do you have 40 guilt and a save that can grab the red compass and stuff if not you're boned out of the post game
>>365059 I have a bunch of saves My day seven save pre final boss is like 35 guilt and has the red compass I'm not sure where you're meant to go after using thecompass
>>365061 I didn't even know what restaurant it was referring to
Apparently Ash is super-effeminate in the next pokemon movie
>>365062 I dunno how I missed it since I went right up to Gardenias house Maybe it just doesn't happen on day 7 since that's the same day shit's going down
>>365066 I did that too but I can't remember if I last checked my guilt before or after it
The 5 guilt at Dragon's Peak involves the owner of that storehouse from day 4. Ah
If you don't have 40 guilt on day 7 after then you'd need to go back in tiiiime
And since I have you on board the RPG Maker train, here's another one. If it makes you uncomfortable at any time please feel free to bail.
>>365066 >uncomfortable Oh boy I like the sound of that
Wadanohara is full of cute girls like this one. >>365069 Not very but it is still a lot of effort to do things well. I've used it before. >>365070 You can blame my granblue crew being full of trap lovers.
>>365071 I guess you'd still have to slab in custom assets to make it a more personal product music, pictures and some models
>>365074 I remember getting tile sets to workright was a bit of a bitch, but all the stuff to do with the engine itself is simple. If you want to do more complicated stuff like alternative battle systems you have to do scripting though
man I wish I could refund rome23 *2 even I just can't play its campaign the UI of it is so fucking ugly it is so "why did you do this?" you had perferctly good system in all previous TW games yet for this one you use some euuuw just no kill it with fire
I saw da sta warz movie
how was it
yeah it was okay fell asleep at the start and I didn't like the humor and some other bits but otherwise it was okay
but you might as well ask a jellyfish I don't think often have strong opinions on fiction
disney owns national geographic now and 30% of hulu
I did not know Murdoch owned Fox Though when I think of Murdoch I think of Foxtel so I guess that's that connection made
Kirara 🕎
disney owns Alien, Predator, Simpsons, X-Files, now holy shit
Kirara 🕎
also x-men
>>365086 holy christ disney sure has monopoly on entertainment now
Kirara 🕎
their streaming service is going to make insane amounts of money with the acquisition of 21st
Kirara 🕎
they also have deadpool now
Kirara 🕎
avatar, planet of the apes home alone ice age
holy shit man
Kirara 🕎
oh the guy that is killing net neutrality is a pizzagater lol
>game finally gives me new weapon / blade for tora >gives me another tank right afterwards i feel conflicted
Kirara 🕎
i'm pretty much just playing as morag as tank and letting AI rex fuck shit up with attackers
i am playing rex with 3 attack blades and fucking shit up one break from morag or nia and i can get a driver combo off by myself
Kirara 🕎
impressive i'm playing as morag because she's my fav
i dont know if i want to use her over tora yet so i am doing some side missions she seems to deal good damage with auto attacks compared to tora though
>>365101 yeah i think she's a lot better than tora although poppi qt is a real fuckin qt
i dunno defense wise she seems weaker maybe i need better blades and chips poppy a has something like 53% block and 35% defense
qt has comparable defense stats though
Kirara 🕎
i think her def is a little less but she's got high enough defense to not get fucked up and her added attack is nice i have bridgid and the dark samurai tank on her
Kirara 🕎
and the jojo water attacker because i didn't have an extra tank for her yet
i just have two common katanas >>365107 i have hit for 28k with him using opening art its funny taking 1/2 of the monster's health off in one hit
I think it's permafree for like, the basic game I'm not sure though
Supposedly no competitive disadvantages, just cosmetics or something differ, and map access
Kirara 🕎
neato burrito
maybe i'll try it out when i have time then
what is toxikk >>365110 i want to use them but pyra+gorg+roc is just too good i have water / wind and fire /earth on the other two and that gives really good flexibility in blade combos >>365114 oh sounds neat
sk 🖤
Yeah I gave it a gove, and it's a lot of fun >>365113 It's like a more modern quake arena
sk 🖤
>a gove what a go
Kirara 🕎
there's a Blade in Xenoblade named Praxis
>>365113 i wish there were more blade combos for dark and light tbh
>>365121 literally all of the throwaway baddies are greedy capitalist scum
Kirara 🕎
i got an earth atker named agate that's pretty good she's a greataxe user
haha i got her too but on nia and she doesnt do any damage i am using the beast guy with a 30% dmg at max affinity to give her like 110% bonus damage at max and she still doesnt do a lot of damage
i just arrived at the area rex's hometown is in but havent explored yet
Kirara 🕎
oh you're a little bit behind me i haven't been doing a lot of sidequests though i'll probably try to do some this weekend if i have time
i have done all but 7 of them and have completed almost all merc missions i can get currently level 41 but morag is 47
Kirara 🕎
i have to cook a bunch of food to get rank up in merc but haven't finished it yet lol
i havent filled the bar up a second time quite yet but i still have a handful of missions in mor ardain i havent done i think h how long have you played?
