrible.
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Because new things come out that give you higher standards to compare to?

We probably never do objectively look at things
Also consider that if you've played the game once already then the wow factor will have worn off and you'll be more likely to be taking a closer look
Also with newer things that lack those imperfections, the imperfections standout a lot more
I guess but it feels like you never objective look at something, like now I can see lots of imperfections but before I feel like I was blind to them
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Yeah, there are some games I think are timeless.
Like I really like aesthetic of shogun 2 even though it is old by this point. I think its one of the only 3D games I don't get bothered by how it looks.
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Oh some games are timeless looking to be sure
Some age far better than others
Yoshis Island is a game that looked good when it came out, still looks good, and will always look good

never played only seen screenshots
y'all remember Crysis?
I never played it.
I played a little borrowing from someone else's library.
it was pretty nice looking.

It reminds me of far cry, far cry when it first came out I thought it was absolutely breathtaking
when I play it now I feel like it really shit and I must have had brain damage when I played it
2D games are generally a lot more insulated from aging poorly than 3D games though.
Doubly so when they steer far clear of any manner of realism whatsoever.

Though I guess 3D games that don't strive for realistic graphics also can age pretty well.
Like Wind Waker looks really pretty even in modern standards.
I thought HL2 was stunning but it has aged now.
It'd be nice if games just continually updated as time when by
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Exactly, Windwaker is a simple looking game that isn't trying to look realistic
When you're trying to emulate real life, there's so many little details and moving parts that you have to get right. When the next generation comes along with more power, new games will probably make yours look worse in comparison.
But a stylised art style like wind wakers doesn't have to worry about that, since it doesn't have to emulate so many aspects of real life.

I bet if they could find a way to make their games age worse on purpose so we'd hav // have to buy their new ones, they would do it

Like the fluid mechanics in some games look incredible and then the next generation games come along with even better water and reflections and shadows.
It is weird how you think things can be improved more and they do get improved.
I wonder if game devs just make a really good psychologist and make games that looks good just at that moment, of course I am joking
Also with new games, you're also likely to be wrapped up in the experience of playing, overcoming the challenge, and what not.
You might take moments to breathe in the visuals here and there, but a game that keeps you engaged in the playthrough will likely not have you thinking on the visuals as a major focus.
But once you beat the game once and things are familiar to you, you're more likely now to be looking at the game in a wider scope, and you'll likely pick up now on where the graphics aren't all that good.

I get this with Ocarina of Time these days.
The game is lovely and still fun to play but the visuals, man.
They have not aged well.
I used to play HL2 a lot just for the visuals so // but I can understand the argument about focus not being on the visuals all the time.
but I keep playing games I think are realistic as a form of escapism.
It is weird to find your brain seems to ignore things like some games I // or even 3D images I though were photo realistic but now I don't see them as photo realistic.
hell, you can look at some really old game reviews and see how they found things photo-realistic
Well your brain - the human brain that is - is pretty trash at processing some aspects of visual information.
Even if you're playing a game to admire the visuals, you're still probably playing the game. Once your focus isn't entirely on them, your brain starts to do its things with throwing out some of the visual information it's receiving or formulating assumptions on what is there without really processing the sight.
It's like those optical illusions where you stare at the centre of something and your brain makes up details in the fringe of your vision.
This has separated audio channels?
I find it interesting how we can read things in the peripherals but it can be made up by the brain when you are reading text in the middle of your vision
Oh I understand how, it works out how to separate two different voices from mixed audio
that is pretty impressive.
and useful
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
damn blind spot
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i’m massaging my tense neck with a lacrosse ball
mmm mmm
What a shame I can't find the program they used, it'd be really useful for me
yeah I can't exactly see it on their git
It could be really neato if it was able to work with out visuals too
but I saw one of their examples separate dub from original language which would be amazing since there so many good videos in Japanese like interviews that have dubbed over english
I wonder how they deal with destructive sound patterns maybe they know how reconstruct portions of the background audio?
I found this:
I resolved my busted tablet pen problem by adopting my imouto's old table t that she upgraded from a bit back.
All I had to do was get a replacement power cable.
The funny thing is, the tablet is still an improvement from what I was drawing on before with like double the surface area to draw on.
But this comes at the cost of me having to abandon the old bad habits I had of being able to use my wrist and still move the pen from one side of the surface to the other.
Now I've got to actually move my arm to draw.
What kind of tablet do you have?

I had (have, really) an old Wacom Intuos4 tablet, and then the pen borked.
Instead of paying for an eighty-dollar pen replacement that I wasn't even sure would interface with my ancient tablet, I picked up my imouto's Huion 610.
I have an Intuos 4 too!
I should use it more.
Yeah, I think I remember you talking about that.
Honestly even with the size improvement I do kind of miss my Wacom tablet.
It's a bit weightier and the pen doesn't need a charge. The pen's also weightier too.
The Wacom tablet is also better suited to left-handed people since you can turn it upside-down and the driver has options to take that into account and let you use the macro keys.
This Huion tablet says it should, but I can't find the option.

Close, but mine's a different generation or something.
Mine didn't have those panels next to the macro keys.
Everything else looks about the same.
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This one?
I practiced a fair bit on it but I got fustrated with myself and stopped drawing.
I really need to pick back up.
I am always worried about wearing out the nubs.
I'm heavy handed.
I never wore out a nib I think.
Granted I didn't exactly pour hours and hours into drawing on the tablet.
I'd swap nibs out from time to time when I was trying to problem-solve a glitchy pen, but I don't think the problem was ever actually a worn-out nib.
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I think all my nubs are // nibs are fine but I just worry about since even with a normal pencil I can press to hard at certain times
I have good control with a pencil because of the immediate visual feedback.
Most programs for illustration and digital painting have pretty thorough pressure feedback though, which does help me keep in mind how much pressure I'm applying.
But stuff like FlockMod/Draw which doesn't account for pressure at all can mess with me since I get really tunnel-vision'd once I'm focused in on something. I'll end up clenching the pen so hard I'm cramping my hand and I'm definitely putting more pressure onto the tablet than I need.
It's another bad habit I ideally would work out of, but I don't break habits easily.
Its too hot at night.
and I can't open my window because of the smell of manure dumped in the garden just outside my window
that's rough
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real dead hours
hit that mfin
how come theres a like button and a dislike button but theres no its aight
Kirara 🚗
real dad hours
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oh i think i know the original song
real fucked hours
Kirara 🚗
who teh fuck dad here
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>dads on /moe/
what kind of fucked up world is this
never heard it but listening to a small sample I probably like the remix better
Kirara 🚗
7-8 months baby
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the original is kind of boring in comparison
i guess that's kind of the point of remixing the song though
it's an old song though
what a time to be alive
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man i hate working late i always feel like i don't have enough time to fuck around before bed
Kirara 🚗
let's all never work again
let's skip bedtime
no gods no beds
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y'all are going to heck
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i'd just end up bored
i'll work until i die
wish i had a more interesting job though
why do i even need to sleep anyway
i could make way more money and play way more games with an extra 6 hours
Kirara 🚗
we'll work for ourselves
I bet sleep is a conspiracy they made up to sell us beds and pillows
See through it, don't go to bed
This looks extremely painful
What a guy
That's a huge hole

Of course not he's groot
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he doesn't look that upset about it tbh
Kirara 🚗
he will when he realizes he'll never heal from that
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if only we could just give out robot arms and shit like candy
Kirara 🚗
we can tbh
We don't even give candy out like candy
World hunger's still a thing
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the medical and robotics industries would never allow something that cool
Kirara 🚗
but we could
Kirara 🚗
let's punish them
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it's not a good idea
Kirara 🚗
there are no good ideas
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it's a cool idea though
you finished texhnolyze right?
i want to change their corrupt hearts
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I finished it last night
It was a very good show and I liked it, although there's a lot of details I think I missed.
Like why did humanity need to evolve in the first place? The humans on the surface roll over and die but I don't see why they don't just keep breathing. I probably missed or somehow forgot something
I liked Yoshiie a lot. {spoiler]did somebody say matsuri? I think I heard somebody say matsuri[/spoiler]
Wow that spoiler messup

>logical leap
Yeah as much as I love the show, this is an aspect I didn't really get
It takes this nihilistic attitude of "dude everything is FUCKED" but the reasons why everything is fucked feel contrived

It's like Ichise says though, at least those people were living. The surface has such little impulse and intensity to it
Yeah that's what makes Yoshii so interesting. He's just an ordinary dude who decided to spend his short remaining life fucking around instead of slowly waiting to die
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
i want to rip out their hearts and feed them to the forest animals
Kirara 🚗
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it takes a little bit of a logical leap to understand but basically the humans on the surface knew that humanity was doomed and were all losing their will to live for some reason
everyone that was thought to have a chance of survival were sent underground and they became the Class.
but the traits that increased their chance of survival, the will to live and fight and all that just caused the citizens of lux to go at each other's throats.
the people on the surface are barely even people anymore, that girl I forgot the name of, the doctor calls them "Ghosts" and i'm not sure if that means they're actually dead or just devoid of the human instincts and survival sense

but in the end the people they sent to Lux to survive just started wiping each other out until someone crazy enough to pull the trigger did it.

Yoshii was a cool character. I liked how calm he seemed even while such horrid shit is going down because of him.
I also like that he was just a normal person with a normal office job but when everyone else started losing the will to do anything he decided to just cause chaos.
If he's going down the rest of the human race is coming with him !

A lot of things in Texhnolyze are really vague and that's not inherently bad but the explanation for just how exactly everything got so fucked up was kind of dumb.
There's got to be a bigger reason why but I'm not sure if it's really relevant to the plot honestly.
It's more interesting when it's focusing on the man who will do anything it takes to live and not the people who don't care.

