Thread #344401
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ใAnother new threadใ Maria 2017/11/24 (้) 21:20 No. 344401
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>>344405 I will. It's going to be great
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I am the 1000 year coughing jousei>>344404 I hope you have fun with Piano!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:21 No. 344406
>>344403 Ome
>>344403 that's a boy though and boys can't be cute
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>>344407 boys totally can be cute.
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There is no reason to be nervous
>>344409 I wanted Waver and Rider to make it they were cute>>344408 Put the gun down
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Waver and Rider did make it.
>>344412 Waver made it
2017/11/24 (้) 21:26 No. 344414
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>>344444 do a flip faget
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>>344413 And then Rider came back as a shota and hung out with Waver.
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>Bell rings >OH GOSH IS THAT H- wait, I didn't give her my address pls
>>344415 wait what where did this happen
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>>344417 Fate/GO.
>>344418 More like Fate/GO to the polls amirite>>344420 Hello Anno how you doing
im all right
>>344421 that's good
really? how could you be so insensitive it's really hard having only the right side of my body work and be paralyzed on the left half being all right isn't good at all
>>344419 didn't know we had hillary here
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:29 No. 344425
I love this song.>>>/watch?v=U_TScdc775c
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:30 No. 344426
Cocaine is all right
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:31 No. 344427
>>344425 Fuck I forgot how weird the live version was
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I had salmon and crab cakes last night. It was a good dinner.
>>344423 hey look it's better than nothing mate some people are totally paralysed
>>344419 >GO to the polls Hillary says some fucking cringeworthy shit. I love how she laughs at that joke like it was amazing. Please
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>>344428 What a weird Thanksgiving dinner.
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We need more cringe jokes like that. Fill my blood with awful jokes and make me loathe the things I love
the stranger things 2 thing from the democrats was horrifying
>>344430 I don't know what Pokemon go is, but why don't you pokemon GO TO JAIL
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>>344433 What was that?
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they took the logo and wrote something with it I can't remember what they wrote though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:35 No. 344437
It was a little bit funny Not quite appropriate for jt to be tweeted officially by them though.
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>>344438 I still haven't decrypted what they meant by this
>>344430 it was so fucking funny how do you do fellow youths?
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pokemon go to the polls was great It honestly reminds me of all the wordplay that people do in sermons>You tell me to have an open mind, but have you ever opened THE BIBLE
>>344440 what gets me is when she was campaigning in the south they tried to coach her on how to do a southern accent and it was horrible
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:36 No. 344443
Kannagi Check out this song>>344425
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>>344431 I'm going to have a proper thanksgiving dinner on saturday.
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>>344438 wow.
>>344442 >>>/watch?v=YaDQ1vIuvZI ignore the fact that it's fox news it's just the clip so it doesn't matter where it's from
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:37 No. 344449
>>344444 Have you read this?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:37 No. 344451
>>344450 I've opened more bibles than loot boxes
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>>344450 people so busy eating ass they forget to eat the body of christ smh
Kids want to play Overwatch but do they know who watches over them????? Hint: HE DONT PLAY NO GAMES
>>344448 I read a little and it was cute Kannagi have you ever read Ten?
>>344453 >how you gonna talk about eatin ass last night when i'm sharin my blunt w u smh
>>344454 The big aniki in the sky
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:38 No. 344458
>>344455 Finish it nerd.
>>344454 i love these jokes
>>344457 >>344457 >>344457
>>344459 It is the best part of writing a sermon It's like "how do I make a section of this church groan inside the most"
>>344455 Yeah, I awhile ago now.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:40 No. 344463
>>344461 My rabbis have always been funny Must be a Jewish thing.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:40 No. 344465
>>344464 Fuck That's almost gogood
>>344462 I started reading it last night That scene where Ten is holding up the christmas tree for three hours out in the snow was really something >>344461 In my schools chapel they just gave us food for answering bible questions and participating and stuff It was a pretty great motivator
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:43 No. 344469
>>344467 Good save though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:44 No. 344471
>>344470 Herro
>>344469 yeah haha
>>344471 *hewwo
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:45 No. 344474
This version is better>>>/watch?v=r1sI2OCoh44
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>>344474 that singer is very energetic I like her
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:49 No. 344477
>>344476 >her Uhh Which one?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:49 No. 344478
>>344475 Kimochi Warui
>>344477 yellow shirt
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:49 No. 344480
>>344479 Ah She's probably 50 now.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:50 No. 344481
Anyways the album version has much more instrumentals I can upload it in a sec
oh roght i forgot kancoarcade is adding anti air cut ins where you shoot down planes manually
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:55 No. 344484
Whoah I'm feeling pretty genki And then I remembered its cause I took my meds like 5 hours late today
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i've made a werewowf out of wegs
>>344485 it was so he could get a leg up on the other mensis guys
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i'm not onwy wetawded, i'm the weaw deaw
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 21:58 No. 344488
Here's the song Also the metadata is wrong, its by The Boom, not The Boom Boom Satellites
>>344487 What is that called where people can't pronouce R's and say words with w's in their places. Jonathan Ross some celebrity interviewer in the UK has that.
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>>344489 owo
You mean a lisp
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>>344489 >>344491
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by the way i got to leave work early
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more like yw
mowe likw yw
sam should add a owo word filter to /moe/
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 22:09 No. 344501
>>344500 That would be wewwy funny Also I could get awound it pweddy easiwee
>>344500 This is violence
>>344502 d-d-dis is viowence, mr. o-obama!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 22:10 No. 344504
The secret is to use unicode characters that look almost exactly like the latin Alphabet (or exactly like it) instead of the latin ones. Which will trick the filter
i was thinking it'd be like the vapor setting or the wwwwwwwwwwwww filter
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 22:11 No. 344506
>>344505 I don't know how to do either of those inline do I just use ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ
vapor is in the focus box, the wwwwww filter activates when you use 6 capital Ws in a row or maybe it's more than 6, i forget
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 22:13 No. 344509
Is the focus box available on mobile?
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vapor setting?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 22:13 No. 344511
I've been mobile only for a while now Ordering a new harddrive this weekend though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 22:14 No. 344512
>>344510 Did you listen to that song?
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๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ>>344509 Yeah, but it can be pretty hard to get.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 22:14 No. 344514
>>344513 Sasuga
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๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ผ ๏ผฉใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ
๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ ๏ผฉใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ
๏ผ ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝใ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ
ใ ๏ผท๏ผฉ๏ผฉ๏ผฉ๏ผฉ๏ผค๏ผฅ
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 22:15 No. 344517
Makes it look like shif jis
why is it called vapor when it could be hidamari
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 22:16 No. 344520
Which is Japanese wide alphanumerics Because its ๏ผก๏ฝ
The wwwwwwwww improver is of course just a word improver. ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝโ๏ฝ ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ ๏ผด๏ผถใขใใก
cause i ๏ผฆ๏ผฅ๏ผฅ๏ผฅ๏ผฅ๏ผฅ๏ผฅ๏ผฅ๏ผฌ
i ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ
that ๏ผด๏ผถใขใใก with ๏ผด๏ผฒ๏ผน ๏ผต๏ผฎ๏ผฉ๏ผด๏ผฅ โฏ
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>>344527 >dude fuck the bees who needs trees and shit lmao Humanity should be bending evolution to suit our long term needs not just saying yolo whatever happens happens
>>344527 ๏ผทhat a retarded cunt.
>>344530 Fuck you cunt >>344533 MAKE ME
>>344531 YAMETE
why are ๏ผน๏ผฏ๏ผต๏ผต๏ผต๏ผต๏ผต๏ผต so ๏ผป๏ผญ๏ผก๏ผค๏ผฝ
Samu ๐ค !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/24 (้) 22:30 No. 344535
YAMETEEEEEEEEEEEE *eva explodes into ball of tang*
I wasn't expecting the YOUUUUU. you just made me coughlaugh to death.
๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ผ ๅฃซ
>>344536 were ๏ผน๏ผฏ๏ผต๏ผต๏ผต ๏ผฌ๏ผ ๏ผค๏ผน to die ไปๆฅ
Claugh to desu
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I'm kind of excited to eat leftovers ๏ผด๏ผฏ๏ผฎ๏ผฉ๏ผง๏ผจ๏ผด.
>>344540 im earting something i maybe shouldnt
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>>344541 Is it... your mom's horse?
You shouldn't eart things you shouldn't eart.
>>344542 if my mom had a horse i probably shouldnt eat it but my aunt made peanut butter pie
>>344538 my body is ๏ผฌ๏ผ ๏ผค๏ผน
That sounds horrifically decadent. Why.
Samu ๐ค !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/24 (้) 22:32 No. 344547
i just ate a ton of lamb at my aunt's place now im off to a friendsgiving dinner (early) help
don't eat a ToN
>>344544 >peanut butter pie I've never heard of such a thing before
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tell me to calm down
>>344550 get excited its time for cute girls>>344549 its pretty good
damnit ton plsl no
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>>344550 Calm ๏ฝ๏ฝ so ๏ผน๏ผฏ๏ผต๏ผต๏ผต๏ผต๏ผต๏ผต ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ burn all night. Don't burn yourself out too quickly.
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just dont get a bulge
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>>344550 Don't calm down, get excited!
>>344554 wtf
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>>344556 he needs his blood to flow right so he can think
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>>344545 i wanted to show you this>>344553 thanks>>344554 ...thanks>>344555 no not yet
>>344550 CLAM DOWN SON.
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jokes aside, good luck have fun blue
>>344559 >son Are you Blues dad?
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>>344558 just take it easy
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...i calmed down now that I am overhearing this awful story that my sister's bf is saying on the phone Crazy stories about his uncle who they found dead yesterday. like uhh... this is gross btw actually no I'm not going to say it no one needs that in their life right now
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It can't be that bad. It's probably a shame that the uncle died like that, though.
self circumcision yeah, it's a shame but I think they're taking it pretty well
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Oh yeah, stuff like that is becoming a lot more common lately.
>>344566 while drunk
>>344565 for what purpose why would anyone do that
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but BUT but but
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NO ONE CAN TELL YOU WHY HE'S DEAD AND HE WAS DRUNK anyway i'm now calm enough to get dressed
Bob Ross apparently had raccoons
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Yeah, he did.>>344569 >>344570 Y'all are really shook by this.
>>344573 but why would you do it yourself who goes "yes sharp object + this = smart">>344575 no dude i get it when someone else does it for you but like why yourself why that age
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>>344574 People have been doing that for 5000 years, ToN.
