Thread #364722
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fate chuuni taisen black clover souma youkai apt UQ holder animegataris umaru two car boku no bitch konohana
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I'm thinking chuuni taisen black clover youkai apt konohana any objections?
None from me.
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She's not in the currently airing Fate show, Woah.
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chuun i taisen okay lets start!
Aw he was so close to realizing who she was.
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Kind of dense, kind of not, I guess.
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So I guess Rabbit has managed to live beyond the ED foreshadowing his death.
How nightmarish.
>>364764 Arguably he's dead, but by that same standard, the ED wasn't entirely accurate since it has the two brothers one after the other.
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I wonder if we're really right about Rabbit being a corpse and a pawn of someone else.
Also here's Monkey showing up after disappearing.
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oh no not teeth injury that stuff makes me crazy.
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I guess it's time for Rat to reveal that he's ridiculously strong.
I'm a little surprised that's how Ox went out. But I guess this whole battle royale has been slightly weird twists.
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So he won by slacking off the whole time and blowing everyone up at the right moment. I guess he stayed true to his catchphrase though.
It's also topically appropriate for the Rat too. In the Zodiac myth, the Rat tricked the other animals, namely the cat, so that he would be the first to arrive at the Buddha's banquet. Ox mentioned how the Rat rode on its head, that was only one part of it.
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oh, there we are. He has the power of foresight. We figured it would be something like this.
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Or maybe he just has infinite lives or something.
Holy shit they're really thorough in keeping him around.
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oh so he really just gets 100 tries.
Sounds like it takes a lot out of him to do it though. I guess that's why he was napping and so low-energy throughout the war.
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I wonder if he's going to survive. His picture is in the ED too, after all.
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I guess he managed to survive for now. I assume there's another episode?
One episode left, presumably. Twelve episodes for twelve members of the Zodiac.
The title of the last episode isn't a proverb based around one of the Zodiac animals this time. A little curious.
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I have a feeling he's going to die too. okay black clover! okay let's start!
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I like this OP.
It's okay.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/14 (木) 05:47 No. 364830
did somebody say teeth injury?
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unlimited bangarang 2017/12/14 (木) 05:48 No. 364833
oh ok
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oh I didn't contemplate that they could be negative.
Search [iqdb] (124 KB, 731x718, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 08 [7(…).jpg )
Now that I think about it establishing that the inside of their base randomly changes a lot keeps the author from having to be consistent in terms of architecture in his base scenes. That's pretty clever!
Pretty clover.
They're kickstarting the dumb romance side-plot pretty early on.
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I'm surprised the picky royal went dere so fast.
I guess all the Black Bulls are problematic citizens.
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That lame guy is having a bad day.
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youkai apt ikaa okay lets start
>I came here to laugh at you
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I wonder if she is possessed by a bitch ghost.
I think she's got some stress from home. And so she's taking it out on the other students. As we kind of saw with Chiaki last episode the corruption and weird evilness that plagues people isn't necessarily from hauntings and can be born from stuff you're dealing with internally.
this girl is painfully autistic
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The crazy do-good teacher is actually helping...kind of.
they also all look the same
Well serious student types generally also are the ones that adhere the most to school rules. So they probably keep to the book when it comes to dress and accessorizing.
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I don't think it will be such an easy fix.
Chu-chun ga chun
i want food
Go make dinner.
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Wow that escalated quickly.
holy crap all of that woman's students are insane
She's been brainwashing them into being her loyal servants.
The girl was also surprisingly indifferent to his flashy magic book activated with voice commands.
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It's a good thing he doesn't work at a hospital. He abandoned his injured teacher and then forgot about him.
Chiaki suffers a lot of abuse at the hands of Inaba.
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That was kinda weird. Chiaki knows about all this supernatural stuff, if he was willing to agree to that.
uh oh
>>364986 I think he just trusts MC
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I think trust only goes so far! okay konohana okay let's start!
Kita kore
>They lick me all over Is this something unsurprising to hear.
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yeah ot it is good that she hides
I know she's supposed to be a kid, but Sakura's acting even more of a child than usual with this guy showing up.
Oh shit it's -yeah. I should have caught the voice but the fact that she's looking totally human threw me off.
She's going to build a doll army and take over the Konohanatei.
Fucking RIP.
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Wow that broken doll is being mean to her!
Well, all toys get thrown away in the end.
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Oh, I guess that doll got a happy ending.
thanks for anime
Yup, thanks