Also, I don't think humanity needed to evolve at all. That was all a production of the Class' solipsist crazy figurehead.
The issue was that humanity was devolving, and the protagonists were mostly working to create some kind of structure.
They didn't pay enough attention though, so they lost to an enemy nobody even knew existed until it was already too late to stop his plan.
Kirara 🚗
humanity probably didn't need to evolve
eugenics is rarely justified
Kirara 🚗
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what if the animals get infected with capitalism and start taxing their pack
yeah but try telling that to a psychotic solipsist aristocrat who thinks that he's literally god
i've never seen that one
i have had the white chocolate macadamia nut one though that one is great
i've honestly only even seen like 5 flavors but i'm sure there's a shitload
Kirara 🚗
ill tell that aristocrat
with my FISTS
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whoa are you going to punch his head clean off
Kirara 🚗
yeah with my mountain climbing arms
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what the fuck dude this shadow just took one of my party members hostage
i've played this game for over 160 hours and this is the first time i've ever seen this happen
Kirara 🚗
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that's happened to me before
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i never saw it coming
Kirara 🚗
too gay for eyes
Kirara 🚗
tfw no dad of war dlc
Search [iqdb] (412 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Wotaku ni Koi w(…).jpg)
i'd rather buy a finished game than get dlc
Kirara 🚗
alex jones is claiming bourdain was about to come out in support of trump
alex jones is such a piece of shit

id be down with an expansion pack
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that's fucking pathetic
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yeah I'd pay $30 or $40 for something like that for sure
i feel like i got my money's worth and then some already, it's a good game
Kirara 🚗
i long for the day these people die
Kirara 🚗
so good that i fuckin want more
>2 shadows with reflect phys and 1 shadow with wage war
Kirara 🚗
you'll be fine
Kirara 🚗
holy shit
i got out of it by using elemental items on the one person who didn't get enraged before joker got the chance to kill himself
based element set saves me for the one and only time
what a fuckin idiot that's something i would do
Kirara 🚗
they lost too
Kirara 🚗
glad to see the new windows update adds new icons and doesn't tell me what they are for
Kirara 🚗
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when the cat's away
it's a regular rat day
Kirara 🚗
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well, kirara, the cat, is right here
and not away
did your update ever finish
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that's a bit odd
does your psychiatrist know?
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damn misquote
hey beta
enjoying the cold?
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the cold weather is nice.
having an actual cold not so much, especially on a long weekend.
Kirara 🚗
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now i get to slowly learn windows 10 again
aw that sucks
I was lucky to get my cold over and done with
I suppose the best thing you could do is cozy up in bed and watch anime or something
Sounds like a good plan.
I did lots of sleeping too, that was nice
Kirara 🚗
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lemme sleep on it
baby baby
I wanted to sleep more bbut I've been getting up at 7 every day during the week. It makes it hard to sleep in on the weeke d
Kirara 🚗
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fans are cool weapons
Kirara 🚗
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that reminds me, i should rewatch tokyo ravens
Kirara 🚗
wait, vineland saga is getting adapted?
oh shit
b b b b b ang
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>18 and under
>ask parents before consuming
Kirara 🚗
"if you are 18 or younger, ask your parents before using this product"
Kirara 🚗
ain't you got parental warnings in new zello
We don't have parents
what beautiful hands you have
Kirara 🚗
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get out of here kira

damn you're so lucky!
i bet you don't even have a bed time and you can eat candy for din din
Kirara 🚗
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i accidentally said damn in front of my 10 year old client
i'm not sure if he heard me or not
Yeah I get to play video games aaaaaall day and not have to go to school or any of that
Hahahaha imagine having parents

he's gonna learn it eventually
Kirara 🚗
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what if he becomes a bad kid like me though
his mom is gonna ask him to do the dishes and he's gonna say "NO. DAMN YOU."

she's gonna Become Human

you can prolly have micky donny every day
>kizuna ai playing detroit
thats some kind of meta shit
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What if he smashes the dishes and then he doesn't need to clean them
>referring to maccas as micky donny

>The lp ends
>Kizuna looks at the viewer
>Truree I havu becum humanu
>the next morning the viewer looks in the mirror to see Kizuna Ai looking back

Guess you'll have to teach him how to make it look like an accident

Dewwit Anakin
micky dees
Kirara 🚗
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that would be so terrible she would probably file a complaint with my supervisor
Kirara 🚗
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I should cut my losses and kill the kid.
Kirara 🚗
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>supervisor: kirara, what are you doing?
>i killed them, sensei. not just the men, but the women and children, too
Search [iqdb] (900 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).png)
oh no not the childrens
time to enjoy some cozy saturday mornin kratom
i haven't had any in quite a while
hadn't really even noticed i havent had it
gonna feel cozy tho
>it is said these drugs could even save men from... death
>is it possible to have these prescribed?
>Not from a... legally recognised psychiatrist

at least the younglings are safe
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (515 KB, 1280x720, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 09 [7(…).jpg)
gotta protect the yuenglings
should i stream sudoku practice
Kirara 🚗
gonna play sudoku?
b b b b b ang
buh buh buh banhg
yeah probably
although atm i'm trying to figure out some predatory ecology about bushbabies but wikipedia is incredibly underinformed about them for some reason
usually stuff like that is in there
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that was really really hard
b b b b b ang
so am i
Kirara 🚗
i'll laugh last cause you came to die

i think it's usually like snakes and owls and stuff
or are you looking for more specific info
i'm really lookin at the hunting of bushbabies by chimps
i get the general sense but i was really wondering whether most of those vulnerable are the juvenile males without territory or whether nesting territory is where it takes place, or whether there's a distinction
i'd imagine it's probably the exposed males who end up being prey
chimps are really smart hunters and i dont think they bother defensive mothers very much
i think they're super stimulated and flip out when they see something where it shouldn't be though and they go beat the shit out of it
not that wiki would have all that information but usually some relevant info that i can follow back to some research
Kirara 🚗
i did some quick searching but all the immediate results are focused on the tools chimps make to hunt bushbabies
>when you finally get up and remember what your dream was
yeah they break all the twigs off a branch and they ram it down the log
i'm not sure if that is supposed to impale and batter the bushbaby or just scare them out though
b b b b b ang
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what was it
what is this
b b b b b ang
the top thing is the HUD indicating a space station that is nearly 5k Light-seconds away
towards the lower center of the screen is a speed guage indicating 74.9 times the speed of light (c) and to the right, clipped by the cropping, is the systems and shields indicator for my Viper Mk IV
Kirara 🚗
i'm looking at a paper from current biology that suggests it's to scare them
it makes a note of a chimp reaching in to grab the bushbaby after using the tool, at least
johndownerprod is so good
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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A reminder of what I don't have, now with more NPCs.
Kirara 🚗
its eye is freaky haha
chimps are really cool
they're incredible
sick of the idea that they're some lumbering idiot animal
they're so smart
i love watchin apes and monkeys
monkeys have such complex social mechanics
this robotic warthog is so creepy though
that's fantastic
that sounds more like a nightmare
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I think nightmares evoke different reactions usually.
you can't have nightmares if you never sleep
you can def have nightmares while you're awake
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I'll probably die if I don't sleep
Kirara 🚗
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I'd buy a house from viper
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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that doesn't look pleasant
always remember redline day
Kirara 🚗
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b b b b b ang
I can't even find the phone number that my dictor needs to call to let my insurance company knows that "yes, this medicine my doctor prescribed is neccesary"
As expected of an industry designed to be efficient at not paying for things.
it's so hard to interface with the healthcare system
The fact that its for profit is likely a major factor.
But even if it wasn't it wouod still be difficult because of the way bureaucracies are.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
b b b b b ang
what if you had a girlfriend AND a boyfriend
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh wouldn't that be nice.
b b b b b ang
we live in a world where ifs can be whens, TON
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Find me a cute girl that isn't taken and I'll be down.
I've already got a good candidate for the boyfriend.
b b b b b ang
i-is it m-me?????
It's the girl reading thiis
b b b b b ang
what's a thii
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
A solution has been found
Now I just need to endure being on hold for an extended amount of time.
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>coffee loving primarch
>anime profile pic
curious choice
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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This would be the coffee loving primarch in question that they're (most likely) named after.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
(in that image you can see he's using that character too)
They don't look lilike a primarch to me.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
That's what granblue calls em
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I sense heresy
EA's kicking off the E3 gauntlet in about four ir -or five minutes this year.
Time to look at all these games I will refuse to play because fuck EA.

Microsoft, Bethesda, and Devolver run tomorrow, and Monday has Squeenix, Ubisoft, PC Gaming, and Sony.
Nintendo is all on its lonesome on Tuesday.
Monday seems like it'll be kind of interesting maybe.
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Oh right hypeshow is happening now
>Cheers at the statement of "no lootboxes, no season pass"
Don't cheer them for it, expect it and show disappointment at the announcement of it you nits.
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But you see
That is how they play it
they give us something shitty
and then when caught with hand deep in the cookie jar shitting on the floor
they go back to just shitting on the floor
and are aplauded for it
we have shitty dlc policies
preordering for dlc
season passes
god knows what else that I can't name now
and now, going back to those policies
just those policies and no lootboxes
is thought as "being the good guy"

it is the gaming industry equilevant of letting the women drive.
They've also announced the first battle royale style game mode for a AAA title too.
I wonder how many we need to get E3 bingo.
go see if /v/ or something like that has one
The thing that nags me the most about EA is that they have some amazing engines and developers at their disposal.
Like you look at the set pieces in their games and they're pretty gorgeous.
Combine that with an immersive, story-driven game and it would be so much fun.

