I realised a thing about 12k they make their rulers immortal way too early since they are humans too, having some teenager immortal ain't that wise. Their brain hasn't fully developed and then is stuck forever like that >>21902 this particular character was a good example
>>21903 It's all supposed to be DESTINED, isn't it? You could probably come up with some bullshit like 'they become the ruler at the age they're meant to be'
But I agree that having immortal kids in positions of power is probably a bad idea.
>>21905 En-king is easily most balanced character and he is 30 something, so in the mental and physical peak the less balanced rulers were always older, like the genocide guy was 40 or 50 and the previous kei queen was also some teen or something and even if they were mature enough for the throne, just tossing someone to rule won't be good as they don't have the experience. Which was a point in the rebellion arc and quite well dealt with.
Real monarchies handled by grooming the future heirs to be best rulers as they could be, and thus werep repared for the bad cases, where the next monarch was an idiot. 12k doesn't really work that way, since no one knows how well the next ruler can handle the pressure of the crown. Not to mention the chinese eunuch like courts
I know what I like and when I go to fridays I want my burger and pretzels I have to eat steak because Blind wants to share a steak so she can eat the turbo brownie >>21917 right?
Hah I drank that away years ago Though I should get back into shape
>>21916 Are you going to complain that the leather seats in your Porche get too cold against your skin, too? >>21923 Well with Two burgers in a day you're on the right track.
Who put the bomp in the bomp bomp bomp More like who put that song in my head I fucking hate you
>Castlevania is a dark medieval fantasy following the last surviving member of the disgraced Belmont clan, trying to save Eastern Europe from extinction at the hand of Vlad Dracula Tepe himself. crazy
Hmm if you think about it, russia might be forcing a solution to ukraine thing kinda like "pull your shit out and keep crimea, just end it already" from EU and USA, since trump didn't carry over with ending the sanctions not that he said anything about ending them but
Oh right forgot the guy raped like dozens of kids actually, but he didn't really get caught or punished proper, due to lack of evidence before the final deed.
So well why I won't say, don't become a godfather. Why is anyone asking you, a jew, to become a godparent?
Damn faux christians
Huh? Because it's secular. It's not religious.
it's welcoming you as a member of the family and giving you an authoritative role on important things that happen in the child's life, should the parents become incapacitated, dead, or otherwise unable to function
My godchild is due second week of next month I didn't really think about it until now but it's so close and it's like, shit I'm gonna be a crappy distant godfather It's kind of exciting too though
it's also a gesture of massive respect
if a child is overdue, you should be able to charge the doctor a late fee for not delivering it on time i mean, it applies to books at a library why do doctors get a free pas
>>22135 Be sure to murder a guy by shooting him in the eye when the kid is christened
>>22156 I could use someone to self-destruct with you're going to sleep soon though aren't you
>>22150 i hope not Teacup's godfather was supposedly pretty cool until her parents died Maybe I'll turn into a psycho if I get the kid wwww >>22162 In about an hour, yeah Maybe earlier if Fish finishes soon
>>22176 I don't really want to use two reds. Especially not two melee infantry reds. Right now I'm using Lissa as #4, but I'm considering replacing her with Felicia.
