Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders debate whether to raise taxes on the little guy to give him healthcare, or whether to just raise taxes and not give healthcare >>>/watch?v=2ugBYg1zbuY
>we get a lot better healthcare https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2016/05/03/researchers-medical-errors-now-third-leading-cause-of-death-in-united-states/ Friendly reminder that you literally do not
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
well there's a waiting list because people need that stuff there's no waiting list in the US because people can't get that stuff when they need it
>$80 monthly Jesus christ that's 2 and a half months of adhd medication, and I would be at my yearly max for how much I need to pay, and the rest of the year it's free
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
without insurance, it's $230 for my medication per month
I don't think it's because it's BETTER that people go to the US It's mostly because you can skip the waiting list by using your money in the US to go ahead of the other guy who has less money
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>conservative is relative yeah i don't know ted conservative means something different in the rest of the world
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Canadians are coming into the US and stealing healthcare build the wall
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
whenever there's a change in my insurance, even a tiny change, my insurance company temporarily suspends my prescription assistance and i have to pay $230 for my medication and they say they might reimburse me while it's sorted out and then they refuse to reimburse me
So what do you prefer, America? The greatest healthcare in the world (also your 3rd leading cause of death), but most of you can't access it. Or horrible Europe-style where you can access it, but it's a bit worse (and not the 3rd leading cause of death)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i think like more than half of the american moes don't have health insurance
Yesterday, my mother told me a story about the hospital that she is working at There was this 11 year old girl, two years ago, she nearly drowned and as a result, her brain started swelling it continued to swell for two years and her brain started degenerating due to reduced blood flow her hypothalamus was not working and she could not regulate her own body heat
she had behavioral problems due to the brain swelling and threatened to hang herself with her blanket so doctors took away her blanket and left her without it overnight Her body temperature dropped to 30c When they found her in the morning, her body temperature was that low so they brought her to the hospital to warm her up and she went into cardiac arrest a day later and was declared braindead and they took her off of life support and she died
>>20497 I'm not even joking here either Cause this seems to be the actual question
If you make it public, everyone has access so the quality goes down a little and each person has a chance of ending on a waiting list If you make it private, like half the nation drops off the grid, but the quality goes up because it has more time for each person, and there's no waiting list because the people who otherwise would be there simply aren't getting any help if they snap their back or get cancer in the dick
>>20499 ...they didn't think heating up the room she was in was a better idea? Like for real "oh yeah just take her blanket and leave her naked in this below-human-temp room"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they probably didn't think about it to get the job that those people had, the mental health techs, (they weren't actually doctors, technically), it takes like 32 hours of training and no degree
... Health insurance costs more than half of what he pays his employees?
No seriously You have 49 people, you pay them x If you get 50, you have to pay an additional y for each one following If not for the second rule, you could afford having between 69 and 79 employees
What's the relationship between x and y?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"i can't answer that question because they would die"
Because advertising medicines is a thing in the US, somehow Ask your doctor if the thing is best for you Insist on it if you have to because he's not there for medical advice, he's there as a glorified cashier at a pharmacy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
and then you get ads like "we have a class action lawsuit against this phrama company because their medication killed people if you died as a result of this medicine please call whatever"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i do like this debate i hope stuff like this becomes more common
>bernie wants you to think it's this other thing, but it's actually Medicaid for all >Bernie literally said earlier "Wouldn't you prefer medicaid for all, as I am suggesting?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ok but you're looking at one of the countries bernie doesn't cite when he talks about health care he talks about the health care of scandanavian countries
I guess he can't promise she, specifically, will stay covered, just that more people will have coverage, or so he thinks >>20555 No audio for it at all, likely just some sound that means "I disagree"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what did she say?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it looked like she said "never had a job" but that can't be what she said
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
since she said she had a job
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah ted if you can't sue doctors for malpractice, more people will become (bad) doctors