But well I haven't bought an EA game in a decade I'm not going to start now.
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or how they buy good studios and offer them bigger teams and resources
and then manage to EA them up and eventually close them down
after sucking their creativity up and turning their once classic games into
something brown and unrecognisable from the call of duty copies
I bought mass effects few years back, but they were old games
Kirara 🚗
reinforcement is more powerful than punishment in that context
people will respond better to a good response for no lootboxes than they will to disappointment, since the actual consequence (fewer sales) either doesn't come at all or comes in two years when they can't even make the connection between the disappointment and the consequences
if "no season passes, no lootboxes" is clearly making people respond better, than that'll become more common
especially considering it has the immediate consequence of generating visible hype and eliciting praise
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also lootboxes atm come with the risk of governments all over the world hammering them with legal restrictions
EA's CEO is another one of those guys with a kind of "Bond villain" face.
Yeah, I'm aware of the psychological advantage of reinforcement of punishment.
It's just frustrating to see on a large picture scale, that in a sense, this is a return to "how things used to be".
People shouldn't have to cheer to get back what good they used to have.
Kirara 🚗
especially in japan, who have a government division dedicated to gacha rates lol
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lootboxes related to gamlbing have been in what
belgium, netherland, australia and some other courts already
don't remember what came out of them if nothing at all, but tread anymore in that territory and soon you will have big govs all over the world wanting to stick their dicks into where it don't belong
self regulation due to market feedback > government regulation
Kirara 🚗
better than having a lex luther face like Rick Scott
That's the second shot of Sims in their snapshot reels this conference.
I wonder if they're announcing a Sims 5 or something.
the new guy?
I think the old guy definitely had, but whatever the new guy's name is, I don't think he is that bond villain like
Kirara 🚗
i def agree but it can't be helped
gamers are people that respond to stimulation in a way that makes it easy to get stuff like season passes and lootboxes past them imo
for a time at least, until they start making conscious resistance efforts
will shaving cream kill a spider
It might suffocate it.
I have no clue about the poisoning factor there though.
i completely buried it
i just assume i can leave it there and it'll be dead
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but this guy...
why not smoosh it with a piece of paper to make sure
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you're going to get to hold a lightsaber

in the ... "dark times"
Kirara 🚗
A LIGHT in the DARK times.

i'm not sure where in the pile of foam it is at
smash all of the foam
Though it looks like we won't get more news on this particular this year.
It seems like they're working on a Star Wars game where the focus is on the player playing a Jedi in the "dark times".
But they're being vague on whether that's "Order 66" or some era from the past.
Kirara 🚗
for EA i will probably just read about it later
since i don't buy EA games very often - mostly because they don't make a lot of games that appeal to me, and the ones that do appeal to me don't meet my expectations
so disney star wars movies?
Oh shit they've got the Don Glover Lando as a playable in Battlefront.
Still won't buy it but that's cool.
can he charm robots as special ability?
Kirara 🚗
i hope it's a bioware kotor 3

i guess a kotor remastered would be pretty cool too though
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General Grevious is going to join Battlefront II, along with Dooku and Clone Wars Anakin for a Clone Wars update.

Kirara 🚗
i don't really like battlefront or battlefront ii

i wish they'd just done a remaster of the original battlefront ii and then added a bunch of new content to it
it would have been a much better game
if this was paradox, it would cost 19.95
I mean, if Battlefront II's release hadn't been total shit for the game it would likely be paid DLC too.
that is hilarious profile
Kirara 🚗
i will say that battlefront ii has a mode where you play as ewoks and have to slowly pick off stormtroopers while they try to survive until evac
and that's so fucking cool
i wish i could play that but i'm not going to buy a game i don't want for one game mode
i'd guess either 10 dollars for the whole or 5 per character
but seriously paradox interactive is the shittiest company when it comes to pricing their games
or rather smooching off of the player base with over priced expansions
Yeah pretty much.
A bunch of EA games have interesting premises or elements that look legimately entertaining.
But I'm pretty vehemently against buying EA games, period, so I just keep abreast of the information.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 380x578, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 10 [7(…).jpg)
i kind of miss the way things used to be
like a game would come out and that'd be it, bam, you have star wars battlefront
for years
so eventually it's on sale and you can just fuck around in it with your friends occasionally
but now it's like, oh, star wars battlefront iii will be out soon! and then hey, get ready for iv!
and the prices of the old games are $30-50 for like 5 years

used to be able to pick up a 5 year old game for like $10-20
abreast is a weird idiom
atleast in terms of "abreast of the information" kind of sense
Like this platforming game they've got going right now looks like it could be a lot of fun.
Reminds me a bit of Ori and the Blind Forest with a focus on two part puzzle solving where Ori would have had combat.
I'm a little remiss at not playing it, but at the same time, the sequel to Ori should be out soonish so I'll just be satisfied with that.
The line at the drug store is so long.
Yeah, the ramped up schedule for game releases really punishes, in a sense, people that want to play multiplayer games.
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Not to mention "games as service"
ie. what happens to say games like diablo 3 when blizzard pulsl the plug on it?
It is online online, despite practically having co-op just as a tact on
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 237x454, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 07 [7(…).jpg)
It'd be nice if more multiplayer games did it like MHW.

Our current technological level facilitates regular updates in games in a way that has never really existed, across all the domains where games are played. Probably less than 5% of people are unable to regularly use their console with the internet at this point.

Instead of constantly releasing new multiplayer games, we should just be getting constant updates in them.
If they do that, and I can keep up with it for like 5 years, then I won't even mind if the game doesn't get way cheaper, because it's something you can keep going back to all the time.
*online only
Oh right, A Way Out was a really well-done co-op game too.
Engaging story and really builds a rapport between the two people playing.
It was a cool gamble of theirs to make the game require two people to actually play.
oh yeah I should play that brother game
considering how well some games taht are online only or ment for 4 players do, it isn't that big a risk
though most of those tend to be lower budget indy ones
But this is a surprising feature in this day and age
> local split screen co-op
>Instead of constantly releasing new multiplayer games, we should just be getting constant updates in them.
and this is why I keep dishing money at paradox
EU4 still going stronk
Yeah, I mean, even beyond EU4, Crusader Kings II has been out since early 2012 and still has a regular release schedule.
I just don't like how much they ASK for every dlc
each dlc for eu4 has been past 5 ones 20€
with +10€ for cosmetic stuff like music and skins
so 30€ for EACH expansion
I'd dish 20€ if it had that 10€ cosmetics included
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 470x580, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 08 [7(…).jpg)
Yeah, I don't mind paying for DLC, as long as it's not excessive.
Small updates should be free, but if they're adding like, a bunch of content, I don't mind paying for that.

Anything that makes me revisit the game and I can get at least 5 hours of new content out of it, I'll happily play for it.
If I love a game, I want to play it more, but eventually, I get bored with it. New content is a good way to let me enjoy it again without leaving it for a year and coming back.
and some of the recent dlc have been
>we added features that mods have done better than us that will be 20€ thank you
for example "pforessionalism"
you can raise this stat by drilling with your armies and if you have maximum limit armysize, it gives you 1% a year
if you hire a SINGLE 1000 man unit of mercenaries
i will always drop it 0,15
no matter HOW many soldiers you have
be it 0 units
or 10000 units
0,15 each time
which is fucking retarded
and made using mercenaries really punishing, as the professionalism gives you really high benefits, once you get it higher
for example
50% cheaper generals
50% less damage to second row units
10% more damage
-10% less damage
and so on
This Sea of Solitude game looks pretty interesting too.
I feel the character model is a bit of a clash against the most of the environment aesthetics but it's still catching my eye.
and you hire 10 mercenaries to just say siege some fort, with 200k armies
and you lose 1,5% of that
not much, but it does fucking stack up quick
basically, they made using mercenaries not wise, if you have any built up professionalism
Sports video game esports is something that's really amusing to me.
But I guess the sports video game industry is a huge part of console gaming so it must have a huge following.
All you need for esports is a competitive game and a crowd to follow it.
So I guess it's all there.
so a good mechanic, but really half assed
and then they expect 20 dollars for it
Kirara 🚗
i hope sony will announce a new jet set radio
but i'm too smart to get my hopes up
didn't a game like that come out already
But that's no excuse to revist the concept with a new interpretation and perspective on it.
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Yeah sure no
dead world exploraton games are too rare if you ask me
atleast without havign ZOMBIES
or being walking simulators
still that Vanishing of Ethan Carter? was it
was a fun take on one, and if there was a game that had you solve weird detective cases using the reconstruction mechanic and similiar shit like in that game, would be neat
Kirara 🚗
i'd like some super immersive games
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I could do with more games like Singularity
Kirara 🚗
yeah, i'd be cool with shooters that have really good gimmicks

more games like dead space 1 would be really nice too
and are made with the single player campaign with in mind
Kirara 🚗
yeah it sucks that so many shooters are all multiplayer oriented now
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CoDs still atleast MW1 had a good single player campaign
dunno about the more modern ones
they are quite short though
This competitive smartphone games thing some developers are trying to push is a little weird to me.
But it seems to be developing its circles of interest, so good for them?
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my brother tries to push me into smartphone gaming quite oft
I dunno what is the charm of them, why carry games with you for every bored moment?
Why not just enjoy the silence or think when bored?
or read stuff on your phone, say the news or whatnot
"everybody" has smartphones.
Farther reaching than the normal "gamer" market
It can work out, maybe
I mean yeah, the wide-reaching prevalence of smartphones means I can get people making games for them.
But competitive gaming tends to lean on either high-skill input or large amounts of diverse options to choose and perfect from.
Or both.
And I feel both of those are limited by smartphone limitations for the most part.
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I mean I would be considered "gamer", but I rather dislike multiplayer games in general and avoid any kind of competitive stuff
I KNOW I heard Muse at the start of this Anthem teaser.
Ah yeah there's their actual vocalist.
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Kirara 🚗
the band
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (926 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 01 [BD][1(…).jpg)
Anthem's attempt to combine both single-player and multi-player aspects sounds interesting.
But at the same time I'm a little turned off by how it's segmented.
If they separate the "story world" into the single-player base hubs, it limits the effect the story can have on the actual environment.
A story that's engaging should have an impact on both the characters I interact with and the world I interact in.
And by isolating the story progression into these hubs, it limits the parts of the world that the story can affect.

