Thread #342531
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2017/11/23 (木) 15:15 No. 342531
It be a TN thread
2017/11/23 (木) 15:17 No. 342533
Search [iqdb] (27 KB, 500x375, be3ff438e9a81f4bce933da9d55286f6.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (23 KB, 280x246, 1f72a46a1d9aa133dc9c3257173a88a0.jpg )
where is my friend kirara also hi tn ill put together a pastebin out of boredom of all the music i remember using in the campaign
2017/11/23 (木) 15:22 No. 342535
Search [iqdb] (218 KB, 483x582, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
You have no friends here, tonski lewdbird
2017/11/23 (木) 15:23 No. 342536
so why are all 2hu doujins 40MB average size nowadays? why make em so big, when monitors are still at about 2x inch range on average?
high quality zooming also >40 mg mb somehody gasnt seen the 200 mb ones
2017/11/23 (木) 15:26 No. 342538
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 404x365, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
I don't dl those in full size cause is 100% waste
>>342538 said tn, who never deletes anime>>342539 NOOOOOOOO
2017/11/23 (木) 15:29 No. 342541
Search [iqdb] (155 KB, 485x505, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>342540 and anime is never in 19kx10k format
>>342541 yeah but anime is way bigger?
2017/11/23 (木) 15:30 No. 342543
Search [iqdb] (191 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>342542 yeah but aside from shitty rips, filesize is directly correlated to quality of the product with images, once you go past 2-3x your monitor size, it is just bloat
Search [iqdb] (173 KB, 800x603, IMG_2627.JPG )
Im sure there are people out there who would disagree with you
2017/11/23 (木) 15:32 No. 342545
Search [iqdb] (244 KB, 592x571, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
we're not talking about art here, we are talking about scanlations of magazine sized physical prints
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I'm sure there are people who would disagree with your opinion but you are free to express it
2017/11/23 (木) 15:32 No. 342547
Search [iqdb] (144 KB, 493x511, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Well yeah, there are many who disagree with my opinions and most of them are objectively wrong
we gotta find those people and kill em
2017/11/23 (木) 15:35 No. 342549
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 407x630, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>342548 That is a lot of people I mean mostly they are a "loud minority" but still a lot of people oh and wait good chance itm ight be billions
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i guess today is an easy thanksgiving which is enough to be thankful for
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2017/11/23 (木) 15:45 No. 342554
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2017/11/23 (木) 15:48 No. 342555
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>>342556 hello yes i love shiki
2017/11/23 (木) 16:03 No. 342558
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>>342555 i know this feeling
2017/11/23 (木) 16:10 No. 342560
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>>342559 how about this?
2017/11/23 (木) 16:10 No. 342561
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2017/11/23 (木) 16:12 No. 342562
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it is some kind of oni-loli-candy-fighting machine
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2017/11/23 (木) 16:16 No. 342565
>>342564 rt sure tweets a lot of stuff
2017/11/23 (木) 16:18 No. 342566
Search [iqdb] (2.9 MB, 555x312, 1385179366740.gif )
also kill it with fire-explosions
>>342564 so uh those are all hornets huh
2017/11/23 (木) 16:19 No. 342568
Search [iqdb] (884 KB, 390x236, 1385761928786.gif )
Wild guess would be anything from 500 to few thousand
2017/11/23 (木) 16:23 No. 342569
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2017/11/23 (木) 16:26 No. 342571
>>342570 wonder which branch this is
2017/11/23 (木) 16:31 No. 342572
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2017/11/23 (木) 16:31 No. 342573
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pics kinda dissappudding
bitcoin is 8100 Nier is 40% off
blue, go through this thread and tell me as soon as it makes you want to die
it would be easier to ask when I didn't want to die which I would be able to say: which is probably the only good one so far
2017/11/23 (木) 16:45 No. 342577
Search [iqdb] (142 KB, 629x457, Madoromi (50).png )
>>342574 How high can it go>>>/watch?v=XHN0cnBTD5g
>>342576 why are white people like this
2017/11/23 (木) 16:49 No. 342579
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 468x292, Madoromi (23).png )
Why do you hate mashed potatoes or do you just suck at making it?
>Talk turkey to me
>>342579 >you not me But people are bad at food
2017/11/23 (木) 16:50 No. 342582
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 220x251, Madoromi (14).png )
Also why are all portrayals in usa media of family gatherings always hell?
Accurate representation.
You need to understand that someone put pineapple in macaroni and cheese in America. That's all you need to understand the depth of skepticism I have about all of this
2017/11/23 (木) 16:50 No. 342585
>>342583 so why does the averag e american averigan family hate each other like that?
2017/11/23 (木) 16:51 No. 342586
Search [iqdb] (153 KB, 545x366, Madoromi (43).png )
I mean I can understand tensions being bit high if the ENTIRE family gathers like not just siblings and their family but cousins, second and so on like everyone related to the same greatgrandparent or such
I dunno man I don't live there.
>>342585 all kinds of reasons.
2017/11/23 (木) 16:52 No. 342590
>>342588 but these are quite well made
they make me hate white people so much
>>342592 man USM seems way too real dragons that kill houses and shit
2017/11/23 (木) 16:57 No. 342594
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would you buy nicomeat
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>>342592 wow i didnt do battle tree yet but damn
>>342594 niku niku nii
2017/11/23 (木) 16:59 No. 342599
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1920x1080, mpc-hc64_2017-11-04_21-23-20.png )
>>342597 Wow>reminder that I use daily sugoi monthly datacap
2017/11/23 (木) 17:00 No. 342600
>>342598 I might get a nintendo handheld just for pkmns though I know if I buy the current one, they go like "TADAA NEW CONSOLEW ITH NEW PKMN GAME cause fuck TN2
well yeah usm is the last 3ds pokemon game next one will be switch
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tfw banned from online
2017/11/23 (木) 17:04 No. 342603
Search [iqdb] (849 KB, 1126x1600, Madoromi (57).png )
>>342601 Oh right it is also a handheld in every way
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I hope switch pokemon is dope
jeb jr doesn't look like jeb at all
2017/11/23 (木) 17:06 No. 342607
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 175x203, Madoromi (19).png )
Maybe isn't his kid
2017/11/23 (木) 17:06 No. 342608
Search [iqdb] (516 KB, 1127x1040, Madoromi (31).png )
I wonder what kind of amazing roller coasters usa has
2017/11/23 (木) 17:07 No. 342609
or spookihouses/trains
probably a thousand times more exciting than European ones because we have crappy laws that let them be absolutely balls to the wall dangerous
2017/11/23 (木) 17:07 No. 342611
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 307x403, Madoromi (47).png )
>>342610 Nah european ones are crazy, well continental but yeah add in the "not so safe" factor but i've been to eastern european rides so...
oh good point
2017/11/23 (木) 17:08 No. 342613
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 326x337, Madoromi (46).png )
Best one still goes to I think austrian ghost train it was just moving monster dolls untill at about last quarter one especialyl bad looking dracula doll stood up and started running after us
2017/11/23 (木) 17:08 No. 342614
and then me and my brother realised why the cart had side mirrors with "objects may appear bigger than they actually are" or whatever in german
Search [iqdb] (287 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2619.PNG )
2017/11/23 (木) 17:09 No. 342616
Like imagine being in a vax cabinet and suddenly one of the dolls gets up and running
>>342615 They WON'T WON'T BE doing it man. That's practically an admission of doing so.
2017/11/23 (木) 17:10 No. 342618
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 260x195, Madoromi (7).png )
>>342617 hasn't comcast too been caught of doing it already
>>342618 yeah lol
>>342585 We hate each other so much that we're exploiting the market
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2603.PNG )
2017/11/23 (木) 17:27 No. 342622
>>342620 Oh god this is so good
>>342620 based
2017/11/23 (木) 17:29 No. 342624
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2017/11/23 (木) 17:43 No. 342627
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 247x336, Madoromi (33).png )
I'd like a large extra
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Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
happy thanksgiving!
