>>364110 Hello I'd like to make a psa It is extremely illegal to say "I support the actions of islamic state and wish to support them and I have a group you can join by mailing [email protected]" Do not say that For it is illegal
>>364116 that is the problem you can't have that long range artillery as then the accuracy and such become an issue and it is quite hard to well set up or even possess but something like infatnry level tube launcher is quite easy to carry around concealed >>364121 nah it would get shot down eventually as the air space is protected
hmmmm what if We have some sort of guided missile way way way far away from the president Then we get a drone up in the air near the president And we use its camera or whatever to guide the missile that's shot from far away >shot down eventualy True the drone would appear very suspicious
>>364123 >>364126 Do they have anti vehicle weaponry? Maybe if we got a turbo charged bulldozer reinforced and just RAMMED it into the podium
Basically, the more ridiculous the plan and the gear you use, the more difficult it is to set up and acquire, but if you can pull it... How do they even conceive of preventing it say launching a gas grenade on a president when they are holding a public speech in a rally
they will have any sniper positions cleared and monitored but artillery position... yeah, quite unthinkable
>>364121 I think the issue here is that the president in question would be evacuated before you'd get to them. a small but lethal enough round launched from a tube type mortar wouldn't really cause that much noise or flash so it might be ignored even if detected and the object launched is small enough and flying fast enough, that once launched can't really be shot down. gas would be ideal, since it wouldn't have to be direct hit sure many innocents would die, but we are talking about fighting a knife fight with a grenade here in practicality.
unlimited bangarang
>drop white phosphorous on civilians >"it was just a smokescreen" >oh okay it's not a war crime
>>364127 How far can we get this gas to spread from that mortar shell? How accurate would it have to be? I guess if it's in a stadium or something it'd be pretty easy as a closed environment
>>364132 20-50metres would be on average the range that it can grievously injure and thus have a chance at killing the vip point is it isn't a canister that starts leaking but a legit chemical round that explodes and already spreads the gas cloud to a large area
unlimited bangarang
>>364158 >>364160 Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Bang? Let alone defeat him. And I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Bang. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Bang either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Bang with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.
I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Bang with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu. I’m definitely NOT Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of
>>364168 the flash question is funny in a way, that sure he is hard to beat since you cam't catch him but there are also soooooo many foes he can't do jackshit to
>>364171 like who considering how fast he moves, his punches pack a lot of energy
>>364172 darkside for example also he has to survive the hit too if he punches his opponent at light speed his fist also suffers same newtons
>>364173 I think that's handwaved away by the writers saying >speedforce Basically it's like the Flash isn't even moving at the same relative momentum Or something like that It's comic book writing
>>364175 Does it actually work that way in the comics His hands should be a bloody pulp
>>364174 but that is how it works if his punches back x force he experuences x forcd on impact too so his own durability is his max offensive power
>>364174 it doesn't mattr how it works in comics, but what you make out of the official stats or otherwise bugs bunny wins flash
>>364176 Now you're applying ///// >official stats What official stats Reference them
if it is however tje characters are portrayed in their comics anyone with cartoon physics wins basically
You're right that bugs bunny would win But no one bothers discussing that because it's boring
but if you calculate a max speed to flash you apply physics and rules to it if it is just "physics don't apply to his punches" you can't calculate how hard he can punch so therefore you can't beat flash with competitor X, but you can't tell can flas beat X as you don't know how hard he hits
I'm assuming physics don't apply to the flash at all and that instead of making such calculations based on real world physics you should go by what's shown in the comics The comics are what the flash does in his stories and is capable of So if in the comics we can see that Flash can bust a planet with his punch going at light speed or whatever then he can do that Although I haven't even read the flash so I'm making assumptions
>>364181 he can't do that flash can't forexample really beat supes tier people lacks the atck power
>>364216 Yes it was a very good dungeon I liked it a lot Russel's a mad cunt I like how if you re-enter the dungeon Gardenia gets really uneasy and asks again if you can leave
>>364216 Also I'm not really sure how to proceed now. I'm at the bit in the underground apartments with Russels friend He just learned red eye from the kelps I feel like I've talked to everyone already
there are a couple different movies, like 2 or 3 i remember, and you can pair up with anyone, though if youre still with someone else you cant exactly remove them from your party
also some areas become "dangerous" at night and cattie town is one of them
>>364233 I didn't even consider exploring at night before, I just assumed it meant "go to bed"
it basically does you can run into the nightmare at night which is not healthy
You can actually go to "you" anytime now that you've been there once.
It's also a nice way to check your Guilt Level
>I can't see, where's Gody?
