The build up towards Christmas is always a big, complex ball of emotions and thoughts on things for me.
There's the falling away of stress over semester toils, a general Christmas cheer that usually infects me, but there's also a general melancholy as I look back at another year older and how little has changed, or looking at how things are "supposed" to be going for people my age. Mixed in with cravings to want to see people instead of just connecting with them digitally, and just a general overall yearning that doesn't have any particular direction but envelops most aspects of my life. Overall I enjoy the holiday season, but Christmas day itself is usually pretty depressing.
I want to do something I'm not doing, I want to be somewhere I'm not currently at (physically and elsewise), but I don't have a particular target for any of it, so it's impossible to properly satiate that desire. It's a desire that eats at me throughout the year but it always flares up the most intensely around Christmas.
>>362255 i know this feeling my mom is racist as hell
>>362253 Yeah. I don't want to sleep but I'll have to!
Like ma
i know for a fucking fact that you dont care THIS MUCH about which shelf the fucking mayo jar is on unless youve suddenly realized today how much it truly matters to you
>>362273 It would actually be a problem if an AI that did my job existed. I might get replaced.
Academic Writing and Research. I'm going to have to write an analysis segment and then short essay on one of two articles. The examination period is going to be like three hours; I'm not particularly worried about it.
>>362275 Oh, I see. How many more finals do you have? I have two and both are tomorrow.
>>362276 if an ai rika started posting you might not even notice the difference there's nothing machines can't do better than us!
I've got two more after that, one on Thursday and one on Friday. There's also a paper due for the Friday class that I'll have to be working on during the rest of the week too.
None of my exams feel particularly difficult though. The only one I'll likely to need some studying on is for Thursday.
I've got stats and culture tomorrow. I have to do well on my stats exam but I can get a 70 on my cultural psych class /// test and still have an a in the class.
unlimited bangarang
oh boy! it's sunday i'm excited
unlimited bangarang
i guess we aren't gonna see anymore tax accountant?
>>362277 there'd be two rikas so of course you'd notice
Well you know what they say. Buy your girl a fish and she'll eat for a day. Buy your girl a fishing rod and she'll leave you because who the fuck gives a fishing rod as a present.
>>362305 Like eating out? Stop doing that and learn to cook. Making a decent home meal is far cheaper
Where the hell are you taking her that it's actually important that it's out?
>>362308 Well I would personally. Cooking it yourself makes it more personal. Furthermore doing it at home means you have less variables to ruin it like driving and other people Simply buying food feels cheap, it has less soul
>>362317 She helps pay the utility bills and we alternate buying groceries and dinner when we eat out but that's it. She doesn't have many expenses because she's home all day everyday.
my girl also lives really far away and boy have i been seeeing her on a daily basis
my life has been devoid of romance for quite some time that would be fine if i still had tons of money it seems like having one or the other is fine but having neither is kinda lame
>>362329 She could throw his elite PC gaymin set-up out the window when they inevitably break up.
there's not even really anything to do and it's winter so it's not like the beach is viable and all my ideas were shot down because she doesn't want to exercise or something
it'll be interesting at least j /// i hope she's not stressful
>>362346 I made that joke like five months ago and no one thought it was funny. ;_;
Also I got Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More and The Good the Bad and the Ugly on dvd today. Cause Netflix is fucking garbage and never has what I want to watch.
>>362363 I look at Netflix and it's like They have The Hobbit but no LotR Says it all really
>>362364 How do you not have LotR on dvd? Also I'd ask that even if you didn't live in New Zealand.
>>362366 Because I can download it and not pay money
I only have it cause my sister bought it And left it after moving
We have some old lotr doll from when my sister was young. It's still boxed so I wonder if it's worth anything
>doll I think you mean actionfigure. It's probably not worth more than $10
It's search stuff has gotten progressively worse for people who know what they are looking for. This is because googke has spent hubdreds of millions of dollars *hundreds Making it so that people who ask the wrong question get the right answer IE "did you mean ____" so a big portion of their code is about finding things that you didn't explicitly ask for
Wow, they're doing a reprint of Tohsaka Rin's nendoroid.