2017/11/23 (木) 18:08 No. 342630
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1920x1080, mpc-hc64_2017-11-04_21-23-20.png )
happy giving thanks and then murdering those who helped you day
2017/11/23 (木) 18:09 No. 342631
ungratefulness day
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
This is why nobody likes Europeans. There's no reason to be that way. It's not like you guys are any different.
2017/11/23 (木) 18:11 No. 342633
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 268x532, Madoromi (26).png )
I dunno so far our history has been "trempled over by neighbours" untill we stung back hard
2017/11/23 (木) 18:12 No. 342634
and also were first to settle this region
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 649x638, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>342629 Happy Thanksgiving.
>>342629 thank you neechang
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i may look fly but i want to die
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
How is thanksgiving going for everyone?
I just became full at a bugfet and have like one or two more dinners to attend so aaaaaaaaahhhhh
Search [iqdb] (183 KB, 500x706, 53830049 - あまー - 幸コロッケ.jpg )
wow, fatty >>342639 I'm dreading going to dinner. How are you?
>>342642 what are you calling me fatty for you JERK
because you're eating like three dinners
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>>342642 When are you guys eating?
Search [iqdb] (356 KB, 700x990, 59280835 - METO (メト) - ありがとう.jpg )
>>342645 In about an hour. I'm planning on being late, though.
>>342644 He's just attending multiple proms no big deal
>>342647 damn
>>342644 im not going to eat three dinners dummy im saying I got full but am expected to eat more
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>>342647 I don't know why you guys are so hung up on this prom thing.
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>>342649 fattttttty
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>>342651 shut up and realize this akatsuki is too good
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>>342639 just havin a basic day for a basic bitch really nothin special here
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>>342652 fatfatfat
>>342654 enjoy your dinner JERJ
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>thanksgiving ruined by a jerj
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Time to see if my clothes are dry
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The buffet was good though
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 519x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
hmm my recorder isn't where i thought it was
there are like 10 cars outside my grandmas dont have a big family
cranksgiving to remind us that the first settlers wouldn't have survived the rough winter without getting amped up on methamphetamines
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oh boy pocket camp is installing im so excited
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I think the comfiest thing about it is that you can put furniture and stuff in your van.
i cant wait
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from a konohana thread:>I caught my 50 year old Dad watching this show on Crunchyroll and just about pissed myself laughing when the grouchy old fuck looks me dead in the eyes and said "I just picked a random show from your queue and then kept watching for the pink one."
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 569x671, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
I think blind's dad accidentally watched prisma illya once
>>342666 Their dad has an interesting taste in women.
>>342666 my dad watched ouran i think he liked it
aw it gave me a cute sweater right off the bat
Search [iqdb] (647 KB, 800x1066, 1509733559247.png )
Yeah, the starter clothes aren't bad. Was it fall season in the Australian version?
i dunno im not from that god forsaken place
Search [iqdb] (567 KB, 1000x1000, 1511200376409.png )
Kirara will know the answer to that question.
Kirara is probablt preparing for his night of torture
it was not fall
or maybe it was there was no discernable way to see >>342678 oh it was green
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 500x640, 1487373840112.jpg )
Was it green or brown? The version we have is pretty brown. I think it probably has seasons.
wow i got through the tutorial and now theres another download mean
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 19:44 No. 342681
Search [iqdb] (661 KB, 900x648, 03e74baac4eeff4f6be42ee869a2e1(…).png )
I am Ohio.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 19:47 No. 342683
>>342682 Am want
Marshmallows aren't that good to warrant a whole pie slice but I can definitely respect it.
I should make those ~artisanal marshmallows~
2017/11/23 (木) 19:49 No. 342686
>>342681 I am Churchmoor
>>342683 same
43723371284 here is my friend id if anywanwan
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 19:53 No. 342689
>>342684 Its marshmallows and chocolate though
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 900x994, DOIe9sjVAAAkqoS-orig.jpg )
>>342688 Why are these ID codes always so long? Like if every single human on planet earth had an account, there'd still be a digit more than necessary
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 19:55 No. 342691
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 19:55 No. 342692
>>342690 Probably to make them harder to guess randomly.
Search [iqdb] (17 KB, 384x384, DN9gJYxUQAA8Y7t-orig.jpg )
I'm not really sure if that's a concern, though I mean I guess that would be it, but still
>>342690 redundancy is really useful in data storage for example, if you were just going to have everyone have a unique number and just gave the first person one, the second two, and so on, then you've just got an array of, say, 7 billion plays and a number attached to each that's okay and totally fine, but that's also really really not very helpful now let's say we add on some extra data packaging and certain chunks correspond to different things, like region, data // date of account creation, what server first access was on, et cetera now you've got some ways that you can actually sort out those seven billion accounts other than just one, two, three, et cetera kind of like how credit card numbers inherently carry the card type (mastercard, visa) and policy version in the 16-digit number that's why you can type in a cc number into an online purchase and it already knows what the card type is and whether it's a valid number it would be a lot harder to verify it was a valid number if every credit card just had a straight serial number
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 19:57 No. 342695
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1000x1000, DMvRvD5VoAAIw8I-orig.jpg )
>>342694 Oh, that makes sense I'm not really sure how useful that is for friendcodes, but the ID is probably used for other stuff behind the scenes, too
>>342696 sometimes it's for non-human uses too like if it's just a number floating around and interfacing with all the different coding, sometimes there's things that go wrong (like some cases where people would fill out forms with "null" or something with the name and when it's entered into the system it fucks everything up) so instead of it just being a flat, exposed number that can be accessed any way, the redundancy and extra data packaging can act like a protective barrier, where it needs to unpack the container for the information before it can interface with the information directly and it might have five or six different access point depending on what it's doing instead of just one, too
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 20:04 No. 342698
Numbers are do great *so
numbers are all made up
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 20:05 No. 342700
>>342699 God invented the integers.
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 585x427, 1510901510590.png )
i'm with kirara on this one numbers are only usable in certain domains they're not actually real
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 20:06 No. 342702
>>342701 Real numbers are real Checkmate Athiest
they're a real pain in the ass
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 20:06 No. 342704
>>342703 4U
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 20:06 No. 342705
Oh yeah Happy Thanksgiving
>>342704 yeah sure you try fitting SQRT 2 dildos up there and see how comfy it is
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 20:07 No. 342707
That's not funny, my brother died that way!
>>342696 you probably get the gist already and i'm overexplaining, but here's a couple examples you could imagine that if grocery stores had SKUs for all their products as serial numbers by the time they went to market as opposed to containing product information in the SKUs it'd be really complicated to look stuff up and organize it or if people got phone numbers starting at 1 and just kept going every time a new phone number was given out as opposed to having country and area codes on them that it would be pretty chaotic
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 20:13 No. 342709
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 453x526, 090b132e5cbddff58f200e3681b981(…).png )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 20:20 No. 342710
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Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 594x723, DOLvmpTVAAAdDgj-orig.jpg )
Youtube loads insanely slow lately, and I dunno if it's just my PC dying or youtube being shit
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 1280x720, 1510368209486.jpg )
The 20 dollar deal on Disgaea 5 switch is sold out. It was sold out last night when i checked. I guess it was more popular than expected or they didn't have a lot of stock. What a shame!
Last night I had a dream my mum wanted me to become a thief because I had no job wtf mum
I had a nerd talk with i think my cousin that was fun
Search [iqdb] (337 KB, 515x632, 1505449683754.png )
>>342713 So Australian!