>>364256 It's depressing to talk and interact with all these characters when they're already dead
>>364258 The font made it look like a G and I thought Cody seemed too much like a boys name so it would have to be Gody Which isn't a girls name but it's not a boys name
That's an interesting way to spell Cody there m8 >>364257 That's also kind of the point.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Cody really is a boy's name, really.
wow got about 9:10 beard to hair ratio could be a santa
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Aren't you already?
well yeah but i have outsourced the present giving and public appearances
now comes the big question cut my hair meself or pay for it
yerself probably
i know i can do it and quite decent result even would save me 14+€
though i should check up the local places
The tanker truck that brings in the beer we're supposed to pack today couldn't show up. So instead of an eight-hour day I'll be doing four max. Which is nice since it's finals week, but I would have rather they let me know ahead of time I wasn't really needed so I could just sleep in.
i went on to my face book to shit post at boomers and i posted "I can't believe 2008 was 20 years ago, where does the time go?" and a bunch of people and my colleagues from work/school got really mad me
Hmm, I feel like Fire Emblem Warriors was probably optimized for the switch. Pressing L and R on 3ds tends to have the menu go one over what you're wanting to pick
I've got pineapple slices in a closet and pineapple juice in the freezer because the fridge is broken The foyer leading to the backyard is now colder than the fridge
My dad and stepmom are fucking with me so much. They keep telling me it's their 5th anniversary but it's only their 4th. I remember. I took their wedding photos.
I remember when they met, too. My dad and I were watching football the morning of the first time he was going to stay over at her house for the night, and he turned to me, and he said "What if she's got an ugly vagina?" and i was a virgin at that time so i was like "haha what how should i know"
a country that can supply 4g into a forsaken mammoth cave in the middle of nowhere, but not stable 3g to trains...
Meanwhile, Maika is just a downright nice girl with her own perpetually misunderstood moe. But she suffers from being a girl who wants to travel abroad more than anything else in the world.
>>364382 I might use that as my text notification.
>>364409 kid was sobbing on video about being bullied at school, it went viral and a bunch of celebs wanted to help him out and stuff and use him to say bullying is wrong well turns out his dad is a jailed white supremacist and his mom had a bunch of facebook photos with her and her son holding confederate flags and shit and they're like, racists
so now everyone's turning on them and the celebs are just ghosting him chris evans invited him to the infinity war premier and is now ghosting him lol
Like I also like Konomi Baba a fair bit because she falls into a similar category But after watching her commus that were translated she's got a fun personality too
>>364410 That's kind of fucked up. Parents really fuck up their kids with that shit. Also why did he need a gofund me?
Kirara 🕎
it's incredibly fucked up if they wanted to help the kid they shouldn't have ghosted him they should have taken him aside and taught him about racism being bad
idk why there was the gofundme actually but he had one and it was raising a ton of money but gofundme seized the account because it was lying about why they needed the money or something
Angelina Jolie should've adopted him
Also Patreon backing down on the fee change thing is amusing. Since iirc one of the big reasons for the change was to prevent money laundering.
>>364425 It always is a crisis in tech Not having money for lights because everyone knows you have money and your presence in a location drives up the value of real estate
Kirara 🕎
there were quite a few threads showing how they had enough money to keep the lights on and probably wasted a lot of money or something like that idk the whole story
>>364428 they got greedy and decided to push it thinking >we are big enoigh
I really wonder about how white people feel about their presence raising the value of real estate. I remember thinking about it a few days ago and I was confused as to how they aren't flat out insulted. Like, one can say that it's awful for the mere existence of black people in an area to devalue property but White people are essentially just advertisements for richer white people.
>>364431 "kneel before me peasants" though that ONLY applies in usa
>>364431 My experience with full-on white people is that they aren't insulted because it means they area they live in will be gentrified, which is a net positive for most white people. They don't view it as themselves being advertisements, they don't even think about it. It's just something that happens and they view it as unrelated to their presence - the area is just naturally getting better.
I guess I'm not really that confused as to why they aren't insulted... it's just really disappointing. And ... actually yeah, this reminds me of a conversation I had with Boo. I hadn't thought of the "advertisement" thing at that point, but he was very clearly aware of gentrification in his area, very clearly suffering because things are getting expensive, and it's just ... how do people just accept that as a 'natural' thing? That's the same word he used. None of this is natural, we are inventing and allowing these processes and it's fucking people up.