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apparently he was very good with knives and can sculpt things in wood>wood hehe
>>344573 Yes I'm very shocked by it Why would anyone do that Instead of getting like a medical professional
>>344576 hahhahahahahha
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>>344574 When the practice started, people originally circumcised themselves. Having someone else do it is a modern practice.
>>344579 and clearly they realized "this is a bad idea lets get a pro"
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I seem to have stepped into a conversation I didn't wanna be part of
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>>344580 You only think it's a bad idea because you're afraid of pain.
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>>344581 curiosity is awful>>344582 >this manga is only a single volume long I'm depressed
>>344583 i'm so upset
>>344582 i mean i guess but i mean i dont have to worry about ever having to have that happen while my brain has functioning memory so
>>344582 you will never convince me that making body alterations with a knife while drunk is a good idea
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When I was in 4th grade, I had to watch myself be circumcised.
>>344587 this is why im happy im not hewish so i can have that done early
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I had it done when I was born, just like all Jews. I had it done a second time in 4th grade.
>>344550 Don't calm ๏ฝ๏ฝ. oops forgot about the word improver
those hews
>>344589 why do they do it twice
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They don't. It was me.
>>344593 wait why did you have it done twice
i'm really upset that I want to wear the same thing I wore at thanksgiving today because it's the best between casual and proper everything else feels off
how can you do it twice
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It grew back.
>>344596 when you don't get all of it the first time
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I see we're talking about penises.
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>>344600 I'm asserting my dominance by talking about how I'm not scared of that stuff.
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>>344600 Wait wait I have a picture for this. WHERE IS IT
you can probably find the 4chan banner with it
oh boy
>>344597 whoa
>my deodorant is empty PLEASE
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Circumcision 2: Electric Doodledoo
May Microsoft Word perish
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>>344606 I have no fears because I've been through the worst the world has to offer.
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>>344602 Is that how it works?
>>344608 nice
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>>344611 Yeah. Lesser men like these can be won over in that way.
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I mean, technically...
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muh muh muh muh
american bang 2017/11/24 (้) 22:58 No. 344620
today is good day
Because it doesn't get better Unless you've got money
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>>344620 what's good about it Is it the fact that you're an American?>>344623 What the fuck this ain't right
something horrible has happened
it's just not right
I bet Rainbow Rocket is behind this
That child is a glitch A mistake
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sorry for stealing your image but i like it hey i need someone to convince me it's a bad idea to email my ex it's just a bad idea right
>>344628 why do you want to email your ex? what are you gonna say to her?
>>344628 it's a bad idea
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>her did you just assume my ex's gender
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>>344631 Yes I did indeed So why are you thinking of emailing your ex and what would you say
>>344623 Is this Gain?
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>>344630 tbf he's right it is derogatory
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>>344628 It's a bad idea, yes.
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are you sure i really want to
Maybe you shouldn't wake the dead
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like you guys -- at least yuu and sugoi and bang/samurai -- see how i am now compared to how i was in like 2012 i think i've come a pretty long way in progressing as a real human bean i would like to reconnect not even as friends but just to let them know how far i've come
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consider the following Have you drunk recently?
2017/11/24 (้) 23:11 No. 344640
>>344444 where's my flip?
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>>344639 i wouldn't be thinking about this stuff if i did it's when i'm sober that i start remembering and comparing things
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>>344640 Right here buddy >>344638 When was the last time you talked to her It's been a long time since 2012
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then I dunno I mean obviously
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i would feel a weight off my chest by doing it but then feel anxiety for weeks as i await an email that will never come and probably worse anxiety if it does i have to start traveling to palo alto which that individual person said to let them know if i ever make it out to san francisco on my own and it's not sf but it's close and i want to just be like "hey, just wanted to let you know i finally made it here and feel like a good person" and all that sappy stuff but i guess the truth is i'm just nervous and anxious about everything the holidays crashing everything together kind of made me realize that i guess everything that motivates me is what really makes me anxious i don't think i'm making a life that will make me happy
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It just doesn't seem like anything good will come of it.
2017/11/24 (้) 23:15 No. 344647
>>344642 rip mankind hail skynet
2017/11/24 (้) 23:16 No. 344648
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Hmm I think the burn I had a week or so back, also got rid of a scar I had on that spot.
>>344647 About time >>344650 What if you can trick the world powers into fighting amongst each other by hacking into their nuclear systems and setting them off
2017/11/24 (้) 23:16 No. 344650
>>344649 there should be a game like that a rts/grandstrat game where you are the rogue AI and have to use subversion, infiltration, funding research etc to build your robot army and then takeover the world perfect would be a TW kind of game where you have rts/t, but overall world map is bit simplier>>344649 Basically, the idea is you could skynet or matrix it with armies or just you know hack thew orld and take it over without ever fighting a battle I'd lvoe if the combat was more of sucom/total annihilation style with base building and such, though
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you'll cowards need jesus
2017/11/24 (้) 23:18 No. 344652
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Hmm i could go to church this sunday I have a car still so no need to walk
>>344645 i don't think motivation without anxiety is possible maybe you're not building a life that will bring you the optimum amount of happiness, but it seems like you're on the path to one that will still make you really happy
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
>>344645 Well, maybe it's okay if you've been told to drop them a line if you ever make it out there.
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i think i'm just anxious about taking risks with new career opportunities i don't even know how i'd stay in palo alto it's so expensive, my credit's awful, ive got no savings i couldn't even get a place to rent i feel like such a loser and i wouldn't be if i could start a better career but the stepping stones arent there
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>>344656 you are kinda cute
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I don't get along with Fish's dad anymore so I'm afraid I can't help much with Palo Alto.>>344657 Kinda?
>>344655 why would you travel to palo alto is it just because it's close to san fran?
>>344659 that's where my consulting opportunities are at
like in-person ones and visiting offices and i'm scared of doing that because i feel like such a loser compared to those guys i would be suffocated by the professionalism
>>344660 that's a pretty shitty catch 22
Search [iqdb] (525 KB, 1437x1658, Talenti-Roman-Raspberry-Sorbet.jpg )
sorry it's probably just the holiday season it always gets me so down
don't be sorry
>>344663 shit that looks good
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I can't live like this...
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Like what?
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oh no, this Netflix show had boobs in it
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>>344667 He's living like a normie! He needs to correct his ways.
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 720x1019, DGEDP2bUwAALbry.jpg )
>>344669 You wanted him to slap her ass. How can you complain if he becomes like a normie after you push him towards it?
2017/11/24 (้) 23:39 No. 344672
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Apparently there are flesh eating bees in Turkey.
2017/11/24 (้) 23:40 No. 344674
vulture bee if I recall is like a fly and such, that it eats carrion
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 730x310, conception-bees-three[1].jpg )
2017/11/24 (้) 23:41 No. 344676
>>344675 those are wasps
2017/11/24 (้) 23:41 No. 344677
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and wasps eat anything
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>>344670 I was testing his resolve! He made the right choice by not doing it.
>>344675 what the fuck
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>>344678 In any case, Blue is as much of a normie as you or me.
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am i a normie too
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oh this is a super pleasant surprise what good taste
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>>344680 So he's not a normie at all? He needs to stay that way and not be tempted!
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>>344684 What do you mean by tempted?>>344682 Too bad that artist can't draw faces.
>>344681 does it matter
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>>344685 He needs to be careful not to be swayed by the normie lifestyle!
>>344685 yeah>>344686 yeah
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>>344687 Do you mean going to church?
>>344688 why
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>>344689 No, going to church is good. He should do that!
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>>344691 Do you mean hanging out with a girl he likes and that girl's family?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (้) 23:59 No. 344693
>>344597 That's why you're supposed to have it done mohel. *done by a
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>>344693 It was, the first time.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:01 No. 344696
>>344695 Give him a bad review on Yelp then.
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 644x566, 1f72a46a1d9aa133dc9c3257173a88a0.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:01 No. 344698
Aly I'm bringing my gaming keyboard over to my friend's house just in case I end up playing nethack. Cause playing it on my tiny netbook's keyboard is suffering.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:02 No. 344699
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:03 No. 344700
ugh i got the train although im echnically till ate
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 1447x1915, DMVySjSVwAI86et.jpg )
You'll be painted as unreliable if you're late
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:06 No. 344702
well i told them an our ago that i will since family stuff but i was almost extra late
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:07 No. 344703
i am painting yself nreliable
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:08 No. 344704
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:09 No. 344705
>>344703 And a poor typist
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:09 No. 344706
shut the uck p
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 900x954, IMG_20170522_091857.jpg )
Time for this bundle of very relaxed, but nonetheless seething anger to go sleep
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:10 No. 344708
aw yeah sleep good sleep sound
Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 532x376, 879b720df215beb50eaf395530b8369d.jpg )
awwww yiss is time for sleepums
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:11 No. 344710
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>>344692 That's definitely getting closer!
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>>344711 If I can have a live-in girlfriend without being a normie, then Blue can hang out with a girl he likes and her brothers without being one.
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:12 No. 344713
well i guess im a norm gonna hang with a cute and her fam
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:13 No. 344714
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>>344713 like this?
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:14 No. 344715
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>>344712 coincidentally here that would both in spoken language and legal technicality called "open-wife"
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:19 No. 344716
>>344714 no thats a cute and her flan
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:19 No. 344717
Search [iqdb] (987 KB, 1406x2000, 036.png )
>>344716 then like this?
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:20 No. 344718
its more alipatchy then remifla
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:21 No. 344719
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I wish millet would just make an outright alipatchy one already
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:21 No. 344720
actually thats a dream its more like koashanghai
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:22 No. 344721
this whole day was trying to shoot myself out of the patchy cannon
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:25 No. 344722
sorry for disgusting you all with my basicness but im not actually sorry
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I don't mind
are you trying to imply that i dislike watching your romances bud
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:28 No. 344725
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and then fail, well good luck on this one.
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It's not a romance thing, you nerds. Y'all ain't keepin track of the plot at all.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:29 No. 344727
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>everything from merchant disbutes to pushing chorus squatters off basements even in fantasy world, squatters are a menace
>>344726 dont care ship ship ship ship ship
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:31 No. 344729
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>>344726 I have my own background story to worry about Atleast I presume background, since this "show" of ours mostl ikely is set in the murricas and I am a disembodied voice
also who told you yoh could tell me what yo do im just lucid dreaming on the couch you arent even real
Search [iqdb] (615 KB, 1000x1200, 64047933_p0.jpg )
>>344728 Don't you think it's a little mean to call this a romance after Blue confessed and everything?