Ooh Might get that
>>362411 it helps if you silo your google searching and, if you do know what you're looking for, preface your question by googling the key relevancies first
>>362420 It says the release for it is in June. Might want to preorder if you're interested though, that one is old and pretty rare by now. There will probably be a lot of demand for it.
unlimited bangarang
>>362421 I'm getting unrelated results when using the quotation mark exact search term operators Like webpages that literally do not contain my exact search string.
Oh, the urge to buy a lot of nendoroids is rising. Maybe I should stop looking at this.
unlimited bangarang
>>362434 Don't you have a billion trillion dollars? Treat yourself to like 3 little nendoroids and then feel bad enough about it that you save money by not buying anything extraneous for awhile
I actually haven't left Texas in a long time at least 5 years I've been to every major city in it, which is actually more distance traveled than most people do, but I still haven't managed to leave
Well this wasn't the exact one I was looking for, but its good enough. >>>/watch?v=7kbgOX9NRNI
I feel like I'm becoming distant with some of my closest friends because it's harder to see them now My room is getting messy faster and faster than my previous habitual cleaning because I now spend 100+ hours in my room every week, as opposed to the 60 or 70 I spent before, around 50 of which are spent spent sleeping Effectively doubling the amount of time I spend in my room And the willpower to clean it is so much harder to find when I can barely find willpower to stand up or breathe Depression is beginning to take physical effect on my health as well, because I do less activities and spend less time outside my room - I'm gaining weight when I'm already too big and my muscles feel sore all the time from lack of activity I don't really have a good reason to take care of myself because I rarely interact with anyone outside of work anymore I can see my life slowly draining in front of me. All the time I spent building up and up and now it's just put on hold and left to atrophy And the worst part is that it's not even close to over, I'm going to have to deal with this over the course of months, probably 2 to 4 of them I'm just not really seeing a bright future or bright path anymore I'm not really seeing the reason to continue like I did before Only short-term goals keep me moving from one day to the next "maybe i'll get to see this friend this week" "i'll get to play video games when i get home from work" "if i don't eat anything but ramen and eggs and peanut butter for the next three weeks, maybe i'll be able to go to that new years event" there's no more ambition no more hope just want
Found another one.
not anymore not when I know I'm only doing what I'm doing now because of extenuating circumstances preventing me from doing what i'd like to be doing not when i'm making less money because of factors that i feel are due to faults in our system than for faults of my own not when i don't get to reap any of the benefits
>>362459 Fuck, like a few months ago you seemed so much happier
>>362466 yeah because a few months ago I was under the impression that if I followed all the rules I'd have finally freed myself from this beauracratic nightmare now the government's dick is so far down my throat i can't fucking breathe
Oh, are you still having trouble with your tickets?
unlimited bangarang
no they're paid off and i have insurance and my surcharges are kept up with but for some retarded fucking reason my license is still suspended i pay all this fucking money and go through all this fucking bullshit and i'm still not allowed to participate in society
unlimited bangarang
and by the fucking way, not being able to drive effectively puts you on fucking house arrest here there is no public transportation there is only roads and lots of them >>362471 i literally do not know and have not been informed i'm saving money to get a lawyer to figure out how to get on the road again
Can you go down to the department of motor vehicles or whatever, or maybe the district court clerk and sak?
unlimited bangarang
that's if i save up enough money for a lwayer before i kill myself which att this rate is any day now
unlimited bangarang
>>362472 they only say that my license is suspended and that i need to apply for an occupational license there is apparently no way to argue or fight back or not one that they care to mention
God I fucking hate that niconicodouga makes you need to log iin to watch vids Using other sites to work around it is such a pain
Did you try this website? Seems like it could be helpful?
unlimited bangarang
>>362480 yes this is the website where you pay the 100 dollar fee to get your SR-22 processed (WHICH I HAVE ALREADY DONE TWICE) and also the website that tells you if your license is eligble or ineligible (suspended or not)
you may or may not have noticed the part where i literally cannot leave my house but i literally cannot leave my house without paying for it or asking someone to drive me which as you may one day eventually conclude means that i don't have a lot to do and so i've spent more time on this than i have ever wanted to in my life
the basics are that A. the government is a fucking scam B. i need to save money for a lawyer and C. i really want to fucking kill myself
Hmm, I wonder what the issue could be. There's usually a way to sort these things out, it's just a matter of figuring it out.
