chocolate rain's 10 year anniversary steadily approaches
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
hmm my usb battery generates a very quiet hum while charging my phone but then if i use my phone i can hear the difference in power consumption if i scroll through a webpage i can hear static as new content is loaded creepy
I don't think that hum is uncommon with charges, but I don't recall it changing, that does sound kibd of creepy.You should try and make some music with it.
It's fun to see a debate between two people who dislike the current policy, both going "Yeah naw it's pretty shit tbh, but we need to change it a different way"
>>19142 ya might think this is a joke, too but unfortunately Not the case
looks like the person lied good news is we will get an extra gift because the retweets were so high no clue to what it is yet lets hope for twenty thousand (20000) feathers
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>19156 the gift is one (1) animated gif containing a FE meme retweet to all your social media followers!
I'm almost certain I have more images like this, but I can't find any of them And by "like this", I'm not even entirely sure what I mean, I just know I'd know when I see it
Do you get more feathers for them if they learn everything?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>19163 The pdf I have has not been OCRed so I can't copy and paste them here. Also the don't really seem interesting without the accompanying essays for context. //they
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>19165 idk probably i'm not really sending them home, it's more like i have nothing to look forward to with that hero anymore
>>19168 Well mostly because he was trying to create a superpower, and THEN attack the US as well as everyone else Hitler didn't really have any intention of calling it quits once he had Austria and Poland
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I found an example from Programming Pearls in Beautiful Code, which I have an OCRed pdf of.
void quicksort(int l, int u) { int i, m; if (l >= u) return; swap(l, randint(l, u)); m = l; for (i = l+1; i <= u; i++) if (x[i] < x[l]) swap(++m, i); swap(l, m); quicksort(l, m-1); quicksort(m+1, u); }
yeah it's actually 49 hours fuck me oh well at least i'm reasonably sure that promotion is on the horizon my performance review is coming up they almost HAVE to and the bitch i fucking hate is getting FIRED because karma
Usually when you get fries it's like It's not crispy at all It's kinda just heated up potato slices
I've had some good fries at hungry jacks or I guess burger king over there.
my favorite fries are not the thin crispy kind but actually the ones that are almost potato wedges they're often referred to as steak fries or home fries i like em t h i c c
>>19192 I only eat homemade fried chicken. Any other fried chicken makes me sick.
what counts as a restaurant to you? what counts as fast food? the whole term fast casual was invented to describe places that aren't mcdonalds and burger king but also aren't olive garden and chili's places like chipotle, panera, schlotzky's, etc
if there's not a video on youtube of a black lady chimping out at the location, then it's a restaurant
>>19195 i have a feelign you can find videos of that in a lot of restaurants too
>>19190 Oh yeah you mentioned that before sometime
>>19193 if only because i've fried chicken at home and also at three different jobs i'm kind of curious what exactly is the difference except that one of the places where i fried chicken didn't use fresh chicken but instead frozen
>>19200 i have one to find for you but i gotta finish this game of mahjong first
i'm playing ranked against super nippons they are fucking terrifying and i'm learning the game all over
>Only 14 American soldiers , a driver, and a truck carrying ten former German artillerymen made it to the castle along with a tank named “Besotten Jenny” that was positioned at the front gate. This unlikely group of fighters fought against a contingent of Waffen-SS who were sent to take the castle back. What a bunch of badasses
>>19210 i remember one time that i only said something because i remembered the deja vu when i heard myself saying it and i was just walking along the sidewalk with no one else just randomly saying something because i remembered that i said it in my deja vu
i thought i was a pretty good mahjong player but i'm learning that i wouldn't even be considered an amateur six year old kids in japan would be whooping my ass Isn't there already a whole shitton of stuff around Wizard of Oz and its filming? Something about a guy hanging himself in the background, too, I remember
>>19194 I typically don't eat at places like panera or chipotle either. Chipotle makes me sick so I definitely don't eat there. When I eat out it's usually at diners and restaurants.
>>19217 I take stuff to work usually but I go out to lunch with people when they want to go out to lunch. Otherwise I throw a tub of yogurt and a granola bar in a plastic bag and take that as lunch.
>>19216 do you make your own food? like take lunches to work and stuff? how do you eat when you aren't home?
i mostly make my own food when i'm too busy, i'll order jimmy john's sometimes
I make all my food in my off hours but those are honestly pretty uncommon compared to the rest of the time when i'm at work i just eat at work because it's 100% free when i'm downtown or with friends we try to look for cool place s to eat that we haven't been before otherwise we get fast casual usually >>19219 jimmy john's is a wonderful institution almost nowhere else will deliver you food under 12 bucks total and they're always so FUCKING FAST
at least here they're on their game i got an order in literally 7 minutes once fucking blew my mind
i haven't played fire emblem all day i'm afraid to open it up because i won't do anything else for like an hour
i had caffeine for the first time in a week and i'm H Y P E R
prepare yourselves for depressed bang when the crash hit s
It looked like it could be interesting too It starts out and it's like "whoa aliens. whoa a magical girl. whoa, a mech!" But then... none of it is even handled as though it's outside the normal, so I'm supposed to be as accustomed to the mechs, aliens, planetary peril and magic as I am to someone drinking a can of cola or something
How am I supposed to watch a show that doesn't acknowledge mechs and magic are outside the norm?