>>344731 alright blue has like 7 girls he likes i have toruble jeeping them apart aside from their names
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It's easy to differentiate them. You must not be paying attention to the sidestories!
well if thats the case more power to blue he'a soing domething i dont know if i could
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Blue is a high quality dude.
my aunt gave me an ungealthy amount of mac and chgeese i should probably save some for later
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:35 No. 344737
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The overlord is a she? that is news to me
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Blue is kinda like a harem protagonist.
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>>344739 he's like a uh whats the word nit reverse but uh a play on? thats not it
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>>344739 Kinda. It's kind of weird. He's a pretty good catch, but the girls he likes aren't into him.
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I I'm gonna have to stay up until pretty early in the morning. Maybe around 6am, 8am, something like that. I have to do something at 3am on Sunday, so I have to loop my sleep schedule around to make it work.
>>344743 do you think katana maids are cool
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 1000x1265, DLx4pjMU8AA6jVN.jpg )
I dunno. There may be some maids that carry katanas that are cool. But not all will be cool, probably.
i feel blessed to live in a world with so much beautiful music
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 225x225, IMG_2616.PNG )
>>344745 What about a blob with a katana
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:55 No. 344748
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Batstare the demigod of assassination?
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I dunno.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:56 No. 344750
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btw mats I'd recommend grabbing this game now that it is on sale or during christmas since it is soonish too is quite a bundle of fun
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What game is it?
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 00:57 No. 344752
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A discussion of it wouldnt do anything but kirara, i think one reason i want to defend sonic forces is because it does a lot of things aesthetically that really appeal to me
you should get it
I should probably the only catch being i watched the campaign
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 01:03 No. 344756
Search [iqdb] (975 KB, 1024x1280, 1388543301286.jpg )
If you didn't know about the game you are basically fantasy judge dredd during the post chaos of a newly conquered territory to the global empire of some kind of overlord-god
like im a big video game music nerd and they have to where classic sonic has genesis style tracks, modern sonic has adventure-type tracks, and self-insert has vocal tracks that sort of thing tickles me pink and the opening kicks in when you do a silly anime double boost with sonic and its just yeah
dont eat too much leftovers you will be sad
>>344756 does sound pretty cool rpg?
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 01:11 No. 344760
>>344759 and damn hard on hard mode
what if i do it and something great happens
also ladybugs need to go
>>344763 >>>/watch?v=NRmpKcehiMI
Search [iqdb] (407 KB, 568x1000, 65823805_p0.jpg )
buzz buzz buzz this is the song of the bee
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 01:22 No. 344766
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>>344765 you get a lot of random "street courts" like this since you are judge, jury and the executor of Kyros' law and when you visit the
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 01:22 No. 344767
Search [iqdb] (431 KB, 1920x1080, 20171125023548_1.jpg )
the court of your boss Tunon, he sometimes asks you to make the decisions eventhough it is just fluff stuff, it is so awesome also the gameplay is quite nice, though there are some issues I'd like changed like when you toss one of your meele fighters to combat enemy ranged units, said ranged units can still shoot their bow at your guys on the otherside of battlefield makes protecting your wimpier mage units from enemies bit harder I understand special abilities and such not being restricted but basic auto attack also, I'd like if you could overall force the ranged units to use a melee weapon or be unarmed for the combat both enemy and yours
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 01:24 No. 344768
Search [iqdb] (272 KB, 1920x1080, 20171123022402_1.jpg )
Oh and spells are crafted from "words of power" you pick up if you are a mage
>>344757 double boost is pretty hype I must admit
>>344769 right? also classic somic gets the invulvnerability power up and since he has genesis style music it has a genesis style version of the opening which is really cute
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 01:27 No. 344771
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Wow ominous
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looks like a cool game
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I hope another undesirable visits soon so I can use this image.
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There's someone you can use that on here every single day.
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Really? There isn't anyone I particularly want gone.
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>>344775 Is that right?
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Yeah, that's right.
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Sou kana, sou kana!
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IF I wanted someone gone, they'd be gone!
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Kowai, kowai/
>>344780 goodluckfaggit I'm behind 7 proxies
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 01:48 No. 344783
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Lel loyal and afraid of me
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Who would yoi tell to leave every day
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>>344782 I can remove a poster without issuing a single ban!
>>344785 Oh no did you find out about all the [REDACTED] ? Is this blackmail?
Search [iqdb] (304 KB, 1448x2048, DNYphJAVAAAO87h.jpg )
>>344784 You know me better than to think I'd answer.>>344785 Hmm.
>>344787 ypu are such a tease
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I see edits of that comic around a lot.
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The bike cuck has become kind of legendary.
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i dont wanna make him a steak
I hope someone steals his bike
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:05 No. 344794
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I still think the edicts are coolest thing in fantasy I have run into in a while
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>>344791 Well, no one likes weak men.
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>>344795 There are some women that like them. If they have a job.
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
>>344796 I don't think a relationship can work without respect. I was going to say it won't work where the woman doesn't respect the man, but I think it's probably that it doesn't work without mutual respect.
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>>344797 Well, take my mom's relationship with my stepdad for instance. My stepdad is a weak man and that's why my mom likes him. Even before he had his brain scrambled, he would have never thought about leaving, since he was so weak.>>344799 No, but it's a working relationship.
Search [iqdb] (186 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
Does theirs really qualify as a healthy relationship?
>>344798 does your mum like him or just like being able to manipulate and use him
Search [iqdb] (254 KB, 2150x3035, DNZXiO3V4AAXtiH.jpg )
Well, she likes him because she can manipulate and use him.
She doesn't really like him as a person then She just likes that she can use him
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 627x767, DM02OHBVQAEtA7h.jpg )
She likes him as a person because the person he is can be manipulated. Yes, she likes that she can use him, but that's what she likes about his personality. He's weak and easy to command.
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Their relationship as it is will probably last forever, since he can't leave her (because he's incapable of functioning independently now).
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There are a lot of consequences that come from sleeping with a snake. Unfortunately, not every snake looks like a snake, and not everyone can identify the ones in disguise.
never walk in the long grass and you'll never get bitten
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 1447x1915, DMVySjSVwAI86et.jpg )
You always gotta be careful of snakes.
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:24 No. 344809
i really need to learn this language
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:25 No. 344810
...and I'm going back tomorrow
Search [iqdb] (3.8 MB, 3600x4200, 63894187_p0.png )
Better rev up that Duolingo.
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What language does blue need to learn?
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Spanish. He went to a Spanish-speaking church with Piano and her brothers.
Search [iqdb] (277 KB, 849x1200, ใใ
- ใณใใปใฉใณใใญใใ.png )
Oh, and he didn't understand? Does piano speak spanish?
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 376x376, 1467124797923.jpg )
Yeah, she does.
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:30 No. 344816
Her dad was speaker.
Search [iqdb] (395 KB, 788x1162, 1510300214670.png )
Oh, I see. That makes it tough for you, huh?
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:31 No. 344818
What? The Spanish? nah her dad being a pastor? a little
Fuck Spanish. Acquire Nihongo.
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:33 No. 344821
find me a nippianongo
a nipple no go ? l
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:34 No. 344823
nipple pls stay nipplstay
too late. yo a you are a nippleless petanko now lll
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:36 No. 344825
also this doesnt need to be said but i will piano is super cute
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:37 No. 344826
>>344824 sasuga me worksafe master
Search [iqdb] (214 KB, 1190x1567, 1507241957217.jpg )
>>344818 Oh, the pastor's daughter huh? Sasuga blue.
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:38 No. 344828
whats THAT supposed to mean
Search [iqdb] (374 KB, 1920x2852, DPHRHg5VQAIzn9-.jpg )
i can see blue dating a pastor's daughter
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 600x546, 1495926964087.jpg )
>>344828 You always pick high level targets!
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:40 No. 344831
... you're right
I am off to bed now. give pianos dad pasta.
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 1920x1080, 697629dc97e7d21ed9bba3e28f228db4.png )
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:41 No. 344834
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:42 No. 344835
pasta rice
Search [iqdb] (675 KB, 2895x4096, DNdQ5gJU8AI2uvU.jpg )
Blue picks good targets.
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:42 No. 344837
i feel like food girl wasnt a high level target at first but then swiftly became one as she became an event coordinator
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:44 No. 344838
CF was always high level.
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
high level girls are hard to deal with sometimes
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 02:46 No. 344840
I'm infatuated with quality
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Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 592x714, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
I have some work to do but I'm not allowed to do it.
>>344842 is fish guaring you like a hawk or a sea anemone
Search [iqdb] (725 KB, 758x1000, 1379551323235.jpg )
>>344831 Of course I'm right. I'm always right.
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>>344843 I'm sorry?
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 777x1000, DGy-F60VYAAUNCA.jpg )
I made the mistake of being the one visitor (outside of Piano and family) there. So I got the "Index Card" treatment.
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What's that? I'm not familiar with church culture.
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First time visitors are very happily received. They always want the entire church to know that a visitor is in their midst. So what happens is that an usher asks you for your name, and you tell them, and they write it on a card. And you don't think about it. And then later on in service, that card is in the hand of some guy who LOUDLY PROCLAIMS that there are visitors visiting! So, they just named me, and everyone said Bienvenidos! and when service was over they were all shaking my hand and greeting me. Which made it really awkward because I kept wanting to say hi to Piano and her family but they were all over the place talking to people.
FUCK my FUCKING life /moe/ I just my phone charger and the only place it could be is the coffee shop i was studying at earlier but it's closed now and i'm gonna go check if it there's tomorrow but it's not gonna be there and it's gonna be a wasted 30 minutes of my fucking life driving there and back and then a wasted fucking $80,000 buying a life time supply of phone chargers with insurance and warranties
Sounds reasonable.
now my fucking estranged father wants to come visit me and there's another 30 uncomfortable minutes of my life wasted
Search [iqdb] (699 KB, 1000x1414, 65464531_p0.png )
>>344848 That's funny. I kind of want to visit a church someday just to experience all that fun stuff.
Also, since the service was in Spanish, many of them thought I spoke Spanish, since I was sitting there without a translator. So I had to swap between saying "hello" and "pas". Which is awkward for me to say for a completely unrelated reason.