Truly I have become Ohio.
Kirara 🕎
>>365131 not sure off the top of my head but somewhere between 30-40 hours we're not even like halfway done with the main story lol
i have played for 75ish hours let me see 76 hours and 46 minutes >>365135 it took me like 150 hours to finish xenoblade chronicles so i was expecting to take my time gotta tide myself over until mhw comes out
Kirara 🕎
holy shit i really gotta go do some side quests haha this game is so LONG man
if you're going to kill yourself, play mhw with me instead
Net neutrality probably dies today
Kirara 🕎
did you hear that ajit pai is a pizzagater
Kirara 🕎
well fcc might decide on new rules today but they have to argue the rules to the courts still and a bunch of republicans came out as pro-net neutrality yesterday because their constituents scared them so there's some home
>>365139 i wish i had time to finish tge other two missions before the beta ended probably missed out on some cool shit
Kirara 🕎
hope too
Well, I did know about that. But I'm hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.
>>365151 it was three quests in different maps with two monsters to hunt each, one quest objective and one optional the only lame part is they didnt give you any tranq bombs to trap monsters with and it only lasted like 2 days
I only have the psp monster hunter games Well Three of them I forget which ones
Kirara 🕎
>>365156 aww i can't wait for the full game though it will be the perfect escape from reality for me
>>365157 there are only four you probably have freedom or freedom unite and p3rd at least
i played p3rd online a lot before mh4 and gen came out the games have only gotten better with each installment tbh except mhtri for the wii that was a mistake
Bbl >>365161 Wasn't it the only wii game with voice chat?
>>365162 i dont know of any other wii games with mic support i do t have a lot of wii games though
Today's "why is this even a thing" outrage is brought to you by orange juice with reduced sugar and calories. Because y'know, in natural orange juice the only sugars it contains come entirely from the orange itself. Same with calories, really. So the only way you make it have less of those is to dilute orange juice with a mixture of water and sweetener chemicals. Natural sugars aren't as nearly bad for your body as processed sugars and it's not like there's an unhealthy amount of them in orange juice, and who is particularly worried about their calorie count coming from orange juice? So what you're left with is a juice with a texture more watery than normal orange juice, and one that tastes pretty clearly of artificial sweetener. There's some things out there I actually quite like the flavour of artificial sweetener in, but let me tell you. Orange juice really ain't one of them.
>>365186 almost as bad as that sugar free candy with xylitol
what i really need is sugar free low calorie water
>>365198 They'll give me ten cents per post retroactively in the corporatocracy of the future.
I found an article about millennials and it is a work of art. Like even if you don't really want to read it, just keep scrolling down and enjoy the web design.
Holy SHIT it scrolled sideways.
huffpo... going to have to pull this up in incognito don't want this garbo in my personalized content
Wow this is some crazy web design.