my grandma went into the hospital last night after a stroke, I'm guessing ischemic, and my family's not happy that i'm so far away and can't visit. I'm way overloaded with work this week and have been off the alcohol so anxiety levels are off the charts and i've been dizzy all day and my vision going in and out, feeling a bit seizy and stuff. Our electric company fucked up and had to do a delayed billing because, for the january bill, they said that something was anomalous and they had to come out and do a manual reading of the meter and some inspections, which they haven't done yet after 20 days, and we're supposed to receive an updated bill once they do. I have not received a new bill notification yet, and no new bill shows on the website. Whatever meter anomaly happened shows a past-due balance of $506 from december's bill, which was updated way after i already paid december's bill, and that was already recorded as billed for -- and paid for -- at 180. but their automated system sends out an automatic cutoff notice, and i can't even call them now that i've seen what they mailed out today, since it's friday after 5pm. My roommate got really pissy about this and i think he thinks we're getting an exceptionally high bill and past due notice because he thinks i haven't been paying the bills, which isn't true at all -- ive been paying the bills in their entirety, and not having him contribute towards the extra charges on credit-check deposits per month with each utility because it's probably my credit that triggered that red flag. so i'm already paying about 65% of the bills on my own, and shit like this happens, and my family is aggressing me, my grandma's having a stroke and i'm really distressed about that for a lot of reasons. I'm putting in 70+ hours a week, and everyone treats me like i'm some degenerate. I really can't handle this kind of shit. It's not that it's unfair. I don't care about fairness. It's that i find it fucking obnoxious so yeah that
they're totally different ways of dying you'd think they're the same but they're not even remotely close cause of death is completely different one is brain shutdown from lack of oxygen, the other is cardiac arrest
>>22196 well, with freshwater, it gets sucked up into the ravioli in your lungs (alveoli but i can't remember the right spelling) and the water isn't able to cross the membrane from the alveoli into the capillary, so it stops the exchange of oxygen for carbonated oxygens and you won't get new oxygen, so you'll use up the supply pretty quick and the brain will run out of oxygens pretty quick and the brain stem will stop making your body work
with the salty water, it's a little different because now you have a massive salt concentration in the water. you still won't be pumping water into your bloodstream, but through osmotics, your blood is going to be pumping water into your lungs to equalize the concentration this accomplished two things first and foremost, you're not drowning in your own fluids because your blood vessels are pumping water into your lungs two, your blood is massively thickening, because that water is keeping the blood skinny but now it's fat blood and your heart is gonna be angry that you're sending it fat blood
the latter option is actually slower, because you're still able to utilize more oxygen when your lungs are filled with salty water which means you actually have a lot longer of a timeframe to be rescued in drowning by saltwater but by the same token, you're going to take 15 minutes to drown in saltwater instead of a few minutes
>>22197 yeah and one red i want to upgrade my blue cordelia to 5* when i have enough and replace Saizo (ill only use him when training people or something)
One of the pvp teams I fought against had two (2) male robins on it. I didn't care and Tiki blew them up, but that would be a tough battle for Ika's team.
>>22195 cardiac arrest it is >>22198 did you ever look into people who had drowned from drinking too much fluids most reports say they had a headache and died in their own sleep but I imagine it would still be painful >>22204 something like they drank so much water that they died that way I don't know how it works, but it happens apparently
Yeah, it's not like he's a problem most of the time but I remember when I had my first team which was Lucina and three Thieves. And there was a Robin (Male) and an archer with an Assassin's Bow I didn't even try, I just hit the Surrender button
>>22202 drinking? you mean they aspirated the fluids? you can't drown from your stomach
>>22202 that'd be dehydration -- it doesn't make sense but that's what it would be you dilute all of the salts in your body, and you're undernourished on electrolytes because your salt content is way too low electrolytes are half of hydration, water is the other half hydration is a balance between water and salt, not just having enough water
Good job My former roomie invented that as an answer to "what god do you belive in" or somekind of silly question but I turned it into a "test of faith" thingie
>>22233 is your belief that of the biblical god, or do you think it takes a different form than what's described in words?
i do, now that i'm playing competitively it's also probably the only reason i haven't drank in a week i feel intrigued by the game and don't need to drink from boredom
are you playing now?
opr working?