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 664x647, DHmQxFpU0AAsLB-.jpg )
I still don't actually know what pas a vos means and google translate is not... making sense
sounds like it was fun
Search [iqdb] (677 KB, 1404x1198, 65643611_p0.jpg )
>>344854 Isn't that like, "we saw" or something?
or wait vos is you so you saw
Search [iqdb] (549 KB, 1765x2048, DPPfvsgUIAA5eFD.jpg )
It's like ... it IS a greeting. The speaker goes up and says pas a vos and the congregation responds with something slightly different. I still don't know. I should ask. I feel like asking now would be like weird. Okay, now I don't. So I'm going to ask.>>344859 super big fuss OH AND SINCE WE WERE VISITORS WE GOT TO SKIP THE LINE FOR DINNER WE ATE FIRST
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Yeah, churches love visitors. They make a big fuss over them.
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One of y'all should take me to church someday.
What's the best time to visit a church for free food?
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Will church people get mad at me if they find out I'm Jewish?
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>best time lol you need to know they're schedule yes they are schedule>>344862 no well, I don't think so>>344864 I wrote notes in Zero Time Dilemma
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 03:17 No. 344864
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Do people actually make notes about games? Don't trust your memory?
Is it rude to go to church just for their delicious food?
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>>344863 Maybe you can take me to church someday, then. I'll be polite and won't curse.
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>>344865 Only if that's your personal church So... if you're like me when I'm late at times Showing up 15 minutes after the service because I missed a train
>>344867 >personal church I don't think I'm affilated with any church
>>344867 your train conducterr is a sinner
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la la la la la kikasete sing along now
church music is so catchy
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I was always too shy to sing really loud in church. I'm not confident in my singing voice.
reeeee i knew it'd turn into a social eating situation LET ME FAST
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My voice is okay. But I am bad at recognizing different keys I can sing to melody but I can't move to tenor by myself
As long as attention isn't on me, I've got no problem singing in public. I was walking through the mall this evening singing along to whatever Christmas carols I heard over the intercom. But as soon as I'm the focus of attention I get nervous as fuck
you're voice usually just becomes one with everyone else but sometimes you stand out like this one old lady who would sustain her notes for some reason >>344879 hello bang! good to hear you had a good day!
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I get why it's fireproof. But a fireproof raincoat is an amusing notion.
today was a good day! hi moe!
>your fuck
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Vegan Mayonnaise sounds like a horrific concept.
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guys add me and my fam
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>its not pas a vos what>it's paz a vos >peace be unto you I was spelling it wrong the whole time That's why I could never find out what it meant
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>>344887 lol
Aren't words so much fun.
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>>344885 Wow, you guys look the same. That's so cute./
Looking through Amazon deals is always such a great exercise of my personal restraint. Convincing myself I don't need these things because they're cheaper than usual is a good way to build my imaginary muscle of apathy towards material gratification.
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I downloaded animal crossing again today.
>>344890 she has the best campsite ever. her car is 2 floors!
I guess while I don't want to do much with this sunburn I might as well properly decorate my shit
can you change your appearance or are stuck with the same eye colors
>>344890 17873463852 is her code thing
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>>344893 Wow, I didn't know cars went to two floors.
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>>344896 What's your code thing?
Mine is 01242669150 I kept getting dropped trying to switch tabs to view it
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What kind of musical instrument is this?
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>>344892 Did you get very far?
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I can't install games I hate this phone why would you ever make an 8GB phone in this political climate
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Get a new phone once your job starts!
>>344902 You can't install games on the SD card I'm guessing?
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 525x583, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 02 [7(…).jpg )
My friend code is 0162 3186 336.
>>344904 not on the SD no I can only move like a few MB of data to it but most stays on the main memory anyway
>>344901 No, I'm still level 1.
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>>344905 Oh, your character looks similar to mine. Sasuga.
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how unoriginal
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>>344908 Sasuga indeed. I guess it's inevitable.
babababababa BLACK SHEEP
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>>344905 so kooru
cardio is killing my gains and energy to do other stuff also my J O I N T S and I am an expert in what happens to people when their JOINTS get worn down over years of abuse AWFUL SHIT
always run on de grass
rookie just swim
get better joints you fuck
better joints are expensive
steal them
i'll need a pretty high medical skill to install them though
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
>Give Kudos to Jan >Get Friend Powder shit jan do you wanna do some friend powder with me inside the camper
>>344920 duh that's why it's called friend powder let's watch cartoons on my WIDESCREEN TEREBI
damn your sister's camper is so fly
>>344921 fuck yes let's do it
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 04:21 No. 344924
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fuck that was annoying fight enemies kept critical stunning, disarming and doing 100+ dmg with heavy blows or a aoe swipe with 4 criticals... fucking roll to win
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>>344923 those animals out there keep asking me for cherries and shit so I hide in my camper watching soccer all day
>>344925 what a life
I need one more friend to get to go in the quarry nobody I've met will accept my friend request ;_;
do you have a riajuu somewhere in that list
>>344927 i want to go in a quarry
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i wanna play animal crossing
>>344928 BAKUHATSU
who you callin normie
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oh yeah, there were no photos! Woo! but I can't say the same about tomorrow
clothes crafting when
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>>344928 I've added you.
Samu ๐ค !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 04:34 No. 344937
is this animal crossing talka
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When can I get hats?>>344937 yeah
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>>344938 They sell them at the market.
>>344936 thank you I can finally explode
Samu ๐ค !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 04:36 No. 344941
i'll dig up all your fossils
Samu ๐ค !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 04:36 No. 344942
swiggity swooty
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well I guess that's done now no going back
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What's the blushing for?
he was thinking about me
yeah I feel second hand embarrasment whenever I think of you too
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>>344946 Dunno.
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>>344949 I bet you do!
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>>344950 Haven't got a clue.
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>>344951 Wow, you always get on my case when I say something that isn't true, and now you're being like this!
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>>344953 Wow, you're coming on so strong.
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I wasn't going to say anything but you kinda invited it.
Samu ๐ค !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 04:55 No. 344956
kyaa oniichan it won't fit i should have gotten the 2TB
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>>344955 How'd I do that?
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>>344956 On your phone? It must be really full.>>344957 You posted a blushy face!
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>>344958 I wasn't inviting anything.
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Oh, maybe I was imaging things. It should be about anime time, I heard all the shows tonight were good.
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>>344960 You just want to bully me! Yeah, anime was good.
Samu ๐ค !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 05:02 No. 344962
it's not sekuhara if she blushed first (?????????)
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Me, bully? I'm looking forward to net-juu. I previewed a little earlier though.
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Yeah, you wanted to use secrets to bully me.>>344962 it is definitely sekuhara rika is harassing me!
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I love how this nathan tweet is being used
uwu i wish i was an eldritch godling ~
i wish i was an ewdwich godwing
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>>344964 That doesn't sound like something I'd do.
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>>344968 It's what you're doing. I'd prefer that nobody know what you know!
oh man I am so doki doki right now
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>>344969 Don't worry, I'm great at keeping secrets!
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>>344971 It'd have been nice if it was a secret from you, too.
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>>344972 Oh, it's not a very big deal.
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>>344973 Even if you say that, it's still a little, you know.
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It's a really minor thing.
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Even so
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oh cool I found it
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My favorite flat earth image is one where it's like a picture of my rage next to the solar system. And everything in the solar system is normal but the earth is a flat disc.
>>344978 yo nice
>>344979 What if the earth is a sphere but all the other planets are just posters in a big black room
the earth only looks round because of the curvature of spacetime in reality everything in the universe is flat
I like the dinosaur one that got the kicked out of the flat earth discord
flat earthers were just trying to distract us from flat reality
what if the earth but // the earth really is a disc but it's spinning so in a way that is like a hologram like the way a coin would spin
>>>/watch?v=dYQL9dpeloc like this I like this concept
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what would you like to say with that loudspeaker
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>>344989 That it's anime time. anime >>344991 โ
>>344990 this image makes me hungry
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I'm also really hungry.
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There's this show on Netflix called Godless that is getting good reviews everywhere, but it was so fucking boring. I can't recommend it at all. It was well written byt it was like, completely formulaic. >>344998 I watched every episode.
did you give it a few episodes? i was wondering about it oh no
have you seen Narcos that show was dope i need to catch up
what is it about
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 900x2167, 1477572026889.jpg )
Godless is just some cowboy drama There are a bunch of different stories going on at once that are related, but most the content is just banal shit that ultimately has no satisfying conclusion Like for three episodes this lady was arguing with her lover And then the lady finds out her lover was not actually cheating on her so she's just like "yeah sorry" and then it's never touched on again even though they just had tense arguments for like three episodes and were shouting and calling each other whores and shit>>345002 Probably.
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>>344997 I bet normies wrote the reviews.
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Hello good morning
>>344999 yeah narcos is good shit
>>345004 heyo
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There's this sheriff that everyone thinks is a coward because he doesn't shoot his guns ever we find out he's going blind an episode later, he is eating breakfast and a random person comes and gives him a pair of glasses that's it it's not interesting at all
the guy that gives him glasses never even had a name and showed up for about 1 minute
sounds like stupid shit
the middle was pretty good one of the two interesting main characters was teaching a kid how to hunt, how to ride horses, etc that was good but it was like an hour of interesting content in an 8-9 hour series
needless to say i'm very dissatisfied with it
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TV just isn't very good these days.
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TV was never really good there are probably the same number of good shows that there always have been and just more bad shows because we have access to the bad ones more easily anime is the only perfect medium tbh
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Anime is pretty good. I'm glad I got into it.
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Anime is great. You can survive with anime and nothing else.
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>>345001 I like this image What's the last good 2D animation the west did?
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Avatar, I guess?
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>>345023 That's true! I'd pick it if I could only have one thing.
>>345026 That was pretty good Iroh best boy forever
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I just don't watch a lot of western animation, so that's all I could think of Oh yeah, Rick and Morty somehow slipped my mind, it's pretty good
I'm the avatar you gotta deal with it
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>>345024 rick and morty if you have a high enough iq to understand it>>345027 I would probably pick my girlfriend but anime is a close second.
>>345033 >tfw rick and morty is 2deep4me truly the dark souls of evangelions
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>>345033 I was thinking like more in terms of entertainment and not like people.
that cop episode of rick and morty was a masterpiece unironically
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>>345036 Fish can be entertainment and people.
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>>345037 Yeah Tales from the Citadel is easily the single best episode of the whole show, no contest The whole episode, from the first second to after the credits
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>>345038 Well she qualifies as people before she does as entertainment!
