I do think there is some small kernel of truth to it, if nothing else it's easier to see a reason to express the Bad Feels than it is the Good Feels in some way, I think But a lot of the idea comes from the ol' "tortured artist" thing, where the causality is likely reversed for the most part. Being an artist, as like the main source of income, is relatively precarious, which isn't conducive to a healthy mind And as you go further back in time, I imagine it's increasingly just artists being the most visible chunk of the working class of society, which sucked ass
that and there's likely some bias in remembering primarily those who had some mental badness not a lot of interest in a historical figure being described as "an upbeat person with few serious complaints about their life", you know? Now the guy who lopped his own ear off, that you're gonna remember
One thing that bothered me a bit in Fallout 4 is your wife\husband's wedding ring has seemingly no interaction with it anywhere in the game, so it ends up existing entirely for a little bit of startup capital I kept that thing with me for super long, partly for RP and partly thinking there'd be SOMETHING, SOMEWHERE that involves it in some way, even if nothing more than a passing NPC comment about me carrying an additional wedding ring I guess only a ghoul would even make such a comment since the idea of wedding rings has surely been lost to time in the vaults, but still
okay so it turns out there are actually 2 more in the nukaworld DLC but that makes 4 wedding rings in the whole game, 2 without the DLC, and they're apparently also the only ring items in the whole game too wearing the ring affects the voiceline you get from an NPC one place in the game, apparently, but that doesn't count because it's triggered by you wearing your ring, and doesn't care if you've got the other one or not
Lee Oswald sure was a real impulsive lad He had like, a single day's warning the president will happen to drive past his workplace and he just immediately goes "alright, I'm bringing my gun tomorrow, I'm taking this mf out" Must have REALLY had something out for Kennedy
I can definitely understand how people thought there was some sorta conspiracy Or, think Though it really does just seem to be a string of coincidences putting a guy in the right\wrong place at the right\wrong time
the sloppy investigation process doesn't help either I guess
And that Kennedy was extremely likely killed by accident by his own secret service, which likely contributed to an intentionally sloppy investigation process
I really just don't buy it, honestly There's just way too much that'd have to be finessed to cover that up to the extent they did A guy who worked at the building just happened to, moments after the assasination, get into a shootout with and kill a cop a little distance away, despite being both seen and supposed to be at work at the time, his own wife says his rifle was missing from its usual spot, the guy he carpooled with said he had a sorta package in his hand that would be able to carry the rifle, etc.
I'm not saying Oswald didn't shoot at Kennedy, he was most likely the one who took the first shot that hit Kennedy, which while highly likely not lethal if addressed immediately, would have still left Kennedy crippled for life But the second shot that burst Kennedy's head like a melon couldn't realistically have come from Oswald's location, and with a more sensible ballistics analysis had to have come from an angle below Kennedy, from behind him Almost like it was shot from seat level from the seat or car immediately behind Kennedy's car
that's stuff I wasn't aware of, at least I always thought he only got hit the one time, and assumed the other shots just missed
Though I gotta admit there is something a bit strange about him managing to get 3 shots off, taking new aim at a moving target moving both horizontal and vertiacal, without something like, being done you know? I'm not saying they coulda saved Kennedy or nothing, but I would have thought if the 3rd shot was necessary at all, there should have been enough time to at least have some sorta action like, you know, ducking for cover or whatever but from what I have been lead to believe, Kennedy didn't have any real reaction and got domed sitting upright, with everyone else in the car also being chill
Though I guess with a semiauto that's doable if you're a crack shot, and it was rested on some boxes too
kennedy didnt get shot. his head just did that the CIA had a bomb in his head and they set it off
The real answer was small bombs all along Battler was correct!