>tfw they broke the safety net
> In one of the most infuriating conversations I had for this article, my father breezily informed me that he bought his first house at 29. lmao
I love getting down to the comments and one of them is like "there are too many bells and whistles to this article" and another that essentially amounts to #notAllOldPeople
>Seriously? I couldn't get to the gist of the article due to all the bells and whistles with obnoxious graphics, colors. Just blast the hell out of everyone with sound and maybe you can kill off "The Man". t. some white lady with even whiter hair
they should try clicking on the icon for firefox's reader's mode it's pretty dank
>>365235 Doubt. But if you really want to give them a proper excuse. Sharpie the vehicle so they can relay for certain that it was attacked rather than fault by worker.
Also they may own the trucks Through some weird bullshit Like FedEx
The worker is still going to suffer if you throw a thing of soda at the truck. Going after the truck doesn't send a message, it doesn't punish the people driving the corporation to do shitty things, it's just a brief moment of masturbatory feeling good on your part. Don't do that sort of shit and inconvenience someone who's likely also unhappy with their immediate situation here.
I might call Comcast's ceo's mom. I used to have her number.
Kirara 🕎
>>365238 yeah sharpie might be fine or scratching something into it or spray paint
It wouldn't require planning and forethought. It requires one sharpie'd truck, and an article. >>365245 Are you being serious with me? Have you forgotten how hate and anger spreads?
Kirara 🕎
it'd probably be best to find where the work trucks are parked and deface them there unless Comcast people bring their work trucks home?
It'd be easier to call up Comcast for service and then have your friends deface them while they're in your home.
Kirara 🕎
yeah but if you only get one at a time, the worker may suffer for it you have to get a few at once to protect the worker
Kirara 🕎
owning Comcast by helping its employees start a union
I think the people who do field tech for them make decent money. ...I should have called up that one guy who was offering me his beautiful cousins to date and a job.
Kirara 🕎
i dont think putting a worker's livelihood at risk even potentially is worth it unless the worker is consenting what if that worker's stuff has been defaced before and he gets in trouble for it, scheduled less, or has to go to an unpaid training on keeping your truck clean, or something it's too risky unless you get a lot at once, to the point where it'd be impossible to blame the workers for it
i doubt most of these Comcast employees are happy about NN and they'd probably rather have a different job but that doesn't mean they can just get a different job
There's still court proceedings to determine if it's a necessary change. And like a dozen states are suing them so that'll
likely be another slog for them to overcome if the repeal is to go through.
For the time being I would assume the industry must act on the understanding that the regulations are still effective but that part is only speculation on my part.
I'm stuck in a metro station waiting on a train that's arriving in three times the time it should take for a train this time of day to arrive.
It's also pretty cold in the station. And I'm hungry and was hoping to use the time I'd get by leaving a little early today to get a bite to eat. I'll probably have enough time for that, but now I'm banking on lines not being too long instead
>>365285\ I hope you enjoyed your week off. I wanna take a week off. but when you having weeks off they just blur by and when you have a week of work it goes so slow. time is conspiring against me
>how do I learn what human meat tastes like >how do I kill without being caught
>activate my genitals
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>how do I die
well that was last jedi not what i expected which is a positive
how do i kill myselves
>>365288 >finns and russians want to be gods sasuga
breathe without choking
major spoilers luke is everyones dad even snokes
>how do I pretend I am normal
>>365287 That sounds terrible, I hope you feel better soon! I don't really know about all the anime this season I haven't been up-to-date with things recently. I've been enjoying Blend S though\]
>>365322 i'll be trying to return to work tomorrow, though i don't particularly feel up to it they need me though so i guess i don't have much of a choice
have you tried the bound hero battle it's as frustrating as everything else in the world right now
I did try the hero battle. My first few attempts at lunatic haven't gone well. I think i need to try a new approach. I tried putting beefy units on the armor side and an archer on the flying side, but the beefy units are having trouble standing up and the archer needs buffs to actually kill Tana. So I need to try a new approach. Maybe casters?