Search [iqdb] (25 KB, 496x296, images-166.jpeg )
>>342714 that sounds fun what'd you talk about>>342715 I'm not even Australian I steal anime every day though
>>342716 a lot of video games and computers and stuff
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 843x691, IMG_2631.JPG )
something is very wrong here
>>342712 I heard that Target has the game on sale for 35 USD, if that's still cheap enough.
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>>342718 fuck
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>>342719 Looks like they have that price online too. I'll have to think about that.
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holidays are such a drag i should be going to some thanksgivings with extended family because they might not live another thanksgiving but that's pretty much the case every year and it's a long drive and stuff i already have so much caretaker fatigue i don't want to be around dying people anymore
Would it be better if everyone drived to you?
2017/11/23 (木) 21:34 No. 342726
Search [iqdb] (403 KB, 1920x1080, 20171123233404_1.jpg )
I love these moments when you get to be THE LAW mats might like this game
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 21:40 No. 342727
Hrrm Maybe I should skip out on Thanksgiving prep and go hang out a cafe or something.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 21:41 No. 342728
*hang out at
2017/11/23 (木) 21:48 No. 342729
Search [iqdb] (296 KB, 1920x1080, 20171123234817_1.jpg )
Nerat is creepy a hivemind in human form dominated by one personality that eats other minds to gain their experiences and even tortures them also a telepath
Sounds fun. On one hand, the fuck kind of little shit would do this. On the other, what a fucking moment of DESTINY.
2017/11/23 (木) 21:59 No. 342732
Search [iqdb] (323 KB, 1920x1080, 20171123235946_1.jpg )
And i made that thing angry at me now heh
wake me up
(Can't wake up)
save me
saw my aunt's boyfriend's son and daughter kiss and nobody even looked surprised
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:02 No. 342737
>just Florida things
>>342736 no incest was just a prank bro
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:04 No. 342739
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1280x517, IMG_6250.JPG )
My friend sent me this the other day.
>>342739 this is Good
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:05 No. 342741
I want it in higher resolution though.
the low resolution makes it better
Search [iqdb] (308 KB, 850x1050, alice1.jpg )
>>342735 How's family time going?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:07 No. 342744
>>342743 Fun fact I've not had Thanksgiving with family members outside of my immediate family Even Once Except maybe over twenty years ago Which is the only time it would've even been considered, and also the only time it could've happened that I would not remember.
>>342743 see >>342736 my grandma pronounces Quiznos as queeze nose lol
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:14 No. 342746
I just found a thirty something year old song about Fullmetal Alchemist.
>>342745 Well that's not the most absurd pronunciation at least.
>>342746 >fullmetal alchemist >thirty something years old 信じません
>>342747 she pronounces tsunami as toosami
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:16 No. 342750
>>342748 Checkmate Athiest>>>/watch?v=LpRymKh1K1E
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:19 No. 342752
What's wrong bang?
>>342750 DUNDUN DUNDUN>>342751 what happened
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:25 No. 342754
Search [iqdb] (234 KB, 300x420, It-That-Gets-Left-Hanging.png )
Come on bang Don't leave me hanging Unless I cast this
2017/11/23 (木) 22:28 No. 342755
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I fuckin' love that video
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They're really vicious creatures. You need something better than a broom if you're going to confront one.
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Could'a just let it stay in the bin It woulda left eventually, anyway
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They go through your trash and make a mess. They'll also attack and kill cats and small dogs.
>>342758 I love that the broom snaps off at the end
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:35 No. 342764
>>342762 Maybe if your cats or small dogs are wimps My neighbor's cat killed raccoons
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>>342762 This is terrible news
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:36 No. 342766
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Also bad new s This got erratad You can't choose a language your opponent doesn't know And also you have to say what language it is
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
>>342764 Raccoons are easily a match for the biggest and strongest cats. Old and small cats don't stand a chance against them. Large dogs can win against raccoons but they have the upper hand against smaller and medium sized dogs.
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 768x768, DMbLwfvUQAAgQEn-orig.jpg )
Clearly what we need is genetically engineered, REALLY BIG raccoons
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:41 No. 342769
Search [iqdb] (213 KB, 266x370, Earl-of-Squirrel.png )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:41 No. 342770
>>342768 Stop My dm has homebrew giant firebreathing raccoons in his gay ass mary sue country in his gay ass campaign setting
i hate thanksgiving this shitty hick internet is barely good enough to handle /moe/
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:42 No. 342772
I don't want to hear anymore about big raccoons
>>342768 What if we just took like 20 tigers and released them in the middle of new york
People would catch them and try to exploit them.
How many raccoons do you figure it takes to ice a tiger?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:47 No. 342776
About tree fiddy
>>342774 beautiful
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:47 No. 342778
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 22:54 No. 342779
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Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/23 (木) 23:04 No. 342781
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/23 (木) 23:04 No. 342782
welp that didn't even work thx javascript
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 1500x1500, DPVbUM0UQAEWAjr.jpg )
Why not make emoji in posts be bigger by default? Emoji are way too small, man
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finally home
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Seems like you didn't have to deal with the craziness for too long.
>>342779 Why is Lyn in the bottom panel like that? Where'd the people from the top panel go?
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I was only asked about my sex life twice and only one racist comment was made about Fish having a black father so I consider it a successful dinner
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Congrats on another successful family gathering!
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my aunt's boyfriend's son told a story about he was beating the shit out of his dog and the dog started biting him and tore the shit out of his arms my cousin apparently tortured a turkey to death with a bb gun my aunt's boyfriend was fantasizing about how he wanted a Mexican maid let's see what else happened i think that's pretty much everything it was a surprisingly chill dinner
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>>342791 That dog is the goodest boy, and most of your family needs help Like a lot of help
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>>342791 why would you share a story about beating your dog that just makes you look like a cunt >mexican maid Why would you want a mexican maid? The Japanese ones are much cuter
>>342792 well dog's dead now so
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the wrong boy died
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Why would you beat your own dog Why even have the dog if you don't even like him
because to some people, animals are toys
I can get torturing bugs and stuff. I don't approve of it but I get it since they don't emote very well But dogs are too close to humans to do that It's like killing a baby
oh my mom joked(???) about fucking her boss in front of my stepdad as in she made the joke in front of him she thinks it's ok because he'll forget it happened due to his brain problem
>>342795 yeah
going to other people's homes for TG is arevolutionary experience
>>342801 come to mine next year
i refuse to step into the jaws of white florida
half the reason this is nice is because no one has said wild shit the other half is because i can confidently tell people that I'm about to make money and that all my other industries are trash so I'm not bothered with leaving that dream and there's roti and oxtail
>>342803 what if i pay for your plane ticket and provide a room
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2017/11/23 (木) 23:41 No. 342807
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 355x317, Madoromi (28).png )
THIS FUCKING combat system why can't you prevent a ranged enemy from firing to the other side of a WALL by engaging them in melee like in ALMOST EVERY GAME? also>enemies can shoot through walls and have homing blasts while your ranged attacks get blocked by almost anything thanks paradox
>>342805 listen, i can invite you and fish. yall are cool. we'd have to bring something though. cant just have non fam show up to eat and not have stuff
lets have a moe thanksgiving
so my cousin he put hot sauce on his turkey brought hot sauce from home to put on his turkey
>>342809 im not even sure i can trust that
>>342811 this
>>342810 thats okay i mean... thats low on the eyebrow raise level i wouldnt expect it but i cant be bothered
>>342809 I'd like to give thanks to Samurai for paying those server costs
like i cant think of who i would trust with what foods. luckily spaghetti isnt a thing so we dont have to ban ton from it
i dont trust anyone with food except like moon, bang, and rika
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/23 (木) 23:48 No. 342817
You can trust my husband PAN
with a name like that i better be able to. or else id steal it from him hed have to be an anno
i can set a damn good table
i can say grace ...and also cook turkey and some candy yams and sorrel
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I'm capable of making food I just don't, usually Cause it takes time, and I could use that time to shitpost on the internet
I'm pretty good with a grill but that's not very Thanksgivingy
wow just because you have a cute grill and i dont doesnt mean you have to rub it in
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/23 (木) 23:51 No. 342824
Yes but it does mean you// No that joke isn't moe friendly
we are not going to rub kiraras grill One man to his own grill
im glad i don't work at 211 anymore if i did, someone would be calling me rn "where can i get a turkey?"
