In a horrifying development, the Elon engine in Rings of Saturn actually has a very good and real use case It's not a joke engine, it's actually very good, for specifically huge ships with a lot of power to toss around Because once you get to a certain size, you have to accept slow acceleration anyway, and achieving anything at all will require a LARGE engine as a result because you have to lug a fuckload of fuel around But the Elon engine uses effectively no fuel, so even being weak, it lets you ditch the fuel tank
it's the only Elon kit in the game that's actually like, good Everything else is ass, including the Elon ship
There's a Mineral Market ingame you can play with too, basically a stockticker for ore, so if you REALLY wanna you can choose not to sell until the price goes up, or buy in anticipation of it going up Which sounds like an exciting addition to the gameplay, but the market swings are real small Basically if you've got enough money to buy up an amount that would give you any sort of appreciable return as it swings to max price, you've got so much money the idea of playing the market like this is laughable Very disappointing honestly, but I suspect it's a vestigial feature that was introduced with much larger market swings, but reeled in as it fucked the player experience when the prices were too low, or made it too easy when they were too high