actually went ahead and fuckin' bought Rings of Saturn Incredible space mining game, it even has Elon jokes lmao
and if you travel at 90m/s+ it plays this >>>/watch?v=8PkNiebfl6I But only if you maintain that speed, which can be fucking terrifying You impact something with that velocity, you just gotta go home and fix your ship
The elon jokes are really good too cause they work so damn well when you're not familiar with the game yet There are fairly expensive thrusters you can buy, Elon brand, and they're pretty damn fucking fuel efficient, no lie, excellent fuel economy The issue is, they've got like none newtons. They work, but you're accelerating at a snail pace There's an elon brand HUD, which honestly isn't like terrible if you like that kind of HUD, but I feel so fucking lost using it, and it lacks some of the features I'm relying on But by far the best is the Elon brand autopilot. you can literally set it and forget it at 50m/s inwards into the rings, and it WILL get you there without damaging your ship, guaranteed The problem is, when you start harvesting, the damn thing bugs out cause it recognizes your ore as a hazard and desperately tries to avoid it
there's also a whole damn elon brand ship but I haven't tried it, and possibly it's actually good, who knows it is the most pricy one in the game atm at least I'm definitely gonna buy it, everything trades back at buy cost so there's no harm in trying random junk Well, other than maybe wasting the cost of a dive or two as you're testing something that turned out to suck ass
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
looks like the kind of game that has a Linux version
Weirdly enough, it doesn't But practically everything runs fine with wine these days
holy moly you can make bank real fast in delta v in the rings themselves, there are often these like, ridges, where there are BIG chunks, or really way more dense ones, which means they've got a ton of good ore in them And you can just pay a little premium to go there off the cut
I'm gonna get the Elon ship soon at this rate I keep banging my own up, but that's just impatience Not a good thing, I mean it costs a ton to fix my reactor and weapon systems when I do that, but I just gotta stop doing that
You can board disabled ships in this game, but I'm not entirely certain whether you can actually disable a ship yourself with the "weaponry" available I mean sure, yeah, you can disable a ship, but I mean like, without making it go boom due to a reactor meltdown
Maybe the microwave beams if tuned away from mining can cook the people inside without fucking the generator up
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Breakfast buffet Bets in, boys How many sausages can i eat in a sitting
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what's 4000 calories in one sitting, really
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I had 20 pizza bagels for dinner. I was still hungry after
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
wow what the fuck it's like 70° out but feels like 78°~ inside I bet my mom turned off the AC or something
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1092060 Dude when you're travelling that's just economical. Get your daily energy intake and more while it's included in the accommodation price
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The answer was six btw Six sausages.
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah im into fitness, fitness whole pizza in my mouth in ketchikan alaska
super different korean food is probably more similar to japanese food than chinese food but it has a lot of its own tastes that you don't get anywhere else
i had bulgogi at the restaurant it was pretty good
or "italian" as they may be called Actually there is one that probably is actually kinda italian, but I wouldn't know. And there's one like beef place, type thing it's not like a steakhouse or anything, but they're pretty specced into beef >>1092079 Unless you count tacos, I have not But what I really wanna eat in the US is all your fucking junk food you guys have like 15 different fast food chains fighting for supremacy in every town, and no matter who you ask, all of them suck ass somehow I wanna eat the bad mcdonald
yeah fast food sucks there are some good fast food places but they're mostly regional like taco john's people say in-and-out is spectacular but it's not
How does the HOME OF FASTFOOD have almost only bad fast food >>1092085 THEY EVEN FUCK UP THE FRIES IN THE US?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
does mcdonalds have a good tasting burger? no. does it have good tasting fries? no. but do they have enough fat to make you feel good? yeah
>>1092084 because in the united states, fast food companies have become 100% profit motivated and what does any good massive corp do? it loads the government with people who will do away with regulations so now mcdonalds can fill out their burgers with sawdust or whatever the fuck that want because it's not illegal, which cheapens the cost of making them, and makes them taste worst, but they don't have to care because you will still buy them
well true, I guess it's just really surprising to me that all the fast food chains are competing and there's SO many yet none of them are like that guy in the comedy sketch going like "a fast food that tastes good, and doesn't give you diarrhea"
Also I have to amend a previous statement I watched a video of this streamer guy doing a fast food challenge thing, just ordering whatever the ones in front got in the drivethru Anyway that's not entirely relevant, but he got KFC, and like I've decided I'm not really that keen on trying KFC anymore It's not like it looked disgusting or anything, it just looked like... I dunno, not what I expected and wanted
