Thread #343339
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「It's time for the best thread of them all」 Maria 2017/11/24 (金) 04:28 No. 343339
A Maria thread
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:29 No. 343342
First 1!!!111!1!1!!!!
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>>343340 → I have a lot of high level skills, you know.
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>>343342 >rei beat me again YOU CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS>>343345 I think you generally get it more than me >cheating to "first1!!1!1!" in your own thread Scrub it's the new metagame
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:30 No. 343345
Dude I missed getting first in most of the threads of the past week. Also it's cheating to "first1!!1!1!" in your own thread.
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I was _highly_ tempted to delete his post and post my own to punish his shitposting.>>343343 What other high level skills do you know?
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>>343346 I can build a small explosive!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:32 No. 343348
Wowme2 I can also build larger explosives
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:32 No. 343349
Wait, do you mean "explosive device" or "explosive compound"?
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I can build a small IED.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:33 No. 343351
Ah okay
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:34 No. 343352
It's a good skill to have. You're probably better at it than me though. I don't have any practical knowledge, just theory. Well, I know diy electronics.
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I did a training thing with an FBI bomb squad in denver
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:35 No. 343354
Yeah, I knew it was going tto be something like that.
they had this neat remote control car IED
>>343350 how do you build one?
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I did NOTHING productive today. It was great.
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Ps get degrees r-right
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>>343357 I've been trying to be a little productive but every time I try, my girlfriend gets mad at me.>>343356 yeah >>343361
>>343358 what's a P is it like a C?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:36 No. 343361
>>343356 Very carefully
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:36 No. 343362
>>343359 What the fuck
I TRIED SO HARD AND GOT SO FAR >>343360 pretty much. the lowest passing grade.
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>>343359 Yeah, I heard you can't stop working.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:36 No. 343365
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>>343359 yeah but explain in more detail >>343363 We're gonna make it brah One C at a time>>343367 yes you can
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>>343366 i can't do that>>343364 I can stop working anytime I want to.
The real question for Black Friday is do I go for another mouse from a company that sells dirt-cheap Chinese gaming mice that die in like two years. Or do I shell out a bit more for a mouse that would probably not die in like two years. Currently I'm leaning towards just getting the cheap mouse because fifteen dollars every two years is like, non-consequential. And fuck reducing waste, eh.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:37 No. 343369
Oh shit its marsh
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:37 No. 343370
My sister is in Thailand backpacking
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>>343367 Stop working now, then!
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I need to get a new mouse too, now that you mention it. The scroll wheel on mine is messed up.
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>>343371 I don't want to.
>>343372 The right-click on mine gets gummy and unresponsive after active use after a while. I have to really lean in to the click to get it to register, which is some undue stress on my finger. It's a bit of a problem for me since I some times play games that really benefit from fast, accurate pressing of that specific button.
>>343370 I hope she has a good time.
tell her the north is better than the south. unless she wants to party. then the south is probably better..
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:39 No. 343378
>>343376 She already knows
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:40 No. 343379
>>343377 I'd rather have a loli breakfast machine
>>343379 what's a loli breakfast machine
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:42 No. 343381
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>>343373 You must!
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>>343382 Why?
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Because Fish said so!
man. fuck this.
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>>343384 She's not the boss of me.
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what is updog
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Gosh these are cute. I wouldn't buy them but they're cute.
those are pretty cute
the Giving of Thank is finally over I'm truly thankful for that I also happened to be near a Wal-Mart when they began the black Friday sale. I was incredibly disappointed in both the selection of deals and the lack of violence it was very orderly and there was like 8 cops
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>>343386 She is!>>343385 Bad grades got you down?
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>>343391 You saying that makes me less likely to do what she tells me.
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This is probably the most absurd thing I've found in here but I want to assure you all that it isn't the only absurd thing I've found under this classification. I wish they kept things sorted better/
>>343391 It's only one bad grade out of four. I did quite well for the rest. But yes. I'm pretty bitter about it.
>>343393 very nice mouse
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>>343392 So stubborn!>>343394 Well, at least it's just one.
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>>343396 What's wrong with doing what I want? Why can't I do a little work if there's work to do?
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I was pleasantly surprised by my local op shop
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>>343397 I think her plan is to get you to relax.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:49 No. 343400
>>343398 That's some high fucking level music right there
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>>343399 I am relaxing.
>>343396 it's still a pass. Which brings me back to my original statement: Ps GET DEGREES
I shot an automatic rifle for the first time today it was really kooru bang bang bang
>>343400 did you ever the joke about the doors?
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>>343402 I guess the statement makes more sense not that you've provided context.>>343401 Are you maximum relaxed though.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:51 No. 343406
>>343404 Maybe
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>>343405 I'm probably at my maximum capacity for relaxation.>>343403 What did you fire?
>>343406 I don't know if I can word it right but I will try "The Doors are worst band to play live. All these venues say ' the doors open at 8' but they never show up."
>>343405 still bitter.
Hm. What else could I buy that I think I need and/or want or to fill the existential void in my life with.
>>343407 it was a colt ar-15 with ILLEGAL STUFF done to it courtesy of my uncle i was very impressed with the lack of meaningful recoil
a pool table
I don't swim much these days though.
how about a creative co-op ceramic rabbit with distressed finish, cream
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>>343407 Maybe you could be more relaxed!>>343409 It's not against the rules to be bitter.
>>343414 Is this something Amazon is trying to sell you?
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>>343415 Not possible!>>343416 Yeah.
I was wondering what the fuck creative co-op was but they're just a "random junk you can buy to fill empty space in your house" company.
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I went for a ride up on the hill and saw two hawks I think quite nice
>>343418 why fill empty space with junk put something interesting or useful I mean
something interesting like a ceramic rabbit>>343411 yeah ar-15s are super smooth
What about something usefully interesting. Or interestingly useful.
something useful like a ceramic rabbit
instead of a ceramic rabbit. put a bird bath in your house. conversation starter and useful to wet your hands or kitchen cloth
how about a White and Nude Ceramic Pineapple
>>343421 almost makes me want to buy a rifle maybe I could get a weekend off and go hunting with my dad fat chance in reality though
i could get a dyson fan hmm
My parents recently got a Dyson vacuum cleaner. It doesn't even have a tank or whatever you'd call that part of it. It's just a stick you hang up on the wall.
how does it store the stuff>>343426 i'm not a big fan of rifles they're fun but i feel like handguns are more rewarding for me
I don't know I haven't really looked close at it at all.
>metal tray with handles >$66.99
>>343429 I'd like to get an older rifle honestly my dad's k98k was my favorite gun before he pawned it like a chump
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 05:02 No. 343433
I want a moist nugget I might get an m1 garand in a few years though From my grandfather
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>>343429 It destroys it on a subatomic level.
>>343432 build a rifle
>>343435 invest 2000 dollars and I'll start 3D printing rifles
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>>343436 you don't need that much money
>>343437 I want to mass produce untrackable rifles for no reason in particular, officer
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>>343438 carry on, citizen
How does one even begin to explain this country
>>343441 a long time ago a bunch of bored entitled rich fuckers decided to hop on a bandwagon and steal the glory from the Spanish and French. millions of bodies and trillions of mcnuggets later, here we are
I don't think eagles evolved into fighter jets.
>>343441 o7
>>343443 i think it's like an animorph
It would be like a Normal/Flying evolution into a Steel/Flying. That shit just doesn't happen.
>>343443 apparently, the kind of jet it turns into is called an Eagle too
transformer animorphs
what if i bought an automatic ball launcher tennis ball throwing machine and captured someone and tied them to a chair and just had the machine throw balls at their dick until they gave me the launch codes
I should build a potato cannon
>>343449 how hard can those ball launchers spit a tennis ball out I wonder
>>343449 Just some random someone, huh.>What are the launch codes? HUH? >I don't know them I work in retail at Publix! >The balls don't stop 'till I get the codes!
at least 120mph I'm guessing
>>343450 this is definitely animorphs
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 05:13 No. 343457
Oh yeah I saw a Schnucks for the first time in almost a decade a few weeks ago.
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The price range on this one is kind of way too great to really be impressed.
>>343458 that's so weird i was just looking at a bidet toilet seat
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 05:16 No. 343460
Time to almost fall asleep next to my phone before its done charging
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>>343434 what's you are friend number on animal cross so i can add you
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Who buys stuff like this? What purpose does it even serve?
is animal crossing fun?
>>3434624 >>343462 it's a pasta rack
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food shows up or is it piano
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>>343463 to some people yes to me it can be really obsessive sometimes other people just dont understand it
>>343469 My money would be on Piano or FCF.
>>343460 did you see the joke
>>343471 oh shit yeah FCF would make sense with the panic
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wait no don't
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 05:19 No. 343478
>>343472 Yes It was okay
she wants the thanks
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 05:20 No. 343482
>>343475 >>>/watch?v=SilKZK47XTc
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>>343461 okay, give me a sec to figure out how to find it.
>>343483 mine's 43723371284 if you'd rather add it that way but i figured this was easier this way
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i am being invited to go to a church in my own state by someone from out of town this is... going to be awkward
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>>343461 okay mine is 42234474350
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there is a tweeter with like, 2.4K followers, who follows 26 accounts total Mostly like big ones, Telesur And official parties, that sorta thing But they're following me, too I'm one of those 26 How
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 05:22 No. 343488
>>343487 Ohio nerd
aw you have a little pink bandana that's pretty spiffy
>>343487 good content
>>343487 >>343490 12 tweeters you should never let your dog follow
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 05:25 No. 343492
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>>343489 It's a knit cap.
