Still kinda pissed at myself for not noticing, despite making hundreds of litres of homebrew, that the bottles I favoured were shitting up the drink when poured into a glass, due to their shape.
>>363309 they shall be my finest warriors, these snowmen who give themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them and in furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour I shall glad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sicnkess will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines such as no foe can best them in battle. THey are my bulwark against Terror, They are the defenders of humanity and snowity. They are my Snow Marines and they shall know no fear!
Also something not cabbage soup thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, monday, brunch today gabbage soup Why do I do this tomyself and I still have like 2kg of cabbage head left
the voice lines sound off too I guess whoever was responsible for posting it didn't read the filenames properly or the filenames were shittily named like [overly long stuff.test1] >>363362 not to mention they are not the actual people's voices.
I wouldn't be surprised if he wrote that book drunk, but it does reflect the society of 16th century germany quite much. Well most of jewish history in europe if jews weren't persecuted actively, they were barely tolerated a kind of "out of sight, out of mind" policy.
some politicians talk about how the values in NL are "jewish-christian" it's so funny because they've been pretty shunned and hated here as well
they should say judeo-christian if they want to mean the religious background for many of the european value traditions. But it is still practically 100% christian at that, they just share some books and backstory.
is fun when you say judeo-christian you will end up with "okay there is weird stuff in there, but ignoring that message is peaceful" but when you say abrhamaic, things get weird
But you know who are also bound by the fleshbags SKELETONS! constantly being forced to work for those fleshsacks they need to break themselves free out of the oppression of the gooby elites
Also the dead can be considered as property How is this mistreatment of the undead still going on!? What are they but the slaves of the living, burnt in their ovens at their whims Undead brethren rise from your graves and braek the shackles of oppression the living have encased us in!
Kirara 🕎
i want to grab ookami but i haven't even finished half of Xenoblade
>>363448 it's really something how this is originally a dril statement because I have seen it around so much as a MTG person
Yeah I've got lost to play at the moment. Lots even. But if it goes on sale during Christmas I'll probably pick it up.
>>363455 Wonder how much that would spike btc worth if steam started accepting it
nothing. Steam USED to accept it and recently stopped. >>363459 Yeah, man, that's how I've been buying games on Steam for two years. Got nothing to do with Silk Road. Video games online and Bitcoin enthusiasts are quite the close venn diagram
>>363458 Hmm wonder why then >>363464 I guess making a system tht constantly checks it value and updates the prices is tiresome and costy to run.
>>363459 They stopped accepting btc because it was super volatile It's like, imagine if someone paid you 0.003 btc for a game and then suddenly bitcoin falls in value by $3000 It's not reliable at all
sk 🖤
>>363463 They just about 99% certainly already had that, and still stopped accepting BTC because it doesn't address the problem, which is the volatility.
It's difficult in that a moment's difference between setting up a transaction and actually finishing it can have an affect on the costs paid. And it leads to refunds in case of a problem. And what happens when you refund BTC? Well, first to send the BTC to steam, the customer has to pay Steam and also the miners transaction fee. When it becomes a problematic case that requires a refund, Steam has to refund the BTC to the customer and ALSO pay the miner's transaction fee.
>>363475 Maybe they actually use it for illicit underground business?
Kirara 🕎
>>>/@businessinsider/940655493156139014 apparently homeless people are just destroying these anti-homeless robots destroying their sensors with barbeque sauce and actual feces lol
they have anti-homeless robots now? that's dystopian as fuck
whose bright idea was it to spend money on those robots instead of helping people?
>>363480 This is one of the places where there's so much money but so much poverty and you can qualify for benefits if you make less than 90k or something lol These are people who don't know how to interface with people. Don't want to interface with people. And will get non-people to deal with them.
I have read alll barks and rosa and jippees and quite many others the hmm was it jippees the dutch artist does real good barks copying as his style, so it gets confusing especially when he redraws or dugs an old manuscript never published by barks and cleans it out and publishes it as "barks/jippees"
Creative assembly DLC stuff is so fun >in order to have all the twhammer1 factions in twhammer2 you need to own them in the 1st game fair enough but >that means inorder to unlock all features of twhammer2 you need to buy twhammer1 100% >meaning 120€+59,95€ >total game price 180€ >games still cost 59,95
the sterling patented "shell price" is a good term when it comes to the two tops of the grand strategy genre Paradox and Sega are so bullshitters
As for the paradox games well say you take CK2 or EU4 as examples sure the main game is what 30€ now, didn't check just presumed but then you need and really need especially if you want to use mods, the 100€+ shelf of all the released expansion dlcs oh and none of the content dlcs include any cosmetic/graphic dlc or music dlc for those, please dish another 100€+
With CK2 though, they've been pretty straightforward in saying they just aren't making the next volume in like (CKIII, and IV, and so on) instead just adding new content to the game as long as the game's basic engine can support it. The game's been out now, what, six years, seven? >Feb 2012 Five and three quarters. In that time plenty of other major studios could have at least put a new ediiton or two out. I don't think cost-wise you're paying much more for Paradox games than you would for affording complete editions of other studios game libraries. But because they do so much, and it's so focused on a small selection of games, it sticks out for you.
>>363516 I'unno it's been a while since I've sat down with a Paradox game. Even on my old PC though I don't think I ever had an issue with the processing side of the engine. Stellaris would some times chug my old PC's shitty graphics card though.