>>1092818 Ducking or not, the problem with Oswald being the only shooter is there's no sensible ballistics interpretation of the scenario where his follow-up shot/shots could have caused the damage to Kennedy's head Which is the main thrust of trying to find a second shooter eg. the man on the grassy knoll But no conclusive evidence has indicated anyone in that position was ever available to be in position for it
well, just taking what you're saying as true, it definitely seems like it was an accident like you said that got swept under the rug the idea of a second guy, MIB or random disgruntled citizen, just happening to pick the same spot to make his play is just too hard to believe
He died after a prolonged fight with cancer, so it's not like he lived out the natural lifespan of a human being
70 is a pretty good age to go though, for // at least it would be for me probably not from cancer, I would hope
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
70 is young by 1st world standards
colloquially, // what I gather from most conversations with people is that anything thirty or younger is an early death, or even up to fifties
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
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♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1092829 love how old people are going to be living to 120 years with new medical tech and every young generation will slave away in debt to support them
Why would anyone buy "debut merch"? you haven't even had a chance to figure out whether you like the streamer >>>/@hololive_En/1685881751414218752
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i love myself
>>1092839 maybe i'm just a cynic but i feel like this is a sale to take advantage of people speculating on the vtuber getting popular enough that their limited-release debut merch is worth more than they bought it for some day
>>1092839 A lot of people seem to go all-in on new Vtubers right off the bat Like I know you like to be miserable and grumpy about this kind of thing, but you have to consider that it costs money for the company to design and have manufactured these goods If it wasn't cost-effective (eg., if people didn't buy it enough to merit the cost) they likely wouldn't have kept doing it Besides, the sales period for the merch continues until early September, if like a month and a half isn't enough for a new talent to sell you on themselves enough for you to like them enough to buy their merch, you're probably not that into them anyway
Additionally, event merch like this is a pretty normal part of various otaku cultures, especially the traditional idol industry that Hololive draws a lot of inspiration from. Debut tie-ins, limited exclusives, making commercial opportunities out of anniversaries and milestones; these aren't singular to the Vtubing industry, they're pretty much a staple of any part of otaku culture, and have been for decades If you want to complain about the broad materialistic and consumption-driven nature of these industries then sure, there's a fair critique there if you want to be sour and whine about other people having fun But bitching specifically about it for Vtubers is kind of silly
i love myself
my own bemoaning is definitely over the consumption doing its consuming and for those buying the merch in earnest, they have my support and cheers i simply fear that the resale industry that taxes any collectible realm is all too strong
>>1092842 that's my point though it's reckless and foolhardy to go all-in right off the bat.
Hah hah hah what They're just having fun watching Vtubers and enjoying the kayfabe man What's the worst that can happen? They burn out on the talent in a month or two and they're down a bit of money for an impulse buy on some relatively cheap merch? If that's what goes for reckless and foolhardy today then man I live in the danger zone And here I thought I was a relatively cautious and slow to jump in kind of person
>>1092852 Your tone and choice of words feels more than a little of disdain for it Listen, I don't buy debut merch either. I don't care for acrylic stands and most small accessories stuff, the cost of shipping just isn't worth it >>1092855 Nah, I think you're just being the usual contrarian git you like to be about things
I'm not really in that position just yet mostly because I'm kind of playing it by ear I mean I'm always there when I can be but there's only so diligent I can look without running out of work
brand recognition is overrated a cool logo (allegedly) is far better
>>1092908 Companys are scared to chacng their logos, maybe to lose clients. But how invatative is when a logo gets revised fiscally, do mopney hungery corps lack creativity?
Companys are scared to change their logos, maybe to lose clients. But how inovative is when a logo gets revised fiscally, do money hungery corps lack creativity? something about brain cells today.
that's easier to read at least but I still don't know what it means, being entirely honest
>>1092915 yeah sorta, but you want it to be minimalist, not "literally the letter x, and that's it" I mean if your company had some sort of connection to an x, or it was your name, sure I guess now the company name IS also just X but that is also just a fucking stupid decision
I watched the new One Piece movie on the flight back to australia. It was pretty good.
>>1092948 I AM a sick person. the RAT test came back negative but i still think it might be covid. Fever and chills. Throat like i drank a glass of razorblades. Shitsux.