Pretty much, but the actual implementation seems pretty not-Iron Man.
Kirara 🚗
i think Death Stranding is going to be heavily oriented to multiplayer
there was an interview where one of kojima's buddies said he had no idea what was going on, but it was about bonds and said lots of people would have to cooperate to play it or something
was anthem that tony stark the game?
maybe they will integrate some kind of forum to it, for puzzle solving
and that will be an actual gameplay mechanic or something?
Kirara 🚗
any speculation i have is going to be wrong haha
i don't think anyone can predict what kind of masterpiece kojima has dreamed up
i can't wait to see what he shows us at e3
I'm always skeptical of mulitplayer integration into a story-driven game.
Of course the game might not be story-driven at all, but given that it's Kojima that feels like it's one of the safest bets.

I don't like playing with other pople unless I want to play with other people.
Not having control over that is annoying for me.
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I think Kojima has lost his touch. I'm not expecting much.
Kirara 🚗
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That's a pretty controversial opinion.
What would lead you to believe that?

Yeah, that's my worry, too.
Hah hah one of those demo paint jobs for the Anthem suits was totally an EVA 01 paintjob.
the popekind
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I'm not expecting much from e3, but bannerlord would be nice
I'm not really expecting anything I'm just here to enjoy what I see.
Well it -sounds- like single-player in Anthem would be feasible, if a degree more challenging.
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That is how any MMO should be
a 70 man raid should be able to be done alone, with enough time and dedication
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You can see it just by looking at his work. He peaked a long time ago.
Anthem has some amazing set pieces going on.
The gameplay demo looks like it could use some polishing still, there was a bunch of FPS lag earlier on.
But it's looking a little interesting.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 01 [BD][1(…).jpg)
Oh, this is the /v/ thing.
>Robot suits with capes
Why does no one ever listen to Edna Mode.
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capes ar cool thou
b b b b b ang
Anthem's Single/Multi thing sounds like old Guild Wars
except in revers
Yeah, I was thinking along those lines too.
Which is one of the reasons hearing they were doing it was setting of low-key alarm bells in my head.
It's the kind of thing that tends to detract from a story experience.
And if I'm playing a game for the story experience, I don't want something like that to detract from it.
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Hail the mighty slayers of all the evil baddies
bunch of randos
EAs conference was pretty all right though.
The content aside from a few exceptions was kind of bland, but that's just the games EA makes.
But their demos were not cringe-staged, they didn't have any real technical blips, and there was a limited amount of "we're cool, nerdy game developers!" kind of talk.
Solid conference even if the content doesn't really appeal to me.
I read that as alt right first and started thinking, what kind of a game conference that would be
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The /v/ thing?
Kirara 🚗
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What /v/ thing?
Kirara 🚗
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The thing where you end up with really weird and bad opinions about video games because you spend years on /v/.
b b b b b ang
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i might play anthem if it ends up being good
If it ends up being really good I'll consider re-evaluating my refusal to buy EA games.
It seems like it could be fun.
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It's not a weird and bad opinion.
Kojima is like a walking case of the emperor's new clothes recently.
Everyone can see that he's naked but they just write it off as invisible clothes.

The early Metal Gear games were good and MG2 was a masterpiece, but the recent games haven't been all that great.
The latest Metal Gear was actually pretty good in terms of gameplay but the story wasn't already that great.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 773x919, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 01 [BD][1(…).jpg)
Yeah, I already knew you would say all that.

And yeah >>515944
The older games aren't even that good, their only selling point is that they have great stories and are historically significant.

The latest Metal Gear had a pretty decent story.
I don't know what you could expect from something literally written to fill a plot hole.
He just wanted to fill in a gap before his story was over.
i wouldn't call metal gear games taht good
it wasn't untill mgs that they became good
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Karakai Jouzu no T(…).jpg)
That one Metal Gear with "all the stuff that came true" is more of a 'good in hindsight' kind of thing. And if that is how it's going to be with what we call 'good' from Kojima, then I hope all of his games in the future are incredibly bad. Because I don't want anything close to what he talks about being any more 'correct' in current society.
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Metal Gear Solid is still a solid game, though
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I meant MGS2 of course. I left out an S.

Stories are what Kojima does. He's regarded as an amazing producer.
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I wouldn't really blame Kojima for MGS5's short comings since it is pretty much just a cash grab filler game
and how much he and his team were shat on by Konami during the production
what did he mean by this
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 745x919, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 01 [BD][1(…).jpg)
This is kind of what I mean by the /v/ thing.
Stories are part of what Kojima does.

If you ask people about the most memorable aspects of the older games, it's usually stuff like Psycho Mantis fucking with you and having to switch controller ports, and shit like that.
People remember how he's always been innovative in his gameplay design.
That's what Kojima does and he does it well.
The whole "Oh, Kojima is only good for stories!" is a total /v/ thing.
It just completely ignores like half of the story because /v/ is short-sighted and stupid.
I think he should get some of the blame.
Kojima is a bit of a diva and an obsessive perfectionist.
He kept taking and taking more resources to tinker his games to the way he envisioned them.
I don't think Konami should be at fault for eventually saying "that's enough".

Everything -ELSE- they've done regarding the fallout between him and their company is totally their fuck-up though.
Search [iqdb] (404 KB, 1080x1080, __drawn_by_ilya_kuvshinov__229(…).jpg)
>her codex is on the cd case
>what cd case? what is he talking about
>looks at actual cd case
>oh... wait what
Kirara 🚗
yeah haha
i think that mind fucked me when I first played it more than mantis
Search [iqdb] (457 KB, 1280x720, 1467295008289.jpg)
He's gone too far in his obsession with hollywood. Now everything is pants on head retarded!

You say that, but everyone is hype about his next game even though they know absolutely nothing about the gameplay.
It's just about some kind of weird male pregnancy artsy stuff.
He's trying way too hard to be artsy.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 02 [BD][1(…).jpg)
That's because people know Kojima makes really innovative games, and they also like his stories.

You have a bad opinion and you're trying really hard to justify it, but you're being super short sighted about it.
That's why I called it a /v/ thing.
You're usually at least able to justify an opinion even if I don't agree with it, but in this case, you're just spouting half-truths to justify the opinion.
It's silly.

And now you're criticizing him for being too weird and artsy, when you don't even know what you're criticizing.
All you know is that you didn't understand the trailers, so it's bad.
Search [iqdb] (802 KB, 1080x1080, __emilia_and_puck_re_zero_kara(…).jpg)
The game is essentially the cancelled Silent Hill PT teased at, but not silent hill ofc
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 380x553, roll keiki.JPG)
>trying way too hard to be artsy
In a AAA game??
With 3D realism???
Search [iqdb] (443 KB, 805x1000, めと(meth)@お仕事募集 - 対馬は…ここに。 (69117382) .jpg)
My biggest fear with DS is that it won't be interesting enough.
It's probably going to be more stealth-play just like MGS.
Just like Lunar Knights too, which was also a Kojima production somehow.
I don't see this tryhard artsyness. Just a lot of confusing shit that will probably just end up being the usual kind of game
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It's a controversial opinion but I will be vindicated when it misses the mark.
MGSV missed the mark too, even though it did provide some pretty good gameplay in the process.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 697x867, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 01 [BD][1(…).jpg)
You'll feel vindicated because you already decided it's bad.
So when it gets here, you'll just stubbornly keep that opinion.
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 873x950, 4c3046d622dfd1fc.jpg)
But I guess that's the thing about Kojima games. The 'game' is second to the 'story' for the people who play it, probably.
Or maybe it's just not my sort of thing.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (481 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 1(…).jpg)
People play Kojima's games because they want something innovative.
Usually there's something innovative about both the story and the gameplay.
Search [iqdb] (456 KB, 800x800, __hatsuharu_kantai_collection_(…).png)
I think all metal gear solid games have been good gameplay wise and I can't say for 5 which I havn't played, were also good story wise
both gameplay and story support each other often
Kirara 🚗
5 was a masterpiece in gameplay, and in how well it ran

it ran on my toaster at full settings in an open world full of hailing bullets without lagging or crashing

the story was pretty good but it wasn't anything revolutionary, which is because we already knew most of the story in the game and the game was basically so kojima could fix a plot hole and finish his story
Search [iqdb] (374 KB, 914x914, __kirima_sharo_gochuumon_wa_us(…).jpg)
Also they tackle stuff you usually don't see tackled and if tackled by others, they are tackled in the hollywood style.
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Karakai Jouzu n(…).jpg)
I guess it really just isn't my kind of thing. I couldn't tell you about innovation in a game like that since I'm not very into that kind of play.
Quick /moe/ what are some decent, healthy snack foods I can probably get at a super-basic supermarket.
Kirara 🚗
celery, roasted peanuts, clif bars
Search [iqdb] (330 KB, 663x703, 1500702326900.png)
I won't have to say anything!

dried maet
Oh whoops I should have probably specified it's for a social gathering, hah hah.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 237x504, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 01v2 (…).jpg)
A jar of peanuts might be a good option though.
Kirara 🚗
maybe peanuts but idk social gatherings are kind of weird settings where healthy snakes aren't common and healthy snackes aren't either
are you fucking kidding me
I made the mistake of offering and got last dibs I think.
Which is always the "oh bring something healthy!" situation.
I was thinking baby carrots to start with, that's always a safe option.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 2880x5120, 0a1fbdec682bcd0700f8b82f69b6b629.png)
Healthy snakes are pretty uncommon
They're more common than you think.
Search [iqdb] (387 KB, 1064x1500, noukome144.jpg)
When it comes out I won't have to say anything!
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (355 KB, 1280x720, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 01v2 (…).jpg)
Snake is actually a somewhat healthy snack.