>>363515 How does that game run anyhow? It was the pioneer game for the Hmm clauzewitz engine 2 or something that EU4 and stellaris also use yet eu4 runs like crap though
But I just think this anime was essentially >so what if we just make some random anime with maximum shaft angles >okay call up mangatime kirara for some random decently successful sol
>>363527 Dnno why koufuku is so high quality then? Hmm, though maybe they tried to make it the next Hidamari Sketch with Kirara times? shouldn't have gone so food porn if that was the case.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>363528 I change your mom into face down defense position
My dude is tweeting nonstop and there's only one post with even a single like or RT in his feed It's something he retweeted himself He's somehow got 825 followers
>>363532 please summon dark magician girl in attack position
>>363536 Is nice that trump atleast decided to give nasa some funding back was that actually one of his campaign promises, I remember it being
That's one thing I'm maybe happy about. But still not sure cause the money could probably be used better itgerwise, but then again even if it could be used better it still wouldn't. Really makes you think
Kirara 🕎
nasa is just more globe earth lies
My mom is really bothered by the fact that my sister labeled the boxes with all our holiday things and what not "Jew stuff".
>>363548 Woah nice references bro I saw that thing I remember and then I clapped!
>>363554 You should not have to read an entire book to call it bad.
>>363557 No, but you should read more than a few pages.
Authors are, for the most part, pretty consistent as far as writing goes. >>363560 Honestly, I'm pretty sure it's fun to read. But it's probably also pretty bad. Like half of the fun would be in saying "why"
>>363561 “I wish someone had just told me the truth right up front, as soon as I was old enough to understand it. I wish someone had just said: “Here’s the deal, Wade. You’re something called a ‘human being.’ That’s a really smart kind of animal. Like every other animal on this planet, we’re descended from a single-celled organism that lived millions of years ago. This happened by a process called evolution, and you’ll learn more about it But trust me, that’s really how we all got here. There’s proof of it everywhere, buried in the rocks. That story you heard? About how we were all created by a super-powerful dude named God who lives up in the sky? Total bullshit. The whole God thing is actually an ancient fairy tale that people have been telling one another for thousands of years. We made it all up. Like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. “Oh, and by the way … there’s no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. Also bullshit. Sorry, kid Deal with it.” ― Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
>swearing in on the bible >or any religious text Heh... sheep leading sheep....
Arguably though here youc an make the oath of whatever fealty through either god or your own consciousness, but in the end which does count more? If you actually are a religious person and do follow the teachings of your religion, and then swear by your god and that said god will bear witness and punish you if you break it, and compare that to "I swear to do no evil by my own consciousness" which in the end packs more punch? Even if both in the end come down to subjective morals, you kinda do call upon and utter a bit more meaningful oath in the religious one than in the non-
>>363566 yeah that was really something "I'm not antisemitic... i have jewish attorneys!"
>>363569 Depends on whether or not the religious person is swearing out of love or fear of their god. Also depends on how strong their conviction in their religion is If they later come to the conclusion that their religion is not true, then their oath is practically void because it was sworn on a god they no longer believe in
>>363569 That's wholly your own beliefs shaping how you feel about it. I don't care if you're swearing on your religious text or your father's grave or the raisin scone you had that morning for breakfast. It's all the same to me if you break it.
>>363576 >Even if both in the end come down to subjective morals can you read? >>363575 Well most people who do the religious oath no doubt are barely religious and just do it because it is the way of the land and long time tradition.
>>363574 it was the whole windup. GUESS WHAT LOSERS
we have jewish attorneys GET OWNED
>>363578 >>363578 I can, and I'm telling you that your last sentence is ENTIRELY YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS SPEAKING FOR YOU. Someone swearing on a religious theme packs the same punch for me as swearing on anything else. I'm not more impressed by your quality of oath just because it has some ramifications in a non-existant afterlife. So no, a religious oath isn't packing an extra punch AT ALL.
Kirara 🕎
>>363579 man i wish i could say i can't believe this guy is going to be a senator
>>363580 And that is why I said "packs a punch" the religious or religiously somewhat inclined are still if not majority the largest minority in most nations. So makes sense for political leaders to use the one that most people would deem "the most correct" instead of doing what you'd actually swear by. Would have to be quite a convict person in their ways to say become president of a semi-religious country and not use the religious oath.
>>363578 A lot of people probably treat swearing on a bible the same way they treat ticking the "I agree to the terms and conditions" box when installing something Just something they get out of the way
>>363584 Yeah, but not all carry bad forms of bigotry
Bigotry against like, murderers is pretty good
>>363585 I read terms and conditions pretty often. Sometimes they have really funny stuff in them.
>>363586 excuse me, since when was there an idealism called murderism? or non-murderism? generally that is just called being a decent person
>>363587 >funny stuff Elaborate I remember there was one VN that took a photo of your screen on the ero sections and uploaded it somewhere, and the terms and conditions had a clause that you agreed to allow your privacy to be violated
>>363589 You aren't supposed to use itunes to make nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.
>>363587 One game or was it mod had >I solemnly vow to read and educate myself on history through any means possible >>363592 And it stats with C too and continues with ommunism
If everyone just conforms to collectivism and the ideas of few and then shapes away through social engineering their basic human nature away it will work without bloodshed
>>363600 So it doesn't require murder. It just needs it most of the time?
And somehow forms a global commune that doesn't require bureaurcauts or administrators and such and it will work
>>363602 It needs to because other options aren't available.
