thanks i'm disappointed that things were bad that i had to get in that situation in the first place i'm happy to be back
Well read but same difference
Hows that work of yours going?
which one
I guess the transcript stuff
the hours and deadlines can make it stressful i'm doing usually about 60 hours of work a week though some weeks are dry and i might get like 10 hours of work, but that's mostly around the fiscal quarter starts i'm making pretty good cash with this contract. with another year of experience i can start applying for some bigger contracts and upping my workload, but they'll be more strict but pay better i get away with turning in projects late now and again as it is
and right now i'm a valuable asset to this company, so ive got decent security considering it's not an employed job, but contract work it's always nice to be in a company where you feel appreciated
the downside is i'm a lot more anxious and have some difficulties with things but no change is net positive, i believe it'll take some time before everything's all good and well, but thanks!
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
smoke some dank hops
>>21100 i've got valerian root with hops and lemon balm and something else i'd take some but i have to be up at like six for work
inject kava
i dont need nuffin just a lot of milk
They call me the milk maid
is it because you're always lactating
Only when I'm in heat
got my 5-kyuu time to whoop some more nippon ass at tiles
>>21123 I went to that information session to see if I'd be able to study in Knoxville next year. I'm eligible if I'm able to get my GPA up a bit and gather together the money.
>>21157 I'm not sure how long I was asleep. It wasn't very long! I snapped awake after a second but I think I was asleep because I had the "I've been asleep" taste in my mouth.
Tastes kinda like you need to brush your teeth a little bit. I also had that little film on my front teeth that happens when I sleep. So I think I was asleep for a least a minute.
A top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee has filed a "resolution of inquiry" into President Donald J. Trump. It can be considered a step toward the impeachment process because of the information sought in this case. The last time a resolution of inquiry was considered on the House floor was in 1995, against then-President Bill Clinton related to financial aid for Mexico.
>>21373 i have a receipt from gamestop saying i preordered it and paid in full last year i just forgot to pick it up >>21375 i played the alpha and beta demo
did you play the demos? they were all really good the last one was a lot easier though
and the superscript operator too man the spoiler code is so freaking complex i wonder if I can understand what i wrote anymore
i just want the most creative potential for shitposting
you're hindering my ART
nigga your crazy we can't afford an xbox
stamper is god
>>21383 oh god is that a thing oh no i'm now thinking of all the programmers that this might happen to all of them that sounds awful, forgetting the method to something you've done before like cooking an amazing stir fry and then forgetting how you cooked it this is a pain i understand
i used to play this shit on repeat when i would dota back in the day
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>21405 there are literally world-class dick doctors people that do dick transplants
yeah but who the hell decides to do that i want to interview these people ask them what happened in their life that led to them being dick doctors
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
mostly soldiers that lost their dicks in war oh the doctor
yeah that's a good question
how the fuck does it feel to sew another man's cock onto a dude and have it work? that's some crazy shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
how does it feel to fuck your girl with another guy's dick
so many questions so few answers we need to find these people and tell their story
do you think you would be okay with your dick fucking an ugly chick?
does that mean a bomb has gone off and someone's dick has gone flying
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
are you a cuck if you fuck a girl with another guy's dick
or are you cucking the guy who donated the dick by fucking a girl with his dick his dick is penetrating a woman and he isn't even getting the pleasure, you are you're >>21417
you're dickucking him
but you'll always feel a little bit like you're a different person because it's not your dick anymore
man, Barst is really freakin useful brave axe reposition is huge knock back
My drag back armor lance waifu is getting stronger
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>21452 i still haven't gotten a drag back, i'm jelly or an armor for that matter i want to deshell ika's lobster
they're mobility can be a problem on some maps and they die really easily to mages but they're pretty nice to have around my two armor knights have skills that buff other armored allies so I'm gonna put them on a team together big meaty team
my robin currently melts most healers and archers with some kind of edgy crow storm attack
and i have two (count em) TWO fucking dragons on the front line breathing fire and lightning and shit
and some prissy bitch sitting on a horse that cant do anything but heal and move fast
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
between marth's sword and linde i fear no dragon but camile scares the crap out of me i need to train a flying unit stilllll
Remember when the hottest meme on 4chan was linking a video with open annotations so anyone could add shit And it just devolved into 500 screen covering colored blocks with DICKS written on them
Takumi is kind of a little shit the whole way through, but he's less of a little shit later on. He's also pretty good because his unique bow is ridiculous.
>>21492 im playing conquest he's a total faggot sneak attacks little girls
more abilities would be nice you can check what abilities your enemies have so it might not complicate things too much it'd be nice if i didn't have a bunch of characters that give +3 res to everyone around them >Poll: Majority of travel ban supporters say fake ‘Bowling Green massacre’ justifies executive order >>21706 sounds like you woke up turtley late >>21707 ;_;
>>21707 To be fair random, unstructured emails are a nightmare to look through. Rendering shimmering fantasy worlds of your dreams is pretty easy because you're telling it what to do.
