I had all these plans for the weekend. A list of productive things I was going to do.
Leg day at the gym, and then go to the picture framers to get this canvas print I got in Africa framed in glass so I could hang it on the wall. and then I needed to go to the post office, both to send some weeaboo trinkets I picked up in Singapore to an old friend, and also because they keep sending me the previous tenants letters and I've got a whole stack of them and I have no idea what to do with them. I was going to go to bikram yoga and then have dinner with an old friend.
I didn't do any of that. Spent the entire time eating and sleeping. barely got out of bed.
Told my friend some BS excuse about car troubles so I wouldn't be able to make it to see him.
you know what I did instead? i ate a whole saucepan full of pasta and was watching Family Guy clips on youtube i don't even like family guy and the pasta was cold.
Just fuckin... festering on the floor wrapped up in an old blanket. Trying to sleep as many hours as I could. and then switch my brain off when I couldn't. Put myself in a food coma and watch mindless nonsense videos.
And now it's monday morning and i'm still just.. dirty and lethargic. Meant to log in to my Work Computer to work remotely soon. we'll see how that one goes.
Well don't forget that sick days can be taken for mental health days too Some times you just need a little extra time to recover when your brain goes haywire
It really does get easy to feel awful though, yeah, when you burn through your whole weekend doing nothing you want to get done I always try to explain to normal people how hard it is to have things you want to do versus what you actually end up doing but they never seem to get it They can just translate "want to do" into "get done" so easily that the two are basically the same thing to them When for me the gap between the two can feel incomprehensibly vast at times And so instead of doing productive things on the weekend I just whittle it away doing piss all
wait what the fuck the dope sword I found ISN'T the nightsong
>>1093968 Yeah good call. good call. I just texted my boss about taking a 'wellbeing day'.
Maybe put some clothes on and go for a walk Just around the block, to the conbini, whatnot Something to get some fresh air and hopefully sunlight And shake up what you've been doing the past two days
i love myself
a good walk can fix many things i agree
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
watch me... dance dance the night away
my heart could be burnin but you won't see it on my face
sunlight is CANCELLED
i love myself
i fucking wish it's been 105+ all week and it's gonna be 105+ all week that's 40C
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its 30C rn 40C is absurd the planet is cookin
And it's likely to get worse before it has any chance at getting better
30 is def heats over here we don't push much past 30 under normal circumstance s if ever and usually we don't make it past 28 but of course this climate is fucked and here's the new normal
Also 30 in a dry heat versus 30 in a humid hellhole are two totally different experiences I can go around pretty comfortably in the low thirties if humidity is like, sub-40% But if humidity is 70+% I start to fucking drown
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Bro it's costing 3 times as much money to get my print framed as i paid for the actual art.. What a scam.
there is a spot interior BC called lytton which burned down two years ago when it hit 49C one day during the heat dome i wonder what remains of that town
>Lytton is a village of about 250 residents in southern British Columbia, Canada, on the east side of the Fraser River and primarily the south side of the Thompson River, where it flows southwesterly into the Fraser.
250 was the pop estimate in 2016 i can't imagine there's anyone left living in the giant pile of ash and firefighting residue should i edit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
news story >A shallow dirt hole fills the space where Dean Adams once had a home. He lost his house in the June 2021 Lytton wildfire that destroyed most of the village. But almost two years later, rebuilding has not yet begun. “There’s a lot of people that are really frustrated,” said Adams. “Me, I’m more depressed than anything ‘cause nothing is happening and two years is too long.” >“We have to get things going and people back into their homes,” he said, explaining that many other people from the community are feeling the same way.
we have to rebuild it so we can burn it all down again
I've been kind of in a slump since getting back from my trip in early July Just kind of stuck in autopilot, too empty of resources to do anything in particular I need a better every day life than what I'm stuck with
>>1093993 Yeah you should feel weird about it Just do it yourself yuh lazy cunt.
>>1093996 Can't promise anything! Mind you I've also been kind of drained by other stuff, like my cat's medical issues And my job's been kind of a shithand lately
But a part of it is definitely that I got to do all the fun and interesting things that I can actually derive satisfaction from for a week straight, and then went back to getting none of that dopamine happy magic after getting back and going back to work
I could up the duoloxitine dosage again go back to 120mg
but is that really any way to go through life? just numb and indifferent? should i be trying to.. fix problems instead of just not caring
Not that I'm fixing any problems if I go off the deep end completely.
? A chemical fix on a short term basis? just to get the BALL ROLLING again
Well you've got today off Maybe don't go full slump, so that you're not just retreading the past two days But try and let yourself relax, let go of at least what's stressing you out for the time being That's the advice I got when I was bemoaning how I was feeling You've already been on the right track with all the little things helping you get back control, so just keep doing what feels right along those lines
and ok third of all, I'm not BEMOANING. I am attempting to express complex emotions through text and writing as a form of constructive outlet. Much like an artist. or a poet. The languishing creative genius. With anime breasts in the thumbnail.
in the animeless hellscape everyone chooses to be plugged into a simulation.
Anime is like the small poison we take to keep ourselves from downing the whole bottle If we can engage in some light escapism we don't feel compelled to run away entirely into a simulated fantasy
I do feel better now. Thank you, friends. I am going to eat a healthy meal and then go to the gym.
That sounds like a good time The meal at least I'm still not sold on the gym philosophy
I had some more of my butter chicken for dinner Not probably the healthiest option, especially since I eat it with rice and naan But it is homecooked and hella tasty
You won't persuade me with your foul propaganda If romance anime can't brainwash me into getting a girlfriend, a fitness anime won't brainwash me into going to the gym!
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gymcels dont want you to know this but you can get prob 80% of the benefits of hitting the gym with 15 min max a day at home
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what do you do, body weight?
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can get super strong with bodyweight stuff yes, but also that you can buy used weights very cheap, but then ofc space issue gyms work for a lot of people i feel because of the whole routine itself, think about it, you're paying for a membership, you have to drive 10-15 minutes there, lots of people around etc so it pressures you to do it otherwise at home you need more motivation
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1094027 You know you can save time watching movies if you just read the plot summary on Wikipedia
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1094030 I have a friend who does that with anime and it drives me crazy.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 558 2/6
⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1094030 >>1094031 lol I used to watch these https://www.youtube.com/@movierecapsofficial
I'll some times read recaps or Wikipedia synopsis of movies I know I don't have any particular interest in watching If it's something I think I'll even have a chance of watching some time down the line though I'll just wait until that time
You've all heard about the bag of holding, but in BG3 you get an effective CHEST of holding, and I think that's pretty fucking cool It's not bottomless, but it may as well be
...holy shit Elminster is so cool I might just ditch the githraki If he's a companion And I think he probably is
jesus fucking christ I nearly had a heart attack I'd arranged my camp storage into dedicated little boxes, one for books, one for valuables, one for this, one for that And when I changed zone, obviously, new camp So I went back to fetch the boxes, and they weren't there
But they were in the camp stash
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
another scorcher
It's pretty comfortable here I think the most intense of summer has likely passed here And it's the first year out of three that my apartment's AC hasn't broken down in the hottest of it!
>>1094083 If you don't trust people then it doesn't matter what you pick, since your lack of trust seems to make you think an insufficient number of people are going to pick the blue pill, which means both blue and red pickers are going to die So you might as well pick blue since the outcome doesn't matter
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1094084 The red pickers don't die that's the point
Oh yeah I parsed that wrong whoops I dunno, I think if you take a broad cross-section of the human race, most people don't want to endanger other people's lives That doesn't even have to be a matter of trust that's just that human beings are cowards and don't want that guilt on their conscience Like even taking into account the edgelord nature of shitheads on the Internet, the blue pill option still won out in the poll I think in some fantastical real execution of the gambit, it would skew even more for the blue side since actual lives are on the line
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
now that you've thought about it for this
the blender question and the pill question are the same question
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
this reminds me of "The Country That Got Exactly What It Deserved" episode of Kino no Tabi.