"That's a much better solution. Some jobs, people who have them shouldn't have health care so they get a better job so they can have health care" "Yes I know we're effectively creating a second class of citizens this way, but hey, it's free market!"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there's a guy in the front row with a cowboy hat on if they show her from behind again, he's on the right of her
Here we go with the awkward shit again
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
destroy all jobs
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Samson and Delilah are Biblical figures. oh
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ted can't do anything without his notes bernie knows all of this by heart
>>20572 And since, as Cruz established earlier, healthcare costs about or more than half of someone's monthly wages... They sure ain't getting it without a job paying more than minimum wage
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
everyone is like assuming sanders just outright supports obamacare as is for some reason
Jesus your government is just all papers isn't it? So much shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
very frustrating i worked at a nonprofit too you'd think i would get a tax break for that at least nope
for tuition costs, the reason is "your parents can pay for your school so you can't claim it"
So if you're dependent, neither you or your parents can claim it? And it's just woosh, gone into the ether despite being a supposedly tax-dedictable thing?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
my parents can claim it technically but this year we didn't do that because the tax rules for that were different last year and my mom filed her taxes before me
and if she claims my school stuff on her taxes, she gets the tax return, not me, even though the person paying the tuition is me
I guess it helps them in a way, but also makes it harder to lend money to scumbags I dunno what dodd frank is
I think your thing with naming every bill after two people is fucking stupid, by the way No wonder your system is fucked when nobody knows what anything being talked about actually is "OBAMACARE IS BAD. REMOVE IT AND LEAVE THE ACA ALONE!" Like if you didn't have all these names, this wouldn't be a problem
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
This is a debate with really good conduct. Everyone is staying with their time and being very cordial. A nice change from the election.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
dodd-frank helps the company as a whole from killing itself, but its employees hate it as individual agents
The per capita income is high sure, but it's like putting 4 mensa people in a special ed class and saying the average IQ is really high Like yeah, technically but please Billy over there eating the glue isn't above 100
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you can't go from dishwahser to CEO anymore ted
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
averages should come with variances
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
agreed you should have to report mean, median, mode, standard deviation i have trouble trusting it otherwise
really they should be able to say like "it's bimodal at 30k and 300k" and a little squiggle graph pops up
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that'd be really nice but i think the worry is that the american audience doesn't know enough statistics to understand more than "average" which i don't think is true but
dammit twitter don't resize my page asynchronously i'm going to have to hack around tweets to fix the scroll lock >>20647 lookin pretty startup for a 20 year old web service
>>20656 wow >>20657 Yeah, that was a pretty good debate Ted beats around the bush a lot but everyone was pretty chill and polite
I'm gonna make a series of chillstep songs and name the album Ted Beats
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>20658 such startup i used to enjoy this kind of aesthetic back at the first startup i worked for in sf now it reminds me of shitty middle managers and awkward "events"
sessions got sworn in and trump just signed three "crime reduction" EOs not sure of their contents, media does not seem to have any idea what they could be
It's some guy I don't even know where I am on twitter right now, I feel like I'm doing one of those sidequests that huge modpacks add to games The ones without voices and also they don't completely fit in
>>20679 I see a conclusion and I see a premise, but neither does the conclusion soundly follow the premise, nor is the premise verifiable
Obamacare is an instance of 4D chess I'll never forget
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i wonder if there could be a better system of naming things people who write bills should definitely not be naming those bills someone else should read the thing and give it a name
>>20688 You could just use the names of the bills SO THEY'RE EASY TO RESEARCH
>>20688 Whoever was the first one to cast their NO vote gets to name it
it'd have to be a different branch exec, judiciary, legislative, and taxonomic
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
some independent group of wizards will assign its True Name first the bill author must strip down and wade into the icy waters of Crater Lake if they make the journey to the other side they are greeted with a firm hand clasp and a whisper
I think whoever is the most against a bill should be the one to name it though All bills should be known by the worst part of them
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
"The Shitty Bill Of Killing American Children And High Treason #89" would be the template