>>364434 White people are very complacent in the world. Most of them have never really questioned their current placing unless they're particularly poor. To white people, things are just how they are. They're trained to believe that the world just fluctuates and things happen around them and to them and they just have to live with it. So to white people, when the "free market" starts raising prices around them, they might be miffed, but they don't seriously question it because it's natural and it's usually beneficial to them unless they're particularly poor. Gentrification affects white and black areas differently, so when white areas are gentrified, it's usually the black people in those areas that suffer the most and get kicked out, while the white people just have to operate on tighter budgets because they can still afford it, even if it's just less easily that they can afford it. White people just have that kind of benefit in general. Obviously there are plenty of white people that have to leave, too, though.
I think you really just have to operate under the assumption that most white people are complacent in nature and feel like everything is natural.
These are answers that I already have and it's just... disappointing. I don't have a better word for it. I WISH it were deeper than this but it ain't. I think my problem grappling with this is that it really is so simple but it's somehow too much in the inside.
i mean like 78% of whites in alabama just voted for a child molester that might have been cool with slavery
White people are fucked up. It really just comes down to that, and it is really disappointing. It It's painful for me to watch, so I can't imagine how painful it is for you. It's all just FUBAR.
>>364438 It's the kind of thing that you get years of experience of. Luckily my parents' pockets are larger than most and they allow me to sit and be a useless bum for a long time until I can hold myself together. 90% of this country is worse off than my parents financially. So while it hurts, I can at least dull the pain in a warm house. A warm house that I can complain is too warm in winter. It gets worse the lower you go.
My Someone-Else's-Problem Shield broke when my life's dream was for everyone I cared about to feel as comfortable as me. I learned that it is not possible.
I know all kinds of people with money. All kinds of people about to make a lot of good money. Finance people. Contractors with good contracts. A full range of mid to upper class black and brown folks.
But my closest friends are all poverty line. And it's just... whenever I hear "Yeah, we can all succeed and make it!" I'm just telling them nah. YOU can make it. I can make it. WE can make it. But ALL OF US? like 85% of the people we associate with are going to drown
>>364440 I know this feeling of being financially better off than others and having the comforts to dull the pain. >>364442 But I do think it's possible for everyone to be comfortable, or at least, nearly everyone. Even though the system we live in rigs it against us, we can do it. People just have to work together for it.
Oh we can all "be comfortable", but those conversations were about "reaching success". "Success" being "having exorbant amounts of money". And I'm just telling them that this isn't possible. "All these socialist kids are just whiners when they can be winners". I'm about to be a socialist whiner with a lot of money.
>>364447 I don't want to put 'boomers' on this because while they DID set this shit up, we're going to perpetuate it. Even if 90% of our gen refuses it, you really only need 1% to hold half of the country's wealth to have things be fucked up. The people I talk to the most are my age. They're ready to make lots of money. Well, some of them. Few of them. But I know they'll succeed if they keep making the right moves. And if I ever wanted to position myself in that space, I could do. I actually have the connections. I just need the necessary skills. I can make transit my money stepping stone, move into handling their servers and stuff, call my buddy, and work for an investment company in five years. Once they're all dead, 1% of US will have the keys to drive shit. I don't know if we'll fix it either. I don't think we're AS trash, but it's still significant.
I think solidarity is the path to a better future. We just need to stand together and reach out to others in hopes that they'll stand with us. I think that people can see through the toxic culture we have for this stuff if we can motivate them to. Our generation in general seems to be starting to see through it all, and yeah, we all have our own hang-ups and we're all stuck trying to undo the conditioning the rich elites put on us, but I'm hopeful. I see so many acts of direct aid, of mutual aid, of people just working together to help each other on Twitter, and I hope to see more and more of it, and I think I will start to see more and more of it. I think it's going to be hard but I think it's possible for us to create a better world than the one we're being given.
That's something the local DSA chapter that is being started here wants to work on. That, and getting rid of Right to Work.
Kirara 🕎
although we both know that means almost nothing
>>364438 Don't blame white people for that Blame Alabamans who happen to be white.
Kirara 🕎
>>364453 i'm not blaming all white people, or anything like that, for this not all white people are responsible for everything white people do or anything
but there are persistent patterns of behavior that seem to be present in white people on a large scale which is largely the result of material conditions that white people are statistically likely to grow up in
You have some distorted views on "white people". Much of which I'm sure comes from growing up in the south. I can guarantee you that its not normal for people where I live to act like people do in Alabama. Or any of the former Confederate states. In addition to the material conditions there's also socio-political stuff to consider.
I mean more that white people are generally blind to various types of oppression and can't really understand what it's like to be oppressed, so they tend to behave in ways that reflects that blindspot that they have.
It makes them more likely to behave in ways that result in voting for certain people. Of course, it's largely the fault of those political parties that voters were forced to pick between two terrible candidates and some of them voted in a way that was probably better for them, but still bad.