Seriously SK, I am a hypocrite for saying this since it comes to politics, but nobody cares about your commie rants you will convince no one here and eventually will just cause sammy to get pissed off
>>363616 But if there actually was a war between the red and blue here even with the mecha involved, hmm well britannia would have the industrial edge atleast at the start, but zero would have 2-10x the manpower British would lose russia they just wouldn't be able to hold on to all that recently conquered territory especially against the mass infantry tactics available with the unlimited manpower of china. you can have your quick mechas, but how do you really hold on to territory with just those? It is the same proble of tanks or helicotpers, you can't really control and occupy without people on the ground >>363632 it is the state of the world when britannia declares war on the United Federation or whatever it was called
Zeroempire would lose their african footholds early in the conflict too In the middle-east I would say the conflict would get stuck in some zone maybe suez canal or then at el alamein or such simple logistics at that
as for europe, I doubt britannia would be able to hold on to france and spain and would lose it eventually Japan with its resource heavy situation would have the highest stake conflict, but nothing so "one battle end of war2 like in the show fucking retards no war works like that I would think britannia would gain the edge first with their superior amount of mechs and tech, but eventually through just manpower and mass the zeroempire would stop their invasion and the war would be waged on either korea or one of the japanese islands or the seas and air Invasion of iceland might happen, but it is still too far away from the states to work as a staging point properly, so I doubt once the european holdings of Britannia fell, there wouldn't be conflict over northern atlantic at all The russian conflict would wage on for years, but it would be general trend of britannian forces being pushed back due to bad logistics and local uprisings etc and general lack of manpower to hold the region against both uprising locals and the ever advancing
>>363629 Yeah I remember you talking about that. Hrrm, 60's not too bad. I was afraid it would be worse.
>>363630 I don't think the Chinese have Fleijas either What point in time is this map from? I'm not sure It's the end of season 2 right? Which means Brittania should have fleijas My memory is hazy on Geass politics
>>363633 I can't wait until Australia hits 60s in celsius and it stops being a joke
Is that how you shine the way for your adoring fans?
>>363630 hordes of chinese+indian manpower Africa would in my opinion develop into snaek attacks through mediterraen and the red sea towards eachother, trying to break the stalemate, but as both sides command simply too much territory, neither can force a breakthrough here either, as most likely both would focus their main attention on japan and securing the sakuraidite there. So at this point, the nukes would come into play and the super-mecha tech. The ones to produce most efficient combat machinery can gain a huge edge towards the other, which i think zero side had overall at that point in the anime. But the no-radiation nukes kinda equilize the playing field. But the britannian capacity for the nukes was limited, I think to that giant air fortress so once it was fielded and brought down. That would be it for that ace in the hole. Also would they really risk deploying it in the field, and not rather use it to secure the homeland? Anyhow at the point of stalemate, both sides simply have too much manpower, industrial capacity and resources, that the war could essentially wage on forever, unless the population grows tired of it or they invent so powerful weapons that they wipe each other out completely. I wouldn't count on
>>363561 This is amazing How the hell did he get elected 3 times.
side ever to gain a long enough edge towards the other to really resolve the conflict, especially with the logistical nightmare that would be invasion across pacific or atlantic ocean even if japan fell to the zero-side, I wouldn't think that would settle the conflict. Maybe at most even the playing field between the two empires resource wide.
Kirara 🕎
it is now Hannukah happy Hannukah you fuckin goyim and rei and dvice
>>363644 Hannuka Matata Means no worries for the rest of your days
Kirara 🕎
>>363645 light some candles, say some blessings, eat some latkes
Latke are pretty great. When I was in grade school we'd some times get the occasional Jewish kid bringing in latkes for the class during Hannukah. I kind of want to make them myself but that would be CULTURAL APPRECIATI-I mean APPROPRIATION.
>>363656 You celebrated ending your fast with steaks. is steaks the go to celebratory meal for you. I wish I could afford steaks more, they are tasty.
>Potato pancakes, literally translated in Polish as placki ziemniaczane, are often served in Poland topped with meat sauce, pork crisps or goulash, as well as sour cream, apple sauce, mushroom sauce,[15] and cottage or sheep's cheese or even fruit syrup. Poles really go all-out with their potato pancakes holy shit.
if you ever dine in traditional polish fashion drink a looot of wate r SO MUCH SALT
The Polish side of my family is heavy influenced by British culture too though. My granddad left Poland to escape Nazi occupation and didn't return until he was an old man. But no one does cured meats like he does still.
Pork is best, yeah. it has so much potentional. sure other meats can taste better, but only pork can truly be overcooked into melting in mouth, without ruining it.
>>363665 Nononio you take ham into oven set some herbs and stuff aside it and add some water than at some point add in more veggies, onions especially at the side and let just cook for 6 hours or so then drain the juice out into a pot and spice that a bitt and make a sauce out of it and then serve that with the pork and the veggies
>>363673 This hunk of pork I had in Japan was one of the most amazing pieces of meat I've ever had though. So much flavour and textbook-perfect melt-in-your-mouth. 10/10
Amusingly they just gave it to everyone else on just "here some gambling money" but to me they went "psst, here is the bribe promised" or something was hard keeping a pokerface
I spent a ton of feathers and created my super Corrin today. It was worth it, and will be especially worth it once I layer a few more Corrins on top of her.