>email from Rubio >do you support the SCOTUS nominee? Poll >say no >he asks for donations
I'm not gonna worry because I dropped it before ep1 was done
>First lady Melania Trump is seeking $150 million from the Daily Mail newspaper, charging in a lawsuit filed Monday in New York state commercial court that the outlet published damaging and unfounded allegations that she once worked as an "elite escort" in the "sex business."
According to that congress tracker, Trump hasn't lost on one vote yet
>And we're not talking about the White House Easter Egg Roll. The suit lays out the plan for Melania Inc.:
"Plaintiff had the the unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as an extremely famous and well-known person, as well as a former professional model and brand spokesperson, and successful businesswoman, to launch a broad-based commercial brand in multiple product categories, each of which could have garnered multi-million dollar business relationships for a multi-year term during which Plaintiff is one of the most photographed women in the world. These product categories would have included, among other things, apparel, accessories, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, hair care, skin care and fragrance."
You can predict someone's political stance, left or right, with pretty good accuracy based on whether they call the events at Berkeley where shit was set on fire, windows were smashed, people were pepper sprayed, and one person was beaten with pipes, a "protest" or a "riot"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i call it a riot but you can't figure out if i'm left or right from that
A water jug that tracks how much you drink, has separate counters for separate glasses, and even has a mobile app telling you how much you drank from it that day
>>19319 queer i.... shit I don't know what the i is asexual + because if that's not there you risk excluding one person from the intentionally exclusionary group
but queer is just a slur for lesbian or gay and asexual? who is going to fuck with you just because you don't have sex? Man christians would love you for it i maybe it is intersexual? whatever that is
It doesn't actually mean anything in particular, but it's a thing
I bet by 2020 it is something like lgbtqiasikeklsomwerpzxcvbnm
I think the q is for "questioning" a is for "asexual" The + is for the other letters they haven't included yet
they should make it lgbtqiah, since heterosexuals are oppressed.
>LGBTQ: "LGBTQ" is an abbreviation that originated in the 1990s and replaced what was formerly known as "the gay community." The abbreviation was created to be more inclusive of diverse groups. LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (and/or questioning) individuals/identities. I mean it's both queer and questioning
It's people for whom the question at the start of pokemon is like taking your math finals Takes a lot of thought, and they're adults now, still not sure
The amount of letters is fucking ridiculous anyway If you're gonna have the + there, just fucking leave it at that, then, dipshits G+ means the same thing as this clusterfuck of an abbreviation does The plus makes all equal
Gays and everyone else is the same as Lesbians, Gays, Trans, Bi, Queer, Irradiated, Asexual and everyone else
>>19331 TGB+ trans gay bi +others that would umbrella them all
>>19329 Yeah, but I doubt the actual asexuals give a fuck about the whole movement aside from some loud idiots.
if asexuality is even a legitimate thing for that matter.
>>19333 If anything, they're usually bitter towards it Since it's so focused on sex and asexuals don't give a shit about it Some are pretty bitter about sex in general
I think the whole lgbt movement barely represents the actual people it is supposed to represent it is if not already has, turning into blm type of movement or feminism
>>19336 lgbtiap wait what is the letter for animal fuckers? p is for pedophile
>>19337 Ehh, it was partially responsible for gay marriage in the states. Which is nice
They're transage >>19346 It doesn't matter if it started as a meme or not, it's got actual people considering it legitimate
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
clovers aren't even real
>>19345 what if an agekin who feels like they are 60 and an agekin who feels like they are 5 have sex?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>19345 it doesn't have actual people considering it legitimately there aren't any communities or anything that weren't started and populated by 4channers
I bet tumblr will soon turn it into a real thing each time someone goes to troll about a new type of weirdo fetish or thingy, it becomes a real thing and a community some time after.
I think they could really trim the fat on the abbreviation if they wanted to
Lesbian and Bi? they're both gay Queer and indeterminate or whatever? that's trans basically Asexual? I mean what kinds of rights are you looking for here? You explicitly don't want to fuck anybody, what right are you having infringed here? What right based on this identity COULD anyone infringe on?
>>19354 but that would be OPPRESSIVE no a bi is not gay bot lesbian, gay, queer all are the same in the end people just associate gay to be men usually and well for some reason women needed a "gay" term for themselves.