>>1094087 Joke's on you I didn't have to think about it since I was on the side of collective cooperation both times
Also my life has such little value to me that it doesn't matter if you all endanger me with your selfishness I'm gonna stick to my moral guns
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
watched 3 movie recaps 2day thats six hours(6!!!) of film condensed into 35 minutes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh man it would take some guts to avidly walk into the blender
I actually got the damn key and everything, but I still blew up the creche due to impatience Literally just went "well I have it so the mechanism will recognize me as legit" and nabbed the fuckin' thing (It did not recognize me as legit)
I might reroll my character into something other than a rogue, but I kinda also don't wanna Rogue just doesn't really seem to have the sauce I was looking for I wanted high damage low hp pool, glass cannon shit, but instead I got kinda middling (though consistent) damage and a middling hp pool I also have some banging swords now, and I don't wanna not be able to use those anymore either
>>1094106 my sheet looks like this I mean it's not like I'm BAD or anything, I just kinda thought I'd be doing a lot more
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you would do a lot more damage if you switched from thief to assassin other than that, it's just about getting better weapons your stat distribution is good one option would be to move points to get DEX to 19 and then at level 8, take a feat that increases dex by 1 to get it to 20 but other than that/assassin your best bet is just better weapons you're probably already abusing sneak attack
My dex is actually 17, I just have gloves that crank it "To 18" >>1094108 I mean I get one sneak attack effectively every round because of my sword that autoadvantages in anything but daylight and also just ganging up on people, but I'm just fucking annoyed I only get the one attack (technically 1+2 due to dual wield) each turn I wanna have another main hand attack per turn
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah thats not gonna happen as a rogue if you want an extra attack each turn, you're looking at level 5 fighter or barbarian one option might be to multiclass 5 in fighter for an extra attack, 2 in rogue for sneak attack
Hm, multiclass is actually kinda tempting, yeah I'll at least consider it
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you could also multiclass into war priest cleric war priest cleric gets the ability to spend a charge on an extra attack although they they're limited so you have to manage your resources with them, unlike with fighter/barb
honestly I rarely even use the extra abilities for my guys, cause half of that shit is like "refreshes on long rest" so I don't wanna use them before I come across an actually difficult fight And then when I do, at least so far, the big guy's AC has been so absurd using the special abilities ends up being meaningless
I mean I dish out enough damage in a turn with just the regular m1 attack, anyway it's not like I'm doing bad damage, it's just I expected more from a rogue cause I heard the action economy goes crazy with them
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not as much in BG3 bg3 uses adapted rules to make it more balanced
in the pathfinder game i was running on sunday, the boss, a nabasu demon showed up and gave this monologue about how thankful he was to the party for freeing him and that he'd reward them by killing them and tilde's character did like a spinning jump over a table and shot the boss three times in the head and killed him before he even got to take his turn
and there were these dretches that just kept trying to summon more dretches and failing super funny
There is something really funny about my Cleric, a cleric of Shar specifically, wielding the particular mace she's got Damn thing is an anti-undead flashlight
Well I'm about to close out Act 2 Damn game really ended up being super good Hell I might even replay it after I'm done, roll some other build or maybe a premade character I hope there's some way to skip the ship at the start though, that shit's fucking BORING once you've done it
Incredibly, half of all players who even made it to act 2 bodied the first real big bad boss, judging by the achievements Not just killed it, but actually stomped it
I mean it's just surprising to me because only 10% even made it to act 2 to begin with, from what I can tell And practically NOBODY speech'd their way through the toll house
The toll house is optional though I guess
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i speeched my way through the toll house on my main save although i guess my current game is becoming my main save i'm stronger now in act 1 than i was in act 2 in my other game
I didn't even know they had that much exp to squeeze in act 1 Do you just have to mainline combat? Like forego peace, and accept it was always going to be violence?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no, it's just about talking people and doing quests you dont necessarily get more xp for killing compared to peace although this is a dark urge playthrough so sometimes i do hurt people but dark urge is more like "man it'd feel really good to torture a helpless person right now" than it is "i'm gonna kill everyone hahahahahaha!!!!!!!"
Maybe I should go back there and stomp shit Surely I still get the EXP Also where the fuck did I get that wand to raise that husband? I don't remember picking it up, but I apparently had it
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there is a lot of content in act 1 that i didnt do in my other save i missed out on some quests in this one though since i dealt with the grove too early
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bitter divorce comes from the room after ethel the one with all the weird potions that you should definitely not drink
Oh, that explains it (I grabbed it before I even fought her cause I'm a sneaky bitch)
I actually still have those potions I have a dedicated box in camp where I just stash random seemingly kinda sorta contextually useful Just anything without a generic name And another chest has every book i ever found, but I stopped filling that up cause I realized lugging books around is meaningless, since I'll never read any of that shit I hoard basically everything that's got a colored outline Unless it's just like +1 or +2 or something If it's gota name, it's in a dedicated box in case I ever change companions (I will never, this rogue-fighter-barb-cleric combo slaps)
I will actually probably be a bit less powerful once I emerge from the underdark though A LOT of my DPS on myself, the rogue, has come from my main weapon guaranteeing advantage when there's shadows, which are plentiful in the underdark, but less so outside in the sun Might swap it out, but even its raw stats are better than anything else I've found
...maybe I could reroll my build and perk myself into heavy weapons, be a rogue with a damn battleaxe or something, emerging from the shadows and cleaving mfers in half
actually shit I don't think I CAN go back to act 1 anymore fug
i havent been to act 3 but maybe you can get back to those act 1 areas in act 3 idk but it does warn you when you go to act 2 that you should have everything straightened out
I'm working from home today since Laz got some shots and I want to monitor him. working from home lol
HOLY SHIT I CAN JUST do invisibility for 10 turns as AN ACTION as a rogue at lvl 9 This damn hat I've got no longer serves a purpose if I don't even gotta rest between uses
oh it's a short rest REALLY wish it would actually consistently indicate cooldowns whenever a skill is like, shown Still, 10 turn invis every short rest is real good shit
Though granted, sneaking is overall kinda stinky in this game cause there's rarely a reason to I get sneak attacks whenever I have advantage, and initiating fights from stealth, while useful, also means EVERYONE ELSE's turn is wasted most of the time
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Why does it waste everyone else's turn? Because they're far away?
Also, keeping this as spoiler free as possible for you but still it's kind of just impatience that assblasted me so Imma tell you There's a thing in the area you're in, where a super cool item is yours for the taking, but you can't just take it, you gotta slot in the key separately Doesn't do it for you I thought it did and shit went HAYWIRE
I mean you DO get it, don't get me wrong
It'd be kinda stinky to tell you at all, but you basically can't miss the key in question and it does say what it's for, so really I'm just letting you know so you don't unwittingly fuck everything up lmao
in the mountain pass? i only really see a few ways to go to moonrise towers /// the shadow lands or to the monastery but my dream boyfriend is telling me not to go to the monastery because the gith are gonna kill me for the artifact i guess i could go anyway and just kill everyone there
Fair enough >fly isn't even an action, it's just a movement option ho-lee
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah fly is pretty much something you want to get eventually in any dnd-like game if you're a munchkin at least a lot of people dont care about it but if you wanna be The Strongest Possible you need it
I mean I've had potions for it on me forever, but now I can just fucking do it I didn't even use any of them yet, cause like ...I've got longjump, you know?
