I think that may be all. Kinda seems like some things didnt' air this week.
We still haven't gotten a new Fate/Apocrypha episode. There is some random no-name group that's subbed the latest but I dunno. And there hasn't been a new Umaru episode subbed yet, though it should have aired.
You also haven't included Love Live in your list, which is out.
--that involve girls from different grades. So much of the interaction is within the third-years, or second-years, or first-years. The only one that really comes to mind was the episode with Riko and Yohane.
what tine' time
Well that was anticlimatic.
They just barge in and sit themselves at the tables huh.
anime Ruby is supposedly really lobotimized compared to her source counterpart.
I think they've had a bit more time to develop her character with the second season. That comic's been floating around since season one, after all. She hasn't actually done her "ganba-rubi" this season at all I think.
If anything she's hardly the most flanderized of the first years. That place is firmly held by Hanazura.
I like how they do the ED for this season. Those final last few lines of lyrics are sung by whoever's solo on screen right at the end. 'Course this time it was Ruby and Dia alternating since they were both on.
>look at this big peaches >next frame is a picture of her breasts
I'd dig into her peaches if you noamsayin.
Hah hah my cat loves doing that if you're laying down. Gets on top of your belly or on your thighs and relishes in your heat.
this teacher is even worse than the bullies
She's the adult, she's the one that should be the most mature and reasonable.
Hina's in middle school too, so it's not like she's a "young adult" high school student. She's a kid, and these teachers should be treating her better.
On one hand he's kinda been thrust into some heavier stuff than people his age are expected to deal with. On the other it's not really his business.
So it's kinda weird.
I don't know if that's really entirely accurate. The sisters have pretty thoroughly adopted him in all ways except legally. He relies on them as an emotional crutch for a lot of things; it's only fair and respectful for them to be able to do the same with him when things are rough.
Yeah, but if you think about it from the school side of things he doesn't really have any authority to help. In the context of the student parent meeting like they were talking about.
Oh yeah, that's reasonable. I don't know how much worth he would be going up against actual parents and legal guardians.
I have a habit of the "tch"-ing and tapping stuff a lot when I'm irritated too. This guy seems to just do it whenever though.
If he plays fast and aggressive, he may be like that to make his opponent feel pressured to play the same. People who stay calm and think would probably be the types of players that give him trouble.
Yeah, I was thinking that too. But at the same time, with the stomping he was doing even before the game started, it kind of feels like he's just like this naturally. And it happens to compliment his style really well. Or he chose that style because it compliments his attitude.
Poor Kiriyama.
Hah hah hah. When Kiriyama remarked on Hachi thinking the world revolves around him, I was thinking it was a bit of pot calling the kettle black.
>>347420 hurry it up, I have work tomorrow! okay let's start!
oh no
lucky i prepared
or maybe i just downloaded everything because i was confused what we were watching
Well you're in luck since everything there is good. Even Two Car, the weakest of them all, isn't bad in the slightest. Good shows air over the weekend this season.
>When the villain is pre-occupied in a monologue so you just smash his shit anyway.
bang wants death
Hi Bang Imouto in twenty-one minutes.
homie don't play that
Holy shit son.
sorcerers are like gangsters or something in this universe
This episode has been really dark, in terms of lighting.
Yeah I was thinking that too. The passive lighting just hasn't been there.
the secret last boss is just using him as a puppet !!!
Crazy immortals are really fun. If you think about it, living so long, experiencing so many memories over a lifespan that far outlives any mortal man. That sort of thing must have a strong effect on someone's psyche.
Also Chise's already made friends with the other girl. What a good person.
>>347457 that's what made felix from baccano so crazy, and cartaphilus was cursed by jesus so he's way older!
Yeah. There's an ongoing manga called Fire Punch about a bunch of immortal-like people. And some of them are that sort of crazy, having lived so many lifespans they can't even remember what it's like to have normal people memories. It's a fun plot device. I'd want to use it at some point.
my little sister can't be this boy this is the pointless drama episode right? >>347464 well last i remember fuccboi confessed that he liked myuu so this should be good
I think we're missing bang. okay there he is okay let's start!
I'unno I haven't seen it yet.
I think we've also hit past the point where I read up in the Mahoutsukai no Yome manga. The black dog arc was the last bit I read. So that'll be fresh for me too next week.
Yeah, I want one that's designed like that too. Just a little less feminine. I tried looking for a good cheap-ish one over this weekend on Amazon but there wasn't any worth the price.
i don't like to put cases on my devices
Miyako is gonna reject him and he's gonna find out she like siscon-kun and siscon-kun is going to hate non-imoutos even more, forever sealing nayu's fate
>>347493 My case doesn't really bother me much, although it does kinda make the phone borderline too big for one hand. Still, I've dropped it a bunch of times already and it's fine.
i just don't drop my shit
I'm not so fortunate.
miyako's going to be trolled by texts
i've actually dropped my phone on concrete twice and tile three or four times and it only has chips in the plastic on the outside of the casing
this is already going bad i can tell
Itsuki is such a brat. He's kind of endearing for it though.
MC's little sister autism is too strong to be beaten probably. nobody will get with anyone in this show.
>>347562 Yeah it was really one of those surprises of season. I went in expecting a kind of simple LN adaptation and got some really cathartic depressing emotions.
+1 love interest
that end card game sounds fun moe could totally play it too
>>347565 No one will get with anyone because anime MC and Nayu are probably totally compatible the point of this episode was partially that myaa and haruto could potentially be compatible too, but they won't be because she likes itsuki
>>347570 He has better compatibility with Myaa, but Myaa is too beta to even go for it.
>>347571 this show had a lot of good surprises not like the lame one in blend s
you think so? i don't i think part of what makes nayu and him compatible is that he needs someone to push him because he wouldn't do something otherwise just like riding on the thrill ride that was actually a big deal and really important part of the reason they aren't compatible is because she isn't going to force things
>>347574 Myaa is level headed and supportive. People like him need level headed partners.
>>347575 level-headed and supportive won't get his novels written, he has to be forced into things that's a big part of his character
>>347571 I wonder how many people never made it past that absurd scene. I feel a lot of people might've just Alt+F4'd after they started drinking imouto breast milk and eating fresh pantsu.
>>347577 if you can't wait five minutes to see if a show is good or not you need to take your ritalin tbh