>>1092965 lots of very short videos of a speck reacting to magnets maybe it's something maybe not idk i'm not a material science expert, only a genius epidemiologist and senior AI researcher
i do wonder if these are all fakes though and people are just trying to bid up on the prediction markets https://polymarket.com/event/is-the-room-temp-superconductor-real like you could have gotten better-than-50% at one point on No if you released the right fake video
me trying to debug a bug based on timezones that only manifests at certain times of day
Schrodinger's Zoomer
why is it called "undead girl murder farce" when the immortal isn't really "undead"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
localization is hard
i mean she is undying at least, I guess but I don't think I'd consider her undead
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1092974 I'm pretty sure it's not even localization, I think that's the name of the series in Japanese too So it's more of a "foreign language cool" situation
Should have called it living dead girl murder farce and gotten Rob Zombie to make the OP and ED
I just can't understand how that shit happened >>1092990 The speed is really the most unexplainable thing Was he knocked unconscious and woke up when he hit the ground?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
for real i want to know the story how did he end up face down at an uncontrollable speed
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he seemed totally nonresponsive going down the slide but he got up so quickly afterwards that i feel like he was conscious through it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he never went to high school he didn't learn how to use friction to slow him down
so when are they going to announce that lick99 is also the name of a initial crypto coin offering to invest in
All I've heard about it is they've confirmed the magnetism bit, but the conductivity remains elusive
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what if you need a perfect tube of copped doped lead atoms lined up all the way across the sample to get zero resisitivity seems like a nightmare to cook reliably if so
I mean even if so, the mere discovery is huge Cause figuring out how to do it once it's known to be possible and useful, that's at least doable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kind of a chicken egg maybe someone could produce a really small tube by some electron tunnelling microscope idk seems unlikely to me tho you need to form this stressed doped crystal structure you probably cant just pick and place atoms
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im sure any physicist reading my previous post would facepalm halfway thru
hmm i also wonder how resilient the structure is when the bulk material is put under stress
>>1093011 Genshin is still a valid target. You just need to come up with better digs.
i love myself
i have discovered a state of being and ma coming to terms with it am i am not unhappy i enjoy life, i have a good, mostly comfortable existence i am privileged with many freedoms, opportunities, and choices available to me and an adequate level of competency and agency with which to take advantage of them to a respectably mediocre degree
but i think i've given up am i a fool for that it seems more foolish to want for more shouldn't i take notes from icarus's pages i want the motivation or ambition, or at least i think i do i just don't, though
enough psychotic ranting for now, i feel a little better
>>1093017 oh god i hope it isn't cringe i'm worried linia and pursena are gonna be cringe
also i've been playing a computer-read audiobook someone created and uploaded to youtube but i guess because of the announcement of an official audiobook in the works, they've all been purged so now i don't know how i'm going to get my mushoku fix at work i don't really have time to read like that, i'm working two jobs and trying to balance a social and family life with that i guess i'll just have to find something else until someone re-uploads or something the seven seas version isn't getting vol1 until september god knows how long they'll take releasing more
I'm just super excited to see Zanoba and Cliff again And Eris Oh my god I can't wait to see Eris again, even if that's likely towards the end of the season if at all
I rewatched S1 and man, Eris is so fucking cute
i love myself
>>1093020 i'm imagining there will be a training arc ova for eris like the goblin slaying one and then obv we'll get stuff in s3 i was thinking about it and i'm thinking s3 is going to be the best better than s4 even
The goblin slaying ova was so cool When Cliff showed up I was like "Is that fuckin'... cliff?" and then he introduced himself and I actually shouted "IT'S CLIFF!"
and goddamn Eris is so horrifying strong, despite her age Actual monster girl She tore a man in HALF with a single swing
i love myself
oh, maybe the eris episode will actually be in the middle of the season? like around the time isolte (it's isolte right?) shows up to watch badigadi take a stone cannon i'm p sure it's isolte
I just hope they don't screw up Eris' parts Her growing up is important!