Oh, because I'll already know your opinion?
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trying to say french in german is always amusing
try it
French in German?
Search [iqdb] (190 KB, 1920x1080, 1519755845301.jpg)
The truth will be clear to see, even if no one in the room wants to point out that the game isn't wearing anything.

And more importantly, I won't remember ever having this conversation at that time.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (340 KB, 1280x720, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 01v2 (…).jpg)
Don't worry, I'll remember.
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Busou Shoujo Ma(…).jpg)
I won't, so it'll be like it never happened.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 561x719, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 02 [7(…).jpg)
Once I remind you, it'll be part of history again.

I was able to talk to Fish earlier.
It was only for like two minutes, though.
How'd she sound?
The paycards for public transit here now incorporate our tranfer function into the card.
As long as I'm traveling within two hours of starting and I'm not doubling back on my route, I can change buses and other vehicles as often as I need without paying a second fare.
Pretty nice.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 329x609, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 02 [7(…).jpg)
Like a miserable person that's been smoking for 60 years.
Sounds like it's still pretty rough for her then.
sounds bad. Are you gonna be able to call her more regularly though
This headline makes this movie sound totally ridiculous.
It probably will be.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 321x623, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 03 [7(…).jpg)
is that the Micheal Bay one about a bunch of billionaires that want to fight crime

No, she's not able to talk much.
And she's sleeping a lot.
Nah it's one directed by Raimi of Spider-Man fame.
Nuclear weapons go missing in the Bermuda Triangle and Ryan Reynolds has to go through a wormhole in the triangle to recover them.
Fighting lost Vikings and Nazis in the process.
that is what most pneumoniacs sound like
hope she does what most do and gets over it too
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 222x422, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 04 [7(…).jpg)
I hope so too.
I'm worried, though. Sicne it's antibiotic resistant.

I think you can get otc antibiotics in Nigeria, so I guess there's a lot of that, there.

Wow, neat.
this sounds fun
like a big production version of that time travelling kung fu hitler movie
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1000x1466, __narberal_gamma_overlord_maru(…).png)
aww fuck
I realised I used all the veggies that i intended to use for curry tomorrow
I guess i will have onion chicken curry
would be neat if they threw that was it USS philadelphia there too
USS eldridge in philadelphia experiment
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 707x1000, __narberal_gamma_overlord_maru(…).jpg)
Is sometimes weird to think that practically all of our gambling, be it lottery, net stuff and so on, aside from the few casinos and international net poker etc
are under the umbrella of Veikkaus (lit. guessing something with money on line), which is state ran non-profit organisation, that spends all of its profit on self run charity
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Oh, how's she doing?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 501x643, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 05 [7(…).jpg)
Not very well, >>515990.

Search [iqdb] (296 KB, 566x800, __morgana_and_sakura_futaba_pe(…).jpg)
So for a moment while reading about the article about the presidential (ours) family's kid and him having moved tot he presidential villa
I started pondering about "he will love to live here" line and went "well that is if the president is re-elected"
and then started thinkign now when are the next elections, he was elected 2012 and...
Oh they were last year and he won largest landslide victory in our history
because everyone knew he'd win the elections were so low profile I fucking forgot them
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Well, it's progress that she's able to talk to you.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 237x454, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 07 [7(…).jpg)
She just happened to wake up while I was talking to Meido is all.

well she got to hear from you which is + mental state for her
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 470x580, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 08 [7(…).jpg)
She wasn't really herself, but I'm glad we talked. Even if it was only for a minute or two.
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Is weird how long these illnesses can take to hael when we are robbed of modern medicine
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look at the top
three legs
my coworker decided to just not come in today lol
it's ducking busy
wow Google doesn't want me to say fuck
yes but why is he sucking a gun
It's how he summons his persona

what is the original comic like?
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why eight legs
I love this every time I see it
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i just went to a weird block party thrown by my apartment complex
i met some characters
Grimsbys face in the bottom panel is so good

Aerial is an octopus now I guess

do tell
but did you meet people?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
some canadians
also a really agressively forward woman who i think was trans
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
and a chill swedish guy with like the manbun and beard and everything
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 640x428, 1ab2ddaf-48ad-41df-836c-7c618cf11fc1.jpg)
coming soon to a city near you
and then streetlights on the ground
wait stop lights
traffic lights
traffic lights on the ground
walking with your cell out in a city seems rather dangerous
pull off the side before you check twitter for anime tiddies
Search [iqdb] (657 KB, 468x468, sq.gif)
I think it was a german city, could have checked up while grabbing that pick
Munchen or something else with M
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1018 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 10 [BD][1(…).jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 515x728, Aila (76).jpg)
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
should i go to a Milk Munch
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>The Milk Munch is for anyone interested in erotic lactation, adult nursing relationships (ANR), adult breastfeeding (ABF), hucow play, or anything related to lactation. Join us to meet your fellow lactophiles and discuss this unique and versatile kink!
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
going to kink events while not having said kink always sounded like fun
would be kinda awkward to flirt with/beflirted with there tho, which i imagines happens quite a lot

wowee kablowee
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
yeah i think i not thrive in such an atmosphere
you could get your face painted like a cow and then avoid eye contact when anyone asks you about it
it'd be a great time
maybe you'd run into one of your coworkers there and have a bonding experience
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
oh gosh oh gosh
Search [iqdb] (384 KB, 512x512, 1528039650214.png)
Sounds terrifying.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
eyepatch munch
anyone interested in erotic eyepatches, elastic snapping, low vision, or cataract play. join us! become one!
b b b b b ang
so basically i'm bang and also i don't really know anything
why are you so sure you're bang
yeah if you don't know anything, you can be sure you are bang
ice cold
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 919x326, IMG_20180531_204925.jpg)
love to lose internet
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 527x531, Aurora (10).jpg)
rough storm?
b b b b b ang
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (553 KB, 2560x1440, 20180607221330_1.jpg)
>guns in skyrim
Praise Todd
also why is there an islamic symbol on your screen?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the bottom right?
It's the sleep meter
eww so much clutter on your screen
Kirara 🚗
clear skies babey
sausage florida
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (844 KB, 2560x1440, 20180606232438_1.jpg)
I played a really good mod recently.
It was 14 hours of playtime.
Kirara 🚗
i hope my internet is back by tomorrow morning
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
is sunrise but where is the sun
is it cloudy on the horizon?
I thought I'd drink coffee while watching sun colour the trees golden but
the main actor is missing
b b b b b ang
yeah but bang
Search [iqdb] (278 KB, 822x595, Eila (19).jpg)
#imfey (u do u)
b b b b b ang
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 1280x720, 1493889338553.jpg)
#imfey (u do u)
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 809x430, Screenshot_20180609-214112.jpg)
this fucken outage map
more like outrage map
that is millions of people without web
Fucking Comcast
for all "capitalist ho" they say about usa, they aren't really about the free market, atleast when it comes to service
Kirara 🚗
you are on it
Kirara 🚗
it's an isp
one of the predatory ones that likes to swallow up smaller isps
Congrats on not having comcast
Search [iqdb] (268 KB, 600x600, Eila (50).jpg)
You fucking delivered that on a silver platter
Kirara 🚗
i had bright house which was really good
they got eaten by spectrum though
i still have my same great plan but spectrum keeps trying to pressure me into leaving it for a spectrum plan
you know, so they can take advantage of me
because i want to pay $100 a month for slower internet than i get now for $70 a month which is already excessive

spectrum has really shitty customer service unfortunately
Comcast does too.
Kirara 🚗
that doesn't make spectrum any better
at&t and comcast both suck
there's no good isp in the US
google is at least a reliable isp but they're super limited and also building murder ai for the government
murder ai sounds good to me
EPB is a great ISP
you can only get them in chatango though
Kirara 🚗
well they should come to florida
don't wish such evil on them
Kirara 🚗
everyone should come to florida
the whole world will suffer alongside me
I'm going to turn the entire world i // into florida
i will become florida man
not because the world needs me
but because the world deserves me
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
oh no
Kirara 🚗
an alligator knocked out a cop that was fucking with it the other day
it was awesome
Kirara 🚗
oh yeah rook look at this
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg)
I have the good fortune of good internet from spectrum without being harassed.
It'd be pretty cheap if my mother didn't want cable.
Kirara 🚗
i only get harassed because i have a pre-spectrum plan haha
they want me to get cable and all kinds of other stuff
all i need is internet
i get pretty good internet even though it's expensive
Kirara 🚗
I could get a gigabyte internet for those pricess and still save money
Kirara 🚗
i get like 200mb lol
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
last time I was offered, I could get hmm 100-200mb wireless "works anywhere in theory" web and unlimited calls, sms, internet, whatever mobile contract
for 30€
Kirara 🚗
oh my isp and phone are separate
i pay like $140 for the two combined probably
it sucks
everything's so expensive and our infrastructure is from the 70s
also I accidentally resumed play on my foobar when pausing spotify to listen to my general's speech
so he ended up holding a speech with MGS2 intro theme playing over his words
was kinda epic
Kirara 🚗
good birds
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (10 KB, 540x133, IMG_20180530_192221.jpg)
the audio and subtitles in the new bnha is like 50 milliseconds off for me
i've never had this happen
if you're using mpc there should be a setting that lets you change the delay on them
i'm using mpv, which only let's you incrememnt it by 100 miliseconds
it's not a big deal but it does highlight how bnha syncs their music and action
the things you notice when they're absent, eh