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Seriously 11 of them are communist parties I dunno how they have so many followers either, they've got 70 tweets total
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>>343492 night 65847631850 that's my fc I haven't done much yet
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> DBPOWER 1200A Peak Portable Car Jump Starter (for 6.5L Gas, 5.2L Diesel Engine and more), Car Battery Booster Pack & Charger, Power Bank Phone Charger with QC3.0 Built-in LED Emergency Flashlight you could just carry this around in case you ever need to zap someone's balls to get information out of them
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>>343493 i guess it is i oughtta get new glasses
I had a lot of fun with New Leaf is the new animal crossing on switch?
There's a new Animal Crossing for smartphones. No news on whether Nintendo has plans for another console/handheld Animal Crossing.
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wow they don't let me put a barbecue pit inside my van
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Do you want to borrow a little bit for a nice day with Piano?
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>>343496 Or you could get a waffle maker just like the ones from hotel continental breakfasts.
I bought the flame shirt
>>343504 that is a much better option
>>343505 The one for 420 bells?
>>343505 Okay Guy Fieri.
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I'm starting to get dumb stuff too.
>>343507 wait it's really that much
>>343509 their algorithms are eventually just like shit, wtf else do we show them??
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>>343510 I dunno, I just saw an image on twiitter
is 5 pounds of trolli sour gummy worms for $10 a good deal
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from what I've seen, you should avoid cheap, bulk orders of gummy stuff Unless you're constipated
I really don't like gummy worms so I wouldn't go for it.
>>343513 yes
reminder that good deal and good idea are different even if Idea and deal can be spelled with the same shapes
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i'm going to get a shitton of money soon so i'm looking to make some irresponsible purchases
>>343513 yes it is a very good deal but bang is right
i wonder what my professors would do if i bought a laminator and turned in my assignments laminated so they couldn't mark on it
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>>343493 i see you went with natural to start huh me too good choice i like rosie but her preferences are a little too diabetic for me
>>343520 they would use dry erase markers
Probably demand you resubmit it unlaminated.
I would think it was funny the first time someone handed me a laminated paper
>>343518 I wish I could get a shittonne of money so I could be irrepsonsible. I mean there's a good chance I'm going to be irresponsible anyway but if i had a lot of money I could go all the way.
>>343518 buy BTC can't get any more irresponsible than investing in something that doesn't real
>>343524 Yeah, I'd find it funny too, but it would be coupled with a "okay now give me a copy I can mark".
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i could afford 1.4 btc with the extra money i'll have i think
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>>343521 Well it's a camp so natural seemed like the natural choice. Putting all that cute stuff outside where it's going to get rained on doesn't make sense.
>>343528 Is this your determination?
>>343529 buy one btc sell it for a couple hundo when it spikes repeat infinite money
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>>343531 to be honest, I completely forgot that I let out my embarassing emotions to her so I've calmed down a little. But only a little. I still want to see her very much obviously
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>>343530 not to squee too much but this makes me so happy im a happier person when animal crossing is in my life
my sister showed me a black bass shit was actually green
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ow sunburn
>>343533 Then go fucking see her you dorklord.
That's what black bass actually look like irl though so I guess it's the fish scientists that named them wrong
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I am thankful for many things oh wait, thanksgiving is over lol LIVING IT UP>I wanna love Somewhere on this planet, a finger of a monkey's paw tightened
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it was all the fish
how much of a gallon of glue do you think you could drink before you die
Not a gallon, at least. So why buy that much.
>>343543 do you drink glue or eat it
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wee what a cozy bex bed
Oh that couch/seat/lovechair. That's a long time Animal Crossing mainstay.
ok im downloading animal crossy road
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>>343547 wow, that's my bed!
yes thank you for inviting me to your camp site i took the best bed i could find what a great place you have here
I now totally understand the "Don't touch my fucking plant" image
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Let's all work together to kill the clock once and for all Off to work I go
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that's messed up that people can come into your camper and lay in your bed.
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I don't even know where to start.
>>343558 Is that a glass? Or is it just a solid cube?
it's a glass cube
It's literally just a solid cube of glass.
like a paperweight
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What the hell Kinda want one though
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>>343557 I don't think you have the camping spirit!
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It's so silly how much writing gets put into trying to sell a glass cube.
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Oh my bad it's actually hollow.
i should buy a lifestraw and only drink rain water for the rest of my life
that's kind of cool
you should buy a dickstraw and only suck dick for the rest of your life
that sounds painful
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>>343565 Does that have anything to do with camping? I am going to reorganize that room though. The dresser is in a weird place. A bed's headboard should be against a wall.
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That's an angry dinosaur.
anime >>343548 →
>>343574 Do the spikes add much functionality?
i could buy like 12 google glasses
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someone help me>>343581 i'm going to accept but I also... need to figure out some things like what the hell I plan to do oh yeah, Inuyashiki is this season
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i already offered to help you
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Anyone else want to watch Inuyashiki? Bang or Jan?
I will help you get to Shovelstrike quarry
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>>343580 I'll help you approach her and slap her butt!
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At the bottom of every Amazon suggestion algorithm lies a field of junky statuettes.
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>sexually harass her Sounds like you're helping yourself. You story junkie.>>343591 thanks
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>>343580 let me know when you know! i got your back
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>>343590 Girls love that kind of thing. I'm an expert so you can trust me.
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Would you bail him out if he got arrested for that?
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I don't think she'd have him arrested. I wouldn't have someone arrested for that.
>>343583 I am going to bed soon, but thanks for asking.
>>343573 are you sayin you wouldn't let me sleep in your camper trailer bed while you're not using it obviously
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>>343596 she's probably a lot more uptight than you
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The perfect clock for someone who's a total NEET.
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>>343598 I'm saying it's natural to be a little weirded out when someone goes into your camper when you're not there and sleeps in your bed!>>343599 I don't know, I think I'm moderately uptight. Well, I don't think it's a matter of uptightness. Jail is really bad so I wouldn't want someone to go there on my behalf unless they did something really bad.
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I'm trying not to get beat up by her dad and siblings and then used as an example of lechery in the sermon he gives on Saturday. thanks
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>>343601 i'm totally clean though you wouldn't even need to wash the sheets i exfoliate daily i'd probably just make the bed smell nicer if anything
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>>343601 So what would you do if someone slapped your ass?
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>>343604 Well that depends entirely on who does it!>>343603 I think it's weird even when it's a clean person! A person's bed is her castle!
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>>343605 What would your reactions be to: Blue ToN Fish
What would your reaction be to ME.
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>>343606 Blue and ToN and Tilde are all friends so the response would be to ask them what they think they're doing. It's pretty awkward to be sexually harassed by someone of the same sex, so my response to Fish would be awkward. It's natural to give friends some leeway. If it's someone you don't know, you punch them if they look like someone who won't hit you back. If they look like they will hit you back you just cuss at them.
>>343607 i'd call you gay
>>343609 Worth.
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>>343608 I bet it'd be funny if Fish slapped your ass.
sexual harassment is always funny regardless of gender or severity of the person being harassed
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>kya~ -Rika, probably
wait no i got that backwards
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anyway, I'm not about to slap anyone's ass that has already rejected my advances ... advance* I'm going to hang out like a normal person.
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>>343611 She seems like the type that might just do it.>>343616 Sometimes you gotta double down!
>>343616 tell her you got a sick new job as a 3D modeller in silval and you gotta go forever to live in the most expensive city in the word since you don't see any reason to stay there
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>>343618 I'm being asked to sternly correct you by saying that Fish would never do something like that.
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>>343623 Tell Fish that she's a good person and I respect that
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>>343623 That's good! Like I said, those situations are a bit awkward.
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>>343627 It's funny that you think she's the type that'd do that. She'd be way too embarrassed. >>343625 She's basically got her face in my screen right now to prevent me from being productive, so you just told her yourself.
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FISH HI WHAT DO I DO NOW THAT A CUTE GIRL IS IN MY STATE AND ASKING ME TO HANG OUT IT'S OKAY IF YOU DON'T HAVE AN ANSWER. I don't really think I'll be using any advice>>343620 ...this is silly
>>343631 >>343620
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>>343628 She's the kind of person who is shy but can surprise you!>>343631 you hang out, duh
>>343631 yo it would work trust me she'd say whoa don't leave you should stay here for me
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how do I... hang out this is my problem the value of a person makes me redefine things unnecessarily
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>>343631 Fish says you should take her to an aquarium. >>343633 I don't think she's that kind of surprising, though. At least, she wouldn't be to most people.
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>>343635 hanging out is easy, you just do it.
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>>343636 I read this as if she meant I should take HER to one and I am really out of it, I guess. If you guys show up in NYC, I think there's an aquarium we can go to.>>343637 I know. I KNOW. But that's what makes friend visits so hard. Because there's all kinds of things and expectations and wow it's the city!! and I'm just like>you guys want doubles lets go and I don't know what to do with a human
Kirara ask Fish if she'll play Mahjong with me
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>>343639 haha fish says the best way to hang out is by going to an aquarium >>343643 She says she doesn't know how.>>343647 Is it a big one?
You two should come to Toronto we've got an aquarium you can visit.
>>343646 I thought moon said she did once I must be retarded I guess
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>>343639 You don't need to overthink it. Hanging out is easy! You don't need to be an entertainer.
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but that's what a host does they curate a fun experience I have spent months of my life in the house and now I am reaping that karma
having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card ♎
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>>343649 She wanted to learn when she watched Saki but she isn't interested anymore.
>>343646 I'm lazy so here's some wiki copypasta>The aquarium has 5.7 million litres (1.5 million gallons) of marine and freshwater habitats from across the world. The exhibits hold more than 20,000 exotic sea and freshwater specimens from more than 450 species.
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>>343652 Curating a fun experience sounds tough.