>>365328 there are some high res units in there i don't have a long day tomorrow but even a short day is goig // going to feel very long
There was a person who wrote something about how Jimmy Fallon was holding back some of the strongest lyrics by having The Roots on his show. And I didn't think about it. And then I heard this. And now I am thinking about it
Kirara 🕎
>>365353 is this just 10 minutes of freestyle because this looks good as hell
I actually have only been to one once. But using Fishfriend as an excuse seems viable. Fish is pretty strong and has good upper body strength and functional strength so I think she'll be good at it. Fishfriend will probably struggle, but that's fine.
>>365369 Remember the classic motivator Let go of the safety rope until they hit the top
Back from magic Only four people showed up So everyone hot an extra prize pack *got Also I got like a pound of not shitty card sleeves So that makes tge probable death of net neutrality sting a little bit less
Also I heard something amusing today The guy who ran the store was complaining about Comcast and said "If it were legal to stage a crusade against Comcast I would. That's a hill I'd be willing to die on."
lot's of people would like to crusade against Comcast i bet Comcast would probably have been burnt down ages ago if it were legal to burn down things you don't like
I would like to burn down our parliament building I'm not an anarchist, I just think it's gray and ugly
>>365408 Honestly I've always wondered that I dunno if we do the same I can't remem YEAH WE DO We call it ground floor Instead of first floor And then the one above gf is first floor But really it's the second floor What the fuck dude
>>365411 Exactly So they should just use ground foor and first floor interchangably
>>365424 tbh they probably talked more about Jesus Christ than physics
Anyways there are a bunch of rules for cames *names Of chemicals and they involve prefixes and suffixes So you can tell from a name (if you know them well) what is in a chemical.
Kirara 🕎
my high school chem teacher's husband didn't believe in atoms
>>365431 That's right. She thought something was a joke but it got put into her head that it wasn't!
>>365433 Disbelief in science (especially basic science) due to religious beliefs is something that really bothers me. Also like How the fuck was that not a deal breaker for her?
>>365435 That's true, and probably right, but it was better that she think it a joke.
>>365434 Yeah, Idk. It always confused me. I asked her once but she said something about love transcending stuff like that, and I was an edgy highschooler, so I was just like, whatever.
>>365474 yeah at first I was like "wait what's so special about this" and thought it had something to do with the smoke but then it zoomed out and something slowly clicked in my brain
The problem with security robots is that people can steal them.
also bang do you want to watch inuyshiki
the problem with security robots are they are evil
Kirara 🕎
You could hypothetically put a bomb inside a security robot and it would bring it back to the charging station and blow it up along with the other robots.
Yeah, I think it's something that be changed through psychiatrical assistance or willful change on the yandere. I also wouldn't expect every yandere to remain in love with their target for the ...I dunno, rest of their life, I guess. I'd imagine some of them would fall out of the passion and wouldn't have the fuel for the yandere tendencies anymore.
>>365511 Yeah I think so depending on why she's a yandere Like she might grow up and mature Or she might realise her tendencies just hurt the character she loves
Lol can you imagine if she was just yandere the whole way through the show and received no character development
unlimited bangarang
>>365517 then in general i think no unless the plot demands it or explains it or especially centers on it happening for some special reason, then generally the yandere will always be yandere
I guess it depends on the yandere, too. Some might be yandere because they want power over their lover and some might be yandere due to anxiety or something.
I have been reminded recently of how deep my social ineptitude goes. And that for keeping in contact with people, giving your phone number while not getting theirs means trying to actually stay in communication is difficult.
my friend has been trying to cheer me up and even offered to pay my bills and legal fees to get back on the road but i had to turn her down, i can't accept that much money from someone outside my family i can't feel like i owe someone something like that
>>365577 I think it's natural to wonder what kind of a shame it may be!
also is a cause of death here eberywinter quite horrifying for kids edpecially >playing around in snow >digging a snowfort tunnel in a snowbanj >tractor comes along and dimbs ton of snow there >suffocste/crushed/frozen to death >no one can hear your screams
>>365600 There are lots of reasons something could be a shame!