So it's the court system that's keeping your license suspended?
>>362486 Maybe the government should make the way of figuring it out clear and concise instead of wasting everyones time
unlimited bangarang
>>362486 Yes, a mixture of courts being built from the ground up with the intention of allowing the minimum of freedoms expressly guaranteed by law and the Texas DPS being a pawn of insurance companies
At this point the only way for me to legally get back on the road is with an occupational license (which is intended for use only to/from work or to/from reasonable errands and civic responsibilities) I will then be required to keep a log of my trips and their purpose as well as pay a nominal (see: fuckhuge) fee to the court in order to maintain this license, which may act in lieu of a Texas Driver's License during the time in which it is ineligible (suspended) (in my case until October 2018)
What is your driving record like? Do you have a lot of blotches on it?
unlimited bangarang
I was pulled over twice without insurance (from when I was broke in McKinney) and once while my license was suspended because of the other two tickets. Then I got pulled over recently and found out my license was suspended.
unlimited bangarang
Those first three tickets were paid off, and then I was making monthly surcharge payments for the last two years >>362495 No DUIs, I'm fucking retarded but not retarded enough to not feel upset that you'd even ask. My accidents are long enough ago that they don't matter anymore.
>>362494 Don't be offended, I'm just trying to diagnose the problem. I'm not quite sure why your license would be suspended, everything online seems to indicate that most of the reasons for suspension revolve around being medically unable, DUIs, or leaving the scene of an accident with injuries.
I might own the star wars novel with romance between luke and leia, it was written after star wars but before empire strikes back. So it hadn't been determined that luke and leia were siblings Err At that time in the canon they were not.
i'm was planning to try doing a doushio rewrite kickoff today but then i got hungry and i bought a lamp
i have a much nicer architecture in mind
I was going to restart my compiler book but then I got distracted by mtg hangman. And thought of a bunch of different ideas for other flavored hangman stuff
Also I probably don't really have the prerequisite k owledge to really understand that compiler book The
People on this work forum are crying because of some photography/film of a starving bear some photographer came across I dont understand Animals starve thats the ecosystem Why is this news Oh yeah i shoulda mentioned it was news media
>>362684 Am i being heartless or is it really melodramatic
I mean i appreciate the photography i guess
Kirara 🕎
>>362686 i think people are being a bit melodramatic yeah
Kirara 🕎
a 7000 follower flat earth account just retweeted me proving the earth is flat by saying that it can't be a globe because i can see the other side of a river
makes you wonder how many other trolls like you are part of that community
Kirara 🕎
I don't personally consider my flat earth stuff trolling it's basically a satire account
flat earthers probably think you're serious, which is why I called it trolling makes you think though is trolling in the eye of the beholder? thinking emoji
Kirara 🕎
yeah fair enough i can dig it some commies recently found my flat earth twitter and i got follow friday'd within like minutes of it lol
Kirara 🕎
>>>/@rcallimachi/940236733202956289 Manhattan guy had a bad pipe bomb injured himself and lightly injured three others didn't even kill him even though it was strapped to him
didn't follow the manual well
Kirara 🕎
probably got the instructions online most of the top results for those searches are fbi-approved as Really Bad Guides lol
maybe the FBI just says that so you're discouraged from trying thinking emoji
Kirara 🕎
nah they told me about that shit in a bomb squad demonstration when we were going over types of common bombs a and how they're constructed
so what is the right way to make one? asking for a friend
Kirara 🕎
you just put "bomb" in your construction queue
sounds easy enough gonna have to try that
Kirara 🕎
yeah it's pretty easy you don't even need free worker units
>>362721 We don't have a rules page, but the rules are pretty simple. Don't post lewd images, so no panties or anything more explicit than that. And be pleasant. We also try to limit stuff like /pol/ discussion.