♌ oh they're starsigns ♋
>>343655 Who is her favourite Saki character?
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>>343657 It can be. It depends really. If they're okay with just roaming around and enjoying whatever, it's okay. If they want to see sights, well, that's "technically" easy since you just go to those sights. But if they want the offbeat, super interesting, absolutely fascinating experience. You'd need to plan ahead of time. OF COURSE, since that's completely impossible to do, I'm sure she'll be fine with whatever. But I still want to be top form
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>>343656 You seem to have piqued her interest>>343660 nodotits
Hah hah hah. I think even now it's still a pretty popular attraction. They've got time-specific entry times for tickets (even though you can stay inside as long as you want) and there's probably a lot of crowds. It might be a little rough for her.
>>343664 I also appreciated Nodoka For reasons other than her awesome rack
She was also fucking gay. That was pretty nice.
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>>343667 she says she wishes she could get goggles that make it so she can only see the fish i can't stop laugh
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She wants VR Ace of Seafood>>343669 You can appreciate ALL of nodoka
>>343674 You should tell her she might also want to include all the walls and room structure around her in what she can see.
But real talk I wonder if major aquariums around the world would do something like develop an interactive VR experience of walking around their institutions. I think that sort of thing would be pretty neat.
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>>343678 you got called a smart alack >>343681 yeah that would be really cool
I deny no accusations. The only comedy I can pull off is responses to things other people say. So being a smart-ass is kind of par the course.
I wonder if Soylent is as disgusting as it sounds.
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I know a guy who either was or is still on one of those soylent meal replacement plans.
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it feels like this
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i'm being kept from being productive i'm basically being held hostage right now
Yeah well all I need to keep myself from being productive is MYSELF. I am exceedingly efficient at it.
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and like this
Nice. How do you not manage to give a Tweet a quick one over and notice THE ENTIRE CONTENT IS MISSING.
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I love when big businesses or famous people do stuff like that.
Rika's net may have passed into the ether. Pour one our for our fallen brethren.
Out, even
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i can't believe rika's fucking dead
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Tha kylu fucm thank you for the research but i dont think i could bring myself to slap rika's ass for any reason Or rather it is because i wouldnt have a good reason to
Taken from us too early. Twenty-four minutes too early, to be precise.
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>>343703 wow dead sounds like a lucky guy
Is he really though.
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Wow! I can't believe Rika is doing such a thing!
Now she's on Such A. Thing too?
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what kind of pretentious people... how important must he be that you actually say his middle initial
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People say my middle initial. All my publications have my middle initial.
>okay where are my keys >in my clothes drawer of course why do I keep doing this to myself
>>343711 You're almost a doctor
My middle initial doesn't fucking exist.
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>>343713 It's actually because there's someone with my name that doesn't use their middle initial that publishes shit, so the APA got mad at me and told me I had to use my middle initial.
Wow look at this guy with such a common name that he needs to have COUNTERMEASURES. Probably no one else in the WORLD shares my name in full.
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I looked into it and the guy with my name published one thing back in like 1980.
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>>343715 I actually figured that this was the case. Well, it could be worse. You could have to APA yourself as M_t_i_ud_
Yeah that sounds sensible. Imagine have one of those insanely common names. Those must be a real headache for academic people.
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it's rare that something in my life sounds sensible >>343723 oh you're alive
oh no Oh no
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>>343724 Of course!
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>>343726 They told me you were dead.>>343721 oh no
I believe my exact words were "Rika's net may have passed into the ether."
they told me you were fucking dead I can't believe I listened
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Piano and her siblings are walking by the Bull and Fearless Girl statue and her siblings are trying to get on top of the bull
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wow theyre trying to ride the bull good luck to them
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>>343730 tell them to tear that shit down
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>>343727 You should have known that was a lie. I'm invincible!
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>>343734 If you're invincible, then why do you have a weakness?
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I don't have any weaknesses.
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you have a big weakness
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What's that?
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is it her clumsiness
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I don't think I should say.
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That's just because I don don't actually have any weaknesses!
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I guess we all have our own ways of coping with our weaknesses.
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>>343742 it's her butt Girls like that kind of thing you know
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>>343747 i dont have a blushing anime girl on hand right now but WOOOOW
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Here's one.
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>>343746 I don't have anything like a weakness!
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This is going to end up looking awkward. haha, I have set myself up. I haven't gone to my church for a while. Which, in itself, isn't problematic. But Piano invited me to one of the spanish churches here. And I'm going to go. And if there are any photos, I'm going to be in them. And they're going to be put on Facebook. And there will be questions.
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>>343750 Lying again!
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>>343753 Nope, no weaknesses here!
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>>343754 Then why do you feel fear?
>>343751 Just tell them that you saw her face and now you're a believer.
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>>343755 When have I ever felt fear?
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>>343758 Oh, you know when! You're going to make me say it?
>>343751 oh rip
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have fun blue! meanwhile i should probably go back to sleep
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To hell with "RIP">you haven't shown up, but as soon as she's in the city, you're going to church? >yes As if I'm going to pass this up.
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>>343759 Yeah, go ahead and say it.
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>>343763 I'd hate to embarrass you.
>>343762 hell yeah
>>343762 Does anyone know you've got the hots for her?
Tickle her ivories.
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>>343769 My entire church.
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>>343767 It's okay, go ahead.
Make her black keys sing.
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no wait, sorry: My entire church minus one deacon who thinks I like some other girl.
happy thanksgiving guys i hope you all had a comfy time
I had a quiz today.
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.>>343772 You were afraid you were going to lose me in the hurricane!>>343775 happy tg
>>343774 Well I'm sure they're all fine with you pursuing earthly pleasures while depriving your immortal soul.
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>>343778 They're going to be fine with me going to church regardless. The "problematic" part comes in the form of every smug look and comment that will be headed my way. As the person who is very reserved and silent about romantic pursuits, they are all incredibly interested
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>>343777 Well, just because I'm invincible doesn't mean that other people are!
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I bluelieve in you
also im going to go into work today with most clinics mostly closed and its going to be a fun day of not being a ble to help people
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>>343779 Well let me add some to the pile then.
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>>343780 Your connections to others are your weakness! You can be defeated!
>>343786 BONDS ARE STRENGTH friendship is power
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>>343785 yeah but your smug grins won't spread across my professional and familial networks. so it's okay
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i'm hoping that despite all the problems i can have a comfy holiday season
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>>343786 I mean as far as weaknesses go it's a fairly minor weakness.
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>>343793 No way. It's a big weakness.
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>>343791 Love will find a way. Like it always does.
i meant to paste this
Saying your girlfriend is Kirby has some fascinatnig connotations.
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i'm gonna hug piano tomorrow and i'm going to be so full of feelings of thanksgiving
>>343797 succ
>>343800 Precisely.
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my girlfriend is
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There's this line in my head that's going "I feel like I could love all of Russia!" and I'm oh yeah, Voynich Hotel
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>>343794 It's pretty minor compared to soemthng like being weak to silver bullets.
>>343797 as does having bowser as your boyfriend
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>>343799 Is this going to be you within twenty-four hours?
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>>343806 It's easier to kill your friends than to find silver bullets, probably.
It's also pretty easy to kill your friends WITH silver bullets. Accomplishing both birds with one stone.
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>>343809 No one would do that because it would make me mad. I'd get them.
>Other Mom: Same
>>343812 >>343812 >>343812
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>>343811 That's where you're wrong. Fish just stabbed me and I'm bleeding out.
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>>343814 It's hard to imagine her doing that.
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>neither of them would call the other 'cuddlefish' Of course, they can't stab each other
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>>343815 Is it? She has incredibly high yandere potential, as you know.
Love drives some people to do crazy things. For example it's driving Blue to borrow money so he can meet a girl and betray his church family for another.
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>>343817 Yeah, but she's the type that would chain you up and never let you go. I can't see her [intentionally] inflicting a fatal wound upon you.
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woah, there's no betrayal here. It's the same organization. ...which makes it even more complicated.
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>>343819 I bet she could do it. "Nobody can have you but me! The only way to make that possible is to kill you!"
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>>343820 Yeah but it's funnier to miscontrue it that way. And if you miscontrue something long enough it loses the miscon.
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i don't know what to do
Also apparently the Gamers! LNs are still ranking in the top ten selling LNs in Japan or something. They're doing well in some kind of critical LN ranking system.
Granted that same list still has the SAO LNs ranking above Gamers!, so. Japan, shit taste, etc.
>>343825 Why this.
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>>343821 I just don't think she's that kind of yandere. She'd just chain you up until you came around.
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>>343828 She was trying to amputate my arms so I couldn't work but she messed up and now I'm bleeding out. Will you avenge me?>>343827 My smile is gone for good.
>>343828 nice double entendre
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>>343829 Yeah, I'd avenge you if that happened.
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>>343831 You probably can't beat Fish, though.
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>>343832 You think?
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>>343834 You don't have her ruthlessness and she beats you financially, too.
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Wow, financially topping for rika is impressive
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>>343835 I don't need to be ruthless though. I have very high specs.
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>>343836 Fish's family has a lot of money. Like in the hundreds of millions probably. They're rich people.>>343837 Fish is pretty high spec.
yes I'll have extra financial toppings thanks
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what that wasn't... oh well
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>>343838 Fish is high spec in a way that is different than me, I think.
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glasses-on-head high spec
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>>343841 Yeah, Fish has high "sends assassins after you" potential.
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Do 1.4x bonus units get a bigger stat boos than 1.2x in tempest?>>343843 Assassins can't beat me though! You can't send assassins after the final boss and expect good results.
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No.>>343845 What kind of final boss seeks someone out to avenge someone?