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1092098 firehouse is good but potbelly is my favorite not quite sure where
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1092094 luv to spit the peanut shells on the floor
yeah but I wanted KFC cause it's KFC I'm not coming to the US to eat good fast food I wanna eat the American fast food >>1092106 not a problem, I have a personal boycot against burger king cause they undercooked my bacon twice in a damn row, two separate occasions Which means I have ONE fast food option if you don't include gas stations and the occasional like, solo endeavor
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1092104 yeah I feel that way too sometimes but the KFC by me has terrible service
What you really need is American BBQ. Just go to town on a rack of ribs, eat a burger, some corn nuggets, some garlic bread, etc. That's the American experience. 7 types of meat in one meal.
all I eat at mcdonalds is just the double cheeseburgers and fries anyway though cause they're cheap, a decent amount of food, and pretty tasty they do disagree a bit with my stomach though, so it's not always a fun time later Not terrible or anything, but not ideal, I guess
I wanna try that stuff they do in anime sometimes, where they fry the meat AT THE TABLE in the restaurant that shit looks dope as hell >>1092113 I thought it might be, but I only know for sure I've seen it in anime
I wanna try sushi sometime too, I guess, but like, there's never a good time to try something that far outside what you already know I can't try something entirely new as like, food food, you know? like going to a restaurant for dinner, and then you order something way outta what you know, and then it's like, you don't even like it Can't be doing that, you're there to get food
But if you're not hungry, you're not going to a place to get food either
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1092113 do they have potbelly where you are or nah?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
never even heard of them
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
it's a toasted sandwich place
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1092097 do u have a wallet full of 'buy 10 subs get 1 free' cards
>>1092132 order give card get it back with receipt don't wanna start an argument with the employee cause its like 11pm and I want to go hime *home it's that easy
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but did you get 2 orders of them though?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1092137 yes because I ordered two, they charged me for four
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
are you the fucking chicken fry detective? why are you asking so many questions?
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1092139 yes this incident is fascinating to me i mean you could have showed you receipt and gotten 4 orders of them
I was able to salvage a new ship from somewhere in the damn asteroid rings But the ship is BAD
Actually wait, maybe this ship is a viable candidate for the Elong autopilot It sucks ass to drive it, but if the autopilot can make sure I don't hit anything, then I guess it's worth the annoyance
Yet another ship turns out to be kinda stinky with it It's got 6 slots with attached cargo containers, but only 2 slots for mining equipment, and it's large and slow as a motherfuck I dunno how you're supposed to use it, cause sure you can take your time and really clear out a whole mining area, but the time it takes to do that in a slow, manually harvesting ship could net you way better results in even the starter ship
Like I saw a video of a guy who like, had "figured out" this specific ship And in 90 minutes, he racked up like, 1,600,000 money But I'm getting 800K+ in a run on my main ship and it does NOT take me 90 minutes
there sure are a lot of image generation models out there I'm guessing a lot of them are modified versions of some leaked corpo model, just because it seems utterly impossible for an individual to actually train one of these on their own, or at least, train one and have it be good
for whatever reason this model's not all that great at various tag combinations maybe it's been trained on too little data and mixes together some tags
Annoyingly, some characters just don't seem to work on the ones I've tried Koume works, at least, which is nice, but like all the 2hus are pretty elusive in my experience. Likely because there's often many 2hu in a 2hu artwork
some pixiv people have managed to push out AI images of a lot of them though, so either they've figured out how to train it to learn a new character and combine that, or they're just paying for some juiced up generator I imagine it's the former, it takes a lot of trial and error to get a good image
would be nice if they waited a little bit for stray passengers if the train is going to arrive on a different platform than usual instead of leaving on the departure time ON THE DOT
thank you rando anime guy for the song and dance number intermission
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Vip ticket for the burj Khalifa costs ~$300 aud Sky lounge has complimentary coffee Cup of coffee costs about five bucks Drink 61 cups of coffee and I come out ahead
And with heart failure
>>1092224 You need a Birmingham accent, not a Cockney one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oo ee looky ere ees distringuishin me regional charactah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1092227 are you gonna see two sunsets in one day!