you bet i am
daww I kinda wanted to chess
no it's 10 30 pm i'm playing mahjong for two hours now i'll play you in chess when you aren't drunk i'm not drunk anymore, so grant me that fairness
last time you played sober vs me drunk you almsot lost
i never played against you sober i was fucking wasted
well as sober as you can be
i probably had a liter of bourbon and told you i was more sober than you because i was bragging about my tolerance
hey don't brag to me about tolerance, I am hugely embellished
I do have a high tolerance in general, but not that high
as people think
Brag was wrong word, rather "don't compete with the image of TN" cause that is like trying to climb the two peaks of Kilimanjaro
i think you overplay how much you drink, and i underplay how much i drank in all honesty, on a typical weekend i'd have one handle (1.75 liters) of rum in one weekend i wouldn't get drunk with it either, i'd have a mixed drink 50/50 with cola every hour for aboul 12 hours straight, sleep, then wake up and do it again
No I tell the precise amoutn how much i drink I most likely seem way more drunk than I would, barely 0,5l of rum down But, I mean 3 months and 2 weeks of laptop typing and now I am back on my mechanical keyboard man this is just alien
>>22262 it's more than just words. you talk more about it when you do drink, and it brings some attention with it your 0.5 liters of rum isn't a "Oh it's friday" thing for me that was "oh it's every day" thing and i'd usually be warming up with two or three beers mid-day before that
well I stop or rather I can't have proper fun when I am sober, which is a sad thing.
>>22263 Yeah I don't drink like that and I can't say I ever have I eman I have done a week where I drank way too much than one should, but that was a week not a 1 year where every day you drink a bottle of bourbon
yeah, a week of drinking is kind of understandable ive been like that for 12 months, from january to late january this year it was horrible and i hated myself for it i'm not going to stop drinking and be a teetotaler, but i am going to drink very conservatively
>>22266 So, why do you drink? ever asked that question?
>>22268 the last two years, during which i was caretaking my psychotic (literally) mother and my dying grandmother was constant drama and very traumatic on a daily basis, because they are and always have been abusive people. My sisters were very abusive towards me while caretaking, as well, despite my dropping out of school and incurring a lot of financial debt to be able to do it, and endured my mother ruining my credit and getting my bank account closed while i was on a two-day vacation
i drank so that i wouldn't snap and kill myself. that was actually the ultimatum i gave myself -- I was very, very seriously wanting to shoot myself with my assault rifle i convinced myself that i could endure it if i drank enough and stopped giving a shit instead of killing myself >>22270 I don't mind cutting in. It's just with SK, because he cuts you off when youre trying to talk sense into him and he won't have it i don't like it when you're trying stick your neck out for someone and they disregard it. I just yell at him to try to get him in line a little bit, because it can be frustrating because i care
but yeah, that's the root reason. I am also a better person when I drink. You may not have been here in the past, when I was extremely volatile and abrasive towards people. I don't have that when i have nervous depressants. Alcohol isn't the best choice for that though -- benzos have worked well but i'm currently on short supply. Valerian root and catnip are remedial at best
but really, what it was, was i was getting into that pattern to endure the horrid situation, and then i landed a major contract and was working 10 hours a day. At that point, i was already a little bit dependent and had to drink at night in order to sleep, so that i could get up at 5am and do it all over again to make money to caretake for those people was only meant to be temporary, but you know how that goes
>>22269 Well that is something that would be hard to shake off
I myself drink because I am stoic maximum and barely feel positive emotions unless I am drunk
more than anything, an ice cold barley beer just tastes so fucking good i never liked sodas because they're so sweet juice and stuff, too sweet tea is nice, but not carbonated fermented carbonated barley drink good lord it's so good if non-alc beer were at all remotely good, i would drink them all day long that's how i got in the habit of drinking 10-ish beers a day, was just sipping on them throughout the day
>>22273 Hahaha with your salary level, you wouldn't be able to afford that consumption here.
>>22275 in august, september, october, november, and december, i spent about $15 a day on alcohol usually in the form of a case of 18 beers every other day, or a fifth (750ml) of bourbon every other day
Alcohol is fucking expensive here also bigger taxation on income
I mean where do you think the money comes from that funds our "top 5" list "best social safety network in the world" thing and all 5 countries in that list are Nordics btw.
Oi I am not one to say this, but this is kinda something that has been going on for ages since I first posted here outside of r/a/dio and watched a movie with Badger that you failed to join, despite initiating the whole thing
Look at it this way Who on /moe/ hasn't had a grudge with me?