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>>345040 That's true.>>345039 Yeah, absolutely. same old story, ricks killin mortys
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I think it was made especially great by being such a departure from the rest of the show, though Like if the rest of the show didn't exist as somewhat light hearted comedy with a few pointed commentaries and stuff sprinkled in, the episode wouldn't have worked as well as it did It being sprung on us like that added a lot to it, I think
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Yeah, agreedo.
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This episode of Yuki Yuna is good. They've done a good job with this.
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I told you! They're so good at making you have a lot of fun while slowly ramping up your anxiety.
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Is yuki yuna actually good, or are you watching it as a train wreck?
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>>345047 I realized something was wrong pretty quickly. THey did a good job making it a slow burn though.
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>>345048 It's actually really, really good.>>345049 Yeah, they're so good at it. I can't wait to see what happens next.
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Remember how many people were wrong about that image I just posted? How they couldn't tell that Yuna is looking at Togo?
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Yeah. A surprising number of people were wrong about it.
there was no yuri and I will die on this hill
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>>345057 Based Jordan
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The dad seems like a legend
>>345057 my sides that foucault shit has me rolling
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>>345056 Dying intoxicated with victory on a hill of swords isn't a bad way to go.
>>345063 wait, are you saying you don't believe there was yuri?
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I love how Jordan is just breaking rules and his gf even backs him up against his parents I want to believe it's real
>>345063 are you saying Yuna WASN'T looking at Togo
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>>345064 No, there totally was yuri.
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I haven't even watched the show and I assumed there was yuri
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>>345067 Okay, yeah, good.
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Was it sachkong's birthday or something yesterday, btw? my feed was like nothing but this gremlin for hours
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>>345069 I was just saying that if he wants to die intoxicated with victory on a hill of swords, I'll understand.
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>>345071 It's today, the 25th.
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>>345066 Yuna was totally looking at Togo. A lot of wrong people thought she wasn't though.
>>345074 I guess Japan is ahead of us?
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>>345076 Yeah, Japan is 11 hours ahead of me, and it just became the 25th an hour ago here.
>>345075 but by saying I am intoxicated with victory you are implying my postion is the right one
>>345078 >>>/watch?v=Jor3Q0jbnoM
I guess I should download some anime
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Shirou is like a philosopher when you think about it. He says so much good stuff.
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Philosophy is saying good stuff and nothing else
>>345082 what anime
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Good philosophy reaffirms the status quo, all else is edgelordism
>>345086 Good philosophy and comedy is edgy but not edgy enough to drive away potential sales
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good philosophy really makes you think
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:30 No. 345090
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Philosophy is just over thinking and nothing else, when you really think about it.
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>>345085 well that is the pickle it has to be dubbed because this girl can't read subs like Blind
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>>345089 you really make me think does that make you good philosophy?
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I would be a pretty good philospher, I think.
Gordon Ramsey really activated my almonds He's my favourite philosopher >>345092 >has to be dubbed Oh okay that makes sense
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>>345095 I mean, it's not a protected title or anything, and I'm pretty sure the fact that you aren't currently means you'd make a bad one
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2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:32 No. 345100
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Imagine some people think they need degrees to be philosophers.
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>>345095 yeah
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>>345096 He's very good at insulting people.>>345098 All that means is that it doesn't pay well enough.>>345101 I'm glad you agree!
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>>345102 Yeah You don't have the interest you'd make a bad one
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>>345102 Oh, you know I usually agree with you!
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:33 No. 345106
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For a philosopher money is irrelevant especially if you are cynically aligned
>>345106 >for a pihlosopher money is irrelevant Depends on your philosophy
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 02 [7(…).jpg )
>>345103 At the end of the day you gotta put food on the table.>>345105 That's why you have such good sense!
I really am bad at texting
Search [iqdb] (28 KB, 512x515, DFqs6ezXcAAoVol-orig.jpg )
>>345108 Nobody pays you for most of what you do with your time though 'Philosopher' isn't a paid position It's not wage labor
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>>345108 Is that why?
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:34 No. 345112
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>>345107 Material gain corrupts the seeking of knowledge and wisdom
>>345112 That's just your philosophy though We could debate that line of thinking for weeks so I won't But the point is that the relevancy of money to a pihlosopher depends on how the philosopher thinks>>345114 A philosopher doesn't have to be JUST a philosopher Some philosopher may have come to the conclusion that material gain is a valid means to happiness And thus using his newfound knowledge pursued it
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:35 No. 345114
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Nah, "philosopher" in itself contains why a philosopher, no matter what kind of philosophy of life you argue they live by, can only truly be a philosopher if they pursue knowledge and wisdom for the sake of just it and for the love of it. anything else, and the love is impure. It is like being religious for the sake of money,.
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>>345110 It's a profession!>>345111 Yeah.
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It can be, in that you can get books published But it's not like anything's stopping you from uh, thinking about things instead of watching chinese cartoons about 16 year old girls kissing eachother
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>>345115 I guess I'll take your word for it.
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Not to disparage the great value in such Chinese cartoons, of course
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:36 No. 345119
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>>345113 Happiness is irrelevant pursue of knowledge is all that matters.
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>>345119 According to YOU
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:37 No. 345122
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>>345121 Yes and I am right
>>345122 From my perspective the Jedi are evil
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Thinking you need to be recognized by someone with money for your thoughts on things to be valid is the biggest spook we face as a species
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:37 No. 345125
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>>345123 They aren't good, though either.
>>345125 The Jedi were really incompetent The fact that they failed to stop Sheeves crazy scheme really just shows they shouldn't have held any sort of power
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:38 No. 345127
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They failed in their organisational goals and creeds by tying themselves too much with the republic and following their traditions and rules too much.
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>>345116 No way. I gotta get paid if I'm going to work. Doing philosophy requires my brain to get engaged, so it's work! I get paid for all that time.
The Jedi should have been anarchists
the good jedi were anarchists they were called grey jedi
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>>345128 See this is why you'd make a bad philosopher
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:39 No. 345132
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>>345130 Not really anarchists
>Anakin is too impulsive he needs to learn to train his mental fortitude and control his desires better >so we're gonna leave him with a very attractive woman in her early 20s >alone >while the jedi are forbidden to love
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:39 No. 345134
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>>345128 Philosophy is more of a hobby than a job it is not work, it is funtimes If you say philosophying is work, then watching anime is work too.
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>>345117 Yeah, you have good taste since your taste is similar to mine.>>345131 I'd be great at the process of making philosophy.
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It's work in the same sense playing video games is work
>>345136 For some people video games is work
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ya, and for some people philosophy has become a means of income It works on many levels
>Has become You say that like philosophy being an income garnering career is some relatively new occurance.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:41 No. 345142
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>>345138 I wonder do those people still enjoy video games as we do or has it become something else to them
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>>345141 I mean it in the sense that it's rarely if ever the beginning Like video games, it usually begins as a hobby, and then it gets somewhere, and money happens
>>345142 Depends on who you ask Streaming and doing lets plays and stuff is probably very different to just casually playing a game since you gotta perform and entertain And some streamers feel compelled to only play popular games for extra revenue>>345147 I hope it's because they like video games because that's what produces better content imo
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>>345136 And this is why I mostly play games that let me take it easy.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:42 No. 345147
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>>345145 Well both let's streamers and pro-gamers I wonder how much they enjoy it and how oft they think "damn this is becoming a chore/mundane/etc"
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>>345142 It's video games, mostly It's a little bit work, but mostly still video games because they're hardly alienated at all
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2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:43 No. 345150
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If I had to guess, I'd say let's streamers more enjoy their work and progamers might start to get tired of doing just the same game(s) over and over again but I guess tourney wins and whatnots rejuvinate the interest
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Well ya gotta remember that the people who actually start making money are exclusively people who love video games
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What little alienation they have comes from the loose schedule they impose on themselves to keep their audience satisfied, but a lot of them can just ditch that without any real blowback
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Being a streamer sounds like a terrible fate. Never make your play into work!
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:44 No. 345155
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>>345156 100% unrealistic portrayal of any team effort
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>>345154 agreed
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maybe I should make her watch Neo Yokio haha
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Streamers probably enjoy video games more than any of us to, honestly
>>345155 I love "I think I'm at the objective" Like he's never played the game before
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:46 No. 345163
>>345162 the middleguy is a loser drinking from a big bottle of cola straight and not using a glass
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The middle guy is the person who's probably carrying the team. The guy on the left probably isn't even at the objective. The middle guy is going to spill his drink tohugh.
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>>345163 glass coke > cans>>345166 >#CokeEsports >Not competitive Pepsiman >>345164 Guy on the far right totally erps in the ingame chat
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>>345156 I wanna see actual #CokeEsports That would be SICK
>>345143 I might be nitpicking at this point, but I feel the two diverge. Most people that find success playing games for a living don't do so because of their skill or knowledge of the games. They -might- be skillful or knowledgeable about what they play, but generally their success comes from being a good entertainer. They've just happened to choose gaming as their medium. Where as the philosopher's knowledge of his field directly translates into sustenance.
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>>345165 No coke not soda
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:47 No. 345169
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>>345161 still do wonder about the bigger names, how oft they play games they want to play vs games that audience wants them to play and so on
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Imagine being obligated to play like six hours of video games every night. That seems terrible. Sometimes you want to just take it easy and post on moe or whatever. Streamers have to play the games everyone likes, too. Imagine being obligated to play like six hours of hearthstone every night?
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>>345169 sniff I think the two overlap a lot They garner an audience based on the games they enjoy playing, after all
Imagine playing games you don't even like 6 hours a day to entertain literal childeren Imagine doing nothing but stream League
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:49 No. 345173
>>>/watch?v=abof8iFtRB0#t=18m34s especially meme games
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>>345170 Imagine being obligated to leave your house to sit at a desk somewhere and punch numbers into a computer for 8 hours every single day
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Well, it's important to find a job that you like. I think that's different than making your play into your work, though. We need different things from work than we do our hobbies. I wouldn't want to work one of those data entry jobs either.
Being a big name like pewdiepie who's set for life is probably okay But streaming is very competitive If you're small fry you gotta contend with thousands of other people aiming for time and donations And you aren't at all secure>>345180 Yeah it's not easy to break into
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:50 No. 345178
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>>345174 Here the difference is that after the 6-8 hours of doing WORK you can get home and unwind on video game hobby for video gamer, the hobby and job are the same thing it might take some of the joy out in the end.