White people tend to be more complacent within the system, due to the material conditions they tend to grow up in, so something like a person potentially being okay with slavery isn't going to phase them as much as other things will. This isn't necessarily because all white people are racist, but rather that they tend to behave in ways that can be conflated with complacency with racists. Most people, including those voters and probably especially most of those voters, would object to slavery being reinstated, but their position in the system makes it so they don't have to worry when someone talks about repealing the 13th amendment, which is something a lot of non-whites don't have the position to not worry about.
I'm not trying to condemn the whites or anything, I just think that their patterns of behavior are unfortunate in many circumstances (that isn't to say that other races don't engage in problematic patterns of behavior, though).
>>364455 Let's be real right now. The example provided is merely the most current event. We're not about to laundry list the ways in which white people have been fucked up. Honestly, between Kirara and myself, such a thing is unnecessary to even dive into. That's BEEN covered. It's just that now you gotta another bullet point in a list that's got a count larger than the value of a bitcoin and Daiz can only dream of having such a spam filled post.
I am sure you wouldn't vote for a child molester. But systematically, in certain areas of this country, such a thing really almost came to pass.
Actually, to be more precise, I'm really not 'sure' you wouldn't vote for one. I just have hope. Hope that I am very familiar with discarding. I can't be sure of anybody. >>364462 how wonderful
I think there are a lot of people on /moe/ that might be willing to vote for a child molester if the alternative candidate seemed more evil politically. And I don't exactly blame them for that because I understand the voting-for-the-lesser-evil mindset, but voting for someone like that just isn't something I can do. I'd probably do a write-in or something.
I don't really blame anyone for voting for the person that seems like will make their life easier, but I just can't vote for someone that has the moral integrity of a trash golem.
In general, I'm disappointed in the system, and I'm disappointed in the people. I'm not disappointed in the people for voting for Moore, but rather in the people for allowing Moore to be in a position where he was a candidate.
I can. I'm disappointed in both. And I will continue to be as long as they tie Jesus's name to it. I am becoming exceedingly tired of humans and am doing my best not to hate them.
Oh, that's true. Tying God and Jesus to all of that stuff was pretty bad. Is pretty bad.
I think it's natural to be disappointed in those voters, for voting for Moore, but I don't know, that's just not how I am. I think most of them would have preferred a different candidate. Although I do think the moral thing to do would have been to vote against him or not vote at all.
People are just so scared of the other side of the aisle that they think they have to support whoever the party tells them to. People voting for Moore looks like a symptom of the disease to me, although I understand how it could look like it is the disease.
I no longer have the energy for their fears though. They stand in the status quo with the ability to shift change and instead choose to play the game as it always is. Like Rika said, most of them really don't care. I don't have time for people who don't care. There are people about to get bulldozed by changes that will make up the backdrop of what gets seen as surreal or overblown. But those are lives.
That's a good point, you're absolutely right. They have the power to shift change, even slightly, and are choosing not to do it. I guess from a materialist perspective, it's the function of /// functional results of their actions that should be considered since it's people's lives at stake here.
I guess even if I can understand and sympathize with how they're processing things and how it's affecting their behavior, they're still behaving in a way that's putting people in danger and putting people at risk.
when both paths are bad, take a shortcut through the woods
>>364469 One thing I actually had to learn is that I don't have to learn these things because I already have. That was my 2017 education. A retake of a course I already had an A in. It also made a lot of my early thoughts of this year sound really stupid. Because I thought that there may have been something that I didn't already understand. I also learned to separate understanding with sympathy. Because we conflate it a lot. Even just in passing. We assume that if someone understood something from a certain viewpoint, they would equally sympathize. Nah.
upon further inspection, it seems I have to pay taxes on my BTC sales anyway. I need a calculator. Also gotta figure out how to get some nice deductions.
>>364492 i told them last week that i woke up with some spine problem and couldn't walk or stand up so i'd have to not be working for a little while now they're just asking me a whole bunch how i'm doing and i dunno what to say >>364493 fuck iunno it's getting less bad but it's not particularly getting better
I think it'd be appropriate to tell them that you're still not doing well, but there are slight improvements, since they already know you couldn't walk or stand up.