Rika has. Sugoi has. Dash has. Lobster has. Bang had a really big one. Doc has. Samurai has. SK has. You, not really a grudge but just drunk misgivings. Kannagi has, and now Kannagi's my best friend on moe. Even Kirara has. And i'm not talking petty stuff, I'm talking super serious stuff.
How many of them still hold a grudge? None. A little awkward with dash, but no grudges by any stretch. If there are any, they sure as h*ck dont voice them.
Oh the thing between me and rika is just her beign stubborn and me being me and well she has decided to carry it way longer than she uisually carries it along, but still breaks it occasionally to "intervene" or shit when of course it didn't even require it I just have found it silly from the moment she began it to this point But I guess she finds it extremely crucial to the societal part she represents
i mean the whole thing started with "rika: hey dutch watch yuri on ice" "dutch: that sounds good" "tn: hey dutch, that is trap, it is yaoi" "dutch: thansk mate" "rika: tn you are excommunicated"
oh yeah, dutch and gamma too. grudges there as well.
i dont know if it's just my upbringing and the life i've had to live, but a little conflict or aggression doesn't particularly make me uncomfortable it makes it a little more homy if i didn't share that yin and yang with moe of some agression and some concern, it's just be a cold, dismal place at least there's a little intimacy this way
>>22329 While I was at the hospital, there was a poster on the wall in the waiting room that said "Please be patient with us" and I couldn't stop giggling over it.
this is why i love blue he's not afraid to be as big of a dork as me
It takes a lot of patients to be a successful doctor.
>>22330 you would have liked these transcript projects the other day it was surveying australian companies on termiticides exterminators and such the australian accent makes it sound like tomatocide every time i kept cracking up
>>22334 transcribing really develops a whole different sense of humor if i have a slow day sometime, i'm going to do a proper transcript and then re-transcribe it doing all phrasing like that if it's a client that would get a kick out of it
It's a whole new world of what the fuck are you even saying transcribing makes me realize just how often I just nod my head and go along with a conversation.
you've gotten way better at it don't know if you're still seeking out employment but i could probably get you onboard here if you wanted, with a little bit more practice
It's something I'll have to think about soon, most likely. I don't know how well I'd be able to handle all the surrounding stuff though. I guess it's something you just get accustomed to.
the minimum quota is five hours of audio a week, basically but frankly some weeks there's not that much to go around five audio hours you should have a feel for, that's probably like 20-ish hours of work
Yeah about 25, I think. I just remember hitting around 12 mins per hour.
that's what i used to go at early on you get faster i do about 18 minutes per hour on hard files now, something like 22-25 for easy files. average about 20. a big part is learning to edit as you go it's not really learning so much as it is getting accustomed to the experience and integrating the process together it's super easy for me to notice if i misspelled something or omitted a word now as i go, without having to review a section kind of like how after 10 games of mahjong or so, you start to be aware of whether you have a yaku or not without having to refer to a chart and check to see
also, put yourself on a harsh deadline once or twice and you can see how fast you can really do work if you're hurried it's not natively a very rushed task, and is not so stressful if done at a pace but i used to do like 9 or 10 minute hours untl // until i had my first instance of having to do 50 minutes in like 3 hours and i was panicked i got it done but quality was poor slowly, i've gotten to that speed without compromising quality so i can average about 20 an hour for normal jobs, 30 for rush jobs, but it's not fun to do so it could be a totally relaxing job if i took it slow and made only 12-ish an hour instead but it'd eat up my whole day
>>22344 I'm happy with them. I'd probably never get anything done if I had leniency. In fact, I ran over two deadlines today because i woke up four hours late, so i was two hours late on a rush project and 28 minutes late on a normal project. I kind of had good reason, but if nobody asks I'm not going to go out of my way to explain it.