>>365603 only has happened to me on purpose or when our snow tunnels have collapsed luckily, usually kids don't play alone so help is close the rare cases of death by snow for kids are basically sad lonely kids
>>365609 My needs for proper genres, tags, and categorizations aside, if it's natural to ask what kind of shame something is, then there should be clear kinds.
>>365610 Yeah definitely But where I've lived the hills don't get like super big They're tall but don't cover a large area. So i never really got to make any tunnels more than 3 or 4 meters Also there's like no fucking hills around here so sledding was shit after i moved to the Chicago area
>>365611 would you like a sandwich >>365616 is this some kind of shame
unlimited bangarang
>>365586 Yeah I guess I just don't want to be like that thoug It feels bad to take money from others I like to be the one who buys and gives freely to my friends
>>365618 king of the hill on those was also superfun
>>365622 yeah, shame we don~t have genemanipulation for humans
There's a chance I'll be seeing the new Star Wars tomorrow. Depends on the if the friends that invited me are seeing it at a time I can make with my final tomorrow.
>>365634 i alreadu saw it last nite luke was evertones dad
>>365635 The one in an image without a hideous watermark made by a vain person still attempting to hold onto some sort of sense of pride about making "renders"
>>365651 Everybody spirals out of control and loses it sometimes. Of course the person you're willing to be vulnerable around is the one who sees the brunt of it.
>>365655 Why is it disgusting? The watermark isn't even over the content. You can easily crop it out if you actually had to utilize the image in anything
>>365664 The strength of the word doesn't really evade my question. It's so out of the way that you can crop it out far easier than actually making the render yourself.
I just don't see the reason to get bothered by it at all.
>>365665 People don't always have "reasons" for why they get bothered by things. I can look at it and get bothered And then think about it and no longer be bothered But that doesn't change the fact that I was bothered.
>>365676 If you can gut a fish, you can probably cut someone up.
>>365679 yeah gimp takes like half a minute to boot
>>365681 I'm so sorry. GIMP is fucking trash. It's tragic that a piece of software *free software could be aaround for this long aand still be utter garbage
>>365683 That's not the only reason GIMP is bad. Well actually taking a minute to load isn't bad unless you're doing something simple. But the interface is really bad. And it takes a while to re der But really The biggest problem is the interface
>>365689 It gets harder after you start because they start screaming and stuff. People screm scream a lot differently than you're used to hearing when you start stabbing them.
When I used to scream, my parents said they'll give me something to scream about so I don't know if screaming is the thing that'll stop people from cutting people up.
>>365699 My point is that if she can attack me of all people, she can probably cut someone up. We even have some big knives that make her feel safe around the house.
>>365698 It probably would have been painful if I hadn't blocked them.
>>365701 Knocking your boyfriend around is totally different than stabbing someone. You need to understand that girls have different limiters when it comes to hitting guys than guys do.
They have good skills but it's hard to get excited about armor. I already have more good armor units than I can use. Maybe I'll get Robin or Tharja if they have stats I like.
>>365740 those B skills are pretty crazy are they inheritable i want that on my robin instead of quick riposte
Armor was one of the more exciting types for me I thought there was going to be a Nah but I guess not
submit my application for gubmint healthcare becauss the verification system is down because i do not get healthcare from my employer and their site is mysteriously down they are gonna charge me a couple hundred for not having healthcare lol
>having a conversation with a casheer by reading their lips cause blasting good music and can't hear them
>>365775 that's innovative though women will respect your intellect
Man when I lost the screw that runs through a hinge on my glasses I just took them in to the shop and they replaced it free of charge.
i got glasses without healthcare and it cost me $95 bare minimum >>365779 i had my glasses reseated when the lens popped out of the frame for free so i dont see why not i just took them back to the place i got them with the prescription and stuff
I'm about ready to hibernate until spring comes. Though I'll probably have to get to working until next school semester instead.