was looking up how to pronounce this place and the suggested searches are just gibberish
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you found the secret instructions on how to make meth
asking chat gpt...
"marula marulatv live x1 dos crias" - This could be a live stream from a user named Marula on a platform called MarulaTV. "x1 dos crias" might be the name of a game, an event, or a specific challenge in the stream. "pacote hypado + barbinha live on #7" - This might be referring to a live stream of a game, where "pacote hypado" and "barbinha" are possibly character names or in-game items. "#7" might refer to the seventh episode of the stream. "87 shdj guys qdgphth ig" - This phrase seems more cryptic, possibly random characters or a coded message. "ig" could possibly refer to Instagram. "marula marulatv live x1 dos crias +" - This is very similar to the first suggestion, possibly a continuation or a variant of the same stream. "revelando os mitos do x1 liveon part" - This could mean "revealing the myths of x1 live on part", which may be a segment of a game stream. The language appears to be Portuguese. "26 78hsdfgsg to 7rwpv2u" - This again seems like a string of random characters or possibly codes. "marula x1 dos crias com os inscritos + sala premiada part 4" - This seems like another live stream from Marula, possibly with subscribers ("os inscritos") and a prize room ("sala premiada"). "98insdfuh 4umyhzt-vbu" - This is another seemingly random string. "marula marula tv live 4x4 apostado" - Another live stream by Marula, possibly a "4x4" challenge or game mode. "valendo diamantes + x1 dos crias" - This could mean "worth diamonds + x1 dos crias", likely indicating a game stream with prizes in the form of diamonds. "#17 gibdf87wgsd o5vkcnlgf_s" - This appears to be a mix of a potential stream episode number and random characters. "marula marulatv live come on games 87sbhfyuwg hcjymcwj718" - Another stream from Marula with the phrase "come on games", which might be an invitation to join the games, followed by a random string.
my damn spaceship is too inefficient at mining Sure I'm pulling in half a mill by the trip, but the trips are taking too long I should probably sell my small ship and go all in on making the BIG SHIP a mining beast, but selling off the small boy is a big risk cause you can't get it back for the sell price, unlike gear on its own Maybe just going deeper into the ring will yield good results, though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just attach some dragon horns to it and have your dwarves decorate with cut gems
Rings of Saturn Newly released, though it's been in development for quite some time Whole gist is asteroid mining around, well, Saturn And it's VERY specifically mining, too, though you technically can do some piracy if you want, you're just gonna have to make do with mining equipment That said, "mining equipment" does include mass drivers and railguns, as well as directed microwave beams
It's a lotta fun My ship's got 2 heavy duty pulse lasers and 2 drone bays, so I just slide up to an asteroid, beat it into submission, and the drones go flying to bring me all the loot and feed it into my beak It's not the MOST efficient as far as profit per dive goes, but profit per minute, it's pretty good
I'm upgrading a really big ship with stuff too, the idea of it being I'll do about the same thing, but it's got more cargo space as well as some attached containers for refined ore, which should REALLY crank how much money I can make I'll get it an ore processor that uses some of the ore to make new drones, too
It does actually appear that the deeper you go in the rings, the more profit you can make The ice chunks are denser with goodies in there, so you can get a lot more sauce for a lot less squeeze
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 768 4/6
🟨🟨⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟨⬜🟨 ⬜🟩🟩🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Wordle 768 X/6
🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟨⬜⬜🟩⬜ ⬜⬜🟨⬜🟨 🟨🟨🟨⬜⬜ 🟨🟨🟨⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩⬜ MOTHERFUCK I had the word but accidentally typed an "i" at the end and it just happened to be a word
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1092195 I just noticed this post vortex math is only an artifact of the base 10 system, it's stupid
The Big Boy ship is working out fairly well it's slow as a motherfuck, but that's just cause I haven't had the money to kit it out, but it does carry a LOT of cargo Probably gonna fit it with 2 more drone slots and have those specialize in the most valuable ore, set up my main guns as lasers to quickly break chunks Oughta be good