Obviously they'd still need to name it something the public is OK with If you keep naming shit dumb stuff, then people will vote you out because every time you get a chance, a MEME comes out instead of a bill
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
how about an impartial branch like moon suggested where they go the bill of "Increased Taxpayer Deductibles And Also The 0.07% Can Import Manservants From Tanzania"
it'd use a formula similar to how drug companies name their drugs
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the for and against parties come up with varying names and americans get polls sent to their phones and have to vote on them! what could go wrong?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
ah whatever the media will just go with whatever gets coined and sounds good
>connaway advertised for Ivanka's company Holy shit this entire administration is so off the rails
i'm really getting sick of not having a vehicle i would love to shoot up to the gas station and get an energy drink and a slice of pizza or something but it'd take forever to walk and i'm working i'm thinking about getting a motorycycle
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
kyaa don't shoot
i can get up to whole foods in about a two minute walk, and they have some really cool counter things where people make fresh ramen and udon and really neat pizzas and stuff like that but i'm terrified of going up there because it's intimidating i don't know if i pay there or if i take it up to the front register
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
what's the worst that could happen
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/02/09/its-not-impossible-that-trump-orchestrated-the-whole-gorsuch-leak-episode/ FOUR DIMENSIONAL C H E S S
>>20712 ive told myself that before and it turned out really bad i was just at a panera trying to order a bagel with plain cheese and a milk. super easy no it was fucking horrible
panera has like two cash register sections, and two different lines they were both open, one was empty, but the closer one had one person in front of me and i was looking at the menu anyway so i stood there person in front of me finished up and left, i stepped up, and she closed the register and moved over to the other register, like 20 feet away and like a group of four came in, and i didn't know she closed it i thought she was doing i dont fucking know and after like four people came in, and x more, and like a minute passes, she's like "hey come over to this one" and i'm like "ok i will" and i was still looking at the menu but everyone kept telling me to go up to the front and i'm like no that's okay and they're like just go up front i guess one line is for bakery goods or something and that i was in the wrong one and i still wanted to be looking at their menu and everybody was getting angry at me and i told them to fucking quit it because i'm trying to look at the menu and then they acted like i was making a scene and i'm like GOD DAMN CAN I JUST SEE WHAT THIS PLACE SELLS I AM NOT READY TO ORDER MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS -- not saying that, but just my sentiment
yeah, it can be worse than i usually expect
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
well that sounds pretty awkward but i doubt it'd happen again, having that experience
i had never been to a panera so i just wanted to see what the fuck they had it was empty when i went in
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
in that situation i would just let the next person go ahead but i don't know what a panera is like
Oh, there wasn't a next person it was an entirely separate line. I was the only person in the line and she closed the register and moved to another register that had like four or six people so i stayed there and looked at the menu and they kept telling me to come to the front of the other line no you fuckers i'm not ready
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
like literally what did you say to them
"no, that's okay. you go ahead" >it's okay, you were first. go on to the front "i'm not ready yet, you go ahead"
and this is a business district area so it was everybody getting their morning coffees in business attire and such and a really gentrified area for some reason i find everything here highly intimidating i never had problems in saint louis really. the demeanor there is just different and is what i'm used to
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah gentrified places used to cause me anxiety too
when i first moved here, the first week i was here, i got some really scathing glares for trying to buy wine at the grocery store on sunday along with my groceries fuckin i didn't know that some states dont sell alcohol on sundays that's new to me
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
if people are glaring at you for not happening to know weird rules that's on them
YEAH but i don't like dealin with that i don't mind fucking things up or being weird it's navigating out of the situation that gives me issues
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it is in moments of novel awkwardness that i truly feel alive
>Dear White People is a 2014 American satirical comedy-drama film,[3][4] written, directed, and co-produced by Justin Simien. The film focuses on escalating racial tensions at a prestigious Ivy League college from the perspective of several African American students Hey hey does anyone wanna watch this?
Bloody fuck my bro can be as stubborn and unco-operative as me at times. >hey mind if I bring over some stuff with car toeve? >no I am cleaning and shit like what are you cleaning or clearing and if you are doing that, why did you reject my proposal from yesterday that I'd come over to help clear a moving path and clean the floors and shit... and we anyhow will have to clean the place up on saturday or sunday whatsoever.
