You can't come first before you've even drawn the art
>>1094832 then it is about riding horses. which is a multi digit feat. the kart is even more digits. if you are just gonna be swirling around small qualities, i dont really need to ask you for that. also if i have enough digits, i wont need to ask to
>>1094832 *if i have enougg incremental digits as in getting hundreds regularly. it ll be steady climb. like some who did not came to ask. they are pretty steady. i am not even close, so there is no kart to handle. i think you are just distracted. no just trying to sound wise... when you dont even have hundreds to begin with like i am referring from.
>>1094896 i drew the art above in 5 mins i bet i can do your lineart in as little. hell. i think i ve done yours. but your idea is probably not even 10 views.
>>1094832 i think you should refrain commenting anymore. i cannot see any use of your copout quotes being any use in any SEO textbook. it s probably just the 0.01% of it. but in practice youhave nothing useful to coordinate from
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh mann
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
\o/ boosting for the seo gods
>>1095006 >>1095010 accpted but. what do. there are protocols. and i cant seem to hit enough increments. any clue?