did you actually get calls like that
oh boy>those calls
>>342827 all day on Thanksgiving yeah
>>342829 wtf were they gonna kill themselves if they couldn't find a turkey?
we were an information referral line, a domestic abuse hotline, the national suicide prevention hotline, and a mental health crisis line
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Well I certainly see no reason to separate the suicide hotline, domestic abuse hotline and the uh, "I need a last minute turkey for my family dinner" hotline
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was it your job to refer information on how to find turkeys?
no, but people wanted information about everything even though we only provided referrals to social services people would ask for help with spelling sometimes
>>342834 >ask for help with spelling sometimes what words did they need help spelling?
stupid shit like amoeba
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amoeba is pretty hard to spell tbh
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that job really did suck one of the people i worked with says it's gotten even worse
I want my call center job back so old people can swear at me again
I'm going to buy a laptop soon maybe tomorrow there will be a deal on one or on Monday
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At least an apology was issued!
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>>342842 jesus f'in christ
>>342842 aaaa
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>>342843 probably only because i yelled at him earlier lol
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>>342842 what was the slavery joke>>342848 that's not even a joke there's no set up or punchline Can't even do an edgy joke right
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>>342847 >Fish, your dad is black, right? >Yes, he's from Nigeria. >Damn, I was thinking it'd be funny if he worked for one of my ancestors
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 00:20 No. 342849
>>342825 that's not what I was going to say I' was going to say he may not have to rub it in but you certainly have to rub it out.
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>>342847 Whenever white people say something offensive out of stupidity, they always call it a joke.
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2017/11/24 (金) 00:30 No. 342852
>the parchment will survive the fall >tucks parchment into enemy commander's armour >pushes her down the spire you magically teleported fuck carrier pidgeons carrier corpses are the new fad
2017/11/24 (金) 00:31 No. 342853
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Achievemtn unlocked: THIS IS TYRANNY
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>>342850 If you're gonna be a dick you really shouldn't half ass it
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TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 00:33 No. 342857
Kirara wasn't there a chart you were going to make soon
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Was there?
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>>342856 Shouldn't Ruby and Dia have a stronger connection since they're sisters?
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I think it's something other than the kind of love sisters share.
>>342857 what chart was this
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 00:39 No. 342862
I don't remember but you had like five chart ideas I'm just wanting them to be made
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How much are you going to pay him per chart?
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That's a good question!
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 00:43 No. 342865
How much do you want
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That's not how you negotiate at all! You have to start high.
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Well, in this case low. You want to start low.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 00:45 No. 342868
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How about 5 bucks
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Making charts is a lot of work. It'll take me probably 2-3 hours to make a chart, you know.
>>342848 lmao why would you invite me to this
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
Five dollars a chart could be pretty good if you can increase your efficiency, though. Maybe get a template so that you cna make charts quickly. If you can pump out 5 or 10 an hour you can make decent money.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 00:47 No. 342872
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>>342869 15
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>>342870 It would be terrible, wouldn't it?>>342872 150>>342871 It takes planning to make a good chart!
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>>342870 He likes amusing situations too.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 00:48 No. 342875
>>342873 20
2017/11/24 (金) 00:48 No. 342876
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Dis guy is easily the best follower so far he fights by throwing quills at enemies fucking PENS also he can heal
>>342874 bringing me to that would just end in me leaving so i dont know how amusing it would be id find an unfortunate 7/11 that was still open on thanksgiving and party with them instead but yeah dont take me places like that
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after you get pissed, we can trash the place and leave i think it'd be fun>>342875 hmmm 130
>>342878 are you trying to get shot?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 00:56 No. 342880
>>342878 25.
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>>342879 Nobody is going to shoot us >>342880 110
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>>342881 Famous last words right there
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where's your neutrality
Will people start lobbying and bidding for better spots on the charts?
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i hope so
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Wow you're so corrupt We'll need some competition to break your chart monopoly
>>342878 im not trying to give your grandma a heart attack and rev up your mom's race war
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 00:59 No. 342888
>>342883 this image is really strong>>342881 30.
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Oh, maybe I should punish Fishdad for that marriage stuff by inviting him to a family dinner.
ill steal your mom's sword though let her n-word it up
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a month or two ago, i explained to my mom that she can't say that word, so she was like, "can i call them negros?"
>>342889 >are you the guy sending me those emails?
>>342891 lmao what Why would you even need to mention their race at the dinner table
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 1000x1265, DLx4pjMU8AA6jVN.jpg )
we didn't have that conversation at the table that one was when there was a shooting somewhere a mile or two away from me and she asked me to stay away from those violent n-word neighborhoods>>342892 haha fuck
>>342894 I assumed she was asking in regards to the coming dinner table
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well, that's just how racist people are
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>it's episode of the religious and political debates at the christmas dinner table show Can't wait for this one
2017/11/24 (金) 01:07 No. 342898
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My boss is bloody cool looking, but as he does levivate on some kind of column of shadows in the air, why does he need a chair?
>>342898 maybe he gets tired of levitating
2017/11/24 (金) 01:09 No. 342900
I already had a chance to declare my own kingdom but I am glad I didn't man the life of a magical judge dredd is fun
this tg was fine still dont know what to talk to family about
Everyone packing up and making plates to go.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 01:13 No. 342904
Just about to sit down to dinner
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 01:15 No. 342905
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Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/24 (金) 01:16 No. 342906
>>342904 wow me too
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1131x800, 47974262_p2.jpg )
i think i'm going to buy a new clothes iron on black friday via the world wide web
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 01:18 No. 342908
go for it
🤔 wat do u gain from encouraging me to make purchases are you a corporation
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 01:19 No. 342910
just make a fucking chart GOSH
i can't just make a chart
2017/11/24 (金) 01:20 No. 342912
Search [iqdb] (324 KB, 580x851, Madoromi (21).png )
Why is ton obsessed with charts?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 01:20 No. 342913
Search [iqdb] (918 KB, 1122x1587, 4db5314d07edc02924910cef4f96a6bd.jpg )
Because Kirara just UP AND GOES "MAYBE I SHOULD MAKE A CHART OF THIS" and he NEVER DOES??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
2017/11/24 (金) 01:20 No. 342915
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the art in world map and such is damn awesome I wish the game had been more in this style
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 01:20 No. 342916
I've been listening to some fucked up shit in this podcast there are far worse things than blue balls
2017/11/24 (金) 01:20 No. 342917
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it's probably not that fucked up
2017/11/24 (金) 01:21 No. 342919
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TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 01:21 No. 342920
>>342918 ball busting is pretty horrible.>>>/watch?v=1z3at22wENo this , however, is great, I should buy this game
ball busting is pretty tame
2017/11/24 (金) 01:21 No. 342922
Search [iqdb] (537 KB, 1920x1080, 20171123014330_1.jpg )
But still>edicts I'd say stealing from Log Horizon but still havn't really seen thatk ind of magic in fantasy that often if ever Imagine if Trump had this kind of power
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 01:21 No. 342923
>>342921 but hearing people describe in detail about how they want their balls crushed is pretty horrible
why are you kinkshaming, man
maybe i should get an alexa and i'll just sit around and be like buy dicks and see what alexa wastes my money on
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 01:22 No. 342926
>>342924 Because people are weird>>342925 I read that as "go out with Alexa" and was like yo what
kyaa i wuv u 2 awexa
2017/11/24 (金) 01:23 No. 342928
Search [iqdb] (240 KB, 1920x1080, 20171123031342_1.jpg )
Also speaking of perversion an actual buff in the game
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 01:24 No. 342930
I remembered that video today it was really good thank you kirara
2017/11/24 (金) 01:24 No. 342931
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 326x337, Madoromi (46).png )
ton would love some qat with mats
is dat you obama
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 01:24 No. 342933
>>342931 what the hell is a qat
2017/11/24 (金) 01:24 No. 342935
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 301x401, Madoromi (48).png )
qat is qat
anything for you mr obama
2017/11/24 (金) 01:25 No. 342940
why not evverything?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 01:26 No. 342942
present for TN>>>/watch?v=by3-yqvJREY
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 01:27 No. 342943
i wanna love
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 01:27 No. 342944
>>342943 same
2017/11/24 (金) 01:27 No. 342946
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 220x251, Madoromi (14).png )
>>342943 why
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i'm loving
2017/11/24 (金) 01:29 No. 342948
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2017/11/24 (金) 01:29 No. 342949
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 268x532, Madoromi (26).png )
But man there are too many movies out there I wanna watch there is that finnish supahheromovie thor 3 soon sw8 new finnish war movie and so on
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2017/11/24 (金) 01:31 No. 342951
Search [iqdb] (412 KB, 1127x567, Madoromi (35).png )
I wonder about people who drive on a limo to places you are so limited to where you can drive with them in most cities.