Hmm, I have the van for 5 hours, which should be way more than enough. But driving between the two storing places and the new place, not to mention getting the van and driving it back. That will easily take a minimum of 1:30 But then again >3:30 to pack and unpack a van Emptying the house took, afterall, just 4 hours last time, and I was worse prepared that time
CAF is that shit they do to "drug dealers" and stuff, right? Where if they "think you're involved in drugs", they take your shit and sell it without due process?
I think this might be... poking fun at the main character
Oh she's actually FOR segregation ...like the current left
I mean the movie's only 2 years old, so
>“So what you’re telling me is that property retrieval is reserved for those that can afford it?” >"Yes" HAHAHAHAHHA
Oh yeah if the cops CAF your shit, you can buy it back from the auction I think If they left you anything to buy it with They can take any cash, any cars, and anything valuable like a TV
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/every-insult-the-left-uses-to-troll-conservatives-explained >Come up from the basement to learn about these insults, and there might just be some tendies in it for you. SAVAGE A V A G E
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>20771 This is getting //referring to getting it back before it is auctioned.
12k views on new moomin finnish dub clip 40 likes, 450 dislikes hahaha no one is defending it practically
And whole shit is caused, because while the new tv-company that is beginning to air the HD mastered version of it this year could get the visual material, the audio material was locked behind the previous state owned tv-company. And they were all NUH-UH you not gonna get anything from us for any price. And thus they were forced to redub it. The result is... bad just bad. I mean, the original finnish dub wasn't that good to begin with, but each actor atleast had passion doing it. And then add that they softened the series and partially most likely "censored" it. And "modernised the language" whatever that means, but at the very least it means "you are pronounced husnabd and wife" got changed to "married partners" Because a man and woman having a wedding has to use gender neutral terms nowadays it seems.
The cops can already take everything you own and freeze your bank account (I think) because they "thought they saw you do a thing maybe" with 0 court or judges involved But Trump's the fascist
Except I think it's trying to make me empathize with some of them Actually the only NOT shit human being is the character whose only defining traits is being gay and being black That is ALL I know about the person
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>20790 You probably just don't know enough about him to hate him yet.
In 24 hours I am most likely slightly intoxicated and playing some 3D tetris at my new place.
>>20796 but really what social justice is there to be fighting for in terms of what is written down in the law, every western nation has reached quite good peak situation.
There's also a few other things that you can't really fight with legislation, like people being more likely to get a job if they're named something that sounds white and male Shit like that
But as I said, you can't really legislate this, and most of it isn't even conscious to begin with so what the fuck are you gonna do
Change the attitude of the people? I mean I know it sounds like a lofty goal but that's kind of the core point of social justice movements.
>>20801 "in terms of what is written down in the law" attitudes are something that always need adapting, and take much longer, but htye have to come willingly and through education rather than forcing them down people's throats with silly laws.
>>20803 That's the problem It's not conscious, and I would assume it happens to people who don't see themselves as racist at all
>>20804 I agree in some manner; social justice is something that at its heart isn't about changing legislature but changing people. But at the same time some times some legislature helps. I mean black rights movements was a social justice campaign before its time; but it's still a good thing that they went "oh wait maybe we should make this thing also illegal just in case".
Whole mess in europe is rooted down to simply people being pissed off ath they can't speak their mind without either being punished through mobs of people shouting them down or like in germany, actual criminal punishment
there is much more to it of course, but that is one o the major reasons people have had enough of the EU project
>>20806 Social justice is mainly about changing legislation, though Or formal rules, at the very least, like the rules colleges have on their campuses and whatnot
"You either segregate the whites away from the whites or you should step down" isn't about changing attitudes
>>20806 Whatever the case, if the legislation makes any ethnic group or something "more valuable" or "more protected" however you view that, it will eventually cause problems and tensions. law should treat everyone equally and people educated to accept that.