Yeah but are you trying to say the heterosexual part of their bisexuality is what's having its rights oppressed? Cause it's obviously not It's the gay part. That's the part that supposedly ain't equal yet
Yeah Homosexuals and people whose brain doesn't match their junk HAPWBDMTJ
H&T Homos and trans
Funnily enough bi's are a bit discriminated against by gays and lesbians
>>19361 and people who like to sleep with animals and people who disregard age of their partners and people who disregard the existence of pulse in their partners and people who like it when other people sleep with their partners HAPTWBDMTJAPWLTSWAAPWDAOTPAPWDTEOPITPAPWLIWOPSWTP
Maybe we should just list the people NOT in the community At some point, that'll be a shorter list
non-WM (White Male) CISHET...uh
No wait, WMs are allowed if they're gay or bi, I guess, or trans I assume the majority of the asexual ones are gonna be white males, too That's a typical "white people" thing
>Last week, a violent protest erupted on campus, in response to a scheduled speaking event by Milo Yiannopoulos. Many people soon began to decry the protesters. Here are a few arguments in favor of the use of violence in protests. Oh goodie
>>19393 I keep forgetting to actually link the article sometimes
fuck where's sugoi, marsh, and our other australian anons that recently came in today i'm transcribing aussies and i'm probably going to stab myself in the head
>>19398 why would they have euthanasia drugs? AT A PET FOOD PLACE
I'm guessing that's just for shock value like when people talk about the additives in cigarettes or vaccines
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Hey /moe/ I uploaded the programming books I was reading the other day to uguu. moon you might like these, although obviously you shouldn't read them right now
i can't even be called an amateur at programming i do algorithms, but programming is a different skill than i've had the courage to approach other than a couple simple classes
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>19403 I can really only do numerical programming, well Mathematica makes most things easy but its sort of cheating so I don't really include it. Algorithms is good skill to have. I barely program ata ll these days. I do however try to read a lot about it even if I don't fully understand it.
It sounds like you're a little busy blue, but i've got a bit of work surplus today if you want some no biggie if not
Wish I could but can't heading outside once I get dressed >>19408 javascript. a little python
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>19410 I really should actually learn python. I have done some stuff with it but I don't really know it. I don't know if I'll ever learn javascript since I don't really have much of a need for doing webdev. Also I might do a paper for SIGBOVIK this year, although not by myself since I am too unmotivated. SIGBOVIK is a joke CS conference and journal done through Carnegie Mellon. Its for three types of papers serious ideas done as joke papers, joke ideas done as joke papers and my favorite joke ideas done as serious papers.
I understand python a good bit because i used it a lot on the ren'py and the ren'py customization engine it's not really one of the languages you need to learn, per se a 10 minute instruction guide would tell you all you need to know
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>19412 I'm mainly interested in learning python because its really good for quick prototyping. >a 10 minute instruction guide would tell you all you need to know
>That's sort of like saying it's very easy to learn the rules of chess. And indeed, in a few minutes, you can tell somebody the rules of chess. But of course, that's very different from saying you understand the implications of those rules and how to use those rules to become a masterful chess player.
Also I understand python fine, I can read a program and as long as it isn't too long I can figure out what it does. And in some cases even if it is too long for me to follow I can actually find and fix bugs (I did this with my university's non working python script for setting up printing on GNU/Linux)
I guess what I meant is a more formal learning It's a very simple setup, and just like chess, any learning you're going to do is going to come from messing around with it and exploring it on your own. quick preface and hop right in and fuss about with it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
My biggest problem in learning things is not ever getting around to the "messing around with it and exploring it on your own" part.
it's easy, just choose a task and go do it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>19416 I tried that a while ago with one of the /g/ 100 programming projects thing where you pick the one correspondig //corresponding to the last two digits of your post number. I got the one for making a sierpinksi triangle graphic, I worked at it for around 40 minutes before getting distracted by sometihng else.
try something you're actually interested in that helps a lot one of my first things was making something that could solve a sudoku puzzle, then reworking it to solve it using fewer resources or less time
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh also the quote I used is from the first SICP lecture. It has a lot of stuff in the first 30 minutes that I like to quote when talking about programming or computer science, especially when introducing the concepts to people not familiar with computer science.
I don't like that quote.
>>19394 >Check your privilege when speaking of protests
>Nordstrom stops selling Ivanka's products >official POTUS account retweets Trump's personal account talking shit >Press Sec clarifies: "This is a direct attack on his policies and her name."
Apparently her products weren't even selling all that well. ...Probably because of who she's related to, really, but still.
>>19423 what's the source on that? i ask because that can be said of about every brand ever market research is constant refinement and most products don't sell well it'd be super easy to pluck one out and put that context onto it to make it sound bad when it applies to almost everything
Anno Granted it's Nordstrom saying they have a personal right do -to cut lines as they wish. But considering they didn't cut the line based on political-based complaints previously, it seems weird to me to do a 180 on it.
I have to wonder whether people understand that industry at all most of the time it's not even cutting a line that makes it sounds like they're discontinuing something, like it's extreme or negative retailers will do trial sales for contracted periods of times -- for super big franchised places, they'll trial it in, say, new york and boston at like 5 or 10 locations for X weeks and gauge sales on a product before a group of people that looks over all those things en masse makes decisions about where to expand to, what not to continue, and so forth the whole process is built into any retail branding
but for something to get pulled, it's not like "oh no walmart pulled all their beef off the counters, stopped selling it because it was contaminated" why is it even newsworthy in the first place
I think there's extenuating circumstances involving this brand, especially considering Nordstrom goes on to say they drop many lines of clothing a year. And it's not like there's reports for each and every one of those.