2017/11/24 (金) 01:32 No. 342952
Search [iqdb] (123 KB, 266x331, Madoromi (5).png )
Also in estonia you can rent a limo for the day for like 30€ or shit or used to and they had a pink hummer limo
Search [iqdb] (489 KB, 566x800, 40858483_p0.jpg )
You're not really limited to where you can go in a Limo in most cities. not sure why i capitalized limo
2017/11/24 (金) 01:32 No. 342954
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 252x227, Madoromi (16).png )
>>342953 Well I guess it depends on city planning quite many cities here and in continental europe are less organised so streets are bit wonky to drive on a long and clumsy car like limo not to mention parking it anywhere
Search [iqdb] (186 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
I've heard renting a limo isn't really that much more expensive than just using a cab. I've never actually rented a limo though so I'm not sure how expensive it is.
2017/11/24 (金) 01:38 No. 342956
Search [iqdb] (142 KB, 629x457, Madoromi (50).png )
Would you rent a pink hummer limo?
>>342949 I thought you didn't like Disney SW
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2017/11/24 (金) 01:39 No. 342959
>>342957 doesn't mean I won't watch them
2017/11/24 (金) 01:39 No. 342960
Search [iqdb] (297 KB, 1600x1200, Tallinna 074.JPG )
>>342959 are you gonna give Disney money?
2017/11/24 (金) 01:41 No. 342962
Search [iqdb] (150 KB, 361x560, Madoromi (15).png )
>>342961 You can't avoid giving disney money they own everything
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/24 (金) 01:41 No. 342963
Search [iqdb] (436 KB, 391x657, cagclutch.png )
as expected of cag
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 1024x681, 20901440_1455914964504267_7127(…).jpg )
>>342962 Pirate EVERYTHING>>342965 Do they actually
2017/11/24 (金) 01:42 No. 342965
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 247x354, Madoromi (40).png )
>>342964 They own your internet
disney is owned by the department of defense lol
2017/11/24 (金) 01:43 No. 342967
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>>342964 well not yours or mine, but seriously look into it. Disney owns insane amounts of shit in the USA
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I'm going through the women's fashion black friday deals because I wanted to get Fish a present, and it's all like, "shoes. was $300. now $200"
>>342967 Good thing we aren't americucks huh>>342970 I don't think Spark is a subsidy of anyone I'll probably see SW8 in cinemas anyway with my family
2017/11/24 (金) 01:43 No. 342970
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 566x518, Madoromi (34).png )
>>342969 Though if you hav some american owned ips subsidiary disney might own it
2017/11/24 (金) 01:44 No. 342971
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 334x305, Madoromi (29).png )
>>342968 Expensive shit is always expensive even my coat was like 100-150€ eithe 50% off or 70%
i should get her this product called "Hanes Women's Ugly Christmas Sweatshirt"
2017/11/24 (金) 01:45 No. 342973
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 379x719, Madoromi (32).png )
get her a fish tank and fish
we have a fish tank but our fish died in the hurricane
2017/11/24 (金) 01:45 No. 342975
get her an indoor diving tube
2017/11/24 (金) 01:45 No. 342976
>>342974 cause power outage?
2017/11/24 (金) 01:46 No. 342978
quite quick
well we had no power for a week
2017/11/24 (金) 01:46 No. 342980
hmm yeah and most tanks aren't that big and also depends on the fish species
2017/11/24 (金) 01:46 No. 342981
I bet if you slapped some marshland fish into the tank, that would survive a hurricane or two
yeah idk fish doesn't want to replace them yet though
2017/11/24 (金) 01:47 No. 342983
Search [iqdb] (183 KB, 497x564, Madoromi (37).png )
get a bearded catfish and call it tn
>$100 bra
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shokugeki no So(…).jpg )
Clothes are often pretty expensive!
2017/11/24 (金) 01:52 No. 342986
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Needlessly if you ask me.
i can get a 14 inch hatchet for $20
2017/11/24 (金) 01:53 No. 342988
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 175x370, Madoromi (4).png )
Get one>>342989 I don't
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>>342986 If you don't like it, don't buy them.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 01:54 No. 342990
Done with dinner Dessert soon
2017/11/24 (金) 01:55 No. 342991
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 355x317, Madoromi (28).png )
Hmm while I bloody hate the loud air venting system this place has, it does allow for fast laundry drying
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 01:55 No. 342992
Inb4 the pie tastes like garbage because it was in the fridge uncovered for several hours
2017/11/24 (金) 01:55 No. 342993
Search [iqdb] (183 KB, 706x511, Madoromi (11).png )
>>342992 that can result in "tastes sticking" or just the texture getting mushy from moisture if the fridge is too warm
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 01:56 No. 342994
>>342993 That's what im worried about
2017/11/24 (金) 01:56 No. 342995
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1920x1080, mpc-hc64_2017-11-04_21-23-20.png )
I kept 100g of salt in my previous place since the fridge had an issue with moisture helped keep smells, tastes and such contained
2017/11/24 (金) 01:56 No. 342996
also my roomie stored leftovers that he never finished in there for way too long so long they walked out of the fridge and then proceeded to send us cards from pripyat yearly
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 01:59 No. 342997
i dunno
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:01 No. 342999
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 02:01 No. 343000
>>342998 eggs
2017/11/24 (金) 02:02 No. 343001
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2017/11/24 (金) 02:03 No. 343002
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>>342998 what's wrong
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:05 No. 343005
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That's the one that lets you make an OC hedgehog right?
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Yeah, the new one that has like a 50 on metacritic.
its really good kirara seriously i watched the damn thing its fucking dope
soundtrack is pretty strong too
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i mean i know you're saying that but that doesn't convince me when every single reviewer says it's absolute crap
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I should buy it for you so you can see for yourself
like what are they even complaining about it it looks like adventure 2 stuff , fast paced combat unlike the bad sonics, and the music is good and it has nice motifs the plot is silly but thats fine
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I heard it was pretty bad.