The problem is they need those protections in some forms because of how tilted western society is towards white cultures.
Well you just make it "discrimination of any kind" And while it indeed is written down on the paper like that, I don't know of a case of someone suing a company for discriminating them because they were white or atleast them getting it handled in the court. I mean, that is rare as fuck but it does happen.
>>20811 Also in terms of european nations, aside from UK which has been a mixpot like USA forever. Every country is a nation state So it ain't that surprising they are biased towards on culture and its practice. *one They were afterall founded with the idea of one nation, one people.
>>20813 Though, one has to question, since most european nations were founded on that idea and several European empires were divided into "one nation, one people" basis Where the fuck did Yugoslavia come from then?
The only reason it lived as long as it did, was communism
There's a big deal about taking money from Candid on the youtubes now apparently I'm not sure how much of this is legal and how much is ethics, but I do know in the UK the laws are pretty strict, and they are here too But the US, who knows
dnno, with the voice actor voicing clementine, it kinda happened
I wish we'd get S2 Preferably S3 We can skip S2 tbh
Lizardmans can be an ONA show or something
http://dailycaller.com/2017/02/09/shock-study-45-percent-of-high-school-teachers-support-public-ban-on-offensive-speech/?utm_campaign=atdailycaller&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social Ruh roh
>>20843 Hang in there. I've got a couple massive bills coming up too, including taxes. since i'm my own company, i have to pay all my taxes lump instead of having it taken out of each paycheck taxes due in april
>>20851 You're working hard to make it I can tell Hang in there.
>>20842 >“People should be allowed to express unpopular opinions” — just as long as those unpopular opinions aren’t “offensive” and couldn’t “be seen as bullying others.” soo... you can't say unpopular opinions.
Like if you're scared of Trump, your general stance should be "The government should have as few vague laws as possible."
"You shouldn't be allowed to say offensive things" Like dude The guy IN CHARGE right now, with both congress AND the senate backing him, gets offended at basically every mention of his name, all criticism In fact, criticism is almost inherently OFFENSIVE if you're loose enough with the term It's critique of you as a person, that's almost necessarily going to cause offense if it's true
"The judge wasn't talking about Trump's comments specifically, he was talking about all comments like that." -Sean Spicer
Pls America pls
You were laffos before but it's time to dial it down before the rest of the world switches to a currency backed by clips of the american government doing stuff
It was pretty hot today. It was like 84 degrees. >>20896 One of my friends in NYC said his law office was closed and he had to work from home. Must be bad.
wow rub it in why don't you
>two bogan women screaming in each others face at the bus interchange Its good to be home. >>20895 That's hardly hot at all!
I'm starting to remember a lot of thing really randomly and suddenly like a whole lot it feels like when you find an old hard drive you forgot about and you plug it in and check out years worth of files and folders you forgot about
>>20902 i was talking to someone from Florida for a while yesterday. One of the international students. Do
what was the deciding factor on not playing 2 again was it the ending of the first one
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it was so unrealistic like you start the game with this magical spray that can find fingerprints and blood anywhere and a device that uses a laser to scan blood samples and record finger prints and shit like that
oh, you started playing the second one and it was just so bad?
oh i can't link to a specific time on through moe oh well it was just a scene that you missed your shit dad compliments the cookies and you say you'll go have some in a bit and then your shit dad tells you you cant because he ate them all
I don't understand what is enjoyable about crafting systems other than the discovery. It's all spreadsheets and gathering. Spreadsheets: the Gathering And once you get past the spreadsheet phase it's like... "Look at all this shit I have to do." The fastest way to what you want is compiling all the data into an easy to read list and yet the list tells you all the fun you aren't about to have.