they're probably asking medically like a doctor woulda given some instructions on how long to rest and stuff jokes on them i'm too poor to have health insurance i'm not gonna admit that to clients though
im adding level designer for Bubsy 3D to my linkedin profile
no i just don't understand what they're asking i already told them what happened and that i'd be recovering, so when they ask how i'm doing i would assume it's a subtle and conscionable way of asking whether i feel up to taking some work and so i'm like okay im having slight improvements but still recovering, can take on a little bit of stuff if yall need assistance but that's supposedly not why they asked so now im confused i dont have any new information than yesterday i'm still a poor broke fuckin queer piece of shit cripple
why do people create measures which contain stupid questions like this like come on
>>364499 oh, i see are they actually concerned with your wellbeing or do you think it's just a business-related sort of thing that you can't figure out? because i can't think of any reasons they'd ask other than subtly asking if you can take on work or if they were cocnerned for your wellbeing
>lol sw is released on 15th in the states
Kirara 🕎
thats what they are saying but you can go see it already idk why but it was available on the 12th in theaters
>>364503 yeah they're saying all the theaters will start showing it on the 15th here, but it's already in a bunch of theaters for some reason it's kind of confusing
>>364502 Maybe it is something like 9th was the world premiere, but after 12/3th they started sending it out and by 15th it is in all USA theatres? I dunno
Kirara 🕎
lol imagine if they started showing certain movies early in select theater chains
INTERNET MASTER RIKA-SAMA has found waldo for you in an image that waldo was photoshopped out of. That's how good I am at where's waldo. He's actually in this image, see if you can find him.
Gift cards are basically, well at least food ones, "here go to this place you like to go to" It's a specific kind of gift which makes it more like a normal gift. Whereas cash is just "do whatever I don't care"
That's my problem. That concept of "I don't care what you do." That makes the least amount of sense. If you gave me $50, it would mean far more to me than any gift card worth $50 Unless it was amazon
Well I think the point is that cash comes off as you not thinking of a gift they'd like.
Which I mean cash is nice but it's liquid and malleable and could be anything. It just seems like a specific thing has more sentiment behind it even if cash is more useful.
Cash is freedom. Cash says that you want me to live the life I want to live. I guess if, in the case that I actually had money on the constant, I wouldn't care much to get cash. wouldn't care "as" much But I find it really hard to think of a gift that would beat cash. >>364554 I suppose. But I'm just saying in comparison to gift cards. If a gift card is your best choice, then just give me the money straight up.
Kirara 🕎
depends on the occasion and the recipient of the gift imo
I'd rather give someone something thoughtful that reminded me of them or something I knew they needed than cash but I'd rather not get gifts myself
Kirara 🕎
oh yeah, gift cards are Not Good
they're bad bad not good
Kirara 🕎
like even visa gift cards suck because you can't buy shit with them online half the time and also you can't put the money into your account fuck that shit
lol fuck visa GCs. Charges on every transaction.
I can't use them at fast food places JUST GIVE ME MONEY
I had food re-heating and was sitting at my desk when my cat decided she needed attention in my lap. So I'm stuck between lifting her off and having my food need to be reheated twice.
I forgot I had stuff like bang dream that I never played so that freed up space
so all of my friends, and honestly pretty much everyone ive ever met has had some horrible life trauma or grew up with horrible abuse or are dealing eith with* some mental disorder and im so neurotypical and ive had a pretty okay life and a friend today said it must be nice to be you and i guess the only downside i can think of is that ill never be able to truly relate, which sort of hinders my ability to help which sucks to think about because i just dropped that friend off at someone else's house and im sure theyre gonna have a long emotional, crying night with tons of healing being done and im just some bum ass hole over here
Well You still have plenty of time left to develop a mental disorder and or have something horribke happen to you. But for real though You can find a way to relate to them. I don't really know enough about you and that person to help with the soecifics though. And even if you can't "truly relate" you should still be able to be with them and help them with what they're going through.
I think it's possible to help without being able to relate, but it's definitely preferable to not be fucked up. I'd rather not be fucked up, personally.
>>364609 I hate feeling unable to do or say anything for those friends
https://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/zip/d/115-cans-of-cranberry-sauce/6418233369.html Who the hell goes to a food pantry and grabs 115 cans of cranberry sauce?