Also other than the robe, I've been using this same shit basically since the start of act 2 one of those swords is new, but the rest is OOOLD now and still real good Not complaining exactly, the swords are sick as hell, but my barbarian's gone through like 2-3 new weapons and the fighter got a banging new sword earlier too
Not sure why she's under the impression we're refugees
i love myself
I got to Act 2 but then decided instead of progressing to start a playthrough in which i align with the true souls at the goblin camp I saw that Minthara has a class and drops a camp supply pack when she dies and realized she is likely a recruitable character While things have not gone as I expected I was able to raid the druid's grove alongside the goblins and have made friends with Nere in the underdark, as well as had a romance scene with Minthara this game is crazy yo
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah thats what im doing now im trying to recruit minthara lost wyll and karlach so she better join me!!!!
i love myself
i killed shadowheart and laezel at the beginning, i figured most party members wouldn't agree with what i was doing so i never tried to grab any went straight to withers and got hirelings then i realized shadowheart and laezel are probably two of the only characters who wouldn't care if i was being evil except for, of course, our boy astarion who is absolutely fucking loving it
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
laezel was actually supportive of killing all of the grove shadowheart was like "yeah idk about this but i'm along for the ride"
important info for act 3 There's a quest that, if you do it in the wrong order there, you will simply be locked out due to it being bugged suffice to say, when you get to a room with 4 coffins below a kitchen, read the plaques before opening any of them, or the quest just softlocks on you Though you may or may not even have the relevant quest anyway
thankfully, I beelined for that shit when I showed up so I didn't lose much progress, but the only fix is to load a save
In other news, rpgs do really have a way to make you do weird shit My barbarian, Karlach, is wearing what should be a wizard hat Because her gloves and weapon synergize to add status effects, and the hat adds yet another status effects when you add a status effec It's obviously for wizards, but I ain't got one of those, I've got a barbarian
i miss kuro
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently you can fuck Mizora and if you do it makes Wyll very sad lmao
Man I've just been ignoring Wyll that guy's been wanting to talk to me ever since I brought Karlach onboard, and I haven't given him the time of day most neglected guy in camp, even withers has a friend
It's like, his patron just fucking shows up and he goes "hey boss, you got a moment? "
No, Wyll, I don't. Go fuck yourself, get outta my damn camp, I don't care about you, I've got 3 bad bitches in my party and your fuckin' swashbuckler ass isn't gonna replace any of them ever
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i love wyll so much hes so cool
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i really hope they add goblin and aasimar race to the game
I may have lost my chest of holding, but on the flipside, I've got so much gold now I don't expect I ever actually need to hoard value anymore Just gonna find a pouch or something to dump rings and amulets and other small, high value density stuff into later I've already got a pouch for poisons and one for potions
I'm honestly lugging around so much shit, and for once it's not "too good to use" syndrome, it's just "don't really need it, but don't wanna sell it" If I needed money, then sure maybe I'd sell some of it, but I'm lugging around like 7500 gold over here
Also found some banging gloves that fix my number one issue as a rogue It gives me +1 action
the whole fun part is the collaboration though and also not having to manage the dipshit companions I nearly got wiped because karlach wiggled around while we were stood still and deliberating how to open the fight, triggering the whole pack of enemies and killing my own character turn 1 Just outright killing, not downed She got BODIED
Also while I do understand the reason to have long and short rests in the game mechanically, I really do wish it would instead be like "per combat" or similar Because like... there is no downside to abusing long rests I've got 15 rest packs stacked at camp, and I've never even used one, and I rest all the time
It just kinda... fucks up the pacing to have to go back to camp and rest just to get my spells back, it's stupid in a video game >>1094261 I have yet to have even 1 night time event (except exactly 1 that's scripted)
Oh yeah, I guess that's true But I mean, I was gonna ice that guy anyway so I didn't think much about it, I thought it was triggered by something else Only after the mfer died did I realize I could have just given karlach a warhammer and gone at the damn rocks instead of trying to figure out where the fuck that gnome cache was I still don't know where that shit was, I stumbled on the damn forget \\\ forge in the process of looking instead
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also maezels are the most annoying enemy in the game by far they gotta change the AI on these things
I guess? I dunno the fight lasted 2-3 turns for me But I've really cranked laezul and karlach so they DPS like fucking crazy And the super leap spell on laezul's boots or whatever the fuck has that shit also helps >>1094271 Karlach is brutally strong, yeah
You can actually just respec your companions too though, if you really need some DPS Or get a hireling
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe /// well, you have access to more companions than i do karlach can probably delete these guys immediately but my team is ridiculously squishy because i have 2 mages and a rogue my only possible companions at this point are laezel, shadowheart, and astarion
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
since ive been locked out of karlach, gale, and wyll
Damn I kept all the companions I've met so far other than apparently one of the true souls I guess? I ain't gonna use 'em, cause laezel and shadowheart are good and Karlach is based af >>1094274 Oh I see I'd just get some hirelings if I was you, they're not as cool but they're good little lads
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you cant keep wyll or karlach if you go absolute route and you lose gale if you're doing dark urge and giving into the urges
or you can try to do it with the hand you're dealt, that's fun in its own way too I've just found that melee based damage is busted good in this game cause you can put some fucking misty step trinkets or whatever on them to close in on ranged people, and the rest come to you With a mage you end up having to run away all the damn time And I usually do play a mage But rogue is a lotta fun too, just kinda wish my weapons were a tad stronger
hell I might just ditch shadowheart too, cause her damage is stinky and the heals are also stinky But they do save me some bonus actions and potions are hard to come by too, despite my wealth
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just give her life domain and her heals will git gud
might just respec her for that yeah Cause I really don't need her to do much damage, I'd rather have crazy heals I've already got 2 semitanks who are also DPS, 1 cracked DPS now that I've gotten into the groove with rogue, and shadowheart's just there like "plus 7 HP for you ma'am"
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
youd probably really enjoy playing actual 5e you can become pretty much a god
I mean I probably would but I ain't got nobody to play with finding a group of randos sounds like more trouble than it's worth too I did try to DM that one time before too but well, that fell through that woulda been fun I think
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh shit more Urge quest i have to kill isobel now lmaooooo
my butler is so funny hes so edgy
>>1094280 id be happy to run a game for you and some others sometime
I'd be up for it would need help with the like, character creation and stuff though
just has to be mentioned is all cause it's a total no-go It's not even like "I don't wanna" or whatever, I just won't be able to keep playing
well, so I assume not like I've actually got this shit mapped out or know the limits
I like how the animals never go "holy shit, a talking humanoid" when you do speak with animals they just look at that shit as completely natural and normal, despite every single humanoid they've ever met at best just mimicking their words back to them
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe the animals always understand us and now theyre just like aw another one of these freaks talking to us. get out of here
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
feels so good to kill like 4-5 people with a single attack good old fireball. a true classic
dumbasses with bikes on the train there's literally a bike hook created for you not even a metre from where you're standing but instead you decide to block off the exits for everyone
I ordered some shrooms online today Should be arriving by mail order in a day or two Technically not decriminalized in my province yet, but no one really cares unless you're making money off it by now
Fuckin' car-brained assholes going around at midnight revving their engines the whole way down the road I wish I could enjoy having my windows open and getting the summer night air in my apartment but the amount of noise these douchebags make is intolerable We really should abolish cars
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
car based suburbia can't last forever california is already uninsurable in many areas and uh arizona i think?
I'm not even in suburbia! I'm in Scarborough
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
friggen doxxed sending 15 car squads your way through the power of negative thought will
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
some lady on the train was not having a good start to the day clipped her arm on the way out of the doors and then fell on the stair platform as well hurting her knee ( she was kind of elderly) me and another lady rushed up to her and luckily someone she worked with was there to help her out and escort wonder if the first incident was related to those bike assholes
yeah she broke down immediately upon falling poor lady
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1094357 no yeah i know i mean that like the systems that perpetuate the car culture we have had can't last... right? right?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
surely gen z will save us and not be brainwashed by car commercials if and when they make money right Clueless
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
start breaking into car lots and putting thermite into engine bays
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
inhale a gallon of process control panel
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Wildfires have burned nearly 10 million acres of forest and destroyed 39,000 homes in California over the last five years, providing a glimpse at just how dire the state’s climate crisis has become.
>Yet at a time when it’s more vital than ever for homeowners to have adequate insurance coverage, many carriers have decided to no longer insure homes in certain parts of the state, while others have left the home insurance market altogether. As a result, many California residents are left with little to no options for homeowners insurance — particularly those with homes in areas most at risk of wildfire damage.