I want a magic crafting system where ever player has different recipes and you have to go out in the world and gather stuff and experiment with different cooking methods and shit become a master potion brewer through science, not wikis
The problem is that you end up with incredible confusion. If everyone has different recipes, then there's no way to properly map what's needed. Outside of the people making lists to throw on the internet, now you just have to make your own list
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
yeah the discovery is the fun part if you ask me maybe you invest a lot of time honing your potions and word gets around that yours are the best, people start gathering your ingredients and one day you try a random combination that creates something totally new and it breaks the meta
I would like to see a game like Atelier but a MMO where some people are more crafter/gatherer types and they go out into the wilds to get random crap. And some places are dangerous so you need the fighter types to go with you.
>>20991 it's not quite to that level, but for being 20 years old, ragnarok had an alchemist ranking system and people put a whole lot of specialization into the tiniest improvements so like a couple well known biochems who had top tier products could sell potions at 7k a pop that some other people can't sell for 1500 a pop, just because they're like 30% more potent and when potions have weight and you're on a weight limit, carrying 30% fewer potions or healing 30% more per potion during PVP was massive
The biggest problem with that idea is that games don't work the way that real life does. Specifically, you can be a fighter and a gardener at the same time. Not even talking about the character itself. I mean the person playing can just have a warrior, and then swap to their alchemist character when they need to mix things.
If you want to "make it work like real life", you will need a compelling argument to convince your players why this MMO only allows 1 character slot.
Also, for those people who actually DO end up liking the game, don't be surprised when they buy an extra account just to get around this.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
so make them work like real life
>>20995 >sorry, can't go to work today boss. ive got to stay at home and work in this video game
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
>>20993 pretty cool, I wish I had played RO back in the day >>20994 time to start modeling drug interactions your character has a hidden genotype and so rolling a new character is no guarantee the potions will work on you
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>20996 >i can't come in, a fighter just agreed to take me through the Forest of Phallic Fruit for free
>>20997 RO was a pioneer in customization there was no skill path, stat route meta the way the stat customization worked was fucking insanely good. the same company (gravity? or maybe some of the same concept team) released something or other recently but i can never remember the name of it, or if it's even out yet sugoi and rika know the name i remember them talking about it
>>21003 Play Atelier. They're games completely about crafting. Well, mostly about crafting.
>>21003 puzzle pirates had puzzle-based crafting pretty fun puzzles, too, to be honest somewhat luck-based, but a good strategy involves minimizing the cost or impact of bad luck and best puzzlers were best crafters the swordfighting pvp puzzles in puzzle pirates was one of the coolest and most in-depth minigames ive ever seen
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
crafting should have a high skill ceiling like you gotta cook things the right amount of joules and avoid burning stuff and take into account the random weights of the ingredients or watch the pot for bubbling stuff like that and the results shouldn't just be HP goes up, there will be side effects or unintended interactions
>>21007 There are issues with that, although it'd be nice let me put these towels in the dryer
>>21007 like playing cooking mama on the wii with a low-sensitivity wiimote
>>21007 ive seen this before, where low-skill potions would have some negative effects of varying types, but you wouldn't know what they were. it's not like it says on the description, though i think it said its purity or something, like 37% pure but for the life of me i can't remember what this was from
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
yeah hidden effects for sure, you'd have to test them out
hell make drinking a potion a mini game in itself if you drink something with too much acid content too fast you might throw it up or maybe there are dregs at the bottom that have nasty effects take a quick swig in battle or sip slowly at camp
i liked in skyrim that you couldn't know what ingredients did til you mixed them together, and there we re so many but that's still just record-keeping mmo wikis ruin that
that's why puzzle pirates comes to mind. you had to have a real keen grasp on how the minigame for alchemy worked they also had like brewing, shipwright, carpentry, swordfighting, digging for treasure, navigation, battle nav with ships, bilging, sailing, and a bunch of others that i can't even think of but every skill, there was a puzzle for it, and they were all amazing puzzles. i still go back and play it just to play the carpentry puzzle sometimes