Our moderator is Rika, who posts as Yuu, and our admin is Sam, who posts with names that are like Samu or Samurai generally.
alright then you guys seem pretty cool so i hope you don't mind if i stick around but for now i think i'll go back to bed
Welcome! We're usually a bit busier later in the day, too. Our busiest time is probably like 7:00 PM to 4:00 AM EST. Although it's usually reasonably busy around like 5:00 PM EST.
also don't post about anime that shit is for nerds
But it might not get a HorribleSubs rip because it looks like Netflix has the international rights to it, not CrunchyRoll/Amazon/whoever else HorribleSubs rips from. So if it's going to get English subs in any timely fashion it's likely going to have to be a fansub group.
>Fourierism is the systematic set of economic, political, and social beliefs first espoused by French intellectual Charles Fourier (1772–1837). Based upon a belief in the inevitability of communal associations of people who worked and lived together as part of the human future, Fourier's committed supporters referred to his doctrines as Associationism. Political contemporaries and subsequent scholarship has identified Fourier's set of ideas as a form of utopian socialism – a phrase which retains mild pejorative overtones.
yeah that's a good point, doesn't sound like SK at all
some weird questions in this quiz
Kirara 🕎
wikipedia makes fourierism look like some kind of centrally planned anarchism it looks weird as hell
Kirara 🕎
>>362757 yeah and i think it gave me feminism and queer because i was down with empowering women and LGBT people and stuff and was just generically anarchist other than that
>game paths one of my colonists into the bottom of a pool, where he immediately destroys his only way of getting back up >doesn't let me know he's suffocating until he's at like 20% air Nope
nothing but respect for my compassionate capitalist masters
>>362760 The dupes in ONI follow the same principles as dwarves in Dwarf Fortress. They will inevitably trap themselves in a space given the opportunity.
>>362766 It's just fucking dumb that it'll go "unreachable" for stuff that's too far into an area they can't breathe, like if the ladder goes too far down the water But it doesn't stop them from jumping down and destroying the tile they landed on
OH wait, maybe it... no I was gonna say it could be like, it only lists those that sort of align over a certain %, but then I should have had all the anarchies but ancap, I would think Especially ancom
>>362782 >paleoconservatives press for restrictions on immigration, a rollback of multicultural programmes, the decentralization of the federal policy, the restoration of controls upon free trade, a greater emphasis upon economic nationalism and non-interventionism in the conduct of American foreign policy, and a generally revanchist outlook upon a social order in need of recovering old lines of distinction and in particular the assignment of roles in accordance with traditional categories of gender, ethnicity, and race.
But it's not like fascism has to ideologically want war or anything Like It's GONNA, but it doesn't need to wanna Cause it's still capitalism, but now with the state playing extremely on team with the economy, and vice versa And ya gotta expand, yaknow
need some lebensraum eh?
sk 🖤
Yeah I mean the nazi party explicitly glorified war, but it's not like it was avoidable
I really wonder what the test thinks all of us share with the fash though, since I've yet to see a leftie have fascism on the worst list
I'm assuming it's the "members of a society should improve society" thing Since both the fash and commies do think that, we just mean extremely different things by it, while the liberals genuinely deny that idea completely
the question can mean anything, but the pros and cons make it seem like agree is in favour for cooperation and disagree is pull up by bootstraps
>We should strive to remove hierarchy where we can Like this one alone should put fascism as a 100% worst, honestly
Kirara 🕎
the faq says >Why are you calling me a fascist? > The beliefs you agree with point towards you agreeing with the beliefs espoused by the ideology I'm linking you to in "more information". Please don't be offended by this. so some people are at least getting fascism even if we're not getting antifacism
Imma see if I can play the quiz and force fascism as 100% worst
when you put everything on agree you get >Fully Automated Syndicalist Luxury Gay Nationalist Space Communism with yeasty characteristics and nothing else
sk 🖤
Kirara 🕎
wait for real?