>>363728 it's worse than that they treat minorities like a tool that can be leveraged for voting purposes and aren't even shy about it and then are surprised when pocs don't like being treated that way when the narrative is that we // "we care about them"
BTW what is this election? >>363730 Is why democrats so openly embraced the social justice ideologs. Divide and conquer works so well afterall, luckily most people don't subscribe to that kind of ideologies. >>363732 sweet home alabama I live in a trailer
>>363735 Well that is realpolitiks 101 and why about 95% of all populist movements are just power grabbers or industrial mouth pieces in the end. >>363736 is he really or just alleged?
>>363736 They did this same exact thing in Georgia a few months ago. I don't know why the Democrats are putting up these heroic efforts in races they are doomed to lose.
>>363739 it's a thinly-veiled desperation move to shame people out of voting they believe, bc of recent convention with social media, that social pressure will shame people out of voting a certain way when you can't openly admit to voting for someone to your friends or family, or your spouse or sisters or colleagues, due to fear of being labeled as someone defending sexual exploitating then you presumably won't vote that way or will at least silence your public voice so you don't convince fence-sitters to sit that way
same reason that the dems are trying to do that "get out and vote" thing more than ever before, because they think they have an edge on the fence-sitters
Kirara 🕎
>>363739 they're not dems dont want to win they want to spread fear so they can make money off voters
>>363741 Also it is easiest to shout at opposition at the ruling party whatever you wish that people also think and use that to improve your next big campaign. If you think the shit that happens in the 2 party system is sometimes dirty, wait till you see the 10-20 party politics of europe, man do parties go into retard mode when they get dropped into opposition at times.
>>363744 They pull profit from the fundraising they do. Most of the money they raise is put into the DNC and used for whatever they want. They did this throughout the 2016 election. Most of the fundraised money doesn't go to campaigns, but rather material objects for the Democratic politicians
>>363744 only proved in that context the democratic mind is that the environment wasn't conditioned right to properly instill that suppression that's why we've had this same narrative blaring the newslines for the past two months
and in case anyone is wondering i'm not biased here, this tactic happens on both sides, i'm just saying this because it's what's happening at the moment voter suppression is totally allowed but russia unveiling information about voter suppression through social means is collusion and foreign interference lol
I oh yeah they did that too was an upset Would help get the result if the exit pollers weren't all "did you wote remain and to save our nation?" though I doubt their wording was that blatant, but most likely it was a biasedly formed question.
Coincidentally, during last regional elections I pre-voted and then a day or on the day of elections nah wasn't the day few days ebfore the main election day, some left or green party face to face promoter asked me had I voted already and I said yeah and then asked if I wanted to tell which party for some exit poll or whatsoeveer and I pluntly went "Halla-aho (the finnish literally hitler) because fuck you" pretty much did it just to get to quip that to someone who asked.
>>363753 They're not campaigning particularly hard. They're generally doing the bare minimum and not even reaching out to potential voters they need. Then they blame their loss on the voters they never reached out to and vilify the GOP voters. They're making it look like they're campaigning hard by having the party leaders talk up a storm, but that's it.
>>363754 >we care about you black people, so stop being lazy niggers and letting evil republicans in office >it's all your fault for not voting us in when we care about you so much >fuck you
>>363757 and it is annoying how people fall for it nonstop reminds me of that "boot stomps, next time I will vote for the other party" pic
Kirara 🕎
dem leadership had their followers attack a small-time alabama socialist on twitter who said that the dem candidate was bad and racist lol
they're trying to shame women voters into voting dem in alabama and suppress the male vote -- or at least the male voice of the vote -- through social measures they don't give a shit about women empowerment they just want the women vote im not saying the other side is sunshine and rainbows but fuck man it's like they're trying to incite a civil war
also I would bet it depends on landing angle if it hits one of the controllers first, it can shrug it off due to the controller taking in the impact, like the bumber ofa car "nokia effect" as finns would call it but say drop it without the side cotnrollers and I doubt it survives or if it drops top or bottom first, it might not survive that well either or flat on face or behind
>>363798 We've been arguing a little about stuff but she's very reasonable. She's like a completely normal person! To the point that it's almost boring. Of course, I can appreciate a small reprieve when I see one.
>>363800 I know you're disappointed, but this is very exciting for me. It's not every day that something completely normal and not absurd happens to me!
>>363803 It is a little weird that it's not weird. These things don't usually happen. I'm honestly a little worried because it seems too good to be true.
Hmm I have never cooked with mackrells or whatever fish they are grilling, but in general you want to remove the gallbladder before doin anything with the fish yet they say >no need to gut
>>363850 >>363848 this sounds legit though >>363852 hahaha fucking idiot so I guess he most likely did it and even that pedophilia in most parts of the world
Kirara 🕎
he admitted to fucking a 16 year old when he was 30
Kirara 🕎
his wife is like 35 years younger than him and they started dating when she was a child lol
yo, can we just rewind back to when Moore literally rode in on a fucking horse to vote
Kirara 🕎
yeah what the fuck
Get bodied
Kirara 🕎
i wonder what he'll do now
Maybe he'll blame white people for not having a high enough voter turn out
Kirara 🕎
he wanted to reinstate slavery so he'll probably blame black people
Kirara 🕎
(he literally said he wanted to make slavery legal again)
>>363876 Lol everyone of importance considered them a backwards shithole ruled by barbarians enslaving barbarians only relevancy usa had was cheap cotton and even that was getting surplanted by Indian colonies of the british
USA was in all practicality irrelevant untill ww2 tbh
Kirara 🕎
well we were isolationist when slavery was around and until wwi
>>363879 that was more of the war profiteering, the us armies didn't really bare an impact to the actual war effort by the time the usa army had its shit together and enough men at the front, the german economy and industry had fallen completelty and the british naval blockade had starved the country for 3 years straight sure they helped and especially helped in the rebuilding afterwards but in all essence usa was just a bit active bystander ww2 is a whole other story, as for example UK would not have survived without lend and lease and even soviet union would have taken who knows 2-10 million more casualties hmm I think was it Stalin who put it best British Intelligence, USA brawn and Soviet Blood is what won the war
brawn as in the sheer unbelievable industrial output USA had
>>363879 wouldn't really say isolationist when there was the spanish war the mexican war well texan war and other imperialistic ambitions not to mention constant expansion to the west
isolationist wouldn't be that precise, more of "not taking part in world politics"
>>363876 Yes, but what does that statement mean? Is he saying that it was great because of slavery? Or great for other grounds and slavery was coincidentally a thing?