One that wants to right the wrongs done against them by the cruel and unforgiving world. Which really is as far as you can get from Rika's backstory.
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How is that contrary to my backstory? anyway, a final boss can totally seek vengance.>>343846 hmm It may be worth it to level Joshua for my autobattle team then. Though I don't know that he'd outperform sword ike.
>>343844 FOREVER IN YOUR ARMS IS IS WHERE I WANT TO BEEEE I couldn't find the song this year it's somewhere on my ... actually no, I deleted a folder that had the album in it and I didn't know it was in there So I swapped to an Aimer song.
#d100 (96) high level
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>>343849 You'll never manage to
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>>343850 My arms? Really? I'm flattered.
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Here it is>>>/watch?v=4Zq5Lo5ALCE
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I have an 80% success rate to that song Doing the clocktower without music is hard
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>>343856 ??? on the video I put up? Because I can still hear it.
oh of course I can still hear it... I'm playing it in Foobar...
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 655x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
>>343852 You'll never manage to finish that post.>>343856 there you go
Aimer has a really good husky voice.
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 740x510, DKu631AUMAAHyll.jpg )
I want Aimer and Bjork to sing a track together
Search [iqdb] (2.6 MB, 1240x1500, DL_YIihUEAEt4V_.png )
what are you doing me i dunno staying up go to bed
Yeah Blue go the FUCK to sleep.
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 800x950, DL3h__ZUIAAHXW8.jpg )
look it's me and also me looking forward to today looking anxious about today
Blue those are drawings of a fictional character they're not you.
Search [iqdb] (488 KB, 795x658, DLJVTsoUEAAJBtW.png )
my life is a fiction and none of this is real let me at least be cute
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Net-juu no Susu(…).jpg )
That's because nothing is real!
I'm real enough.
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 600x800, DLJz1y2V4AIzx65.jpg )
Everyone is real but me
I touched you. My realness spreads like a disease. Anything I touch turns to real.
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
Let's hear more about that.
Actually honestly I'm not sure if I even touched Blue or not. I have a somewhat habit of shying away from human contact unless it's inevitable. Like did we even shake hands?
Search [iqdb] (616 KB, 1431x2048, DLJJT_IVAAIHqXx.jpg )
You shared physical books with questionable content in them with me.
Oh yeah I did that didn't I.
>Where did I hide those... >sees cardboard box in front of me ...nah>it's there
Maybe if you come up to Toronto I can show you the ke-ta book too. Because I sure as fuck aren't bringing that over the international line any more.
That's more or less a joke ke-ta is kind of at the point where it gets a little weird to share the book.
Search [iqdb] (233 KB, 1060x1500, DLrpJUJVAAApn3a.jpg )
I want koisato 2
it's okay my country hates ke-ta too
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1000x722, DLsAAroUMAAwDz8.png )
did you all go look up Koisato 2 did it take that long to load the scans are huge as always
Nah, I didn;t. I think I might've looked at the first one at least already though.
Sword Art Online RPG is on sale
I still don't want it. I should look and see if there is some thing on Steam I want to buy though.
Search [iqdb] (146 KB, 1280x720, [Davinci] Girlish Number - 05 (…).jpg )
are you saying you don't want to play AS kirito
are you saying you don't want to wake up asuna
i'm installing wake me up asuna RIGHT NOW
i actually used that app for like a week
Search [iqdb] (289 KB, 1437x2233, DPEO67SVwAAuUw2.jpeg )
it's a really cute app
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 02 [7(…).jpg )
too bad it's asuna
Search [iqdb] (165 KB, 1050x1300, DPPgWDTVQAASC8z.jpg )
i should sleep i need to sleep i don't want to sleep
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 1920x1080, [HT] Hidamari Sketch x Honeyco(…).jpg )
she's not that bad
I really ought to sleep too
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 1340x900, DPPkyk1V4AAOX0I.jpg )
I'm going to calm down and sleep maybe
Search [iqdb] (122 KB, 918x777, DPPegWRUEAAkIvO.jpg )
Thank you Kannagi time to sleep
bye bye blue bird
real moe hours who the fuck up
bye blue I gotta make this call how typical>>343901 isn't that that ecchi show
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 1280x720, [ginseng] Needless - 02 [BDRip(…).jpg )
how does moe feel about Needless
>>343901 I could go without it Pretty needless tbh
I mean if that's the screenshot it's probably ecchi
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
>>343901 It's very good.
>>343901 right or left which wd u date
how could I date a butt
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
It certainly has some ecchi in it but it's so much more than that.
>>343906 some men date anime girls I'm sure you can date a butt
I thought you were going to bed 2017/11/24 (金) 08:42 No. 343910
shut UP me
I posted an ecchi images but theshow is really not ecchi It's ironic about that topic in the way KLK is but it's probably a better show than KLK and isn't as sexual as KLK
>>343909 why Left?
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 1200x936, DPPlCsHUEAA58O0.jpg )
I want to undo a girl's side ties okay sleep koi please youre tired
wew nearly witnessed a parking lot fight in the making>>343913 have I nice sleep
>>343913 that's solid reasoning have a good sleep
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
The left butt belongs to probably the cutest girl in the series but she's gay and a bitch. The right butt belongs to probably the biggest bro in the series, but she's also a retarded loli.
I couldn't remember which butt went to which I'm impressed at your butt noticing skills
>>343914 >nearly damn you missed out i guess
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shelter - 00 [7(…).jpg )
I just tried to play start up Needless from my flash drive but all the files are corrupted rip
>>343916 being a bitch is not cute
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
>>343917 You just must not have been paying very much attention. It's from the ED so it's going to be girls from the pretty girl squad. The bear print obviously belongs to Mio, and you should remember that Setsuna wears blue shimapan since it's on screen every two seconds for like five episodes. That leaves Kuchinashi by process of elimination, and those are totally the type that she'd wear.
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, [ginseng] Needless - 02 [BDRip(…).jpg )
>>343921 My memory might not be as good as yours I watched it a few years ago I think I mean once you said "but she's gay and a bitch" I figured it all out But I don't have instant butt radar like you do
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1280x720, [ginseng] Needless - 05 [BDRip(…).jpg )
this is what peak masculinity looks like you will never achieve this natty
>>343923 >you will never lick his ass in the nude why even live
>>343918 security intervened lol
>>343921 you have quite the dedication
Search [iqdb] (24 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Akagami no Shir(…).jpg )
this show was really good it gave me lovey dovey feels
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Ping Pong - 02 [BD 72(…).jpg )
This show was super good still probably my favorite anime of all time
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1920x1080, [AK] Girls und Panzer - 03 (BD(…).jpg )
This show was really good too This is my favorite screenshot from the show
Search [iqdb] (147 KB, 496x850, Darjeeling.(GIRLS.und.PANZER).(…).jpg )
>>343929 NEW OVA SOON>>343928 I really wanted Kong to win
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 1280x720, [Chihiro]_Ano_Natsu_de_Matteru(…).jpg )
this show was really good and it brought us Lemon
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Black Bullet - 01 [E1(…).jpg )
this show was fucking garbage
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ryuugajou Nanan(…).jpg )
this show had the best girl
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 1280x720, [Mezashite] Kyoukai no Kanata (…).jpg )
this show was alright
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Tantei(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Non Non Biyori - 03 [1F1(…).jpg )
just kidding that show was c l a s s i c NNB was also amazing god I should rewatch NNB
Search [iqdb] (187 KB, 545x1200, milkysuicide.jpg )
>>343936 >just kidding Wait no you're alright Bang
>>343936 non non biyori was great I even boughtnits bits of it
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Infinite Stratos 2 - 01 (…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
NNB is pretty comfy.
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 1280x720, [sage]_Daily_Lives_of_High_Sch(…).jpg )
this show is a close contender for favorite anime of all time
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Bokura wa Minna Kawai(…).jpg )
OH I just remembered this show It was cute
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1280x720, [rori] Sakurasou no Pet na Kan(…).jpg )
This show was good I have a lot of screens of this show
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Toradora_01_(1280x(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hitsugi no Chai(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Love Lab - 02v2 [9D722CF(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 1280x720, [Cthuko] Gatchaman Crowds - 01(…).jpg )
I have screens sorted from a lot of show
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [DeadFish] Mahou Shoujo Madoka(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Natsuiro Kiseki - 03 [BD(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 1254x720, [FFF] Natsuiro Kiseki - 03 [BD(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 1280x720, [UTW]_Fate_Kaleid_Liner_Prisma(…).jpg )
there was one good season of this show
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Ore no Imouto ga Konn(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Yahari Ore no Seishun(…).jpg )
i just found out my friend is watching imouto ireba fuck yeah
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Yuyushiki - 02 [7A448(…).jpg )
my kouhai just told me things strongly opinionated things things about maika from blend s she really likes maika
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Space Dandy - 0(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (173 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] Atelier Escha & Logy - (…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (149 KB, 1916x1032, Akira (1988).mkv_snapshot_01.4(…).jpg )
alright well there was an image from all the screenshot folders i have there's more screenshots that aren't sorted into their own folders, but that's one each from each screenshot folder
Search [iqdb] (9 KB, 262x206, 1494578920784.jpg )
goodnight /moe/ i'm feeling much better tonight i hope you all have a comfy holiday season i hope i do too i hope we can all be comfy
>>343960 have a banger of a dream
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 614x850, sleeeeeeeeep.jpeg )
>>343960 >>343962 hope asuna wakes you up have a good one
>>343962 I feel betrayed
alright let's roll for dubs#d100 (16) #d100 (16) #d100 (51) #d100 (84) #d100 (87) #d100
#d100 (20) #d100 (28) #d100 (81) #d100 (63) #d100 (49) #d100
>>343967 just trust me we need this#d100 (7) #d100 (42) #d100 (52) #d100 (54) #d100 (89)
#d100 (100) we did it!