yeah try it
now I tried agree on everything but one thing and get 100% for anarcho capitalism, classic marxism, anarchy communism, etc etc etc this is a weird quiz
Kirara 🕎
disagree on everything gives you >Congratulations. You are a
Another thing is it keeps going "the government should do x", without specifying what kind of system it's asking from In some socialist state, yeah the government should only do like, some minimal peacekeeping and other stuff, if anything But in capitalism, no man
Kirara 🕎
i think there should be a test that branches so like if you specify that you think there should be no government, it should start asking questions as to how you think society should be organized
sk 🖤
Alright I have no idea how to make fascism go -100% Time to see if I can get fascism
>Capitalism has failed, and should be replaced with another system This one, too, is a statement where commies and fash will answer hard agree But fash just... mean something completely different by it >>362808 Well I tried to get -100% while still answering most of them in a way I agree with
But yeah, several of the questions I answered as I would have anyway Such is life when people across the spectrum mean completely different things with terms
People on my TL being like "why won't the DNC just move further to the left and win?" as though the DNC gives a fuck, or that it even makes sense for someone to move left to win an election Like, they aren't moving left because they don't agree with what's on their left It's not that they don't know they'd win if they did. They don't wanna
Kirara 🕎
yeah i was thinking about that last night >>>/@idlematts/940030170093596672 they don't want to win they make more money and are stronger if they lose because then they can use fear to get money and keep their status
Isn't there a more appropriate place to be talking this out than here.
we were talking about the way other countries talk about mental illness the other day in class, and someone was pronouncing "togo shitcho sho" (which is the japanese term for schizophrenia" as "toko shit show" or maybe tokyo shit show it was really weird
nice oi aoi
It's always weird to hear people trying to say Japanese phrases. Like even people who should have been immersed in the natural pronunciation for a lot of it will default to some version corrupted by their vocal background.
What interests me a lot is which syllables people emphasize.
Like there was a name, it was like Yukiko Fujiwara or something like that, but people pronounce the name like you-KEY-ko, like, really emphasizing that ki Or you'll get stuff like foo-gee-WAA-ra
I think there's also a bit of a small partitioning of words with more than three syllables. So you'll have someone kind of say "fuji/wara" as if they're two seperate words. But I think a lot of Euro-centric naming conventions have a sort of before/after emphasis. Alex-ANder, Chris-TOpher, stuff like that.
Yeah, that makes sense. I've noticed that people frequently pronounce Matsumoto (a prolific cross-cultural psych researcher)'s name like matsu modo. I guess people really are used to it. Western names are kind of easily broken up into nicknames, too, whereas Japanese nicknames are generally adding or modifying syllables/vowels in the name, rather that cutting off part of the name completely.
>>362827 When you say Alexander, there's a sort of emphasis on the an maybe due to the n or something, but the "an" sort of separates the name into two pieces, so people tend to emphasize it a little, I think. Those midparts of the names just sort of stand out a little, I think. There's a sort of rise in the name, if that makes sense.
>>362825 don't you pronounce those two names in one go? I can't think of people using an emphasis like you put there
It's not always particularly emphatic, but it's there when you compare it up against eastern-Asian words.
if I pronounce christopher in the dutch way I can definitely her an emphasis on the TO, but in english I feel like you just say it one go with alexander I don't really hear it to be honest, the xan bit sounds like it goes pretty fluently. If anything I think the emphasis would be on the -xan- bit instead of -an-
I guess with Alexander it's not quite an emphasis but a slide. The x sort of transitions the first half into the second. But I don't fucking know linguistics I'm just saying what I think I hear.
Japanese in particular breaks words down a bit more minutely because of how syllables work in their language, and syllable emphasis is more emotional than pronunciation. And then you get other east-Asia cultures like Vietnamese where EVERY word is a single syllable.