It wasn't newsworthy until Trump had a fit
>>19428 i was assuming that there was news about nordstrom's decision and that he was reacting to that not that he was responding solely to nordstrom for their decision // not solely, directly to nordstrom
Yeah it was directly No news about it until he had his tantrum and the white house said it was an attack on the president
>Trump bans anime because it's destroying america's employment rate
It's okay I'll house you all as refugees if it comes to that.
>>19458 yeah, since they're manufactured specifically for termites they're a unique kind of infestation, so there's a whole different approach behind it than spraying for roaches or something
>>19469 The producer that popped into a thread on /a/ the other week said the studio doesn't condone any particular pairing, but that people are free to do whatever in their fanfictions.
That said the character designer for LWA is a huge Akko/Diana shipper.
>>19473 neato! I still have only one 5 star. I am running out of missons to get orbs from!
>>19474 they did semi-go with mako and ryuuko in klk
>>19482 ranked is insane everything i thought i knew about mahjong was a lie i can't even be called an amateur by their standards after playing with the real players, i'm pretty sure the random people we played with before were 6 year old japanese kids
>>19498 Moving onto permanent contract from my temp one. They pay monthly from my previous weekly pay. for some reason they can't pay the first month so they put it all together in the next month
>>19500 Oh yay! Sucks that you're short a month, but I know how that feels. Having that issue myself. Great that you're on permanent contract though, right? That must be awful, being a disposable temp. You don't have to worry as much about suddenly getting dropped, eh?
>>19501 It is a bit more secure I a *in a way but the pay is the same and the contract can put me on pause if they have little work, which sucks since they are running out of work recently. I am hoping they don't start sending people home since we don't get paid if we get sent home. >>19504 I am gonna try and roll for 5*s now to *too
I fucked up in the arena I didn't move a unit properly in the first round, he stayed there instead of going forward. And that ruined the entire formation and everyone died
Wait can you get free healthcare if you go to jail?
it's not exactly free healthcare but there's a clinic for emergencies, and they have to give some treatment to a lot of people who are imprisoned and withdrawing from heroin or other narcotics
Oh you still end up paying for it?
More of a coin flip tbh maybe they help, maybe they let you die
Apparently the Meidoragon television releases have been natively 1080p+ this whole time. I could have been watching cute dragons in full-quality SUPER HIGH DEFINITION all this time ;_;
Sam, I uploaded those books to these are also good
Well just say when and we'll watch a discussion between one guy who wants to increase your taxes and another guy who wants to increase your taxes, but give you healthcare in return
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
how long was the debate?
Uh, like an hour total? Minus some time for breaks and stuff
>>19576 I have more than enough from the gentoomen right now, I am yet to become master samurai programmer This is the tree of the gentoomen folder I randomly did:
I'm a bard that's a super idol human that believes they are an elf despite all evidence to the contrary and i refuse to use half of my possible abilities because they aren't cute enough
I'm not sure that Bernie has an accent as much as he is one of those people who is always yelling. He doesn't really have a talking voice, he just yells softly when inside.
Some people are the opposite and don't ever yell.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>19613 I just read about it, it sounds pretty interesting. I don't think I'd like it that much though.
He definitely has an accent, he doesn't pronounce some of the r sounds and puts a sort -ah on some sounds. it is sounds like a strong accent to me
>>19639 Yeah Like the video says most people don't really say the T in a big way it's lef and the t isn't a big sound but jews emphasize stuff like that so it's lefT
>>19640 This is news to me Though I've never actually given much thought to it
Kind of like how it's a Canadian thing to draw out vowels. You hear the jokes about "aboot" but it's more like "abaout" Where as Americans tend to say it more like "abut".
>>19666 When you inevitably fail, we will mark the occasion with a new holiday. One where we make a giant tea bag and slowly lower it into the water. It'll drop slowly like the New Year's ball and we'll have a big party and celebration once it touches the water.
i think you guys are looking at it a little odd in the end, making coffee and making tea aren't super different it's water + heat + filtering through a substance
A lot of things have changed over time Lobster went the other way
Lobster used to be for poor people cause lobster was really cheap But then lobster somehow became really high class and now only rich people ever have lobster
bang von bang
tea and coffee aren't "for" anyone they're just drinks
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
Do I need to launch a new crusade? cause this is how you get crusades
"I'll Sacrifice My Youth And Open Her Bangs" actually sounds kind of nice. Providing it's some bittersweet bildungusroman and not another shitty isekai.
LNs are like 50% or more isekai it looks like
I've read like nerly all of those. That house one is isekai, pretty power fantasy though which is pretty common of isekai. >>19739 That one is pretty adorable, fantasy world with swords. Here some illustrations from the manga I am being lazy I am sure I can find something better
How's 9999
>>19737 The popular ones follow very obvious trends. They used to be a lot of "highschool club doing silly things", then there was "highschool students engaging in battle tournaments", and now there's isekai. I wonder where it will take us now.