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 1020x1500, DNOxunoUEAABD2n.jpg )
oh shit nigger what are you doing
we're doing it doing
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1253x1500, Cu2Th6HVIAAdmLS.png )
i ain't doing it not with you at least
dorito shell taco from taco belllll https:/>>>/watch?v=xKR4FAg1imc
doing it doing it doing it well doing it doing it doing it well
Search [iqdb] (182 KB, 800x884, 1334348539079.jpg )
doin good doin great doin great doin good how are you pointless lyrics aside i'd ask about thanksgiving but seems the timing isn'g good for that as literally everyone else is ded it's foreign hours anyway
It's not dubs if you roll more than once Rolling tens of times until you get it is just unelegant It must be like so#D100 (10) >one off why god
yeah I don't know who celebrates and is awak did you give your thanks
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 463x719, 1505101194795.jpg )
check these singles#d6 (2) #d6 (5) #d6 (1) #8ball (nope.avi) #d6 (2)
>>343977 the suffering is just as fun as going #d100 (99) and bam getting it
>>343979 impressive
Search [iqdb] (914 KB, 735x880, 1505442575406.png )
no i don't like thanksgiving it's a dumb holiday
Search [iqdb] (378 KB, 825x772, DPAfa9dU8AAsm3K.png )
it's all p gay
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unfortunately the holidays have been buterched all to hell for the sake of commercialism although even without that i still wouldn't care for thanksgiving
>>343980 nice>>343984 We need a new holiday that can't be tainted
Search [iqdb] (176 KB, 577x684, 1345609984540.jpg )
doesn't matter what it is, some fictional mascot can be made for it
taint-ed love
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May 1st remains untainted
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may the first be with you :)
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tbf the remaining jedi in the bulk of the franchise are anti-government terrorists, so
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wait don't tell my the first of may is an actual holiday somewhere oh who gives a shit about that
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 496x464, DMrK0s9VoAAUpYI-orig.jpg )
It's worker day, of course it's a holiday
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1000x1000, DMvRvD5VoAAIw8I-orig.jpg )
I mean it might not be in the US? Here it's a public holiday and we even have it as like, a flag day Which is probably the most corrupted it was possible to make it
Search [iqdb] (330 KB, 403x728, 1501499166081.png )
well there is labor day but that's in september there might be somethign like it in may too but it's just a cheap excuse for a day off
Oh, I guess the US is one of the few odd ones out on the date of Labor Day Most of the world that celebrates it at all does so on May 1st
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either way i'm the type of weirdo that hates pay for doing nothign
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 560x525, DLkz6PiUIAUvVa0-orig.jpg )
Labor day is like, a socialist\communist thing though, not a bourgie thing
Search [iqdb] (622 KB, 512x288, 1358102087787.gif )
i'd just rather earn it then be given it labor day just ain't my kinda thing
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 595x842, DLDlT_FVwAATn8B.jpg )
That's what socialism is all about, so
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 591x544, 1359702744649.jpg )
those that organize and manage are also a part of it so in a way, ywah in a loose way you can argue that but socialism isn't what i'm advocating for socialism is a flawed concept anyway just an ideal that would be great in theory but not realistic
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 1000x1000, DJTJYVbUEAIzyzX.jpg )
Barebones socialism is just ending profit, really No more property owning class, the workers have full control Granted, it's fucked up a few times
Search [iqdb] (599 KB, 2480x3508, DBAUVUnVoAAAewA.jpg )
capitalism is also flawed in it's own ways hell not a signle form that has been come up with so far has been sustainable in the long run, just some longer than others in the future the one being used by the most prominent nation will collapse upon itself and a new one will arise that will last for some time before it too collapses just gotta find somethign that is sustainable for a lenghty period of time, which is something socialism hasn't really done history wise
To be fair, nothing will be sustainable in the long term when the world around it actively tries to crush it
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 750x1050, DC4LwHmUQAEsL-F.jpg )
yeah i think i tried to say something like that in a way it's just that whatever ends up being the more sustainable becomes a major power in the world for some time before it falls
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 1500x1500, DPVbUM0UQAEWAjr.jpg )
Extreme authoritarianism is pretty sustainable, technically. It sucks for everyone but the state, but it would probably keep ticking as long as the rest of the world stays outta it Though generally, such regimes end up trying to fuck with other countries too
Search [iqdb] (238 KB, 2600x500, DCc6A2LVYAAnIqO.jpg )
if given the right people with authority usually it's something for the times when a nation is weak which is what ww2 was mostly about wiht so many becomin gauthoritarian for a moment either they fuck themselves or a revolution happens>>344007 i scrolled through quickly and noticed what of it
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 555x652, 0e48e8eecf7058604b8f801380d9880d.jpg )
Oh hey I think you just missed the bluester by an hour or three maybe
Search [iqdb] (302 KB, 1550x2192, cc7c028995fd25acb54155ff4aa5e847.jpg )
Oh, not much. I just woke uo so I wont have any really j intelligent thoughts until later. Yes j k // wow yes i know what jo- nice
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 683x900, DEispB9VoAIM1Rb.jpg )
well i could make the joke about you ever having them but seems you already made that but i was initially just going to say i'm of the alcohol so i'm not really going to have any intelligent thoughts at all
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 288x431, 2ca3d4a7891c53f34ede3268c7ea1bc0.png )
I'm probably going to go back to sleep too. For a bit, i dont work for four more hours
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 595x841, DI4Q4P-UIAAMb_Q.jpg )
i'll probably only be up for a few more hours before crashing anyway i guess technically i've almost been up 24 hours straight which seems to be something i can only do anymore while drinking which is funny given what alcohol is supposed to do to you
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 688x657, d1cdb233f0729f26a7ceb0ba5f6b1bd5.jpg )
Yeah Eat anything good for turkey day? I only had to eat like two dinners instea d of the usual four or five so I'm only a little dead
Search [iqdb] (609 KB, 2480x3508, DKGLwWEUQAAImXA.jpg )
i just had some pizza i don't do thanksgiving
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 500x499, d93145f0e8980d4e6ccb1be0ada72f71.jpg )
That works
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 800x577, Cz9583eUoAAcwmJ.jpg )
>>344015 sheiiiiiit that's a nice garden he's got going there
so much for sleep
Search [iqdb] (307 KB, 600x530, 1511071245290.png )
>sleep if you wanted more of that you wouldn't have gotten on the computer
I wouldnt mind being on the computer instead of the phone my aunt's internet is boss but man is it expensive
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 679x679, 1508973032273.jpg )
i dont have internet so my options are limited
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 288x288, 1508722377299.gif )
i try to avoid that as much as i can due to cheap as shit data plan because i'm not a phone person
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 700x688, 1505760583847.jpg )
moe catalog 1991
who is in the chair who is laying down who is climaxing
Search [iqdb] (365 KB, 984x836, 1505697906801.png )
who was phoen
Search [iqdb] (3.6 MB, 256x188, 1505192446646.gif )
also>who is climaxing the fuck ton they're CHILDREN
what other silly qualities can you attribute to that face
Search [iqdb] (14 KB, 184x184, 1504059793508.jpg )
what face
my face when i have no face
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 250x141, 1503350156739.gif )
punchable for one
Search [iqdb] (♫, 23s, 2.7 MB, 580x720, 1503359795698.webm )
when you eat so much turkey over the years for the thanksgiving holidays that you become the turkey
>>344034 i don't even need to open that and now i dont' have to find that webum
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 441x294, IMG_2615.JPG )
oh no not again
yeah I remember you posted it and it struck me as really funny for some reason
it's time fo the wheel of prizes>>>/watch?v=J7n7l8L3Bx0
Search [iqdb] (♫, 11s, 2.9 MB, 480x468, 1489725335749.webm )
i just found 12 brickds
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 644x566, 1f72a46a1d9aa133dc9c3257173a88a0.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (♫, 44s, 2.3 MB, 480x360, 1489174987167.webm )
I'd like to go to his concert music festival thing
Search [iqdb] (162 KB, 450x375, IMG_2614.PNG )
phone cant even do moe webms
Search [iqdb] (♫, 59s, 3.7 MB, 640x360, 1488255213034.webm )
i don't even know if this is an actual commercial or just a really good parody of one
oh it was mowtendo the weed guy
Search [iqdb] (520 KB, 830x1433, 1507685298702.jpg )
>the weed guy that narrows it down to like 420 people
from the creators of >>>/watch?v=dBqMxvqLQuw
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 879x720, 1506647990181.jpg )
perhaps i should get with the times and watch some anime or some shit or just donwload and forget about it
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 719x1062, CkmEmWDUkAAex1B[1].jpg )
watch anime become anigay
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 696x974, DPPe2KpVwAApFqO[1].jpg )
Search [iqdb] (807 KB, 1282x987, 1509732755986.jpg )
maybe i just can't be assed to watch anime weekly anymore
>>>/watch?v=u-dt-wimdgE >>>/watch?v=BflFGPCuF0I
oh no not j-list I'm trying to finish my b-log yeah what is that stuff
Search [iqdb] (465 KB, 800x600, 1511316819021.png )
>j-list what the fuck is even on the right side that shit looks fucking gross
kinda looks like green beans and maybe like fried onions or something?
maybe its a green bean casserole?