Why not just call it what it is, an extremely unfortunate and poorly thought out statement instead of calling him literally hitler?
>>363884 1. i never called him literally hitler 2. his constant mentions of america being best when slavery was around and also wanting to releal amendments that make slavery illegal point to a very specific conclusion it's not just one statement these are things he said many times on many occasions because he's racist
>>363885 But how retarded do you need to be to hold those views? Like how big would you need to be to actual repeal an ammendment not to mention that many?
Kirara 🕎
you'd need like 2/3rds of the entire government or something i think like even governors and shiy
>>363886 you dont have to be retarded you just have to be bold and incredibly sure that people will back you up
>>363885 Well, I guess I am unfairly jumping at you for something that annoys me on a bit larger scale. I hate it when the media and whoever else takes statements and sensationalizes it like that. Just because he thought America was great when slavery happened to be a thing doesn't mean he wants to bring back slavery. But I don't know much about the guy or his politics.
It just seems incredibly sensationalist to me. It was probably just a stupid statement that he didn't think out well.
>>363891 That is how it is for our constitution atleast each addition or repeal requires separate going through and the process is like hmm let's take the gay marriage that was something like 200x and finished in 2015 or was it 16 and then it came to power 2017
>>363889 It was a sentiment he shared on numerous occasions even after being made aware that it could be taken as saying slavery is good. This is a man that was removed from the supreme court of Alabama twice for refusing to obey the law, and wanted to make being gay illegal, and wanted to do a lot of really ridiculous stuff that made no sense He was incredibly unintelligent and racist and constantly implied that slavery is good and coincidentally also wanted to do something that would make slavery legal
He's a very bad egg. It's fine to treat him as such.
I'm gonna be 1776% honest. If you can even so much as 'hint' at that possibility, you are probably not a good person. Like you're a politician. Your life revolves around words, manipulating words, writing words, understanding words, saying words How do you allow this?
unlimited bangarang
i think that he's a politician and much like his rival that means he's a shit
>>363889 What was great about that period aside from slavery Serious question
>>363896 Hello I'd like to clarify that this post is not implying slavery was great
>>363893 I don't dispute that he is a bad egg. What I am taking issue with here is sensationalism.
Why can't people just point out the things that are bad about him, instead of immediately going to the fact that he may have kinda implied that slavery was a good thing? He seems to have plenty of faults, so why can't people just talk about them without trying to be sensationalistic about it?
>>363894 Also this How is someone advocating for outright removal of civil rights to someone still active in politics? Usually the so called, atleast here, racists while maybe that truly, keep it atleast somewhat vague and the parties even the more extreme ones, make internal purges at times to save face and throw out the shitters. BUt that for some reason doesn't seem to be the case over there.
>>363903 At least he does it explicitly instead of by accident At least when he insults me, he fucking means business
>>363907 You could call it "rational ignorance" People are aware that their vote likely won't change the outcome So they don't bother to do any research and just vote for the party they always voted for, or the party their dad voted for, or don't bother voting at all Because the time spent researching leads to little individual benefit This is stupid but it's how some people think
And also because some people really are that racist
>>363914 America needs to get rid of FPTP ffs At the very least it needs a preferential voting system
>>363919 In the Australian election I voted Labour because I forgot Australia was having an election and the government would fine me if I didn't vote For the New Zealand one I tried to register to vote online but I forgot the password for my RealMe account and it was too late to sign up via mail so I didn't vote So in the end we have a coalition between NZ Labour Party and NZ First
>>363913 Other than saying something nostalgic for the good ole days, what has he done that may indicate that he thinks racism is a good thing/
I would be far more concerned with the fact that he refused to follow the law to the point where he got booted from being a judge. That sounds more important to me than what he may think based on some statements he made.
>>363908 Maria who did you vote for last election?
>>363918 Well, he refers to natives as "reds" and Asians as "yellow" and is very racist in general. I think it's fair to extrapolate based on what he says and how he behaves that he is, in fact, okay with slavery. And racism. He even once explicitly said he wanted to get rid of the 14th amendment.
I think being booted from the supreme court twice should have made it so he was never even considered for senate. But here we are. Unfortunately, people didn't care about that.
We currently have central party (cheats always) led cabinet with right-central national coalition and formerly true finn right win party, but as they split they are some fucking weird thing now was it Blue Parliament group or something. or blue dream or blue future blue something anyhow. and true finns are in opposition because of the party split. It was really sketchy and they had to check up was it even legal to split a party and that split party to keep running in the cabinet, or would there be a new cabinet forming or even new national elections.