Speaking those languages with a tongue accustomed to European languages really makes it apparent where these weird emphasis and syllable groupings exist in European languages.
Kirara 🕎
it's a pretty clear point that separates the name into two segments
>>362823 it's pronounced sayk i'd like a carafe of hot sake please
I like to boil my sayk and then put a nice japanese teabag in it
How revolting.
actual conversation with quarx's dad >what in the heck is a cat-su-done >katsudon, it's a pork cutlet >well why dont they just call it a pork cutlet??
he has a point what did you answer?
i said that's what katsudon means
you have a point too
It's like how English has entrepreneur even though that's French. Except not really but you don't see the English speakers of the world calling entrepreneurs "innovative business people". You just fucking call them entrepreneurs.
i've learned that mexicans in videogames get genuinely offended if you intentionally misspell hispanic loan words like normally they're such griefers that it wouldn't matter what you say but if you say like tortea to them they fuckin lose it
hohoh that's a good one, I'll have to remember that next time I see mexicans
i don't know if it's just because i haven't had a drink in forever or i picked out something really shitty but this IPA tastes absolutely horrid how do people like this
hm, not quite even but close >>362875 yeah I converted half of a BTC into LTC around June when I was going to that conference. BTC has risen by 8.5x since then LTC by 5x That said, I have like 24.6 LTC so if it gets even to a tenth of what BTC is right now, that's good money.
damn you're making a good profit are you slowly selling right now or holding on to it?
I'm at an impasse. Ive realized that selling right now would actually be good for me because it's not enough to have to pay Capital Gains tax. My income this year is too low (below 37k) even if I add in all the gains I make from selling BTC But next year, that won't be true. I'll be in an even higher bracket. So any kind of crypto sale would be taxable events. I'm weighing my options. I could settle all of my student debt over time with the entirety of my BTC or let it raise even more to the point where it's even more money but using it becomes a complicated matter. It's not even so much that I dont want to pay taxes but I don't want to CALCULATE taxes. This is really hard. It took me hours just understanding how it all worked out only to realize that I almost completely ruined everything.
>>362878 ah yeah that sounds very difficult there's the option of slightly evading some taxes by selling some coin locally for cash it's an option but of course not very legal
>>362878 just get it and don't pay your taxes til later file and pay the next year
Tax evasion isn't easy if I'm doing it through an exchange. So i'd have to remove it from an exchange first. But it's not that I want to evade taxes, I want to evade fucking up my taxes. If I want things to be simple, I should pull out now. Not to mention that the current price (17k) is actually on the brink of me possibly having to pay cap gains When I sold at around 14k and then bought back nearly immediately, it was still fine. But if we get to 20k, my hands become tied.
do they withhold? i mean i'm a year behind on my taxes at the moment as long as you file, the rest is just a .5% penalty though i think that has changed now
To be honest, there are still things I'm not sure of. Like, okay, I don't pay cap gains, but do I have to pay anything else? Because that 14k price sale is a income earning event. Whether I buy back or not.
rebuying should be a deductible investment i dont know if that was your question
Is it that a thing? Like, I've been reading about stuff and they talk about what counts as a loss and specifics of things like "wash sales". A "wash sale" is when you incurred a loss on a stock but you bought back in within 30 days. And wash sales aren't deductible losses. However, there's no such thing as a "wash gain". So when I sold my bitcoin, that counts for taxes, but buying back in within 10 minutes doesn't negate that. Only happens in the case of a loss. So I don't know if it's deductible, or rather, I'm sure the wash sale rule is to make sure that it isn't. Had I put that money into something else, maybe.
i don't know the investment sides of things really but i would imagine so
Maybe I can throw a tithe at my church or a donation somewhere and make this less complicated. But I wouldn't know the value of what to give in because this First In, First Out stuff is incredibly difficult to manage when bitcoin is concerned. This would be a lot easier had I not tried to be Koi, the Power Trader, in the beginning of the year.