Search [iqdb] (261 KB, 640x640, 1500610887119.jpg )
it's one of those thigns that look like someone puked in a bowl and tried to serve it
spunds like finnish cuisine
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 1020x1500, DNOxunoUEAABD2n.jpg )
if you add "after a long period of drinking" then yeah
Search [iqdb] (335 KB, 2093x2099, DMlikrnVQAApi3N.jpg )
well you'll be drunk when eating it either way
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 800x800, DLTXbfZVoAEpgM0.jpg )
speaking of which i might as well just finish this bottle
i womder would mämmi be good drinking snack
Search [iqdb] (144 KB, 1000x1412, DMvTK3lVAAEhEsy[3].jpg )
£flip ah what the fuck#flip (true)
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1181x1181, DJ6-eS1U8AA4SuX.png )
>£ great unintended pun
>>344065 €flip
Search [iqdb] (256 KB, 4096x2896, C5wo8WrVAAAQ4wM.jpg )
>keep drinking >sober up anyway might be time for a period of sobriety
take a few week åause to make your own booze
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 465x600, C2x1qXfUsAAiCFN.jpg )
would be fun if i get around to it i may just add my own minibar with it
bulb buln says brewing pot
ow oof my arms
Search [iqdb] (465 KB, 800x600, 1511316819021.png )
technically i already know people that do it so the connections and resources are there perhaps in time i was already thinking about it anyway
too bad distilling is illegal here
Search [iqdb] (212 KB, 1106x1025, 1511095460441.jpg )
same here
but mead is good and cheap to make honey and sugar and yeast
Search [iqdb] (728 KB, 2614x2456, 1509615261239.jpg )
and all of which are easily obtainable here even with teh "honey bee endangerment" however here is also a beacon of introducing asian bugs on accident and on purpose resulting in overpopulations of shitty bugs asian beetles a decade ago and some change now it's stink bugs seriously fuck those thigns
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1280x720, [SallySubs] Shimoneta to Iu Ga(…).png )
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 555x652, 0e48e8eecf7058604b8f801380d9880d.jpg )
If you make your own minibar you really will be hayashimo huh
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 679x679, 1508973032273.jpg )
turns out it's something that runs in the faimly too
Search [iqdb] (224 KB, 445x431, 1510512269768.png )
i don't understand so i guess all the exclamatory questionary exclamations with questions make senes
>>344081 ayylmao
Search [iqdb] (516 KB, 806x603, IMG_2628.PNG )
>>344082 how did idol go through glasd big mystery
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glitch in geimu? patched soon
Search [iqdb] (15s, 2.5 MB, 720x1280, 1508641842582.webm )
look at this cute fox
i wonder when it was last sunny 6h days ftw
Search [iqdb] (511 KB, 1477x1415, 1509347111999.jpg )
9.5h days here sunlight makes me sleepy usually right now it's sunny and feeling like october
Search [iqdb] (404 KB, 1813x2537, 1511163882363.jpg )
the seasons here have felt too close together wheater wise for the past year more drastic shifts in daylight would at least make the impact of changing seasons feel more significant i miss the blistery winters of 6 or so years ago already
>>344081 yooo
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 905x1279, 0ac196a773e7b8df911c9d861880fcd1.jpg )
i tend to fall asleep at like 9 now and i hate it
Search [iqdb] (355 KB, 1000x1000, 1505100425012.jpg )
i went to bet at like 10pm yesterday and woke upe 23.5 hours ago i just sleep when need be and don't give a shit may result in some stupid naps at times my internal clock just slowly shifts per day
da dream life
also bath is a gift from god
Search [iqdb] (289 KB, 560x396, 1502848706458.gif )
i haven't had one of those in at least a decade
i am in one rn
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must have steam proof phone
i want a saunaproof phone
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i want to know i'll be needed to do a thing in a bit rather than on a whim the real shit is the day after anyway i'm too awake to sleep anyway
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bar in a bath things not allowed here
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cut my life to penises
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no don't
>>344103 Gay
2017/11/24 (金) 15:40 No. 344106
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1920x1080, [HT] Hidamari Sketch x Honeyco(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 626x1000, DPVeSAFUIAAkYia[1].jpg )
2017/11/24 (金) 16:00 No. 344108
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1920x1080, [HT] Hidamari Sketch x Honeyco(…).jpg )
2017/11/24 (金) 16:00 No. 344109
Search [iqdb] (184 KB, 1920x1080, [HT] Hidamari Sketch x Honeyco(…).jpg )
Coincidentally, why are the japanese baths as they are fill with water and then heat it? why not just have a district heating that provides you with hot water ap lenty is a lot cheaper that way for individuals or society
2017/11/24 (金) 16:01 No. 344111
*and not or
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 1920x1080, [Tortoise]_Hidamari_Sketch_Hos(…).png )
>>344109 Maybe all the systems are just old and they never bothered updating
2017/11/24 (金) 16:49 No. 344113
Search [iqdb] (182 KB, 1920x1080, [HT] Hidamari Sketch x Honeyco(…).jpg )
>>344112 District heating is underrated system and should be marketed more
Search [iqdb] (141 KB, 1101x848, DO_ub8hU8AAld29.jpg )
good morning koi good morning me
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
2017/11/24 (金) 16:52 No. 344116
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 271x323, Madoromi (6).png )
>>344114 a pond of koi
Search [iqdb] (575 KB, 715x1000, DMx2mXnVQAIMcpf.png )
i am invincible as long as i'm alive
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 415x612, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
one of those 23andme acestory kits are 50% off on Amazon hmm>>344117 are you going to go hard
2017/11/24 (金) 16:59 No. 344119
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 326x337, Madoromi (46).png )
>>344117 do you not feel with all your soul how we have become like gods
2017/11/24 (金) 16:59 No. 344120
>>344118 the what?
>>344120 genetic testing
2017/11/24 (金) 17:01 No. 344122
Search [iqdb] (142 KB, 629x457, Madoromi (50).png )
so how does it work?
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 848x1199, DPACi-JUQAE8T6V.jpg )
>>344124 one of the top 5 koi artists>>344118 no i'm going to go to CHURCH
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 719x1062, CkmEmWDUkAAex1B[1].jpg )
>>344117 do your best
Search [iqdb] (123 KB, 701x714, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 05 [7(…).jpg )
>>344122 Get kit, fill the kit with dna, send it in, they test it.>>344123 church piano deitos
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:02 No. 344126
>>344123 On a Friday?
2017/11/24 (金) 17:03 No. 344127
Search [iqdb] (776 KB, 1126x1600, Madoromi (58).png )
>>344125 Oh that I' d do it if I could especially with murricans it is interesting since you usually have a lot of ties to the old world
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:03 No. 344128
>>344125 Oh yeah forgot about that
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:04 No. 344129
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 1197x196, DPYSK7lWsAENFAO.jpg )
2017/11/24 (金) 17:04 No. 344130
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Though if I ever do it the result most likely is>you finnish you finnic idiot
>>344129 is this... what is this
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 367x589, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
Maybe I should do the ancestry thing.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:06 No. 344133
>>344131 It's from SA
Search [iqdb] (307 KB, 714x1217, DOsIJ3jVQAA_zv3.png )
>>344126 in the evening
>>344133 I was actually going to guess that but I don't know what the site looks like off the top of my head
2017/11/24 (金) 17:07 No. 344136
>>344129 why would you post this?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:08 No. 344137
>>344136 Cause it's funny.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:09 No. 344138
I liked that Javascript one
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 1722x1362, DOw9DK5V4AU-0tj.jpg )
>>344141 let me just confirm some things
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
will you need my assistance, blue?
Search [iqdb] (411 KB, 663x800, 63007054_p2.png )
>>344140 hai hai
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:14 No. 344143
>>344143 omg
>Apparently he just decided to knock the wall out and as he was doing it the house started to sage and he assumed it was 'just settling' until the whole thing split in half basically. His wife was working a backshift while this was going on
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:16 No. 344146
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:17 No. 344147
I should join SA.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:17 No. 344148
Also low tax has kids now, they're in elementary school. I read a story from him about how one of his son's friends told him "You're lowtax? That's amazing, I love SA.". Or something like that, the kid was like 8.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:21 No. 344149
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 680x161, DMN3ybuXkAAyi5w.jpg )
I need to ask SK if this is accurate.
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1000x1000, DOr1Y1hVAAACfv1.png )
Also I have to write an invitation letter. and rake
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 905x1279, 0ac196a773e7b8df911c9d861880fcd1.jpg )
This shows up at your door what do you do
2017/11/24 (金) 17:24 No. 344152
>>344151 not be a pedo-incest fuck like you
Search [iqdb] (518 KB, 965x1500, 64255019_p0.png )
try to find the parents and return her to her home >>344150 An invitation for what?
2017/11/24 (金) 17:25 No. 344154
Though what I wouild do is "not open the door" if a kid in pajama with pillow in arms shows up knocking on my door and I see that shit through the peak hole I go "Nope" this is something out of horror
for someone coming to the states My dad needs it for someone.
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 563x939, DLxPEJ0VAAEIFki.jpg )
oh, a business thing?
Search [iqdb] (517 KB, 2039x1377, DO-ddmjU8AEBsDW.jpg )
Nah family
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:26 No. 344158
>>344152 where does the incest come into play this is for kirara
2017/11/24 (金) 17:27 No. 344160
>>344159 cause thatk inda pics are usually "oniichan i can't sleep"
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tn is a bad older brother>>344156 as a side note, I really hate opening microsoft word
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 555x652, 0e48e8eecf7058604b8f801380d9880d.jpg )
Yeah you have to be nice to your in-laws
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1654x2339, 50280245_p0.jpg )
>>344157 oh gotcha>>344162 shit same i'm going to learn latex soon but then i'll probably hate opening that
maybe i will put a maid with a katana in the next campaign
2017/11/24 (金) 17:31 No. 344166
>>344162 I ate my little brother
2017/11/24 (金) 17:31 No. 344167
Search [iqdb] (238 KB, 548x699, Madoromi (51).png )
Well jokes aside, that is what my older brother did to his potentional twin
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:32 No. 344168
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Isekai Shokudou(…).jpg )
as expected of you placenta consumers
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:32 No. 344170
>>344167 My sister or I did that to our triplet.