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>>345178 The video game streamer can just... pllay video games they want though Like a lot of these guys stream WAY more than they need to
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:50 No. 345180
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>>345177 Nowadays you really need to somehow market yourself out or something to get into even "small status" back when they started and competition wasnt that fierce, it was much easier to become big
wait I should make her watch GHOST STORIES
>>345180 Like remember the nostalgia critic If he started now, when he has competition, no one would care about him Back then there was so much less competition >>345184 >influenced a lot of the youtube Exactly, because it was still somewhat new back then
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>>345176 You don't understand They have, in effect, eliminated work as a distinct section of their life Because their means of sustaining their lives are what they would be doing anyway
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:51 No. 345184
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>>345182 Dnno really, he has a distinctive and quite unique product you have to realise that him and his cohort influenced quite a lot of the youtube and such community and the overall content
so basically beign bang is like yeah
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>>345182 tbf nobody cares about him now, either
>>345187 Some people still unironically like him but they're few A lot of people just follow for drama Back in the day he was pretty big though
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I just got bored of his content and moved on to people like YMS and stuff, cause he's actually like, critiquing movies rather than just criticicing them
>>345185 hi bang it's me bang
what the i thought i finished off the last of you fuckers
>>345190 No I am bang>>345189 Nostalgia Critic is morelike a lets watch than a review
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>>345183 I would argue that they have effectively eliminated free time. Work is something you're obligated to do even when you don't want to.
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I started Mindhunters on Netflix and it doesn't have realistic portrayals of FBI agents, but it does make them all look like complete losers.
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>>345194 Yeah but if there is no time when you don't want to do it, because it's what you would be doing anyway, it doesn't count as work, then
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:55 No. 345198
>>345196 was ist das?
>>345198 it's a show about a hostage negotiator with the fbi
I bit another gash in the side of my cheek again. I wish I could stop doing this
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>>345197 I'm sure there are plenty of times that streamers feel like making videos and streaming is a chore.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:56 No. 345202
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>>345199 why can't they ever make these shows portray atleast a somewhat accurate depiction of the actual shit especially if it is an american show
crang, definitely not anyone else especially bang 2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:56 No. 345203
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in order to defeat the doppelganger menace i must incite violent aggression towards all bangfags hiding my identity and turning society against myself once all bangs are destroyed, i slowly generate positive PR for bang until i can finally unveil my true identity once again
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hey rika you're a girl right
>>345196 elaborate Are FBI agents actually big losers?>>345203 Fuck off Crang Bang's way cooler than you
heweo hewwo rven
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>>345201 I'm sure it happens, but like They're their own boss, they can legitimately just go "Hey guys, gonna take a break for a week or two" on twitter and boom 2 week vacation
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>>345202 Because most people don't spend enough time with FBI agents to know what FBI agents are like.>>345205 No, FBI agents are just normal people.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:56 No. 345209
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>>345208 I dunno how about just hiring say retired agents to consult the writing team or whatever
>>345200 I absolutely hate that
>>345208 >FBI agents are just normal people Wow you ARE a normie
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>>345204 That's what I've been told! Do you have a question about girlhood?>>345207 You can't just take a vacation from earning money!
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>>345209 Why should they? To please all 100 people that know what real FBI agents are like?>>345211 I'm no agent!>>345214 underrated post
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>>345212 >That's what I've been told!
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>>345212 Streamers do Cause twitch subscriptions and stuff are what's paying their bills, and those are monthly like any wage And their working condition is one where there is a cult of personality around them, their audience genuinely cares about their well being, they're not a number to what is effectively their 'employer', they're a human being
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:58 No. 345216
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>>345207 Not really people who slack on content delivery who don't treat their fans with respect gradually decline into small timers who can't actually make a living
>>345212 maybe or maybe I just wanted to use that sentence as if I had a preface to another question but I don't well actually I probably do but I don't know yet
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 06:58 No. 345218
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>>345213 To make a quality product Of course craftmanship pride is a dead concept in modern world.
>>345213 If you're not an agent then stop following me home from my secret illegal meetings
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OwO what's this?
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>>345220 no
that was a typo I meant to say legal meetings>>345223 please
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>>345222 nice trips
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>>345224 what's in it for me?
>>345212 boyhood took 12 years to make, how long will girlhood take?>>345227 I'll let you attend the meetings
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:00 No. 345229
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Corruption PURGE!
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what are you guys up to?
Nursing a cut in the side of my cheek.
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>>345228 girlhood usually finishes up two or so years before boyhood does.>>345217 Yeah, I was expecting some kind of follow up. Now I'm a little disappointed.
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>>345228 Boyhood is one of those movies I love being a thing, but have absolutely no interest in watching
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>>345234 Boyhood is one of those movies where I appreciate its existance because I liked the RLM review of it>>345238 You're damn right I appreciate Nitori
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2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:01 No. 345238
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>>345236 appreciate this
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is this some sort of bang alter
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>>345228 Deal.
>>345233 okay what are some good tips for texting I'm not used to sms
>>345239 someone pretending I think
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:02 No. 345243
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>>345239 alternate universe bangu
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Krang T Nelson, antifa leader, has blessed us with their presence
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One of those bangs is not like the other.
Will the real Bang please stand up, please stand up
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what the fuck is aqua even DOING
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:03 No. 345249
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Hello I am gnaB
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what up bang here
>>345250 drinking what's up with bang
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this place needs more bangs
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>>345241 It depends on who you're talking to. I like to not talk like an idiot in texts. I guess I would say the only important rule for texts is not to say anything too heavy. Texting isn't supposed to be super serious conversation.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:04 No. 345256
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>>345241 l33tsp33k
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>>345251 hungover about to get some breakfast from the store
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>>345253 There are so many levels of that whole debacle where it's like "Imagine believing this"
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>>345259 Wow Bang, it's like 1 AM in texas right now. THat's a little early for breakfast, don't you think?
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:05 No. 345262
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>>345261 You've never woken up at the middle of the night hangover?
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some people have breakfast for dinner don't judge
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>>345261 it's breakfast whenever I want it to be Yuu-san have you had breakfast yet?
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:06 No. 345265
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breakfast is an interesting word break fast
Hi Dutch.
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>>345267 sup dude what up with you?
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>>345265 believe it or not that's actually the meaning of the word it's called breakfast because you're breaking your fast from the day before because you don't typically eat during your sleep so that time is technically fasting
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>>345264 I didn't have breakfast.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:06 No. 345272
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>>345269 indeed it still is amusing word we just call it "morning snack" aamupala
wait I can't believe dutch was bang the whole time bang's life is a lie
>>345268 Just relaxing. It's too late at night here to be doing anything. Too cold to go out too.
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>>345271 eating disorder or do you usually just skip it?
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2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:07 No. 345277
well literally morning piece
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:07 No. 345279
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>>345269 Though I doubt its root is so easily explained I bet it has some religious say monastery background
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do you guys want some memes?
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>>345275 I pretty much always skip it. At work sometimes I snack around 9 or 10 though.
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if you guys want memes i have a lot of memes
I skip breakfast because I'm lazy>>345284 post memes
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I usually skip lunch.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:08 No. 345287
here is a bang meme>>>/watch?v=CCVdQ8xXBfk
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>>345274 thankfully not that cold yet over here still wearing summer coat, but am wearing gloves
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:08 No. 345289
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>>345286 if I eat breakfast I skip lunch if I don't eat breakfast, I have brunch or lunch
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Open this image to die instantly
>>345290 that snake shit is so good
>>345290 lol fucking cops i swear where's the punisher patch too
Cops are literally the ones treading lmao
>>345293 I started watching that show it's pretty damn good
punisher beats the shit out of a bunch of cops in it too
he beats the shit out of most people he's like a god takes bullets like a champ
>>345297 The case for The Punisher: a thread
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that's kind of his thing he just beats the shit out of whatever he meets he just tries to meet bad people more often than others
>>345298 >you will never be the punisher
>>345254 ah thanks I will play it by ear hopefully I don't fuck up
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>>345301 mfw I'll just have to poison people or some shit
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:10 No. 345304
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Let's all go have some bacon and eggs undernmete
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>>345300 that's definitely true too he actively looks for people to kill
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Isn't the punisher one of those comics that has to do with the devil?
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Unfortunately, nearly every Marvel hero's comics have been tainted by the stupidity that is the devil.
the devil as in a character or literally the devil? haven't seen them yet in the series at least
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isn't the punisher's backstory that he made a deal with the devil?
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have you guys met my cousin, Smang>>>/watch?v=xt5ghXdq6Z0
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>>345311 No, Punisher's backstory is that he has PTSD and criminals killed his family so now he goes around murdering criminals all the time without provocation. >>345316 Rene is right, I think.
>>345311 isn't that ghostrider๐ป
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Which one was the one that made a deal with the devil?
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:13 No. 345317
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>late 13c., from Old French disner (Modern French dรฎner) "to dine, eat, have a meal," originally "take the first meal of the day," from stem of Gallo-Roman *desjunare "to break one's fast," from Vulgar Latin *disjejunare, from dis- "undo" (see dis-) + Late Latin jejunare "to fast," from Latin iejunus "fasting, hungry" (see jejune). it was the french
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>>345310 literally the devil so one time peter parker got married and had a perfect marriage but his 118 year old aunt was dying so what he did was he made a deal with satan to erase his entire marriage from existence in order to prolong the life of his 118 year old aunt
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nah, I'm thinking of someone else. The one I'm thinking of was a normal guy, he didn't have a flaming head.
>cant put poison strike on staff users what is this garbage
>>345318 this is probably the supidest thing I've ever read
also the most stupidest
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:15 No. 345325
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 301x401, Madoromi (48).png )
>>345321 if they shoot magic out of staff, how does the poison rubbed on the stick help? the stick ain't going into the enemy butt
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:16 No. 345327
>>345311 ghostrider and spawn
>>345318 This is fucking dumb
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>>345314 tbf, most of the people he kills are like murderers and stuff, aren't they?
>>345329 depends on the incarnation sometimes he'll murder petty thieves sometimes he'll only murder people that hurt someone
the hellboys were alright movies
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>>345330 What in the hell
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:17 No. 345334
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>>345332 first one had better plot and story, second one had much better character writing, but the villains were just kinda meh
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hello? is this thing on?
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>>345327 Maybe it's spawn I'm thinking of.