independent bang
where do you read your manga
independent bang
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
oh baby
time to play stick fight
independent bang
what manga do you read?
independent bang
what manga do i read?
damn that's high effort memeship
up voted
read himizu
houseki no kuni
Damn I'm so tired
I'm at D&D and I can barely stay awake.
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1280x1808, Eila (43).png)
I just fought a battle that I kinda wish to redo, jsut because half of the battle was
"no what the FUCK are youd oing?"
the unit AI in total war games can be so retarded at times
"hey our unit is fighting 20 men, let's open fire at them with 120 muskets
"hey our target is running away, let's RUN after them into the melee as we archers like to be in melee"
"hey our enemies are in range of our artilelry, let's NOT fire"
and so on
also the skirmisher ai for skirmish cavalry is just so...
you need to babysit them constantly, which you can't really in full 40v40+ fights
you simply don't have the time
the game simply lacks unit AI for the gunners basically
for archers, it doesn't matter as they can lob their shots somewhat reliably over your dudes
but for gunners
they just shoot your own dudes straight into their backs
I guess they couldn't fit in two missile unit ais, where one is "oh own dudes in the way, don't shoot" into this
despite having it in earlier games like empire and napoleon
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I know this won't work but
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1280x1808, Eila (45).png)
Hmm no weird coffee sweating today
so it must be wheneve I drink coffee black
anime friends i will probably be late
watch persona 5 without me if you want
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 356x671, 1406018858142.jpg)
anime >>516133 →

message recieved
It smells like incense outside.
It's kind of giving me a bit of a headache.
I'm not good with smells like this.
Certain smells give me headaches too.
smell can be super unpleasant especially persistent smells
incense smells make me feel nauseous
Some incense I am fine with, some are super nasty
and make the air thick with a really revolting odour
jan are you here
I wanna go home.
Search [iqdb] (8s, 1.7 MB, 720x720, QBRm27y.mp4)
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Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>four hours later
That's some fun shit there.
I ought to learn Rust.
Thats unexpectedly good. I was expecting a shitty superman theme
glad you liked it
Have you heard this version?
R.E.M has some good tracks.
I've been trawling through soundcloud and bandcamp these past few days to relax to music.
It'd be nicer if they // there was a better way to sort through different genres of music, it feels like a lot of music gets tagged wrong, or in the tags are specific enough given that in the same genre two pieces of music cannot be more different from each other
Categorizing things can be hard. I find the categorization of music to be very interesting.
It is interesting to me too, like specific certain tastes can be. Like I like Jazz but I don't like all Jazz, there is certain features in Jazz that appeal to me and in other music the same features might not appeal to me at all
Some jazz i really like but other stuff really bothers me. I don't even know how to start finding stuff I'll like aside from just listening to a bunch.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
That's a broad umbrella, though.
You could argue that it encompasses swing too.
Aside from free-jazz, I'm not sure how you'd start dividing it up either.
My point is that genre tags aren't enough to give you want to you want most of the time and sometimes the sub-division of the genre aren't much better either.
so it can be pretty hard to find specific forms of music.
like a particularly type of singing in a particular genre of music, it's hard to find similar stuff unless you find people who find stuff that is similar
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
It really depends on how far things get broken down, and if you use multiple tags and cross them you should be able to get closer but you have to break it down first.
I wish that there were something a bit better than genre tags (I actually wipe those out of my collection because they're so damn useless).

In some cases you can get at least two or three levels of subdivision.
I assume there are ways to break jazz down like that, because it is such a broad umbrella, it's more of not having the words for it.
The best thing I ever found for discovering "similar" music was to literally look at similar artists on something like or Pandora... and even that is iffy because in the former case it goes on people's taste (which tends to work out better) and in the latter it's based on categories that I'm not sure have been really explained fully.
I can agree with that but quite often I'm just confronted with [genre][sub-division] and age
its not enough which is fustrating.
There are loads of tags for Jazz, there an insane volume of different forms but Its hard to get very specific elements that make a song in that genre etc appealing to you.

I've been recently using soundcloud and its a bit fustrating when the music is just tagged with #futuregarage or #wave
and the similar on the side is a jumble
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Soundcloud seemed like a clusterfuck and their matching doesn't seem consistent.

I hated self tagging when I posted things, because I never know what to say.
I assume other people have that problem.
You also have the problem where people want it to come up on so many searches that the end result is a mass of tags that seem unreasonable.
People self tagging things with what they think their music is also makes things weird when someone puts things in unusual categories or make up a new genre for their artsy fartsy music
yeah, I can see that, there are bunch of songs I like on soundcloud that have #?
I guess it can be hard to evaluate your own music sometimes, especially if you are trying place in context of other music so that people with similar tastes can find it but that requires you known other music like your own
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I assume if you're making music a certain way you had influence from somewhere, though. So you should have some baseline to compare it to.
Not all influences have similar sound though.
especially if you like a particular squence in song and not the whole song and drew influence from that or from like certain sounds etc
Search [iqdb] (386 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Amanchu! Advanc(…).jpg)
all music is good for me i've listened to a pretty wide variety
soundcloud is alright but i get a lot of memes if i rely on the auto playlist
it's still better than youtube's garbage algorithm though
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Soundcloud is like... 70% memes tho.

I guess that's true.
At the same time, a starting point is a starting point...
I dunno, I guess when I think of things I think of them mostly in reference to something else anyway.
Search [iqdb] (382 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Amanchu! Advanc(…).jpg)
maybe like 70% of the popular songs are memes yeah
but there's an enormous ocean of amateur and indie music under the waves of memes
it is so late
Music is an interesting thing since you can have really strong division between different pieces of music.
like mainstream music is now odd to me when I am so used to music that is considered out there.
but i used to consider a lot of music when I was younger strange because it was different from mainstream stuff.
Search [iqdb] (713 KB, 1080x1080, 52848563_p0.jpg)
You okay?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I feel like that applies to anything.
If you get comfortable with something outside the mainstream, the mainstream will feel unfamiliar.
And vise versa.
Though I imagine most people approach from mainstream music being the baseline of normal, and then go from there.
At least I do.
That said, what I thought was strange and new years ago is now nothing.
I suppose so! but music can go on pretty interesting journeys. I find it fascinating.
a bit achy and fatigued but i am okay
are you okay
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I think the fascinating part is seeing where people go and then finding how they got there.
The adoption of what ends up mainstream can also be interesting.
I mean, there was a time when white people playing "black music" was almost taboo.
And now, that same music is tame.
Search [iqdb] (347 KB, 1080x1080, 64697953_p0.jpg)
I'm feeling bit uncomfortable, I've been having sleeping problems for the last few days and some headaches.
but I'm feeling a bit better.
haha, it did keep me up! but that not your fault. I suck at keep track of time and my body fails to tell me that I'm sleepy.
Its also been getting hotter over here at night time.
i'm sorry
that is probably my fault for the sudoku suggestion
you only really notice how hairy you are, when you need to add lotion to skin
god I hate summer
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This guy on the radio was talking about how much traction racism and stuff is getting through breitbart etc. so I was like "OK, I'll hear this guy out, this isn't usually something they bring up so explicitly here"
And now he's talking about postmodernism as a sort of opposition to this

I don't know if he's wrong or not, but for a moment I was like "Oh no, he's gonna quote Peterrson, isn't he?"
He didn't
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Holy shit anarchist praxis in the Detroid android game
"Let's just steal what we need"
I hate politics
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big same
Kirara 🚗

how what
HOW dosth one teach a cat to play Jenga
Kirara 🚗
rewarding approximations of piece removing behavior until it starts to legitimately remove pieces
provide reward only if tower doesn't fall
has to be a really strong reward though
Search [iqdb] (11 KB, 158x225, DenSi4DUEAE9u0n-orig.jpg)
I guess that could work, but it seems like it'd take a REAL long time
Kirara 🚗
yeah, it would

it may have been coincidence there, or there may have been something on the piece
Kirara 🚗
live2d is so good
what is live2d
Kirara 🚗
turns jpg images into animated images like >>516303
a lot of mobage use it for character art now
so they'll look around and change their pose a little as
Kirara 🚗
turns jpg images into animated images like >>516303
a lot of mobage use it for character art now
so they'll look around and change their pose a little as you move your finger around
Kirara 🚗
my power just went out
i heard a small explosion
someone must have fucked up a transformer
there's a weird electricy sound outside though
if that continues it'd probably be a good idea to call sum firefighters
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
my power is back but my internet won't come back now
it got restored overnight but it's out again
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Kirara 🚗
damn the new assassin is looking hot
not quite as handsome as beyak but still
i hope there's a shirtless armor
I thought that game was already out
Kirara 🚗
huh it isn't even // it wasn't even officially announced until last week
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 720x712, DfBWXzPWsAQetfq.jpg)
Is that a different game from the other egyptian assassin's creed with the bird?
The one that was announced like, a year ago at E3
Kirara 🚗
origins was announced like two years ago and was released over a year ago
this is Odyssey

origins is also a really REALLY good game an amazing game
I am excited for more improvements even if im not yet crazy about the new setting
Makes sense
I was starting to wonder how that game only just had screenshots out

Also you might enjoy the Content this is a trailer for
Kirara 🚗
is it just for a documentary or something
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 640x422, DGuRxtpVoAA1vRD.jpg)
It's for a report video
Redfish does them for all sorta stuff, and they're good

Same people who made some docus on the NPA that I watched, and the ZAD
They're good guys
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>70 year old cuck killed by the power of friendship
What an ending

Kirara 🚗

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They're cool because they don't slant it like liberal or conservative media would, they slant it like I would
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>One invented the pavlova and one didn't