Point defense microwaves are really good, of course, I mean the idea in itself is just insane enough to be cool anyway But they have a 200m range, so you gotta micromanage a lot, defeating the purpose of an automated mining system Good for defense though, I just don't get jumped much, or at all really
well I'll be goddamned, I just ran into a damn alien in the saturn rings I should kit myself out so I can disable and grab ships, cause I had to let him go, and I wanted that ship if at all possible
Okay so piracy isn't so much not worth it as it is outright not doable There's no real way, seemingly, to kill the crew of a ship without blowing it up, so when you grab it to bring it home, you're really just "assisting" the people you just shot outta the sky So you don't get the ship
Possibly, this does not go for actual pirates though
idk, they've put out like 20 traps and it's managed to get the food out of them without getting caught but then for a while the food was left alone so they decided that the raccoon was probably gone but it gave birth yesterday or whatever so it's still in my wall
the US has unwittingly bred extremely smart raccoons by filtering out all the ones who fall for the traps
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the hard part is that they don't want to destroy my wall to get it out so they have to wait until the animal gets caught in a trap to close the hole that they're getting in through which is in my roof
but now there are babies probably and babies will not leave for about a month which means they'll probably have to go in through the walls
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
oh god yeah it gets really bad if babies die in the walls.
man i am just waiting for any news on the superconductor experiments imagine the possibikities
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont know enough about superconductors to imagine them ):
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I feel like such a lazy cunt taking a taxi for 1.6km But on the other hand Walk outside for two minutes and you start GUSHING sweat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my planet Dubakkis is so beautiful when the sun is low rolling over the sand, you can see dorito dust in the air
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1092299 idk i think one could build hovering maglev trains new forms of energy storage i wonder how much power you can pack into a superconductor and how volatile it is
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seems like it depends on the magnetic field strength rip my physics knowledge on that stuff
anyway cheap fusion power is the most salient application
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seems like even if the material is really superconductive it doesnt have that high of a currency carrying capacity tho but there might be alternative forms and compositions
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@Andercot/1684339106719977472 basically by cooking a bunch of chemicals at 900 degrees in just the right way it makes a waterslide for electrons
What little I heard was something like "room temperature superconductor" and honestly I just sorta ignored it and figured it was some sorta mistake in measurement based on that alone Mostly because that's simply too insanely good to be true
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it might be just some other state of matter or wholesale fraud
but there's no particular reason why an electron chute couldn't be built in some specific arrangement of warm atoms that we know of. it seems like something that could be plausible, just hard to find in the first place very intriguing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder what happens when you have a bunch of stressed out copper atoms stuck in a crystal with electrons whizzing by constantly
do they just sit there and take it would the whole structure crack randomly
I mean I don't know the science enough to say whether it's theoretically sound or not, but my understanding of superconductors has always been that the fact they're at like, near absolute 0 is a key mechanical factor in the phenomenon, like literally the relative stillness of the atoms being a necessary factor, and then in addition it has to be a material that's arranged in particular ways
That might just be me not knowing shit though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah i dont think thats crucial to the superconducting effect over the years scientists have developed SCs that have higher critical temperatures
Also one of the main points of scientific research is every now and then you hit on new information that rewrites your fundamental understanding of a field of knowledge
understanding of a field of knowledge