>Allstate no longer selling new policies (6/4/2023). Allstate, California's fourth-largest home insurer, announced they were no longer writing new policies in the state, though they will continue to renew existing policies.
we gotta stop building these friggin houses on the edges of the woods
dude last night baldur's gate patched as I was restarting because the graphics fucked up, right new version THANKFULLY, I didn't play for long cause it was getting late, because guess what it did sometime overnight? it fucking DOWNGRADED ITSELF so now I have a chunk of saves, granted again they're like not spanning that long so it's fine for me, that are for a NEWER VERSION and can't be loaded
jesus christ, most of the like, unique stuff from act 2 just drop their scripts in the transition to act 3 I've kept these flowers that disrupt magic on me forever, thinking maybe sometime later they'll be handy to just throw at something that's problematic such a time has come turns out, they no longer DO anything
I mean I guess, but still Like, it kinda stinks to find something and go "oh this might be useful at some point even if right now there's no reason for it" and then it just turns off The chest I can understand, they never thought anyone would lug that around despite how absurdly useful it is
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do think it would be funny to be an anti-mage melee guy who runs into magic users and makes them worthless but the flowers are honestly a little OP there are arcane magics in the game that simply cannot target you if you have a flower on you
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres probably something in act 3 that the flowers would break
I mean yeah it just kinda sucks I've been collecting all these neat little things and now it all feels kinda hollow because the next time I go grab something it's gonna be like "oh hey, dev here, we just disabled that"
like some of the fun of dnd, seems to me anyway, is the player having picked up something the dm just threw in there as a joke, and finding some niche use case for it that completely fucks up the dm's crafty scheme
granted, not a lot of niche use cases for "completely nullifies all magic in a small radius of the holder" that IS busted
oh wait shit, nevermind, the things actually do say they die when exposed to sunlight I guess
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also there's something a bit fucked up about the game actually starting the clock before removing the black loading screen when you're transitioning between scenes like oh cool, I just stood there and waited as the guard patrolled right into me because the game blinded me
I do like the game but there's a lot of little annoyances like that that build up I just spent like 30 actual minuted killing 4 17hp units that could only be damaged by 22damage or higher rolls, but themselves didn't do anything The time spent was because only karlach does that much with blunt, or rather she's the one who has a blunt weapon with her in the first place, and when it was the other units' turn, the game just... sat there, for like a half minute they didn't DO anything, but the game still felt like making me stare at nothing EVERY TURN
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah sometimes the AI takes a while to think for some reason i havent discovered a cause
the AI does completely bug out sometimes too I had a guy sandwiched between laezel and karlach earlier, and he spent his whole turn running back and forth between them he even dashed then he did a transformation right at the end, having effectively moved 1 meter he took opportunity attacks from both in the process
like o|o and the | is the path he went back and forth between
this fight against balthazar sucks man the arena is garbage 10+ enemies all of whom can start the entire fight by pushing my characters off cliffs to their deaths
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah geez and all the little guys dont go away if you kill balthy they just keep on pushin everyone off
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but i suppose it's a bit outrageous to think that every encounter in a game like this will be well designed any time there are like 20 enemies (literally in this case) i get overwhelmed by it
games haven't come to far in the last decade. but their getting better I suppose.
>>1094419 Yeah that fight sucks big donkey ass Balthazar is fucking immune to being pushed, too I mean that makes sense cause it'd be trivial otherwise, but it's always stupid when a game gives you a cool power and then is like "ah ah ah, doesn't work against bosses (the only time it's more than a gimmick)"
oh also I guess I should mention, I'm also up for playing together before we finish our solo runs, I just figured you'd want to go through it solo at least once first, and chances are I'll finish the game first since I've got way more time on my hands
you're making much faster progress than I am though, that's for sure Already going up against balthazar
There's also some occasional just strange bugs these two stacks of gold, for example The 600 gold there are from the toll troll, and they DO NOT stack into the regular gold you find However, they are valid currency, even if not counted at the top of the inventory screen They don't have a separate description or anything either, it's just regular gold and probably just has a different item ID or something for some weird reason
Actually now that I'm in act 3, maybe they too have return to being worthless
Though if we do both finish the game first, probably jacking up the difficulty would be more fun than playing on normal Other than balthazar, most of the game so far has been fairly easy, even if karlach and laezel keep going down
my opinion has changed slightly about jun maeda shows and shitty anime in general i've come to love shitty anime it's enjoyable in its own special way pretty hard to watch when i'm high though lol
>>>/@andy_mays/1691929324692127805 type of guy who sees a photo of a child carrying and feels compelled to post about how he would win in a duel at high noon
>>1094443 What about > My boss yelled at me -> He's worthless -> No depression
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1094446 what state is that? My knee jerk reaction is to say "that's illegal" but I'm afraid it might not be in some states.
bg3 should have a right-click option for "pick up and send to camp" It has it for adding to wares (something I've yet to really figure out how to use, but still) Actually, I would be pretty thankful if someone could explain to me how exactly I'm to use the "add to wares" thing in both this and divinity I mean, I know how to literally DO it, but all it seems to actually accomplish is add a little icon on the item in my inventory I thought maybe there'd be some in-trade thing, like a "add all wares" button or at least a separate "wares" tab of your inventory you could switch to so you can spam-add, but it's all still just sorted the same as if I have nothing added to wares, so I can't see any real use for it other than as a note like "this isn't for use, you can safely sell" without having to look at it during the trade, which I guess I can see the use in, but it's kinda meaningless since you're just gonna be selling any and all non-colored items anyway, really, and adding something to wares doesn't tag that like, item type as wares, just that individual item, meaning you'd have to do that individually for everything you pick up... which is more work than just taking a second to look at stuff during trade
I mean, it's Shit Programmers Think, but in a sense true by way of technically as far as just raw ability goes, basically anyone could do that if they applied themselves? I mean sure there's obviously gonna be some amount of variation between people, like baseline stats, but I don't think that's severe enough to really screw it up for more than a very small amount of people
Programming isn't like, "hard" right, it's just really fucking frustrating and tedious and time consuming to sit down and actually learn to do it
>>1094467 Maybe I'm wrong, but the skills Factorio teaches are more logistics and resource management, and less knowing what code you've Googled you need to copy paste
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ladies and gentlemen the weakened
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1094469 ouch >>1094468 programming is pretty broad of course there are some legitimately hard things, creativity, invention, synthesis of ideas but yeah also much tedium and much time required to download all these paradigms and models into one's head
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
day 3 of sobriety
... and there's a bucket of beers at the coworking space ah fuck it what's one vodka lemonade
i overhear people at the coworking space talking about like idk doing phone calls where theres all this inter-company negotiation like hey i wanted to get your thoughts about like this issue and such and such was delegated to us and it seemed at the time like they were putting this request on us but actually we made a slack channel where we can post updates about blah blah blah (but phrased in polite chipper assertive business speak) and i'm like damn i'm so glad i don't work at a big company it's just so much of this shit constantly
naw, there's some actually big problems like I shouldn't be driving it unless I have to, and not just cause it's not legal some spring is scuffed, one of the brakes is shitty, and apparently there's an oil leak though they weren't entirely sure about that one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well thats unsafe
yeah Not good I'll just be a little hermit goblin until it gets repaired, more so than already
estimated cost of repairs is apparently like, ballpark between $470 and $940 which is rough, but I can do that
Well, the upper range I just can not afford, and I'll have to ask my mom for a cash infusion but midrange, probably at least doable
Also wow, no special sauce for reaching level 12 for any of my party, huh? Sure you get one last feat, and that is pretty huge, but it's kind of a letdown to reach max level and not get a new like, thing, you know? It'd almost be preferable for the stuff I got at level 11 to be pushed back to level 12 just for the sense of accomplishment No new spells for the cleric, no new ability or passive for any of my DPSers Just kinda feels weird, usually the max level has one last drop of dopamine for you, doesn't even need to be massive, but it's something >>1094510 Yeah I think so at least In regular dnd it's 20, I think? but bg3 is, I mean it isn't short, but when stacked against a full 1-20 dnd campaign, I mean it's pretty short
This in addition to knowing I just got the two dopest rogue weapons probably in the game, and it's very soon gonna be over, kinda feels bad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
12 is max level? how perfectly smol
cleric didn't even get another spell slot scammed
barb got another rage charge at least, which is nice I guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
soo true what can you do with a rage