I guess there was an interlude or sub branch around battle tournaments which was "stuck in a video game" but that's already kind of isekai.
>>19739 here is the first chapter. Enjoy!
>>19740 There are so many that are not isekai you know. Plently of high-school ones, ones based in alternative histories, ones that are pure fantasy. like you just have to look since there are just so many LNs.
I gotta read that annotated version though, because what if they didn't let me know when this delusional anti-semite from the 30s is wrong about something, how would I ever know?
I'll watch one episode, on the off chance that it's actually not what the trailer makes it look like at first glance Maybe it's like Mean Girls, a mockery of the main cast
If there was a realtime chess,i hope you could chain moves would make planning an attack with all pieces much easier and add more depth to the game, while at the same time making old chess strategems still valid.
>>19839 I'll get a screen of it in a bit. It's just Tiki + Sully + Cecelia + Lissa. It was really just to level some of my new entries but it's seeming like a strong team just the way it is.
>>19850 Sullies FE:H art is really good, better than her FE:A art. I like her cool scarf. Also her abilities are much better than I expected, she nukes anything that's red and has a defense buff and can move your characters around. Every skill she has is useful. I was looking for a good spear user and I think she'll end up being that. She's better than Frederick in every respect from what I can tell.
i like how you can see what skills they get at higher stars
It's really convenient for planning who you're going to use. Cecilia and Lissa are also part of my casual leveling squad. Those two, Sharena, and Olivia I can finally rank up Sharena now (although I'm about 30 feathers short)
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
It's really convenient for becoming a molten pile of jelly and envy
60 feathers
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
I need more badges I can't even spend feathers
aaaand now I'm not. Goodbye Frederick If I find you with 4 stars, I'll keep you
barst seems cool but why would i want to knock enemies back wouldn't even impede armor dudes
>>19878 continuous attacks within a hallway or straight line You can knock an enemy back and follow up with another melee character who is right behind them. While this SOUNDS like an edge case, the kinds of maps they have in this game make it really really common to occur
you can also push an enemy aside to reach the squishy mage/cleric/archer behind them
Jesus Christ.. It's not like I was just eavesdropping on strangers. No... It was 1v1.
I went to that stupid SPEEDFRIENDING bullshit agian. And she was studying law too so we were having a talk about it.. seemed to be going well. And she had a guitar with her. and I asked if she played and she said she was playing at the student bar that night. So.. now I'm wondering if I go watch for a bit or not. maybe talk to her again. I did like her. and she seemed to have an okay time talking to me.
But I don't know what I'd say if I spoke to her >hi. remember that guy in the black t-shirt you talked to about Contract Law for three minutes. Well, he's me. and I followed you her. You play nice music.
Fuck. FUCK. I can go Ice Climbing down a Vertical fissure and stay unfazed but this THIS puts me on edge.
I You can just play it off as if you came on a whim
>>19910 Maybe I'm not the best person to get advice on picking up girls from, but why can't you just say "hey, remember me?" And if she doesn't you can mention the speed friends thing or whatever and how she made an impression on you.
Girls like compliments! And then if she isn't interested you can just leave, it's not really a big deal to at least try.
>>19911 >I-I always hang out at the bar by myself on a Thursday afternoon
>>19912 There's no way it's as simple as that. There must be some sort of trick to it.
>>19914 I was thinking of something along the lines of "I was thinking of what I should do tonight and I remembered you mentioned that and I thought it would be fun" something like that but less autistic
Steve Bannon once directed a documentary on the economy called "Generation Zero", and it's... I think it's like "No, greed didn't do the financial crisis of 07\08. You know what did? Commies in the 60s"
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
20 orbs for you and me 20 orbs for all to see
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
hawkeye a 3* cecilia, muda da 4* barst ok 4* clarine 4* jagen just four duplicates kill me
>receive a second 4* clarine >grind her up to level 10 >merge her into my original level 10 clarine >put the original clarine on my grindan team something's different about you today, girl...
I bet the right wingers hired a teacher to pretend to be a known leader of an "anti-fascistic" organization known as "By Any Means Necessary", so they could have her appear on TV and make the left look bad
And when they named it "by any means necessary", they didn't accidentally leave out the part about it being confined to legal means That was intentional
wow if RR martin had a finnish clone, I think I just saw them
>>20113 I saw a guy who was a dead ringer for thunderf00t on a boat once
Maybe he was
It will forever be a mystery
He does travel in europe a lot afterall
... like the music in this place is not bad, but... lounge covers of modern pop songs are still shit >>20119 a cafe doing stuff
Where you at
These cashews make me sick.
Also if anyone wants to email me a belated christmas present or really early birthday persent, get me Ivan Maisky's diaries
>>20118 If I'm at a cafe and it's "anything " covers I'm out of there.
Welp, I asked them to turn it slightly down hope that helps hard to listen to stuff, be it music or speech when the music is louder than normal conversation levels
It has been a weird time being a reader of Cracked during these years how it has come from a site with actually funny content to nowadays being more political shoutbox than a comedy site with "comedy" being mostly slander towards their ideological opponents, dressed as "humour" Shame.