>but you would also have 102k rather than just 25k true
just evade taxes lmao
Coinbase and Bitstamp both report to the IRS.
ouch, that's going to make it nearly impossible
That's what I said, lol If I wanted to evade, I'd have to have the coins on my own wallet and only do transactions through wallets. Exchanges are legally bound to require personal identification so they can report things happening on the account to the IRS.
you said you had to get it from an exchange, I didn't know that meant they report to the tax man :o
>remembers that time his friend couldn't make it onto an exchange so he gave me his BTC and told me to sell half for him. I am so glad this happened before regulation...
yeah I bet when I made an account it wasn't all that serious yet I didn't even know you needed personal identification now
This guy had me swing the markets with like 200BTC in hand like lol >>362897 yep, if you go back they'll probably require it for more expensive transactionis Oh yeah, and Coinbase has a 10k/day sell limit You can't even sell a whole BTC wwwwwwww
heh they don't want BTC to drop too quickly eh is botcoin's worth now centrally tracked or still unique per exchange?
Grandfather, look at me, I have multiplied your Verizon investment by 12. I will glow my own way. Thank you.
>>362899 unique per exchange,of course. When Kirara and I were going on about the price raising, Coinbase was the most inflated. Because Coinbase is the fastest and easiest place to withdraw money. You can have it connect to your bank account and wait 3-5 days OR You can send it to your PayPal account. And get money immediately.
Well, it was only $1800 back then ~$800 per coin. And that was at a good time too, the week after the price trended downward and it slowly lost half its value.
Paypal locks MT out. MT owner sets up Coinbase account. I send them money. Paypal buys Coinbase.
why'd they get locked out
don't remember probably some ToS stuff
probably something to do with piracy
it's really odd to see buttcoin go from lawless to regulated you used to be able to do anything and now you have to think about taxes and shit
do anything is a really romanticized thought. Like, even the concept of anonymity was less than understood. It's only anonymous because there's so much data to sift through and your name isn't attached to it, but with enough tech and a good enough database, you can find that shit. That's why people stare at the blockchain any time a big cryptoransom happens. So we can see where the money moves. But things back then were limited. You could do stuff as long as people actually cared about it
dang i thought i might still have some scrap in my coinbase account there's only 80 cents worth of btc in there lol i had 0.9 btc in // .09 btc in there in may
>80 cents lol, at this kind of price?
yeah i guess i sent whatever was in there to the nearest value I only read Yoko Taro's and Hidetaka's but YT's is something
Well yeah but you have to play the part. The name has to be terrible. You could try Matty from Natty, but that kinda means you'll have to tell people you're from a.
I think I'm impressive enough without pretending to be a rapper! I'm going over some of my research with her now. She's following it all a lot better than I expected her to.
remember when I wrote on a job application that I had experience doing sales and when they asked about it on an interview, I said I sold candy on the trains? Good fucking times
I have no idea what in the world a normal person is to you humans anymore. >>363015 get this fucking Snicker bar bitch 75 cents >>363016 Everyone likes Welch's fruit snacks. It's not that difficult
Didn't even hear about it. All I heard was about the pipebomb or whatever in NYC today which I forgot until my mom asked about it
Also them being a nutjob from that corner of the internet hasn't made it to the press yet.
>>363027 I was about to make a comment about them being stupid for killing mexicans in mexico and not mexicans in the US, but then I learned New Mexico was actually a state and not even part of Mexico
>>363028 Two attacks on the same day, it's getting crazy
well, as far as I know, the NYC bomb didn't do much? Or maybe I haven't heard the worst of it... >three hurt, one in custody It sucks that people are hurt but <<<NO CASUALTIES>>> The City of The World remains undefeated.
Uggggh Ed's legal fund hasn't raised enough money. *ED's I might mail them some cash. Since PayPal blacklisted the crowfunded legal fees website.
oh it's five Five treated for minor injuries. The guy who set it off though has lacerations and burns all over his chest and survived lol ya dun goofed
>>363041 Well, I'm a bit of a clutterbug. I have an aversion to spoilable trash, anything that rots or gets funky is something I get rid of fast. So I've never had garbage bags laying around like that.