I'm sure there's more to it, but from what I've been able to tell, mostly all it does is give you the option to attack using your bonus action as well Which is pretty good, after all 1 more attack is 1 more massive damage spike And there are items that give you additional stuff while raging, though so far I've only found one and it's... I mean it's not BAD, it's top tier in terms of what I've found for my barbarian, but all it effectively does is add +1 damage while you rage +1 damage isn't really all that useful, but it's better than most items I've found, as far as barbarian use is concerned
Oh, here we go rage by itself adds +3 damage (likely this is scaled by level and starts out as 1 but I haven't looked before now) and you get some resistance to physical damage, and advantage on strength rolls All in all fairly good stuff to be sure, but the primary benefit is really the extra attack
its crazy windy outside i think at least it sounds like it i keep hearing big buffeting sounds and the occasional bang and yet the weather report is mil
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I would like to go buffeting right now.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man i can't even buffet anymore it's like i don't need to make my body explode and take a nap
ohayo kirara I think I'm about to go do the very last step of bg3 now Well not right now, I'm taking a little break but I'm basically done, I think
I wonder if there's a final boss fight or if it's fallout style and you just speech it Either way, look forward to gortesh, that's a doozy of a battle, presuming you do it the way I did it. Not super hard, but very... strange I guess Kinda tedious, but also somewhat difficult Actual fight itself was cool though, even if I didn't figure out how I was "supposed" to do it I just brute forced that shit
I haven't like, exhausted the content by any means, I think, but I plan to play more runs anyway >>1094529 huh? jk simmons? I didn't even enjoy that fight, it was so easy Just bumrushed the guy after clipping down that one other human he had on his side And phase 2 was surprisingly trivial as well
i just beat ketheric that fight was so good!!! i'm getting really excited
the bhall // bhaal woman interests me a lot because i am literally the daughter of bhaal
You are playing with a somewhat scuffed party due to playing the bespoke character route though I suppose >>1094531 oh damn Yeah I imagine that was rough with your party, though I think I would have been fine anyway
the lord of bones sure is nice, fulfilling the same request twice like that
When we get around to doing co-op, I kinda wanna try doing a 2handed weapon rogue or something for laughs, but maybe that's too ambitious Just output a staggering amount of damage >>1094537 rip
also you've got no clue how many NPCs I've had show up in act 3 and be like "oh hey, thanks for earlier" or whatever and I'm like "who... who the hell are you? I don't remember seeing a bard at all"
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh i found her she was sittin on keth's throne laughing about how good it feels to sit on the throne of someone she killed
quite the paladin
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i love her so much she is the perfect wife for my dark urge
>>1094535 i might do a tricksy warlock or something or some cleric focusing on buffs idk
I usually play healers in games, but I've got the taste for DPS after playing through this as a rogue cause damn, the enemies get fucking COOKED when it's my turn It's also nice to be able to just hoard all the shit around cause I can pick any lock and disarm any trap
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh orin is talking about how i'm her filthy little sister
also pickpocketing at times feels like it wasn't entirely thought through, which is kinda weird Like in act 3, there's this item that some people have, and they only have the one But if you pickpocket and then enter combat, they still have it, despite you taking it already
Not that I've picked many pockets in this game, rarely seen a particular reason to Like if you're gonna pickpocket, it's cause you're playing a rogue, but rogues are also skilled in persuasion and deception, both of which usually accomplish whatever you were thinking of pickpocketing for anyway
It is a video game I guess, but still you kinda get the feeling that most things were designed so you can accomplish them no matter your party and their builds, except combat I suppose Which is fine, but it does take the air out of some stuff, I feel
DnD is kinda wild with how armor doesn't actually like, in-lore, do jack shit AC determines whether you were hit at all, but if you did get hit, it's completely irrelevant whether you're naked or wearing full plate
I know it's all abstracted and stuff, but it's pretty wild how it shakes out
AC is both armor and dodge. So if you have high AC, it's the same no matter how you get it. In-lore, it's pretty important!
In pathfinder, you have different types of AC bonuses that break it down even more. You have base AC, armor bonus, dodge bonus, natural armor bonus, misc bonus, etc
I guess I meant the interfacing between lore and mechanics, more than anything Though, "it didn't hit" is more convention than anything, you could equally say it bounced off
But I still think it's kinda strange how provided you did get hit, it's irrelevant Makes for smoother gameplay though, I'm sure
If you have some moots on twitter or something, I wouldn't mind running a 5e game for you guys or i guess if we had a /moe/ group that'd work too 5e is pretty easy especially if you do short campaigns
I don't really have anyone I talk to much on twitter, no I mean there's like a handful of people who show up in the replies more often than others, but I kinda just don't like, get involved with people beyond that I don't even know if any of those people see me as like, "a friend" or anything, so
well there's more than one kind of weirdo being weird is cool and good, but some people are like... Weird Like when I tried to form friendships on tf2g on /vg/ and most of them basically just spouted memes, that's weirdo shit
I mean I enjoy a good meme same as anyone, but these guys were like, not missing a beat I assume it was just like, awkwardness or something, but still Not that I'm much better in that respect, I just kinda keep it under wraps and try to be Normal to some degree
the easiest way to put it is like being weird is fine making it weird isn't
actually thinking about it, it wasn't even vg, it was fuckin' v had nothing to do with tf2 either, it was just one of those "we're all lonely anons, let's add each other to friend lists and maybe play some games" Which was pretty cool for me I legitimately ONLY had dutchfriend at the time, I'm pretty sure
to some degree, my friendship with dutchfriend probably poisoned me to a permanent end until, you know, the one particular night, there's never been effort on either of our ends, it's just been natural and true since the time I asked him if he wanted to watch lucky star on msn
Like obviously there was some graduality to it, but it wasn't ever something I had to work at or nothing We just matched
I think the only friendship that comes close to it was with a guy I actually only sorta vaguely knew and hung out with sporadically in middle school We don't talk much anymore, things kinda got a bit.. tense, I guess, cause he confessed to me and stuff But as messed up as it is, at that time I actually thought I might be in love with him, too
But I kinda panicked, I guess, and went something like "I'm sorry, I don't feel that way" Still think about that sometimes
We've kinda drifted so far apart I dunno how to re-establish contact anymore. Did tell him I'm trans though, and he was supportive I guess, don't remember it too well. I do kinda wish I could connect again, but like, it's just kinda weird. We haven't talked more than a few sentences in forever, he's got a whole life now, presumably.
Anyway I'm just having a little downer alcohol moment
On the subject of the dnd game though, really I think it's best to leave that to you, cause realistically I'm not gonna have the initiative to like, rustle people up I'd imagine anyone you get along with, I'll probably get along with... for the most part anyway
Ideally I'd prefer at least one other trans person cause I feel like my voice dysphoria might be kept in check knowing there's one other person in the VC either having the same shit, or at least having dealt with it in the past That's not a requirement or anything though
i think it's likely that we'd have some trans players if we get them from twitter i mostly run in those circles
that's true yeah I'm pretty sure most my followers are trans anyway I don't get squat for ENGAGEMENT from more than a handful of people though, I just have a buncha followers who don't read my posts
Though, I mean, a lot of that is probably attributable to being locked But that's not gonna change I think
I wanna do a run where I kill straight up everyone Except withers cause I'll need his hirelings
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i made friends with gortash and we're gonna kill orin together. he thinks we'll rule the world together but i'll kill him and take the world for myself. and then i'm gonna end it.
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all of my party members were like THIS IS GREAT
Can definitely vouch for killing Orin first Mostly because her drops are actually... good Gortash's one 'good' drop can be found earlier, I don't remember where, and it's worth like fucking 79 gold
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gorty tells me that someone in my camp is a shapeshifter spying on me
Yeah I never figured that one out Iunno who you've got, and I actually don't even know if there is, mechanically, a shapeshifter in your camp If there is, I suspect mine was Gale, and it probably changes based on who you've got, but I dunno if it's like, mechanically a thing at all, it's not like you get anything to disrupt shapeshifts in this game
You could systematically savescum kill everyone one by one I guess, but I didn't have the patience to try that
Also it'd be nice if you clarified like, when-ish you would be up for co-op my brain doesn't handle this kinda uncertainty well
If you wanna finish the game first that's fine, really I'd be fine if you just don't really wanna, I just sorta gotta know or things go haywire real fast
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i'd like to finish the game first i do wanna do it but i wanna finish the game first
Alrighty then I feel awkward bringing it up and stuff, so just like, lemme know when you're good to go or whatever I mean we're talking days out I presume, but still, I just feel like I'm being a fucking clingy shit and stuff when I bring stuff like this up and I'd probably have just not said anything forever if I wasn't drinking and hopped up on ritalins my brain's doing all SORTS of athletics
oh, also, this is TECHNICALLY a spoiler but not actually like, plot stuff or whatever I'm gonna spoil it but still you should know it's not like, a Reveal or anything, just a tip you can read or not if you wanna You should play along as a psycho bhaal worshipper with Orin's grandpa, cause while you get some neat loot from his corpse, the real sauce is the shop in his lair that opens if you go full bhaal's unholy assassin's route
>>1094596 Oh, sweet summer child. I am a psycho Bhaal worshipper. I am literally the daughter of Bhaal. Orin betrayed me and took my place after I founded the Bhaal cult and I was the one who came up with the plan to use the Elder Brain to control the world. I am fangs and teeth. I am bloodlust made flesh!