i love myself
i'm a little biased maybe eris is great but not my favorite i really hope badigadi is everything i want him to be >>1093028 i like those traits i guess what i don't like is the uncomplicated thought processes i think one of the reasons i like rudy so much is that i relate heavy to his overthinking and almost adhd-like thinking and also his multiple angles he's usually playing, often subconsciously even i think i like sylphie for the same reason elinalise and badigadi as well they all have some really complex motivations and angles
well yeah she's very simpleminded Hard to blame her, her master is Ghislaine and not thinking about stuff was never an issue because Rudeus was always there to do quantum computations for her
Overall Sylphie's a far better fit for Rudeus though
i love myself
i think eris is a really good match for rudy too though he kinda needs someone who just cuts through all the bullshit and does shit honestly of the three i feel like roxy makes the least sense but i really like roxy so it's ok i'll let it slide
True, I just think Sylphie's probably the best shippable for him Roxy does make by far the least sense, no disagreement there She's cute but also she met him when she was like 40 and he was 5 It's got a weird vibe
>>1093020 Rudy fighting Orsted in season 1 always gives me chills, I love it
i love myself
>>1093031 i saw someone who had a theory that rudy was groomed by roxy and it was honestly a terrible take and not very well put together and doesn't really make sense but because of the age thing yeah it kinda has that weird tinge in my brain that remembering rudy started at 34 kinda gives me although i think a really big theme of mushoku is that age =/= maturity i think that the way rudy treated sylphy when they were young might come off as not being kosher (especially to an anime-only) but i think that rudy's development as a person in the years between their second meeting really highlights that wait i started this really long sentence in live posting and now i can't fix the syntax the way he treated her when they were young was not kosher but an anime-only doesn't get all the thinking about that fact that rudy does later and that the story is actually telling a tale of how his 34 year old self truly was a shit head but living a second time he gains the experience, wisdom, and morals to understand that and he redeems himself internally idk if i'm expressing my point at all i'm high af lmao
>>1093032 Actually teared up rewatching that THAT'S OUR BOY!
I'm glad you like Mushoku Tensei, there's so many people who hate it on principle and it's annoying to discuss it with anyone and need to put a preface on, "yeah the MC is a piece of shit but the rest of thes tory is great"
I'm a big fucking softy You throw something emotional at me and I tear up real easy
I do think the show would be better if they toned down Rudeus'... pervy shit a lot though But if you can deal with that, it's such a good story
After the first season, I got really into it and read the entirety of the manga, and then I was still reaching for more so I tried reading the light novels but goddamn does the translation suck big butts
Eh the light novels are fine, but the web novel translations are legit just machine translations and not very good I dealt with it cause it was just the very very very last bit, but I couldn't have read the whole thing like that
Okay, that might be it for me. I think I was spoiled with japanese novels like vampire hunter D and I expect actual quality in the translations...
I've been innoculated to a fair bit of Bad in translations, reading Overlord as its being translated, reading the fucking web novel for overlord, and a fair bit of other shit Youjo Senki's translations are actually good, but the writing itself is steadily going into the fucking dirt, so even that I'm fairly vaccinated against
i love myself
>>1093032 they executed it so perfectly too god i love that episode, probably watched it like 7 times
>>1093041 It's like the pain arc in naruto, fuck, it gets me going good
i love myself
>>1093037 the official light novels are good fan translation light novels and web novels are not
seven seas revised their light novel releases as well at first they were censored (by omission mostly, but also some editing) for english-speaking audiences but they have since apologized and released true-to-author's-text (so not-censored) versions
i don't know the details of what they decided to censor but as long as there is no longer censorship i don't really care either
Was 2 episodes ago really censored in the original or was that crunchyroll's fault? >>1093046 No no like the huge black bars n stuff
what, Rudy not being able to perform? naw that's his whole motivation for another like 6 episodes or so
Also it is fucking stupid, actually, how Orsted didn't even question Rudeus at all, just went straight for the jugular considering he's NEVER SEEN THIS MFER in previous loops, of which he's done so many he has encyclopedic knowledge of every being in the world
i love myself
>>1093045 does erai get their video from crunchy? i watched the erai-raws release but i know better than to trust they use raws gore censoring is pretty typical for japanese tv versions though it's even possible it'll still be censored in the BD's
i love myself
>>1093047 another plothole there is that orsted can sense mana, right? >>1093050 oh i thought maybe i imagined it >>1093050 ah that would kinda make his adherence to nanahoshi's suggestion to leave him alive less weighted towards orsted being a simp and somewhat more towards him recognizing how much mana the purple fireball must've taken
I don't think Orsted can. Badigadi and Kurishka or w\e can Orsted was able to kinda deduce Rudeus has an absurd manapool just based on the sheer amount of magic he pumped out But I don't think he's got an actual ability to tell the manapool of someone directly. Though I do think he figured out Rudy's got the laplace fragment, so maybe
I mean just being able to hurt Orsted necessitates an utterly monstrous amount of mana being burned as fuel, and Rudeus actually kept going afterwards
i love myself
something i've wondered since there's magic items that protect against magic and magic itmes that protect against physical attacks (both, i believe, in at least the form of nanahoshi's rings) is a stone cannon shot magic or physical? is it both? does something that negates mana block a stone cannon shot?