The problem with papers is that as soon as you get rid of them, you find that you need them like a week later.
>>363049 I just force myself to stay awake. It's not very hard. If you want to play with fire, try laying down and catching microsleeps for 15 minutes or so.
>>363051 that sounds a little dangerous, but it'd probably work
>>363050 i slept all day today and i'm still tired i don't think anymore would be healthy
>>363053 That's never happened to me. But my system is optimized for my needs. Although I'm also not really someone who needs papers for crap since I'm a NEET.
i dunno i don't know of any of the new smash stuff
>>363072 It's going to be on the switch And Inkling will probably be in it That's basically all we know (aside ffrom obvious stuff like characters who've been in every other smsmash ggame being in it etc)
I'd really rrather have Shantae. Or Viewtiful Joe. Especially Viewtiful Joe.
I need to do laundry pretty badly. I really should have done it before a guest came but I was thinking that I'd do it tomorrow and then iron my shirts because I'll wear some ironed stuff on Wednesday but I didn't think about how I'd have a guest.
>>363086 Like 10 or so within a month. But I'll need to replace the one i put on my phone case eventually. And I'm a bit of a sticker fiend. Although i rarely pay ffor sstickers.
I did that yeyesterday Although I had to remove the dryer vent and clean it out first. Err, ventilation duct. Which didn't complete repair it, but the dryer repair guy is coming sometime later this week.
There was a really bad accident at an intersection I use to get home. It took out like five cars. It happened in the turn lane I use, and happend around the time I go through that intersection. I was working late though so it happened before I left work. Stuff like that is scary!
Well in some strange stroke of perfect efficiency I've caught all my connecting public transport immediately. Should be home in ten to fifteen minutes if you want to watch two shows or something.
>>363179 Mate, I have reason to believe that you're running an ILLEGAL UNDERGROUND BOARD where people meet in secret to plot out how their going to avoid paying their taxes and other crimes against the government. As the host/administrator you're liable
>>363198 1. federal funded disaster relief is a fucking scam and a complete joke 2. the roads never get repaired anyway as is 3. the vast majority of tax money is not used for programs that help americans
>>363200 Well specifically I meant federal highways And the roads where you live don't get fixed because Florida's government is just fucking terrible in general.
>>363200 heh. enjoy your broken social institutions
>>363202 the federal highways are sucking tax dollars that could be used for better things like health care they are constantly renovating and expanding in areas that don't need any work done and disrupting traffic for literal years for no reason the projects to renovate the roads are horrible managed and wastes of money
everything the government does is basically bad
More like the millitary is sucking tax dollars that could be used for better things like fixing the roads
>>363205 They also repair roads that actually get used in addition to those terrible wastes of money
>everything the government does is basically bad What about NASA? Or federally funded medical research Or federally funded technology research
Kirara 🕎
>>363206 the roads don't even need to be repaired like 7/10 times they get repaired
>>363208 what about nasa oh yeah i love that federally funded medical research that fills the pockets of the rich and leaves the poor to die in the streets even though it was funded with the money from the poor
>There was an actual American Supreme Court Judge called Justice Burger
is this life reflecting art?
It's a German name. The name has been around longer than the hamburger has.
I went to see the new Murder on the Orient Express tonight. I think for people that don't have an inundation into Poirot -- most importantly don't have a conceptualization of him to this point, it's a really good introduction into the character and the kind of mystery that Christie wrote. For the most part the movie is honest to the book, changing a bit, mostly with a short bit before the actual train ride to introduce Poirot as a character, and "spicing" up some of the scenes with dramatic suspense that wasn't there previously. Ultimately it still respects the overarcing theme of the novel, and sets up the heart of the plot in a way that appeals well to the emotions. I really enjoyed the movie.
>>363255 do you think that should detract from my enjoyment? it doesn't.