Thread #343548
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i see inuyashiki just because anything else?
Nothing else that we're currently watching.
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
Such a light anime night. I guess that's what happens when we aren't running a backlog. There will be lots of nice things to watch tomorrow though.
Not to mention the weekend rush.
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
okay let's inuyashiki okay there's everyone let's start!
i read all of the manga its short the anime will reach th ened
Bang should be on the way.>>343586 >>343587 Hello hello
>>343587 And a second one for Squid since he's so good at not paying attention.
It's a little hard to be sympathetic for someone crying after going after a killing spree on the Internet trolls known as The People of 2chan.
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Sometimes Ika is paying attention but doesn't close his posts. It's weird that he can cry anyway. Their robot bodies can't eat, so why can they cry?
Yeah I know. But we were orange for a good while so I was worried he might've been spacing out.
>>343621 They seem to be able to drink water fine.
Oh well that's always pleasant.
That old man is in remarkably good condition after getting hit by a train.
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It's not good to trouble other people.
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Why did they not question the fact that his shirt doesn't have a back.
People do absurd things when their loved ones die. Like going on a killing spree against the Internet People of 2chan.
>>343638 THIS
he better not rape her
i will drop this fucking show
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Even though they have been heavy handed with it, they've still done a decent job with the themes about hot being a robot made the old man more human and made this kid less human.
>>343645 each of them have their own way of feeling alive like human
he's full edge mode now
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He's been maximum edge the whole time.
this fucking guy
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What an awkward lunch.
Putting on a scene for the kids.
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The kids didn't seem amused.
It's impressive how much someone's appearance can turn around when they're not miserable anymore.
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Wow, not having cancer anymore really turned things around for her.
It probably wasn't the cancer itself but more the stress and worry of having it that weighed heavily on her.
He flew to Kyoto and now his hoodie is all torn up.
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I wonder when it's all going to go bad.
What if she slips out of his arms while they're flying and he gets torn up over their deaths.
Oh shit here come the fucking JSDF.
probably the SAT
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Oh it's going to go bad now. The girl is probably going to get shot or something.
leave him alone he's found a waifu
they're gonna shoot the girl or the grandma or something and he's gonna go APE
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 491x720, 1334982007061.jpg )
well that was surprisingly not very edgy okay just because!
3>>343689 >>343689 rika died
??? Did you two start? Rika in Peace I went to get ice cream as fast as I could and she went blue pretty much as soon as I sat down,.
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my internet crapped out. I'm better now. Just because! okayl let's start!
Thought so. We had some good fun on your behalf.
oh you're alive i thought you fell asleep
He's even walking her scooter for her. What a gentleman.
>That feeling when you know things are going to be tense at school tomorrow.
Oh wow that's a lot of snow. Traditional Japanese architecture looks really nice in snowfall.
This is some really E-rank luck.
If these two could get over their romantic tension they could be pretty good friends. OR they could just date and that would be nice too. I'd feel bad for Camera-chan though.
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I want camera-chan to win.
What a manipulative imouto.
me too
I like both of them. It tears my heart in two.
Wow and she shot it down instantly.
cat fight
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Wow, Camera girl is self-aware enough to know what she wants.
Shiritaaaai Shiritakunai
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thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.