>>344169 50_shades_of_placenta.wav>>344173 haha you knew
Search [iqdb] (162 KB, 768x1024, DPaRF9QUQAAZQqO.jpg )
tfw you're very smart
once you learn latex you never take it off
>>344174 lol
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:36 No. 344177
>>344174 SK is this accuraye?>>344149
2017/11/24 (金) 17:37 No. 344178
>>344172 and that kids is how I met your mother
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:40 No. 344179
I dunno who Esurance is
Esurance is an insurance company. They have a mascot named Erin Esurance who is a cartoon woman and there's a lot of porn of her.
>>344177 Drawing pornography of an actual person without their consent is bad in the first place So, no.
Search [iqdb] (361 KB, 656x1000, 88___a_f_t_e_r___f_o_r_e_v_e_r(…).jpg )
>>344177 no it's not accurate you can tell for yourself that the conclusion does not follow the premise
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 1500x1500, DPVbUM0UQAEWAjr.jpg )
I dunno sounds far out
2017/11/24 (金) 17:45 No. 344186
Search [iqdb] (469 KB, 1280x768, erin_esurance_by_joeadonis.jpg )
looks like a character people would flock unto
>>344183 erin isn't an actual person
2017/11/24 (金) 17:46 No. 344188
>>344183 but if you draw porn of a movie character are you drawing porn of that or of the actors' likeness?
>>344187 Oh, I was thinking of someone else
>>344189 the progressive chick?
>>344188 yes, but because porn is considered obscene and thus not a representation of the person's character, it's protected under the parody definition established in whats his name.. larry // the people of the united states vs larry flint>>344193 oh i thought you said are you drawing of that person's likeness so B
2017/11/24 (金) 17:49 No. 344193
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 247x354, Madoromi (40).png )
dude I asked you A or B and you answered yes
another good episode of kino
or neither i guess
>>344194 i need to ketchup on kino i'm two or three episodes behind but i like to bingewatch it
2017/11/24 (金) 17:50 No. 344197
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 783x1000, __alice_margatroid_touhou_draw(…).jpg )
why not mustard?
>>344196 yeah it's really good for binging gets you into a really nice state of mind
i think it's more well-made than the original but i feel like the original is more cohesive or consistent kino's attitude is a little different here, which works because the color tones and themes are a little different
Oh my fucking god Deku is Small Might
2017/11/24 (金) 17:51 No. 344201
Search [iqdb] (196 KB, 600x600, 3a331a27405e18f4f2912afbf9f2cb71.jpg )
original had imo better pacing and a more memorable art style
yeah the original did something special the new one's still great though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:52 No. 344203
>>344192 Hustler Magazine versus Falwell
2017/11/24 (金) 17:52 No. 344204
Search [iqdb] (206 KB, 500x500, 43f5a990d9d4bd45426334141a01db65.jpg )
>>344202 I just still question the need to have ep2 be one of the best arcs in the show and stuffed into a bland 1 episoder
>>344203 oh was that the actual case i know they made a movie out of it and called it the people vs larry flint so i thought it was that i guess they just thought that title sounded better for a movie
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:53 No. 344206
There may have also been a United States versus Larry Flynt, he was involved in a lot of court cases. But the parody case was v. Falwell.
no it's that case the one with falwell but why is it hustler vs falwell hustler was the defendant not the plaintiff
>>344199 yeah they're different but they're both really great i think
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:55 No. 344209
>>344207 Not sure Maybe cause it was an appeal or something?
>>344209 maybe the legal process boggles my mind so much red tape
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 17:56 No. 344211
Also fun fact Larry Flynt and Jerry Falwell ended up becoming close friends after the case.
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socialism is porn of cartoon characters and nothing else
2017/11/24 (金) 18:00 No. 344214
that is socialism I could support
Search [iqdb] (444 KB, 1278x718, 1511231710785.jpg )
Sometimes the conversation is weird when you walk in here.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 18:06 No. 344217
Search [iqdb] (706 KB, 906x1464, 52019894_p0.png )
>>344216 You know how it is.
2017/11/24 (金) 18:08 No. 344219
Search [iqdb] (360 KB, 600x870, 47b34047b535f3f71c46fa8076a9d812.jpg )
>>344216 and then it gets weirder
Search [iqdb] (615 KB, 800x1131, 47974262_p0.jpg )
net-juu is killing meeeeee
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 18:11 No. 344222
Fuck This feed is making me laugh harder than I have in quite a while.
Search [iqdb] (567 KB, 1000x1000, 1511200376409.png )
>>344221 Oh, sounds like another week where it keeps us all on the edge of our seats.
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>>344223 it's killing me because something is happening
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 1280x720, 1510807728058.jpg )
It seems like it would be a great show to marathon, but it's kinda torture to watch week to week!
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Net-juu no Susu(…).jpg )
yeah but i don't hate this kind of torture
i am hollering at this show
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 18:17 No. 344228
i am ortured that the next kekkai sensen will be a two part ep
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 18:17 No. 344229
SA is really helping my self eesteem.
>>344228 me too
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 18:18 No. 344231
samsungs mobile browser didnt used to do the thing where the first letter of each word gets erased but now that it updated, it does
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 18:18 No. 344232
>>344231 Use Firefox
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 280x422, 1511484668034.png )
>>344226 I don't like being tortured.
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Net-juu no Susu(…).jpg )
haha you always put up with torture though
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 18:19 No. 344235
and yet...
i am literally hollering at this show i have never done this before
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 267x602, sonoko14.png )
>>344234 That's because I'm patient. I have faith that this will give me what I want.>>344236 I've done this before. Is it good or bad yelling?
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Net-juu no Susu(…).jpg )
>>344237 It's a good yelling. The kind where you get excited and put your hands on your head and shout "AHHHH" as something happens.
Search [iqdb] (252 KB, 540x654, thinking.jpg )
I'm really anticipating it now. I hope it's the good kind of thing. I usually put my hands on my head when something bad is happening though.
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 673x715, [HorribleSubs] Net-juu no Susu(…).jpg )
I was doing that kind of thing where you get excited and start rocking back and forth and want to roll around while hollering.
2017/11/24 (金) 18:27 No. 344241
Search [iqdb] (764 KB, 1200x1500, 74cf63dd9f9bfa2d13c181f59830a671.jpg )
I found a normie meme>>>/watch?v=CCVdQ8xXBfk
Search [iqdb] (743 KB, 1754x2480, pokemon57.jpg )
Well I hope it ends well. This series has the potential to make me very angry!
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
I bet you're going to get excited and have fun just like I did. I am sure you won't be angry.
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
I hope this is the big payout I've been waiting for.
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
Well, I'm as much of a tease as this show has been, so I won't give you any more hints as to what happens.
>>344241 yeah that's pretty popular probably the most popular jimmy barnes has been in a while
2017/11/24 (金) 18:31 No. 344247
>>344246 but why does it exist the song
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
>>344245 Well, maybe now you know why I put up with torture from time to time.
>>344247 I'm 90% it was a joke but who knows why really
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>344248 I haven't the faintest idea.
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
>>344250 Are you sure?
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>344252 Is it because you've gotten used to it?>>344251 What the hell is this.
2017/11/24 (金) 18:37 No. 344254
why is that screaming ringing in my head halp
at the end they're just shouting about syria and africa and then they're like CHRISTIANITY IS LOVE, JUDAISM
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 700x646, 1507530461156.jpg )
>>344253 So you don't know, huh?
>>344253 tn is right it's a normie meme
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>344256 I want you to say it.
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>344257 Normies should just explode.
Search [iqdb] (557 KB, 1200x900, 1301812305801.jpg )
>>344258 I think it's enough that you understand.
Search [iqdb] (141 KB, 814x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>344260 Is that really enough?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 18:40 No. 344262
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 18:41 No. 344263
I'm dying
Search [iqdb] (564 KB, 932x1377, 1416790754531.jpg )
>>344261 Yeah, I think that's enough.
we should enter that eurovision for the ultimate insult
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 539x645, [HorribleSubs] Kobayashi-san C(…).jpg )
>>344264 Fiiiiiine. I guess that's just how it is.
do you like my car
Search [iqdb] (144 KB, 1554x961, DLsKoWBUMAAspGV-orig.jpg )
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>>344266 Understanding feelings is more important than words!
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 800x1122, DMRcTqSUQAAUMSu.jpg )
haha what is this >>>/watch?v=ntrRz9DabBk >>344270 Do you understand my feelings?
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 747x1000, 1511489255303.jpg )
>>344271 Of course!
Search [iqdb] (304 KB, 1448x2048, DNYphJAVAAAO87h.jpg )
>>344272 I'm not sure if you do!>>344273 that shit crazy
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 506x700, Ilmeria.png )
>>344274 Of course I do! I'm great at understanding feelings.
Some feelings, at least.
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kobayashi-san C(…).jpg )
>>344275 Then how will you respond to my feelings?
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
>>344277 By nodding sagely and saying "I get it!" You can't see me nodding though.
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kobayashi-san C(…).jpg )
>>344278 Alas, no reciprocation! I could cry!
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 652x685, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
>>344279 Well, this is the best I can do until I've actually seen the episode.
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [GJM] Space Patrol Luluco - 08(…).jpg )
rei are you there
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kobayashi-san C(…).jpg )
>>344280 Oh, I forgot we were talking about Net-juu, so I was just saying stuff.
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
>>344282 Yeah, I had a feeling you had forgotten the context of the conversation and was just saying stuff. See, I understood your feelings better than you thought!