I haven't read Cracked for 3 years because of that shit
"Clearly the reason that brexit passed was because we didn't shout racism loud enough!" >>20125 i just havn't removed the bookmark, but they still have some fun content few times a month and also it is a good window to the regressive and "liberal" sphere But it is also amusing to see the comment section bashing their ideological articles harder and harder. Basically, even their loyal supporters are starting to get fed up with the bullshit the loud minority on the "american left" write out, pretending they represent the whole of their side.
What's the best way for the left to market itself now without seeming like whiny faggots?
well for the starters, actually resume supporting the working class and not cater to the needs of whiny faggots like >>20126 dem in dis pic I didn't know that it was in working class' interest to get more low-income immigration workers, that drive the minimum wage and accept the same job as the native worker, but for worse (at times semi-illegal) terms. But that is just scraping the surface when it comes to quite many, but not all, left leaning parties in europe. I just wonder what happened. In space of about 10 years they just turned from working class' party to a party driven more by blind fervourish ideology, and beliefs that no way represent the reality.
Really reminds me of the "bubble burst" when the True Finns party became 2nd largest party all dem #notmyfinland tags in twitter was amusing to see the "culture bubble" people realise, that their echochamber community of maybe 5% of the population didn't represent the entire nation.
>>20130 Oh good Captain "THE US IS THE GREATEST" America supposedly hates the FIRST FUCKING AMENDMENT OF THE US CONSTITUTION now?
Yeah I guess whoever made that comic, didn't for example watch the Winter Soldier... or Civil War or ever read the comic books
Like it's not even number 7 or 9 or something stupid It's THE FIRST ONE
>>20131 Hate speech is not covered as freespeech You nazi You deserve to be punched because you think restricting who you let into your own country is okay
You know who was in favor of government-covered healthcare? Adolf Hitler
You know who build a communistic utopia Stalin You know who wants to become Stalin 2.0 Putin #MoveToNeoUSSR
about 30 hours and I will be drinking beer in a bar with all of my stuff at a place I can actually call home even if it is just a maybe 6-12 month location but still muuuch better than c/o
>a finnish realstate company bought 48 estate from russia under the market price >less than day after the trade resold them at the market price HAHAHAHA What a ballsy move, too bad they are going to get jailed for this.
A business can't really be corrupt, since it just answers to one thing, and that thing can't be lied to The profit margin
Hmm >explosion at a french nuclear power plant I hope trump tweets something stupid so the green parties don't catch on to this. I've had a lifetime amount of nuclear scare thank you very much
Hahah, maybe everything will fall apart everywhere because every time something happens, the world press will be too busy signaling to eachother about how much they oppose Trump's latest dank meme
>>20145 Indeed, but the extra profits they got were transferred to private holdings, not the company funds.
>moomin show redubbed >removed insults and a wedding show no longer uses "I pronounce you husband and wife, but partners" Yaii Progressiveness
>>20163 Oh, maybe I guess the thing on the right is like a plastic cutout with print on it, that you can put somewhere on a holder? So it's like REALLY budget figurine
Did you know Steve Bannon directed a documentary about how the US goes in cycles, and every 80 years there's a big crisis, and we're in that part of the phase now? Nigga #woke as fuck The hippies and woodstock apparently did this
So basically Trump's decision to allow it has potentially doomed an entire people Because their only water source is now polluted with oil
The problem right now, is how anyone slightly aligned with trump don't really dare to criticise him that much, as they are afraid giving an inch or even a millimetre to the opposition, will result in them taking a mile.
>>20194 It's not legal But that doesn't matter because Republicans won't impeach him and he doesn't care about the law He breaks the law all the time
He fucking bragged about it as part of his campaign.
welp... >have a general direction where I look when I start to think >some girl is sitting in that >noticed me looking in said direction >started playing the "eye game" with me ... I hate when this happens
>>20195 >>20196 Christ. What a mess. There'd have to be a limit though - to what even the Republicans would tolerate. Like if he started taking actions (even more) blatantly unconstitutional. >>20197 She wants it bad.
>>20203 Dunno Hard to trust GOP since they voted in anti-Semitic and blatantly racist people into cabinet positions and are displaying blatant sexism in Senate
>>20205 Imagine >market shares year high, because every work place was more efficient during women's strike How that would just blow up the world literally Boom no more earth
>>20206 Why the 17th? And really, you won't buy food except in emergencies? Isn't any and all hunger an emergency?
Like do you normally impulse-buy bread and stuff? Is that how you do in the US?