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people say that it has absolutely horrid level design, is incredibly easy, has a 5-6 hour campaign, and brings nothing new to the table compared to any previous sonic game
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:08 No. 343015
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>>343014 the things it brigs thats new is not being sonic // a bad sonic
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:08 No. 343017
>>343014 It's brings custom hedgehogs Like OC the Hedgehog Or Sonichu
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 02:08 No. 343018 long should sonic games even be
>>343018 alsothis how long was adventure 2 campaigns
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 02:09 No. 343020
its hard for me to say what good sonic level design even looks like maybe sonic is just flawed
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I think it should be similar to older sonic games or mario.
according to howlongtobeat, sonic adventure battle 2 is 10 hours for the main story and 35 hours for main+extras and 80 hours for completionist
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:09 No. 343023
For real though Everything I've heard about forces has been negative
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:10 No. 343024
>>343020 That's probably because you went through them super fast.
HAHA howlongtobeat says sonic forces has an average main story of FOUR hours and main+extras is 5 hours
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:11 No. 343026
>>343025 HAYAI
>people paid $40-50 for a 4 hour long game with bad level design
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:11 No. 343028
They're going for the deviant art crowd with this one. Cause custom hedgehogs
>>>/watch?v=PTGdyscP3lk >criticisms I heard >classic sonic physics are absolute shit and unacceptable while Mania exists >3D Sonic is very automated and lacks the drift mechanic from Unleashed and Generations >a lot of the levels consist of simply grinding rails >the enemies are easy cannon fodder that pose no threat
like alright maybe dont get it for 50 its still pretty solid what it does have maybe i should stop saying its great and just say it definitely
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 02:11 No. 343031
oh well
i'm not paying even $25 for a 4 hour long game
>>343032 fine
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:13 No. 343034
How's the multiplayer?
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My rule of thumb is that it's a good game if you get one hour of gameplay for every dollar.
>>343029 >enemies are easy cannon fodder as they should be in a sonic title
somic is about going fast enemies that take too long ruin that
>>343036 >>>/watch?v=ffhazsPkbq4 I agree but this is ridiculous In my opinion enemies in a sonic game should aid momentum by adding something to bounce off but still pose some sort of risk. Adventure had enemies that could still hurt you without being a complete breeze Also this is subjective but I don't think the music in Forces is good which is a shame because even games like 06 have great music Really if Mania didn't come out in the same year people would have just given forces an okay/10 But frankly when you compare Forces Classic Sonic with how smooth and momentum aided Mania is, it's unacceptable.>>343040 Sonic is a good idea, it's just that Sonic Team is incompetent. The genesis games are fun and Adventure 1 sonic is fun too.>>343042 Well that's good I'm glad you got something out of it I'll admit I like the song that plays when you double boost. In facf I'd say I actually really like Sonics dialogue in Forces too
>>343035 i'll even say $2 for every hour is good
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Sonic specifically may just be a badle designed game. Is going fast really a fun mechanic? Can you build a game around that?
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They've done it before. Sonic Adventure Battle 2 is an amazing game. Of course, there's more to it than going fast. Every sonic game where you just go fast sucks.
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>>343038 im really liking the forces music personally
the only two switch games on amazon's black friday sale are telltale batman and sonic forces just to put into reference how bad sonic forces must be selling
>>343041 It's not just "going fast" it's earning speed and using it. Like genesis sonic is fun because you can use speed to do things like run up a ramp and access otherwise unreachable parts of levels. Adventure does the same thing where you can abuse the spin dash to create shortcuts. It's appeal is in utilising speed and momentum instead of just holding a boost button. Even in Unleashed it's fun because you're challenged to keep up speed by avoiding obstacles.>>343045 It's okay to have opinions I don't like
I need to stop having opinions
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>>343044 that's sort of what i mean look at that video of sonic forces for example you just go fast that's it sonic literally just moves through enemies, he doesn't even have to attack them or avoid them
damn it /moe/ there are things i want to do tomorrow besides do stuff
>>343046 yeah there's no thought involved or skill Look at Sonic Utopia that's a neat fangame>>>/watch?v=WbMwFrdGMrk look at how much better the physics are here, how much more verticality there is in the level design>>343049 give me another hot opinion
>>343044 no it's just this happens every time I try to push an opinion
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>>343048 Yeah, it's crazy how empty the Sonic Forces one is. You just go forward without stopping.
>>343050 yeah there's nothing to explore You don't use your own momentum on loopdeloops either they just stick boost pads in
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Yeah, it's not appealing at all.
remember that Sonic ova? I liked it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:32 No. 343054
>>343049 You like Etrian Odyssey right?
>>343054 yeah for blue
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:32 No. 343056
>>343055 Those games are good
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1080x1920, 1510550423045.png )
Disgaea 5 switch for 20 dollars sold out like wednesday night. well I should say that they were sold out on wednesday night when i checked. They sold out at some poine before that. I'm not going to best buy tomorrow to try to buy it in person.
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 555x652, 0e48e8eecf7058604b8f801380d9880d.jpg )
Yep, eo games are pretty fun once you get into it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:33 No. 343059
The Persona 5 dub however is not. Some of your opinions are disagreeable to other /moe/s, but not all of them.
I like scribbling on the EO maps
Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 532x376, 879b720df215beb50eaf395530b8369d.jpg )
The persona 5 dub is a strong dub. It is better than other dubs.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:33 No. 343062
>>343061 Krill yourself
Search [iqdb] (155 KB, 768x1080, DNDVHT8VAAEvnPS.jpg )
Maybe I'll get Mario + Rabbids. Unlike Sonic Forces, it has really super high reviews.
>>343062 In what way is persona 5's dub bad
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:34 No. 343065
>>343063 Mario X-Com?
yeah that one
>>343063 but rabbids are cancer
Persona 5 has a decent dub But it doesn't have Char
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>>343063 I've been thinking about getting that, too. It kind of looks like it falls in the 2 dollars for 1 hour of gameplay range.
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>>343069 It looks like the average length is 20-30 hours of gameplay.
buy sonic and the phantom thieves dlc
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:37 No. 343072
>>343071 I forgot about that.
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>>343070 Yeah, and it costs 60 bucks. That's borderline for me.
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>>343073 I might wait for it to go on sale. I'm kind of itching for a new game.
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>>343076 I'd also like a new game to play over my time off.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:39 No. 343078
Is senran kagura switch out yet?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:39 No. 343079
Also Maria Do you like Aqua Teen Hunger Force?
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 1447x1915, DMVySjSVwAI86et.jpg )
No, it got announced like three days ago.>>343077 I'm excited for Monster Hunter Worlds but it doesn't come out until the end of January.
>>343079 heard of it never seen it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:40 No. 343082
>>343081 It is quite possibly the greatest western cartoon of the 2000's.
>>343082 how so
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:42 No. 343084
>>343083 The Dickesode
I already have so many games but I want Nier anyway
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:44 No. 343086
>Carl and the Aqua Teens partake in a restaurant's promotion called "Rip-n-Win," which consists of ripping the bottom of fountain drink cups for a prize. While Shake and Meatwad both get a coupon for Wasabi Fries, Carl's prize reads "Tonight, You will get your dick ripped off.”
>>343086 does it get ripped off
Search [iqdb] (237 KB, 576x864, 1399856725023.png )
>>343080 That looks good. I'll probably also try Bless Online even though it's a korean MMO and it's going to suck.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:45 No. 343089
>>343087 Maybe You might need to watch it to find out I suggest watching the censored version though
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 638x703, 1505517730937.jpg )
Aqua Teen Hunger force is a post-ironic shitposting cartoon. That's really all you need to know to understand it.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:46 No. 343091
>>343090 *Pre post-ironic shitposting cartoon
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>>343088 Why do you want to try out Bless Online?
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Because thanks for net-juu I have a MMO itch and nothing to cure it with!
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Is Bless Online even out? My friend was telling me I should play Black Desert.