I sorta wish Dio got to stay with them
Kirara 🚗
i don't like slants personally
Search [iqdb] (337 KB, 764x1050, 66433621_p4_master1200.jpg)
It's not possible to not have a slant when reporting on these kinda things though
Are the ZAD a terrorist organization that keeps attacking police for just doing their job, or are they preserving an area from government destruction? How you see that will affect your report
Kirara 🚗
not if you're a good reporter
It's not like they're fullblown communist propaganda though
They just aren't assuming the state is in the right de facto
Kirara 🚗
and good reporting shouldn't
it should just report facts
what have they done to harm people
what have they done to help people
are they terrorists? are they good guys? that's up to me to decide once i have the facts
i dont trust reporting very much because there is always the ultimate goal of telling me how to think
i try to get facts from reporting but it is often difficult
Stop, you are embarrassing yourself!
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You can't expect facts to be free from bias
Even fascists will say things sometimes that are technically true, they just leave out everything else that doesn't work for them.
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My existence is already an embarrassment so I might as well go all the way

truth is truth and that's a fact
It's possible to just report the facts
Really what we should say is that you can't expect good reporters
Kirara 🚗
i can expect reporting to be somewhat free of bias
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Well you should check out their video on ZAD and the NPA if you wanna see if they're your cup of tea I guess
For all I know, what I consider to be a slant I agree with is what you consider not to be a slant in this situation
If nothing else, they seem interested in giving a voice to those engaging in struggle of some kind
Which I think is a good thing
Kirara 🚗
i >>>/@KT_NRE/1005222742839513088?s=19

all reporting should give a voice to them
Should, but doesn't.
Kirara 🚗
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and i don't trust any reporting to do it

any reporting that's pro-struggle has motivation to ignore human rights violations by that group which almost always exist
we can't build anything on that
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ZAD is seemingly horizontal as shit, so I dunno what kind of human rights violations they could even have
The NPA, I dunno, they seem to want to create a structure for struggle. It could be good, it could be bad, I don't know what the structure is.
Kirara 🚗
horizontal organizations can't commit human rights violations?
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It's more like, it's a lot less likely
The horizontal structure is obviously capable of doing anything at all, including genocide if it somehow wants to
But the people who actually go for a horizontal structure usually aren't the ones who want that sort of thing, and they often choose horizontal structures because they don't want horrible shit to happen to anyone
Kirara 🚗
that's pretty idealistic
horizontal organization isn't superior in terms of this stuff because good people are involved in it
it's superior only if the organization has a culture which promotes human rights
if someone does something evil and the others in the organization do nothing, that organization is responsible for it
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But the organization of the area itself had to be taken up by someone, and it being horizontal rather than hierarchial means it had to be organized by people who didn't want hierarchies
Like those people are usually the same people fairly concerned about human rights and what have you, that's just... the case as of today
Kirara 🚗
that's the case based on your observations of people's behavior on the internet
It's also not contradicted by like, actually anything I've been exposed to, and I feel like if the ZAD, specifically, was in what would have become an airfield committing atrocities, there'd be page up and page down in every newspaper on the planet about it
Kirara 🚗
human rights violations and commiting atrocities are different
you're awfully defensive of this movement you've watched one or two videos on
I don't think that's healthy for an anarchist
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...are they?
I'm not that defensive, I've just not seen anything bad about them thus far
And the reason I'm not too concerned with them somehow secretly being a trash fire is that I don't see it as likely considering what their cause is and how it's organized
Kirara 🚗
i think it's important to be open to the idea that none of these are legitimate
every organization has problems
any organization that doesn't seem to have problems probably has a ton of them
every revolutionary organization will at some point violate human rights, and we need to know what they do to remedy it when it happens

i say you seem defensive because you are very strongly defending them on the idea that you haven't seem a reason to distrust them, but giving trust like that is naive and exactly what allows tyranny to rise
these organizations have to be examined and criticized and held accountable or they will never grow into organizations that can represent us
you can support an organization or movement while simultaneously being wary of them
it feels like you just assign a value of good or bad to these orgs though
like with the NPA, you act like they're some ultimate good and sing their praises
why? that's so weird to me
doing something good doesn't make you good if there's also a lot of bad
doing something good so you can do bad later isn't good either
I think the NPA might have some issues, sure, ZAD probably too
But the NPA is trying to expand, and that comes with issues, while ZAD seem merely to be protecting itself against the government in their area, and that comes with hangovers from what was previously the culture of the area. But I'm not sure how to approach those without actually having some information to go on
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Like the NPA has a legitimate concern for infiltration, if nothing else. That likely comes with some real big problems, people may unjustly die as a result of whatever means they use to wipe away infiltration.
Kirara 🚗
imo the solution is to support, but seriously distrust, any organization that seems to be doing good work
I can agree with that.
Kirara 🚗
which is why im reluctant to call any organization good
even ones im a part of
Kirara 🚗
well, that mostly applies to militant organizations, though
i have different standards for other organizations although i don't trust those either
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I think giving my response to that would bring us outside the /moe/ zone
Kirara 🚗
fair enough

i think it's really bold for Microsoft to come up with the idea of a "password for your computer that isn't stored online"
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That's incredible
I do not believe you
Kirara 🚗
they added it in the new update and they're calling it a "pin"
and saying it improves security because it's not stored online
Oh wow
I've actually been using a pin for a while
Kirara 🚗
the windows hello pin?
i didn't know about iit until this update
I'm not sure what it's called cause I don't even remember where I set it
I think whenever I set it it was an alternative to a cloud stored password though
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It's possible to backup your bitlocker password on OneDrive iirc.
M$ has such // so many great ideas when it comes to such things.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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A hatred dwells deep inside me.

Is your internet back, Kirara?
hatred for whom
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Oh just someone I used to know
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 815x677, IMG_ew6i11.jpg)
is it me
it is
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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No, it's not you.
But that's good to hear.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (864 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 01 [BD][1(…).jpg)
Is it your long lost brother who annihilated your entire clan for no reason other than to test his abilities?! How cruel!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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no last I checked he may have moved up from his position as a manager at Lowes
Kirara 🚗
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How devious.
Is it the you from the future that came back in time to kill the you from the past in order to stop you from causing some sort of horrible disaster?

Maybe he gave up on mobage
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Why on earth would I hate him
Kirara 🚗
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Maybe the you from the future came to the past to kill PAN to save the world, but the you of the present would rather let the world be destroyed than live without PAN! And now you must battle yourself!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Now that's pretty reasonable
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Do you think the androids in Detroit have a "racist charicature" setting?
Kirara 🚗
i don't think racism exists in detroit
i mean
elizabeth warren is president and it's 2038
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Oh, I guess racism was like, destroyed because they could be shit to androids instead

That's... likely what the canon reason is actually, it's David Cage
Kirara 🚗
the writing was actually decent
it was a game i'm glad i'm played
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yes you certainly were played
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1191x1684, wara - スク水雷電 (49025411) .jpg)
By 2038, racism ceases to exist
Thanks androids
Kirara 🚗
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tfw you create a race of subhumans so you can stop being racist to actual humans but then the subhumans become more than human and they're scary and kill a bunch of cops that attacked them after they rioted and overturned some cars so you have to put them in concentration camps
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>spending your life creating androids hoping that humans will stop being racist only to find out that, in the real world, hatred has layers
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (951 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 10 [BD][1(…).jpg)
i think the creator of the androids actually created them because he wanted them to destroy humanity but i'll have to play again to find out
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I'm gonna make AI and make them second class citizens, knowing that with their extreme control over our entire existence, and their deity-like intelligence, they will find themselves in the position of the revolutionary class
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Well, it's not like I'm ever going to play it to find out.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 10 [BD][1(…).jpg)
i'm going to kidnap you and force you play
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won't happen
Keep your racism baton pass to yourself.
I'm gonna play Florida: Become Cat
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 697x867, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 01 [BD][1(…).jpg)
no, you have to play it
or you'll never eat your beloved food again
i'll only let you drink soylent until you play the damn game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
because it has translations already
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (914 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 17 [BD][1(…).jpg)
tokyo ravens is really cool
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>find package in men's bathroom
Kirara 🚗
oh that was where the r e v o l u t i o n really kicked into gear
i went with a violent revolution there, and then i went and started rioted and shit, it was cash
there's even an opportunity to execute some cops
Ya it's happening
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The guy washing his hands for minutes is too much
Kirara 🚗
needless to say, i spared the cops
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I won't read spoilers when I'm watching it like right now
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1003 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 18 [BD][1(…).jpg)
fair enough

when i played, it was a few days after release, so the numbers where it showed how many people did x or y were probably accurate to people's first playthroughs

only like 13% of people went for violent revolution
i was surprised
but i can understand why they didn't
it was a really stressful route
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it is
i wonder if theyll do more
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got my next 20k feathers
gonna wait until the next season rotation. Should be a new set of characters.
Not like I'll really do much good if I make it into T20...
my next 20k and maybe some more after will go into good old chrom
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I could use another Aether
But I need to see what we're using for the next two weeks.
Earth should be rotating out so it'll probably be Water/Fire
Kirara 🚗
oh, merric's new refinement gives special -1 and +5 atk/spd when near magic/staff allies
you could probably make him usable with that and l&d or atk/spd bond
especially with moonbow or glimmer depending on how high his atk can get
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How does even one person go for free speech in this
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Linde gives +6 Atk to Magic and Staff now with her new Aura and has +5 Atk/Spd as wel
from being near magic staff
Kirara 🚗
oh fuck ares is 4* now
yeah, been.
And I think Brazen Atk/Def is 4* on him too
Kirara 🚗
yeah it is
so nice

kind of wosh id kept the spare for chrom and not myyrh since itll be rare that i remove distant counter from her

but vantage on myyrh with it in melee range just sounds too silly
Kirara 🚗
breath of fog is cool too
i mean it's just falchion as a dragon weapon but that's cool
makes sense from a lore standpoint
im considering fiving my atili steady stance though i like steady breath to spare to go with it