And Trump is headed back to Florida to his winter home for the weekend. Again. Because the president doesn't work on weekends.
Meanwhile the local airport that he's flying into his being so overburdened by it that it is costing them $200,000 each time the president flies in, and nobody reimburses them, and they may be forced to close in a year if these trips continue.
>>21757 He is super impressive though, this is how you learn a language, just find some project and keep at it. The more you do, the better you get. Although, I hope he practises production too in english.
I talk to someone Japanese people on skype every so often, it can be tricky sometimes to find the right words, but it is fun. I think one weekend I spent 7 hours talking with some dude and playing Phantasy Star online.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
he hasn't translated the easy d tweet yet ;_;
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>21754 Yeah, it's some 17 year old kid translating them to study for university exams He wants to study international economics
It started snowing pretty heavily three hours back. I have to go shovel it soon ;_;
I just finished toweling off after shoveling snow and the front walk already looks almost the same way it looked when I started. This is why I hate shoveling snow.
>>21778 >>21779 fug, I had hair in my eyes so I thought that the 1 was a 7, also I probably need a haircut
>>21775 Salt's a waste unless there's ice on the ground; just shoveling the snow out of the way is a more effective method. There's only a few centimetres on the ground.
>>21780 I dont think you'd actually get arrested for this
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>21784 If you salt before the snow melts and turns into ice, it prevents the ice from forming.
Ice doesn't really form just from falling snow here. You need either ice already on the ground, or a specific temperature fluctuation to get ice to form. Plus we're going to see a spike up into the high single digits on the weekend, so this all is likely to melt off for good within a day or two.
>>21786 Wouldn't it be making / using an illegal weapon or are you allowed flamethrowers in america? Over here they are illegal
>>21789 if it was a military-grade flamethrower, you'd be in trouble for using it in public, like the industry-specific ones you can literally just build your own flamethrower though. People do it all the time and do use them for functional things, mostly for people that have massive amounts of property and aren't posing any public threat kind of the same way that burning garbage is against the law in any city or neighborhood, but if you live out in the country it would be no problem at all
A guy made flames come out of his bike and he was done for making a weapon kind of amusing. >>21790 I think I remember seeing videos of people using flamethrowers on hornet and wasp nests, I guess I sort of forgot.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>21789 Flamethrowers are legal in 48 states. Obviously what you are and are not allowed to do with it is restricted by law though.
I once molotw coctailed snow it was disappointing 0/5
To me a flamethrower has a little practical use. It feels like it is clearly a weapon. not // >>21795 yeah but would civilians use them for private purposes? wouldn't it be the government or government licensed contractors.
I guess It is just weird to me.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>21794 They can be used for deicing thick ice on the ground. There are even flamethrowers made and sold for that purpose.
>are you // >can you tell us about yourself >well I am a saiyan >oh you are a minority, that could get your son into college HHAHAHAHAA tfs never fails to amuse me also i am dual ´weilding keytboards
>>21793 Probably too much water content for any impressive reaction.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>21794 Does the government come and deice the sidewalk in front of your house and your driveway and wlakway for you? //walkway
>>21798 The government can deice the pavements over here if they think it is a health and safety issue. but mostly we don't have the same problems with ice and snow as you guys anyway. >>21800 I am sure that cave men with propane tanks and flamespewing weaponry would be a very awesome alternative history. Dinosaur steak.
>>21794 >caveman discovers fire >neat, we can use this as a weapon. I don't see any other purpose for it
>>21797 yup it just burnt there for a second and then whuush
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>21799 What if you just want it deiced even if the government doesn't feel the need to do it? Oh wait, you're in the UK right? I remember a British guy I know talking about how there's like two companies who sell salt for deicing and the jack up the prices during the winter.
Uh, we have public boxes of salt. big yellow boxes filled with salt for the purposes of deicing and great big trucks that deice the roads all the time. even if when the ice is thin as fuck.
>>21799 what about crop burning after harvest water you supposed to, keep relighting it with a match and hope the whole field catches on fire?
I am like 2km from the biggest port in finland weird to think
The city here employs street snowploughs and some times smaller ones for sidewalks. But your private front walks are up to your own discretion, as is the sidewalk in front of your house, if you want it clear in any reasonable time.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>21803 You do know that someone still has to pay for the salt right?
>>21807 Not sure where you going with this, I am well aware of what I pay my taxes for though.
I don't see as even // a incentive to fuck paying for ice and get a flamethrower, like I said our snow and ice problems are hardly the same as in parts of america.
>>21807 big ass public box of salt: fiddy bucks cost of emergency responders, police blockades, manhours wasted, fuel expenses, etc for a collision because icy roads: roughly $600 per instance that's not counting getting all that shit towed off the streets
Wait s econd I think in some places flamethrower ice melting on state level is actually a thing
There was a huge-ass snowstorm here like two decades back. The mayor at the time panicked like something crazy and called in the military to help deal with the infrastructure shutdown that happened. He ended up a fair bit of a laughing stock for all the trouble.