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
No, it's next in line. You know how it is, every new MMO that comes out sucks so everyone pins their hopes on the next one to come out.
>>343090 wow that's my jam
Search [iqdb] (615 KB, 1000x1200, 64047933_p0.jpg )
Yeah, I guess that is how it goes.
What mmos were good
none of them
real life
jks rl was shit
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>343098 honestly what is good at all i just spend all my time in the dark in the bathroom because nothing is fun and there's no point to life
>>343103 why the bathroom and not any other room
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 655x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
>>343104 The bathroom is the smallest room I have. My closet is walk-in, you know.
>>343103 i like talking to people and physical exercise
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My closet is a walk-in, too, but it's smaller than my bathroom.
my closet is full
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My bathroom is segmented, so it's technically three small rooms.
i should finish my nep game so i can shamelessly buy the new one
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 02:52 No. 343111
>>343103 oh i didnt post this i was somehow worried that i posted this without realizing
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>>343109 wow must be nice to be RICH
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This is good
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>>343112 If you want to give someone a hard time for being rich, you have a much better target close to you.
rika you are literally killing african babies
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 02:53 No. 343116
>>343112 three bathrooms three proms its all adding up
that makes SIX
quick maths
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 564x663, dora.jpg )
You guys are really hung up on the proms. It isn't that big a deal.
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 02:55 No. 343120
Everyday Rika on the block nipah
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when the thing went prom, prom, prom you men was dating>>343114 I can't bully my girlfriend tonight, she's super on my case already.
what 's the deal with rika's proms is it because proms are for normies and if you go to three of them it makes you a triple normie?
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 02:55 No. 343123
>>343119 its not that big a deal no
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:56 No. 343124
>>343122 Yes
did yall nipahs NOT go to prom?
>>343122 rika denies her normie status>>343125 I went with no date and it was boring
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:56 No. 343127
>>343125 They changed the date of my prom and it conflicted with the big anime convention I'm still not convinced that it was a coincidence
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 02:56 No. 343128
>>343125 rika went to prom for me
>>343128 and me
>>343126 rookie you should've went with your loud, obnoxious popular guy friends who are good at dancing
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 02:57 No. 343131
shes the equilibrium
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Even weirdos go to prom, it's not a normie thing.
>>343127 a schoolwide conspiracy to keep all the weebs out of prom
I didnt go to prom
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 02:57 No. 343135
its true the goth limo photos were legit
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:57 No. 343136
>>343133 Yeah, basically
>>343130 Yeah all those popular friends I had
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:58 No. 343138
Pretty much every one who took Japanese went to the con every year.
every school dance i went to, i ditched my non-dancing date to go have fun with my guy friends no joke different girl every time too (to emphasize the fact that girls don't like dancing)
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 02:58 No. 343140
i went to greece and italy instead of prom although i could have went to both but i also really didnt have the chest to invite anyone to prom
>>343137 yeah, all those friends you had
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 02:59 No. 343142
Am I the only /moe/ who's never been to a foreign country?
what a coincidence i have also never left the us
i wish i never left the us third world shithole vietnam was never a good idea
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
I've been a bunch of places in Europe.
>>343141 i did have friends they just weren't popular
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:00 No. 343147
>>343145 We know this ojou-sama.
I'm waiting until I find a good life partner, before I go travelling the world I can't imagine why anybody would want to do that stuff alone
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 03:01 No. 343149
a partner carrying an extra pair of keys so you dont lock yourself out of the hotel room
>>343148 yeah haha ha haaaahh
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>>343151 does that sentence have a comma
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:02 No. 343153
>>343149 Have you tried just keeping your keys with you at all times when outside the hotel room?
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 03:03 No. 343154
breaking a window? no not yet
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 942x717, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>343152 No. It says we can't all be neurotypical karen.
>>343153 I always try that but it doesn't work because I end up NOT having my keys outside my hotel room at some point
>>343155 who is beurotypical karen
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rip my bmi
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>>343157 Karen is a person who's defining characteristic is being neurotypical. Kind of like Chad and Stacy.
>>343158 bmi my rip
>>343159 whose
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 03:04 No. 343162
>>343161 wow rude
>>343159 leave chad and stacy alone
>>343162 you'res was the correct answer
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>>343161 Karen.
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 03:04 No. 343166
>>343164 dont call yuu a whose
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:04 No. 343167
wow syberia is on the switch for some reason
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 03:05 No. 343171
yallnt got no HOME TRAINING
I bought a moderately somewhat decent soundbar for 30 dollars definitely worth 30 dollars, if there's nothing else positive I can say about this item d
d search how do i know if i'm having a stroke
can't wait until the next 10 years pass so i can finally dress like a middle aged man
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My Amazon recommendations are like, textbooks, potassium iodide pills, gas masks, manga, video games, cookware, and women's clothing
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:11 No. 343176
Mine are mostly math physics and cs textbooks
>sourcing your potassium iodide pills from amazon what are you doing
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 747x1000, 1511489255303.jpg )
mine is weeb games and shoes.
amazon wants me to buy chrono trigger
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:13 No. 343180
The DS port is good
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I can't find a game for the Switch that I feel like playing right now. Maybe I'll get Xenoblade Chronicles 2.>>343183 epic maymay my friend! 10/10 meme points
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:15 No. 343182
It has no gaems
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:15 No. 343183
Oh wait Bomberman
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:15 No. 343184
>>343181 It's a fucking new console, of course the selection is small right now
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>>343181 I've never played one of those games, but I'm going to get that one. People excited for it and the art looks good.
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>>343184 if it's so small, why are there so many games available for it? you don't know what you're talking about man>>343185 yeah it does look really good comes out in like a week
you can play the new nba2k game on the switch
>>343183 fuck yes
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 688x657, d1cdb233f0729f26a7ceb0ba5f6b1bd5.jpg )
finish dark souls 3
1. i did 2. i'm not playing it again
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:19 No. 343191
>>343186 Not a big list
>>343190 the dlc
I'm boycotting From until I see AC6 footage
>>343192 not worth my time>>343191 more than 100 games is a very sizable list for a console that has been out for a few months "no games" is a meme which is why i gave it 10/10 meme points
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:20 No. 343196
>>343194 You should get Doom.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:21 No. 343197
Or the 2hu thing
i'd probably get doom for the ps4 for the better graphics if i was gonna get doom
>>343194 name 100
Search [iqdb] (308 KB, 1654x2300, b6acbe2375a570bf4e01e217b459a1b6.jpg )
i dont think kirara will ever play a 2hu related game
i have in fact played a 2hu related game before
>>343201 gasp
you and i played it at the same time dude
>>343203 my brain is sizzling uhhhhhh wait wait eait what was it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:22 No. 343205
>>343198 If you want better graphics, get it on PC.
i can't afford a PC that can play doom with graphics
>>343204 pokeman
>>343207 oh, so it was that? huh how long ago was this
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:23 No. 343209
Shantae Half Genie hero is on switch
Switch : will have SMTV Other systems : won't nintendoes what they don't
>>343208 probably like 3 years ago
actually maybe 4 years ago
touhouvania 2 with sawashiro is dope
>>343210 >>343210 >>343210
that yoshi game for switch looks chill as fuck
why is skyrim on the switch
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:26 No. 343218
>>343217 Todd Howard Also Cause people will buy it.
but why
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:26 No. 343221
>>343220 Todd
but why though
nobody knows why todd is he just is
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:26 No. 343225
>I am Skyrim on all levels except physical
buy it
skyrim for the nintendo gameboh
i should buy telltale's minecraft: story mode
might just have to buy skyrim for the nintendo nintendo nintendo switch tbh
>>343228 correct *check emoji*
man i need internet before kirara streams life is strange again
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:28 No. 343232
For real though Get Shantae
>>343228 if you unironically like telltale games i highly recommend their borderlands thing
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:28 No. 343234
>>343233 Psycho nauts is so good Sequel never
wow switch is getting Payday 2
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:28 No. 343236
For what purpose
i hear world of warcraft is getting a switch port
t. sugoi
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:29 No. 343239
You know what I want to get a switch port StarCraft Ghost
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:29 No. 343240
I was so hyped for that game ;_;
at this point has starcraft actually become a ghost
>Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn for the Switch
i hear owning a nintendo switch gives you access to the fountain of youth and an endless supplies of gold bricks
>>343240 technically it wasn't cancelled
>>343243 t. squid
we should sign a petition and get squid unbanned from granblue
Bubsy: a pawsome adventure Exclusive to the Nintendo Switch
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:31 No. 343248
Wait no Duke Nukem 3D for Switch
Mother 3 for the switch
Smt x Fire Emblem exclusive to the bait and switch
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metal gear switch
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I'd play that.