>>345333 The Punisher is not a mentally stable person
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:18 No. 345338
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>>345336 He is the demon guy with red cape kinda similiar to punisher in a way, except he got killed and punisher lost his family though spawn would eat punisher alive for breakfast
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Carnage is pretty fun Especially that one time he was a good guy
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He looks gross on google, and I remember whatever it was looking gross. so it's probably spawn.
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must be hard to be scared of devil shit
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:19 No. 345345
>>345341 if you think him in his demonsuit looks bad, you should see how his burnt and exploded skin and flesh look like
>>345335 testing testing 123
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>>345343 I guess? I just avoid it.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:20 No. 345349
>>345346 ## TESTING ####TESTINGtesting
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yo guess what i'm doin
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>>345347 That stuff freaks out Fish, too.
_moo has markdown now_?
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:20 No. 345354
>>345343 >>345351 devil shit?
shit which is related to the devil
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:21 No. 345356
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A weird thing to be scared of, though I see why some are afraid of it
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>>345351 See, it's normal.
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>>345358 I wouldn't say normal, but it's probably not uncommon.
>>345347 How can you enjoy persona if you don't like demons
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2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:21 No. 345363
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I don't really see a reason for a christian to be scared of the devil he is a pussy
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:22 No. 345364
and may or may not really even exist in the christian theology for that matter
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>>345361 Persona is just tarot cards. Tarot cards are harmless.
who would be afraid of homura she can' t even kill a cat
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>>345363 Isn't people not seeing him as a threat what he relies on? You gotta be vigilant cause his whole thing is tricking you into doing stuff
>>345365 I'm certain you can get Lucifer in at least one Persona
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:23 No. 345371
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>>345368 Later adaption mostly by catholics I mean, most common stuff is "bound in hell">>345372 He was given a chance by god to tempt his son
But he did exactly that with Jesus
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>>345369 He's not really a big part of it or anything though. I usually won't use characters named that though.
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2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:24 No. 345376
>>345372 and jesus said "piss off, I am fasting"
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>>345371 Oh I see Odd as hell for God to want even his son to fast to be entirely honest, but that's how things are I guess
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:24 No. 345379
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>>345377 Gotta see if the son was too human
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i kind of feel like having a beer
>>345373 this is kind of cute?
It's kind of nonsense.
It's pretty moe
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:25 No. 345386
Possession themed movies are garbo but amusing as hell at times
Possession is just a copout when you can't find a good excuse for your character to do mad shit Except for The Exercist
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:26 No. 345391
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>>345389 Well yeah, but am not talking about that, talking more like exorcist, which is themed around the religious horror themes.
the exorcist was alright
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THE EXERCIST Will make you jog A lot
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:27 No. 345397
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>>345392 Is not scary though the 2nd one was "what did you smoke when you made this" and third one was actually most entertaining of the three
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:28 No. 345404
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I don't recall anything getting under my skin or spooking me since reading at the mountains of madness horror is dull in the end, when you learn the ins and out of what most horror directors do and use. And even spooki tales are repetive in the end Video games are more engaging, but most are just jump scares
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Horror is usually poorly executed But at the same time, I'm partially at fault because I'm unable to shake the "i'm watching a movie" mindset
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Alien stuff spookes spooks me too
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:30 No. 345411
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Horror games also get ruined if you havet o actually game it too much frustration, repetiveness, repeating a same task or plaything too ofrt it just takes you out of the horror and reminds you "oh right a game"
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>>345410 Greys terrify me I keep my curtains closed at night cause I don't wanna see those shiny big eyes in the corner of my eye
As long as there's good atmosphere, I can get spooked. Even games like the Metro series get me because of how well the atmosphere is.
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>>345410 Same. Spooks the shit outta me after I watch it.
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i mean it's worrisome if aliens are a thing but only in the sense that we have no idea what they'll be i'm more worried about my bills this week
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:31 No. 345418
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>>345413 Basically this the thought of something out there or decent atmosphere is much more scarier than running from some creepymonster Kinda reminds me of Alien isolation I got more spooked by the androids because of their unpredictable nature and well how fucking horrifying they were to face you could kill tjhem, fight them, but they still would easily kill you if you lacked ammo and dem glowing eyes in the dark and that monotone voice the alien was also spooky, but whenever it popped up to look for you, it was more of "oh come on this is a fucking pain to get around"
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Oh, one movie that did spook me a bit though, was uh... fuck what was it called again It was in a hospital and there was this big lanky boi chasing the camera crew, it was like found footage Grave Encounters The sequel was fun as hell
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Yeah, watching alien videos on youtube spooks me a lot!
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>even Metro Metro is genuinely spooky as shit though Fuck, Metro is a good game
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:33 No. 345424
>>345420 GE1 was kinda spoopy, but GE2 was just comedy
I wasn't spooked by it though. The atmosphere got me, but it's not like the elements were scary. I dunno how to put it. Being actually spooked by something feels like it sticks with me after participating it. The Metro games weren't too long-lasting on that matter.
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>>345424 Yeah the sequel was just a lot of fun But they embraced that>>345427 Oh fuck REC is one of those movies I can't even watch properly REC2 is lmao though
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:33 No. 345427
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REC1 and 2 were good movies when it comes to found footage the 3rd was well hmm just something still havn't seen the 4th
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:33 No. 345429
>>345426 Yeah the ending is kinda "hahahaha"
something something ufo porno
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:34 No. 345433
>>345430 >>>/watch?v=Z_iT10FzS-w
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>>345425 Metro is spooky while you play it, but you're not gonna be scared to walk to the bathroom at night because of it
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:35 No. 345438
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Metro had good atmosphere and some spookifoes the library was horrifying, but just because of the scarcity of ammo and how the "extra damage" in harder/ranger modes didn't really transfer to the beasts you had so little ammo to deal with them
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Metro didn't really spook me. I wasted a lot of ammo shooting at things though.
Even playing through the second game on the most sparse game mode, I never ran out of ammo. I totally abused the throwing knives though.
>>345438 I had stockpiled shotgun shells before the library. And unloading twelve shells into their faces was enough to kill one of them. The max amount of shells you can carry along with what you find in the library was enough to carry me through just spamming the shotgun.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:36 No. 345446
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>>345445 I was like "well I can always buy more ammo later, so better not use the money ammo yet" and booooy did that bite me in the ass
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Metro using ammo for currency directly was one of my favorite parts of the game I love when games do stuff like this, where they combine two elements that would usually be separate
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:37 No. 345452
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FEAR 1 and 2 are prolly the best fps horror ghames they really knew how to mix being a super soldier and yet helpless before the supernatural threats fear 2 especially had that fucking school level
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The thing is a lot of horror games are actually just stealth games with the brightness turned down
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:38 No. 345458
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 800x450, [LIME]_Ichigo_Mashimaro_00_[DV(…).jpg )
>>345454 Thass the thing I got bored of the gameplay and story being interrupted by essentially hide and sneak and just wanted to go and do my puzzles go away ugly non scary critters, you are just annoying me
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Amnesia was a lot of fun cause I played it in tandem with dutchfriend over discord, and when we found that chairsized mining helmet we fucking lost it We couldn't stop laugh
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:39 No. 345462
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Hide and sneak horror is imo just an easy way to do it the helplessness is a given to add to the thrill, but man everyone has done it already to the death
dead space 1 is a masterpiece
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:39 No. 345465
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>>345463 this that is how you balance horror, combat and atmosphere and dress it all in a good story
And then the rest is EA.
Or was that an Ubisoft series I don't remember.
System Shock 2 is a masterpiece
>>345467 it got EA'd yeah
I still haven't bought any EA games in like, a decade.
I bought Titanfall2 because I didn't notice the EA logo
I buy lots of video games because I'm a GAMER
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:42 No. 345482
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Interestingly some of the rpgmaker horror games are quite good like what was that art gallery thing mad father and even ao oni, though that one is bit repetive
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>>345481 lol nerdloser
I'm a golfer Not because I have one point, but because I have many
last EA game I bought is probably skyrim
Oh shit I guess that's true. Guess it's only been six years I've gone without giving them money then.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:43 No. 345488
>>345484 what is even happening there
>>345488 no fucking clue someone linked it somewhere he thinks it may be some black friday stuff
>>345488 typical Black Friday
>>345490 nobody died in the video so is it?
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:45 No. 345494
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>>345489 >>345490
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>>345492 well yeah it's not like they release "don't go to black friday sales or you'll die" ads yet so it's not that big a deal
>>345494 >>345495 lmao>>345496 that'd be funny watch them advertise their shit in them anyway
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:46 No. 345499
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>>345499 damn that's good
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:47 No. 345502
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>neger machen negersachen
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:48 No. 345506
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americans sure love their shopping
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:49 No. 345512
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meanwhile in finland
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>>345512 lol you wouldn't see that here
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2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:51 No. 345516
>>345513 we like to queue
you'd get along well with the japs
btw I was joking when I said EA released skyrim
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:52 No. 345519
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>>345510 Most of us just stayed home today.
>>345518 Yeah I know. I was joking when I said it had only been six years.
>>345521 fuck well done
>>345519 this is amazing keep them coming
>>345521 wait fuck how old is skyrim
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Someone in my cohort got trapped at the mall earlier today.
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>>345524 six years
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 07:54 No. 345528
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>>345527 I feel like it should have been out longer tbh
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>>345525 wtf
>>345524 It was released November 11th, 2011.
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Someone saw me talking to myself the other day. It's always awkward when that happens.
>>345528 that's dope
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You talk to yourself in public?
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>>345533 was it like straight up self-conversation or just like mentioning things to yourself to remember
>>345533 was it you?
>>345533 I do that while walking the dog
>>345535 You don't?
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>>345536 A little of both, I guess?>>345538 YEah, but in that situation you can just play it off as talking to the dog.>>345537 It wouldn't be embarrassing if it was just me catching myself talking in public.
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>>345539 Not in public
>>345540 >holy shit your dog speaks english?
that black friday song is super catchy btw
I usually just monologue to myself when I'm talking to myself. But some times I talk back.
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>>345540 I talk to myself all the time but it's almost always clearly mnemonically
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>>345542 It's natural to talk to animals even if they don't understand you.