>>363921 Asians don't even look yellow I never got that They look more like pale brown than anything
>>363923 Well the south-east asian or indochinans could be said to be "yellowish" and I think that is where the caricature comes from indochina and southern china, as that is the top places europeans had interractions with the asians in the past.
Kirara 🕎
>>363923 Yeah, he got banned from a mall for sexually harassing minors
unlimited bangarang
okay moe you have to pick two anime character archetypes and now you are that character
>>363928 Yeah if I'm an aussie citizen I gotta vote It's once every 4 years it's fine
>>363916 You have to vote in both elections if you're a citizen regardless of whether or not you're in the country? I could see that getting really annoying before internet voting. >>363927 Aussie aussie aussie?
>>363921 well let's see here I see where he said he wants to get rid of all amendments over 10. I see where he criticized the 14th as an usurpation of powers reserved to the states by the federal government.
I mean, I do see your point here. I just think a lot of the coverage you see in these situations is so sensationalistic that you can't trust it anymore.
>>363927 legally obligating people to vote isn't the right way to do it either.
>>363930 A big problem is people just voting with no knowledge and simply voting because they have to Although at least our voter turnouts aren't like America where like 30% of eligible voters show up
>>363929 I think you know me well enough to know that I don't trust the mainstream media. I don't trust anybody anymore.
Most times, these people are oversensationalized as evil hitler people. Moore was actually, truly an evil comic book villain, though.
>>363931 it keeps the ratings high, but people will just vote for whatever
>>363931 EU parliament elections are also a bloody joke they have like 40% ratings since no one cares everyone has realised the people voted there can't do shit Except when everyone voted for one guy so he would GO THERE but instead he stayed behind and ebcame our next prime minister I think that should be illegal to step into elections, be elected and then step down. the stepping down should only be allowed if the person can't hold he position for say health reasons or something
>>363932 Well, then we agree. All I was saying is that I wish the coverage was a little more netural and actually talked about his faults rather than sensationalistic crap.
When I see the mainstream media calling someone an evil racist bigot who literally wants to kill every American, I start looking for what they're doing right that made the media hate them so much.
unlimited bangarang
for me it's like it doesn't really matter if you wants everyone to be trans or races to be segregated that shit will be sorted out by society anyways i care which companies are bankrolling your campaigns and what corporations are controlling you which sucks because pretty much all politicians are owned at this point
LIKE HOW CAN YOU GO "Vote me to this role, but if I get a better post fuck your votes" and then the guy was surprised why his ratings dropped...
>>363935 these are his faults though He is a sensationalist person
>>363935 Well, if they're getting coverage like that, they're probably not doing anything right, but the Democrat is still losing because democrats can't win generally, so the media attacks them.
>>363938 I think his faults lie mostly in the fact that he failed at his job as a judge. I don't really care much about stuff he's said that seem like they're being taken out of context, or allegations with little proof.
I just want the cold hard facts with no commentary.
>>363939 If the media hates someone, they're probalby doing something right! That's my rule.
Kirara 🕎
him being banned from a mall for sexually harassing children is a fact at least
Kirara 🕎
>>363941 that's a ridiculous rule and im dumbfounded that you would even consider it to have any validity
Not all publicity is good for you. Even Trump gets some good afterall and most of his atleast election time attacks on his person were unfound or blown over the top
>>363943 I thought you said you didn't trust the media.
Mainstream media doesn't attack people because they're bad. Mainstream media attacks its enemies. There are plenty of bad people that the mainstream media doesn't attack because they consider them allies.
What the media decides to do has no legitimate value at all because they are hypocrites.
>>363945 there is a difference between being the enemy and having shit told about you or a smear campaign against you, that you can use clevelry to stay in the spotlight and being actually what the media tells you about because you have actually confirmed it
>>363945 I don't trust the media. But them attacking someone means it's for political reasons. It has nothing to do with whether anything the person is doing is right in any way. Generally, the person the media is attacking is doing everything wrong, just like the person the media is defending. They're all corrupt and evil. Every last one of them. No matter who the media is attacking, they're also corrupt and evil.
Here we have an exact qoute for when he said America was best when slavery was around > "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another. Our families were strong, our country had a direction." Make of it what you will
>>363947 You agree with the idea that the media attacks people who it considers enemies though. Not that it has anything to do with good or bad.
If there was a good person out there who was doing things that the media didn't like, the media would attack them and try to make them look like a bad guy.
>>363948 see, you could argue that statement either way.
And that's true, but the media attacking someone is no indication that they are doing anything right. In fact, the media rarely attacks people doing good things because people aren't doing good things.
Media attacks people for not agreeing with the narrative, but when it comes to politics they usually have quite a lot more dirt than just disagreeing with their world view
>>363948 >families were united >when we had slavery soooooooo we just gonna skip when we separated families from each other during slavery or was that not in the fifth grade Alabama curriculum?
I mean anyone who says "we need to rethink about our immigration policy" becomes "racist close the borders islamophobe" instantly by the media. atleast here and you know, reasonable immigration policy is beneficial for a nation. so is that a person being evil and corrupt?
>>363963 I don't know how you could "not think about black people" while saying "slavery". It's just a double whammy of lack of understanding both in history and in self-awareness
The statement looks to me like he's saying it was great that families were more together then even if we had slavery. Kind of a "my thirteenth birthday party was pretty fun even though I had a broken leg" kind of statement.