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently the critical temperature for LK99 is at least 400K or 127C which is insanely good if true las vegas pavement superconductor boiling kettle superconductor
Maybe your maglev train fantasy isn't an impossibility Just can only happen where the world is also on fire
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i t means you can get the effect anywhere from 0K ip to the critical temp
anyway i shouldnt get my hopes up just waiting for replication
I mean the REAL incredible part of it needing to be hot to do its thing is like, until it gets to that point, firing electricity into it will heat it up well, assuming it is conductive at all outside that temperature, which I'd have to assume since it's got copper in there
yeah I mean if it's a superconductor at anything below 400K it is, effectively, always a superconductor on earth I just thought it didn't have that effect below a certain temp, which would mean it'd get heated up until that point by the current
>>1092342 i seent it definitely different that was cohen brothers wasnt it
Yeah I don't know if I'd call it a western, it's kind of an anothology of stories set in the Wild West Definitely made by people with a love for westerns, but that's a different thing from actually being a western
i say it treads the line but anthology would be the general genre
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i asked chat gpt if there are new ideas to be found in westerns
Absolutely! The western genre is ripe for exploration and reinvention, even now. Here are some ideas for new takes on the classic cowboy movie:
1. **Cybernetic Cowboy**: In a post-apocalyptic future, a solitary cybernetic cowboy roams the wastelands, bringing justice to the oppressed. This blends elements of science fiction and westerns.
2. **Alien Western**: An extraterrestrial being lands during the height of the Wild West. It's up to a rough-and-tumble cowboy to protect it from those who wish to harm or exploit it.
3. **Reverse Western**: Told from the perspective of Native Americans, this film could provide a different view of the wild west, highlighting the culture and struggles of indigenous peoples during this period.
4. **Cowgirl Movie**: There's room for female-led stories in the Western genre too. A determined woman could take center stage, breaking stereotypes and facing the harsh realities of the wild west.
5. **Space Cowboy**: A group of space rangers have to patrol and keep order in an unruly galaxy. Think "Firefly," but with more explicit Western elements.
6. **Time-traveling Cowboy**: A cowboy from the 1800s ends up in the present day and must navigate the complexities of modern life while trying to find a way back to his time.
7. **Environmental Western**: Set against the backdrop of the industrial revolution or the Gold Rush, this could be a story about fighting against environmental destruction in the Old West.
8. **Post-Western**: It would be the story of the closing of the frontier, where cowboys are rendered obsolete and have to adapt to the new world order, much like "The Wild Bunch."
These are just some suggestions and jumping-off points, and there are surely countless other untold stories that could be explored in the Western genre.
>>1092348 Oh I've seen plenty of cowgirl movies if you noamsayin;
i prefer reverse cowboy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no cut him mic
space cowboy like firefly but more hmm i feel like all star wars movies arebasically westerns tbh
I dunno, I think even with the original trilogy there's too much of an imperial (stand-in here for federal) presence and conflict with And that the protagonist joins with freedom fighters in a targeted war with the governmental forces Those aren't really western aesthetics to me
And then the prequel trilogy is more of a political theatre / tragic bildungsroman to me
>>1092414 Iroha's pretty good singer Definitely the most idol-y of the HoloX set
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Look i don't dislike iroha I just never watch her streams
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
At least the rice cracker tasted good And i got a little miko sticker
Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneSearch [iqdb](3.9 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20230728_061901711.jpg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1092417 You know the Banco "Relax" figures I got a mio one. It was probably the... Least horny Maybe tied with Subaru
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Hey look im all for horny figurines But gotta have these things up in my house, you know Very occasionally I'll even get visitors Can't be looking like too much of a degenerate.