I think we can say for sure it counts as magic, though we also know magic solidifies into what you made with it over time for one, the hydra deflected the stone cannons without issue
Basically until a certain amount of time has passed, it's really just mana taking on the appearance of a rock, for calculations like this But after a while, it actually becomes a rock
i love myself
that makes more sense to me i guess that also explains why stone fortress and stone pillar crumble afterwards
yeah it's kinda understated, but it takes a lotta focus and specificity to make something kinda stick around Though I guess Juliette does sorta throw a wrench into that
i love myself
we aren't gonna get elinalise actually being cool until next spring i'm excited for that though
i would commit shameful and demeaning acts, crimes even labor beyond measure for a prequel about paul's party
I also wanna know what the hell happens like, after Rudeus' story The author sortakindamaybealittle hinted that they kinda wanted to continue the story with his kids, but that's by no means confirmation
i love myself
yeah if we're lucky we'll get to see that happen who knows if it'll be as good even though
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Érōs Eris is best girl
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
think a lot of us have given up during the past few years only just getting back in the swing of things
i love myself
oh hey samu
i love myself
>>1093063 i need to find my ambition i've lost it somewhere along the way
>>1093060 Yeah I dunno I mean there's still a lotta sauce to get outta this setting, but I think Rudeus' kids are too well set up and we already know where they end up sorta, so it might be best to focus on someone else in the setting
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah same i feel like a lot of days i'm just sleep walking thru life it's hard to be AWAKE and FULLY PRESENT i might need to liek go to a shaman in south america
i love myself
i also need to find my doushio email password could you uhh help me find that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah
i love myself
do i gotta send a password reset request or how does it even work
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have sent you mail
if you have a backup email set in your doushio account then you could use that to reset it as well
i love myself
oh maybe i never set that i probably should have i can still sign in here i just can't access what would be a rather convenient email to use as an alternate
i love myself
(i like the name)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tis a good one
what i did today was i moved my monitor to a different room hoping that shakes up my routine some but bigger changes are needed
i love myself
my financial situation is upward trending so maybe soon i'll be in a position to have my own abode but also i really like rooming here so idk but for now my computer will unhealthily reside less than 5 feet from my bed >>1093074 i personally recommend setting an alarm clock across the room from the bed i have found that this greatly improves my wake-up routine but if you don't struggle with waking up like i do maybe it's not necessary
Sorry, I for some reason couldn't post that image for a long time.