when i showed up, he was playing legal legends, which is fine i guess i asked him if he's seen ping pong, and he's like "uh, parts of it. not really my thing. i get that it's supposed to be hilarious but just not my style" he said he liked action adventure stuff so i made him watch samflam and by the end of the first episode he wanted me to watch The King's Avatar instead and said samflam was too slow?? then i played legal legends with him because anime watching wasn't working out too well
he's so normie it hurts it's fine though he's a decent person and a friend but man it just is weird i asked him what he's liked in terms of anime and he's like "man ive seen a bunch of stuff" but hasn't even heard of a ton of stuff
>>364664 I DONT KNOW HAHA I WAS SO CONFUSED AT THAT PART i was even like "what the fuck it's not hilarious it's amazing you nerd"
and as the night was over he said it was a little awkward because he's not used to hanging out with other gamers in person, only online, since everyone in person around here is rural and isn't into that stuff he was acting pretty shy and reserved about what // about his interests but idk why because i'm such an unabashed weeb that i can't imagine why
how could anyone think that ping pong is supposed to be hilarious i can understand calling samumenco slow if you've only seen the first couple episodes though
>>364661 >sam flam >too slow What is he smoking By the end of the first episode Masayoshi has already become a super hero and we already see him getting beaten up It only takes like 7 episodes until we get to chopping chimp
>>364663 >>364664 Hahaha remember the bit where Smile got bullied and locked in a closet? It was sooooo funny xDDDDDDDDDDDD
>>364665 he was smoking weed i mean we had enough time we coulda watched 7 or 8 episodes that's kind of what i had in mind for getting together for an anime night but probably 70% of the time was spent playing legal legends or battlefield
it made me wonder if maybe he looked up ping pong anime and found ping pong club instead of ping pong or something
>>364668 yeah it was all right although i do not think it was worth making the trip given my current condition i was in a lot of pain the whole time and driving was hell
there were some parts of ping pong that i'd consider hilarious, but not the show overall the training segments for each of them with the obaasan and ojiisan were pretty funny but the show is so intense i think he woulda liked it if he tried it idk
Kirara 🕎
yeah the tone of the show is very serious and it tackles a lot of serious themes too
Kirara 🕎
it is a sad thing to not have experienced ping pong
by the way, will an LCD TV be fine in cold weather? it's in the back of my vehicle and i don't think i can remove it by myself without hurting something but i dont want it to become fucked
>>364677 each game of league he played could have been an entire episode what do you get more enjoyment out of? a beautiful narrative with illustrations and characters that make you feel OR a toxic playground with toxic people i dont get it
i guess i forget how spoiled i am to have good friends like /moe/ i deal with normies regularly enough but that was the first time seeing one as a friend in a long time it was a little uncomfortable, though i have good social graces so it was fine enough
>>364682 im no smurf enthusiast but 40 for all that stuff doesn't seem bad if it was something i cared about i'd pay 40 bucks for that much collectible stuff
this artist draws attila chan very cute very stylish i made one of his atillas my phone wallpaper >>364707 hey i could show you how to win the lottery right now just right down your 10 digits on this ticket ;)
path of exile >>364721 i like it but its a really bad and bland game i just like seeing the cute anime girls say funny things the games like "keep this dude in your party so you can do his side story!!" and i kicked him out for a cutie
>>364726 The girls are pretty cute I like Tsuba and her big tsubasas I like the songs they do and the dance choreography is really nice But I will never forgive the wasted potential
>>364746 Oh okay you're getting a lot closer I'd say at the very least finish the Divine Powers storyline >>>/watch?v=Bc5rboSunV0 >>>/watch?v=2iIzj9qtcNs I can't wait until SMTV comes out just so I can listen to its ost
>>364753 SMTV has made me pretty much lock in a switch purchase Like as soon as it's out I'm buying one
A bunch of people I know are waiting for the next smash game to come out before getting one.
I used to be so hyped for Smash but at this point I don't think a new one would really do it for me I dunno if they can top 4s roster or Melees physics
I want a sword to drop in a trailer and everyone going "ugh, which FE character is this now" And then suddenly YGGDRA HAS ENTERED THE STAGE OR EIN YGGDRA OR EIN Drop the fucking Einherjar onto Mario's head.
>>364778 how about a FE character that isn't a sword user?? it could totally work in a smash game
Wait What about SMT characters Or like Disgaea characters?
>>364784 SMT characters don't speak but I could see it being cool as like a pokemon trainer type character Where you switch out three demons like Pixie, Jack Frost, Cerberus
Ideally Raidou would be in it
Raidous design is sick I'd be happy with him It'd be more likely to be the MC from 4 or 1/2 since those are from nintendo consoles
>>364791 >nintendo direct >new trailer >dog comes on screen >everyone thinks its a new nintendogs or something >suddenly someone calls out pascals name >sudden scene of pascal being fused with a demon to turn into cerberus and join Smash
If you want perpetual competition, which is what a free market is supposed to be, you need to control the participant and ensure nobody wins
>>364807 it's got tons here >>364806 the corporate model of the ISP over the past two decades has undergone tremendous new market pressures >>364810 at the cornerstone of digital content and consumer convenience
That doesn't address the point Competition ends when someone wins
>>364817 it did address the point, but this conversation is going to get messy if we don't make some clear definitions for the foundations such as what is a win the dominant force in a market isn't necessarily the winner they're going to have to adapt to emergent responsibilities with their dominances while smaller entities can fulfill niche roles and expand into other unmet needs >>364822 yeah that's a point that doesn't exist so there isn't a win condition in that definition
The winner is the one who no longer needs to compete because the competition is gone Winning is an end-state, it's not a daily "oh we made MORE money" Winning is when you've removed the ability for anyone to challenge you
sk 🖤
Monopolies are wins
monopolies still have to compete i think you're missing a bit of the picture
If what you said was true, Julius Ceasar would still be ruling the world. Nothing lasts forever. well Maybe Alexander the Great. Or Genghis Khan, probably him now that I think about it.