>>21014 amazing game to be honest if you get rich enough to buy (or make) your own ship, (there are varying sizes, from small little 4-man boats to 30+) you get to captain it and hire jobbers (sailors, carpenters, battle nav, gunners, etc) and there's rankings in all of these. If you load up with grand masters your ship will be tearing the oceans apart -- you can battle against NPC tradeships for small goods, or engage another player ship and take like 70% of their booty sailing, bilging, and carpentry (since ships take damage) all determine how fast you move, which in general nav is just a base speed, but in battle nav it's like a grid system where you get more moves per turn with more speed and less damage/water weighing you down outside of the pirating, there's a whole slew of trades there's like shipwrights, blacksmiths who make swords, brewers who brew rum, alchemists, fishmongers, ton of shit
Gensokyo has some really interesting political dynamics. The human village in WaHH and FS has a lot of interesting stuff happening around it. I kinda want more stuff about the normal humans
The bar for skill is on both the player and the dev but I'm thinking mainly from the dev side. I don't know how balancing a skill-based crafting system would look like (although, that sounds like quite the mission). The few things in my head were generally based on the economic effect such a thing would have in an MMO. If you have skill-based crafting for most items, say potions for instance, then there are going to be lots of different kinds of potions you can get. ...And now I just realized a NEW problem but I'll get to that after. How will the economy move in a system where the best potions, weapons, armor, etc, aren't based on luck drops or spreadsheets but by the people who are good at building it? A potion can heal you, but it can also cure poison, but it can also have negative effects. How do you // When this kind of thing is possible, how do you make sure that the game can still have a healthy economy and not just have all the good potion people in a single guild selling things at high markups because no one can have that consistency? It gets to a point where you want to evade some of the troubling economic problems in real life. And if you don't plan for it, or have a quick useful remedy to it, things will go south.
The OTHER new problem I just thought up was that if you have an incredibly variable system for stuff like potions than how the hell are you going to use them as a player? Most games you have usable items stacked into a single slot and it's just "Okay, I use this. I get my MP back." But levels of quality changes. Either you have a lot of set kinds of items (which wouldn't be as interesting to the crafter), or a wildly different method of item consumption.
apparently if you go something like 3 level ones and a high level in arena, its easier kinda but you might lose to their solo high level guy
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>21028 do you get more points for higher levels though?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Apparently Steve Bannon invested $60,000,000 in a business venture for gold farming in WoW. https://www.wired.com/2016/09/trumps-campaign-ceos-little-known-world-warcraft-career/
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>>/@realDonaldTrump/829836231802515457 CRUISE CONTROL ENGAGED if he dictates his tweets did he yell this at the top of his lungs? >>21032 i just do hardest tier every time and bait the AI only lost once, freaking takumi
>>21029 not sure but you can probably do the hardest tier
>>21027 on balancing--the system is too variable to be really balanced, but I would have spell ingredients come and go on a seasonal basis, so unless you can find exact substitutes, the meta evolves continually OPness would come and go
on economics, I'd like to see less accumulation of capital and more accumulation of mechanical skill and institutional knowledge. maybe a lineage-style game like Rogue Legends where you start from newgame+ after death if people consolidate power too easily, add more mechanics that make backstabbing easier cooperation is hard though, I'm not worried about that so long as capital can't be stockpiled infinitely
i'm thinking these potions will be more about surviving in a harsh world than a traditional rpg battle which frankly bores me
>>21034 I guess a game's combat mechanics would have to be deeply tied into making that work. Skill and knowledge can be gained via practice but money answers everything that you either can't do or won't do.
As far as balance goes, there's no such thing as too much. That said, seasonal changes is actually a very good way to maintain it. There's a commonly accepted expectation that things will phase out and new things will phase in with players. It's like MtG formats in that sense. Standard, specifically. Even still, things get banned or limited or tweaked.
I think one of the issues that I have is that "Crafting" is an element of the game rather than a mode of the game. Like with any MMO, you'd call it a system. You have your combat system, you have your crafting system, etc. But it's really just an element that adds to the game mode. [PvE, PvP, WvW in GW2]
Rather than being an "element" of the game, it needs to look like an entirely different game mode. That's what I think. It almost sounds pretentious but that's really the issue. Crafting isn't an experience, it's just something you do. Crafting can GUIDE your experience (fetch quests for items, doing certain missions and fighting specific enemies for materials) but it's not an experience in itself.