Astarion or whatever the fuck his name is he's gonna cream his fucking pants when you open the trade window and look at the first armor in the top left of their stock, your assassin is going to lose his FUCKING MIND
You know how I said I suddenly doubled my damage output? That's ONE item
Also Orin is a trivial fight Like legit just stupid easy lmao
Gortesh is a pain in the ass though Though doing it again I could do it a LOT easier
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i will simply release the Slayer and destroy everything that stands before me
my comrade under Shar's dark night, you really gotta kill Orin >>1094603 Well that's cause you're a fool I will always choose power
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
emperor is so mad that i wont let him turn me into a squid
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm afraid that he'll control me if i do it and the only thing i want to control me is MURDER
He's literally a mindflayer who has ready access to your campgrounds at will if he wanted to control you, the game would end when you hit the beach
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well i dont think he can do it yet but i think he's got a plan he's a Good Person and that's Bad for me. because i am literally the daughter of the god of murder
the emperor said I was complicated and very difficult to predict I cheered him up and the next night he showed up shirtless like a dam creep I'm not GOING TO FUCK THE SQUID
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
unfortunately orin will have to wait for later/tomorrow as it is time for me to return to work
>>1094607 fucking KNEW he was like that he was sitting with me all boohoo my wife dead comfort me? puppy dog eyes and i was like i know you're trying to manipulate me man. and he was like HUMANS ARE SO MEAN YOU SHOULD STOP BEING HUMAN
I think he's being real, but I'm not gonna fuck him, or any of the companions for that matter that's not even a MENTAL ISSUES thing, I just don't... get anything outta that stuff
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have been with minthara, lae'zel, and karlach
FUCKING WITHERS is on my ass about not fucking my companions, too motherfucker, I would kill his ass if I didn't feel like rerolling karlach and laezel before the final fight
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hahahaha thats so funny withcers creepy ass
naw he wasn't creepy about it, he was Psychiatrist about it which is WORSE
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
loooo l
he was like "some would say love is the purpose of life for mortal beings, and yet, you are maidenless" I should WHOOP YOUR ASS BUT SHADOWHEART NEEDED TO REROLL INTO LIFE AND LAEZEL NEEDS HEAVY WEAPON MASTERY OR WHATEVER FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE
Bit close to home, eh
I actually have been thinking lately I'm like, aro\ace\aroace or something, I dunno as many complexes I have about my virginity and stuff, and trust me they hit me hard at times like I just don't... I don't feel a drive for it it's fomo, emotionally, not like, a longing or wahtever you know?
I don't even know, I hate it cause it fucks up my mental when I'm sober and even touch on the topic, but I really just have nothing more motivating in that direction than this deepseated belief or feeling or whatever that I SHOULD Like, I want to love, and be loved, and like... the results, kinda, even if the idea scares me a lot but not enough to put two sticks together towards that
it's immaterial, but important enough to hurt me deeply
but yeah a bit too fucking close to home in a way I didn't expect from this game, honestly cause all the companions making moves have been like "ah, alright, that's cool" when I told them I wasn't interested even the fucking literal Will-Kill-You-In-The-Night rogue bastard is apparently good on that front
But withers is out here fucking digging up stuff I really do struggle with and it did actually hurt, despite being a video game Not a lot, but video games usually don't emotionally touch me, not beyond the immersive suspension of self
fuck it I'm in the final stretch, I'm gonna reroll laezel and karlach, maybe myself, and merc his ass fuck that guy
karlach is cool though I think I'd be into her irl
really though I think more than anything I'm drawn towards taboos A strong part of me is very certain I'm irredeemable in a very fundamental way, and I think it pushes me towards like, just "being a bad person" in any way it can >>1094626 I mean I dunno if I ever consciously went "I want to kill this person" in those terms, but it's not like I would have stopped if adults weren't around when I got into fights as a grade schooler I was all rage, and I really do know what it means to see red I would have absolutely killed several kids if nobody stepped in
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean the first time i attempted to kill someone i was only in second grade but im pretty good about that stuff these days i resist everything without any trouble usually
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
for me i attempted to poison someone ive probably talked about it before
Yeah that's beyond me I never schemed I just like Fought until an adult stopped me
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i was pretty lucky what i thought was poison was not so even though i successfully got it into their milk unnoticed nothing happened
i wish I was able to talk about my like, issues with an actual shrink but I just like can't? I get walled off, mentally, it just stops, screaming at me not to, it's dangerous, you can't trust this tranger with your cirginity complex and like in that moment, it's real they'll see me as no less pathetic than I see myself not for being a virgin, that's surprisingly normal despite my age but for having a complex about it that's pathetic, I genuinely believe
it just CHURNS in my brain like, every time I approach the topic at all
with porn or whatever, it's whatever, I mean I do masturbate but there's some sorta collision that happens when it gets 'real' porn is fake, it's just bullshit for the sake of rubbing one out, but when people talk about their actual experiences, that gets to me real bad and I find that really pathetic makes me less than human, it feels like, cause it's normal for people to talk about that stuff but here I am, having literal panic attacks over it
I don't spiral when I'm sauced up though at least, it's like the only time I can really talk about this stuff so I end up rambling and hyperfocusing on it instead of pushing it back like usual cause I ain't got shit for barriers ritalin probably adds a lot to that, I get so fuckin' chatty when I'm on this crap
HE'S HITTING ME WITH THIS SHIT AGAIN? this motherfucker is going to die as soon as I reroll, this is not acceptable
more than anything I'm hurt by the dialogue options I have in this if you're gonna put this fucking emotional damage shit in, I should at least have the option to go "intimacy scares me"
having this fucking conversation with withers again cause apparently I saved BEFORE going through it the first time is legit screwing me up i'm not doing a bit, i'm fuming I can feel the spiral coming, I feel the fucking rage
actually mechanics question I'm a rogue right, dex is My Stat does STR still matter for melee damage? >>1094645 I'm guessing you can't anymore once you hit lvl 12 Cause this is my "change class" interface
Oh fuck right yeah he just gives you lvl 1 screen, and then you manually level up by pressing the thing
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's sick drip
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah that's the thing you get before Orin
also please I need to know does STR matter for a rogue using fineese weapons?
cause if so I'll just respec and dump EVERYTHING into STR and dex I'm about to finish the game anyway, I may as well stomp
>You can Shove better as a Str Rogue, and Sneak Attack only requires that the weapon be a Finesse weapon, which uses either your Str or Dex modifier, whichever is higher. Oh so STR is legit worthless for me alright then
okay yeah they just made withers immortal i've... never been this hurt by a video game
...what the hell, the assassin subclass sucks ass thief is like easily the goat you get an extra bonus action, which you'll need to close in on people in time to make use of the assassin traits traits which, for the record, suck ass literally "potentially, ONE attack per fight has advantage" that is literally the worst garbage trait I've ever seen I guess MAYBE it's worthwhile if you're not dual wielding, but why on god's green earth would you not dual wield as a rogue?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1094650 no finesse will use str or dex, whichever is higher
"assassin" sounds like such a badass high damage output subclass too, but it actually just sucks ass what the fuck, dude am I missing something? do you get actually good shit further down that subclass tree or something?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they get better sneak attacks
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also bonus to initiative
according to the wiki, legit all you get is -guaranteed advantage (sneak attack) against entities yet to take a turn or surprised actually no, guaranteed CRIT against surprised targets and uhhhhh uuuuuuuhhhh oh yeah you get your action+bonus back at the start of battle
This amounts to 2 sneak attacks and potentially 1 crit per battle brother I get like ONLY sneak attacks during battle because my extra bonus lets me scurry across the field like an angel of death
Assasin can suck it, we're just rebuilding with better feats
oh at lvl 9 you get disguise self which is uuuuh worthless? is there even a fucking purpose to that? at all?
especially considering my cleric has Disguise The Entire Fucking Party as a spell and I've got items to render that a free cast if I really wanna
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just backstab harder
I don't even "backstab" I just walk right up to the mfer face and shank him cause karlach's right next to me looking at him, menacingly, giving me advantage and guaranteed crits for life Then id o like fuckin', I don't even know now, upwards of 70 damage?
mistake, not guaranteed crits sneak attack legally distinct, but functionally identical
damn weapon even does more damage by virtue of simply HAVING advantage, nevermind the crits, I jsut get a flat +7 dmg for having advantage when I roll shit's BUSTED
I GET THE THIRD FEAT AT 10??? I thought it was 12 wait no I knew it wasn't 12 I complained about that earlier even and the two last levels don't give me shit other than like... HP?
oh I guess I get the guaranteed 10+ flat rolls for stuff I'm proficient in but that's kinda stinky, tbh It'd actually be worth it if that meant you skipped the rolling interface for stuff you'll auto-clear with anything above a 10 but that's not the case so it's actually pretty shitty, cause I've got inspiration out the ass I can reroll fuckin' anything, there's no reason for this
>>1094710 be fortunate anno has water pure enough to make a cupa.