>>364822 A decently competetive market is one in which it's not difficult for new competition to emerge
I won't deny that monopolies do exist and that there are definitely grounds for governments to intervene in particular markets but the statement made at >>364808 is not universal at all
>>364824 i should probably not leave this statement vague for example, say there's only one provider and nobody else can afford to provide the monopoly provider may not have competitors but it still has the threat of competitors they have to successfully maintain the barrier of entry in order to ensure no other competitors arise, which is inherently counter to their ability to exploit their monopoly if they exploit their monopoly with high costs, then the barrier to entry is no longer a loss investment for potential competitors because there is a significant unmet need for affordable provisions
the reasons these things sometimes have a lag period that does allow for exploitation is due to market regulations which restrict competitor involvement, which ironically were put in place to protect the providers e.g. printer ink cartridges
>>364832 Yes ISPs are an extreme example of this The way I interpreted your statement was that you were stating EVERY market requires control of the participants >>364829 The barrier to entry in ISP markets exists naturally because there is a huge cost to entry in laying down new cables and stuff
unlimited bangarang
i, for one, hate talking about politics on moe that said, can't the big companies like google and netflix just say "hey, we aren't going to use your internet anymore if you make us pay for it" and then the ISPs are fucked? people pay ISPs to access websites they don't pay ISPs to access ISPs the big tech companies can turn this around on ISPs and then they'll want takebacks
>>364829 You do know that bell was broken up by the federal government right?
>>364836 You know what I vow that for the next 3 days I am not going to make a single post on /moe/ related to economics or politics And if I do I will shoot myself in the foot
>>364836 They're both for-profit entities, so it comes down to which one is the most invested in the other being avilable
Cutting out or cutting down google's speed won't damage an ISP as much as it will google, if they have a huge marketshare
>>364836 No, because it is far easier to provide a digital service than it is to provide a physical one. Meaning, it's easier for someone to swoop in and replace Netflix than it is to replace the whole ISP.
unlimited bangarang
>>364840 yeah, but if Google says "okay Spectrum, we will no longer host on your services if you don't pay US instead of us paying you" then Spectrum isn't just going to be like "okay our cutsomers will definitely stay with us over this"
>>364835 and that's where emergent responsibilities come in here in the US, ISPs are expected to be a lot more than just the service provider or cable provider there was a big corporate shift in the leverage they held once netflix and other content services came out as opposed to net neutrality in the previous decade, we're now at a point where that could but wouldn't be regulated out of competition because it's been understood to be a better corporate business model for them
i'm not for net neut obiously and i'm not a fan of comcast but all i said was truer than you think re: market it's probably going to be the only thing providing any direction to such a messy situation
Okay So before we talk about llike whatever the fuck Do you or ddo you not yhink net neutrality being removed will hurt consumers?
>>364844 i think net neutrality being removed would be awful i said just above that i'm not for net neutrality but i meant to say i'm not for its removal
>>364856 Fang of the Sun was a pretty obscure show But I really like it It's got some of the best politics I've seen in an anime. Other than like LotGH LotGH is great but I stopped watching it due to exams Die Buster is cool but I feel like it along with Gunbuster try to do too much in too little time Humanity Has Declined is great, I can respect sticking that in a 9x9 In fact I'd consider replacing something in my own 9x9 with Eva
VOTOMS was another 80s mecha show I really like It's like a mash up of a bunch of 80s sci-fi movies strung together with robots romance and ptsd
>>364856 School Rumble is a good choice. That's what really got me into anime.