I really don't want to work shift work even if it's ten minutes from my place. Especially during the winter. Starting at seven in the morning.
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
shift work eh
i wouldn't mind working on a shaft err i mean shift
>>365783 when does it end in the evening that's an early time to wake up
As far as they've insinuated I'm good to work as long as I want and as long as they need me. So if it's a ten hour work day I could technically run the full of that. But I could probably also stop at four or whatever if I needed to. >>365788 If I don't make myself useful they'll just call in the guys that make themselves useful.
>>365787 That sounds amazing what's the downside of that You get to work whatever hours you want
Ultimately I don't entirely understand -why- I get called in anyway. There's really only one day that I'm of particular use, the other possible days I get called in, the job I do, pretty much any other -one- person can do by themselves. But I'm not really programmed or equipped to have that same efficiency. My existence there on those days isn't a matter of efficiency; it's a matter of luxury. I guess it's nice that they bring me in anyway but I don't derive particular pride or satisfaction from it.
i watched three billboards it certainly made me feel... something
>>365790 yeah but someone still has to do it and you do it
No you don't understand. If I get called in, someone else HAS to be there or else I can't handle the incoming workload. But when others get called in, me coming in as well is just there to lift some stress off that person, my absence does not cause issue to them like others do for me.
>>365794 Could you get more efficient? Take pride in lifting stress off others
Possibly? I don't really understand why it's so hard for me to not get more efficient. I'm not the tallest or strongest person, my arms aren't particularly long or muscular. So when moving packs of beer off a belt to a stack I need to move a bit further than some others might to cover the whole stack. That part of it I can't exactly change much in to drastically improve efficiency. But at the same time a woman working there who's even shorter than me can do the work at a better pace than me. Reasonably I should be able to improve on footpath efficiency and how I lay the packs on the stack, but I don't think my brain is particularly consistent about forming habits like that. I can do that sort of thing if I focus but focusing is only temporary is breaks the moment I have to adjust my attention to something else. So it's hard to hold the belief that I can drastically improve the efficiency there either.
>>365792 I have heard all kinds of things about this film. Don't think I'll ever see it but it's quite the opinion generator.
damn that was a though call book on finnish folk ghost stories or overall book with illustration on occultism and mysticism
>>365795 And I know you're trying to be obstinately positive here but the feeling of working when it's like that is, for me, akin to being a kid trying to help your dad with some construction work or something and he just hands you off his hammer or wrench to hold while he's not needing it. It's not exactly the kind of satisfaction I feel content in pursuing in an adult career.
>>365799 Well I guess it sucks then and I hope you find something you're better at
>poltergeist haunting in an old couples house in 19th century finland >gets carried in newspapers >people travel to see devilry and like finns get drunk >local government sues couple for witchcraft and/or fraud and illegally selling alcohoö just finjish things lol
why are there so many shitty covers of hallelujah (cohen song) sure is a good one, but really you can't sing it better than him and your tribute is just an insult to anything with audiosensing organs
>>365844 i thought the rum was comparable to johnnie walker blue label in terms of flavor vs a $50 bottle but it was about $200 more than it
i would never buy such expensive liquor for my own use though my tastes aren't so luxorious
>senior citizens using mobiletocket pn smartphones high tech nation indeed
>>365846 jw isn't really worth the price it isn't bad, none of them. but worth their price compared to product quality, nah
>>365848 i would have to agree the blue was pretty good, though
though i haven't had a drink in like 2 months now
i've drank roo much since august but oh well
people think of pinetrees covered in snow, when they think of a wintery vista, but true beaty are the black and white birches; their normally böack bare branches now covered in silver-white paint of frost and snow a much fancier sight if you ask me