>>1094710 Listen, I've been fighting for like two weeks, to maybe get a raise so I, almost now at three years working at my job, will make as much as a guy hired three months ago for the exact same position If they didn't want me to be so socialist they should pay me better
Frankly even if they just match my wage to that new guy's I'll still argue I deserve more and I'll be pretty pissed off if that's all my raise amount to
>>1094723 I here ya, it sucks when other try and take ones power. others** I tend to focus more on energy, been in short supply as of recent, but today was a beeter day hoping the all the ones to follow are similar and better.
>>1094726 more over for others though, just miss understood on and then ** now and then, ya know.
i showed my 13yo client Alien (1979) it was so much fun watching her watch it her mom is 72 and doesn't allow her to engage in any hobbies or activities, won't let her watch horror movies or anything with even a small amount of violence so she's been isolated enough that she had no clue what was going to happen at any point in the movie the only thing she knew is the term xenomorph which she knew because her friend at school draws them sometimes
seeing someone so genuine get engrossed in a film is a really wonderful experience
I seen it around the same age, ( not trying to age date) it was intense the 1st time, but nothing compaired to playing the first video game with really good head phones turned up loud.
I'm looking forward to watching Alien some day I've never seen it but it's kind of similar for me I just know what the xenomorph looks like and that people die so that maybe only Ripley survives?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
@SC withers is telling me that i walk alone even though i fucked minthara after we killed all the tieflings and duirds idk
>>1094728 Wait she's thirteen and her mother is seventy-two? Holy moley
i go to @X it lists about.x.com i go to about.x.com it's just a big x logo on a fake marble background i scroll down to the nav footer > X Corp. > About the company it's a link to about.twitter.com it's a 404
bought a $14 dolla can of wild turkey last night govt and bars tacksing the alcohol to shit we need to bring back prohibition era brewing or just give it the fuck up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just make whisky in your bathtub blindness optional
>>1094796 i think the city is too large and too samey it gets overwhelming and then theres all this GO FIND THE BIG BADS AND KILL THEM quest and its almost like yeah idk i wanna go home
>people getting mad at me for murdering someone >in the temple of bhaal, the god of murder >after i was just made the unholy assassin of bhaal what did you people expect
I mean I've got a strategy for it now that I know what the fight entails, but man it's fucking stupid I don't actually know if it'll be enough either, but it's something
stupid fucking fight in any case
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seeing cazador sob feels good
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
shadowheart is so funny. she's like, look. i had to sacrifice people to get to my destiny. i won't deny you yours, astarion. go ahead and kill all 7000 people
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>encounter with 30 turns per round time to pull out some manga
ah I'm just prioritizing getting this run over with at this point Not that I can do otherwise, the final stretch is one of those "this is it, you can't leave" things
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>mother superior: YOU SHALL NEVER SEE SUNLIGHT AGAIN! HAHAHA! >she goes to move >triggers opp attack from Slayer Form >immediately dies l o l
wait you get slayer form? or is that a dark urge thing?
it's like "you can push enemies off of ledges" yeah if they're goblins I was gonna oneshot anyway, after goading them into the perfect location for 2 turns in a row
Also turns out when the game says Gale's self destruct sequence has "a wide radius" they mean like, a few meters I thought it was enough to basically have him on the same map, but it's less of a nuke and more of a slightly beefier fireball
I'm gonna have to redo the whole damn fight now because the game just decided to be super vague about it and gives me 5 turns to dish out 300 fucking damage with, realistically, one character
>see an ambush >place invisible astarion behind the enemy >combat starts >astarion is suddenly moved
when are they gonna release the patch that fixes act 3 how was act 1 and 2 so good and act 3 so jank
oh and you take upwards of 20 psychic damage each time you attack too and for some reason I wasn't getting my advantage rolls so I MISSED a perfectly stationary enemy
>>1094848 dude did you try to "sneak into the shadows" with the little gnome man, too, only for YOUR COMPANIONS TO TRIGGER THE FIGHT FOLLOWING YOU FROM A DIALOGUE EVENT? I was SO FUCKING mad
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm trying to get into the bhaal temple and all these dudes just show up and start spamming like 400 arrows
oh yeah I just cheesed that by casting invis and going into turn based mode to bypass the whole fucking thing, it's a stupid fight and *it says you win if you kill that one guy, but you DO NOT WIN by simply killing that one guy*
as in the game LITERALLY, EXPLICITLY SAYS "The fight ends if this guy dies" IT DOES NOT END
You gotta not trigger the fight, but this this the path, basically you really just gotta have one guy go invis, sprint through it, and there's a teleporter once you get through that last door there, so you can all just fasttravel
I wouldn't have cheesed it if it wasn't such a stupid fight, but even if I could do it I mean, like, what do I get out of it beyond wasted time?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i mean half the enemies trying to kill you are out of range for me why the fuck would i waste my time with this
you're out of range for them, too, for the most part, so you're just watching them shuffle aound for like 10 seconds a piece and there's 50 of them
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
surely they will go back and fix this stuff eventually i wonder if they got rushed for some reason towards the end of the dev cycle
possibly, yeah I mean 6 years is a long time to wait for any indication of return on investment as it is
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah thats fair and its a fantastic game despite act 3
yeah it is really damn good But this last fight, it's honestly just at the point where if it wasn't literally the last fight of the game, I'd just ditch it and start a new run instead
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im looking at people talking about this ambush online and multiple people are saying this fight took them hours to complete successfully lol
yeah that tracks there'sa handful of really stupid things in act 3
I mention gortesh a lot, but the actual fight with him specifically is pretty standard fare it's the leadup that's fucking awful
Do you want me to send you the player's handbook and the monsters of the multiverse book that has the goblin race in it?