Puzzles are a neat way to fill that gap but it needs to be bigger than just that.
sittin here with 64000 points and the next highest is 11,000 i'm just collecting all the wind tiles and watching them play all paranoid thinking there are still winds out on the field 4's, 6's, and winds anyone who can still make a hand gets a big kudos in my book
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>21042 i've been thinking about a game that starts out with no combat but just pure survival you have to make risky voyages to get the stuff that keeps you alive, like every week see who can survive the longest combat can be worked out later without pvp conflict and hidden crafting mechanics, balance is less of an issue and it's more about being good at movement and getting lucky with drops and crafting
but i guess you can't just shoehorn combat in later and expect everything to be harmonious
>>21046 like multiplayer recettear but instead of paying off debt you're keeping your health above 0?
like a weekly health i mean like a hunger survival meter
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>21047 with speedrun mechanics the best players show off on twitch and have long tenures on the scoreboard
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>21046 sounds kind of like dwarf fort but without combat
It's more like Dark Souls except completely different
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>21048 yeah or it might be like you need some fountain to be active to keep your species alive and also a hunger thing but you're a mountain goat and you only eat alpine moss so there's a weekly migration
or for hardcore players you have to refresh every 48 hours, with more dangerous paths, but you have a overall longer lifespan than the weekly casuals
communal goals / objectives? or is that individual and competitive?
how about far cry primal but it's multiplayer and you can craft rudimentary traps for hunting large game -- traps not being individual items to be used, but utilizing physics and compound measures not particularly complex ones, but just simple things that can be used in conjunction and also defending from neighboring clans/tribes who want to steal your mammoths or your loot stashed in your cave
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
hunting game is good i want to reenact the wilderbeast stampede in the Lion King cross the canyon by dodging and rolling
you'd have to follow the herd -- kill a mammoth and a sabretooth might just slay you and steal your kill
>>21057 haha classic i miss messing around in 3d studio max
have you ever played RPG world online it was made in visual basic back in like 19 fucking 90 the most oldschool shit and servers had like eight people on average
that game had a lot of complexities in a pretty simple format
very survival based too you could freeze to death, starve, die of thirst, get murdered by monsters, die of exhaustion you had to set up territory fast and build a farm and raise some sheep for their hides got maintainable once you had an herb garden to make potions, but the thing is that you set all this up and anyone can fucking stroll in and take all your fucking shit so people came up with clever defenses because they'd have to keep their shit safe while they were gone all day
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
sounds like Rust 0.1
doing some firsthand research with MUDs might give you some good ideas too imo it's all about simple mechanics that can be used in complex ways, rather than gathering resources and making specific items
Ryjbb the economy please
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>21062 i used to play discworld MUD dat spellcasting system
muds were crazy
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>21063 what did he mean by this >>21065 i always wanted to write one it's a hard sell these days though
>>21066 naw there are still hardcore MUD players the only problem is they're in their 30's now so you'd have to gear it a little more towards that time flexibility
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah i log on once in a while to check in but like i miss having complex movement sigh those were simpler times
i don't miss EIGHTEEN DIFFERENT TEXT COLORS flashing across the client at 20 lines per second holy shit i almost had seizures with that shit
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh that doesn't sound right discworld was rate limited pretty well but it was annoying to wait i had various areas memorized and could queue up all the movement commands and then sit back
i dont remember what it was, but i played a very active one
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
holy crap these purple haired teeth monsters hit for 3 hearts wtf i forgot how hard lttp is
man this shit is way spookier than twilight princess
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>21044 i wonder if satisfying puzzles could be procedurally generated like if we break down what it is about a puzzle that makes it fun make randomly a high-level description of a puzzle like "the player must realize that changing the water level will expose this cavern but render the boat inaccessible, thus they have to shoot an arrow from a certain vantage, etc etc" and then instance it into world geometry