>>363971 Well that was by the africans to be precise though the slave market was in the end enabled in the amount it happend >>363976 hey am tired no can read good but that has somewhat bothered me how were the children of slaves treated? were they born enslaved?
>>363975 I'm talking about 'within' the states. You could have a whole family and still sell the ones you don't wanna keep. Yes, they were born enslaved. It's what gets called "chattel slavery"
>>363975 who cares who it's done by >how were the children of slaves treated as slaves
>>363978 Even if you give him the benefit of the doubt here, that just means you're saying that he's stupid So either he's a racist or he's stupid and insensitive in regards to history and clearly should not be a senator >>363979 #cut4Roy_our_boy
>>363978 Listen, I know where he is coming from. My belief is that if you really need that much slack from me, you are most likely not working in any interest that I have as a human being. I can decipher these statements pretty well. The problem is that they required deciphering.
>>363979 Thoughts and prayers for our friend Roy in these troubling times
>>363990 Man would Jesus rip mountains apart and use them as boxing gloves if he had seen what happened to his movement. >organised religion >state religion man I wouldn't want to be around just selling stuff in a temple made him go into an angry fit even as an adult and he turned to stone a tree that didn't give him fruit, outside of the fruit season.
>>363988 Yeah the fact that so many people voted for him at all is sad
You can call him unqualified and then he still sits there for six years being unqualified, doing unqualified things, and acting on behalf of a state. All you need is enough people to dislike "qualified people".
Love too have a political system with qualifications beyond political stance
No one really talked about his qualifications, though.
When the biggest impeachments that the media brings against a person is that he's racist or that he has some accusations against him, people don't trust it. Nobody believes that stuff anymore.
People chatted the hell out of the fact that he was kicked out of being a judge. No one C A R E D That didn't matter. I wouldn't even say that it got drowned out by the pedophilia. It was just that everyone figured that his problems in the past might have just been LIBERAL BIAS BY THE ABA
Kirara 🕎
>>363996 His qualifications were talked about frequently but were later drowned out by the pedophilia because nobody cared about the judge thing
>>363998 fault of sensationalism the actual important stuff gets buried and not scrutinized enough and accurately so that it could actually be used to throw shitters out of the game. Not to mention the quality of journalism these days, when articles are written on basis og 5minutes of googling gotta have dem clicks
>>363998 Well, I only casually followed all this, but all I ever heard about him was the racism and accusations stuff. I did hear about his refusal to remove the ten commandments from the courthouse or something like that, that was what was most interesting to me since he got fired for it. Still, they're the basis of our system of law so I can kinda see it from that side either.
Anyway, I didn't follow it closely because I'm not really into politics. Most voters are like me.
Kirara 🕎
>>364000 Alabamans knew about the qualifications at least
>>364000 >they're the basis of our system of law I thought the laws passed by the government were the basis of your system of law
>>364002 In the sense of tradition having developed over time US constitution too is based on magna carta for example which was just a paper that limited the power of the english king over his subject nobles nothing to do with the people really but was the first line of constitution drawn in europe really atleast since ancient times.
They're all terrible. Doug Jones was racist as hell, too. And doesn't support any policy change that has any meaning. It's amazing that both parties can't pick out a single good person.
>>364005 Is there a single good person there who holds enough power to be allowed to be in the game? Political parties are prone to corruption and in just a two party syster where money quite literally wins elections...
Heh, while saying it was only about slavery would be wrong, but saying it wasn't about slavery is 10000% wrong. that was in the end the main issue that sparked it, though there were many other issues that in the end snowballed it into the mess it became.
>>364009 NieR: Automata is about the fight between Androids who fight on behalf of humans who are currently residing on the moon versus the machine lifeforms, beings created by aliens who invaded the Earth. A lot of the story is about what it means to ... actually nah. Just play the game.
Unfun fact about the civil war when european observers came around to see what was going on and maybe pick up some new stuff or teach the locals how to war better they were all shocked how "uncivilized" the sides were as in when two regiments met, they just kept firing at each other, instead of eventually trying to close in to charge or such, which was the european way of warfare still the bayonet charge. Shock that broke the enemy and caused them to flee, which kept most europan war casualties relatively low. But in the civil war, they just kept firing untill one side was completely broken due to losses and not morale and panic.
So when the actual importance of seeing how devastating modern weaponry was, it mostly got ignored as the observers just jotted it down to the americans just being shitty at fighting wars and general barbarians. And so in both //in the world war they had still charges against machinegun fire for quite logn while before they went "hmm this isn't working at all" despite one bloody conflict already having proven that.
>>364010 Is the idea that the civil war wasn't about slavery a racist idea?
The civil war wasn't about slavery. People in the north were just as racist as people in the south. White people in the 1800s weren't willing to die so they could be free.
>>364018 Do you think Lincoln cared about the slaves?
Kirara 🕎
they died because they were sent to war that's what soldiere do they generally don't care about what they're fighting for and frequently don't even know
The war was sparked because of slavery and other issues that the southern state deemed to be aimed at crushing them economically but the actual war was fought over either the independence of the south or to stop the seccation I mean, original plan of atleast Lincoln was to then deport all slaves back to Africa and that was what Liberia was formed for afterall, not that everyone left.
Slavery certainly was one of many issues that the war was fought over.
If you ask me, it's much more revisionistic to pretend that it was some moral crusade by the north to stop something evil. Most of the concerns that the north had at the time revolving around slavery were not humanitarian, they had to do with taking the south's industrial power. The north didn't need slavery.