The campaign is going to be fey-focused so goblin is a good race for it
I think I might even have it already from before but if you've got it easily available, yeah that'd be preferable to hunting it down in my drives
do you have a rough outline of how the players meet each other yet? just to know how to structure my backstory or whatever to bring me to that place and time
Basically, you're all going to be employed by a researcher. How you meet the researcher is going to be based on your character background Feel free to come up with the background that sounds good to you and we'll just work it into the story
oh then I can basically reuse the character from the arknights one, though rerolling stats and stuff preumably basically just "in debt, morally very flexible as a result, motivated primarily by greed"
goblin mode lends itself very well to criminality too, so
depending on how long you want it to go I could come up with some other hooks and avenues for some stuff, too, I guess
>>1094875 especially since most people don't trust goblins and it would be hard for them to get a real job
>>1094876 usually when you're coming up with a character, you want to include stuff in their past that can be part of their own character arc through the campaign and the DM's job is to tie in your story to the main story
exactly I'm in debt, but I'm a goblin, so legitimate work paying well enough to cover it is gonna be a difficult thing to pull off But using my small size and agile body to steal shit and flip it, that's comparably easy
Oh well then I'll definitely figure out some stuff I do kinda wanna go rogue mode cause sneaking around and stealing stuff is always fun, but I feel like it's best to get a somewhat balanced party going
i want to keep this campaign primarily to first party stuff when you introduce 3rd party there are just so many options and newer players can get tangled up in it and build characters they cant work well
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol everyone at the temple is like "please kill orin already. you're so much cooler and better at murder than her"
the fight itself is laughably easy lmao probably even more so for you with the slayer form and stuff
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she's so mad that i got the slayer form and she didnt
she didn't? dark urge really changes things huh?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im assuming she didnt but she also just killed my slayer form in like 2 turns with a bunch of insane multiattacks so i don't think this is going to be as easy as it was for you considering i am a squishy sorc
well she is a rogue build, so presumably her human form is actually stronger in raw dps than the slayer form
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah she didnt use her slayer form unless theres a phase 2 nope as i thought, i was the only slayer that was actually a fun fight imo
>>1094919 I miss so many things, moreover the chat was really banger.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 791 4/6
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Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 564 3/6
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Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 792 3/6
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♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>a cover band named 'Yacht Rock'
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
🕹️ Gamedle: 20/08/2023 🟥🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜
alright, that was the whole game then the final fight wasn't quite as stupid as I thought, I just made the mistake of thinking I had to approach it as a regular fight and actually trust the game's information (almost never a good idea in act3, it turns out)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
trusting what the medium is implicitly communicating?? nah just have a gimmick final boss
it wasn't implying jack shit, it says outright the brain does a brainquake when hurt It does not do that, it does it the first time it's hurt in a round, and only once
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1095007 having a gimmick final boss is very D&Desque though
>enemy has 4 minions that constantly buff him and make him invincible >if you kill the minions he gains tons of resistance and 6 AC >he'll have 30 AC which is virtually impossible to hit act 3
i'm glad that they added a bunch of fights that aren't just slugfests but it feels like they ran out of ideas to make the fights interesting like the auntie ethel fight is great and that's more than just a slugfest a lot of the bosses are fun with interesting mechanics
When we do our co-op I kinda wanna just lean into the cheese just for the hell of it There are some... REALLY cheesy things you can do because of a few mechanics in this game, that I never really did use but have discovered
Might not, though, but it's at least something I'll keep in the back pocket for the final fight >>1095028 When you throw a wooden box, it breaks on impact, right? There is no limit to how much or how big the things you put into the box in your inventory can be
I.E you can put 50 explody barrels into a box, throw it at an enemy, and then uh, light a match
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like which mechanics?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah I didn't mess much with it cause I wanted to do like, a normal run, but honestly it might be very useful to have as an option for higher difficulty
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh shit i casted dominate on the boss and now he belongs to me
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got a spell that literally lets me tell someone to die and they do it
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
feels good to be the chosen of the god of murder
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>DC 99
Oh you're finishing up?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it seems that way
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>mfw its my day off from work and a giant armored brain rises out of the city
it's sort of funny everyone is like "wow you're gonna save the city!" i'm going to end the world, guys. that's why i'm doing this. to end the world and kill as many people as possible
you haven't laughed unless you go full squid mode and then try to sneak lmao Actually the funniest shit I ever seen >>1095042 yeah it's FUCKeed you crouch down and take 15 steps per meter, and there's sounds too so it goes tappatappatappatappatappatappatappatappa as you inch forward moving your feet like sonic the hedgehog
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like the animations?
i still have my post squid save so I could show you later if you wanna see it, I'm guessing you didn't take the power pill
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah i will reign as lord of gnashing teeth i need no tentacles
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn this encounter has like 40 participants
are you also tugging around Gale, or did you kill him earlier?
I hadn't leveled that scumfuck so I just had a level 3 wizard tagging along doing 1-8 damage a turn >>1095047 Ah, fair enough
>massive encounter >let's introduce people who can spam silence on you!
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the devs just don't understand when enough is enough, they just pile everything onto you they've made a lot of the act 3 encounters just utterly overwhelming there is way too much to do at once and my brain can't comfortably process it all
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
welp time to start the encounter over since a bunch of AOE spamming enemies showed up and blasted my team into oblivion
there seems to be a lot of divergence I don't remember that, but maybe the dicerolls just went well for me, and for that matter I didn't rely much on magic to begin with
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i also am getting a lot of general glitchiness like it played the beorn wunterbrood cutscene three times for me
meatshields are the most valuable thing you can have in an encounter with 30 or so enemies
I mean I guess But you're better off using the action to actually remove an obstacle
though I think the exact help you get is determined by your actions so I dunno what you've got yours might be more worthwhile than I had which was 3 low level rangers and a paladin with 0/100 hp >>1095059 >4-5 turns brother we're talking maybe 2 hits per archer
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont really agree i can avoid my damage dealers getting hit for 4-5 turns or i can damage one enemy
astarion's forces just summoned 3 level 9 giant skeletons and 3 level 5 shadows and a level 6 ghast
ah yeah that'll happen it does sound like you just had a lot less DPS in this run than I did though, cause I didn't have much issues with this encounter Even the spectator went down before it got to act
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont really understand how it's possible to do 100+ damage in a single turn without wasting spell slots i have to be careful not to waste them because i dont know how many i'll need later
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but in any case, i'm pretty much burned out on this encounter i'll prob save it and come back to it tomorrow and see if i feel like finishing it
yeah, that's kinda why I ended up just rolling 3 melee focused characters Magic in this system ends up being like, all my damage is "too good to use"
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my team is a rogue, a paladin, a sorc, and a cleric all of them can shit damage out, but not if i don't know how long until my next long rest and i'm guessing there won't be another long rest
oh, well I mean you're basically at the end so this I can at least just tell you There will be 0 rests but you do get those mindflayer-restoration booths that I think restore spell slots and HP I'm not entirely sure if they restore long\short rest cooldowns Rest assured, you walk into the final fight with a full tank
It's kinda dumb how it doesn't let you know that at all, honestly, cause it does lead to "well I'm about to enter the very final thing, I don't wanna use anything unless i HAVE to"
well, that's the trpg experience so it's kind of essential the difference is that a DM allows a game to be malleable and will adjust if truly necessary or might give you hints here and there as to what's to come. you can also scout ahead in a real game, which you can't really do effectively here resource management is really important in trpg
well yeah, but when told "no more resting" and then it throws a HUGE, powerful fight at you before the final fight you know is coming, because the game knows you'll get a pickmeup, that's fucking stupid I went through that fight the same way though, not really using more than I had to, but at the same time, I don't have a lot of consumable resources on the party I finished with Shadowheart, towards the end, was really just there as a sorta filler spot, occasionally throwing out a big heal or two, but mostly just existing and vibing laezel and karlach with endgame gear are powerhouses, as was I with full bhaal gear as a rogue
warlocks are fucking nuts goddamn idk what kind of twisted meta game has evolved because I've avoided looking anything up but warlocks feel pretty damn good
Something about beating people up with my bare fists is very appealing Though it does also mean I won't be able to take advantage of various special weapons, there are monk-aimed armor pieces and stuff, so And I'll grab Gale on the way
or maybe I'll do the dark urge too see what that's all about
oh shit nothing's stopping me from doing both I guess
The edgelord run begins githyanki because I just wanna see how laezel interacts with you when you're also one and monk cause I just wanna do a monk run
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dark urge is so good im gonna do a dark urge resist run eventually too
for our run I wanna lean into magic though and if we end up having fun maybe we can play divinity original sin, too, maybe sometime
interface-wise, it and bg3 are basically the same game
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
magic is cool i might go barb for our run
wiz seems good for magic since it can learn spells from scrolls and stuff
And you get SO MANY scrolls throughout a run holy shit
Barbarian is pretty fun too though, fighting as karlach was simple, but very rewarding Granted, you won't get the soul coins as a custom character, but it's not like you get an abundance of those anyway
Now that I am not myself playing a rogue, I feel like I have to keep Astarion on board Despite my dislike of the guy
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i actually fell in love with him he's so fucking funny
how come he's got a fire bolt cantrip? he's a pure rogue, isn't he?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
high elf
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
high elves start with a wizard cantrip
what the fuck
ah well I suppose I shall not be traveling with Gale
i wish that he showed up later with a missing hand >>1095100 laezel
that BITCH of a bhaalite
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently she takes your lowest approval person
that tracks, I didn't really give Gale much time to shine Though... he is the only one I went through the night time convos with
me: *hacks off the hand of some poor guy seemingly on a whim* shadowheart, mere moments later: I trust you, dark urge, but not lae'zel who, to me, is the same thing except has NOT done anything horrifying like that
Does Shadowheart just think that's the kinda stuff githyanki do?