Which is why would not buy Mel's or Lammys Even though they were both also on sale
I think Suisei's relax time fig is also very innocuous too
I try to have a pretty thick skin about this stuff but ngl I did feel like a bit of a 'tard walking up to the counter as a fully grown man and asking for "anya's pink pasta". May have cringed a little The only other customer in the restaurant is a small girl with her mother
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
What's that thing people say >kill not the part of you that is cringe, but the part of you that cringes
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1092436 It's actually just like carbonara with a bit of food colouring
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
A bunch of guys just walked in One of them has an anime key chain attached to his belt I've found my people
Do not pray for Senpai to notice you Rather Ask God to grant you the strength To become the senpai who notices others
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Kind of worried airport security might give me a hard time about muh anime badges Since i guess in a sense they're sharp objects
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
And then I'm going to have to take all my manchild weeaboo shit out of my backpack in front of a whole line of people.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Making them all jealous
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
In addition to the Relax Time Mio i got an Okayu nendroid and a miku fig Was thinking about also getting a korone to go with the okayu, but i really like the korone Pop Up Parade fig rather than the nendroid. But i couldn't find that anywhere today. Maybe I'll order it online
And then I'll just need something Fubuki to have all GAMERS.
and in addition to the figs i also got some Genshin impact acrilics. (and the badges)
Oh. I almost forgot. I knew there was another fig Yuru camp. It's a very cute one. She's all wrapped up in the blanket and there's a little camp fire
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when are you visiting the US
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Guess i have to sometime North America is now the only continent I've ever been to (excluding Antarctica)
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I'm not going anywhere for a while now though Blew all my money and leave on this Tanzania-Egypy-Finland-UAE-Singapore trip
>>1092466 I know. That's why I'm saving it until last. Once I know what freedom feels like I know nowhere else will ever compare.
>>1092462 If you can wait until next July you can experience Anime Expo with us and really get inundated with otaku culture Plus there's a non-zero chance there might be a second HoloEN live and you can
I don't even know the lineup atm im just psyched to go to a con for the first time in ages
>>1092474 Listen mate as long as you can enjoy the music and performances and crowd energy I think you'd have a blast I got to watch Irys' hip swaying and that alone made it worth it
im glad the 2016 note upgrade didn't rob us of our queen whale blowjob
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Let's just hope the new king can also suck whale dick
I had all these fig boxes with me but I can only take one item of carry on. Wouldn't all fit in my bag So i had to take them out of the boxes Couldn't find anywhere to do it cus all the shopping areas were packed - Friday evening, go figure So i ended up doing all my bag reshuffling in a disabled toilet stall. It was the only private, open area I could find And then i had all these empty fig boxes but there were heaps of people outside so I didn't want to carry them all out So i put them in a nice neat pile and left them in the toilet stall. Might Confuse the next person who goes in.
>>1092486 Now you'll have to sexuallly harass yourself.
I'm the boss for the weekend because my boss is out of town. I was supposed to be able to take it easy and barely work! But I was just in a meeting where a client said that one of our employees had sent her some inappropriate text messages. And behaved inappropriately. So now instead of chilling out, I have to do an investigation!
>>1092488 I already obtained evidence that proves the inappropriate text messages. And I was able to interview the reporter. But now I have some other people that I need to interview about it.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1092491 You know in some schools of psychology texting photos of your cock and balls is an important part of the recover y process.
he's also been misrepresenting the amount of time he spends with clients
he was trying to meet with the client in one of these texts and she // and he said something like "I know you just want me out of your life, so maybe we can find a way to make like easier on both of us" and she was like, "No, I don't have any problem with working with you" and he said "Ok don't want to stress you out but I need to try and keep my job if possible" she said "huh" and he said "We will talk more whenever we meet" What are you talking about man
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Too many fuckin Australians around, man. >>1092494 Swoon
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
remember, no australian
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently he also gave his number to a woman at the sober house this person is staying at maan
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Ahh thank christ they let me through baggage check no problems Was actually a bit nervous lol. In addition to the hassle of going through all my weeb garbage in front of a crowd of onlookers, i also
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
quite like the pins and would have been sorry to chuck 'em. Wasted a fair bit of money on them too. Anyway it was a non issue. Waved through without a second thought
Do these cunts know what >please remain seated until your boarding class is called means? Clearly not.