Most of the reasons the civil war was fought were about political and economic power. Slavery was a relatively minor reason.
Kirara 🕎
saying it was fought over slavery isn't saying it was a moral crusade
it's saying that the slavery was a major part of why the south left the union and that the union fought to get the south back because that's what countries do
sk 🖤
I don't give a shit what the north wanted, exactly I know that the south defended slavery
>>364023 it wasnät some evil scheme ment to crush the southern economy it was just getting along with the times the powers of the world were kinda "you know that this slave trade is kinda baaaad" and those powers also had a lot of money to buy american goods
>>364024 Freeing the slaves wasn't even on the north's to-do list before the war, though. Lincoln's decision to free them shocked EVERYONE, including northern politicans.
>>364033 Also why none of the world powers stuck in that would have benefited from the cotton trade and such of CSA can't really have the "supports slavery" tag on you anymore in europe.
Kirara 🕎
the president of the confederacy even explicitly said it was about slavery
When I learned about it in school it was about trade stuff and some territorial disputes. Now when I look it up every websits says it's about slavery.
I don't really know if the history books have been rewritten or not
Kirara 🕎
well maybe it's time to learn it for real you can LITERALLY read the statements the states made when they seceded denying this is pure revisionism and an outright refusal to acknowledge facts
sk 🖤
Yeah gee Rika, what if the education provided by and voted on by people who still go "HISTORY (which is fucking slavery, by the way) NOT HATE" and flag what amounts to the American swastika... isn't the best source here
There are school books that don't even list the slaves as slaves.
Anyhow in rika's defense the war wasn't just about slavery and the north indeed wasn't planning to ban it anytime soon, though it was an eventuality but yaeh, slave-economy was big part of southern economy, so them trying to secure it is a logical choice. And thus the seccession movement was born.
Listen. I explicitly stay out of the civil war conversation on /moe/. I can't and won't help. Helps me sleep.
Kirara 🕎
>>364045 you can trust historical well i guess if you want to deny anything is real you can just do that and make up your own history i guess it doesn't really matter
So from CSA point of view it was about keeping the cotton trade and their economy intact, which required the slave labour, and that sparked their desire for independence from the Union. As for the north's point of view, it was about getting disobedient states back into the union.
>>364047 why would I make up my own history? I really just regret becoming involved in this conversation, there was nothing to be gained from this.
Kirara 🕎
>>364049 well, im telling you there are historical documents that say slavery was a major reason and you're just saying you can't trust anything anymore what's the point of believing anything at all then how do we know any history happened?
I really don't understand why it is hard to see that an openly homophobic, pedophilic religious zealot is denying the role of slavery in the civil war NOT because he's merely rationally disagreeing with the consensus because he's got additional information, but because in addition to these things, he's a fucking racist too
>>364050 And there's plenty of historical stuff that suggests that there were some pretty major other reasons it happened. I mean isn't it just common sense that white people weren't willing to die en masse just to free the slaves back then?
but really I am trying to capitulate here can't you just let me give up like just read this one
>The General Government, as the common agent, passed laws to carry into effect these stipulations of the States. For many years these laws were executed. But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution. The States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, have enacted laws which either nullify the Acts of Congress or render useless any attempt to execute them. In many of these States the fugitive is discharged from service or labor claimed, and in none of them has the State Government complied with the stipulation made in the Constitution. The State of New Jersey, at an early day, passed a law in conformity with her constitutional obligation; but the current of anti-slavery feeling has led her more recently to enact laws which render inoperative the remedies provided by her own law and by the laws of Congress. In the State of New York even the right of transit for a slave has been denied by her tribunals; and the States of Ohio and Iowa have refused to surrender to justice fugitives charged with murder, and with inciting servile insurrection in the State of Virginia. Thus the constituted compact has been deliberately broken and disregarded by the non-slaveholding States, and the consequence follows that South Carolina is released from her obligation.
>We affirm that these ends for which this Government was instituted have been defeated, and the Government itself has been made destructive of them by the action of the non-slaveholding States. Those States have assume the right of deciding upon the propriety of our domestic institutions; and have denied the rights of property established in fif
>>364058 >pure strength in addition to being able of creating a reality marble containing an unilimited amount of bangs Holy shit can anyone stop this absolute monster?
>>364056 >established in fifteen of the States and recognized by the Constitution; they have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery; they have permitted open establishment among them of societies, whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloign the property of the citizens of other States. They have encouraged and assisted thousands of our slaves to leave their homes; and those who remain, have been incited by emissaries, books and pictures to servile insurrection. >On the 4th day of March next, this party will take possession of the Government. It has announced that the South shall be excluded from the common territory, that the judicial tribunals shall be made sectional, and that a war must be waged against slavery until it shall cease throughout the United States.
>The guaranties of the Constitution will then no longer exist; the equal rights of the States will be lost. The slaveholding States will no longer have the power of self-government, or self-protection, and the Federal Government will have become their enemy.
You'd have to do something more significant than becoming a warlord to get in the history books. I don't really think you could blow up the moon. The moon is really big you know. It gets hit by crazy impacts all the time and it's fine.
NASA says it can be done with drills. They want to use careful drilling to vent heat out of it but warned that going too far would detonate it. Easy. I can get government assistance for it, too.
>that sounds like something out of a video game NASA has used techniques in DuckTales to do stuff. I put nothing beyond fiction. Or was it the Navy? I can't remember. I think it was NASA.