i love myself
oh yeah it was censored for me probably his penis and they just didn't have a better angle that'll probably be visible in the BD oh she might've been getting dressed and getting up i guess? but the way it cuts to her leaving not sure but yeah that seems like the kind of thing that might be censored in the jp tv version too
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1093061 does jimmy johns really have nicknames for each of the 'official' named sandwichs like the roast beed is 'the big john' and the italian is 'vito'
i love myself
>>1093081 yeah i always get the night club on the 9-grain wheat or whatever it's called the square wheat bread with the crunchy bits god i want jimmy johns tomorrow
>>>/@FutureHasbeen/1686832011791695874 me when I make a honkai star rail account and then apply for medical assistance in aliving to a back alley physician and his friend gary and they agree i should be unalived so i get unalived and then immediately my body is bathed in liquid nitrogen and all the blood is replaced with medical grade antifreeze so that the tissue of my new corpse is preserved for millenia via ingenious financial instruments cooked by the finest of bankers and then i get revived in 4283 and open my honkai star rail account which has like 45,000 primogems so i get the honkai to suck me off (digitally) and then get in the time machine toll booth to return to my quaint former life in present year. and such as
>>1093104 it's kinda fascinating how the chubas seem so prone to various personal life problems It's understandable, some of them definitely seem to be overworking themselves, but still I guess being managed talent does add a lot of stress to your life regular old streamers don't have, too
valve cranked the playercap on the tf2 servers to 100, up from 32 Actually setting it that high is "not supported and done at your own risk", but it is an option now
Imagine sending a crit pipe into a 50player enemy team Your killfeed will crash the damn client
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh jesus i hope there are some bigger maps available too
Not as of yet, to my knowledge It's not an outright "supported" feature, it's more just valve cranking the limit in the settings Possibly, this can be taken as an indication that they do intend to release some new maps designed with a much larger playercap in mind, I guess, but as of the moment there doesn't seem to be anything like that explicitly said I'm sure it was already possible to mod the game to enable this sort of thing anyway, but it's kind of enticing to reinstall TF2 and enter a stacked server just to witness the fucking chaos
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess theres always those community maps that are one big plane of placeholder texture and a few walls but wiiide_badwater would be neat probably needs extra cover
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1093106 it's almost like most chuubas are mentally ill or something kirara can give a good rant on this
what car? yah bodywork issues are often total losses because of how expensive and specialized the labor for them are
i love myself
it was a GLK 350 i miss it already >>1093125 probably doesn't help i was driving a 9 year old benz just new enough to be chock full of sensors and chips everywhere just old enough to no be worth a lot
i'm looking at a ton of options i see some Golf TDI wagons around me and i'm gonna check em out tomorrow curious about an Audi allsport near me too but i hear they have issues might get another GLK if I find a good one
i don't remember what year they changed engines but mine was 2014 and had the updated 3.5L V6 that made just over 300 sure it's probably a white girl wagon but if i can spin my rears at every intersection then that's fine by me i'm almost definitely going to end up with something that has way less power and that thought kinda makes me sad
list of true Driver's cars: the 318ti the 944 the Twingo get one of those
i love myself
i'm not in a positiong to makes choices like that position i kinda gotta go for whatever capital one will finance me which means i gotta look at dealerships' used car lots
i love myself
also i need cargo space/versatility for work otherwise i wouldn't only be looking at SUVs and wagons in fact if i didn't need that shit i'd probably just get a cheap kia
>>1093129 I wonder if contemporary anime fans even know who that is.
i love myself
>>1093132 if that were true i'd get a big american SUV lord knows it'd be way easier to just grab a random ford suv than to find what i'm looking for instead i'm painfully trying to ride the line between small enough to be enjoyable to drive and big enough to carry a 6 ft flim handler and a couple boxes of window film
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i love myself
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1093142 Did I tell you I found a song that has the word bang in it a lot >>1093144 I'll post it dunno if you'd like it but it makes me think of you
i love myself
you ain't tell me shit homie i been gone
i love myself
i've been listening to brakence most recent album like multiple times a day and barely anything else
I honestly can't believe we're already at saw 10 I guess not so much that we're already here, but more that they actually kept it going to fucking 10, and likely will keep going as well there can't be too many movie series that reach that high without doing the Marvel shit where they've actually just combined multiple series
i thought i was being clever strapping my water bottle to the outside of my luggage when flying to save some extra pack space. Which it did except now the plastic has cracked. damn shame.
HoloCure is also actually pretty fun The sound is a bit scuffed though, I think it's not too keen on working with wine
My first gacha was Okayu too, which is pretty cool
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1093263 Yeah it looks fun Albeit a bit simple It's free right? Guess it has to be for legal reasons
yeah it's freeware Charging for it would be pretty difficult, considering the whole IP thing, and also it's got Coco items I guess she did only retire technically though
>>1093265 There's actually a lot of content to Holocure Maybe even more so than the original Vampire Survivors it's based off of And in the new (upcoming?) version they're really expanding it It's a massive passion project for the devs
>>1093272 I'm really enjoying it so far Starting out I was really just planning to give it a look and just play a little with Gura and Okayu, but I'm actually having a buncha fun