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Which do you figure is worse for getting caught talking to yourself in public. Under your breath muttering, or all out audible conversation?
both sound pretty murdery if I catch someone do either I just walk away ain't got time to risk my life today
>that one time I was in school I was playing spy and being all stealthy on my way home and thought no one could see me but really everyone could see me and just thought I was retarded
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:00 No. 345551
Search [iqdb] (โซ, 25s, 705 KB, 224x400, 2115b05ae6958af2.mp4 )
time to hit the liquid courage
The mall was packed when I walked around it this evening, but everything was pretty civil. Though the EB Games looked like a tornado had gone through it.>>345552 Don't hit it man, it won't do anything for you. You gotta drink it to get the proper effect.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:02 No. 345554
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I was just straight up talking to myself. I noticed people around the corner and they noticed me. I just awkwardly smiled and said hi and kept going.
I'm not really sure how audible my talking is. I'm not a particularly loud-voiced person to begin with when talking, so I don't think my self-talking would be that loud either.
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>>345555 about what?
>>345551 I don't get this video
>>345554 >not playing touhou on the dk bongos
>>345553 oh shit I have been doing it wrong all these years
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>>345557 Work.
Nothing private, I hope?
>>345555 that's so moe
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I talk to myself all the time and I refer to myself as "we" when I do it, so it can be problematic.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:08 No. 345565
>>345558 it is just parodying most black friday vids
>>345555 cute
>>345564 Most people have forgotten about the royal We after all.
>>345565 ah okay, too subtle for me
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>>345564 Royalty, are we?
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Haha. I do it because I have dialogues with myself. So it's me and myself, we.
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Yeah I do the same I alternate between singular and plural though
I get that. But I guess my splinter parts are always "I"s though.
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I'm like, >Well, what do you think about x? >It won't work >We agree on that
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>>345573 this is a different kind of cute
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I feel so bad for the people working on black fridays It must be hell
i feel so bad for the people working it must be hell
I feel so bad for the people It must be hell.
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>>345576 That also
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:13 No. 345579
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i feel so bad it must
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:16 No. 345580
i feel it
I t
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:16 No. 345582
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I guess I should put some clothes in the washer. I was going to earlier but I forgot.
Shoot. I keep meaning to fold my laundry during anime-watching. But as usual it's impossible to hold that thought more than two minutes.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:18 No. 345585
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eat your laundry
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2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:18 No. 345587
>>345586 *gentile
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Oh yeah, it's almost that time of year again.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:19 No. 345589
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wat time?
the time to die
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We're closing in on consumermas
fuk I need to get a job or I might have to go away on holiday with my family
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:20 No. 345593
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 271x323, Madoromi (6).png )
>>345591 praise mammon for granting us so much money and material to spent it on
>>345592 you want a job so you can afford not to go on vacation? thinking emoji
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It's almost channukah
On one hand, I kind of like the fact that my job barely calls me in and I have all this free time to waste. But on the other time. Fuck I was kind of hoping I could get money to spend. I might go looking for a different, more often paying job, in the new year when minimum wage is par with what I'm making now.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:22 No. 345597
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It's herecy all of it
>>345594 No if I don't get ajob my parents will ask me to go with them Not wanting to go with them is pretty selfish of me But I'm too lazy to go anywhere
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It's almost almost winter. Which is better than autumn by a little bit.
>>345598 can't you just say no m8?
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:23 No. 345601
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>>345599 hope oyu don't get an "suprise winter, suprise no longer winter, suprise winter, suprise no longer winter" like we get
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>>345595 ยจWhat actually is that about, anyway? Is it related to the Egypt thing or some covenant?
>>345600 no I live with them
Search [iqdb] (23 KB, 375x375, 8f039efc1a8a3a8b6e553143a4c9242e.jpg )
it is chilly
>>345603 so? just stay at home you can even try to sell it as housesitting if you want
>>345602 we had enough oil at the second temple to burn for a day but it burnt for eight days because God gave us an unlimited oil hack or something
>>345605 I'll see what happens
>>345606 in case you think imats is joking he's not
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1000x1000, DMq5fAaVAAA_m1l-orig.jpg )
>>345606 Was it for like, heat? Or was it just God going "OK look you don't gotta ration just to keep the lights on, guys, here", and now you have a holiday for it?
And so you made a big celebration out of it. It's good to enjoy the little things, huh.
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:25 No. 345611
Search [iqdb] (196 KB, 600x600, 3a331a27405e18f4f2912afbf9f2cb71.jpg )
>>345606 no wonder usa loves israel
>>345609 no it was for suntanning
>>345610 can't let a good opportunity to get drunk go to waste now can you?
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Remember when God made it rain bread flakes
>>345613 Dude I am the master of letting good opportunities go to waste. This is small time.
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Remember when Jesus literally cursed a tree?
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:26 No. 345617
"turn to stone"
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1000x1063, eae651f934df2316fd97864f70cbd325.jpg )
I didnt read that part what i read of revelations was some shit
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:26 No. 345619
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 600x600, 1390769387895.jpg )
And if I recall right, it had even "it wasn't the season for figs" so he goes around, looking for fruit on a fruit tree that isn't supposed to have fruit and then goes "fuck you tree, be stone"
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The Old Testament is fucking wild It makes a lot more sense to me thinking it's written by the characters in The Sims
it's really something
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:28 No. 345622
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 2083x2708, 1395562312331.jpg )
>oh you wanna go to the promised land >nah you are going to the desert repeat ad infinitum
40 years in the desert lol
remember when over a million people had to walk in a desert for like 40 years so all the people who worshipped a gold cow would die because they panicked when moses left for ten minutes
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:28 No. 345625
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>>345623 Just like preventing a sim from going to the bathroom or shit
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:29 No. 345626
>>345624 3 days or so but yeah
>>345626 tbats basically ten minutes when you consider how quick they were like "fuck what do we do"
>joined moses so I could go to the promised land >instead my great great great grandson goes to the promised land
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:30 No. 345629
>>345628 >40 years >great great great grandson
>>345629 I'm a bit drunk
>>345628 yeah rabbis are always like "hey He never said WHEN He'd do it"
Search [iqdb] (31 KB, 500x500, DLyZbCvUQAAe5Ap-orig.jpg )
>>345629 So grandson, then
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:30 No. 345633
>>345630 what are you ton? gonna hit on mats and bois soon
Kirara is genderfluid so when you think about it im really not gay
>>345633 >>345631 Kirara how bout I lead you to the promised land know what I'm sayin
I guess most of what of what do in my free time is read things on the net and listen to music with anime on occasion but I do like to things like op shopping or bike riding ah fuck that wasn't meant
>>345634 it's like half gay at a minimum
Search [iqdb] (330 KB, 2380x2380, DKBRqlwU8AEOthK.jpg )
Prophets Of Rage seems like they could become a good as hell group A LITTLE miffed de la rocha isn't a vocalist though Or in the group at all How are you gonna name yourself that and not have the voice of RATM?
>>345637 half gay when rounded down is 0 gay
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:31 No. 345640
Search [iqdb] (351 KB, 774x744, 1408067523871.jpg )
>>345637 still p gay
>>345639 you can't round it down see >>345640
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:32 No. 345642
>>345639 it is 1 gay
wel everybody is a little gay so thats fine
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:32 No. 345644
Search [iqdb] (256 KB, 555x776, 1441340539586.jpg )
well you are pretty gay not little gay
>>345643 there's nothing wrong with being gay but you gotta just admit it that it's not everyone else that's gay it's you
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:32 No. 345646
also most are "little gay" as in jolly and merriful not homosexual
remember when the sims made simlish pop songs
>>345646 no dude you actually like penis a little bit
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:33 No. 345649
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>>345648 So that is your take on heterosexuality
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what you dont know is thats actually a squirt gun
>>345649 So you do like the penis a little bit?
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:33 No. 345653
>>345652 no
re life was fun
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:34 No. 345655
Search [iqdb] (โซ, 1m20s, 5.8 MB, 610x344, cca2680444dd4667.mp4 )
>>345654 Season two never. Guess I should read the mange some day.
I liked how all the ED songs were pop hits from the time that the MC would have been a teenager the first time around. There were a couple nostalgia bombs in there.
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are traps gay?
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:36 No. 345660
Search [iqdb] (772 KB, 848x1000, 1388435688958.jpg )
precisely, trap in itself might not be gay but liking traps is gay
I'm sure there's some gay traps out there. There's probably also some straight traps too.
gay isn't real
gay is just a jail tbh
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 1920x1090, 1503531982376.png )
>>345658 Yes.
A couple I know had the girl made the boy think she was a guy for like, half a year. They started dating shortly after the truth got revealed. It was a bit of fun to tease the guy because he's a pretty huge homophobe.
traps aren't gay is probably my top /// in my top 3 favorite memes
>>345663 elaborate
>>345663 sexuality is a spook
traps are probably a little bit gay
>>345667 zee >>345668 jail is something that confines you... just like categorization
traps are like 50% gay
>>345666 it's at least in my top 50, it rises and falls depending on my meme mood
>>345670 I dunno I think categorization is more fluid Like it'snot like you say "wow I can't find this trap attractive that'd be gay" it's more lik oh this trap is attractive guess Ihappen to not be straight
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171125-033820.png )
jay is fixing to die
what the fuck jay
>>345674 Is Jay a cyborg
i think he's robophobic
>>345677 what the fuck Jay what a meatbag
You must be highly offended.
only because im not a bigot jay is basically a FASCIST
if you were a robot what robot would you be /moe/
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:41 No. 345685
yaii pics broke
>>345685 yup getting errors when I try to reupload too, says it's a duplicate of a non-existing post
2017/11/25 (ๅ) 08:41 No. 345687
goot time to go do other shit
yeah /moe/ does that every time someone ttries to post their credit card info try it
grrr i like images neechang come back
>>345688 >credit cards are protected but not social security numbers smh Samurai needs to fix this
it's weird that rika has some magic touch
wasn't samurai going to the hospital too or something? images are broken forever
rika is fixing it right now
rikka has access to the serverinos?
>>345698 Time for /moe/ to evolve into a next-generation text board.
see? told you it's fixed now
if I
>see? told you >/moe/ gets CloudFlare'd
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 208x207, an owie to one is an owie to all.png )
wow magic
>>345712 out your ascii anime girls
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>>345691 I'm actually very good at things in general.
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 649x638, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
Told you. You can always count on Rika.
y'all have FIVE MINUTES to make a new thread before I do it>>345719 >>345718 good job rikka yay rikka you did it
>>345718 samurai gave you access to the server or something?>>345720 do it pussy I bet you won't
>>345721 I fucking will this threads motherfucking life ends 4 minutes from now
>>345722 empty threats like usual
>>345723 You'll see
>>345725 โ >>345725 โ >>345725 โ