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 466x626, [HorribleSubs] Kobayashi-san C(…).jpg )
>>344283 I'll commend you for your performance this time.
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
>>344284 I'm happy to have your approval.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 19:30 No. 344286
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 1072x209, Screenshot_20171124-132711.jpg )
>>344281 A little
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 09 (1280x7(…).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 19:32 No. 344288
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 1073x256, Screenshot_20171124-132911.jpg )
>>344286 wherre would you draw the line /// actually how much music theory do you know
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 19:35 No. 344290
None I used to know some, but that was lile ten years ago.
sou kana
the newest konohana was amazing
someone post a new image
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 520x694, dog.jpg )
well it's new thanks
>>344292 They did some really good world-building without really falling into the anime tropes for world-building. We learned a lot about the inn without being explicitly told what.
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>>344292 Yeah, they did a good job of expanding the setting and providing a good story. It was a really top notch episode.
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 520x1200, hakone saya.png )
now it's time for yuyuyu
Search [iqdb] (2.8 MB, 1920x2745, 1507606430922.jpg )
>>344300 Dyke is a character class? wha
Search [iqdb] (444 KB, 1278x718, 1511231710785.jpg )
Some of it is a little editorialized. She's just a NPC that works a desk so she doesn't really have a class.
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
crazy how they just drop this off the bat that she had a baby
>>344302 oh i see it now i didn't notice the other ones but i do now
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
The Atelier games on Steam are both on sale, Maybe I'll get them.
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 483x543, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
she's so good
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 578x501, 1490411819002.jpg )
>>344306 I don't think they're as good as most of the PS3 games but they're pretty good still. Firis has some interesting new systems.>>344307 Yeah, Sonoko is best girl.
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1024x819, DPTKVBzWsAIW9N0.jpg )
~ Microsoft Word can perish~
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 465x551, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
>>344308 Karin is probably my favorite, but Sonoko really is best girl.
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 700x700, DOhaLrpU8AY7IHv.jpg )
>>>/watch?v=3M_5oYU-IsU Oh my god This is the best fucking thing that's happened
check the statistics
Search [iqdb] (46 KB, 751x848, DMcaDSKUQAA6F07-orig.jpg )
I had no fucking idea Big Shaq actually got like, produced This is fucking amazing, man
take my mans twix by force
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 714x1000, DLy91HVVAAAfX1u-orig.jpg )
The best part is the whole thing is about him literrally not being too warm wearing his jacket You'd think it was a diss track or something
girl said take off ya jacket
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 432x678, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
YuYuYu is really good at making you have a lot of fun while fearing intense horror at the same time.
>>344316 I said babe, man's not hot
man can never be hot
Search [iqdb] (567 KB, 1000x1000, 1511200376409.png )
>>344317 They really skillfully created a grimdark cute girls doing cute things.
Fucking DJ Khalid in there, too
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 943x1000, DL4WIFiUMAAqJQr-orig.jpg )
All I need now is like, Tiesto or someone like this remixing it I'd lose my shit
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
>>344320 Yeah. It's a little scary. They're so good at building stress while you have fun.
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 700x1000, DDSTJKfU0AENL6I.jpg )
Zimbabwe got rid of Mugabe and people there were singing the lyrics It's global.
he's international now
ya dun know
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 768x1024, DJSjc3xV4AEeKF1.jpg )
I don't even just like it ironically or anything I like the song, it's fucking great
yeah, it's a really fun song
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
fuuuuck yuyuyu is so stressful but i love it so much
Search [iqdb] (300 KB, 1920x1080, DPZNUX6U8AI6HdK.jpg )
Didn't you watch Yuki Yuna whhen it aired?
it's s2
Oh I thought it concluded
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
Nope! S2 has 6 episodes of prequel and 6 episodes of sequel and the sequel is just starting and it's stressfulllllll.
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
2017/11/24 (金) 20:22 No. 344336
Search [iqdb] (612 KB, 1920x1080, 20171124222238_1.jpg )
most childishly amusing royal family HÅRD ÅN!
finally lunch
2017/11/24 (金) 20:27 No. 344338
Hård på Toppen!
in the sauna, man's not hot
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 441x529, DOmMqsrW0AAs6wc.jpg )
Man's very impressive
bjork's album "Utopia" is out
big shaq bjork collab when
what do you mean when you say "hi" what is your experience of "hi"
for all intensive purposes, i could care less about the cyanide peninsula
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 600x841, d3c64ba2a0ea10853c0da7372f414377.jpg )
this is for rika
>>344346 thanks
>>344340 your retweet on that crappy gamer tweet i made has gotten it up to 65 likes lol
Search [iqdb] (32 KB, 600x477, DPNpldBVQAIKnIK.jpg )
>>344348 I have become a powerful account
i have news steamed veggies are edible by ton
Search [iqdb] (34 KB, 358x398, 1511286914746.jpg )
>>344350 you dont eat veggies very much huh
no need to get steamed
>>344351 trying to work on that
eat well exercise be healthy
Search [iqdb] (185 KB, 1189x1533, DMOznMzV4AEgjLR-orig.jpg )
Man you know an issue is big when like, actually every single... sphere of any kind, anywhere, is up in arms about it I'm watching NL and his crew play PUBG and they're talking about net neutrality They literally do not talk politics, ever
yeah net neutrality is scary
Search [iqdb] (603 KB, 2893x4092, DKlv3lgU8AAGvOp.jpg )
I mean to be fair, killing net neutrality is like a direct attack on their livelihood, since they're youtubers\streamers and live on their internet connection, and the internet connection of their audience But still, it's actually everywhere
>>344357 Shocking coincidence, the Internet is also actually everywhere.
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 500x562, DJR22TZUQAEM16b.jpg )
For now
Search [iqdb] (148 KB, 850x850, nishi.jpg )
>>344346 You've completed the event already, right?
>>344361 huh? boats?
no granblue obviously
yeah i finished the granblue one i didnt have internet for the last boats event and i still dont gave it for this one even dash is quitting after this in one
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 601x662, DKFajzWX0AAA4JR.jpg )
>>344365 my smile is gone
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 716x707, DJ6rgdCXoAIs1Ka.jpg )
Is that a common way to make pbj sandwiches, by the way? I always put peanut butter on each slice, and then jelly in the middle
i do half and half like that
i've always seen it one side peanut butter, one side jelly
Generally it's a little nicer to butter both slices. Since the jam/jelly with soak into the bread and that is gross.
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, question1.jpg )
>>344364 Hasn't Dash already quit since she doesn't have internet?
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 527x726, DJLZxZDUIAAjZY-.jpg )
Doesn't the jelly part get like, soggy and weird?
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 600x625, make mine fash.jpg )
>>344371 oddly enough i think she somehow has been playing anyway>>344372 not for me then again i use jelly sparingly
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Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 300x300, rinaface.png )
fish will reveal herself a sa secret nazi and i'll become that cap and she'll be bass lass
following this twitter was a beautiful mistake
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 700x1120, DGuBejVXUAAgYZC.jpg )
>>344377 >following roleplayers
Search [iqdb] (29 KB, 413x356, DEIHJ_0VwAATe1K.jpg )
I don't even follow artists, I have a list for them
Search [iqdb] (229 KB, 1152x968, DDFuhNhXUAA6Awl.jpg )
>timer for pizza beeps >hit the button to make it stop >minute later "OH SHIT RIGHT"
>>344380 i forget lists exist
Search [iqdb] (2.7 MB, 2694x1359, DSC_2369.jpg )
BOO I brought some Japanese books. First time in centuries, I've brought some books.
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Search [iqdb] (18 KB, 224x217, 56014.png )
>>344384 How are you mai aidoru friendo
>>344383 AH A'H AH AH AHHHH !!!!!!!! YOU GOT THEM
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 300x300, rinahappy.png )
>>344385 I am feelin like 8/10, not bad. How's abouts you, waga tomo?
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 234x243, 1918.png )
>>344386 I did indeedo. Thanks for reintroducing me to the series.>>344387 I'm a 5/10, still coughing all the time and a little cold! But it is always great when you are with moe friends!
Search [iqdb] (272 KB, 1384x2048, DPPgnkaU8AEvOMn.jpg )
>>344388 No problem. And thank you, as well
Search [iqdb] (42 KB, 245x212, 1913.png )
>>344389 It is super cool looking at the books, they feel nice and the artwork is so nice desune If only I was rich I could buy books forever.
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 300x300, rinasad.png )
>>344388 Oh no! You've been sick for thousands of years.
Search [iqdb] (789 KB, 1280x720, 1481122326849.png )
I want to be on vacation forever.
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>>344390 Oh yeah! Piano is here! In NYC! I'm going to go see her in a few hours. I'm excite.
Search [iqdb] (444 KB, 1278x718, 1511231710785.jpg )
Yeah, this time off is nice. Maybe I'll become a NEET.
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 316x213, 1479335563358.gif )
Maybe I will, too. Maybe I'll become a NEET after I get my master's in two semesters. Then Fish and I can be Master NEETs together.
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 700x969, DI28HFvUQAABSL_.jpg )
You don't want to be the Neet Doctor?
Search [iqdb] (379 KB, 658x720, 1478982283768.png )
That's an extra three years of work.
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 722x622, DDF1IoVXgAExNty.jpg )
>>344382 Just use tweetdeck
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 700x888, DKVTsfVVAAA1m1K.jpg )
a year and change ahead of you
Search [iqdb] (179 KB, 899x1167, DPUze69VAAAd6ls.jpg )
I should get dressed. Er, oh yeah, I DID finish washing clothes yesterday. Good job me
>344401 >>344401 → >>344401 →
>>344379 shit