Thread #18378
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trickster idol jigen LWA gabby
Annie May
Rika if Kirara doesn't show up too late and is good for it, want to watch one or two of the last episodes of Long Riders?
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I'm short on time tonight so we'll see. Let's trickster! okay let's start!
Okey dokes. Ready.
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>beg to die the whole series >start whining after getting shot once
Wheelchair-kun has it easy. They all have to climb the stairs and he just rappels up it.
i wanna die nvm
They've got someone that can destroy matter just by walking into it. Why do they need to shoot the door.
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All they need to do to save him is make him want to die again.
>It's not unusual for a mentally unstable child to develop special abilities What.
He skims the woman but shoots properly the rest of them.
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He wants to die again. He's saved!
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okay idol jihen okay let's start!
Oh they did away with the silly episode opening bit.
Oh she already won him over.
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wow she made an actual arrest.
This guy is just shittalking the mothers. Shouldn't he be a little more polite if he wants people to vote for him
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wait The children took them hostage? How does that happen?
bam refuted
What is this, Home Alone.
why am i watching this the episode
Geez what is that swelling.
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>>18412 At least it's not bongou stray dogs.
That was a more entertaining show than this.
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you'd have to have problems if you think stray dogs is worse than this
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These are the worst cops ever.>lost to middle schoolers >then lost to bees >>18416 At least this show isn't excessively edgy for no reason.
Rika haet edgy
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I sure do. I hate bad storytelling too. Let's move on to LWA! okay let's start!
Idol Jihen isn't really good storytelling either.
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>>18421 It's fine if they don't try. Some of the stupid stuff in Bongou made me mad.
It's pretty easy to make you mad though.
Yeah but I like getting angry.
Constance is a good witch.
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wow that girl is being a snob even though she had her butt saved a few episodes ago.
Oh that's pretty taihen.
She's being pretty bitchy this episode. What she was talking about with Akko getting too much for her friends kind of already happened in the second OVA anyway.
Hah hah hah Constance. Best uitchi
Oh so McGonnagal isn't the headmistress. I assumed she was.
Constance is apparently voiced by the seiyuu who did Ram from Re:Zero. But she's got like no lines so it's impossible to tell.
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I guess he has something to do with their magic issue.
He collected the stone because they defaulted on the debt. Oh yeah there they just explained it. After he started talking about them owing them money I figured that was the reason.
He's being kind of Scroogey but these old witches are being pretty pathetic.
I guess he's a dragon though so him being a Scrooge actually makes perfect sense.
Diana is kind of a Mary Sue and she's not even the main character.
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I guess it's her turn to save the school.
I don't really like how Diana always wins though. Sure she needs saving every now and then but she ends up on the good side of things at the end of it all.
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okay time to get comfy with gabby okay let's start!
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She's going to be crushed.
Oh she's shown up. I thought she showed up in the second school year. Apparently she's an even bigger baka than Satanichia.
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That's going to be me tomorrow. I'm going to be tired for staying up all night.
Not going to get any sleep after this.
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I have to go in early.
What suffering you endure.
She could easily pass for Gabriel's sister.
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baka fight!
This might be the most fallen of all the angels actually.
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Silver hair is pretty bad.
She's masochistic but Satanichia aside seems to avoid causing any actual harm. This one is a crazy pervert.
Satanichia has a good point really.
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They probably gave this baka an episode because they won't make it to the point where she's introduced formally.
Yeah probably. Which is a shame. Maybe this might get a second season, it's doing pretty well sales-wise. But Dogakobo hasn't done second seasons of stuff in a while.
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I like this a lot so a second season would be great,
I mean sure it's cute to give her the blanket but WHY DO YOU SLEEP ON THE FLOOR. Sleeping on wooden floors is suffering. She even has a perfectly good bed.
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I dont relaly like the new baka feels like too much with satania
Yeah but Satania's you. Doesn't it feel good that there's bigger bakas out there than you?
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Sleeping on the floor can be comfy if it's warm. I believe they're in winter uniforms though so that's probably noit the case.
It hurts my body to sleep on a floor. My lower back gets sore if I sleep on my back, my shoulder gets stiff if I sleep on my side, and my ribs hurt if I sleep on my stomach. I need a decent bit of cushioning when I sleep.
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well thanks for anime! I'm going to nap for a few minutes and then go suffer.