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They should re-release the older games and drop Survive
The Switcher 3
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what are they even thinking with survive
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>We're nothing with Kojima, so we need to ruin his legacy.
>rumors of Skate 4 being released as a switch exclusive
Koi...- - -... 2017/11/24 (金) 03:40 No. 343259
i just want to become a squid kid i dont really want ro play a shooter i just wanna dress one up
Dressing up in the game is a lot of fun. Being stylish is 10/10 gameplay.
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Does splatoon even have a lot of customization?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:51 No. 343262
>>343261 Yes You can even dress up like Ika Musume.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:52 No. 343263
Our thermostat is set to 69° Although it feels much colder in the basement.
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i'm trying to take it easy but i can't because my gf keeps telling me to relax
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i spent my whole thanksgiving playing animal crossing and couldn't be happier fuck yall
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:55 No. 343266
Fuck you too
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shit i didn't even think about that fuck yall is more like "fuck, ya'll" like "fuck, ya'll this music is great" it's a weird south thing i guess
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yeah, i thought you meant it in a "fuck, man" kind of way
>>343261 A fair amount in both mechanics and aesthetics. For your base character, you're kind of limited to a few skin colours, eye colours, hair styles, and pants/skirts. But you can purchase from hundreds of clothing articles for your hat, shirt, and shoes to customize your look. Each of these clothing articles come with a random selection of passive skills which will alter your gameplay. In the early parts of playing, you'll be stuck to whatever the roulette gives you, and stuck to clothes with less than max skill slots, but playing around the various game modes will give you the stuff you need to re-roll skills and unlock the restricted slots on items, so essentially you'd be able to dress however you want and still get the skills you want. Weapons are a little more restrictive; there isn't much customization involved. But they've got a wide variety of base weapons that each have variants that have different speed of fire, or ink usage, or various other variables. The different variants will also change out the sub-weapon and special skill that you get alongside the weapon, so you can shop around until you find the combo you feel the most comfortable with. The game also doesn't really punish you for only using a single weapon, nor does it do so for trying out all sorts of weapons, so you can play however suits your feel.
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i like the south sometimes it's kinda fun
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 03:59 No. 343271
I guess The anti abortion billboards with literal lies on them get old pretty fast though
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huh what's that got to do with the south
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:00 No. 343273
They have more of those in the south than in the north.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:01 No. 343274
Also I have only seen "Go to church or the devil will get you!" billboards in Alabama.
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man do you ever think you're maybe being rude in dismissing like 98% of a culture to bring up a negative point about billboards that sometimes have real estate there is there anything i can enjoy about my life you won't bitch about
I want southeren food
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:02 No. 343278
I like the south too But those are things there that I don't miss
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Do you at least like hominy oatmeal or grits
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:03 No. 343280
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:03 No. 343281
I like barbeque though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:04 No. 343282
And guns
amazon over here trying to sell me a skateboard that costs more than a month's rent
>>343283 is it like a rocket skateboard or something
>>343283 wow why would you need a skateboard that costs 40 dollars shit this was a dumb joke
Why would you need rent when you have a skateboard
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:05 No. 343287
Does it fly?
it's an electric skateboard that can reach 22mph
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>>343269 I was thinking about getting that, too. How many hours do you think it's good for before it gets boring?
>>343286 why would you rent a skateboard
>>343288 worth
>>343289 If you're not big on multiplayer, the single player campaign is probably only six to eight hours of gameplay, and that's probably pushing the completionist time frame. As for the multiplayer, man, it's hard to speak for you. Each game is short, running maybe five minutes long. But between ranked and unranked there's a variety of game modes involved so there's an assortment of flavours there, and the stages are pretty unique, so it doesn't feel like you're playing the same map with different textures. If you feel like you'd enjoy an arcade-y shooter (it's always in third-person, mind you) that you can plug in an hour or two every now and then, and think you could do that for whatever time period or entertainment value satisfies your investment, then it's probably a good pick up. The game's been doing well in terms of public pickup and regular play too, so Nintendo is likely to continue providing new content like maps, weapons, and clothing articles, for at least another year and change.
>>343290 For when it's too sick to handle for more than a few days
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:06 No. 343294
>>343288 I could make you one for cheaper.
you have to hold a remote control when you use it too
bring back roller blades
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:06 No. 343297
I know someone who has what is basically a skateboard But with one giant wheel
>>343296 they never went anywhere??
>>343298 >>343298 >>343298 this
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:07 No. 343301
>>343298 If they don't go anywhere, they're not a very gode mode of transportation.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:07 No. 343302
amazon over here trying to sell me a $60 keyboard waffle iron
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:08 No. 343304
>>343303 Does it have a numpad?
>>343298 they went to my garage and I'm too lazy to go get them
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:08 No. 343307
>>343305 Absolute trash, do not buy
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:09 No. 343309
Yeah, I've seen it before. Its sort of cool but not really worth it.
amazon over here tryna sell me a $150 bluetooth speaker shaped like the death star that levitates over a platform
amazon over here tryna sell me a will to live but it costs way more than i can afford
Amazon over here tryna not really sell me anything because Black Friday deals are TOTAL GARBAGE up here.
tfw no deals on camera lenses
>Hanukkah Dreidel Glossy Blue Metallic Fidget Spinner i'm just going to kill myself d
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:15 No. 343316
My mom got rid of most our dreidels I was really irritated about that.
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maybe i'll buy a cordless circular saw and use it for legal and normal purposes
or a gallon of elmers glue for $11
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:19 No. 343320
They sell pez in like 20lb packages
i should get a 20lb package of pez for someone i hate someday
wait my mom's birthday is soon hmm
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:20 No. 343323
Dude What Pez is great
i mean it's alright but like 20lb? what a horrid gift
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:21 No. 343325
I live within ten miles of a candy factory that sels their stuff by the pound in a little shop. It's where they make lemonheads and atomic fireballs.
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>>343292 If the multiplayer is fune, I may try it then.
maybe i'll buy a sewing machine
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:23 No. 343329
I used to want one Well I still want one but don't currently have a space set up to use it. And I have bigger priorities.
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i'm going to get a bunch of money soon so i feel like making a really irresponsible purchase
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>>343328 You're going to learn to sew?
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>>343331 I can already sew.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:25 No. 343333
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:25 No. 343335
>>343334 Y
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>>343332 I'm surprised you know how to use a sewing machine though. Most people that know how to sew can't use the machines.
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>>343336 I have a little experience with the machines. I don't know why you're surprised! I'm house husbando material, you know!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:26 No. 343338
I haven't used a sewing machine in a really long time I do a pretty good job sewing by hand though. Not that I ever do anything more complicated than repairs. I even have a little sewing kit I carry in my backpack.
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>>343337 I'm just surprised! It's a relatively high level skill.
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>>343339 → >>343339 → TRANS AM RAISER THREAD