Sometimes if I'm particularly bored waiting for boarding, I'll get up from where I'm sitting when I know my class is coming up But I'll mostly just mill around closer to where the boarding line is rather than join it
I have seen a "ufo", though probably it was just a plane or something and I just didn't pay enough attention Dark as shit too, so
I mean if we're classifying UFOs here as "It was dark and I couldn't be certain it wasn't just a normal aircraft" then yeah, sure Kind of a low bar to clear though
well I mean UFOs do fall into a handful of categories like that anyway They're primarily seen at night, and they're usually either some aircraft, some weird meteorological thing, or a hoax
Due to previous week's edition's success another anon movie night! Anons from all imageboards and other tiny corners of the internet are invited to watch the Japanese action adventure drama movie Battle Royale (2000). Suggested by an anon who was in the CyTube room last week. >In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill one another under the revolutionary "Battle Royale" act.
No account needed to watch or chat, no weird (Google) extensions needed. Just enter a name and chat along with your fellow movie watching bros! Movie is ~2 hours long and has hardcoded English subtitles. Movie night starts at 8 PM Eastern USA time / 2 AM Europe time (a little less than 2 hours from the time of this post). Be there!
okay so maybe the most exciting bit about that new superconductor is not necessarily the material itself, but more the way they managed to do it, which could apparently be replicated for a lot of other stuff to see if we can't bang out even more superconductors Well, assuming the fucking thing works, anyway
oooh gotcha yeah a single storey house >>1092656 i think his most scary role was his nonexistent part in the Mask 2: Son of the mask
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
currently rent a tiny townhouse. >>1092658 you got a basement?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
also I'm really confused as to how the owner can afford their mortgage on your current place without charging an exorbitant rent.
maybe they split the land? idk actually on one website it says it sold for that price but was 1ha >>1092663 we don't have those here we have like sheds or garages
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
so you got a basement or what?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1092662 sad! basements are awesome at least in areas where they are viable (places that don't get hurricanes and aren't in swamps)
>>1092670 gone finally I was worried they would stay tonight and I would have no peas i can get along with them but their presents stresses me out a little bit
vshoujo is better now than nyanners isnt there but it will forever be the company that allowed nyanners to rehabilitate her image and also they had that gross one vaebei or however you spell it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1092701 don't they still have the one who cheated on her husband while he was deployed?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but cheating on your military spouse is based
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
getting married to someone dumb enough to join the military and then cheating on them while they provide for you by being abused by uncle sam isn't based
yeah I guess vshoujo is kind of cringe I don't really watch though
what's wrong with nyanners anyway? I never paid attention to her cause she's annoying
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
vshoujo also basically brought in rushia and decided to just exacerbate her already debilitating mental health issues by putting her up on a stage again when rushia should have just gone to intense treatment
honestly thought she'd have outgrown the /b/ shit by now, she's been around for about as long as I can remember being manipulative just seems to be part of smalltime vtuber culture though, hard to single her out there
>>1092712 as soon as she got out of vshoujo she started calling people retards and doing /b/ shit that immediately lost her the goodwill that she regained working for vshoujo she's been working very hard to get rid of the image she rehabilitated
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
calling people retards is funny though
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1092712 >smalltime vtuber culture unfortunately she's not smalltime also she's been manipulative since long before vtubers were a thing
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1092716 i mean it is what it is but in today's world you cant just go around doing that
anyways I still find it kind of wild that pomf song girl got a fucking nendo even if I don't like her it shows that if you grift hard enough that you too can eventually get a nendo
you just reminded me that kpp lusted after little boys