>>20209 ????? buy food before the 17th dude hunger isn't an emergency
>>20211 you'll still buy the bread, you'll just buy it earlier
What is with the China war narrative... That is equally pathetic as the aggressive policy in Syria against Russia that hillary advocated and the whole "russia is coming for us"
that's their plan yeah to disrupt the economy for a day
I'm gonna disrupt the economy for a day by moving the purchases one day over, meaning literally nothing happened to the economy, I sacrificed nothing, and I get to feel good about myself
>>20212 flawless. >>20207 Still. You would have to hope there's SOME sort of limit. Even if most of the time they're pretty irresponsible. Especially when it comes to filling candidacies
>>20215 Yeah but there is then a day where no profit was made It looks bad and scares people That's the point
>>20215 Well that is good part of the population in 1st world countries "feel gooders"
not do gooders, do gooders are annoying but they actually DO GOOD feel gooders just do stuff or contribute or advocate for stuff that feels good for them, without actually looking into it does it DO GOOD
Quarters or even years or even several years is how businesses operate. A day, unless it is a holiday or somethign when they KNOW business will increase, matters nothing at all.
Well there is a business that operates on a week basis, but then again selling fireworks to general public is allowed only on one week a year. So a "let's not buy fireworks on NY's day" would hit that small niche industry quite bad.
Also, continuing on the slander of trump with so much baseless or half-truths told about him, any legitimate criticism gets buried or classified under the constant umbrella of just lies and slander against trump How can the general public trust anything told about him, when most are revealed to be utter bullshit or way out of proportions blown out stuff.
The opposition just digs their own trench wider and deeper, so that the rest of the country will fall into that muddy shitty ditch of theirs eventually. A real "if I can't win, no one wins" mentality indeed. Maybe USA should have that much desired communist revolution. See how actual dictatorship and oppression on national level is and what real ideological civil war is and feels like.
Take finland, who had a reds vs whites civil war for example. About 90 years after the war, 4th or 5th generation descendants of the reds are still frowned upon in some circles. For example, the army barely allows red descendants into high officerships.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>20227 There is very VERY little lies and slander against Trump floating around at any given time since he became president
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
to the point that i have only been exposed to one or two stories based on lies about trump
why won't trump say "radical right-wing terrorism"?
Has trump even said radical islamic terrorism since he got into office? He could be a muslim
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah he says it all the time because he doesn't like muslims
Who does?
Other musl- No wait even they don't
Oh oh Imats, the right wing conspiracy to create riots and blame it on the left goes real deep >>>/watch?v=YPrRLyFTzSU
Not only did they hire agitators to go in and start a riot, but they also paid off a teacher at Berkely to, earlier this year, assault a white supremacist, get suspended, and come back to work only to then call for more riots!
I want an alternate universe television I wanna see what kind of shit Hillary would've caused and the opposition to her and how the MMS would've kept going with its narratives
>>20250 everything would be really chill and the same as obama's term if hillary had won
Well yeah she was pro-status quo but status quo is sinking the ship at the moment.
But then again, was the solution taking an axe to the ship that trump seems to be doing
If only we could have been so fortunate.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
republicans would have screamed about it and dems would have said "you lost, deal with it" republicans would talk about revolution
But yeah, the guy has been sitting in office for less than a month too early to really say anything conclusive, except "he indeed is an asshole"
I mean, murrica survived nixon too
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
nixon was a pretty fine president even if he was a crook
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
things are gonna get a lot worse before they get any better
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the #resistance is making a difference which has blown my mind and impressed me greatly it's very pleasing i even donated to the ACLU
I guess the main difference between Hillary in power and Trump in power, is that the people in power completely changed and MMS is still on previous powerholders' side.
the ACLU is a nonprofit organization that protects the civil rights of americans through legal action of course i can donate to them!
I just wonder about the idiot who decided "yeah let's make this also apply to green carders, double citizenship holders who don't live in said countries, et al"
There should be an immediate impeachment if a president's excuse for the effects of a bill is "I didn't understand what I signed" Like, on the fucking day >>20271 I think so?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
the old start-with-something-completely-unreasonable then pull back
Imagine if you just had a list of republicans ranked worst to best That's the list of current claim to the presidency
Trump should learn to compromise and not just shout at people, for the first time in his life. You can become a president by insulting everyone, but you can't run a country like that.