Fuuuck it is weird since my bro has bit similiar voice as me, hearing that coming from the other room bit muffled is disorienting it si bit like "wait is there a me talking over there"
>>21804 That is actually mostly banned in the UK, we don't really burn the fields anymore here.
>>21815 well you should it's important why would they ban that
>>21816 Small country, huge amounts of smog on the roads and houses coming the time the fields were burnt. It isn't fully banned, I believe you can still burn the fields.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>21816 The UK bans a lot of things that shouldn't be banned.
I know you're being snarky here but i think there's decently solid ground for it getting banned.
>>21817 i thought the UK should just ban farms instead it'd make more sense import it all from america it'll be way cheaper anyway
>>21814 Despite people on the phone always confusing me for my brother or our dad, I think we all have pretty distinct voices, or maybe at least speaking patterns. Or maybe I'm just too accustomed to being around them still.
>>21820 I'd sure like Mr Trumps special deal to give us lucky charms in place of our corns.
>>21819 I don't really think so, other than the smog issues kannagi mentioned, which was a helpful explanation crop burning isn't really a fire hazard and it's really crucial to farming large fields
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they do controlled burns here all the time we just tell people to drive slow if there's fogsmoke
>>21823 I think smog issues are pretty solid ground here. The UK has had a lot of smog issues in the past.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>21824 That reminds me of this.
>>21821 By the end of this week, this will be longest period I have been in the same place with my brother in like 8 years
Well in any case, something like that is a pretty functional non-weapon use of a flamethrower I think fire departments also use them in controlling forest fires -- controlled clearing of a section so that it contains the fire Also, some forests have to burn every so often because it's bad if they don't. And sometimes there's a fluke and they wont burn on their own when they're supposed to, and it fucks with the ecosystem, so they gotta go out there and burn the trees
I think it most of smog and enviromental concerns, I tried getting the legislation site to give more details, I probably need to dig deeper. This is law as it passed in 1993
>>21830 I mainly know about this because of the sort of legend that the reason so many good football players come from that area because they practice running a lot as kids so they can catch more rabbits.
>>21833 I think people are usually neutral on rabbits, probably dependes on where you live and what you do though.
>>21832 Yeah. It's pretty hard to take them seriously. They've spouted so much bullshit over the years that on the off chance they ever find a legitimate cause nobody will ever listen.
>>21829 Ah here some guidance
Explains why I see so many lorries with bales of hay everywhere.
>>21833 They're treated about the same as any other small animal you pretty much never see here. Though, there has been a noticeable surge in their population this year--which is also encouraging foxes to wander out of the valley. I guess it's a bit concerning for families like mine that have outdoor cats. But they'll probably go back to being unnoticeable once the foxes eat their way through the population surge.
They can destroy crops. Maybe that's why the cane farmers BURN THEM ALIVE IN A FIERY MASSACRE
>>21833 they are pests, yes in more suburban/urban neighborhoods, people welcome stray cats because they kill most of the rabbits ruining people's yards, and the cats stay healthy and fat for it in rural areas, people buy farm cats. there are animal centers that specifically take cats that aren't cute-cuddly indoor kitties, but hunting cats and sell them to farmers or rural folks
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>21840 They burn the harvested fields because its quicker than removing all the plant remains by hand, its cheaper too. Also only the dumb rabbits get burned alive. most of them run out of the fields
it used to nearly every rabbit in the UK was infected with myxomatosis. and then they got over it and repopulated.
>>21843 tularemia is bad, too. can spread to humans even
>>21842 PETA has no room for your logical arguments. Where's your irrational sense of outrage?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I found something weird on craigslist. >>21845 I lost most of my irrational sense of outrage by the time I turned 15.
there's a wine-tasting at my favorite wine store one block away, and 15% off any of the wines that are part of the tasting event it's from now until 6, an hour and a half from now and i gotta fucking work gosh darnit
we do that in easter so halloween hasn't caught here
>>21860 Trick-or-treating is kind of a thing I'd like to see more suburban communities do, really. It's a great way for kids to get to know their neighbours and it's a decent starting point for small-community interaction.
>>21864 It definitely is! Not an "America did it first" thing but they definitely throw themselves into it.
You wanna know who celebrate easter the russians never again orthodox easter that hangover that blood loss that near death experience though apparently I taste good with cheese
>>21867 It totally is. Even if Canadians do it too it's still coming from North America.
It's an event with traditions that have heavily remained the same from European celebrations.
Also some guy got splicedi nto pieces that hasn't happenedi n aw hile good old splicing SHIT I can't use my keyboard proper anymore I have gotten too used tot he laptop
>>21871 Maybe so. But the modernized version is tainted with Americanism.
All I know that //is that a couple of decades ago it wasn't a thing here in this country and those kids coming up to my doorstep to beg for lollies can fuck right off.
>>21878 Not if you want the bottle inside to be intact also I dunno where my ax is
>>21879 Really? I'd expect you to have a deep and quantiful loli collection on hand.