Yeah so far all I know is you follow people and eventually they'll retweet someone else you can follow and you keep going like that But that does just lead to a bubble so
i dont understand the complaint the people you follow and who they follow makes a sort of information roadmap so information can get to you via retweets you could go look up news yourself or events or new drawings/music/videos somebody did on your own but how would you even know what to search for when you don't know what the content is it's not about connecting to other people. it's about connecting to information -- information finds you via how selectively accessible you make yourself, not you going out to find the information
>>22464 This is what I got. No 5 stars but I like Tharja and now I won't have to upgrade the two star Felicia so that's nice. I don't know if the axe guy is good or not.
>>22465 I think they will add more ways to get orbs once a lot of people have the campaign maps all clear.
One big complaint I have with the game is this and that's that the recent games OSTs have had a normal map theme and then another theme for the battles and they transition perfectly between the two when a battle starts. And Heroes doesn't have that!
The first is the normal map music and when it goes into the battle is transitions seamlessly to the fire version. It's a very very nice touch, and the OST isn't interrupted every battle scene.
Also rook do you want to watch urara?
Oh no I'm drunk
>>22513 I'm in someone's car right now so i front think i will make it in time
It will cost a lot of feathers but I'm going to make an old men on horses combo. Alone they may be mid tier characters, but together they will be strong!
right now i'm getting some of the "it's only the beginning of the work week" blues as well as some of the "i'm seriously not going to have a day off until saturday and i'm pretty sure i have to spend it taking a motorcycle safety course
today was no good nothing good happened today and now i go to sleep and work tomorrow and the next day... and the next day....
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i hope tomorrow will be a better day today was kind of wasted on me >>22549 hoping! for! a! better! day! maybe you will receive some good energy from people
You will receive a good word from a kind stranger #fortune
>i think i am being treated unjustly by the system because they are forcing me to pay money i don't have >i guess i had better hire a lawyer!
I didn't say hire a lawye
then there won't be any getting anywhere there's no point i'd have just about as much success trying to react with violence except that at least with violence i'd be dead and wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
well, i guess i understand why car insurance has to be enforced but the result is common people get the shaft as usual
>>22568 Well it's not like they're wasting their time fighting the boogeyman Oh wait
>>22579 what do you mean have people pay to fix the results afterward? >>22583 hmm the way i understand it, to spread the cost of accidents to everyone because otherwise one accident can bankrupt a person
>>22582 what is the point of insurance? why should it be mandated?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>22580 oh yeah gotta push the fear agenda war on iran soon
oh shit it's almost 6 30 i have work in 7 hours rip
If you get into an accident without insurance, the victim usually has to pay all of the costs that their own stuff won't cover In an accident, your stuff is being paid for by the insurance of the other person, not your own insurance, to a degree, usually So if someone doesn't have insurance and rear-ends you, you're the one that gets fucked and the other person just does whatever They have to pay but can't and won't so those costs become your costs
I think the rationale behind mandated car insurance is based on it being for the well-being of victims
yeah otherwise people would just figure "it won't happen to me" and skip it then responsible people's premiums go up and then if someone uninsured accidentally kills a victim, their family gets nothing and collapses
If the other girls are cute and the end-boss seems interesting and it doesn't look hard, maybe I'll give it a go. But I'd rather spend my autism on Granblue.
I bet it was her. one eye zero depth perception two confident
>In ableist societies, able-bodiedness is viewed as the norm; people with disabilities are understood as those that deviate from that norm. Disability is seen as something to overcome or to fix, for example, through medical intervention. The ableist worldview holds that disability is an error or a failing rather than a consequence of human diversity, akin to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender.[5] One common type of ableist behavior denies others' autonomy by speaking for or about them rather than allowing them to speak for themselves.[6] An example of this behavior occurs when a waiter speaks to an aid or a companion instead of directly to the person with a disability. wow
>>22670 they probably could be although that's a bit different as a barber, you do a decent amount of face touching and blind people have heightened face touching awareness
in the new Walkure ga Tomaranai album, the opening song has each member of Walkure introduce themselves, and Freyja is like "ringo daisuki, new face" and it always makes me think of kongou