rhat and renewal is 20 hp regrn to jeep putting her back in qr3 seal range
Kirara 🚗
i did my free pull with the new power benner /// banner and one roll, got 4* ares and 5* adult tiki
Search [iqdb] (601 KB, 1009x1039, ゆきみや◆メロン委託中 - 詰め4(+お知らせ) (6902(…).png)
My free pull was trash that I turned into 150 feathers
Name not worth remembering
refined fog paired with refined chrom falchoon
best friends forever
Kirara 🚗
what does refined fog do?
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 750x1334, 014EB56A-22D7-42D8-83C4-B59FB6855D2C.png)
Atk/Def +5 when near Sword or Dragon 2sq
Kirara 🚗
oh, very nice
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 908x1281, 沙流 - らくがきれみりゃ (69151119) .jpg)
I'm not a big fan of the composition it forces.
Breath of Fog is only on Tiki so you have to go Red/Red
or Dragons
Dragon teams are cool, I guess.
Kirara 🚗
i can make it work alongside nowi or grima
i don't think dragon teams are very good but i'm not against putting two dragons on a team
atiki ninian myyrh fkana
Although now you've got BoF to hate on you too
Kirara 🚗
life will get harder for myrrh's again
Flying Ninian is not a dragon
regular ninian is
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (710 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 18 [BD][1(…).jpg)
almost all of my teams are tactics teams now so grima being flying makes things really easy
hopefully we'll get an atk tactics seal eventually

i can easily add tiki into that team if i want to
right now my red unit is +3 seliph
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I want a Spd Tactic seal.
I don't need Atk
Kirara 🚗
i don't think i can reasonably expect spd tactics seal any time soon
i would love either
They just dropped their third Atk Tactic holder
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what do i do with this thing that isnt flying nino
Kirara 🚗
put keen gronnwolf on robin or something like moon did
doesnt she come with vanilla gronnwolf
One THOUSAND (1000) feathers

or i could grind her into the dirt for 5000
wait she has Distant Def A
she does and i have no idea what to do with it
i could give it to julius but he doesnt really need it
he already walls all mages and bows still ruin him
Search [iqdb] (145 KB, 544x800, ゆきみや◆メロン委託中 - 詰め4(+お知らせ) (6902(…).png)
give it to that dragon pervert
i like thw reat of his family more really
Kirara 🚗
i like brazen skills a lot
Kirara 🚗
what i really want is a new alm though
i might drop some $$$ on a legendary or seasonal alm
I think the seal I want the most right now is Guard
because Guard is only on 5*
like 5 different 5*
Kirara 🚗
guard would be really nice
especially since i play so defensively
Search [iqdb] (403 KB, 763x850, ゆきみや◆メロン委託中 - 詰め4(+お知らせ) (6902(…).png)
When I first put Breath of Fog on Tiki, I thought it wasn't going to be that good but the 2 turn healing + Guard 2 that I put on her a while back was very good for things.
Namely destroying those God forsaken Zelgius-Brave Sword-Quickened Pulse setups
I should get Noontime on her.
Kirara 🚗
i wanted guard on my seliph but you can't really use guard and a brazen skill together
Search [iqdb] (239 KB, 565x788, ゆきみや◆メロン委託中 - 詰め4(+お知らせ) (6902(…).png)
You can
At ExACcTLy EiGhTy PerCEntT
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 01 [BD][1(…).jpg)
ah yes my foolproof plan of keeping a unit at an exact point of HP is coming together
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>Ardent Sacrifice
Kirara 🚗
how much def and res would you need to be able to avoid ever taking damage
Like 200
Black Luna exists
Kirara 🚗
you'd probably be safe most of the time with like 70 though
Kirara 🚗
how long until we get a weapon that turns all of the bonuses on a unit into def or res
I can't think of a single person who would do such a thing
Probably a simpler wording like "Reduces damage equal to number of bonuses on unit."
Kirara 🚗
it'd probably be more balanced if it were just res or just def, though
Kirara 🚗
if i could just reduce damage equal to bonuses
oh man
tactics babey
It would definitely be a unique weapon or skill
so it's not that terrible of a thing
definitely a weapon
if it were a skill, you could do dumb things like.
Safeguard, Defiant Res
lmao Defiant skill comeback
Kirara 🚗
there are units that can nullify bonuses too
and panic ploy and stuff like that
Kirara 🚗
lmao oh no
Safeguard, Defiant Def, + Nullify for -21 physical damage
Throw in a Close Def seal for good measure
Kirara 🚗
and def tactics ofc
Honestly, I'm just thinking of the kind of setup that would be bonkers by itself.
Like, everyone else is dead and there's this unit that you can not assassinate
Kirara 🚗
c skill is atk ploy
Kirara 🚗
>atk so low it can't kill any of your units but def and res so high you can't touch it no matter what you do
>can never use specials against it
>only option is to surrender
That's the kind of shit you wanna avoid allowing in your game.
But I am ready for IS to fuck up
Kirara 🚗
it's gonna turn like
some absolute shit unit into meta
like henry or something
ah is it time for Sheena's ascendence?
Kirara 🚗
if it were a skill you could put it on someone with distant counter
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1376x557, sheena 80 paasento.JPG)
I was wrong. Guard 3 is currently on SEVEN (7) 5* units
Kirara 🚗
sol seems like a mistake, it'll push you up past 80%
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 664x700, DevKuPhU0AEamWz.jpg)
There's a "Police" magazine in the US and it's hilarious
The US is such a magical place
You've got a magazine specifically for cops
Kirara 🚗
we also have parole officer journals and fbi special agent journals, etc
Search [iqdb] (11 KB, 158x225, DenSi4DUEAE9u0n-orig.jpg)
Holy shit that's so SPECIFIC
How does this make money?
Kirara 🚗
parole officers pay for subscriptions to the journal and benefit by learning practical and theoretical knowledge from them
studies are often published in them
Search [iqdb] (254 KB, 1200x1076, DeeRk1_X0AAFvPm.jpg)
How many parole officers do you even have in the US fo-
Wait nevermind you're like, a continent
>app says Kana has Brazen Def/Res at 4*
>go to check
Kirara 🚗
there are a lot
Kirara 🚗
yeah, he def doesn't get it until 5*
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Karakai Jouzu no T(…).jpg)
I think I'd still use Sol because remaining in Guard/QR range is more important than remaining in Brazen range
Brazen is like "Make sure I don't go even lower"
And you'd still have QR3 seal working up to 70%
That said 49 atk probably isn't much to be afraid of.
Maybe I should use Brazen Atk/Def instead
or maybe just Aether
Kirara 🚗
with that much def, it'd be fun to use bonfire or something
aether is probably ideal though
See this is why I'm sad that sol ring is unique
Sol Ring + future Guard seal would be so awful
Kirara 🚗
guard with fog or falchion might work
Guard with Fog DOES work.
Kirara 🚗
then just get tiki+nullify+guard seal
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180610-113124_Fir(…).jpg)
She needs a better C
And A top
Kirara 🚗
she's already wearing a top
A better op
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Karakai Jouzu no T(…).jpg)
I have found
the greatest joke
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1023 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 12 [BD][1(…).jpg)
did you died
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1280x720, [Doki] Fumikiri Jikan - 04 (12(…).png)
oh no
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 1087x919, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 15 [BD][1(…).jpg)
we have to go back to the past and save him
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what are the ivs on this tiki
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).png)
do tell
i see

mine is -spd/+res for mixed but it would prevent her from gettig owned by res things
since mine was running res refine livhtning
Kirara 🚗
>Instead of fixing the old trains, let’s rip out the tracks and fill the tunnels with fleets of autonomous vehicles running on pavement. The result would be radical improvements in throughput while saving money and increasing the ability of the system to survive a fire, flood, or terrorist attack.
Kirara 🚗
>The vehicles might not run as fast as the current trains—which can go 50 miles an hour or more at top speed—but the lack of stops would pay off.
Kirara 🚗
every paragraph of this gets wilder
> There’s no reason the system couldn’t carry packages, food, or other freight in little autonomous trucks during off-peak hours.
>There will be other costs, of course: 240 miles of LED lighting would cost millions of dollars, but installing such a system would have side effects that would make them worth every penny. Rats, after all, hate the light and would be pushed to find new underground homes.
This person does not live in New York City
Kirara 🚗
rats hate the light lmao what
>The biggest advantage of cleaning up the subway tunnels isn’t fiscal, but the fact that New York’s underground would become safer, making it possible for people to walk to safety in case of a fire, flood, or terrorist attack. Right now, people are pretty much stuck in a broken train like Spam in a can.
>walk to safety in case of a fire, flood, or terrorist attack.
Get out of your vehicle in a live shooter setting. Go on. I dare you.
Try not to get trampled by a group of unorganized underground tourists escaping what looks like a flood.
or a fire
Kirara 🚗
you could just put a bomb in an automated car and set it off to collapse the highway on everyone and then set off more while traffic is congested and the cars just stop moving
it's not any safer than subways
Kirara 🚗
it'd also probably be less ecological
Kirara 🚗
> Peter Wayner is the author of almost two dozen books on technology, theater and the cars of the future.
my mom sure does love taking pictures of me withput asking
i was originally running triangle adept on tiki
ita its a thought aince its not like shed tackle blues too well anyway but at the same time theres likely better ways
well here’s a thought
i might have a -atk bridal sanaki, but i could throw the gronnwolf at her
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check oit this dork in progress
is this even real
what a qt
oh man is that a secret shellfish or just a FAKER
fuck that was a cute and smol cat
Tinyest of card
Fuck autocorrect
Search [iqdb] (900 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).png)
you caught me I'm just a BIG FAT PHONY
Not a tiny thin phony?
I don't excercise enough for that
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i need some music /moe/
the kind of music that knocks all the thoughts out of my head so i can have clarity
here's my contribution please assist
howdy friend
loud wubs or some super metal but i dont think youre into the latter probably?
children of bodom
>>516535 →
>>516535 →
>>516535 →
oh new thread
Che patsani, anime?
Sosi hooi yebok