The media should try reverse psychology with Trump "I bet he couldn't even be civil for a single full week with every person he meets" "I bet Trump isn't going to be able to go another month without demonizing the Chinese"
Get under his skin
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the media should refuse to air anything he says live and everything they do air, they air with a fact-checker
OK what if we have a rule that every time you lie, a minute of your speech is cut out Just at the end You lie 15 times in an hour, the last 15 minutes are gone and won't be aired
That oughta clean shit up right fast
And if it was only 15 minutes tough shit, none of it is aired
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
where's the incentive to chop out stuff that attracts viewers
With the US I think it's either hostile takeover by absurdly intelligent machines from the future, or the people start giving half a shit about their politics, and we both know one of those is unrealistic, so I guess we just have to wait for that rift in time and space
>>20310 clearly the college is worse than a plain two-party fptp what a disenfranchising pos i can see how they could get from college to no college but have no idea how they could get to proportional representation the way things are set up
They'd have to uproot the system completely A revolution basically
And ain't nobody but antifa and the rest of the commies want that
>>20314 Well one faulty system of democracy replaced by another faulty system that would actually cause people's votes to be even less meaningful Yeah Let's fix it by replacing it with another broken engine
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
just retcon america
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>20316 false equivalency the current system is 'swing states decide all' almost no votes matter currently less broken is better than broken
Removal of first past the post, would allow for more than 2 parties to eventually enter the political field, balancing power and making it possible to more easily reform the system into a more democratic system.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>20319 there's basically no way to get america there without at least first going to popular vote
Ain't easy to get rid of first past the post when there's x amount of positions and each one is voted on individually with one guy winning and filling it
>>20318 you change swing states to big cities and it is just oppression of another form in the end
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>20322 you're really black and white about this thing that i think is bad == other thing that i think is bad
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
plenty of countries have way saner voting than the US and frankly big cities should have more influence because more people live there not the current fucked-up gerrymandered bullshit
Maybe humans just aren't cut out for government on this scale Maybe you should quit the fucking state shit already and just either be one country or several
>>20324 Big cities are governed one way and the country side another policies and acts that benefit the big city will and have fucked up the rural area
For example, here is the turn out by election region on out last parliament election Now about 1/5th of our population lives in the capital region, and our presidential election is a direct vote.
Yup, and thus you can win the presidential election without giving a fuck about more than half of the population at times getting the southern big cities on your side, guarantees you about 20-30% votes, and thus a place on the second round. And then it is just enough marketing to get the swing votes on your side if you get lucky, without actually giving a fuck about the remaining voters.
Sure it rarely happens, and our multiparty system keeps such development in check But with a first past the post...
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
what a shocking outcome a winner takes all system doesn't result in 100% representation
clearly the US should keep the current situation where candidates go suck up to coal counties and tell them how coal is coming back
we don't have a winner takes all the second round generally has a lower voter turnout on just basis, because good amount of people don't have a candidate anymore, which in form is a protest already. >>20329 I am not saying the system in place is good or perfect, but changing it from electoral college to pure popular vote, is not a fix in any direction. >>20331 And so am I too I just pulled the finnish election results as they show up the divide between rural support and urban support and about 50% if not more of our population is rural
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah I get it, but I'm talking about the US which is currently fucked up
US senate and shit //congress is chosen with X amount of represantives based on the population of the province And the electoral college works on the same basis so is the congress completely undemocratic and bullshti too then?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I think it's a bunch of bullshit people go campaign and then break all their promises 'cause there's little accountability popular vote would have prevented bush and trump
Well that is less about, in my opinion, the system, but about the educational level of the people.
Hmm, I guess a major problem in many countries nowadays is, how the system is built on "informed public can make an informed decision" but if all information is starting to become misinformation, what happens then?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
people vote with their gut anyway even if they have the information they go with the charismatic person skynet 4 prez
most don't but people do adhere to policy and ideology too much and are reluctant to change voting habits, even if proven that their former party of choice is no longer a good idea. Of course, a multisystem party works around this, as long as the new bloods can be trusted to be less-shitty than the old guard. But even that is not a perfect system, as eventually a political elite of carreer politicians will form up and envelop every form of "ruling class" types.
put random people in charge like the athenians >>20340 whoever it was
That wasn't how they did things...
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>In Athens, to be eligible to be chosen by lot, citizens self-selected themselves into the available pool, then lotteries in the kleroteria machines. The magistracies assigned by lot generally had terms of service of 1 year. A citizen could not hold magistracy more than once in his lifetime, but could hold other magistracies.
seems like a good way to empower and enfranchise the people and remove the entire corrupt power consolidation gig >>20347 I don't think it's just one random guy gets all the power
trump doesn't even consider mccain a war hero because "he got caught" jackass
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
didn't mccain like go through extra torture so not as to betray his homeland
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah that's why he can't raise his arms above his shoulders anymore, they completely fucked up his shoulders so their range of movement is super limited
the vietnamese used to put glass rods into people's urethra as a form of torture as well really terrible stuff
apparently the plural of urethra is urethrae learn something new every day
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
mccain is a cool dude too whenever he sees reporters filming in congress, he photobombs them by just sticking his head into the camera and he does devil horns for the reporter and stuff
Dave Rubin interviewed him, once
I think he's doing Milo again soonish, once he's done with this Danish cartoonist
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
He's trying to get a black Republican senator right now rubin is I hope he manages, it would be interesting.
Rubin makes mostly interesting stuff Having people talk about stuff at length rather than just show up and dump a few talking points is nice
>>>/@christinawilkie/827575984895434752 the president can say that he wants to get rid of laws because they hurt the businesses of his friends and nobody cares
>>>/watch?v=2ugBYg1zbuY Here we go We should make another thread for this though main thread is politics right now, but I don't wanna cement it as politics yaknow
my mom got a new car one of those ones with the back-up camera and the safety features that can detect what lane you're in and prevent you from accidentally going into other lanes
>Does the thought of a spider or centipede in your home horrify you? A new episode of CBC's The Nature of Things reveals there are more bugs in our homes than we realize — and we just need to accept it. OVER MY DEAD BODY.