unlimited bangarang
>>364859 school rumble is so good i definitely would edit that 3x3 though NGE can go Jinrui can probably go bring in Daily Lives of Highschool Boys and Tatami Galaxy i think and then take out Hyouka and slap Ping Pong in
>>364866 Even if you can't directly replace Netflix, if NF is suddenly not allowed on your provider, you have two options 1) Switch providers. oh wait, this isn't always an option 1a) Use Hulu
>>364871 not really even though a lot of places only have 1 ISP, the majority of population has more than one available things like Netflix, Facebook, Amazon, Google, Snapchat these are things that "normies" absolutely need in their life and they might be upset about having to switch but will literally see it as "have to switch" if they can't get their services I honestly think big tech can turn net neutrality back around on the ISPs that are paying congressmen to get rid of it
>>364878 2) Redbox places that don't have ISP competition are still going to have other competitive forces it'd be pretty dumb not to offer netflix i can't see any sole provider conscionably doing that unless they're providers specifically for areas that don't otherwise have internet availability (like here where i'm at which is rural af and satellite internet)
>>364881 Me neither. But this was a case of the service blocking the ISP... which now that I think of it, I don't think that's easily possible. >>364888 ISPs blocking services is simple. We already have cases of it. I'm talking about the other way around.
>>364885 Comcast universal could possibly do something like block netflix to encourage their own digital content services or encourage people to get their cable television services but i already know for a fact that they aren't doing this because ive heard them talk about this exact issue, the execs at comcast
my big fear is not how the market works itself out though my fear is the lack of regulation in terms of consumer-ISP relations >>364891 yeah but if Netflix up and jumped off Comcast's networks, people would be fucking pissed
>>364889 Comcast already been throttling Netflix years ago, lol.
I'm sure leaving every decision about our shared world down to a single concern of what is the most profitable will work out just fine
unlimited bangarang
>>364893 >lost so much licensing >are the license holders for tons of original content with a large following
>>364895 yeah their origs are their biggest thing at the moment but there's a lot of shit that's not even available on NF that i have watched on there before >>364898 this is something i'm glad they did but in terms of going to stream a movie it's more likely than not they won't even have it anymore
unlimited bangarang
they just traded licenses from other places for money to invest in their own production s
>>364893 I never was too mcuh into netflix. I watch mostly anime though so maybe that's it. If I do want to watch normie television online for some reason it's pretty easy to find.
>>364904 BT has always had a limited future when it comes to anime as it becomes a larger and larger part of mainstream media (it's already commonly watched among high schoolers atm) legal streaming services are going to eventually be the only way forward i'm worried about such streaming services and licensors getting cucked by ISPs
i can't torrent on my satellite internet it kinda sucks it's throttled so hard
unlimited bangarang
Internet is and should be considered as fundamental a right as other utilities are though We live in a society where it is a crucial part of social interaction, business, and education, as well as infrastructural and governmental purposes I think it is wrong for the access to internet to be privatized Or rather, to be allowed to be so private that companies even have the power to make the decisions that this NN repeal will give them.
yes i agree influencing someone's ability to research, interface with the marketplace, publish, and exchange ideas and information is not an okay thing
>>364926 It's been a while since I saw 08th But she managed to lose to a ball Which says it all really
>>364930 >stick new types in congress >America drops a giant rock on Russia >No, America first gasses hawaii, then picks it up, then drops it on top of moscow but they miss and hit Sydney
Just get a bunch of NewTypes in congress. Congressional seats are actually mobile suit cockpits
You guys have no vision. I'm talking about Gunbound Boomer angle and velocity level of firing the malcontents of it and letting it land on ISIS. >>364944 You'd only be watching about 30% of the time, so I'm sure we'll be fine.
>>364957 I worked on a post-collapse America setting in which NASA fucked up Yellowstone which eventually led to societal collapse and I needed a reference for the areas that would be most heavily affected by the eruption.
>>364954 I'm not the president. but if you try to drill the volcano I'll show up and kick your butt.
>>364959 For a second there I thought this was some sort of top secret fbi plan you were talking about for what you'd do if yellowstone erupted But then I realised it was probably just table top
>>364966 Well to be fair there was that time you managed to explode an ink cartridge. That was a great feat of strength I should have taken into account. I'm sorry for underestimating your strength
Well, sorry to disappoint you! I accidentally saw her changing. That's the only potentially interesting thing. But it was a completely reasonable situation and was resolved quickly.
>>365005 >accidentally saw her changing Did she slap you and shout EEEEEE BAKA HENTAI
If I see you and I don't speak, that means I don't fuck with you
Ton I finished it Really great game I got the first true end where Russle kills himself. Did you do all the side quests? I missed the red compass one because I couldn't find what it opened up. Gardenia best girl, had a real fucking depressing death though. Russle had a hard life. In spite of all that he dead, I wish there was somehow a better ending for him
I missed a side quest on day 4 involving the hitel and stuff you should go find the red compass and do the post game dungeon and stuff Gotta beat that superboss and enjoy the bonus room