Thread #362334
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Anime sureddo
Aminegataris Umaru and more Umaru Imouto sae Ireba Ii Mahoutsukai no Yome Souma Two Car Three Car
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Wow, you are on the ball tonight! let's see Is jan around I guess would be the first question.
He is either sleeping or gone from the computer at the moment. Might still be at work or something.
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hmm in that case ket's let's even souma umaru ballroom imouto sound good?
Oh there's also an episode of Ballroom. It escaped me when I was torrenting stuff earlier.
No complaints.
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souma episode 10, right? okay lets start!
SO U MA Apparently this is two-cour. Yeah, episode ten.
This gaudy evil guy is a weaker Alice I guess.
As always this show always makes me crave food.
this old guy is fun
>Salmon ice cream
Isshiki please.
At least knock when you're peeping through a ceiling tile.
Kurokiba's dish looks really good. The gaudy guy's was a bit too "fine cuisine" looking for me. But Kurokiba's is nice looking without being too pretentious.
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Souma's rival will win here for sure.
I hated eating salmon forever but recently im starting to like it
How do you cook it?
no i mean sushi ramen uhh salmon oops
Salmon sushi? I really like it in sushi but it's a great fish to roast in an oven for a bit.
This one other judge that's been talking has some pretty intense shading on his face.
I really want to try Kurokiba's dish here though. It looks great.
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Kind of a strange arc when you think about it. All these new threats appear, but they get blown away by Souma's rivals because he hasn't beaten them yet.
Yeah, and the threat of expulsion is heavy enough that you can figure there's no way they'd lose out. Tempering punishment is important since the stakes always being high makes it hard for people to lose. But that sort of thing also doesn't really sell well for Shounen Jump's main audience.
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okay, on to umaru episode 9 i believe okay let's start!
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I guess tilde may be watching ep 8 here because he wated ep 9 by accident last time.
Nah I caught up in my own time. I've got plenty of things to attend to so I'll just leave episode nine running in the background.
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Shouldn't the photo show like the normal version of her?
Maybe that was her normal version all along!
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/11 (月) 06:11 No. 362427
tilde do your autism math thing how many minutes until imouto
Approx. forty.
Lucky Ebina.
This one makes weird eyes some times.
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Telling time is an autism math thing?
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They really are making funny faces.
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ballroom! okay let's start!
YOUKOSO E Apparently we'll be getting some original content for the last episode or two of this show since it'll be caught up to the manga.
Wow, he's really showcasing how absence makes a heart grow fonder.
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Sengoku is really cool.
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This is like the end of evangelion.
Though in this one the red-haired tsundere is the one sprouting out of his waist.
this is weird
Aaaaaagugh. Leg cramps are the worst. W O R S T.
The make-up she wears while on the dancefloor really changes how she looks.
the smugness begins
Benny's Waltz
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imouto ireba okay everyone is orange let's start!
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What will it be this time, depressing reality or outrageous fantasy.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/11 (月) 07:01 No. 362518
i had to find my login information for crunchyroll
>working for the tax accountant So she actually offered her the job she jokingly talked about at the cherry blossom viewing.
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I wonder when he'll figure out that his otouto is an imouto.
This has to be the episode. Unless they do a two-parter for the first time in the season.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/11 (月) 07:05 No. 362525
I feel like it would ruin the dynamic if he did
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And why has no one figured out that she is a girl. Normally when you can't figure out what sex a person is, it's because they're ugly and fat. With normal people you can always tell if it's a boy or a girl.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/11 (月) 07:06 No. 362527
oh no....
She's a pretty huge slob huh.
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oh, she's me
You're that short?
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well I don't like roaches, but I do live near the woods. You see one now and then.
Oh. Well that happened fast.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/11 (月) 07:08 No. 362534
she completely intended to walk in on a male too
Must be disappointed.
What sort of particular clarification is that?
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She's a dangerous person! I wonder why imouto is hiding this from him.
... What.
Itsuki what the fuck.
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He really likes to push toward new frontiers in imouto fiction.
It's interesting because he has a rather intelligent approach and has plenty of creativity. But it also just plain fucking weird.
They're just berating this panda for no good reason.
I guess he really liked the owls Good taste.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/11 (月) 07:14 No. 362545
Kanikou has issue
She's got a real obsession with sexual organs.
Itsuki's pretty good at keeping pace with her though.
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Guys obsess over boobs all the time.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/11 (月) 07:15 No. 362549
that's quite a different kind of Chrom
I think guys that obsess over boobs of other animals are a pretty rare though.
>Villain panda This would be nice.
A date with Nayu one day, a date with his imouto the next.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/11 (月) 07:17 No. 362553
there's still enough time in the episode for a date with myaa too
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/11 (月) 07:18 No. 362554
>chihiro only thinking about cooking them
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I want him to figure it out!
Chihiro thinks entirely in terms of food.
Itsuki picked up on it too.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/11 (月) 07:20 No. 362563
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I want him ot figure it out!
I don't think he's the kind of guy to figure it out himself. Either something overt has to happen or Chihiro/someone is gonna have to tell him.
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I gues it wouldn't make much narrative sense for the accountant to figure it out and then have him figure it out in the same episode. We probably won't see him figure it out in the anime, unless there is a story arc around him making up with his dad here.
I'm kind of feeling that might happen. There's got to be some kind of resolute point for the series to end on.
Oh we get more of Haruto's depressing life.
What a good imouto.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/11 (月) 07:25 No. 362573
that episode title sounds like he's going to become the protagonist
We're all the protagonist of our own life stories.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/11 (月) 07:25 No. 362575
i'm pretty sure i must be the villain since my entire story would be solved if i just died already
Some stories set the villain as their protagonist!
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thanks for anime! this protagonist has to go get some sleep now
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/11 (月) 07:26 No. 362578
Thanks for iname